MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING PANHANDLE ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION FOR EDUCATORS The MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING/PANHANDLE ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION FOR EDUCATORS (MAT/PACE) program is a university-based teacher certification program for bachelor-degreed individuals who want to make a career transition into the teaching profession. The program, which ultimately culminates in Texas educator certification and an advanced degree, begins with testing, early fieldbased experiences, and online graduate course work. An eligible candidate may be employed as a Texas teacher or may complete clinical teaching under the supervision of an experienced teacher. APPLICATION/ADMISSION PROCESS Step I—PACT testing and application: Determine the content/grade level of the target certificate and take the applicable Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) prior to program application, if possible, through the Pre-Admission Content Testing system. Submit the TExES score report (or a copy of the ticket confirming test registration) with the PACE application, $50 fee, two passport photos, and sealed certified transcripts. Once transcripts have been evaluated, applicants will be notified of program approval status. Step 2—Admission to Graduate School: Upon notification of program pre-approval, apply to WT’s Graduate School to begin professional development course work during the fall, spring, or summer semesters. Submit complete the online interview, and upon completion of 30 clock hours of field-based experiences, submit the Field Experience Reflection Survey. Step 3—Candidate status: Request a letter confirming eligibility to teach on a probationary certificate when these conditions are met: submission of a passing score on the content exam, documentation of thirty (30) hours of early field-based experiences, and registration into or completion of at least six (6) semester-credit hours of course work. Upon receiving the eligibility letter, apply for teaching positions (internship). Step 4—Intern/Clinical Teaching: Complete supervised teaching through (1) internship, hired as a teacher in a TEA-accredited public school or a TEA-recognized private school; or (2) clinical teaching, a 12-14 week unpaid experience in the classroom of a certified teacher. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Minimum Requirements for Pre-Approved Applicant Status The following requirements apply to all applicants: A bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution of higher learning, and A grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale on all college and/or university course work attempted or on the final 60 hours, and A copy of the score report confirming a passing score on the TExES exam or a copy of the ticket confirming TExES registration, and Additional course work requirements specific to the content/grade level of the target certificate (see Page 3) if the candidate has not passed the content exam. Transcript Requirements Applicants with degrees from universities other than WTAMU must submit sealed, certified transcripts from every college and/or university attended. WT graduates need only to submit transcripts from colleges and/or universities attended after completion of a degree at WT. Applicants currently enrolled to complete bachelor’s degree requirements may be granted preapproved status pending graduation. Those individuals may apply during the final semester of undergraduate enrollment and must submit a letter confirming graduation with the application. A transcript verifying the degree must be submitted no later than two weeks following graduation. Applicants with degrees from universities outside the U.S. must also meet these requirements: Gain admission to WT’s graduate school, Submit a course-by-course evaluation of their foreign transcripts done by an accredited foreign credential evaluation service, and Confirm evidence of English language proficiency by verification that the primary language of instruction was English or by providing a minimum score of 26 on the speaking portion of the TOEFL and satisfactory scores on the remaining sections; see Field-based Experiences Requirements Texas Administrative Code requires that educator preparation program candidates complete a minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of field-based experiences prior to internship or clinical teaching. These experiences may include classroom observations, but must include 15 clock hours in which the candidate is actively engaged in instructional or educational activities under supervision. Fifteen (15) of the thirty required hours may be waived for those applicants currently employed as fulltime teachers or instructional aides and current substitute teachers if approved by the program director or assistant director. Other public school experience may be considered on a case-by-case basis if requested upon program application. The request for field-based experience placement must be submitted with the PACE application. Field-based experience placements within Amarillo ISD or Canyon ISD will be assigned through the Office of Teacher Preparation and Advising. A field-based experience placement outside Amarillo or Canyon ISD may be arranged by the individual candidate upon program pre-approval by contacting the human resources department of the district. The Field-based Experiences Packet including specific procedures and documents is available for download from the “LINKS” folder on the alternative certification website, Upon completion of the field-based experiences requirement, candidates must complete the online Field-based Experience Reflection Survey also found in the “LINKS” folder on the PACE website. PACE/MAT Information, Revised 2014FA p. 2 ADDITIONAL CONTENT COURSE WORK REQUIRED FOR PRE-APPROVAL Candidates who have not passed the TExES content exam for the target certificate may be pre-approved to complete no more than 12 semester-credit-hours (SCH) of professional development course work for the Master of Arts in Teaching. A candidate may not continue beyond 12 SCH without passing the exam unless content requirements listed below are met. Elementary (Early Childhood – Grade 6) EC-6 Generalist or Core Subjects EC-6 12 SCH in a combination of English, mathematics, science, and social studies with at least 3 SCH in each area Middle School (Grades 4-8) 4-8 Generalist or Core Subjects 4-8 12 SCH each in English and social studies, and 15 SCH each in mathematics and science 4-8 English Language Arts & Reading 12 SCH of English 4-8 Mathematics 15 SCH of mathematics 4-8 Science 15 SCH of science (life/physical/earth) 4-8 Social Studies 12 SCH of social studies (economics/geography/political science) EC-6 and 4-8 Generalist exams will not be offered after August 2015. Core Subject exams are available beginning January 2015 (see ETS website for additional information). Secondary (Grades 6-12 or 7-12) and All-level (Grades EC-12) 7-12 Single-Subject Areas 12 SCH in English, history, journalism, or speech; 15 SCH in chemistry, life science, or mathematics 6-12 Agriculture Science & Technology 12 SCH in a combination of agriculture courses 6-12 Business Education 12 SCH in a combination of business courses 6-12 Physical Science 15 SCH each in chemistry and physics 7-12 Physics/Mathematics 15 SCH each in mathematics and physics 7-12 Science 15 SCH each in biology, chemistry, physics, and geology 7-12 Social Studies 12 SCH each in history, political science, economics, and geography EC-12 Single-Subject Areas 12 SCH in art, ASL, health, LOTE-French, LOTE-German, LOTELatin, LOTE-Spanish, music, physical education, or theatre EC-12 Special Education 12 SCH in a combination of English, mathematics, science, and social studies with at least 3 SCH in each area Passing the content exam is of utmost importance. Please note: An EC-6 or 4-8 candidate is not eligible to teach without passing the appropriate exam. A candidate who has not passed the content exam may be eligible to teach grades 7-12 only with a degree or the equivalent of a major (24 SCH/12 advanced) in the subject. The candidate must have attempted the exam prior to application and must re-take the exam at every available opportunity. A special education candidate is not eligible to teach without passing the special education exam and another content exam (EC-6 or 4-8 Generalist). Practice TExES exams for most areas are available through Education Services, (806) 651-2341. PACE/MAT Information, Revised 2014FA p. 3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE WORK Professional development course work is required of all candidates, is offered online, and is completed during the summer, fall, and spring semesters following pre-approval. Course rotation by semester (FA-fall, SP-spring, or SU-summer) is provided for planning purposes, but is subject to change. EC-6 Generalist or 4-8 Generalist/Content Areas EDPD 6332: Theories and Practice in Classroom Management FA, SP, SU EDRD 6331: Reading Skills Instruction FA, SU EDEL 6334: Integrated Language Arts/Social Studies Methods FA, SU EDEL 6335: Integrated Mathematics/Science Methods FA, SU EDPD 6331: Foundations and Psychological Principles of Education FA, SP, SU EDEC 6384: Curriculum and the Young Child (EC-6) or EDRD 5386 or 6332: Reading in Content Areas (4-8) FA, SP FA, SP, SU EC-6 Generalist candidates may take an additional 6 SCH as part of the MAT degree and add bilingual or ESL certification after initial certification: EDPD 5378: Language Development EDPD 5363: Bilingual Methods or EDPD 5388: ESL Methods 6-12, 8-12, and EC-12 Content Areas EDPD 6332: Theories and Practice in Classroom Management FA, SP, SU EDRD 5386 or 6332: Reading in Content Areas FA, SP, SU EDSE 6333: Curriculum Planning and Delivery in Secondary Schools SU EPSY 6350: Exceptional Children in the Mainstream of Society SP, SU EDPD 6331: Foundations and Psychological Principles of Education FA, SP, SU EDT 6300: Educational Technology FA, SP EC-12 Special Education EDSP 6361: Survey of Exceptional Learners SU EDSP 6363: Programming for Students with Cognitive Disabilities SU EDSP 6365: Understanding Students with LD/ED SU EDSP 6367: Advanced Curriculum Adaptation Techniques SU EDPD 6331: Foundations and Psychological Principles of Education FA, SP, SU EDRD 5386, 6331, or 6332: Elementary or Content Area Reading FA, SP, SU Clinical Teaching Option (all areas) EDPD 6398 and 6399: Graduate Clinical Teaching FA, SP Additional Course Work to complete the Master of Arts in Teaching Degree Upon passing the content exam and completion of 12 SCH of professional development course work, the candidate may request a MAT Plan of Study which will outline additional requirements for the MAT degree. PACE/MAT Information, Revised 2014FA p. 4 MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING (MAT) INFORMATION Individuals in the PACE program are concurrently in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. The MAT program will allow PACE candidates to complete requirements for initial teacher certification, expand their knowledge and skills to support their effectiveness as teachers, and meet state certificate renewal requirements in their respective fields. Admission Requirements Apply to WT’s PACE program (separate from and prior to graduate school application); see Upon program pre-approval, apply to graduate school using the Grad U.S. Application (program #5451) and submit the fee, MAT Course Work A total of 36 semester credit hours (SCH) of graded course work—at least 24 hours at the 6000level—is required. Course work includes the following: 18 SCH of Professional Development course work (candidates completing clinical teaching will have an additional 6 SCH of pass/fail course work) 9 SCH from the graduate core in Education EDPD 6303, and 3 SCH from EDPD 6304 or EDPD 6385 or COUN 6330, and 3 SCH from EDLD 6311 or EDPD 6305 or EDPD 6308 or EDPD 6329 9 SCH in the applicant’s teaching field as approved by the graduate adviser in the Department of Education Degree Completion/Graduation Requirements Completion of all course work as outlined on the official MAT Plan of Study Completion of testing and supervised teaching experience required for initial Standard Texas Educator Certificate (candidate must hold a Standard Texas Educator certification prior to administration of the comprehensive exam), and Passing a written comprehensive exam Other Considerations The candidate may request a MAT Plan of Study from the PACE Adviser upon completion of 12 SCH of course work and passing the content test(s) for the target certificate. The candidate is not eligible to sit for the comprehensive exam and graduate with the MAT until standard certification is complete. The candidate must maintain a 3.0 GPA (with no grade below a C) on all MAT course work, and the program must be completed within six (6) years of taking the first graduate course that applies to the MAT degree. The MAT degree will not lead to a professional certificate (counselor, diagnostician, or principal); if a professional certificate is the goal, contact the OAC for referral to the appropriate adviser for that program. PACE/MAT Information, Revised 2014FA p. 5 PACE PROGRAM COST These are approximate costs associated with the program: $120/certification exam (at least 2 are required of every candidate)* $50 non-refundable program application fee $40 non-refundable graduate school application fee Approximately $1100/course for in-state tuition and fees** Textbooks and supplies (varied by course – estimate not provided) $52 fee for a probationary certificate and $39.50 for the criminal background check fee* $9.95 fee for the digital fingerprinting service* $2700 internship supervision fee (paid through school district payroll deduction, $300/month for 9 months) for those securing teaching positions or $1200 clinical teaching supervision fee plus tuition for 6 additional hours for those choosing to complete through the clinical teaching option Upon completion of all certification requirements, these are additional costs: $77 fee for the Texas Standard Teaching Certificate* Tuition/fees for additional course work to complete the MAT degree (optional) *Exam fees, certificate fees, and fingerprinting fees are set by the Texas Education Agency and are subject to change. **Course work will be completed at the graduate level. Amounts are estimates only for Texas and border county residents; residency status is determined by the Admission’s Office. Tuition and fees are established by the Texas legislature and are subject to change. WTAMU-PACE WT Box 60208 Canyon, TX 79016-0001 Office of Alternative Certification West Texas A&M University 2501 4th Avenue Old Main, Room 413 Phone: (806) 651-2599 Fax: (806) 651-3626 Susan L. Allen, Director Gilbert Antunez, Asst. Director Tracy McNutt, Admn. Asst. West Texas A&M University is a Member of the Texas A&M University System. WTAMU serves people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. WTAMU is an affirmative action/equal employment institution. PACE/MAT Information, Revised 2014FA p. 6 PANHANDLE ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION FOR EDUCATORS PROGRAM APPLICATION Priority application deadlines: April 1 for summer enrollment July 1 for fall enrollment November 1 for spring enrollment Please provide all information requested. Mail the completed application, fee and other required documents to the address on Page 4. 1. Personal Information WTID or SSN: Date of Birth: Gender: (Providing your SSN is not required by a specific legal authority; however, it is used to ensure accurate matching of documents and timely processing.) Name: Last First MI Maiden Street or PO Box City State Zip Address: Phone: Email: Personal 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Work Are you a citizen of the United States? Do you have prior military experience? Have you ever been charged with a felony or misdemeanor? Y or N Y or N Y or N Have you previously made application to PACE? If yes, what year? __________________ Have you participated in or made application to another alternative certification program? If yes, what program? ____________________________________________ Y or N (If yes, please submit an explanation and a complete copy of your criminal history. Additional documentation may be required.) Y or N (If you have participated in another ACP, you must provide a release from that program.) 8. The following optional information is for report use only to provide statistical information requested by various state and federal agencies. Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Race American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White Refer to the information packet for specific course work requirements regarding individual teaching areas and select only one of the certification areas offered. (TExES content exam #) Elementary, Grades EC-6* Secondary, Grades 6-12 or 7-12 All-level, Grades EC-12 ____Generalist EC-6 (191) or ____Agriculture Science & Technology 6-12 (172) ____Art (178) ____Core Subjects EC-6 (291) ____Business Education 6-12 (176) ____Health (157) Bilingual or ESL cert may be added after completion of generalist certification. ____Chemistry 7-12 (240) ____LOTE-French (610) ____Dance 8-12 (179) ____LOTE-German (611) Middle School, Grades 4-8* ____English Language Arts & Reading 7-12 (231) ____LOTE-Latin (612) ____Generalist 4-8 (111) or ____History 7-12 (233) ____LOTE-Spanish (613) ____Core Subjects 4-8 (211) ____Journalism 7-12 (256) ____Music (177) ____English Language Arts & Reading (117) ____Life Science 7-12 (238) ____Physical Education (158) ____Mathematics (115) ____Mathematics 7-12 (235) ____Special Education (161) ____Science (116) ____Physical Science 6-12 (237) ____Theatre (180) ____Social Studies (118) ____Physics/Mathematics 7-12 (243) ____Mathematics/Science (114) ____Science 7-12 (236) ____ELAR/Social Studies (113) ____Social Studies 7-12 (232) *EC-6 and 4-8 Generalist exams will not be offered after 8/2015. Core Subject exams are available beginning 1/2015 (see ETS website for additional information). ____Speech 7-12 (129) 9. List below all community colleges, colleges, and/or universities you have attended. Institution Dates Attended Degree 10. Are you currently enrolled? Y or N If so, where? ___________________________________________ _____ (Please provide an unofficial transcript or class schedule showing the name of the college or university to verify current enrollment. If you are in your last semester of undergraduate enrollment, please submit a letter confirming you are on track to graduate at the end of the current semester.) 11. Do you have prior teaching experience? Y or N If “Yes,” please submit a service record or work record from each district with this application. 12. Are you willing to relocate in order to obtain an employing district? _________ If “No,” what distance in miles (oneway) are you willing to commute daily? 20 30 40 50 60+ miles 13. Choose one option for completion of the supervised teaching experience (you may change your preference later): I plan to apply for teaching positions as soon as eligible and complete internship (a paid experience as teacher of record in a public school or approved private school), or I plan to complete Clinical Teaching (an unpaid experience in the classroom and under the supervision of an experienced teacher) 14. On a separate page, please explain why you have decided to become a teacher. Give the strengths that you will bring to the classroom. Attach your response to this application. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & AUTHORIZATIONS By signing this application, you acknowledge the following: The contents of this application are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You must meet the screening requirements for pre-approval to the PACE program and admission to WT’s graduate school as well as the screening requirements for employment in a district in which you serve your internship. A criminal background check including fingerprinting will be performed by the Texas Education Agency as part of your application for the Probationary Certificate. Satisfactory performance in professional development course work, documentation of 30 hours early field experience, passing the content exam, and eligibility for a probationary certificate are prerequisites for internship or clinical teaching. Meeting the entry requirements does not constitute a guarantee of admission, and preference may be given to individuals who apply for certification in areas for which a shortage exists. Admission to PACE is determined by a comprehensive evaluation of your application. Applicants are evaluated by the PACE staff; admission decisions made by the PACE staff are final. Providing false or misleading information will constitute grounds for denial of admission or dismissal from the program. I certify that answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of statements given including a criminal background check. I authorize the PACE Program to provide school districts and/or administrators with information and/or opinion regarding my fitness for employment, and I authorize the PACE Program to utilize and/or release any information contained in my student records as part of the response. I also authorize the PACE Program to include my name, address, and phone number in a database provided to school districts via mail and/or posted on a password-secured website. In full and complete consideration for the PACE Program agreeing to respond on my behalf, I forever waive any possible claims of liability against and covenant not to sue the PACE Program or West Texas A&M University, its officers or employees for any claim or cause of action which may arise as a result of the requested submission. My signature indicates understanding and agreement with all of the above acknowledgements and authorizations. Printed Name Signature Date 2014-2015 PACE Application, p. 2 PANHANDLE ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION FOR EDUCATORS Field-Based Experiences Preference Request Texas Administrative Code (TAC §228.35 and 228.2) requires that educator preparation program candidates complete a minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of field-based experiences prior to internship or clinical teaching: For initial certification, each EPP shall provide field-based experiences, as defined in §228.2 of this title (relating to Definitions), for a minimum of 30 clock-hours. The field-based experiences must be completed prior to assignment in an internship or clinical teaching. … Field-based experiences must include 15 clock-hours in which the candidate, under supervision, is actively engaged in instructional or educational activities that include: (A) authentic school settings in a public school accredited by the TEA or other school approved by the TEA for this purpose; (B) instruction by content certified teachers; (C) actual students in classrooms/instructional settings with identity-proof provisions; (D) content or grade-level specific classrooms/instructional settings; and (E) reflection of the observation. There are two reasons for this requirement: School society is ever changing. Each applicant needs to experience the present-day school atmosphere before making a final commitment to teaching. The applicant can gain valuable information from the observation and interactive experiences. This experience provides you with the opportunity to participate in an instructional setting similar to that in which you intend to be employed. It also allows for observation and evaluation by a practicing teacher, which will assist this office in assessing your potential to be a successful teacher. Please indicate your preference for placement to complete the field-based experiences requirement during the semester indicated. Requests for Amarillo or Canyon ISD must be received by the first day of the semester requested and are assigned based upon district and campus availability. Name WT ID or last 4 digits of SSN Email Phone Certification Area/Grade Level Semester Requested Fall Spring Year Please indicate the district where you request placement to complete early field-based experiences: Amarillo Canyon Other______________________________ Program Approval Date Signature of Program Director 2014-2015 PACE Application, p. 3 APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please mail or deliver or mail the application, fee, and required documents to the address below. Use this checklist to submit a complete application packet: completed application, including attached paragraph (see #14) TExES score report or ticket confirming test registration school district service records or work records (if applicable) $50 PACE application fee field-based experiences preference two passport photos (We do not want a copy of your passport; please submit two current passport photos, which are available for a nominal cost at Walgreen’s or Wal-Mart.) sealed, certified transcripts (for WT graduates, include only transcripts from institutions attended after graduation from WT) Incomplete applications with be placed in a “hold” file until all required documents are submitted; after 90 days, incomplete applications will be destroyed. Mailing address: Location: WTAMU-PACE WT Box 60208 Canyon, TX 79016-0001 Office of Alternative Certification West Texas A&M University 2501 4th Avenue Old Main, Room 413 Phone: (806) 651-2599 Fax: (806) 651-3626 Susan L. Allen, Director Gilbert Antunez, Asst. Director Tracy McNutt, Admn. Asst. With few exceptions, state law gives you the right to request, receive, review, and correct information about yourself collected by this form. West Texas A&M University is a Member of the Texas A&M University System. WTAMU serves people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. WTAMU is an affirmative action/equal employment institution. 2014-2015 PACE Application, p. 4
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