Lincoln Elementary Our mission at Lincoln Elementary School is to provide a nurturing environment where we model and promote life-long learning so that each of our students learns to their full potential. 4200 Daniels Vancouver, WA 98660 Office: 360.313.2300 Attendance Line: 360.313.1424 Craig Homnick, Principal Eva Johnson, Secretary Jean Gelder, Clerk Vancouver Public Schools December 19, 2014 All Day, Every Day The first grading period for this school year came to an end on Tuesday, November 25. Report cards went home on Friday, December 12th. Teachers provided feedback about student individual growth and progress toward the grade level learning standards. Holiday Wishes to All of Our Lincoln Friends & Families Winter Break December 22 – January 2, 2015 No School Monday, January 12 One Hour Early Release @ 2:30 Thursday, January 15 LPSG General Meeting @ 6:30 Friday, January 16 LPSG Fundraiser @ Chuck E Cheese 3-9 PM Monday, January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day No School Thursday, January 22 Family Math Night @ 6:00 PM Monday, January 26 One Hour Early Release @ 2:30 Wednesday, January 28 Semester Break NO SCHOOL This is a good time to reflect on how the school year is going and to celebrate success. It is also time to set goals with your child for the next trimester. Are they developing good study habits? Are they making time for homework, math practice, and reading daily? Do they seek help from the teacher when needed? This is also a good time to reflect on student attendance. Being at school on time and ready to learn every day sets children up for success in school – All Day, Every Day is our motto this year. There are two important sections to the report cards. The first section addresses Levels of Performance for Literacy and Mathematics Foundations. This indicates to you whether your child is learning at a “Developing” level (1), a “Basic” level (2), a “Proficient” level (3) or an “Advanced” level (4 – consistently performing above grade level). The second important section of the report card is the section that addresses Content Areas and Lifelong Learning Skills with student performance indicators of Rarely/Never (R), Sometimes (S), Often (O), or Consistently (C). Not all students currently have the background skills and knowledge to perform at grade level in every academic area. We expect that they all will get there with our support. However, every child can be at their best when it comes to trying, participating and putting forth maximum effort. Those efforts will lead to student success. Let’s work together to ensure that your child practices and uses the learning skills that will bring lifelong success. Remember to have your child return the signed envelope to their homeroom teacher after you have read the report card. The report card is yours to keep. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. On behalf of the entire staff at Lincoln, we thank you for your support and partnership. We wish you a safe holiday vacation full of rich learning and special memories. Craig Homnick FAMILY ROOM NEWS Talent Show Auditions Tuesday, January 13th 3:30-5:00 PM Be sure to practice your talent this winter break so you are ready to audition. Permission slips to audition will be sent home January 6th. All students, K-5th grade, are invited to audition for the 2015 Lincoln Talent Show that will be held on February 12th, 6-8pm. NOTICIAS DE LA SALA FAMILIAR Audiciones de Show de Talentos Martes, 13 de Enero 3:30-5:00 PM Asegurese de practicar su talento estas vacaciones de invierno. La hoja de permiso a la audicion sera enviado a casa el 6 de enero. Todos los estudiantes de K-5 grado se invita a hacer una audicion para el show de talentos de Lincoln 2015 que se celebrara el jueves, 12 de febrero, 6-8 PM. Minecraft Night Thursday, January 22nd 6:00-8:00 pm Noche de Minecraft Jueves, 22 de Enero 6:00-8:00 pm SAVE THE DATE RESERVA LA FECHA Employment Opportunities Vancouver Public School currently has openings for substitute: teachers, para-educators, nutrition food services, and bus drivers. If you are interested in employment, information about positions and application materials are located on the district website ( under the Employment tab (Apply Online). If you need assistance, please contact the Human Resources Department ( or 360-3131080). Parenting the Love & Logic Way® FREE Registration Starts January 6th Wednesdays 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1 3:45-5:30pm - Lincoln Elementary Taught by Mr. Homnick and Ms. Jessica Would you like to feel more confident as a parent? Would you like to have more fun parenting? This six session parenting program is designed to give you practical skills that can be used immediately! Limited space available. Childcare provided. Register by Januanary 16th To register please contact Jessica Blatt at (360)313-2314 or School Closure Information: To find out if schools are closed: • Check “Emergency Closure Information” on the district website: click on SNOWFLAKE • Sign up for free Flash Alert text and/or email messages. Both websites listed above will take you to the Emergency Messages page for Vancouver School District. Find “Emergency Alerts,” click “Subscribe” and follow directions. • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see our school closure posts: VancouverPublicSchools BRRRRR….. COLD AND RAINY WEATHER IS HERE! Please make sure your child has a coat with a hood because we often go outside even if it’s raining. Caps, hats, and hoods are not to be worn in school, but can be worn during outdoor recess. Our students go outside for recess unless there is extreme weather and it is important that we keep them dressed warmly. Look What’s Happening at JPC ~ Columbia River Pre-K Booster Program ~ Do you know a child that will be entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2015? Give your child a boost towards their school success ~ Enroll them in the CR Pre-K Booster Program! HS students work one-on-one tutoring Pre-K students in preliteracy and school readiness skills. Focus is on letter identification and sounds, numbers, writing names and letters, pencil grasp, and other school readiness skills. Program starts February 24th and runs through the end of May Tuesday & Thursday at 8:30-9:25 AM Location: Columbia River High School Cost $20 For questions or more information contact or call 313-3900 Sign up now ~ limited spots available Saturday Adventure Club December 13, 2014 Enchanted Elves 9:00-3:00 PM. Cost: $25.00 per student, ages 6-11 Download and print registration form at on the events page. Swim lessons Saturdays December 13th - January 31 $56.00 for 8-1/2 hour lessons Tuesdays/Thursdays January 6-29th $56.00 for 8- 1/2 hour lessons Fridays Adult Lessons Stroke Improvement 6:00-6:45 Beginner 6:50-7:35 Lessons fliers and registration forms can be found on the web site (events) WINTER BREAK POOL SCHEDULES @Propstra Aquatic Center Monday-Friday 8:00-10:30 AM & 11:00-2:00 PM Fridays 6:00-8:00 PM @Jim Parsley Community Center Monday-Friday Public swim 11-12:30 PM, 1-3:30 PM, 4:15-5:45 pm, & 6:00-7:30 PM Saturday Public Swim 11:00-12:30 PM, 12:45-2:30 PM, & 5:30-7:30 PM. Sunday Public Swim 12:00-1:30 PM, 1:45-3:30 PM & 4:00-5:30 PM Rock Wall Friday 5:30-7:45 PM Saturday 12:30-3:00 PM & 6:00-7:45 PM Sunday 1:00-4:00 PM Please note Holiday closures: December 24-25th (JPCC & Propstra) December 31st Building closes @4:00 pm. (JPCC only, Propstra open regular hours) January 1st, 2015 (JPCC & Propstra) Please see additional information such as fees, registration and fliers on our web page, or Winter is here and the holiday season has arrived! We all know this is a special time of year and the children are filled with excitement and anticipation. This is also a time when we can feel “seasonal” stress and pressure. Let’s all remember to slow down and enjoy the little things in life that bring us happiness. Try to find time to spend with your children just talking, playing games, or reading together. Giving them your time and attention is one of the greatest gifts they can receive. Wishing you the most joyous of holiday seasons from your Lincoln Staff. Emergency Updates New phone number… Have you let the school office know? It is so very important that we are able to reach parents at all times. If you have an injured or sick child we need to be able to reach you. Either stop by the school office or send a note with your child. Citizen’s Complaint Procedures Districts are required to disseminate to parents of students adequate information about the Title I, Part A written complaint procedures for resolving issues of violation(s) of a Federal statue or regulation that applies to Title I, Part A. In other words, a citizen complaint is a written statement that alleges a violation of a federal rule, law, or regulation or state regulation that applies to a federal program. The Citizen’s Complaint Procedure is used after a person is unable to reach a satisfactory solution through the District, ESD, or school service provider’s complaint process. Lincoln Elementary School has multiple locations in which parents can access this form. 1. School website-Information tab 2. School front office Información sobre el cierre de escuelas debido al mal tiempo en 2014-15 El cierre de escuelas y/o atraso de la apertura se decide lo mas temprano posible en la manana. La primera prioridad a la hora de decidir si cerrar las escuelas o atrasar la apertura de las mismas, es la seguridad de los estudiantes y los empleados. Si las escuelas estan cerradas o son cerradas antes de la hora de salida regular, toda actividad despues de clases o por la noche sera cancelada. El uso de espacio en las escuelas por grupos comunitarios sera cancelado solamente si las escuelas estan cerradas. Si no se ha reportado ninguna informacion sobre el cierre de escuelas, entonces las escuelas estan abiertas de acuerdo al horario regular. Hay varias maneras de obtener informacion sobre el cierre de escuelas: • Vaya a la pagina web del Distrito Escolar VPS en: • Vaya a FlashAlert en • Suscribase para recibir gratuitamente anuncios sobre cierres de escuelas; vaya a: para apuntarse. FlashAlert ya no envia notificaciones por medio de mensajes de texto. • Baje la aplicacion movil gratuita del Distrito de las Escuelas Publicas de Vancouver a su telefono inteligente o tableta, • Siganos en Facebook y Twitter para ver nuestra informacion sobre cierres de escuelas: VancouverPublicSchools y @VancouverSD. • Llame la Linea Informativa sobre cierres de escuelas por nieve al 360-313-1401, Informacion General al 360-3131000, o la linea informativa automatizada al 360313-1234. • Compruebe la informacion publicada en las paginas web de estaciones de radio, television y periodicos. • Si las escuelas son cerradas antes de la hora regular, el distrito enviara mensajes automatizados por telefono a las familias
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