INSIDE THIS ISSUE: pg. 2- Special Events pg. 3

Registration will take place Wednesday, January 7 from 10:00am– 12:00pm at the Centre.
You are now able to REGISTER ONLINE and pay by credit card.
Visit for more details or come down for a demo.
pg. 2- Special Events
pg. 3- Special Events
pg. 4- Fitness Information
Pg. 5- Fitness Classes
pg. 6- Fitness Classes
pg. 7- Fitness Classes
pg. 8- Cards and Clubs
pg. 9- Matinees/Travelogues
pg. 10- Volunteer/ Bulletin Info
pg. 11- Membership Info
pg. 12- Event Schedule
All lectures take place at 1:00pm at the Centre. Cost: $2 or 1 punch for
members, $5 for non-members
Monday, Jan. 26
Oh Deer! Coyotes, Deer and Field Biologists on Canada's Prairie
Grasslands, Lingle Lab Students
Dr. Lingle and her students have studied coyote-deer interactions on the
prairie grasslands of Southern Alberta since 1993. Learn about some of
their work in the field of animal communication, including videos of their
recent finding that deer mothers respond to cries of infants from diverse
species: seals, marmots, kittens and even humans! This result has
received worldwide attention for it suggests basic aspects of emotional
communication are shared across species.
Monday, Feb. 23
Peace Building and Storytelling: Meeting the Needs of Children with
Refugee Backgrounds, Jan Stewart and Kirby Borgardt
Newcomers in Canada who have come from refugee backgrounds, can
have unique and diverse needs. Many have experienced torture, abuse,
and horrific levels of violence. This presentation will discuss the
therapeutic use of storytelling and expressive arts as a way to support
children and youth who have originated from conflict-affected contexts.
Storytelling and its various forms will be discussed as a transformative
tool for building peace.
5006 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg MB. R3R 0G7 Phone: 204-897-5263 Fax: 204-953-6543
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00am- 4:00pm, Fri- 9:00am– 12:00pm
Lunch ‘n Learn:
Bring a bagged lunch and learn something new!
Cost: $2.00 or 1 punch
Monday, Jan. 19 at 11:30am
Join Tina from the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba and learn about the
unique situation seniors face when dealing with depression.
On Monday, January 12, come for a day out at the casino! The bus leaves from the
Safeway parking lot at 10:00am and returns at 2:30pm. Please sign up at the office.
Cost: $2.00 or 1 punch
We are having our annual perogie lunch on Wednesday, January 14 at
11:30am at the Centre. We will be serving homemade perogies from St.
Basil’s Church, kielbasa, fried onions, coleslaw, and of course, sour cream!
Please sign up by Monday, January 12. Cost: $8.00/plate
On Wednesday, Feb. 4 take a guided tour of the recently
opened Canadian Museum for Human Rights. In this guided
tour, connect with compelling human rights stories and
discover what the Museum is all about. Guides will offer a fascinating journey through a selection of
galleries and exhibits. You’ll find out how your rights are protected and be inspired by stories of courage
and action. A bus will pick you up from the Safeway parking lot on Grant Ave at 9:30am and you will
return around 12:30pm.
Cost: $25/person
Toastmasters in a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills
through a worldwide network of clubs. You will learn by speaking to groups and working with others in a supportive
environment. The group meets Tuesdays at 10:00am at the Centre. You can join at any time. We have received a
start-up grant which reduces our fees for this year. Cost: There is a $10 fee upon joining the club which will cover
the cost of manuals. We also ask for two post-dated cheques: one for $25, dated March 1, 2015 and the second
for $15, dated April 1, 2015. These cheques will not be cashed until the group charters (has 20 members).
Come try a refreshing, nutritious, made to order smoothie. Try our
green monster smoothie, sunshine smoothie, or breakfast
smoothie. Stop by from 9:00 -11:00am, perhaps before or after
your fitness class. Cost: $3
Hassan Kadam (Manish Dayal) is an extraordinarily talented culinary ingénue. When he
and his family are displaced from their native India and settle in a quaint French village,
they decide to open an Indian eatery. However, Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren), the
proprietress of an acclaimed restaurant just 100 feet away, strongly objects. War erupts
between the two establishments, until Mallory recognizes Kadam's impressive
epicurean gifts and takes him under her wing. Cost: $2 or 1 punch
Comfort foods trigger feelings of cozy goodness that can’t be matched by more
sophisticated dishes. However these dishes tend to have added calories and fat that
we just don’t need on a regular basis. The ladies from the Healthy Aging Resource
Team are back for another great food demonstration. They will show you how to
update a classic dish to give you that cozy feeling while still being nutritious.
Cost: $5
Join the festivities at our Mardi Gras Party! Enjoy some Creole food,
king cake, and hurricane mocktails while listening to smooth jazz music.
Costumes are encouraged. The party will take place on Wednesday,
Feb. 25 at 11:30am. Please sign up at the office. Cost: $10
Brain and Body Blast
Mondays at 10:00am
Hall Walking
Mon-Fri at 7:30am at Royal School
Mondays at 1:00pm
Carpet Bowling
Mondays at 10:00am
NEW! Barre Fitness w/ Sharon
Mondays at 3:00pm
Wednesdays at 3:00pm
Thursdays at 8:45am
Tuesdays at 9:30am
Zumba Gold
Tuesdays at 11:30am
Tuesdays at 1:00pm at Westdale CC
Fridays at 10:00am at Westdale CC
Tuesdays at 1:15pm
NEW! Barre Fitness w/ Jill
Wednesdays at 11:00am
Tai Chi
Wednesdays at 12:45pm
Zumba Toning
Wednesdays at 1:45pm
Sit and Fit
Thursdays at 9:45am
Co-Ed Circuit Training
Fridays at 10:00am
As with all life activities,
if you are not 100% sure
that your doctor would
approve of participation
in any Charleswood
55+ Active Living Centre
activity, you need take
responsibility and go see
your doctor.
Come on Down
And use the exercise
equipment any time
during regular hours.
Just check the schedule to
ensure that there are no
scheduled programs in the
gym at the time you wish to
Thursdays at 1:00pm
Fridays at 10:00am
Brain and Body Blast (12 Weeks)
Mondays, 10:00am, Jan. 12– April 13
Do you want a class that sharpens the brain and
strengthens your bones and muscles at the
same time? All the important components of a
well-rounded fitness class are covered in this
motivating workout. The class involves a ball
routine for light cardio, strength and balance
training, stretching, and the added challenge of
"brain and body puzzles”.
Instructor: Jill
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
Tai Chi
(12 Weeks)
Wednesdays, 12:45pm, Jan. 14– April 8
This class will help you unwind, improve your
balance and gently stimulate your body and
soul. This unique program, created by Jill, is
(12 Weeks)
based on different forms of Tai Chi and Quigong
Mondays, 1:00pm, Jan. 12– April 13
movement patterns. This class is appropriate
This invigorating yoga based class
and beneficial for all levels.
rejuvenates your brain, challenges your balance,
Instructor: Jill
tones and strengthens all your muscles and
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
bones. You will learn all the popular poses that
are appropriate for this age group. The moves
(12 Weeks)
are taught in varying levels behind a chair so you Tuesdays, 1:15pm, Jan. 13– April 7
can be safely guided from pose to pose. Each
This program is taught by our registered STOTT
individual pose is held for an intermediate level
PILATES instructor and is moulded to suit ages
of time.
50 and up. The exercises are taught on the mat
and focus on lengthening and strengthening all
Instructor: Jill
your muscles with the main focus on increasing
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
lung capacity, core strength and flexibility to enBarre Fitness with Jill (12 Weeks)
courage healthier, injury free bodies, Jill will be
Wednesdays, 11:00am, Jan. 14– April 8
using Bender Balls. Please Note: Check with
This exciting NEW
your doctor if you have osteoporosis. This is a
workout is geared to
continual on-going program, with additional new
encourage your body
to produce lean and
exercises each term. Any newcomers who have
toned muscles. Total Barre has been carefully
never been exposed to STOTT PILATES may
crafted by STOTT PILATES . The program
wish to take an individual training class with Jill
blends Pilates with dance, cardio and strength
beforehand (if requested). Please call the
training specifically challenging arms, legs and
Centre for details.
core to strengthen and lengthen the body.
Instructor: Jill
Powered by energizing, heart pumping music
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
that makes you want to move, this class uses
choreographed movement patterns with the
support of a ballet barre to take you through a
flow of high-powered sequences that will keep
you moving and smiling!!
Instructor: Jill
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
Sit and Fit Pilates
(12 Weeks)
Thursdays, 9:45am, Jan. 15– April 9
This chair class is definitely a good solid core
workout. STOTT PILATES breathing and core
strengthening principles are the foundation for
this solid program. All your muscles will
become stronger and longer! Fun equipment is
used in this class such as Bender Balls, golf
balls, and Therabands. This class is
appropriate and challenging for individuals
regardless of their fitness level.
Instructor: Jill
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
Zumba Gold (12 Weeks)
Tuesdays, 11:30am, Jan. 13– March 31
Latin, Salsa dance fitness class with inspired
rhythms and basic beginner steps. The Zumba
Gold program improves balance, flexibility and
cardiovascular strength with its unique
program. Zumba Gold was designed to teach
the basic dance steps to anyone. Feeling the
music is the first and most important step to
learning Zumba.
Instructor: Thelma
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
Zumba Toning (11 Weeks)
Wednesdays, 1:45pm, Jan. 28– April 8
Half of the class is Latin/Salsa dance fitness
for cardiovascular fitness and the other half
includes weight lifting to strengthen your
Instructor: Sharon
Cost: $65 for members/ $85 for non-members
Barre Fitness with Sharon (11 Weeks)
Mondays 3:00pm, Jan. 26– April 13
What is Yoga Barre Fitness?! Basic ballet
moves, fitness training, core conditioning,
yoga into one class! Tone and shape your
body with this fun and exciting workout, try out
the newest fitness craze! Great music and
Instructor: Sharon
Cost: $65 for members/ $85 for non/members
Barre Fitness with Sharon (11 Weeks)
Wednesdays 3:00pm, Jan. 28– April 8
What is Yoga Barre Fitness?! Basic ballet
moves, fitness training, core conditioning, yoga
into one class! Tone and shape your body with
this fun and exciting workout, try out the
newest fitness craze! Great music and moves!
Instructor: Sharon
Cost: $65 for members/ $85 for non/members
Barre Fitness with Sharon (11 Weeks)
Thursdays, 9:00am, Jan. 29– April 9
What is Yoga Barre Fitness?! Basic ballet
moves, fitness training, core conditioning, yoga
into one class! Tone and shape your body with
this fun and exciting workout, try out the
newest fitness craze! Great music and moves!
Note: Please arrive on time as there is a class
immediately afterwards.
Instructor: Sharon
Cost: $65 for members/ $85 for non/members
Co-ed Circuit/ Weight Training (12 Weeks)
Fridays, 10:00am, Jan. 16– April 10 This is
an exercise program that will focus on improving your strength, endurance, balance and coordination. Each participant will move from station to station to focus on different exercises.
You have a choice of logging your
progress or just have fun doing the exercises.
Instructor: Raul
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
Carpet Bowling
Mondays, 10:00am
Meet once a week for a fun game of bowling on
a special indoor carpet. It’s a rolling good time!
Cost: $7.50 for half a year
Meditation (12 Weeks)
Tuesdays, 9:30am , Jan. 20– April 7
Meditation is easily accessible. Anyone can do it
and it is rewarding to all. In this class Deb will
lead you through a variety of meditations and
guided visualizations designed to give you more
clarity, confidence, inner peace and maybe even
some bliss!
Instructor: Deb
Cost: $70 for members/ $90 for non-members
(20 weeks)
At Westdale CC
Tuesdays, 1:00pm, Jan. 13– June 2 and
Fridays at 10:00am, Jan. 16– June 5
Meet twice week to play Pickleball at Westdale
Community Centre. Pickleball is a racquet sport
which combines elements of badminton,
tennis, and table tennis. The sport has been
growing in popularity among seniors as it is
easier to play than tennis. The speed of the
Pickleball is slower than that of a tennis ball and
the court is a third of the size.
Cost: $90 for members/ $110 for non-members
Badminton 4 Fun
Thursdays, 1:00pm
Serve up some fun while getting your exercise.
Play a few informal games of 2 on 2 badminton.
Cost: $7.50 for half the year
Fridays, 10:00am
Spend a few hours in the company of friends for
some friendly competition. The group meets
weekly to play this fun, Italian game.
Cost: $7.50 for half the year
Tuesdays at 1:00pm
Wednesdays at 1:00pm
Intermediate Bridge
Wednesdays at 1:15pm
Thursdays at 1:00pm
2nd and 4thThursday of the month at
Mondays from 1:00– 4:00pm in the basement of St.
Mary’s Anglican Church, 3830 Roblin (at Haney).
Spend the afternoon playing a few games, working on
hobbies or projects that interest you, or just having a
cup of coffee and visiting with friends. Looking for new
Get together once a month for a tasty lunch with
friends. New members welcome!
Tuesday, January 13 at 11:30am– Sorrento’s
Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 11:30am– Sunny and Rose’s
Please call the office to tell them you are coming.
Please note: This program is for members only.
Meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 1:30pm at the
Centre. New members always welcome!
Jan.19 – Perfect by Rachel Joyce
Feb. 16– The Invention of Wings by
Sue Monk Kidd
Knitting Group
Meets the last Thursday of
the month at 11:00am at the
Centre. Jan. 29– Potluck
lunch, please bring a dish.
The last Monday of the month at 1:00pm.
Join Winnipeg Artist, Brenda Adams for a 8 week watercolor class. You will learn
basic watercolor techniques and practice the variety of ways you can put
watercolor paint to paper to achieve the effects you want. Classes take place
from Thursdays, Jan. 15 - March 5 at 10:00am. Cost: $80 for members, $100
for non-members + a $15 lab fee payable to the instructor.
Cost: 1 punch or $2.00 each
($5.00 for non-members) Movies and
Travelogues are no longer on Friday afternoons.
Please make sure you check the dates.
Maggie (Melissa McCarthy), a struggling single
woman, moves to Brooklyn with her 12-year-old son,
Oliver (Jaeden Lieberher). Having to work very long
hours, she has no choice but to leave Oliver in the
care of Vincent (Bill Murray), a bawdy misanthrope
next door. Vincent takes Oliver along on his trips to
the race track, strip club and dive bar, and an unlikely
friendship is born. The man is a mentor to the boy in
his hedonistic way, and Oliver sees the good in
Vincent that no one else can.
Hassan Kadam (Manish Dayal) is an extraordinarily
talented culinary ingénue. When he and his family
are displaced from their native India and settle in a
quaint French village, they decide to open an Indian
eatery. However, Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren),
the proprietress of an acclaimed restaurant just 100
feet away, strongly objects. War erupts between the
two establishments, until Mallory recognizes
Kadam's impressive epicurean gifts and takes him
under her wing.
Watch for information on the next travelogue in
Volunteers are an essential part of our Centre. With out their help, none of the programs and events would be
possible. There are many different ways you can become involved!
Volunteer Receptionists
Board Members
Set-up for Special Events
Grocery Shopping
Men of a Certain Age
It’s a Digital Age
New Board Members Needed!
The Centre is looking for team players to be on
the Board of Directors. As a board member,
you are expected to attend board meetings
every second month as well as attend major
events. If you want to make a difference and
have an interest in the Centre’s future, please
contact Joanne.
For more information, visit our website or contact the office. Thank you!
“I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. Then I realized, I am somebody.”
Starting in January!
Thank you Bakers!
No registrations will
Thank you Bake Sale
be accepted at the
office after 3:30pm
daily. (12pm on Fridays)
Thank you Turkey
Thank you volunteers!
The Charleswood 55+ Active
Living Centre reserves the
right to change or cancel any
programs or events due to
lack of registration of
unforeseen circumstances.
Refunds will only be given
under special circumstances
unless the program is
cancelled by the Centre,
The Centre has a new
registration system that
will be up and
running in January. You
can register for programs
and events, and pay
Drop by the office if you
need a demo of how to
use the online system.
Memberships are only $25.00/year.
Refer a New Member
and receive a
discount of $5.00
off your
membership fees!
Applicable only one
time per year.
Membership benefits include:
Lower prices on instructional
programs such as fitness
classes, art classes or special
Opportunity to participate in
member-only programs
Access to our gym and
Contact the Centre at
204-897-5263 or visit our
website at
Priority when registering for
And much more!
The Centre is a great place to meet
new friends, pursue your interests
and hobbies, and ever try some new
5006 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg MB. R3R 0G7 Telephone: 204-897-5263 Fax: 204-953-6543
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00am- 4:00pm, Fri- 9:00am- 12:30pm
Jan/ Feb 2015
Date and Time
Centre Re-opens
Mon, Jan. 5, 2015
Registration (Online
and in house)
Wednesday, Jan. 7
The Centre
Casino Trip to Club
Monday. Jan. 12
10:00am– 2:30pm
Club Regent
$2.00 or 1 punch
Perogie Lunch
Wednesday, Jan. 14
at 11:30am
The Centre
$8.00/ plate
Lunch’ n Learn–
Monday, Jan. 19 at
The Centre
$2.00 or 1 punch
Lecture 3- Oh Deer!
Monday, Jan. 26 at
The Centre
$2.00 or 1 punch, $5
for non-members
Matinee– St. Vincent Wednesday, Jan. 28
at 10:00am
The Centre
$2.00 or 1 punch
Wednesday, Feb. 4
from 9:30am–
Canadian Museum
for Human Rights
$25/ person
Super Smoothies
Thursday, Feb 5
9:00am– 11:00am
The Centre
Matinee– The
Monday, Feb. 9 at
The Centre
$2.00 or 1 punch
Rumor’s Fundraiser
Thursday, Feb. 12 at
Rumor’s Comedy
Club– 190-2025
Tickets: $12 each
Canadian Museum
for Human Rights
Extra Information
You can now
register online!
Pick up at Safeway
Parking Lot
Pick up at Safeway
Parking Lot
Support the Centre
Bring your friends!
Louis Riel Day–
Centre Closed
Monday, Feb. 16
Comfort Food
Wednesday, Feb. 18
at 10:00am
The Centre
$2.00 or 1 punch
Lecture 4– Peace
Building and Story
Monday. Feb. 23 at
The Centre
$2.00 or 1 punch, $5
for non-members
Mardi Gras Party
Wednesday. Feb. 25
at 11:30am
The Centre
$10 / person
Visit our website at for the
most up-to-date information about programs
and events!