Connections to fayetteville first united methodist church Vol. XVII #1 January 2015 The New Year and Our Running Start Mark Westmoreland Do we walk around the year, or does the year turn around us? Is life a road that stretches ahead and behind, or is it a turning of seasons unveiling scenes like some great diorama? I suppose the only answer that works is “all of the above.” We move each year to a four-beat count across 12 measures of life, gauging our own progress by whatever values we choose—gains and losses (pounds or dollars), pains and joys, resolutions fulfilled, wrinkles accrued, children growing. In the church we share a way of marking our journey that is unique to us. Our year is a story, and our lives unfold with the Gospel. From God’s Yes to God’s Yes we move, seeking along the way to tune our lives a bit more beautifully to the story that is our hope. Every year, it’s the same story that is told, but it’s our lives that have changed, and so we hear it all again for the first time. So, you and I have already begun a new year together from the prophecies of Advent through the proclamation of Christmas. I guess we could say we’ve taken a running start at the secular calendar. The year beginning? It has already begun, not with the descent of an apple or peach or the crackle of fireworks, but with the longing of a people, the words of prophets, the birth of a child, the singing of angels. Will 2015 begin differently because our year has already begun? Don’t let the fanfare of a dawning year blind you to the light already dawned. From our calendar to the world’s calendar we carry the good news of great joy, the message of Emmanuel—God with us. Our salvation has come to us in the one born into poverty but hailed by a heavenly host, the one whose way is peace but before whom the gates of hell cannot stand, the one struck down as a criminal but raised as Lord of all. The good news of Advent and Christmas have brought us this far. Imagine the wonders to be discovered as we continue in the way. I don’t know what the new year will bring, but I know we bring good news to the year. Fear not. Follow Christ. There’s a story to be discovered and told. Rejoice. Inside This Month’s Connections Our Church Family pg. 2 Senior Adults & More pg. 3 Announcements pg. 4 Calendar of Events pg. 5 Children & Youth pg. 6 Missions & Outreach pg. 7 Fayetteville First United Methodist Church 175 East Lanier Avenue | Fayetteville, GA 30214-1655 p: 770-461-4313 f: 770-719-0125 w: our church family @ Fayetteville First United Methodist Church page 2 About Our Church Family In Sympathy: Louise Holland & family upon the death of her son, Wayne Holland, on November 17. Martina Bober upon the death of her mother, Anne Marie Kezon, on December 6. Thelma McMillan upon the death of her sister, Louise Ivey, on December 8. Notes of Thanks: The Sunshine Ministry would like to thank all of the wonderful volunteers for sharing their time to make the Sunshine Christmas party such a special evening. Thank you for loving this group of adults and always making them feel as special as they are! — Susie Keaton Keep Them In Your Prayers: Brylee Bostedt Pauline Copeland Crawford Family Bonnie Dixon Orrie Granger Sadie McCarthy Bonnie McCraw Hazel Mitchell Lurlene Perry Mildred Swygert Connie Warren Sib Watkins Eleanor Wiley Make a Difference: Sponsor a Senior in 2015 You are invited to make a new friend and play a helpful and hopeful role in the life of one of our homebound seniors. Your participation can ensure a wonderful senior knows he or she is loved by our church family by providing monthly visits, cards, and phone calls to brighten days that may become long and lonely. The commitment is just for one year, but the benefits and blessings for you, your senior, and your family continue indefinitely. To become a Senior Sponsor, please contact Rev. Carolyn Clifton at or 770-461-4313. Church Membership: 2052 Giving Through December15: Month-to-Date: $75,273.45 Year-to-Date: $1,386,906.08 2014 Budget: $1,500,143.00 Needed to Meet Budget: $113,236.92 2015 Stewardship Pledges Number received through December 15: 278 Support for 2015 ministries: $1,005,080.80 Donations A donation to the Operating Budget has been given in honor of Bill Walters, Mildred Finnell, Eleanor Wiley, and Paul Wiley by the Fellowship/Discipleship Class. End-of-Year Financial Notes All contributions that are to be credited to 2014 MUST be physically received in the church office before January 1, 2015. Checks sent via mail must be dated AND postmarked in December 2014. The church finance office will be open December 31 from 9 a.m. to noon to assist you. You may send contributions directly to the church account via electronic funds transfer. Simply find the form on the church website at or come to the church office. Contributions also can be made online or at the kiosks in the church. Click “Donate Now” on the church website and follow the instructions. senior adults & more @ Fayetteville First United Methodist Church Senior Adult Ministries (Ages 55+) page 3 Titus II “Set an example by doing what is good”—Titus 2:7 All seniors are invited to Titus II for good food and good fellowship! Invite a friend to join you for lunch and make your reservation by calling Martha Turner at 770-461-2802 by noon on Thursday before the lunch. Cost: $6. January 6: Epiphany Bingo! Remember to bring a small, wrapped gift for the prize table. It can be sweet or silly, old or new, just something fun to choose! Menu: Spaghetti, Salad, Bread, Dessert February 3: Join us for a presentation by Merikay Franklin and see the autographs her father spent a lifetime collecting. From authors and movie stars to athletes and presidents, a variety of famous individuals are represented including Alexander Graham Bell, Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, Geronimo, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Eleanor Roosevelt, Babe Ruth, and Shirley Temple. S. A.G.E. (Senior Adults Going Everywhere) Delta Flight Museum Atlanta Located in Delta’s original 1940’s era aircraft hangars, the recently renovated museum offers interactive exhibits exploring the history of Delta and aviation including a restored 1940 DC-3 passenger plane and a Waco 125 biplane. Following our guided tour, we will enjoy lunch together at the Barbecue Kitchen. Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015 Cost: $13 for guided tour, plus lunch Time: 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Upcoming: National Weather Service Forecast Office Tour on Thursday, February 12 Ongoing Programs: — Walking Group meets at 1 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in the gym. Enjoy walking and talking together. A $1 donation each walking day supports a variety of church projects and missions. — Seasoned Singers rehearses at 1:30 p.m. each Tuesday in the choir room. Anyone 55+ who enjoys fellowship and singing is encouraged to join. Contact Janie Raines at 770-486-5573. Let’s get to know Ms. Janell and Ms. Joan, teachers of our class for three-yearold students. Janell Heinssen, the lead teacher for this class, has been with the FFUMC preschool for four years and has three beautiful children. Her youngest son, Hunter, finished our preschool and now is a fourth grader at Sarah Harp Minter. Her husband, Mike, is with the National Guard. With us for two years and serving as a parapro, Joan Fecteau has two daughters and has been active in their Girl Scouts groups for the past 10 years. Her husband, Robert, works for Delta. A, B, C, D, E, F, G...Thank you, God, for all we see. Ms. Janell & Ms. Joan’s OWLs (Outstanding, Wonderful Learners) are Jumping for Joy, Keen on our King, and Leaping into Learning the letters J, K, and L. We were thankful in November, and in December we were grateful to God for everything He has given us. Baby Jesus, the story of Christmas and the spirit of the holiday along with academics and some fun were our themes in December. — Ms. Janell page 4 announcements @ Fayetteville First United Methodist Church Marriage Celebration Event: January 31, 2015 TIME: 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. THEME: “Pathways to the Heart.....Pathways to Growth” LOCATION: Fayetteville First United Methodist Church COST: $60 This special event brought to you by Fayetteville First UMC and Better Marriages of Georgia offers informative and Christ-centered workshops for couples, parents and caregivers, a catered dinner, and a Bluegrass concert by The Wandering Shepherds. Three workshops will be offered: “The Gift of Presence,The Miracle of Dialogue” This workshop will focus on best practices of couple dialogue helping couples understand more clearly how to ensure the message sent is the message received while giving value to each other. “Parenting and Growing Together” Led by a “Certified Leader Couple” with three children, the workshop will feature solutions to the challenging issues of parenting in the 21st century. (Runs concurrently with the Caregiving workshop.) “Caregiving: Altar to Alterations!” Caregiving simply happens, often unexpectedly. Sickness, financial stress, distance from the care receiver (or closeness), “role changes,” children or grandchildren return home and often place serious stress on already challenging relationships. Participants will leave with tools enabling them to manage themselves and their important relationships for more effective healthy outcomes. (Runs concurrently with the Parenting workshop.) The Kisers Register for this event through CONNECT online at For more information, contact Cleve & Joy Kiser at 770-461-5542 or Rev. Allyson Lawrence at 770-461-4313. COVENANT Bible Studies COVENANT is a 24-week Bible study that emphasizes the unique relationship God chooses with us as his people. In the fall, we completed the first 8-week session, Creating the Covenant. The next 8-week session, Living the Covenant, begins Wednesday, January 7, and Sunday, January 11. Meeting times remain the same as in the fall: Wednesday mornings from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. As we continue to study together, we will see how the Bible will help us produce spiritual fruit and become more faithful as a friend, parent, coworker, or leader. If you do not already have a copy, the cost of Living the Covenant participant guide is $15. Let’s Get Moving in 2015! Start the new year right and commit to a healthier you! Fitness classes at FFUMC can help you do just that. We offer Move 4 Life 4 days a week along with Yoga and Yoga Pilates Fusion once a week. Classes resume January 5. Move 4 Life is offered Monday and Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. and Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 4 p.m., led by Frieda Everritt and Joyce Mucha. Each session offers a full body workout with the use of stretching exercises and light weights for strength training. Cost is $2 per class. Yoga Pilates Fusion is on Monday at 7:15 p.m., led by Toni Padgett. This class offers a combination of yoga stretches and pilates exercises. Cost is $2 per class.Yoga offered Thursdays at 5:45 p.m. and also led by Toni Padgett, is a great way to increase flexibility, improve balance and strengthen the core. Drop in on any of these classes and give it a try. January @ Fayetteville First UMC Normal Sunday Schedule Normal Wednesday Night Schedule Choir Practice: 7:50 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary: 8:30 a.m. Wonders of Worship: 8:30, 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Worship in Chapel: 9:45 a.m. Choir Practice: 10:30 a.m. Worship in Sanctuary: 11 a.m. January 1 - Thursday Church Office Closed Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 2 - Friday Walking Group: 1 p.m. AA: 7 p.m. January 3 - Saturday Narcotics Anon.: 7 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 4 - Sunday (See Normal Sunday Schedule) AA: 3 p.m. January 5 - Monday Move 4 Life: 10:30 a.m. Walking Group:1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Yoga Pilates Fusion: 7:15 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. Al-Anon: 8 p.m. January 6 - Tuesday Titus II: 12 p.m. Walking Group: 1 p.m. Seasoned Singers: 1:30 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Ethel Taylor Circle: 7 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. January 7 - Wednesday (See Normal Wednesday Schedule) Covenant Study: 10 a.m. Move 4 Life: 10:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer: 12 p.m. Covenant Study: 6 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 8 - Thursday Walking Group: 1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Yoga: 5:45 p.m. Bethany Circle: 6:30 p.m. Square Foot Ministries: 6:30 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 9 - Friday Walking Group: 1 p.m. AA: 7 p.m. January 10 - Saturday Narcotics Anon.: 7 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 11 - Sunday (See Normal Sunday Schedule) Covenant Study: 9 a.m. AA: 3 p.m. January 12 - Monday Friendship Circle: 9 a.m. Move 4 Life: 10:30 a.m. Walking Group:1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Yoga Pilates Fusion: 7:15 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. Al-Anon: 8 p.m. January 13 - Tuesday Walking Group: 1p.m. Seasoned Singers: 1:30 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Joy Circle: 6 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. January 14 - Wednesday (See Normal Wednesday Schedule) Covenant Study: 10 a.m. Move 4 Life: 10:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer: 12 p.m. Covenant Study: 6 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 15 - Thursday Walking Group: 1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Yoga: 5:45 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. 8th Period: 3:30 p.m. Children’s Ensemble: 5 p.m. Wed. Night Dinner: 5 p.m. 1/99 Mid. & HS: 6 p.m. Children’s Programs: 6 p.m. Solomon’s Porch: 7 p.m. Chancel Choir: 7:30 p.m. January 16 - Friday Walking Group: 1 p.m. AA: 7 p.m. January 24- Saturday Narcotics Anon.: 7 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 17 - Saturday Narcotics Anon.: 7 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 25 - Sunday (See Normal Sunday Schedule) Covenant Study: 9 a.m. AA: 3 p.m. January 18 - Sunday (See Normal Sunday Schedule) Blood Drive: 8 a.m. Covenant Study: 9 a.m. AA: 3 p.m. January 19 - - Monday Church Office Closed Yoga Pilates Fusion: 7:15 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. Al-Anon: 8 p.m. January 20 - Tuesday Shawl Ministry: 9:30 a.m. Walking Group: 1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Seasoned Singers: 1:30 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. January 21 - Wednesday (See Normal Wednesday Schedule) Promise Circle: 9:30 a.m. Covenant Study: 10 a.m. Move 4 Life: 10:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer: 12 p.m. Covenant Study: 6 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 22 - Thursday Mary Martha Hope Circle: 10 a.m. Faith Circle: 10 a.m. Walking Group: 1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Yoga: 5:45 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 23 - Friday Walking Group: 1 p.m. AA: 7 p.m. January 26 - Monday Move 4 Life: 10:30 a.m. Walking Group:1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Yoga Pilates Fusion: 7:15 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. Al-Anon: 8 p.m. January 27 - Tuesday Walking Group: 1p.m. Seasoned Singers: 1:30 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. January 28 - Wednesday (See Normal Wednesday Schedule) Covenant Study: 10 a.m. Move 4 Life: 10:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer: 12 p.m. Covenant Study: 6 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 29 - Thursday Walking Group: 1 p.m. Move 4 Life: 4 p.m. Yoga: 5:45 p.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7:30 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. January 30 - Friday Walking Group: 1 p.m. AA: 7 p.m. January 31 - Saturday Marriage Retreat: 8 a.m. Narcotics Anon.: 7 p.m. AA: 8 p.m. Wednesday Night Fellowship Suppers in January Sign up each week or place your name on the permanent reservation list and enjoy dinner with friends and family. Simply go online, call the church office or return a pew card. Cost: Adults $6, Children 10 and under $3, Family Max: $20. Jan. 7: BBQ Sandwiches or Hot Dogs, French Fries, Salad or Chicken Tenders or Grilled Chicken Salad, Dessert Jan. 14: Fried Chicken, Rice & Gravy, Green Beans, or Chicken Tenders or Grilled Chicken Salad, Bread, Dessert Jan. 21: Country Fried Steak, Creamed Potatoes, Broccoli Casserole or Green Beans, Chicken Tenders or Grilled Chicken Salad, Bread, Dessert Jan. 28: Pork Loin, Dressing, Gravy,Vegetable or Chicken Tenders or Grilled Chicken Salad, Bread, Dessert page 6 children & youth @ Fayetteville First United Methodist Church Carson’s Corner The new year is a great time to remember what is most important to us. Why do we do the things we do? What priorities do we want to pursue this year? Resolutions? During the month of January our kids will be learning about commitment. Commitment—making a plan and putting it into practice. “Training the body has some value, but being godly has value in every way.”1 Timothy 4:8a Our team is looking forward to delving into this theme together. Whether we are doubling down on current commitments or starting new ones, we can all agree that staying committed to God and His people never fails. One of our commitments as a church is to support SafeHouse. So we as a children’s ministry are going to end our month with a missional focus to help our friends who are living in the margins. The kids will tangibly learn about commitment by making a plan and putting it into practice. The children ended their year with a program at Azalea Estates, participation in worship at The Service of Lessons & Carols and a presentation of the Christmas story at their Christmas pageant. Youth News RENOVATUS: January 17-19, 2015 Come to Camp Glisson this year for Renovatus! We strongly encourage everyone in our ministry to participate in this event. Of course, friends are also welcome! To register, contact Chris Mucha at Chris recommends... Book... “I AM Malala” by Malala Yousefzai. This memoir of a young girl from Pakistan tells of how she almost paid the ultimate price for her desire for education for all when a member of the Taliban shot her in the head on her way home from school at age 15. She survived the shooting and has continued to speak about education rights for children. This story of a teenager, not unlike the many teenagers in our youth ministry, will give you some perspective on how things are in a different place in the world and will renew your faith in the power of one, even a teenager. RightNow Media... Passion 2013. All of the talks from the faith event that attracted 65,000 college students live and millions around the world via streaming are available to view on Right Now Media. Music... Dominic Balli’s new album, “Not For Sale.” Dominic Balli, an independent artist out of California chased by almost every major music label, has chosen a different path for producing his music so it is not widely known. Dominic has a reggae sound with some Bruno Mars thrown in for some light rhythms matched with deep faith-based lyrics. He provides a fresh sound with challenging messages, Our students recently threw a Christmas party for children in a marginalized community in Griffin, led carols for the church-wide bonfire and explored Fantasy in Lights with their families. missions & outreach @ Fayetteville First United Methodist Church page 7 Missions & Outreach Great Day of Service: April 25, 2015 Sponsored by the United Methodist Men Give the Gift of Life January 18: Red Cross Blood Drive Celebrating 15 Years of Giving Recognizing the great need for blood products in our community and throughout the metro-Atlanta area, Fayetteville First has sponsored a quarterly blood drive for the Red Cross for the past 15 years. In that time, we have collected 5,043 pints of blood, each of which is broken down into three blood products for a total of 15,129 blood product donations. Our goal for this drive is to collect 124 pints of blood to mark our 15th year with a total 15,500 blood products donated. Please spread the word and encourage your friends and neighbors to give the gift of life. Sign up to donate on Sunday mornings in the courtyard or by contacting Tommy Webb at Fifth Thursday at SafeHouse Outreach: January 29 SafeHouse Outreach is an urban outreach committed to affecting real change in the lives of those in the margins of society by providing a hand up and not just a handout. By offering practical, emotional, and physical assistance SafeHouse Outreach helps integrate these individuals back into society where they can lead healthy, functional lives. Every month FFUMC supports SafeHouse by sending a youth team to help clean the facility and every 5th Thursday we provide food, fellowship, and worship for the clients of SafeHouse. In 2015 these events will be on January 29, April 30, July 30, October 29, and December 31. All are invited and encouraged to participate in these events by helping cook or serve the meal or fellowship and worship with the clients of SafeHouse. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Randy Riddell at or 770-365-6824. Missionaries to Visit! Elliott and Katherine Stotler will be with us on Sunday, February 1, and Wednesday, February 4, to update us on their mission work in South Africa. Their presentation on Sunday will be in the Family Life Center at 9:45 a.m. and on Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. with the UMM in room C230. Come and learn more about their work and how we can continue to support them. Celebrating Holiday Blessings — Thanksgiving meals that were shared with 34 families in our community. — The Angel Tree that provided 26 children in Fayette County with a brighter Christmas. — The Sunshine Christmas Party that shared the joy of the season with food, crafts, music and dancing. — The Children’s Ensemble who brought joy through their program at Azalea Estates, the Seasoned Singers who sang Christmas carols at Ashley Glenn, the Ringers who brought cheer to the residents of Heritage, and other carolers who sang for some of our homebound members. misc. information Pastoral & Program Staff Senior Minister Rev. Mark Westmoreland @ Fayetteville First United Methodist Church FFUMC 175 E. Lanier Ave Fayetteville, GA 30214 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit #20 Associate Minister Emeritus Rev. Bob Partridge Return Service Requested Minister of Discipleship & Evangelism Rev. Allyson Lawrence Minister of Missions & Membership Care Rev. Carolyn Clifton Youth Director Chris Mucha Children’s Director Carson Thaxton Children’s Assistant Julie Harp Music Director/ Organist Rick Massengale Pianist Sonia Squires Children’s Music Coordinator Communications Director Joan Aycock Pre-School/ MMO/ Nursery Coordinator Drew Greenberg Administrative & Support Staff Administrative Director Joyce Mucha Administrative Assistant Kim Copeland Administrative Support Teresa Hearn Church Hostess Jane Davis Custodial Staff Gabriel Dutra, Derrick Crawford Celebrating 15 Years of Giving Sunday, January 18 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. FFUMC Family Life Center GOAL: 124 pints Can you help us reach our goal for 15,500 blood products donated in 15 years of blood drives? Sign up to donate on January 18 in the courtyard on Sunday mornings or by contacting Tommy Webb at
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