THE P E ARL CH A SE S O CIETY presents its THIRT EE NTH ANN U AL histo ric ho mes to ur “Preserving Santa Barbara’s historic sites of enduring community value“ •• w w P e a r l C h a s e S o c i e t y. o r g • • D e c e m b eMay r 2 02012 14 Illustration: Gail Lucas Vol. Vo 15, l . 1No. 7 , 5N o . 1 2 THE P E ARL CH A SE S O CIETY presents its THIRT EE NTH ANN U AL PEARL CHASE SOCIETY OF SCHEDULED SCHEDULED MEETINGS INTEREST MEETINGS OF INTEREST FOR DECEMBER Pearl Chase Society Board Meetingsare areheld typically held the first Board Meetings the first Thursday of the Thursday of the month at theinMcVeagh month. Please note the change date and time to House on the grounds the NaturalService History allow members to attendof the Memorial for Museum. Thewhich next is meeting willfor bethe December Selma Rubin, scheduled afternoon 4ofatMay 3:303.p.m. fourth Friday of the month: CITY May OF SANTA BARBARA 24, Pico Adobe, East Canon Perdido Street, 11:00 a.m. City 123 meetings are broadcast live on City TV channel 18 and streamed live at www. CITY OF SANTA BARBARA, City meetings are broadcast live on City TV Channel where they are also archived and viewable 18 and streamed live at on demand. Government/Video, where they are also archived 2:00 p.m. at Council Chambers, City Hall: May 1, Planning Commission held on 8, 15, 22. (No meeting on Meetings May 29 dueare to Memorial the second and third Thursdays of the Dayfirst, Holiday.) month at 1:00 p.m. at Council Chambers, Planning Commission Meetings are held on the City Hall: December 4, 11, 18. first, second and third Thursdays of the month at Historic Commission 1:00 p.m.Landmarks at Council Chambers, City Meetings Hall: May 3, are held 10, 17, 31.every other Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the David GebhardCommission Public Meeting Room,are Historic Landmarks Meetings 630 Garden Street: December 3, 17. held every other Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the David GebhardBoard Publicof Meeting Room, 630 Garden Architectural Review Meetings are held Mondays Street: May 9, 23. at 3:00 p.m. at the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Architectural Board of Review Meetings are held Street: August (Note: at Consent calendar every other Monday 3:00 p.m. at the David meetings are held every Monday at 1:00 p.m.) Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street: Full Board meets December 8, 22. May 7, 14, 21. COUNTY BARBARA COUNTYOF OF SANTA SANTA BARBARA County Board Boardofof Supervisor Meetings County Supervisor Meetings and and Planning Commission Commission meetings meetings are are broadcast broadcast Planning live on on CSBTV20. also streamed at www. live CSBTV20.They Theyare are also streamed at,, where they are where they are also archived and viewable also archived and viewable on demand. on demand. County Board of Supervisors Meetings are held on threeBoard Tuesdays of the monthMeetings at 9:00 a.m. County of Supervisors areThe first and third Tuesdays meetings are heldmonth in Santa held on three of the at Barbara 9:00 a.m. first third meetings are held in theThe Board of and Supervisors Hearing Room, 105in East Santa Barbara inFloor. the Board of Supervisors Anapamu St., 4th The second meeting is held Hearing Room, EastLakeside Anapamu St., 4th May in Santa Maria at 105 511 East Parkway: Floor. second meeting is (typically) held 1 (SB),The 8 (SM), 15 (SB). in Santa Maria at 511 East Lakeside Parkway: County Planning Commission Meetings are held December 2 (SB), 9 (Santa Maria) only three Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. The meetings scheduled. first and third meetings are held in Santa Barbara at County Planning Street, Commission 123 East Anapamu Room 17,Meetings and the second are held isthree at meeting heldWednesdays in Santa Mariaof atthe 511 month East Lakeside 9:00 a.m. The and third 16 meetings are Parkway: Mayfirst 2 (SB), 9 (SM), (SB). held in Santa Barbara at 123 East Anapamu CountyRoom Historic Advisory Commission Street, 17,Landmarks and the second meeting is Meetings are heldinthe second Monday of the (typically) held Santa Maria at 511 Eastmonth at 10 a.m. at 123 East Anapamu, Room 17 (unless Lakeside Parkway: December 3 (SB), 10 (SM). specified otherwise): April 9. County Historic Landmarks Advisory And of course, our Annual Historic Homes Commission Meetings are held the second Tour, Mayof20, a.m. toat4 10 p.m. Bungalow Monday the11month a.m. at 123 Haven Neighborhood, with ample parking at Santa East Anapamu, Room 17 (unless specified Barbara High School. 8. otherwise): December Society News and Notes sunday, m ay 20, 2012 Newsletter of • P.O. P.O. Box Box 92121, 92121, Santa Santa Barbara Barbara 93190-2121 93190-2121 •• Phone: Phone:(805) (805)961-3938 961-3938 Newsletter of the the Pearl Pearl Chase Chase Society Society • Photos by Erik Davis. City Council on Meetings and viewable demand.are held on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. at Council Chambers, City Hall: City Council Meetings are held on Tuesdays at December 9 and 16 only. O sunday, m ay 20, 2012 n an unseasonably hot November 6 (but who knows about the seasons anymore?), the Board met briefly at our usual location at 11 a.m. toSee 4After p.m. by advance reservation Page• conducting 3 for full information the McVeagh House. a bit of business, several members took off. on a walkabout to explore the corridor between the SHOWCASING CLASSIC CALIFORNIA COTTAGES OF Natural History MuseumTHE and the Mission. As we have previously noted, SANTA BARBARA’S BUNGALOW HAVEN NEIGHBORHOOD this is a heavily trafficked, yet long-neglected passageway through bysome CheriofRae the most culturally sensitive areasPRICE: of our$55 community. TICKET PER PERSON The newFor nonprofit Mission Heritage Trail Association (formerly known Board of Directors Tickets and Information, please callMeeting (805) 961-3938 as “Concerned Citizens for Safe Passage,” an informal collaborative group) visit PEARL CHASE SOCIETY .ORG The April meeting or was held on the grounds of the Santa Barbara Historical has been formed to advance Museum, in the warm and inviting Covarrubias Room, made even more welcoming conceptual designs for with a blazing fire in the fireplace. It was a busy multi-tasking session, complete proposed improvements. with field trip. So theguests Boardand wasaprivileged Our the guest (former Robert Ooley provided an update about to take tour led by board the 11 a.m. to 4member) p.m. • by advance reservation the restoration efforts at the Courthouse, which are extensive and, coming into very knowledgeable Fred . sharp focus. reported that after seven CALIFORNIA years, the fountain is fully operational, Sweeney andHe Karl Hutterer. SHOWCASING THE CLASSIC COTTAGES OF pointed out Phase working “toThey theSANTA great joyBARBARA’S of everyone on it.”HAVEN The lawnNEIGHBORHOOD will soon be restored, the BUNGALOW I, which stones is considered curbing aroundthe the perimeter wall, which were removed to protect them, TICKET PRICE: $55 PER PERSON most urgent and most will be re-placed, and there is big news about the clock room, which is nearing For of Tickets and Information, please call (805) 961-3938 “doable” part the project: completion. Tour leader Fred Sweeny points out the “pinch points” visit PEARLCHASESOCIETY.ORG a continuous footpath or and andclock other areas of concern along the current route. The 82-year-old Seth Thomas tower is one of some 3,000 sold worldwide, bike path on the west side and it is thought that only about 10 percent of them are still in working order. The of the corridor between the Natural History Museum and the Mission. Courthouse clock has been restored with the installation of tiny electronic sensors, There are many plans under consideration for the whole project that include and its fascinating now visible to (which the public, ADAdealing accessible, creating more spaceclockworks on the roadare near Rockwood requires withand the newest must-see—and hear—for residents and guests. The 67-foot-long power lines), and several “pinch points” that must be dealt with to create amural about time by Ed Lister, a local painter with experience in Hollywood sets and bridge entrance. backdrops, is aalso wonder Our guides gave to us behold. some fascinating history of the old the history of the olive trees;also andrequested the pointed the miss-mash signs near the V intersection Robert theout Board consider aofrequest to help the Architectural that mar thiswith historic area. to repair the siding of its headquarters in the Ashton Foundation its project On December 10, a joint between the building City and at County planning House, the distinctive 1904meeting Italianate Victorian the corner of Garden commissions will review the conceptual plan, and Victoria streets. More information will be forthcoming. which will be presented to both City Council and Our second guest was Jason Bryan, Senior Recreation Supervisor with the City the County Board of Supervisors early in 2015. All of Santa Barbara. He invited members of the Board to appear at the Parks and members are encouraged to attend this meeting to Recreation meeting on April 25 to receive recognition and the City’s appreciation voice their support for the plan, which addresses for participating in the restoration of the Carrillo Recreation He also briefly longstanding issues of safetyCenter. and aesthetics. discussed the possibility of bringing back the local tradition of the Winter Ball, On a personal note, I walked home through once hosted by Miss Pearl Chase, in 2013. this corridor after the meeting, forgetting that the Board members then enjoyed opportunity visit the Gledhill timethe change meant it to was very dark by thatLibrary, time. Crossing streetRedmon, to get to the felt very and were treated to a presentation by the Michael ourwalkway great community darkness,clippings, and once photos on the other resource. He had assembled a unsafe numberinofthe fascinating and other side, theabout oncoming cars droveof at more very high historic treasures to provide insights the collection thanspeeds 70,000 through windingclippings, road. Theoriginal whole experience photos, 5,000 books and pamphlets, andthe countless documents, feltprovide very risky to this experienced magazines and newspapers that great accessibility andpedestrian, insight intoand the I was quite concerned for my safety. It would be day-to-day, year-to-year accounts of Santa Barbara—its people, events, and place in our ever-changing world. even worse on a bicycle! Illustration: Gail Lucas Preservation Committee Meetings are held the May 10, MacVeagh House, fourth Friday the month at 3:00 Wood Glen Hall, 2559ofPuesta del Sol, p.m. 3010 Foothill Road. Due to Christmas holiday, Preservation Committee Meetings are held the it will be held on December 18 at 11:00. Society and Notes Cheri Rae o ric o ur histNews ho mesbyt 22 THE THECAPITAL CAPITAL PEARL CHASE CHASE SOCIETY PEARL SOCIETY Board of Directors Board of Directors President President Barbara Lowenthal Susan Adams Vice President Steve Dowty Vice President Hattie Beresford Secretary Barbara Boyd Secretary Treasurer Kellam de Forest Sue Adams Treasurer Historian Vito Gioiello Patti Ottoboni Board Members Historian Marty Blum Patti Ottoboni Barbara Boyd Bob Burtness Marty Blum Steve Crozier Louise Boucher Erik Davis Barbara Kellam deBoyd Forest Bob Burtness Steve Dowty TinaCrozier Foss Steve Dale Francisco Roger Horton Lisa Lunsford Barbara Lowenthal Maureen Masson Lisa Lunsford Kitty Peri Nyna Mahan Jennifer Stroh Maureen Masson Members Kitty Emeritus Peri Bob Baum Roger Horton Please direct inquiries and comments to: Please direct inquiries and comments to: PEARL CHASE SOCIETY PEARL CHASE SOCIETY P.O. Box 92121 P.O. Box 92121 Santa Barbara 93190-2121 Santa Barbara, CA 93190-2121 For information, call For information, call (805) (805) 961-3938 961-3938 Newsletter Newsletter Cheri editor Cheri Rae, editor, graphics Darrell Degenhart, graphics Maureen Masson Masson and Maureen and Susan Adams, Adams, distribution Susan distribution Printing Impressions, Impressions, press Printing press Materialspublished publishedin in The The Capital Material Capitalisis copyrighted by The Pearl Pearl Chase Chase Society Society copyrighted by The andmay maybe be reproduced reproduced only and onlywith withthe the written permission editor. written permission of of thethe editor. May 2014 2012 December By Kellam de Forest (Initiated by popular request, Preservation Watch informs Pearl Chase Society members of community projects that may disturb historical structures and features, explains community preservation efforts, and/or lists opportunities for public input for those concerned with a particular issue.) Historic Resources Element: The task force has received the staff comments on Italian Pines. The irricades have along Anapamu Street to provide the textStone of the Element. On April 18,been the installed task force started evaluating the staff needed water It thanks to a $14,560 to themeeting City from the Pearl suggestions. will take at leastgrant one more for the taskChase forceSociety. before a final Thanks to the years of lobbying by members of the to Society that the importance of the document is completed. The City Council needs be congratulated in authorizing stone pines has finally been recognized and addressed by the City. this task force, thus ensuring that the acknowledgement and protection of our Hangers at Santa Barbara Airport. Cityare Council Member Dale Francisco the City’s irreplaceable historic resources part of the new General Plan.contacted In addition airport administration and learnedsalaried that the time two hangars offinto Fairview are not slated for to volunteer efforts, substantial has gone the document, which demolition. Dueof to citizen their ageand andstaff historical importance they are National Register is the product cooperation. Planner Heather Baker, the and staff City Landmark eligible, they would cost from $670,000 to one million dollars to liaison, has been very but efficient and responsive to the task force’s needs, through rehabilitate. A small office building occupied the space between the two hangars and the almost year-long process. served as the United Airlines terminal when daily air service commenced in 1936. (It Miramar Road: The applicant who was torn down in 1971.) The Santa Barbara AirportBeach was turned into a Marine aviation wanted to build a third story on a beach training station in 1942. Five hangars built entirely of wood were constructed to house at 1548pilots B Miramar the gull wing F4U Corsair fighter planescottage that the Marine would fly Beach against Road the listened to the public. At the Japanese. Surprisingly, these hangars, now 72 years old, are serviceable andMontecito are still Board of Architectural hearing April used to house airplanes. An Historic Structures Report preparedReview in September deems 18, a revised presented. Instead these WWII hangars to be Landmark candidates, and isplan to be was reviewed by the HLC of aindicates full third a loftare for sleeping December 3. The airport’s new master plan that story, two hangars proposed to be demolished. quarters was proposed. The loft will raise building height four feetavailable and contain Mission Heritage Trail Association. Athe conceptual master plan is now clerestory windows. Although step in at In order to obtainathe From left: 1543-B, 1544, and 1546 the right direction, the revised design financing, this plan has to be implemented in phases. The City and County Planning is Miramar Beach. Historical photo with neighborhood and Commissions are holding a joint meetingnot on compatible December 10th to the consider a Phase One circa 1946 courtesy of Pamela does not for respect the historic ambience of this conceptual plans to create a continuous pathway pedestrians and bicycles from Jameson Boehr. the Old Mission up to Foothill. This planhistoric would create new pedestrian on the row ofa beach cottages, bridge as illustrated downstream side of the 1891 stone bridge Creek and necessitate small inacross a 1946Mission photograph. openings slight the historic 1890 stone wall (the “stegosaurus 901 Oliveand Street: Aadjustments 51-foot tall, on 61,000-square-foot apartment building is proposed wall”). Comments by the City and County planning commissioners will set the stage for to be built in the current parking lot behind the office building on the northwest action by the County Board of Supervisors and the City Council early in the New Year. corner of Olive and Canon Perdido streets. The height is necessary to provide a Miramar: An acceptable for a new with a two-story main building 66 car-parking garage. design In addition to a Miramar huge building, the architects proposeand to asheath collection of cottages, some one story and some two. The proposal to raise both the existing two-story office building and the apartment withthe theground latest level on South Lane12 to 15 feetbewith fill, in order to have the property level modern metalJameson siding. The result will a modern building similar to thosebe found with the railroad, is controversial. Story poles are to be installed December 1 prior to in Seattle and Bellevue, Washington, or on a smaller scale Palm Springs. This style the Montecito Planning hearing December 15. Acceptance is not compatible withCommission the neighborhood, nor with Santa Barbara. of the Caruso plans have been complicated by the presentation by County Planning of proposed 415 Hot Springs Road: is the during address of the Baron Maximillian C. and von roundabouts to relieve the This congestion school days on the San Ysidro H. Road Romberg designed by Lutah Riggs ineliminate 1927 andparking completed in 1938. The 101 off- andhouse on- ramps. The roundabouts would on South Jameson Baronimpacting was described aspublic a dashing who risked life and limb as an aviator, Lane both the and daredevil the proposed hotel. a racecar driver and a polo player. He died in an airplane crash prior to the 209 East Islay Street. The originally proposed 6,068- square-foot, single-family house’s completion. His widow later married Burton Tremaine and became residence—with a 735-square-foot attached three-car garage—was reduced by aone of the premier collectors of modern art in Santa Barbara. The current owners of mere 200 square feet. A 3,051-square-foot habitable basement is proposed. The this historic house are in the process of restoring it tothere its original design. plans were reviewed by the SFDB November 3. Because were only four The problem is that two the traffic on Hot Springs increased since 1938, For causing commissioners, for denial, a vote on thehas project was postponed. thosewhat the owners consider excessive noise in the garden, and especially in the secondwho do not want to see the McMansionization of the Upper East, please voice your story bedrooms. TheSFDB owners are proposing a 12-foot- high sound wall 400 feet objections at the next meeting. longSanta alongBarbara the HotStreet: Springs. The wall is to be insideAsthe 20-foot setback 1721 the George Edwards House. previously reported,where this wall height is not regulated by ordinance. The property rises about 10 feet from 1887 Queen Anne Victorian has been slowly deteriorating since 2006. The previous Hot Springs enhancingthe the wall’s Montecito Association owners had demolished rear of theimpact. house inBoth orderthe to build a two-story addition.and MBAR voiced They ranhave out of moneyobjections. and the addition was abandoned, leaving the rear open to the elements. New owners have stepped in, and at the HLC meetingStreet November 19 the St Anthony’s: Although the Franciscan seminary on Garden is now presented plansAcademy, to rehabilitate structure plans for a newitrear Garden Street for the most Santa with Barbara residents, willaddition alwaysthat be the would emulate theas 1887 design. landmark known St. Anthony’s. The school is located within the boundaries of El 1330 Chapala Street, Arlington Apartments. Detlev Peikert’s plans for a three-story, Continued on Page 4 December 2014 THE CAPITAL 3 A Celebration of Miss Chase F By Cheri Rae rom all indications, Miss Pearl Chase liked celebrating her birthday. As the story goes, she invited members of the community who were fellow Scorpios to join her in a celebration each year. And the Santa Barbara community threw her big parties on her 80th and 90th birthdays. So it’s only fitting that the Pearl Chase Society would join in the fun: last year, on her 125th, it was a big celebration, complete with a memorable skit and the debut of the clever ditty, “Spanish Revival,” penned by Erin Graffy. This year, Kellam de Forest was determined to keep the tradition going; he enlisted the assistance of some friends and Board members for a smaller, yet still meaningful observance. Thank you to Barbara Boyd, Sue Adams and Kitty Peri for their help, as well as the spirited—and quite talented— Erin Graffy who returned in her role as Miss Pearl Chase. Suffice to say, Erin’s re-work of “It Ain’t Necessarily So” is (likely) the first song ever to include the words “abbatoir,” “Mirasol” and “Moreton Bay.” And as she noted, in the proper character of Miss Chase, “It Ain’t Necessarily So” must be rephrased as “It surely is not necessarily so.” Arnoldi’s was a great location for the event, which attracted community members including President of the Lutah Maria Riggs Society Gretchen Lieff and her husband Robert Lieff; our new president and CEO of the Natural History Museum, Luke Swetland; former City Parks Supervisor and County Parks Director Mike Pahos (who worked with Miss Chase), and many other friends and members of the Pearl Chase Society. It was a festive evening, made all the more memorable because we also celebrated Kellam’s recent 88th birthday. We look forward to next November 16th. Photos by John McKinney. A proper birthday celebration, complete with Pearl’s Girls—Erin Graffy and Barbara Boyd decked out in yards of pearls— exquisite roses from the Lieff’s garden, and the recognition of Kellam de Forest’s recent 88th birthday. 42-foot high, 33-unit apartment building project on Sola Street next to the Arlington Theater took another step towards acceptance by the HLC November 19. Remaining issues relate to making the building appear to be three separate structures by varying the window frame colors and tile on the roof. The 55-foot-high elevator tower, although not visible from Sola Street, needs a finial. The historic Arlington Hotel garden gate still is isolated on Sola and Chapala. 1626 Santa Barbara Street. Post/Hazeltine has prepared a Phase 1 Historic structures report. The house was built in 1904 in the American Eclectic style. Following the report’s recommendation, the HLC asked that the house be deemed a Structure of Merit along with its historic stonewalls and the large ficus tree. The proposed addition of a ground floor master and three-car attached garage with a second story was considered inappropriate. The ficus is to remain. The Pearl Chase Society First Class Postage Post Office Box 92121 Santa Barbara, CA 93190-2121 Address Correction Requested FIRST CLASS MAIL Preservation Watch Continued B O OfromKPage 2R E V I E W New and Renewing Members “Way Back When: Santa Barbara in 1914” J. Green JULY by Betsy Rick and Cathy Closson Task Force is now working on policies. NS Ceramic, Inc. / Carl and Nola Stucky Renewals Kellam de Forest Victoria Hall Author Betsy J. Green’s newest book, “Way Back When: Santa Barbara Leland Walmsley / Dr.dollop and Mrs. RobertBetsy’s Konnie Gault in 1914,” tellsisitwaiting like it was, along with a healthy of humor. The HLC for the Ensemble everGREEN landscape Nancy Golden history humor column, “Wayplans Back When.” is readBaum by thousands of Santa Theaterand to submit their revised architects, inc. Keith Green C. Berry Barbarans each month the localsteps website has compiledJane her and Terry for the entryway. Theonexisting columns, alongago withwhen interesting comments from Edhat readers, into the first of Marty and Joe Blum Honikman worked years the building her series of books on Santa Barbara history—one year at a time. SEPTEMBER was a church, used only on Sundays, but Joyce H. Bryan Dr. Karl L. and Nancy in Santa Barbara was the year of the tango, a 500-year flood, “tidal the1914 configuration is not compatible with Renewals Hutterer Grant and Anne-Marie waves,” stuntrequirements. pilots, Buffalo Bill, Pancho Villa, sex at the Arlington Hotel, today’s ADA Hal and Louise Boucher Castleberg Stella Larson knee-length bathing suits, the war in Europe, an X-rated film, Peter-the-movieThe Hotel Californian Steve Dowty Meanley Collins dog, glowing fish, Mule Man, Rattlesnake Jim,Lani Flying “A” films, Martha Amy and Mike At the HLC meeting on September Mayfield Nora Duncan Graham, German warships, Charlie Chaplin, the Peggy Rose Parade, and much more. Martens 14,“Way the City SantaSanta Barbara revealed BackofWhen: Barbara in David and Ann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Suzanne and Duncan that the to have 1914” (72current pages, owners $9.95 + appear tax, published Dwelley Mellichamp MEMBERSHIP NOTES by Maureen Masson Plummer (formerly Kati sufficient funds to moveatahead on the by El Barbareno) is sold Chaucer’s, the New Members Pearl Chase Society Smith-Tretheway) Pat Musarra Betsy J. Green plansDen, to demolish most Shop, of theand Hotel Book Tecolote Book other Llewellyn Goodfield Membership Renewals Max and Shelly Ruston New Member Carol Newman Jill Dore Kent Californian. The It plans callavailable for stabilizing for November 2014 fine bookstores. is also online Robert Young and the existing four walls while the entire Pearl Chase Society Griffin and Crane, Dawn M. O’Brien Bill and Nyna Mahan at Carolyn N. Cogan Sandra Rezzonico Membership Renewals interior is gutted, then retrofitted with General Contractors, Mrs. Marjorie M. Patricia Ottoboni Trish Davis for October 2014 James A. and steel posts Betsy and beams. NOTE: J. Green will be Inc. Nelson Steven Pliha NoraL.Duncan Geraldine G. Turner Ellwood T. “Woody” speaking about her book at public Goleta Max and Shelly Ruston SandraLisa Rezzonico Barrett, II Reich andand Mr. and Mrs. events the for Santa Historical AUGUST Any at plans the Barbara City of Goleta to Mary Louise Days Bob Johnson Forrest Wilde Frank and Leslie Bob Young Museum on Wednesday, have the HLAC administerDecember the County10, Lisa Reich Note:Renewals Membership in the Pearl Chase Society provides the opportunity to be aSchipper part of an important and at the Santa Barbara Club landmarks now within the Yacht city limits organization dedicated to preserving sites of enduring value in and around Santa Merrie Chaney Gina and AlexBarbara. Ziegler Ethel Scar on January hasMonday, been put aside while19. the Goleta City Council tackles new zoning ordinances. Don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook.
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