Term 4 Newsletter 2014 - Ocean Reef Senior High School

December 2014
Subject Selection - next year our Year 11 students will be beginning
their studies of the new WACE courses. Our Year 12 students will be
continuing with the previous senior school courses. The effect of the
implementation of the new courses has been to reduce the range of
subjects available. This may affect subject choices in Year 11 and 12
in the future. For more information about this, feel free to contact the
Senior School Deputy Principal.
The information gathered from the parents, students and staff surveys
which we have just completed will provide valuable data against the
key targets of our 2014 to 2016 ORSHS Business Plan and assist
with our planning for 2015.
From the Principal
The school year is rapidly drawing
to an end and I would like to wish
all members of the school community a wonderful Christmas break. I
hope that our leaving year 12’s
soon get news that their hard work
and application to studies has
helped them achieve their school
goals and they are on track to
achieve their preferred TAFE,
university or employment pathways
for the future.
New School Funding Model
In my last report I indicated that soon we would know the effect of the
new Student Centred Funding Model on resourcing the schools priorities. Many senior high schools have had significantly reduced funding as a result of the new resourcing arrangements. At Ocean Reef
SHS, we have carried out some whole school restructuring to produce
considerable financial efficiencies. We have been able to manage this
reduced level of funding effectively and the new resourcing arrangements will have minimal impact on classrooms and learning programs
across the school.
Warren Smith, Principal
Parent Survey
Thank you to those parents that completed the recent parent survey,
providing valuable feedback about our school. There were several
matters raised by parents and I would like to clarify these points.
These being:
Relief Teachers - our school is using higher than usual numbers of
relief teachers due to system wide requirements for teachers to expend accrued long service leave within the next two years. This requirement is occurring in all schools across the state. At Ocean Reef
SHS, we are managing this to ensure that senior school classes are
impacted to a lesser extent. In all cases we will ensure that we will
contract our best relief teachers to manage classes, particularly
where extended relief is required.
School Dress Code - for 2015, we have introduced a revised school
uniform which is available for viewing on our website. Our uniform
shop at the school will no longer operate. We have entered into a
new contract about uniform provision with our usual supplier. Uniforms can be accessed from their shop in Joondalup, six days a week
Feedback to Parents - for next year, we have made arrangements to
improve feedback to parents about student progress and to inform
parents about important calendar dates. We have developed a
school ‘App’ which will be linked to our website and will provide more
ready communication to our parents about all school matters. Also,
the school will be using a new ‘Connect’ software program which will
be the major tool for parent communication. Parents can expect more
regular communication about student progress and assessment as a
Homework - our school has a homework policy which is on our website. This policy lists expectations of students with respect to homework. If parents have concerns over the amount of homework which
is being set, they should contact their child’s teachers.
Year 7 and 8 Transition
Our school is continuing to plan for the transition of Year 7 students to
our school in 2015. We have acquired several extra classrooms and
work has started on landscaping of the Yr 7 area for next year.
Thanks must go to the P&C for the more than generous allocation of
funds to upgrade this area. The school has also allocated extra funding to improve the furniture to other rooms the Yr 7’s have been allocated. These rooms will be renewed (ie painting/equipment) in readiness for next year. Just some of the arrangements which have been
actioned for the Yr 7’s include:
having their own area
going to the canteen at breaks 10 mins early
closeness to the oval at recess/lunchtime
renewed classrooms (equipment/furniture)
extra play equipment
renewed ground landscaping
safe areas for students
peer support students to assist their transition
spending much of their subjects in one room
employing several high quality teachers from primary schools
The Year 7 and 8 Parent Evening on Wednesday,3rd December was
well received by parents, with over 400 adults in attendance. Our
‘Orientation Day’ on Friday, 5th December was a first opportunity for
these students to be familiar with the school. About 170 Year 7’s and
160 Year 8’s were involved in a wide range of skills and activities on
the day. To assist with the transition we have added a Year 7 and 8
Transition site to our website. Parents will be able to find information
relevant to the transition of students to our school in 2015. We will be
regularly updating the site with new information, so we recommend
that you visit this on a frequent basis.
Venturi Drive, Ocean Reef WA 6027
tel:(08) 9307 0222 fax: (08) 9307 5424
SMS Absence: 0409 900
Email: enquiries.oceanreef.shs@education.wa.edu.au
web: www.oceanreef.wa.edu.au
CHAT Award
Schools in the 21st Century need to be technology rich schools. In the
future schools that are proficient in the use of technologies will enhance student engagement and learning. This year we have implemented ‘PTO’ (Parent Teacher On-line) and ‘SSO’ (Subject Selection
On-line), plus the Academy software program for attendance. In 2015,
we will be implementing the ‘BYOD’( Bring Your Own Device’ program
at the school, once we make the necessary infrastructure improvements. We will provide you with more information about this early next
Ocean Reef SHS and another 19 schools were recently awarded the
CHAT award for their commitment to the long term wellbeing of their
students using the whole school approach, Changing Health Acting
Together (CHAT). CHAT aims to support schools to structure and
implement sustainable, whole-school, health initiatives that focus on
building resilience through innovative approaches to drug and road
safety education that relate directly to their specific school context.
The process is a „best practice‟ approach to resilience, drug and
alcohol education and road safety. It brings together curriculum resources, teacher professional development, school processes, student consultation and parental involvement.
Reports and last day of school
All students in years 8,9 and 10 need to be at school every day up to
and including Thursday 18th December. Students in years 8, 9 and 10
will be issued with their reports on the afternoon of Wednesday 17th
December. Reports will not be issued earlier than this date.
First day of school in 2015
All students need to be on site and ready to commence period one no
later than 8:55am on Monday 2nd February, 2015
Student Council 2015
Congratulations to our new School Captains – Jonathon Carroll and
Stuart Flynn. The selection panel members were particularly impressed by the way they both demonstrated their sound understanding of the ORCA positive behaviour matrix and also the school’s mission statement – The Ocean Reef Way and how these link to her their
responsibilities as School Captains.
It was wonderful to meet our 2015 councillors and many parents who
came to the school on Thursday, 13th November to be part of the
councillor presentation ceremony. I hope that the experience of being
a student councillor allows each of these leaders of the student body
to further develop their leadership and management skills and help
them in achieving their potential in their careers and personal lives.
• Sara Burke who attended a reception at Kings Park with His Royal Highness Prince Edward, in recognition of her ongoing achievements while undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Sara was
invited to speak at a charity event of The Crown, marking the 50th
Anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh Award in WA. The guest of
honour was again Prince Edward among an audience of 350 people. Sara was interviewed on stage about her recent experience
of walking the Kokoda Track in July of this year.
• Brendan Keilar who has been chosen to represent Australia at the
Lombok International Tutle Rescue from 12th - 16th December.
The scouts that have been chosen will be completing their World
Environment badge and will be assisting with the feeding and
cleaning of the turtle's environment including beach and ocean
cleanups, finding and collecting eggs from nests to protect them
from poaching and educating the local primary school children.
• Baillie-Rose Keenan whose team, Stars, became the National
U15’s Women’s Lacrosse Champions at the tournament. The
Stars went through the entire competition undefeated and BaillieRose received the MVP award in the semi-final. Our WA girls
defeated teams from Victoria, South Australia and New Zealand
before taking out the competition in a thrilling grand final against
the Victorian team, Fire.
• Cameron Dyson who has been awarded the 2014 Options Employment Scholarship for Year 12-13 Students with a disability.
• Hana Stokes and Rachel Simmonds who have been selected in
the State U14 Indoor Netball team to play in the National Indoor
Competition playing in Perth from 28th November - 8th December.
Mr Warren Smith
CHAT Coordinator Mick Jackson-Pierce says, “A whole school approach means ensuring that students learn appropriate messages
and skills through the formal curriculum and classroom practices.
These must be supported by policy, guidelines and practices in the
student welfare and pastoral care areas.”
There are more than 90 CHAT schools in WA which are provided with
additional funding and staff professional learning to create a comprehensive approach to student health and wellbeing.
Mr Jackson-Pierce says, “Research shows that healthy students are
more likely to engage and succeed at school. Students have proven
that with the right skills they can make more positive lifestyle choices
which in turn, help them achieve better results in the classroom.”
The celebration acknowledged the hard work of schools and brings
together educators, volunteers, young people and health agencies all
tasked with keeping young people safer. Ocean Reef achieved a
Bronze award for our first year of participation. It is a great credit to
all of the staff at Ocean Reef SHS who work tirelessly to improve the
outcomes for the students at Ocean Reef.
“Schools do not operate outside society, they are a reflection of society itself, which is why it is important to engage with parents and the
wider community,” says Mr Jackson-Pierce.
SDERA is the State Government’s primary drug and road safety education strategy for young people. The CHAT process encourages a
holistic approach where students learn resilience skills to help them
build emotional intelligence, resolve conflicts and make positive lifestyle choices.
Student Achievement
Colours Awards 2014
A presentation and lunch was held on Thursday the 10th of October to
acknowledge the excellent results of our highest achievers in nonacademic subjects for all Years.
Colours Awards students are those who excel in Sport or in Music,
Drama, Art, Woodwork, Home Economics, leadership or citizenship.
They are nominated by teachers based on their performance in those
areas of school life.
Mr Warren Smith, the Principal, presented the Certificates and Badges to the successful students.
Bramley, Kalum
Carlsson, Louisa
Cass, Natalie
Conduit, Stephanie
Dyson, Cameron
Hegarty, Cassandra
Kenward, Madison
Marcel-Jones, Daniel
Mateo, Laura
Mateo, Nick
Maughan, April
Parkin, Jade
Parslow, Dylan
Singleton, Rebecca
Tan, Joelin
Welsh, Harriet
Photography Excellence
Dance Performance
Dance Performance
Work Interview Performance
Excellence in Sport
Dance Performance
Excellence in Drama
Performance in Woodwork
Excellence in Sport
Art Achievement
The Guest Speaker was Andjelka Matic, a former student who spoke
about her passion and commitment to helping others by establishing
and managing an international fund-raising organisation.
Beveridge, Charlotte
Clark, Alyssa
Keenan, Baillie-Rose
Marcollini, Layla
McKean, Lili
McKean, Travis
McKenna, Riley
Phipps, Kate
Roberts, Wernau
Suhartono, Jefferson
Vickers, Travis
Ward, Roisin
Bester, Madeli
Bokhari, Zahrah
Davis, Teka
Edwards, Bailey
McAllister-Liew, Lisette
McCarthy, Harry
Norton, Alex
O’Regan, Amy
Rabadia, Parisha
Raison, Sara
Simmons, Georgia
Stokes, Hana
Willis, Georgia
Dunstan, Hayden
Marchant, Coral
Rakich, John
Ryder-Hay, Shakyra
Sanders, Kayleigh
Sanft, Marisa
Seeley, Juandre
Smith, Rhiannon
Spangenberg, Marnus
Thomas, Jessica
Walker, Jessica
Woodhams, Harry
Worsfold, Samuel
Chilcott, Erika
Filmalter, Megan
Foster, Alexandrea
Hardy, Jordan
Holmes, Holly
Kynoch, Mihka
Meeson, Charlie-George
Oakes, Jesse
Preedy, Temily
Taylor, Clay
Timoko, Taine
Van Niekerk, Elana
Zaenker, Emilie
Art Achievement
Dance Performance
Dance Performance
Excellence in Music
Excellence in Sport
Dance Performance
Art Achievement
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Music
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Music
Dance Performance
Excellence in Sport
Dance Performance
Excellence in Music
Dance Performance
Art Achievement
Art Achievement
Excellence in Sport
Performance in Home Economics
Computer Science
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Sport
Dance Performance
Art Achievement
Excellence in Sport
Performance in Woodwork
Art Achievement
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Music
Dance Performance
Excellence in Music
Excellence in Sport
Performance in Woodwork
Performance in Woodwork
Dance Performance
Dance Performance
Leadership in Cadets
Leadership in IT
Excellence in Sport
Performance in Home Economics
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Sport
Excellence in Sport
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Workplace Learning
The endorsed program Workplace Learning has undergone significant
changes which will be effective at the start of 2015. Some of these
changes include:
• The title of the program. It is now known as Authority Developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL).
• The structure for delivering the course. At ORSHS students will
now be attending the workplace one day per week instead of
doing two X 2 week block placements. Year 11 students will be
placed in the workplace on Tuesdays and Year 12 students on
• Workplace Learning is now on the timetable instead of being
an ‘extra’ program offered to students.
• Students in the first few weeks of term 1 2015 will complete a
work readiness program and safety training before going out
on Work Placement. If students are not work ready – they will
not be sent out into the workplace until the requirements have
been met.
• Students will be required to reflect on their experiences and
answer questions in a Workplace Learning Logbook and a
Skills Journal after each 55 hours completed in a real workplace.
• There will be ‘study session’ included on the students’ timetable where they will have the opportunity to catch up on missed
work covered on their release day.
Visits to students in the workplace
• The Workplace Learning visits will be done by the WPL Coordinator, WPL class teachers as well as VET teachers who
deliver Training Packages to students at school.
Reporting Workplace Learning 2015 and beyond
• Schools will report to the Authority the number of hours completed in the workplace by each student.
• The number of hours completed will be printed on the student’s Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement
Workplace Learning 2015
Students will attend the workplace for 1 day per
Tuesday: Year 11 and Wednesday: Year 12
Term 1 Weeks 1 -3
Term 1 Weeks 1 -5
Term 1
Weeks 4-9
25 February
– 1 April
Term 1
Weeks 6-9
10 March –
1 April
Term 2
Weeks 1-5
22 April
– 20 May
Term 2
Weeks 1-10
21 April –
23 June
Term 2 Week 6
Term 2 Week 11
Term 2
Weeks 7-11
3 June –
1 July
Term 3
Weeks 1-10
21 April –
30 June
Term 3
Weeks 1-8
22 July –
9 September
Term 4
Weeks 1-4
13 October –
3 November
Term 3 Weeks 9 &10
Term 4 Weeks 1& 2
Term 4 Weeks 5,6&7
Year 11 Work Placement
Year 11 students completed their second block of Work Placement
during weeks 5 & 6 this term, from November 10 Nov - 21 Nov. Students were placed in various workplaces of their choice and the feedback from the employers and visiting staff was very pleasing. By participating in the Workplace Learning program students were given the
opportunity to achieve employment related skills in real workplace
Year 11 Workplace Learning 10 - 21 November 2014
Securing a Work Placement
• Students are expected to find their own Work Placement. We
have a database of employers students can access if they are
having difficulties finding a suitable employer. Please see
staff in the Careers/VET office if you need assistance.
• Students are to secure a workplace for Placement 1 before
the end of term 4 2014. This will help give us plenty of time to
finalise paperwork and do pre visits to the workplaces before
students commence work placement in 2015.
We are looking to increase the numbers of suitable employers on our
current database for Work Placement. If you are able to assist and
can offer Ocean Reef Senior High School students a Work Placement
during any of the following dates listed on the Workplace Learning
2015 calendar, please call the Careers/VET office at school on
Ryan Hall
Bastian Jenkins
Parent and Student ADWPL information sessions
Thank you to the parents and students who attended the information
sessions held before and after school earlier this term. The feedback
from those who attended was very positive. We will be having another
session early in term 1 2015 to discuss the new changes and requirements for Workplace Learning for ORSHS next year.
Lachlan Underwood
Jaden Parsons
Education and Training Pathways
Parents and students can access information about pathways into
industry at http://www.oceanreef.wa.edu.au/career-noticeboard
where you will find further links and information on the nineteen industry areas.
If parents would like to discuss their child’s options contact the Careers and VET Coordinator, Doug Gibson, on 9307 0254 or by email
on douglas.gibson@education.wa.edu.au.
Taylor Daley
Robert Chappell
Matthew Fogliani
Jack Colliver
Ayla Anderton & Aimee Sperrin
Tahneil Goodwin
Keisha De Rizzo
Aimee Sperrin
I would like to thank the following staff from the Careers/VET Department who assisted with Workplace Learning in 2014: Doug Gibson,
Margaret Saunders, Melissa Maio and Suzie Brown. Thank you to
the VET teaching and support staff who also visited students in the
workplace. Finally, a huge thank you to all of our employers who have
offered students work placement and given up their time to support
the ORSHS Workplace Learning program. I look forward to your
continued support in 2015!
Maggie Glover, Workplace Learning Coordinator
State Training Providers (Old TAFE)
Students have only till December 4 to enrol for full time VET courses
for 2015 without incurring additional expense. Any student in years
10, 11 or 12 can apply.
Full time Apprenticeships
Future Pathways Expos
We have been inundated with requests for students interested in taking up full time apprenticeships in the Building and Construction industry. Usually employers require students with their motor vehicle
license due to the mobile nature of the industry. We have received
several requests from the Housing industry Association (HIA) and
the Australian Brick and Blocklaying Training Foundation
(ABBTF). We also work closely with Skillshire.
2014 saw many visits from
industry, training and education representatives to
the school. It is part of the
school Business Plan to
establish closer links with
outside agencies to ensure
our students have access
to future opportunities suited to their ability. Many
opportunities exist for nonATAR students to study
qualifications outside of
school while still working
For further information contact the organisations directly or Suzie
Brown in the Careers and VET office. We have already had several
year elevens who have been successful in gaining apprenticeships in
bricklaying but other opportunities in construction also exist.
Doug Gibson, Careers and VET Coordinator
Try a Trade
The popular “Try a Trade” program recently came to Ocean
Reef. A group of year 9 and 10
boys chose to spend three days
learning bricklaying, tiling and
plastering at school. They were in
the expert hands of Stuart, a lecturer in trades from Silver Trowel,
who gave them first-hand experience in the skills of the trade.
Try a Trade opportunities are
available each year, especially in
the building trades and interested
students should contact the Careers and VET office to see if a
program is coming up. Often
they are run by State Training
Providers (West Coast InstituteTrades North, Polytechnic West
and Central institute of Technology) at their campus. On this occasion, Silver Towel, offered to do the
instruction at school which enabled
Stuart to share his skills with our
consruction teachers. Thanks to
towards their
WACE qualification. Research
indicates that
parents are the
main source of
careers advice
for young people,
so our aim is to
better inform
parents of what is
available to students as they progress through and beyond high school. Parents
wishing for assistance should
contact the Careers and VET
office on 9307
We thank the
following organisations for their
participation in
these events and
other events this
Construction Training Fund
Electrical Group Training
Housing Industry Association
Financial Admin and Professional Training
MPA Skills (Painting & Plumbing)
Next Gen (Nursing, Business, Maintenance)
AIT (MITA & MTA) (Automotive)
Notre Dame University
Polytechnic West
Logistics Training Council
VETIS Consulting Services
Central Institute of Technology
West Coast Institute
Edith Cowan University
WA Group Training Scheme
Workplace Services
Ms Suzie Brown for her help in
organising the actvity.
Doug Gibson, Careers and VET
ABBTF (Australian Brick & Blocklaying Training Foundation), HIA
(Housing Industry Association) and Celebration Homes have all been
very supportive to Ocean Reef Senior High School in 2014. With the
building industry in desperate need of Trades and demand of bricklayers is at an all-time high we have been able to place some of our
students in work trials which have then lead to successfully full time
apprenticeships. Lots of opportunities still exist now!!! And demand is
still high so contact ABBTF or HIA if you’re keen.
Yr 9 Society and Environment Students Win History Prizes
Chloe Vanhove, Jordan Bock and Nicole Andrewartha have been
successful in the National History Challenge.
Jordan Bock was awarded the Western Australian prize for his submission about John Curtin.
Nicole Andrewartha is the winner of her category on Women's Rights
in Australia.
Chloe Vanhove was a State finalist for her essay about John Curtin.
Jordan and Nicole’s work has progressed to the National Finals.
These exceptional results required quality research and strong commitment by the students. Mrs Grace has provided valuable support
and guidance to these students.
AEP Transitions – 2014 (Fourth year for the AEP at Ocean
Reef SHS)
It is with pleasure that we welcome into the Autism Extension Program another three year 7’s and three year 8’s for 2015. The students
have been participating in an extensive transition to Secondary
School, which is going extremely well. The transition program for our
students consists of 6 visits in term 4, with increasing time spent at
ORSHS culminating in a full day and an excursion with the AEP on
December 10th, as part of the Life Skills program. The transition includes some participation in mainstream classes to observe how the
secondary classroom runs within the school as well as various introductory activities to introduce students to the AEP and Ocean Reef
Preparing students with Autism for change is essential for the success of these students in their new setting. This is the reason for our
extensive transition program.
We will also be farewelling another five year 10 students who have
been extremely successful, academically and socially as a result of
enrolment in the AEP. These students are also participating in some
transition activities in preparation for year 11, for some ATAR
(including high level subjects in Chemistry, Physics and specialist
Maths) and for others, the General course, with some possible traineeship/TAFE components.
We have had two ex AEP year 12 students graduate this year, very
successfully, heading for Marine Studies careers and currently we
have 2 very successful ex AEP students heading into year 12, for
2015. We do keep in touch with the progress of students who have
left, two of whom are participating successfully at Central TAFE in
Media studies.
“Happiness and Well-Being”
“Long-standing research suggests that 1 in 5 adolescents experience
depression by the time they reach 18 years. Young people with sound
social and emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday
stress and are less likely to experience mental health problems in the
future. They tend to have better relationships with adults and peers
and experience more academic success.”
Beyond Blue website
We are very proud of the program and our students and staff and look
forward to continuing success in the years to come.
The AEP teachers and Education Assistants
AGM of the P&C
All parents are very welcome to attend the AGM of the P&C at
5.15pm on Tuesday, 17th February 2015 in the school conference.
In recent years, experts have begun to focus attention on the helpful
and healthy traits of the mind, rather than its problems. This emerging
field, called positive psychology, was officially launched in 1998.
Since then, it's led to new insights into the ways we think and live and
how to nurture our healthiest attributes. We're all capable of good
feelings -- we just need to learn how to find them within ourselves.
In 2015, I will run after school sessions to increase students’ understanding of what creates positive emotions. These sessions are on
offer to our new Year 7 and 8 students (max. 10) and will run for 10
weeks on Tuesdays 3.10 – 4.00 pm.
The sessions will cover the following topics:
- “Happiness” is a choice.
- Gratitude
- Developing your unique talents and strengths
- Mindfulness
- Physical health (food choices, exercise etc.)
- Giving to others/contributing to the world
- Meditation and other relaxation techniques
- Surround yourself with positive people (including social media)
If you would like your child to attend these sessions or if you
would like further information, please contact:
Hester Nijland on: hester.nijland@education.wa.edu.au
Or on: 9307 0280
1441 Old Yanchep Road, Pinjar
Half or full day on Saturdays
Commencing in 2015
No experience necessary as training is provided
Volunteer Training Days will be held on 27th and
31st January
For more information, please contact
In the Library – Term 4
Ebooks at ORSHS Library
Library Staff and Year 6/7 Orientation Day
Ebooks have come to ORSHS library! Take a look at our Wheelers ePlatform at http://oceanreefshs.wheelers.co/ or through the
Library Website at http://www.oceanreef.wa.edu.au/wp/library/
(Website link also available on School website).
If you don't have an eplatform account, you may fill out a form and
register with us. Once we receive your details, we'll verify your account and let you know.
During Literacy and Numeracy
week in Term 3, Mrs Lorri Page,
Mrs Sarah Betteridge and Ms Erna
Cabrera (pictured right) had fun
with QR codes and reinvented
themselves for the QR Code Quest
(see picture below)
To register for an account, click on Sign In and click the green
"Register" button at the bottom.
Students really enjoyed the
QR code quest which was a
scavenger hunt with a difference. The library excitedly
awaited the Year 6/7 Orientation Day which was held on
5th December. The students
visited and participated in the
Library Orientation Scavenger Hunt. This activity was a
great introduction for students to familiarise themselves with the library layout and function. Students also reflected on their reading
preferences and were given feedback in the form of a leaf for our
Reading Tree.
Year 8 Reading Programme
Mrs Betteridge and Ms Bevan continue to work with the Year 8’s to
encourage them to read as much as possible in order to improve their
literacy skills. Ms Bevan has been discussing with the Year 8’s why
reading is so important for their futures, both as students and in later
life. Literacy skills are the basis of their success in everything they will
attempt both at school and in later years. “Computers are not compensatory, they are complementary.”
If you need more help with downloading an e-book go to the “Help”
section at http://oceanreefshs.wheelers.co/help
This is a great way to “borrow” library books from the school library
over the summer break.
Book Borrowing and Returning
As we head towards the end of Term 4 of 2014, students are encouraged to remember that their books can be renewed if they are overdue and they have not finished reading them but they need to be
brought to the library to be renewed. Books that students have finished should be returned to the Library as soon as possible so they
do not become overdue.
All overdue library books are now due back to enable Library Staff to
process them and complete stocktake before the end of the year.
Library Volunteers and Donations
Year 8’s have looked at graphic novels and picture books this term,
and discussed the main features of these forms of writing and how
writers use these forms of written text to convey certain messages
and themes.
Parents should continue to talk to their children about their reading
choices and try to model the reading behaviour that they would like to
see in their children. The recent trend towards movies based on
Young Adult novels is a great way to introduce a child to a book. Try
to get him or her to try the book before they see the movie!
In 2015 both Year 7’s and Year 8’s will be introduced to the Reading
Programme at Ocean Reef Senior High School and have the oppor-
Thanks once again to our wonderful Library volunteers who have
done so much this year to help with the smooth running of the library.
Any parents thinking of volunteering in the Library can call 93070224.
We would like to appeal for donations of Lego and Craft materials
from any families wanting to have a clear out. The library would like to
start a Lego club and a Craft Club and any donations would be very
Mrs Sarah Betteridge
Keys for Life - Reducing the road toll for young drivers
10 Year Anniversary of Keys for Life
More than 100,000 Western Australian high
school students have
been educated on how to
become safer drivers
thanks to the Keys for
Life pre-driver education
program. In September,
School drug Education
and Road Aware
(SDERA) celebrated 10
years of Keys for Life
which is currently being
implemented in over190
schools throughout WA.
SDERA recognised 100
schools for their outstanding leadership in
road safety at the Keys
for Life 'Decade of Action'
SDERA's Keys for Life Pre-driver Education program teaches young
people the rules, risks and responsibilities of driving. Students participate in a minimum of ten teacher-facilitated lessons and sit their
Learners Permit test at the end of the program. Parent education and
teacher professional development are also crucial elements of this
program. New research* shows Keys for Life follows the most successful education model available to create behaviour change in
young drivers. This means that advertising campaigns, shock tactics
and advanced driver training are no match for integrated education at
preventing road crashes.
More than 4,000 teachers have been trained by SDERA since 2004,
to deliver Keys for Life and help save young lives on the road. The
Department of Transport has also been pivotal to the success of the
program, providing support and licensing credits from its inception.
Keys for Life coordinator Deb Zines said, “Road safety is the responsibility of everyone in the community and this event was about acknowledging dedicated teachers who have taught Keys for Life for
many years, and helped students become safer, responsible drivers.”
Award Recipient Di Gow said, “It has been a pleasure to be involved
in the Keys for Life program and we have appreciated all the support
and resource materials provided by SDERA over the years. Our aim
is to make a difference to the way young people drive, help them
appreciate that having a licence is privilege and hopefully save lives
by assisting them to become better drivers.” Keys for Life has been
an integral part of the Year 10 Health program and the students have
always found it to be a very valuable experience.
SDERA is the State Government’s primary drug and road safety education strategy for young people. The Keys for Life program encourages students to make positive lifestyle choices, gain graduation
points and supports parents in their role as driving mentors.
*Effective Community and School Based Road Safety for Young People Research prepared for VicRoads and the Transport Accident
Commission by Anne Harris 2014.
Climbing Mt Everest
My name is Anthony Olivier, and I will be climbing
Mt Everest this month. Mt
Everest is located in Nepal
(in-between China and
India) which suffers immensely from governmental corruption and large
amounts of poverty. I
graduated from Ocean
Reef last year with a small
dream to have an impact
on people’s lives. So what
better way than providing
orphaned children the opportunity to have an educated life filled with
endless opportunities. In fact shouldn’t all children have the opportunity to feel like they live in a world where there truly is an endless supply of opportunities.
Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. Amongst its population of 27 million, 1 million are children without parents. The current
unstable political situation in the country has further intensified the
pressure and harsh conditions on the people of Nepal. These conditions have the worst effect on the most vulnerable members of society, and the ones who have the least resources to help themselves:
children. (Especially orphaned children)
As I said, I will be climbing Mt Everest with the support of the global
volunteer network. I have spent this year raising funds and organizing
different fundraisers to help me reach my goal $5000. I am just a
stone’s throw away from reaching my goal and would and would appreciate your help. I have my very own fundraising website dedicated
just for this trek of mine. All my details will be listed down below.
You are probably wondering how specifically my trek will benefit the
orphaned children of Nepal, the answer is that all the money raised
goes straight to the brighter futures children’s homes who help provide them with nutritional and educational needs. In the end of my trek
I will be spending 2 days at one particular orphanages where we will
be able to spend some time with some of the children and get to know
how they live their day to day lives.
If you want to follow my trek as I’m climbing add me on Instagram:
Please, Help me to get there! . The process is fast, easy, and secure.
I really appreciate any support you can give. It will benefit a great
HELP me reach my goal by sharing this page on Facebook and Twitter!
Or, even better, send an e-mail to friends you think might be interested in contributing and include a link to my page!
(www.gvnfundraising.org/AnthonysFundraiser )
Start 2015 with Confidence
syllabus overview – confidence building – refresh your understanding – study skills – essay writing
2 day courses / 6 hours per course
Jan 15th – Jan 28th 2015
Venues: Churchlands SHS and Rossmoyne
Enrol Now: www.academictaskforce.com.au
Email: learn@academictaskforce.com.au
Or phone for further information: (08) 9314 9500
The ConocoPhillips Science Experience is taking place at ECU Joondalup from 20-23 January 2015.
ECU is offering four days of interactive hands-on workshops. A welcoming team of scientists and engineers will expose students to the
following science disciplines/careers:
• Engineering (includes Motorsport, Robotics, Physics, Civil and
Chemical Engineering)
• Sport and Health Science (Sport Analysis, Coaching, Nutrition)
• Medical science (Nursing, Paramedic, Biomedical science
• Environmental Science (Astronomy, Chemical Forensics,
Reptiles and Animals)
• Social Science (Psychology)
This event is suitable for current Year 8, 9 or 10 students who want to
be exposed to science careers or have an interest in science. There
are no interviews or entry tests as advanced science ability is not
The program costs $150. You can register online or call the ConocoPhillips Science Experience office on the number below.
Not familiar with the ConocoPhillips Science Experience?
Watch our YouTube video by searching “Science Experience ECU”
where you will find a video showcasing our 2014 event.
Feel free to visit the science experience website for all the information
you may need, including costs and sponsorship at
If you would like to contact the ConocoPhillips Science Experience
office, please call (03) 8288 1001.
For further information contact
Venturi Drive, Ocean Reef WA 6027 tel:(08) 9307 0222 fax: (08) 9307 5424
Email: enquiries.oceanreef.shs@education.edu.au web: www.oceanreef.wa.edu.au