Sung Response Comfort me…O my soul. Sing with me…O my soul. Sharing Our Abundance Meditation (Linda Barnes) Spoken Silence Sung Response #352 Reading “Sweet Darkness” by David Whyte Find a Stillness “Orion” adapted from Ron Yazinski Margaret Schultz Special Music Bell Ave. Ringers “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” by John A. Behnke Sermon Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern “Winter Solstice: A Promise in the Dark” *Hymn #1057 Go Lifted Up *Closing Words Words from Hafiz *Extinguishing the Flame Leader: I extinguish the symbolic flame of this gathering. May we carry its light into the world. People: Let us go from this place, open to life, expecting to love, and prepared to serve. *Reprise #1057 Go Lifted Up *Please stand as you are able Thank You to all Service Participants and to Today’s Hospitality Teams: Bell Ave. Ringers: Tammy Irelan, Barb Martin, Mary Hayes, Scott Ehlinger, Ellen Taylor, Deidre Fudge, Kellie Patterson, Sarah Chang, Natalie Hutchinson, Andrea Quinn, Julianne Lawrence 9:15 a.m. Team Leader: Sue Huber, Cathy Mussett, Kathy Jorgenson, Chris Jorgenson, Maggie McGill, Ned Miller, Susan Bridgford, Jean Tauber, Nate Hoogeveen, Vicki Hoogeveen, Amy Anderson, Dana Sorensen, Diane Baker, Jim Baker, Kathryn Smorodinsky, Monte Kastler, Brandi Kastler 11:00 a.m. Team Leader: Connie Muetzel, Dagny Fidler, Jo Fitz, Sean Petersen, Stephanie Petersen, Blanche Winegar, Micah Winegar, Wendy Wilson, Gabrielle Eaton, Linda Dietz, Jeanne Bowles, Nancee McDowall, Hilary HippenLeek, Jason Textor, Terry Lowman Sound Board Operator: 9:15 a.m. - Doug Hoffman; 11:00 a.m. - Rob Malcomson Hearing Impaired: We have radio receivers available at the rear of the auditorium near the audio board. Visually Impaired: Full page magnifiers may be found at the rear of the auditorium near the sound board. Second Basket: Children and Family Urban Movement’s (CFUM) mission is to create a community to support the potential of children, youth and families through educational success, healthy living and community engagement. This is carried out through after school programs for children who reside in a near Des Moines North side neighborhood who are between the grades of K through 12. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s mission is to be a leader in providing accessible reproductive health care, education, and advocacy; responsive to the needs and rights of families and individuals. CALENDAR Sunday, December 21 Welcoming Newcomers Meeting 9:15 a.m., Room 105 RE Classes 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Lower Level Service: "Winter Solstice" with Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern; Celebrant: Margaret Schultz 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium Who Are UU? 10:15 a.m., Mary Safford Room Christian Fellowship Meeting 12:15 p.m., Room 111 High School Youth Group OWL 5:00 p.m., Room 107 Yule/Winter Solstice Potluck and Pagan Caroling Sing-a-long 6:30 p.m., Channing Hall Monday, December 22 Social Justice Council 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room Tuesday, December 23 Dungeons & Dragons 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room Wednesday, December 24 "Christmas Eve Services"5:00 & 7:00 pm, Auditorium (NOTE: no child care is available during either of these services.) As the darkness envelops the land on this night of memory and tradition for so many of us, we’ll share in a 5pm family-friendly service of the story of the birth of Jesus, as it could have been told by those present that magical, mythical night more than 2,000 years ago (think animals, angels, etc.). We will sing carols and share in some traditional (and playful) holiday cheer and candlelight. At 7pm, we will hold our familiar evening service, complete with carol singing, a Christmas Eve homily from Mark, and candlelight. Following both services, you are invited to linger and enjoy cookies (brought by those attending) and holiday fellowship. Sunday, December 28 Service: "Sing Out the Old, Sing in the New!" with Barb & Bruce Martin; Celebrant: Mike Shaw 10:00 a.m., Auditorium (one service only) Come be with your church family as we sing in the approaching new year with favorites of your choosing from our hymnals. Just one service this week, so that we can fill the auditorium with song. Fun for all those who like to sing, and for those who like to listen! ANNOUNCEMENTS Save the Date: Tomorrow Team Presentation/Discussion The Tomorrow Team has been busy examining our building space needs, current and future. We’ve got some great information to share and would like to get your feedback. These meetings are an opportunity to learn about usage of our facility and growth of our congregation. We will provide an informational presentation and have an opportunity to share ideas. If you have any interest at all in our future space, please show up for one of the sessions listed below: Sunday, Jan. 11 - 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. - Channing Hall Wednesday, Jan. 14 - 6:30 p.m. - Large Activity Room (103) Sunday, Jan. 18 - 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. - Channing Hall Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 6:30 p.m. - Large Activity Room (103) Church Office Closed for Holidays The office at First Unitarian Church will be closed for the holidays from December 24, 2014 - January 2, 2015. Contributions for 2014 Tax Deductions Any pledge payments or other contribution must be received no later than Sunday, December 28, 2014 to be tax deductible on your 2014 income tax return. (Please note office is closed December 29-31.) It’s Time for a New Semester of Adult R.E.! A new roster of Adult R. E. Classes at First Unitarian is now set for January March 2015. If you have not received the Programming Brochure in the mail yet, you can pick one up at Church or see the complete list of classes at winter-spring-2015. Classes beginning in January are: -Spiritual Renewal for the Justice Minded (Jan. 7, & 24, Feb. 19 - attend one or all!) -Christian Book Group (Jan. 25 - March 1) -Rise Up and Call Her Name Again (Jan. 13 - Mar. 3) -Israel/Palestine Conflict (Jan. 7 - Feb. 25) -HOW Can You Think That?! (Jan. 7 & 14) -Bones for Life - Advanced (Jan. 28 - Feb. 18) Register for these and the other Adult R. E. Classes at Tell Us About It! You know you’ve done it. You’ve gone out to the gathering area and have complained to one another about...well, whatever. Or you have wondered about how you get involved in...well, whatever. Or you have exclaimed in admiration about...well, whatever. Instead “Tell us about it”. We want to know! In the gathering area near the Caring Ministry table you will find a stand with a book for you to write down your complaints, questions or kudos or...well, whatever. Between Sunday Services, your written comments with your name will be gathered and given to Mark Stringer and if need be, forwarded to the appropriate person. That way those complaints, questions, and kudos get to the right person. So… “Tell us about it.” Our Whole Lives Facilitator Training in January First Unitarian Church, along with Plymouth UCC, will offer Our Whole Lives Trainings for Elementary, Middle and High School the weekend of January 23-25 at Plymouth UCC (Ingersoll Ave in Des Moines). Meals will be provided and the training is free of cost to members. Please note, the Elementary training will begin the afternoon of Jan. 23 and end Saturday evening, Jan. 24. The Middle/High School Training is more intensive—beginning early evening Friday, approximately twelve hours on Saturday and about eight hours on Sunday. Registration is due by January 10. Email Tracy Beck at for more information! RE Email Interested in receiving a weekly email from the RE program? Email Tracy Beck at to be added to the list. (Announcements continued on the back) Shoppin’ ’Til You’re Droppin’...Online? Don’t forget to take the church along to earn some extra cash for our great programming and staff support. When you make purchases from Amazon, use the link on the First Unitarian website - - and part of your purchase price is donated to the church. So far in 2014 the church has received over $700 through your Amazon sales! Your price is the same, either way. This way, Amazon keeps less profit, giving some of it to us! Endowment Note Cards for Sale on Sunday Notecards will be for sale between services this Sunday, Dec. 21, with proceeds invested in the Endowment Fund. Contact committee chair Heidi Lackmann ( for more information or if you’d like to make a longterm gift to the Endowment fund. WHO ARE UU? Briefly, the idea behind WHO ARE UU? is to make audio recordings of the life stories or defining life moments of our members. Those of us who have discussed it have talked about making the recordings accessible through the church website, and keeping them to 3-5 minutes in length. There seems to be agreement that the stories shouldn't be a chronology of life, but more about what makes one who one is: a moment, an event, a personal remembrance, etc. On Sunday, Dec. 21, at 10:15 a.m., Jim Baker will be in Mary Safford with name tag attached. For an agenda, we'll discuss how to start: what we want to do, how we want to do it, and how much time it will take. We'll choose a leader. Call Jim Baker, 556-1936, if you have questions. Caring Ministry and Joys and Concerns To have a joy or concern shared during services, or if you are in need of assistance, please go to by noon on Friday. First Unitarian Church of Des Moines A Unitarian Universalist Church 1800 Bell Ave, Des Moines IA 50315 Phone: 515.244.8603 Fax: 515.244.9761 Website: First Unitarian Church of Des Moines invites people into a respectful, authentic, and joyful religious community that nurtures meaningful connections, pursues justice, and inspires service. A Unitarian Universalist Church ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday, December 21, 2014, 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Bruce Martin, pianist Sarah Chang & Moira Leu - song leaders (9:15) Ed Hotchkin & Moira Leu - song leaders (11:00) STAFF Rev. Mark Stringer, Minister Rev. Erin Gingrich, Associate Minister of Social Justice Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern Deb Dessert, Director of Finance & Administration Tracy Beck, Director of RE for Children & Youth Megan Salley, Youth Program Coordinator Laura Thomas, RE Assistant Lori Emison Clair, Dir. Of Congregational Life Carissa Fields, Congregational Life Assistant Terry Lillie, Caring Ministry Coordinator Abby Chungath, Communications Coordinator Moira Leu, Director of Music Bruce Martin, Pianist Amy Anderson, Choir Accompanist Connie Price, Bookkeeper Jane White, Office Assistant Don Werner, Groundskeeper Michelle Plymate, Pre-school Teacher December Theme: What does it mean to be a people of wonder? Intoning the Chime Centering Music Doug Hoffman Opening Words Margaret Schultz Meet the Artist: Ann Mowery and Margaret Marshall Sunday, Jan. 4, 10:15 a.m., Art Gallery Wall World Religions & Their Cultures Sunday, Jan. 4, 11:00 a.m., Room 105 First Steps Class for Visitors Sunday, Jan. 4, 11:00 a.m., gather by the Welcome Table Windbreakers Sunday, Jan. 4, 6:00 p.m., Channing Hall NEW! Israel/Palestine Conflict Wednesday, Jan. 7, 6:30 p.m., Room 110 NEW! Spiritual Renewal for the Justice Minded Wednesday, Jan. 7, 6:30 p.m., Minister’s Office Humanist Book Discussion Wednesday, Jan. 7, 6:45 p.m., Room 108 NEW! HOW Can You Think That?!Wednesday, Jan. 7, 7:00 p.m., Room 105 Board of Trustees Thursday, Jan. 8, 5:30 p.m., Channing Hall ShUUterbugs Photography Group Thursday, Jan. 8, 6:30 p.m., Room 107 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Margaret Schultz, President Jean Rommes, Vice President Zac Bailey, Co-Secretary Amy Luebbert, Co-Secretary Charlie Ahern Bob Belosky Brandon Bundt Ross Loder Barb Royal COUNCIL FOR CONGREGATIONAL MINISTRIES Scott Emison Clair, Stewardship Chris Jorgensen, Facilities Sally Boeckholt, Councilor at Large Kate Allen, Social Justice Ellen Taylor, Congregational Life Julie Brown, Religious Growth And Learning Bill Paxson, Worship & Arts Leader: Life is a gift for which we are grateful. People: We gather in community to celebrate the glories and the mysteries of this great gift. Leader: So let us kindle now the flame of our liberal religious heritage. People: In its glow, may our reason and our passion lead us to be true to ourselves, true to each other, and true to what we can together become. *Hymn #1063 Winter Solstice Chant Welcome Margaret Schultz Spotlight 11:00 a.m., Channing Hall Energy & Justice Meeting Sunday, Jan. 11, 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office Doxology (tune: Old Hundredth #371) From all that dwell below the skies let songs of hope and faith arise; let peace, good will on earth be sung through every land, by every tongue. Story for All Ages “The Yule Faeries - A Winter Solstice Story” – Adapted (author unknown) Isabelle Stamper Singing the Children to Class Children’s Benediction (see inside back cover of hymnal) Joys and Concerns [submit at the Caring Ministry Table or via Grounds Council Meeting Sunday, Jan. 11, 11:00 a.m., DRE’s Office Interweave Monthly Potluck Sunday, Jan. 11, 12”15 p.m., Channing Hall Strings Attached Sunday, Jan. 11, 12:30 p.m., Auditorium (go to for more information on these and other events) MS Mediation Program—1/9 Harvey Harrison PlayUU Saturday, Jan. 10, 9:00 a.m., Rooms 110 & 112 NEW! Tomorrow Team Presentations/Discussions Sunday, Jan. 11, 9:15 & “The First Day of Winter” by Laura Lush Chalice Lighting UPCOMING EVENTS Bridge Friday, Jan. 2, 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall “White Christmas” arranged by Doug Hoffman Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern
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