FE B 04 2 0 15 Wednesday HARMONY SCIENCE ACADEMY HOUSTON HIGH SCHOOL PHONE: 713 492 0214 ◊ FAX: 713 640 5581 ◊ W EB: WWW .HSHIGH.ORG Mail Academic News Dear Parent(s)/Guardians, This notice is to serve as a reminder of our HSAHH dismissal and loitering policies. Dismissal is at 3:25 p. m. and students must be picked up no later than 30 minutes after dismissal time each day. Students are not allowed to remain on campus unsupervised after designated dismissal times, and a student who remains on campus unsupervised after dismissal time may be subject to state criminal trespass laws, as well as disciplinary consequences per HPS policy. For parents unable to pick up their student by the designated dismissal time, and need supervision for their child, HSAHH is now offering after school care in the form of a Homework Study Hall. Please request additional information from the HSAHH front office to register your student for the after school program. As per HPS policy the school reserves the right, for students who have not been picked up after their designated dismissal time, to be placed in the School’s after school program. Parents of these students will be responsible for all fees incurred as a result of such placement Dismissal and loitering policies, which have been communicated previously, can be found on pages 14-15 of the HPS Student/Parent Handbook. Please review these policies, which can be found on the school website through the 2014-2015 Student Parent Handbook link. The loitering warning sheet is attached to this week’s Wednesday Mail. STUDY ABROAD A Whole World of Opportunities Awaits You... Have you always dreamed of traveling to cool places, meeting lots of different people, and maybe learning a new language and study? Please contact Mr.Citci or Mr.Damirov at mcitci@harmonytx.org or rdamirov@harmonytx.org for more information. All students who are 9th grade and up can apply. Priority Deadline*: November 21st, 2014 Regular / Scholarship Deadline : Feb 13th, 2014 *This deadline is for early applications including scholarships limited for the first five applicants. A student can use up to two discounts. Scholarships are shown on pg. 5 of the Wednesday Mail. Price includes all transportation, accommodation, breakfast, dinner. Academic News Testing Calendar HPS GOALS AND VALUES Click to View 2020 Summary ↑↑↑ CORE VALUES High Expectations: Every student will learn and grow into a successful and productive citizen Academic Updates: LOTE Spanish— Ms. Ruiz’s Class: Dedicated Staff: We do whatever it takes to help our students reach their goals. Working Together: Our students, parents, and staff work in harmony to create a strong community of success Academic Updates— Social Studies Department: Character Matters: We guide our students to value integrity, show respect, and be responsible. Spanish Tutorial days with Mrs. Ruiz (Room 119): Spanish 3-Thursdays after school AP SP Lang 4 & AP SP LIT 5- Tuesdays and Fridays after school. (Fridays we repeat practice activities done on Tuesday.) Spanish conversation practice, homework support, redo, etc. ***Schedule your days in advance. 1st MOCK Exam for Mr. Nichols’ AP U.S. Government and Politics will take place this Saturday, February 7 from 8:00-11:00. SEEKING PARENT VOLUNTEERS FOR STEM / MULTI LTICUL CULTUR CULTURAL TURAL FESTIVAL: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28. CONTACT MR. NICHOLS - RNICHOLS@HARMONYTX.ORG Academic Updates— LOTE Spanish Department: To all Hispanic Honor Society Chapter Jaime Escalante/Spanish Club members: Mandatory meeting on - All members & elected officers need to attend. New members welcome. Members read the Edmodo announcements and minutes. WHEN: Feb. 5th at 3:40 pm (After School) WHERE: Room 119 STEM for All: Every student will graduate with a strong understanding and appreciation of STEM and how it connects to the real world Announcements Free Parent Workshop / I-SWEEEP Judges Needed Dear Parent(s)/Guardians, Please be informed that Harmony Public Schools are collaborating with Partners Resource Network whose mission is to empower and support parents of children and young adults with disabilities to be effective advocates for their children and promote positive parent/professional partnerships. As part of this partnership, you are invited to a free parent workshop about Special Education that would help you effectively access the services needed for your child. Please see the details of the training below. Date: February 13, 2015 Time: 5:30 PM Topic: Transition to Adulthood Workshop Description: This workshop will provide parents with IDEA transition requirements for a student with a disability preparing for life after high school. We will cover important aspects of transition planning, information typically included in a transition plan, how transition plans are developed and by whom, and resources for more information on transition Workshop presented by: Ana Esparza Location: Harmony School of Innovation 9421 W. Sam Houston Parkway South Houston, TX 77099 For more information: Contact Eric Petito at 713-492-0214 or email at epetito@harmonytx.org Dear Sir/Madam, WE NEED JUDGES! For Energy, Engineering, and Environmental Science Saturday, May 9th, 2015 **Participants will earn 3 Professional Development Hours (PDH)** We invite you to be part of the 2015 International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, and Environment) Project Olympiad, I-SWEEEP 2015. I-SWEEEP, The International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, and Environment) Project, is a groundbreaking science fair competition open to high school students. I-SWEEEP is organized by Harmony Public Schools. Harmony is a K-12 Public Charter School System. The I-SWEEEP Organizing committee is looking for professionals with engineering and other related backgrounds to evaluate research projects. Registration options: 1. Online Registration Please visit https://www.isweeep.org/isweeep/judges.aspx to register online. 2. Registration by e-mail E-mail the following information to judging@isweeep.org : Your name, Company/Institution Name, Position/Title, Phone Number, and Email address. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email automatically confirming your registration to judge for the contest. Note: If more judges register than available spaces for the contest, we will still keep your name as a potential judge. As the contest approaches, we may send you a request to appear should additional spots become available. *Mileage reimbursement, complementary parking, breakfast/lunch, and an ISWEEEP logo T-shirt will be provided at no cost for ALL judges* Student Activity News UPCOMING EVENTS: SOCIAL MEDIA Harmony Music Festival The Music Departments from surrounding Harmony Public Schools have come together to bring you the Harmony Music Festival, a day full of art, music and fun. Harmony Public School students from all round will exhibit their artwork to the public before performing various musical numbers that will amaze and delight. Everyone is invited to the Harmony Music Festival. Please be sure to mark your calendars for this collaborative event. TIME TIME:: TBA DATE DATE:: Saturday, February 21st LOCATION LOCATION:: Central Office Multipurpose Room A Journey Through Time In honor of Black History Month HSA-HH is putting on a program to celebrate the history of African Americans and their effect on our nation’s history. Students will perform dances, skits and other theatrical pieces, sending the audience on a trip through time. DATE DATE: Friday, February 20th Be up to date on the latest HSAHH campus news. Follow us: LOCATION LOCATION: HSA-HH Cafeteria Click Me! ↑↑↑ Get access to your child’s progress instantly. Download our Harmony Parent Mobile App. Available in the Google Play and iTunes store. Click for Android ↑↑↑ Click for Apple ↑↑↑ Scholarship Category CRLP A Honor Roll Free/Reduced Lunch Advanced Clubs LOTE HSA Athletic Team Member Final Cost After Scholarships: Scholarship Amount $ 2150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $ ------------------- Harmony Science Academy Houston High 9431 W. Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX, 77099 Phone: 713 492 0214 Fax: 713 640 5581Web: www.hshigh.org Date: _______________, 2015 WARNING Excessive late pick up after dismissal time _______________________________________has been in late pick up the following times this school year: result in a parent teacher conference with administration. 1-_______________ 2-_______________ The next late pick up will 3-_______________ Grade Regular Dismissal Afterschool Program/Tutorials 7th-12th 3:25 PM LATE: 3:55pm 4:15 PM LATE: 4:30pm Loitering Students are not allowed to remain on campus unsupervised after designated dismissal times. The school will not have adult supervision after school hours. A student who remains on campus unsupervised after dismissal time may be subject to state criminal trespass laws. Disciplinary consequences for remaining on campus unsupervised after designated dismissal times within a school year are as follows: # of Times Unsupervised after Dismissal Time 2-3 Consequences Warning notice sent to parent informing of loitering policy and possible consequences for continued loitering 4 Meeting with parents 5 Student assigned to Saturday detention; school contacts CPS 7-9 10-14 15 and above Student assigned to one day in-school-suspension Student assigned to one day out-of-school suspension Student assigned up to three days out-of-school suspension; school contacts Please sign and return to Front office the following day. Student Name: _____________________ Parent Name: _______________________ Student Signature: ______________________Date: __________ Parent Signature: ______________________Date: ___________ T.E.A NOTIFICATION Federal Report Cards Now Available Dear Parent: Harmony Science Academy Houston High is sharing this information about the district and your child’s campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website at this link: http://www.hshigh.org/ or are also available on the Texas Education Agency’s website at: http://tea.texas.gov/About_TEA/Laws_and_Rules/NCLB_and_ESEA/NCLB-ESEA_Resources/Federal_Report_Card/. Information on these report cards includes: Part I: Percent Tested and Student Achievement by Proficiency Level – Provides the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) performance results and participation for each subject area and grade level tested. Participation reports also include reports of the participation of Children with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) by assessment type. Part II: Student Achievement and State Academic Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) – Provides the AMO outcomes and data table of STAAR performance results for each subject area tested in the accountability subset. This section also includes participation rates on STAAR for reading/English and mathematics, use of alternative assessments, plus four-year and five-year graduation rates. Part III: Priority and Focus Schools – Priority schools are the lowest 5% of Title I served campuses based on performance in reading and mathematics and graduation rates. Focus schools are 10% of Title I served campuses, not already identified as priority schools, that have the widest gaps between student group performance and safeguard targets. Part IV: Teacher Quality Data – Provides information on teacher quality in three parts. Part A – Percent of Teachers by Highest Degree Held – Professional qualifications of all public elementary and secondary teachers in the Texas. Part B and C – Teachers with Emergency/Provisional Credentials, Highly Qualified (HQ) Teachers Low Poverty/Low Poverty Summary Reports – Percentage of all public elementary and secondary school teachers teaching with emergency or provisional credentials, and the percentage of classes in the state not taught by highly qualified teachers disaggregated by high-poverty compared to low-poverty schools. Part V: Graduates Enrolled in Texas Institution of Higher Education (IHE) – Provides the percentage of students who enroll and begin instruction at an institution of higher education in Texas during the school year (fall or spring semester) following high school graduation. Part VI: Statewide National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Results – Provides most recent NAEP results for Texas showing reading and mathematics performance results and participation rates, disaggregated by student group. If you have difficulty accessing the information from the website, hard copies of the reports are available at the district or campus office. If you have questions about the information, please contact 713 4920214. Sincerely, Mehmet M. Subas, M. Ed Principal T.E.A NOTIFICACIÓN Informe Federal Tarjetas Ahora Disponible Estimado padre de familia: El Harmony Science Academy Houston High está compartiendo con usted la información sobre el distrito y la escuela de su hijo como parte de las obligaciones que se requieren bajo la ley federal del Que Ningún Niño Sé Que Atrás del 2001 (NCLB, por sus siglas en inglés). Las Tarjetas de Reporte de NCLB para el estado entero el distrito escolar y cada una de las escuelas del distrito están ahora disponibles en la página de internet en este enlace: http://www.hshigh.org/ y también están disponibles en la página de internet de la Agencia de Educación de Texas: http://tea.texas.gov/About_TEA/Laws_and_Rules/NCLB_and_ESEA/NCLB-ESEA_Resources/Federal_Report_Card/. La información de las tarjetas de reporte incluye lo siguiente: Parte I: Rendimiento de los Estudiantes por Nivel de Competencia - Proporciona los resultados de rendimiento del programa de evaluación académica (STAAR, por sus siglas en inglés) para cada materia y grado evaluado. Parte II: Los Objetivos Académicos Anuales Mensurables del estado – Proporciona los resultados de rendimiento de las pruebas STAAR en cada materia. También incluye el índice de cuatro y cinco años de las tasas de graduación y las tasas de participación en las pruebas STAAR en lectura/inglés y matemáticas. Parte III: Escuelas con Enfoque o Escuelas con Prioridad - las escuelas con prioridad son las que se encuentran dentro del 5% más bajo del Título I en el rendimiento en lectura y matemáticas y las tasas de graduación. Las escuelas con enfoque constituyen el 10 % del Título I que aún no son identificadas como escuelas con prioridad, que tienen la mayor diferencias entre el desempeño de grupo de estudiantes y garantizar los objetivos. Parte IV: Calidad de Datos de Maestros – proporciona información sobre la calidad de los maestros en tres partes. Parte A – porcentaje de maestros con el más alto nivel de título obtenido - cualificaciones profesionales de todos los maestros en las escuelas públicas de primaria y secundaria en Texas. Parte B y C – maestros con credenciales provisionales o de emergencia, maestros altamente calificados (highly qualified), informes resumidos sobre la pobreza/con bajos índices de pobreza - porcentaje de todos los maestros en las escuelas públicas de primaria y secundaria trabajando con credenciales provisionales o de emergencia, el porcentaje de los salones de clases en el estado sin maestros que no están altamente calificados separados por niveles altos de pobreza en comparación con escuelas de bajos ingresos. Parte V: Graduados Matriculados en una Institución de Educación Post-Secundaria en Texas (Universidad) – proporciona el porcentaje de estudiantes que se matricularon y comenzaron en una institución de educación post-secundaria en el año escolar después de que se graduaron de la secundaria. Parte VI: Resultados Estatales de La Evaluación Nacional del Progreso Educativo (NAEP, por sus siglas en inglés) – proporciona los resultados de NAEP más recientes en Texas del rendimiento en matemáticas y lectura y la tasa de participación, separados por grupos de alumnos. Si usted tiene dificultad obteniendo esta información del sitio de internet, copias impresas de los informes están disponibles en la oficina central del distrito o a través de la escuela en la oficina del principal. Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de la información, por favor comuníquese con 713 492 0214. Atentamente, Mehmet M. Subas, M.Ed. Principal
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