Power Up exceptional you Working toward an Discover The Dale Association January-February 2015 "What's New in the New Year?" Diabetes Self Management 1/15 Tea Party 1/20 Credit Counts 2/11 2015 Pizza Party 2/24 Identity Theft 2/18 Wii Bowling Tournament 1/15 Hearing Screenings 1/13 Sweet Heart Luncheon 2/11 Variety Show 2/25 Dollars & Sense 2/4 Grandparent Advocacy Support Program TBD Basket Class 1/15 Controlling My Cholesterol 2/2 Red Cross Citizen Emergency Preparedness 1/9 President’s Corner. . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Inside This Issue: Be Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 - 6 Connecting Generations . . . . Page 7 Social Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 & 9 Generosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 &11 Volunteer Opportunities . . . . . Page 12 Game On! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 Senior Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 Out And About . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 & 17 Centre Events . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Page 18 & 19 View Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20 & 21 Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Page 22 & 23 Creative Side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 22 www.daleassociation.com " Maureen’s Corner Welcome to 2015! I hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year! The focus of this column is ideas to support those of you who are looking for ideas to adopt for a healthier you in the New Year. I hope you can find something that fits your schedule, personal situation and ability. Bring a friend or come by yourself and make new friends, people of all abilities are welcome at The Dale. And, the benefits of socializing with others is well documented; please read through the Power Up to see if there is something fun planned that you would like to take part – The Dale is a great place to meet others and beat the winter blues. The staff is always looking for new ideas, too – so please let us know if there is an activity that you would like us to plan. Diabetes Self-Management – January 15 American Red Cross – January 9 Cholesterol - February 2 Nutrition – Everyday 11:30 Colon Screening – Dr. Chubineh January 5 Yoga – Mondays 10:00 Chair Exercise – Tuesday, Thursdays 10:30 Qui Gong – Wednesdays 9:00 Ongoing Vision and hearing support – January, February Also, it is the time of year where the weather is changeable and inclement. If the weather forecast is severe, we may need to close the Dale Association for our members’ and staff’s safety. If the Dale closes due to weather, we will notify television channels 2, 4, 7 and WLVL radio. Please watch or listen for important information. And, I hope you make visiting the Centre part of your routine to enjoy friendship, wellness, and warmth. Have a safe winter! Urban Park Towers Apartments 77 Main Street, Lockport, NY 14094 The Senior Centre normal business hours has changed to 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m. 716-433-8911 Recently renovated one-bedroom units available for Seniors (62+) & individuals with disabilities. *Rent is based on income *All utilities are included Now Leasing Apply Today! 2 www.daleassociation.com Be Well HIICAP The Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) counselors are available at The Dale Association on the second Thursday of each month (January 8 and February 12) from 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon. They can answer your questions regarding Medicare, Medigap, HMO’s, prescription drug programs, and Medicaid, as well as long term care insurance. HIICAP continues to be a free service that is unbiased and confidential. Blood Pressure Screening A nurse will be at The Centre to give you a free blood pressure screening on the following dates: Thurs., Jan. 15 & Feb. 19 from 11:00- 12:30 p.m. NEW!!!! Talk to the Doctor Dr. Chubineh with be at the Centre on Monday, January 5 to discuss colon screening and how it affects you. at 10:30. Call 433-1886 for more information. Cost: Free Medicare Insurance Company Representatives will be at The Centre to provide information: Fidelis Care - Friday, January 9, 10:00 -12:00 and Friday, January 23, 12:00-2:00, Friday, February 13, 10:00-12:00, Friday, February 27, 12:00-2:00 Independent Health - Wednesday, January 28, 1:00 presentation, Wednesday, February 11 & 25, 1:00 presentation BlueCross and BlueShield - Tuesdays, January 13 & 27, February 10 & 24, from 10:00-12:00. Univera Healthcare - Thursday, January 29, February 12, March 26 from 10:00-12:00 p.m. United Health Care - Monday, January 12 & 26 from 10:00-12:00, February 9 & 23 from 10:00-12:00 p.m. Please call our front desk at 433-1886 to confirm insurance presentation time prior to attending. “Qi Gong” Qi Gong (pronounced chee gung) for the New Year! Qi Gong, similar to Tai Chi and yoga, is a low impact exercise program aiming to reduce stress and increase stamina. With the use of gentle, fluid movements, Qi Gong will leave you feeling centered and ready to begin the day. The six week program will begin Wednesday, January 7, 2015 and continue each Wednesday until February 11 from 9- 9:30 am. The cost is $3 per class. For any questions, feel free to call Jennifer Pedini at 433-1886. www.daleassociation.com 3 Be Well Memory Minders Information and Assistance The Niagara County Office for the Aging's Information and Assistance staff are available to assist area residents who are 60 years of age or older with questions on any issue of concern to older adults, such as recreation, financial benefits and help with energy bills. They will be at The Centre on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (January 20 and February 10) from 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon. Home visits can be arranged for the homebound, by calling the Niagara County Office for the Aging at 438-4020. Memory Minders is a program for people with mild memory impairment. The program is a social day program and welcomes new participants on Mondays and Fridays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Participants enjoy activities and support designed to slow the further deterioration of mild memory loss, such as: art, music, games, exercise, outings, test kitchen fun and socialization. Eligible participants will need to be pre-screened. For Diabetes Self-Management additional information or to schedule a screening call A Diabetes Self Management Workshop will be held Angie Blackley at 433-1886. each Thursday for six weeks Starting Thursday, January 15 at 9:00 a.m. Each session is two and a half DaytimeYoga This relaxed, open class is offered on an ongoing hours. This is a peer-led health education program for basis for all levels. Come as often as you like and people dealing with Diabetes. The Workshop complework at your own pace. Wear comfortable clothing ments the health care that participants may already be and bring a Yoga mat. Mon., 10:00-11:30 a.m. receiving. The purpose of the Diabetes Self Management Cost per class: $5 member, $8 non-member Workshop is to enhance one’s skills and ability to manpayable to instructor at class age their health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle. To register please call NY Connects 438-3030 or call 211. 6 weeks beg., Thurs, Jan. 15-Feb. 19 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. 4 www.daleassociation.com Welcome Suzanne Esposito, LPN, Geriatric Community Mental Health Nurse I have worked at The Dale now for just over a month and I could not be happier about this new chapter in my life. I have already met many kind and caring people: staff, volunteers and clients. I will tell this short story: One of my clients wanted to finish knitting a sock for her Granddaughter for Christmas but she had forgotten how to do it. Not having any talent in the art of knitting myself, I asked who at The Dale Association could help. I was given the name of one of our Volunteers, Nancy Bowes who actually knits socks (blessing) and I asked if she would like to come to my next visit and help. Of course she came and of course she was a great success. I have many years’ of experience in nursing, Geriatric and Mental Health. I feel that I am right where I am supposed to be. As the Geriatric Community Mental Health Nurse, I provide a link for adults (50 and older) with a history of serious and persistent mental health issues living in Niagara County, with the goal of preventing (or delaying) hospitalization. To reach me, please call 433-1937 ext. 107. Sue Chair Exercise Classes Chair exercises help increase strength, flexibility, balance and endurance to those individuals with mobility limitations, arthritis and a decreased level of functioning. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Classes are only $2.00 per day. For additional information call 433-1886. Be sure to check with your physician before starting any new exercise program. Join us this for some Health and Wellness seminars sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of western New York. All seminars are held at our Centre. You can sign up for these FREE seminars by calling the information desk at 433-1886 or stopping at the desk at 33 Ontario Street. Nutrition Traps! Think you're following a healthy diet because you've stashed the salt shaker and cut out sodas? Think again. In this seminar, we'll discuss the sneaky places sugar and sodium hide, even in "healthy" foods. This class will be offered on Monday, January 12 at 10:30. Cost: Free Controlling My Cholesterol Did you know that our bodies need cholesterol to function properly? However, too much cholesterol can be a risk for heart disease and stroke. This seminar will focus on controlling your cholesterol through proper diet and exercise, as well as tips for managing your medications. Join us on Monday, February 2 at 10:30 Cost: Free Keenagers The Keenagers are a mature group of women who get together once a month, usually the third Thursday at 2:00 p.m., at The Centre. They also have planned outings at the Country Club, a summer picnic, a boat trip on the canal, cards, games, movies and more. For more information please call Judy Schultz at 795-9374. www.daleassociation.com 5 Be Well Ombudsman Program Volunteer Opportunities If you are looking for a unique and rewarding volunteer experience where you can have a direct impact on the quality of life for residents of long term care facilities, consider becoming a Niagara County Ombudsman. An Ombudsman, or “citizen representative” advocates on behalf of these residents with compassion, excellent communication skills, and a strong willingness to help others. New York State’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is sponsored in Niagara County by The Dale Association and helps approximately 1500 residents countywide. For further information about this amazing opportunity or for a volunteer application, contact Jennifer Pedini, Niagara County Ombudsman Coordinator at 716433-1886 ext. 104 or email her at: jennifer.pedini@daleassociation.com. PROGRAMS FOR THE VISUALLY & HEARING IMPAIRED The Dale Association offers free programs for the visually and hearing impaired. This multi-faceted program is designed to enrich the lives of people 60 and older, living with a visual and/or hearing impairment through: Educational Seminars Referral Information Vision & Hearing Screenings In home assessments and ongoing support Assistive Devices Resources Center Literary Book Club The Dale Association offers the following low vision assistive equipment in the Senior Centre’s computer room: Enhanced Computer Keyboard & Screen and Desktop Electronic Magnifier. We can link you and your family to community services; assist with your questions; and provide an improved quality of life. For more information call Nancy Smith, Vision & Hearing Program Coordinator at 433-4441. This is a free service, sponsored by The Dale Association and the Niagara County Office for the Aging. Winter Hearing Screening Hearing screenings will be offered on Tuesday, January 13, 27 and February 10, 24 from 12:30pm – 3:30pm at The Dale Association. Please call the information desk to schedule your appointment (4331886). The screening is free of charge and will be offered by Pamela L. Fleming, Audiologist, Audiology on Demand. C.A.R.E. Program 6 The C.A.R.E. (Call And Reassure Elders) program helps to fill the gaps for those living alone. C.A.R.E. is intended to serve area homebound seniors who are in need of daily contact to ensure personal safety and well being. To learn more about enrollment or volunteering, please call 433-4441 and ask for Nancy Smith. www.daleassociation.com Connecting Generations Inter-Generational Programs We are looking for volunteers for the InterGenerational programs that begin now. The volunteers in these programs enjoy working with children in area schools and find the experience very rewarding. If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer, please call Sherry Livergood at 433-1886. Pen Pals The volunteer Pen Pals exchange letters 5 times a year with two first grade classes at Charles Upson Elementary School. There is no Pen Pal exchange in January. Valentine Pen Pals from the children will be available for pick up on Tuesday, January 27. Please have your Pen Pal letters for the children at the centre by Tuesday, February 10. Reading HISTOP HISTOP or History Sharing Through Our Photographs, is a Dale Association program in which senior volunteers interact with fourth graders from Lockport area elementary schools. Senior volunteers spend 1 to 2 hours a month volunteering in this program. Some of the senior volunteers form teams and visit a school. The following week the fourth graders visit the Centre and bring their own pictures and memorabilia to share with the group of Senior HISTOP volunteers. Team 1 will be at Charles Upson Elementary School on Thursday, January 8 at 10:00 a.m. The fourth grade classes from Charles Upson Elementary School will be at the Centre on Thursday, January 15 at 10:00 a.m. Team 2 will be at Charles Upson Elementary School on Thursday, Jauary 22. The fourth grade classes from Upson will be at the centre on Thursday, Janauary 29. The reading program is at Charles Upson Elementary school. This is a weekly ongoing program where senior volunteers assist the second graders with their reading. Reading is on Wednesdays and if you are interested in volunteering please contact Sherry Livergood at 433-1886. Do you need home care? The Dale Association can help! Our INCHARGE Consumer-Directed Home Care program is designed for Niagara County residents who are eligible for Medicaid, in need of homecare for a minimum of 180 days, and are chronically ill or handicapped. To learn more, please call INCHARGE’S Kathy or Alexis at 433-4442 or visit us at: www.DaleAssociation.com www.daleassociation.com 7 Social Centre Red Cross Citizen Emergency Preparedness W!! Seeking New Group Participants E N For millions of grandparents in the United States, This important presentation will be a comprehensive overview on how to prepare for natural and manmade disasters and how to respond to and recover from them. The free session on Friday, January 9 will provide information on types of disasters, how to prepare as an individual, family and neighbor and what to do in the midst of a disaster. Presented by the American Red Cross and New York State. This presentation will start at 9:00 a.m. For more information or to register please call our information desk at 4331886. Cost: Free Wealth and Health Care Preservation This free conference will teach participants how to increase their wealth and decrease their health care costs during the retirement years. Presented by Long Term Care Specialist Lester Robinson, on Thursday, January 22, 10:00 – 11:00 am. Please RSVP by calling 433-1886. Special Notices Weather Alert: Watch Channel 2, 4 and/or 7 or listen to radio WLVL (1340). The Dale Association will be listed if it is closed. Also remember it is difficult to regulate The Centre’s temperature to meet everyone’s needs. Members are encouraged to dress in layers. 8 www.daleassociation.com being a parent is still a very real part of their life. Of the approximately 35 million grandparents living in the United States today, 2.43 million of them are once again playing the role of parent. That’s where Paula Smith comes in. As the Executive Director of Grandparent Advocacy Support Program (GASP), Smith helps seniors deal with the added pressures of parenting in the golden years. GASP is a local support group that offers help with everything that grandparents raising their grandchildren may be eligible for: from financial assistance programs, medical help; court advocacy work, to free baby-sitting that allow seniors to go to doctor’s appointments. GASP offers grandparents what they really need in this situation, support. We are currently looking to start a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group here at The Dale. If you are interested in attending a group of this nature please contact Sherry Livergood at 716-433-1886 ext. 109. Cost: Free Centre Quilters The Centre quilting group meets every Wednesday from 1 - 3 p.m. Whether you're an experienced quilter or just starting out, this group welcomes you. Cost: $1 per member plus supplies Candy Making Volunteers Looking for a fun, delicious way to volunteer? Come make candy with us to sell here at the Centre! We make everything from chocolate covered pretzels to chocolate suckers. You may even get to sneak a sample! We meet every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. For any questions call Jennifer Pedini at 433-1886. BINGO Every Friday at 7:00 p.m. * Electronic Verified & Camera * Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Parking Pulltabs Snack Bar 33 Ontario Street, Lockport, 433-1886 www.bingoplanner.com Parkinson's Disease or a Movement Disorder Support Group First Friday of every month at 6:00 p.m. All welcome! This support group is for anyone with Parkinson's disease or a movement disorder. American Red Cross Blood Drives Tuesday, January 13 & 27 1:00-6:00 p.m. All presenting donors will receive a $5 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card!!! February 10 & 24 1:00-6:00 p.m. For an appointment call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit www.redcrossblood.org. Walk Ins Welcome/ID Required You can hold the power to save lives in the palm of your hand with the FREE Red Cross Blood Donor App! Text “BLOODAPP” to 90999 or download it from the App StoreSM or the Google PlayTM store today! Proceeds benefit programs and services of The Dale Association Inc. Give your family one last gift ... PREPLAN Amy Lange Kenyon Owner/Director Ph: 434-1081 www.langefuneralhomeinc.com www.daleassociation.com 9 Generosity THANK YOU for Supporting the Centre THANK YOU to all who donated to the 2014 Annual Giving Campaign in support of programs and services at The Centre. We are happy to report that we achieved our goal of $25,000. Your support is greatly appreciated. Maureen Wendt President/CEO Gretchen Doty Senior Program Coordinator Welcome Coffee Hour 2015 Calling all new members, new volunteers and anyone new to the Dale! Please join us Tuesday, February 10 at 10:30 a.m. or Wednesday, March 11 at 9:00 a.m. at the Centre (33 Ontario St, Lockport) for a welcome coffee hour, where you’ll learn just how valuable that new Dale membership can be and how we can help someone you know! The hour will cover all the great things we have planned for you in the coming months as well as provide an overview of our supportive services. Featuring freshly brewed Dunkin Donuts coffee. Please RSVP to Patricia Quirk at 433-4440 ext. 302. You are part of a local community organization that offers recreational, social, health and wellness, and educational programs and services. We hope you will agree that it has been an enriching experience. The administration on Aging encourages older Americans to stay engaged, active and involved in their own lives and in their communities. The Dale Association’s Centre has a 60 + year history of providing a gathering place for thousands of people throughout Niagara County. Please support your Centre by making a tax deductible donation using the coupon below. 33 Ontario Street, Lockport, NY 14904 ATTN: Debbie Babcock Gifts are Tax Deductible PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR CENTRE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015 ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFT Donations support programs and services of The Dale Association’s Senior Centre Name_________________Address_______________________City____________State_____Zip_____ Here is my gift to support programs for seniors: Amount of Gift $________ ____Check Enclosed ____Visa ___MasterCard Card No. __________________________Expiration Date________ Authorizing Signature_____________________________________ My gift is given in_________Memory of _________Honor of_____________________ Please Notify______________________ Address________________________________ 10 www.daleassociation.com Donations Received In October and November The following is a list of individuals who have given to The Dale Association during October and November. Your generosity today supports quality programs and services for tomorrow. As always, your continued support is appreciated. Donations should be sent to The Dale Association, 33 Ontario St, Lockport, NY 14094 or dropped off at the Information Desk, 33 Ontario St , Lockport, NY 14094. All donations are tax deductible. Memorial Richard and Alice Bottom in memory of Suzanne Knopp Eric and Pam Leibring in memory of Suzanne Knopp Lockport Family Dental Care, PLLC in memory of Suzanne Knopp Cathy Chapman, Gloria Brown, Rosemarie Smith Barb Miller, Marilyn Schrader, June Covell, Felecia Schurr in memory of Antoneitte Porretta Dale Hearts and Caring People Shelly Arnold J. Fay and Ruth Cleveland Tim and Sally Ennis Jamie Ingham Anna McCann-Merritt Machinery Mary Rose Quirk James Remick Steve Sinclair Verizon Foundation Samuel and Mary Vitello Maureen Wendt Annual Campaign with Memorial Donald Dixon in memory of Mabel Dixon Donna Graham in memory of Antoneitte Porretta Jack and Marcia Tillotson in memory of Lisa Marie Tillotson Annual Campaign in Honor The Dale Association Senior Centre Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Pleskow in honor of Mildred (Peg) Smith Annual Campaign Annoymous Diane Bielinski Richard and Phyllis Boyd Drum Oil and Propane Lockport Theatre Organ James McNeil and Ursula Darlow-McNeil One Eyed Jacks, Inc. Neil and Bonnie Patterson Donald and Diane Peck James and Christine Phillips Brenda Reaves Clint and Joanne Starke Donald Wangler Bequest Estate of V. Jean Laird Building Campaign David and Kathy Greenfield Beth Guilmart Lock City AFG Louis Molisani graciously donated money towards our coffee purchase Newfane Golden Agers in honor of Bag Ladies and Line Dancers Vision and Hearing Impaired Program Lions Club of Lockport NY, Inc. 11 Volunteer Opportunities possessions. We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities here at The Dale Association. Please look them over and give Sherry Livergood a call at 433-1886 if you would like further information about any of these volunteer opportunities. The American Red Cross is hosting Blood Drives at The Dale Association on January 13 and 27 from 1:006:00, and February 10 and 24 from 1-6 pm. If you are interested in helping out the Red Cross give Sherry Livergood a call at 433-1886 We coordinate and run our Dial-A-Lift service, bringing members from their home to the senior centre for activities and lunch and driving them back home during the week. This is one of our biggest needs, become a volunteer driver today! We are looking for volunteers for our Friday Night Bingo program. Bingo is our largest fundraiser with the proceeds going to the programs and services here at The Centre. Donate some of your time on Friday evenings for this worthwhile fundraiser. Income Tax Volunteers Needed! We are currently recruiting volunteers for our Income Tax preparation program. Training is provided for this worthwhile, yet temporary assignment. Volunteers help people in our community file their annual income taxes. A background in accounting or income tax preparation is helpful. For more information, or to register please call Gretchen Doty at 4331886. 12 You give but little when you give of your It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ~Kahlil Gibran C.A.R.E. telephone reassurance program volunteers call homebound seniors throughout the weekdays to check in and assure their well being. We are looking for either some subs or some full time volunteers to fill specific time slots at the Front Desk at 33 Ontario and 20 Lock Street. We have an agency cable show every Thursday during the month. We are currently looking for volunteers to help run the cameras. The time commitment is about 1 hour each week. You will have hands on experience running the camera and working with the LCTV staff. Lots of fun and laughs – Come try your hand at running the camera. Special events and special projects volunteers help with assembling raffle baskets, counting raffle tickets, preparing for social events throughout the year. Social sewers work on simple community projects together once a week. Intergenerational volunteers help reinforce learning with school age children exchanging Pen-Pal letters, reading and sharing their ‘history through photographs’. Fundraising volunteers work as a team to generate and execute ideas for fundraising events. Game On! Cribbage Dominoes The domino players meet at 9:30 a.m. on Thursdays. New players welcome anytime! Free Senior Bingo Do you enjoy cribbage? Join us on Tuesdays 9:15-11:30 a.m. Volunteers organize tables, collect the ante and pay- Senior Bingo is held on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. For out the weekly cash prizes. Bring your own cribbage only $1.75 you can have a great time. board and cards or use one of ours. Scrabble Cost: $5.00 each week for members, $6.00 for nonJoin us for a fun game of scrabble on Fridays at members. 10:00 a.m. Call the information desk at 433-1886 to Bridge Every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. If you would like to play register regularly or be a substitute, please call Gretchen Doty Cost: Free 433-1886. Cost: $1 per member Duplicate Bridge Briarwood Manor Assisted Living Facility 433-1513 Every Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. If you would like to play regularly or be a substitute, please call Marge Schomers at 434-8635. Pool Anyone? For just $1 a week or 25¢ a day members play all day. Card Tournaments 6-week Pinochle Tournament Began December 17 6-week Euchre Tournament Beginning February 11 All tournaments begin at 1:00 p.m. The cost of the tournament is $18 for members and $27 for nonmembers. You must pre-register and pay ahead at the front desk. Please remember that you must find your own substitute if you are not able to play on one of the tournament days. New players are welcome at any time! Please call Jennifer Pedini at 433-1886 if you have any questions. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ 3 Nutritious Meals plus Snacks Laundry/Housekeeping Freedom to Come and Go 24 Hr. Supervision of Medication Nurse on Staff Personal and Family Counseling Professional Planned Daily Activities No Application Fees Personal Care for Adults Licensed Assisted Living By The State of New York Affordable Care for the Elderly Roxanne Murphy, LPN-Case Manager 1001 Lincoln Avenue Lockport, New York 14094 433-1513 www.daleassociation.com 13 Calendar Mon 9:30 10:00 10:00 11:30 January-February 2015 Social Sewers Yoga with Liz Memory Minders Program Lunch Tues 9:30 Candy Making 9:30 Cribbage 10:30 Chair Excercise Class 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Piano Lessons 1:00 Bridge 7:15 Duplicate Bridge January 13 & 27 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 10:00 January 13 & 27 Hearing Screening 12:30 Wed 9:00 QiGong 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Quilting 1:00 Card Tournament January 28 Independent Health 1:00 February 4 Dollars & Sense 10:00 9:30 Dominoes 10:30 Chair Excercise Class 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Senior Bingo Thur Janaury 8 HIICAP 10:00 January 15 Diabetes Self-Management 9:00 January 15 Basket Class 9:00 January 15 HISTOP 10:00 Fri 10:00 Memory Minders 10:00 Scrabble 11:30 Lunch 7:00 Bingo January 9 Emergency Preparedness 9:00 14 www.daleassociation.com January 5 Talk to the Doctor 10:30 January 12 Nutrition Traps 10:30 January 12 & 26 United Health Care 10:00 January 27 Travel Group 1:00 February 2 Controlling my Cholesterol 10:00 February 2 & 3 Defensive Driving 12:30 February 9 & 23 United Health Care 10:00 February 23 Travel Group 1:00 January 13 & 27 Red Cross Blood Drive 1:00 January 20 Information and Assistance 10:00 January 20 Tea Party 1:00 February 10 & 24 Hearing Screening 12:30 February 10 & 24 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 10:00 February 10 Welcome Coffee Hour 10:30 February 10 & 24Red Cross Blood Drive 1:00 February 10 Info and Assistance 10:00 February 24 Pizza Party 2:00 February 11 Credit Counts 10:00 February 11 Sweet Heart Luncheon 1:00 February 11 & 25 Independent Health 1:00 February 18 Identity Theft 10:00 February 25 Variety Show 4:00 January 15 Blood Pressure 11:00 Janaury 15 Wii Tournament 2:00 January 22 Wealth & Health Care Preservation 10:00 January 29 HISTOP 10:00 January 29 Univera 10:00 February 12 HIICAP 10:00 February 12 Univera 10:00 February 19 Blood Pressure 11:00 January 9 Fidelis Care 10:00 January 23 Fidelis Care 12:00 February 13 Fidelis Care 10:00 February 27 Fidelis Care 12:00 Red Highlighted Items are free Senior Services DALE Senior Advisor Ringing In 2015 Today I challenge you to make 2015 the best year of your life yet. So now you are thinking, "I made that resolution to get fit, spend less, eat healthier, spend more time with family, fall in love, or enjoy life to the fullest. Where do I start, to make this the best year ever?" I will tell you where, right here at The Dale. Yep, you read that correctly. Every one of those resolutions has a program here at The Dale to help you succeed. I know all of The Dale staff are so excited to spend 2015 with you and help you have the best year yet. Stop by today and let’s ring in 2015 together. With Hope, Sherry Social Media Social Media has swept the nation and The Dale Association is a proud participant! If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, please find us! We would love to ‘be your friend’ on Facebook and hope you’ll ‘follow us’ on Instagram! For more information, please ask a staff member, or visit our website for easy links at: www.daleassociation.com. 2015 Wishlist 1. 2 DVD players- Senior Centre and PROS 2. CD player- Senior Centre 3. Professional used clothes- PROS participants 4. Digital camera- Marketing 5. 2 Televisions- PROS 6. Art supplies (paint, pencils, markers, paper, glue sticks etc.) PROS 7. Inspirational Artworks- PROS 8. Television with DVD player- Clinic 9. Radios- Senior Centre 10. 2 Living room chairs- PROS 11. Conference Table for 20 Lock St Exciting programs and events are often added to our calendar after press time. Be sure to check our website: www.daleassociation.com or our in-house TV in the Centre, to be up to date on all the fun! If you’d like to be added to our email distribution list for regular updates and special invitations, please send us an email at: info@daleassociation.com and tell us your name, email address and the kinds of things you’re most interested in learning! Are you on Facebook? So is The Dale Association. Please “friend” us! Dial- A-Lift “Leave the driving to us!” Our dial-a-lift van will come pick you up at your home and bring you to the Centre. The round trip fee in city limits is $7.00. If you live outside the Lockport city limits, the fee is $10.00 per round trip (Town of Lockport only). If you purchase 20 rides in advance, you will be given a punch card and the ride costs are discounted. If you have any questions or want to schedule a ride, please call Jennifer Pedini at 4331886. The Only Station Serving Niagara County and Proud Of It! 320 Michigan Street, PO Box 477 Lockport, NY 14094 Office: (716) 433-5944 Fax: (716) 433-6588 Studio/Talk Show Line (716) 433-1433 www.wlvl.com www.daleassociation.com 15 Out & About Next travel group meeting is Monday, January 26 and February 23 at 1:00 p.m. Day Trips For 2015 Phantom Of The Opera At Shea’s Join us on Sunday, March 22 at 12:30 for this long running broadway show. Phantom is a winner of seven 1988 Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Andrew Lloyd Webber's masterwork is a timeless story of seduction and despair. Set at the Paris opera house, a beautiful soprano becomes the obsession of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius. A $20 deposit is due by Friday, February 13. Cost: $100 Members, $120 Non-members Kinky Boots Arrive at Shea’s on Wednesday, April 22 at 7:00 for this award winning show. Kinky Boots is a musical with music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper and a book by Harvey Fierstein. Based on the 2005 film Kinky Boots by Geoff Deane and Tim Firth, which was inspired by a true story, the musical tells of a struggling British shoe factory's young, straitlaced owner, Charlie, who forms an unlikely partnership with Lola, a drag queen, to save the business. Charlie develops a plan to produce custom footwear for drag queens and kings, rather than the men's dress shoes that his firm is known for, and in the process, he and Lola discover that they are not so different after all. Deposit of $20 is due by March 13. Cost: $80 Members, $90 Non-Members TRAVEL GROUP MEETING Please join us on Monday, January 26 and February 23 at 1:00 p.m. Please call the information desk for more information at 433-1886. 16 www.daleassociation.com Coming soon!!!! Casino Trips will be coming in the nicer weather months. Trip Rules & Regulations ALL TRIPS INTO CANADA REQUIRE PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP. A VALID PASSPORT, A PASSPORT CARD OR ENHANCED DRIVER’S LICENSE ARE THE ONLY LEGAL PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP. Anyone who cannot show proper ID before boarding the coach, will be denied entry onto the coach. There will be NO REFUND given for the missed tour. A deposit is required on ALL trips in order to get on the registration list. People inquiring about trips are put on an interest list until a deposit is received. Refunds are given only when a substitute is found for the person canceling or if we have not paid vendors prior to the trip date. There are no refunds given for no show or cancellations made on the day of the trip. All trips must have a minimum of 30-35 people registered to avoid cancellation of the trip. In case of extreme weather a trip may need to be cancelled. We will refund any money that we receive from the vendors. Overnight Trips Lancaster County Canadian Rockies & Glacier National Park by Air Join our fabulous 7 day tour through the Canadian Rockies from August 18-24. This tour includes 11 meals, roundtrip air, hotel lodging, many sights and parks throughout Cananda’s beautiful landscape. A $300 deposit is due on Wednesday, April 1. Balance is due by Friday, June 5. Optional trip cancellation insurance is available for $127 per person for double or triple, or $162 for single occupancy. Insurance must be paid at the time of registration. Please call the information desk for more information at 433-1886. Cost: $2,999 Double, $2949 Triple, $3,899 Single Join us for this 3 day tour through Lancaster County, ‘ PA. Tour includes four meals, 2 theatre shows (Joseph and Les Miserables), lodging, all admissions to shows and sightseeing, a Pennsylvania Dutch Dinner, Kitchen Kettle Village, Turkey Hill Ice Cream Experience, Chalk Talk, Plain and Fancy, Country Cupboard. A $50 deposit is due by Monday, February 16. Balance due by Wednesday, April 15. Optional trip cancellation insurance is available for $28 per person. Insurance must be paid at the time Resorts Railroads & Rivers of registration. Please call the information desk for of West Virginia more information at 433-1886. This lovely 4 day excursion includes a stay at the Cost: $499 Double, $489 Triple, $649 Single Greenbrier Resort, five meals, motorcoach and Amtrak transportation, many tours and fabulous scenery of the east coast from October 27-30, 2015. A $100 deposit is due on Monday, June 15. Balance is due by Friday, Call 433-1886 or stop in at The Dale Association front August 28. Optional trip cancellation insurance is availdesk for more information or to sign up for these excit- able for $43 per person for double or triple occupancy ing trips. and $69 per person single. Insurance must be paid at the time of registration. Please call the information desk for more information at 433-1886. Cost: $999 Double, $985 Triple, $1399 single Kevin M Gaskill EdwardJones Financial Advisor MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING 140 Main Street Lockport, NY 14094 Bus: 716-438-2521 TF 888-335-3664 TF Fax 888-259-5428 kevin.gaskill@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com www.daleassociation.com 17 Centre Events Variety Show Do you sing, juggle, lip sync, or have any other talents? If you do, then we need you. We will be hosting our first Dale Variety Show on Wednesday, February 25 at 4:00 p.m. Tea Party If you are interested in performing or attending this Come join us for an old-fashioned Tea Party on show please call 433-1886 x 109. Practices will be Tuesday, January 20 at 1:00. Please call the infor- held each Wednesday at 10 a.m. in February. The mation desk at 433-1886 to sign up. show is Wednesday, February 25 at 4:00 p.m. Cost: $5.00 Cost: Free Wii Bowling Tournament Come and join us Thursday, January 15 at 2:00 p.m. Sign up at the information desk by calling 433-1886 Cost: $1.00 Sweet Heart Luncheon Come join us for a Valentines Celebration and Luncheon on Wednesday, February 11 at 1:00 p.m. We will be serving Beef on Weck, Vegetable Lasagna, Scalloped Potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese, Chef Salad, California Mixed Vegetables and Assorted Desserts. Live entertainment by the Black and Blues Trio. Cost: $10.00 Pizza Party Come get together with your friends or come alone and meet new members on Tuesday, February 24 at 2:00 p.m. Stay for the afternoon and join us for board games and card games. Pizza, salad, and dessert will be served. Sign up at information desk. Cost. $5.00 Income Tax Preparation Do you need your 2014 income taxes prepared? Call the information desk at The Centre at 433-1886 to schedule an appointment time. This is a “free” service and appointment times will be every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday starting February 3. Please bring your 2014 income tax information and your completed 2013 tax return with you to your appointment. SM Talk to a Medicare RedShirt Call 1-800-958-4405, TTY 1-888-357-9167 Oct. 1 – Feb. 14: Mon. – Sun., 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Feb. 15 – Sept. 30: Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Or visit independenthealth.com/medicare. Y0042_C2800 Accepted 08142012 18 www.daleassociation.com Niagara County Bottle Redemption Did you know that you can take your bottles to the Niagara County Bottle Redemption Center, LLC and help out The Dale at the same time? For every bottle that you take to the redemption center and ask that it be given to The Dale Association, they will donate 5 1/2¢ to The Dale. They accept cans, glass bottles, plastic and water bottles, do all the sorting for you – no mess or waiting in line to use store machines. They are located on Lake Avenue in Wrights Corners across from Dollar General. AARP Driver Safety Program Monday, Feb. 2 and Tuesday, Feb. 3, 12:30-3:30 Monday, March 2 9:00-4:00 1 hour lunch break Instructor: Gloria Brown Cost: $20 AARP members, $ 25 non-members Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Buffalo, Inc. is a local nonprofit Agency established in 1965. We offer a wide array of services that provide solutions to the complex financial side of our lives. Counseling sessions focus on proper budgeting techniques, debt repayment options, student loan assistance, small business advice, credit report education and credit score explanations. CCCS of Buffalo also offers free financial literacy classes in the WNY community to schools, colleges/universities, churches, and companies of all sizes! A certified financial counselor is at The Dale Association every Tuesday to help you. To make an appointment with a certified financial counselor, please call: 712-2060. 2015 Consumer Credit Counseling ! Seminars: NEW! Dollars & Sense Trying to cut corners? Trying to save money? This class is for you! Educators teach you different budgeting techniques, creative ways to save, understanding fluctuations in expenses, debt control and the value of your money. Wednesday, February 4 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Cost: Free Credit Counts Heritage Manor of Lockport Provides supportive housing for seniors * 24 Hour Personal Care * 3 Delicious Meals Daily * Housekeeping & Laundry Services * Dedicated and Caring Staff 41 Lexington Court Lockport, NY 14094 Call us for a tour! (716) 433-7626 Credit is expensive! Learn why and how to make it less expensive here! Good credit will save you tons of $$$! Wednesday, February 11, from 10:00-11:00 Identity Theft Are you at risk of ID theft? Unfortunately, we all are. Learn how to detect and defend yourself here. The average ID theft victim spends over $1,500 repairing things. Detecting things early costs much less. Wednesday, February 18 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Please call the information desk at 433-1886 to register for any of these courses. 19 www.daleassociation.com Viewpoints A Healthy Start to the New Year With the arrival of the new year, now is a great time to schedule an annual checkup with your doctor. An annual exam is an essential way to keep up with your health and an excellent preventive tool, says Dr. Sanjiv Shah, Chief Medical Officer at Fidelis Care. The key to a rewarding checkup for you and your doctor is preparation. Have a list of any health-related questions that you want to address with your doctor. If you come in with a list, then you and your physician can cover issues without delay and none of your concerns will be forgotten. It’s also important to mention to your doctor any changes in your health that you have noticed. Being your own advocate is the best way to ensure your problems are addressed. Fidelis Care “Clinical preventive services help to keep older adults healthy and active,” says Fidelis Care’s Dr. Shah. “The annual checkup is one of the best ways to maintain a beneficial relationship with your doctor.” Your annual checkup is also a good time to find out about any additional medical care you should be receiving, such as a colonoscopy or a mammogram. Your doctor can provide referrals if necessary. A final benefit of getting your annual checkup performed now is that you can also ask for your flu shot at the same visit if you have not already been immunized. The flu season peaks between December and February and runs until May, so it’s not too late to get the vaccine. So make a resolution to stay healthy this year, and Also, check with your doctor to see whether you call your doctor for an appointment. It’s one resolushould bring a list of your medications or the actual tion that will really pay off. bottles. Each doctor has their own preference. If you are bringing a list, make sure to include the correct dosages and how often you take them. The benefits of an annual checkup include a screening for blood pressure, as well as keeping up on any changes in weight, vision, hearing, or moods. By performing these tests, your doctor can help catch illnesses before they progress. By monitoring your blood pressure, your doctor can find and treat hypertension, which can lead to cardiac issues. Checking your weight can help to avoid the onset of diabetes or heart-related issues. Each test performed by your doctor has its own benefits. 20 www.daleassociation.com Lester Robinson, Long Term Care Specialist Discuss your wishes and concerns for Long Term mium. While provisions vary among insurers offerCare Planning ing this option, the basic concept is providing a combined pool of total. Most people focus on the financial risk associated with needing care. That’s obviously a critical part. Call Les Robinson CLTC Senior Long Term But it’s also important to think and talk about your Specialist to review your long Term care Planning wishes and personal concerns when care is needed: needs or have your questions answered. 155 East Ave Lockport, NY 14094; 716-438-0541 ext 3014. • Where do you want your care? Many people prefer to stay in a home setting for as long as possible. www.lesltc.com • Who will provide it? Do you want to avoid having- lrobinson@nwcins.com to rely on your spouse/ partner, children or other family members for care? A family meeting early helps to strengthen your family and foundation for creating a written long-term care plan that meets your personal wishes, needs and budget. Good health gets you good rates: Changes in health happen, and no one can predict when. Your health at the time you apply is a key variable in the premium you’ll have to pay. If you are healthy today, which people tend to be when younger, you may be able to save 10–20% on your premium. You’ll lock in savings by planning ahead — before you lose potential good-health discounts. If you have some existing health conditions, you may still be eligible for coverage. The only way to know is to ask a Long Term Care (LTC) insurance professional. When you share, you can save: Parents teach the virtues of saving and sharing. You can accomplish both with long-term care insurance. Most LTC insurance policies offer some form of “shared care” option, which allows couples to share benefits and also access a “couples/partners” discount that may enable you to save 30% on your prewww.daleassociation.com 21 Your Creative Side Basket Class With Gail The basket class will be a pie carrier (or small casserole). The basket will be 12” square x 5” high (excluding the handle). It will have a filled base, decorative embellishment and a square top swing handle for easy storage. Class will start on Thursday, January 15, at 9:00. It will run for five consecutive Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. -noon. Cost: $36 members, $50 non-members In Case of Accident or Illness: Please be considerate of others! Sometimes one of our members may become ill, or have an accident while here at The Centre. If you are present when this occurs, please be considerate and leave the area so that staff can help the individual and keep them comfortable until further help can arrive. Also, if you notice that someone is ill, please notify a staff member immediately so proper measures can be taken. EstatePlanning,ElderLaw,EstateAdministraƟon, Wills,Trusts,Guardianships,SpecialNeedsPlanning, PersonalInjury,RealEstate&More Schedule Your Free ConsultaƟon 22 www.daleassociation.com Piano and Organ Lessons Tuesdays from 1 - 5 p.m. Cost per lesson: $18 members, $27 non-members Calling all Snowbirds! If you plan to travel to Florida this winter you are invited to join your WNY neighbors for a get together at Homers Party Complex in Sebring, FL on March 7th from 11:00 am-2:00 pm. Please RSVP to Marvin Niles at (585)746-7183. If you do travel during the winter, please be sure to let us know so we can have your “Power Up” newsletter sent to you! Then be sure to come back and visit us next Spring so we can hear all about your fun-in-the-sun! Calling all Niagara County Veterans! If you live in Niagara County and are a Veteran, you are eligible to sign up for the “Thank A Vet”, discount card program. Just bring your official discharge papers (DD-214) and photo identification showing your Niagara County address to the Niagara County Clerks’ Office at 175 Hawley Street, Monday-Friday 9:30-4:30. You will be issued a discount card and a booklet of over 200 businesses throughout the county where you will receive special discounts or offers. The Dale Association is a proud participating business where Veterans can receive 50% off a membership! For more information, call the Niagara County Clerk’s Office at 439-7022, Ext. 0, or visit: http://www.niagaracounty.com/ThankAVet 5 WAYS TO REGISTER . . . Full payment is required at the time of registration. 1. BY TELEPHONE using your MasterCard or Visa, call 716/433-1886 Gift Certificates are available for all Dale Association classes and make GREAT GIFTS! 2. IN PERSON Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at THE DALE ASSOCIATION, INC. 33 Ontario Street Lockport, NY 14094 3. BY FAx using your MasterCard or Visa, dial 716/433-1223 4. BY MAIL filling out the form below and enclosing payment 5. ONLINE www.daleassociation.com CLASS REGISTRATION FORM Fee Class or Trip Title Method of Payment Check (payable to The Dale Association) Visa Acct #: _________________ exp. date ________ Dale Association Membership Signature: _______________________________ Date of Birth: Mail to: Tax Deductable Donation TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED MasterCard The Dale Association, Inc. 33 Ontario Street Lockport, NY 14094 $ Name: ___________________ Phone: _____________ E-Mail Address:_______________ Address: _________________________ City: ___________Zip: ____________ Wo u l d y o u l i k e t o J o i n o r R e n e w y o u r M E M B E R S H I P ? Please indicate your level of support: Family $75 per year (2 adults & children under 21 living at the same address) $30 ages 59 and below $25 ages 60 and above $100 Benefactor Membership $15 ages 85 and over $700 Lifetime Membership *Please note An additional $10 per new member is required for processing Please send me more information on The Dale Association PLEASE ENCLOSE PAYMENT AND RETURN TO: The Dale Association, Inc., 33 Ontario Street, Lockport, NY 14094 (716/433-1886) www.daleassociation.com 23 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Lockport, NY Permit No. 390 33 Ontario Street Lockport, NY 14094 United Way of Greater Niagara Your membership to The Dale Association, Inc. gives you the satisfaction of contributing to a dynamic human service organization dedicated to providing premier services to its community and allows us to continue our tradition of excellence. The Dale Association’s Board of Trustees Angela Hahn, Chair David Mellor, Vice Chair Robert Pusateri, Treasurer Lawrence Volland, Secretary Cheryl Antkowiak Felice Brodsky-Brinkley Sue Mason Christopher Marra Ellen Martin Richard Thunhorst Tasha Villani Margaret Wager Maureen Wendt, President/CEO Thank you to our Premium Sponsors Please support the businesses that support The Dale Association by way of an annual Premium Sponsorship. Their dedicated financial support makes it possible to produce “Power Up” and to offer our health and wellness series. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Fidelis Care Heritage Manor of Lockport Senior Services: 33 Ontario Street, Lockport, NY 14094 Lockport Senior Centre . . . . . . 433-1886 Dial-A-Lift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433-1886 Center for Travel . . . . . . . . . . . 433-1886 Senior Advocate . . . . . . . . . . . 433-1886 Memory Minders . . . . . . . . . . . 433-1886 CARE Telephone Reassurance . 433-1886 Membership & Enrichment........433-1886 Hometown 1340 WLVL Lockport Presbyterian Home Odd Fellow & Rebekah HCC People, Inc. Senior Housing Law offices of Restaino Reddien, LLP United Healthcare, Medicare Solutions Directory of Services Mental Health Services: In Home Care Services: 33 Ontario Street, Lockport, NY 14094 PROS Center For Wellness . . . . 433-1937 20 Lock Street Lockport, NY 14094 Peer Specialist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433-1937 “INCHARGE” Homecare Program. . . . . . . . . . . 433-4442 89B River Road N. Tonawanda, NY 14120 Outpatient Counseling And Treatment Center . . . . . . . . . 693-9961 New York State Long-term Care Geriatric Community Ombudsman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433-1886 Mental Health Nurse . . . . . . . . . . 433-1937 In Person Assistor/Navigator. . . . 278-4264 You could be receiving this Visual & Hearing Assistance . . . . 433-1886 Office of the President: 33 Ontario st, Lockport, NY 14094 President/CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438-2414 Volunteer Coordinator . . . . . . . 438-2414 Administration Offices: 20 Lock Street newsletter at home! Please see P. 23 Lockport, NY 14094 for Membership information, or Administrative Support . . . . . . . . 433-4440 Marketing & Development . . . . . . 433-4440 visit us at: www.daleassociation.com
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