March 8, 2015 - First Unitarian Church of Des Moines

Sung Response
Comfort me (x3), oh my soul. (repeat line)
Sing with me (x3), oh my soul. (repeat line)
Second Basket: Children and Family Urban Movement’s (CFUM) mission is to create
a community to support the potential of children, youth and families through educational success, healthy living and community engagement. This is carried out
through after school programs for children who reside in a near Des Moines
North side neighborhood who are between the grades of K through 12. Planned
Parenthood of the Heartland’s mission is to be a leader in providing accessible reproductive health care, education, and advocacy; responsive to the needs and rights of
families and individuals.
Come, Sing a Song with Me
Sunday, March 8
Faith in Action Sign-Up 10:15 a.m.—12:30 p.m., Channing Hall
Pathways 9:15 a.m., Room 107
RE Classes 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Lower Level
Service: "I am First Unitarian, Too" with the High School Youth Group
(YRUU); Celebrant: Andrea Quinn 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium
Meet the Artist 10:15 a.m., Art Gallery Wall in Channing Hall
Energy & Justice for All 11:00 a.m., Minister’s Office
Grounds Council 11:00 a.m., DRE’s Office
World Religions & Their Cultures 11:00 a.m., Room 105
Death with Dignity Action Group 12:15 p.m., Peace Conference Room
Interweave Monthly Potluck Lunch 12:15 p.m., Gathering Space
Sacred Bridges Meeting 12:30 p.m., Room 111
Sharing Our Abundance
Andrea Quinn
Elizabeth Mora
Sung Response #346
Noah Notch, Matthew
Wells, Aiden StoverWright, Audrey Keairns
and Emily Notch
Olivia HouchinsMcCallum & Ellie Paxson
*Hymn #123
"I am First Unitarian, too!"
Spirit of Life
Monday, March 9
Iowa Humanist Society 6:00 p.m., Channing Hall
*Closing Words
Eliyzha Barnhill
Extinguishing the Flame
Ellie Paxson
*Closing in Song
Leader: I extinguish the symbolic flame
of this gathering. May we carry its light
into the world.
People: Let us go from this place, open to life,
expecting to love, and prepared to serve.
Hymn of Valor (back cover of hymnal)
*Please stand as you are able
Thank You to all Service Participants and to Today’s Hospitality Teams:
Channing Chimes: Reza and Amal Choudhury, Milo and Jonas BottenfieldBiehn, Sean and Gavin Houchins-McCallum, Gabe Schebel, and Risa Vandegrift.
9:15 a.m. Team: Maria Loder, Carol Henderson, Bob Henderson, Sue
Repplinger, Norm Repplinger, Rob Nicholson, Karen Nicholson, Marilyn Lantz,
David Rasey, Lois Leonard, Bill Leonard, Nina Richtman, Joann Noftsger, Ross
Loder, Natalie Mason, Sarah Letoumeau, Tyler Dillon, Laura Lockard, Dallas
Sanders, Hannah Notch, Noah Notch, Emily Notch, Quinn Bottenfield
11:00 a.m. Team: Carol Hibbs, Rolland Riley, Heidi Lackmann, Todd
Lackmann, Margaret Holmes, John Holmes, Matthew Riley, Mary Harlan,
Shirley Willard, Katie Devlin, Lisa Hogan, Ross Griswold, Christine Griswold,
Adam Clements
Sound Board Operator: 9:15 a.m. - Rob Malcomson; 11:00 a.m. - Kent
Hearing Impaired: We have radio receivers available at the rear of the
auditorium near the audio board.
Visually Impaired: Full page magnifiers may be found at the rear of the
auditorium near the sound board.
Tuesday, March 10
Women’s Potluck 6:30 p.m., RSVP to Linda Bardole at or 515274-4010
Great Readings Discussion Group 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall
Wednesday, March 11
Channing Chimes 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
Bell Ave Ringers 5:30 p.m., Auditorium
Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30 p.m., Channing Hall, Gathering Space
AMOS 5:30 p.m., Room 103
Sparks Choir 6:00 p.m., Room 105
Adult OWL 6:00 p.m., Room 108
7-8 Grade OWL 6:15 p.m., Room 107
7-8 Grade OWL 6:15 p.m., Room 114
Chalice Choir 6:30 p.m., Room 105
Spirit Play 6:30 p.m., Room 111
Tomorrow Team 6:30 p.m., Peace Conference Room
Enviroscouts 7:00 p.m. Room 103
UU Choir 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall
Thursday, March 12
Board of Trustees 5:30 p.m., Channing Hall
ShUUterbugs has been canceled for this month
Pagan Liturgy & Ritual Class 6:30 p.m., Mary Safford Room
Friday, March 13
Board Game Night 6:00 p.m., Channing Hall
Sunday, March 15
Welcoming Newcomers Committee 9:15 a.m., Room 105
Pathways 9:15 a.m., Room 107
RE Classes 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Lower Level
(calendar continued in next panel)
Service: "Resilient by Nature" with Rev. Erin Gingrich; Celebrant: Elaine
Imlau 9:15 & 11:00 a.m., Auditorium
What can nature teach us about resilience? What might an ecosystem's ability to
rebound after disaster teach us about life and ourselves?
Christian Fellowship Meeting 12:15 p.m., Room 111
PlayUU Potluck 5:00 p.m., Channing Hall
High School Youth Group 6:00 p.m., Room 107
Social Justice Club 6:00 p.m., Room 105
Sign Up Today!
Open to life, expecting to love and SERVING!
Join our church in putting our faith into action on Sunday, April 12. Service project for people of ALL AGES have been planned in locations throughout the Des
Moines area. Registration begins after both services today, with online registration
opening tomorrow.
Do YOU have your shirt yet?
There are still pledges out there to be turned in. Lucky for you, if you make your
pledge by March 15, you can still get a T-shirt!
Do you love sharing delicious FOOD and good times with FRIENDS?
Maybe you enjoy planning and hosting dinner parties or baking your grandmother’s chocolate chip cookies - then don’t miss this great opportunity to be
involved in the 16th Annual Fabulously Fun food Fair Fundraiser. Or maybe
you want to participate in our church’s flagship fundraiser, but don’t know what
to contribute.
New this year: F5 Consulting! Get help planning and managing
your event from two experienced, creative, and organized event planners. Contact Hilary Hippen-Leek ( or
313.7390) for more information about this service.
For details about the fundraiser and offer forms, continue to watch the Intercom
Weekly and the Order of Service or contact Barb Royal ( or
225.2994) or Hilary Hippen-Leek ( or 313.7390).
Submission Deadline: April 19
Sales/Auction Dates: April 26 & May 3
Save the Dates: 3 Forums Coming This March
The Birds and the Bees...and the Bats in the Faith & Grace Garden
Last year, the Faith & Grace Garden in West Des Moines donated over 8,000
pounds of organic fruits and vegetables to area pantries and other food distribution points in the Des Moines area. UUs have been faithful volunteers in the garden for the past six years and have seen it grow from a 50’ x 50’ plot to over one
acre today. Tom Goldman, garden coordinator, will be with us on Sunday,
March 22 at 11:00 a.m. to talk about how people are being fed through this sustainable food project.
Tomorrow Team Forums
Over 150 people attended six sessions with the Tomorrow Team in January to
learn about our growth and share their visions for the future. Since then, the team
has been hard at work tabulating results - now, we’re ready to share what we’ve
learned and continue the conversation. We’ll have two sessions on Sunday,
March 29, in Channing Hall, concurrent with morning services. We hope to see
you there!
Dear White People...Now What?
Pictures coming out of Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014 were eerily similar to
iconic images seared in our collective, national memory from the 1950s. What
does that similarity have to show us? Please plan to attend this forum with Jennifer Harvey, associate professor of religion at Drake University, to consider
where do we go from here on Sunday, March 29 at 11:00 a.m. in the large activity room (Room 103). She will be sharing information from her new book Dear
White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation.
(Announcements continued on the back)
Art Gallery in Need of Assistance to Show 3-D Art
Wanted: members or friends who would like to explore adding three-dimensional
art in our Art Gallery in Channing Hall. Need those who can help design showcases and those who are interested in finding artists to display sculpture, jewelry, etc.
Contact Ann Mowery at 343-6277 or
First Unitarian Church of Des Moines
A Unitarian Universalist Church
1800 Bell Ave, Des Moines IA 50315
Phone: 515.244.8603 Fax: 515.244.9761
New Adult RE Class Begins in April
“Why are They Like That Anyway?” will meet on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. from April
12 - May 10. The five meetings offer an opportunity for you to learn what type of
personality you have according to the theories of Carl Jung and test creators, Myers
-Briggs. Through learning and discussing your own type and those of others in the
class, you can become more aware of how you function in the world and how others function differently. Our differences can create tension or complement each
other. Shirley Willard, class facilitator, taught psychology classes for decades.
First Unitarian Church of Des Moines invites people into
a respectful, authentic, and joyful religious community that
nurtures meaningful connections, pursues justice, and inspires service.
A Unitarian Universalist Church
Sunday, March 8, 2015, 9:15 & 11:00 a.m.
Bruce Martin, pianist
Check out the First UU Playscape Newsletter.
Find the link on our website:
Board of Trustees Executive Session Policy
The Board of Trustees has adopted a new policy governing “Executive Sessions”
during Board meetings. The policy provides the guidelines that are to be followed
to enter into such sessions, during the sessions, the documentation requirements,
as well as the issues before the Board that would require “executive sessions.”
There is an “addendum” attached to the policy that provides background information on the use and governance of “Executive Sessions”.
Green Sanctuary Designation!
Members of Energy and Justice for All are thrilled to announce that our congregation has earned the “Green Sanctuary” designation from the Unitarian Universalist
Association. Energy and Justice for All recently submitted a 19-page application
that detailed work on 18 projects completed by Energy and Justice along with several other First Unitarian groups. You will learn more about these projects and
what this designation means during the Earth Day service in April .
New Group at Church: Game Night for Adults!
A new affinity group will meet at church on the 2nd Friday of each month, from 68p.m., for all adults interested in playing board games. Please join fellow UU
friends for a fun night of board games in Channing Hall. Bring your favorite game
as well as any beverages or snacks you might want to share. Questions? Contact
Winnie Williams:
RE Email
Interested in receiving a weekly email from the RE program? Email Tracy Beck at to be added to the list.
Caring Ministry and Joys and Concerns
To have a joy or concern shared during services, or if you are in need of assistance,
please go to by noon on Friday.
Small Group Ministry Monday, March 16, 10:00 a.m., Kitchen
PFLAG Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 p.m., Channing Hall
Humanist Book Discussion Group Wednesday, March 18, 6:45 p.m., Room 108
Unity Circle Thursday, March 19, 12:00 Noon, Channing Hall
Duplicate Bridge Friday, March 20, 7:00 p.m., Channing Hall
Sacred Bridges CUUPs: Ostara Ritual Saturday, March 21, 6:30 p.m., Channing
Energy and Justice for All Meeting Sunday, March 22, 11:00 a.m., Peace Conference
Great Decisions: Sectarianism in the Middle East Sunday, March 22, 11:00 a.m.,
Minister’s Office
(go to for more information on these and other events)
Rev. Mark Stringer, Minister
Rev. Erin Gingrich, Associate Minister of Social Justice
Linda Barnes, Ministerial Intern
Deb Dessert, Director of Finance & Administration
Tracy Beck, Director of RE for Children & Youth
Megan Salley, Youth Program Coordinator
Laura Thomas, RE Assistant
Michelle Plymate, Pre-school Teacher
Lori Emison Clair, Dir. Of Congregational Life
Carissa Fields, Congregational Life Assistant
Terry Lillie, Caring Ministry Coordinator
Abby Chungath, Communications Coordinator
Moira Leu, Director of Music
Bruce Martin, Pianist
Amy Anderson, Choir Accompanist
Connie Price, Bookkeeper
Jane White, Office Assistant
Don Werner, Groundskeeper
Margaret Schultz, President
Jean Rommes, Vice President
Zac Bailey, Co-Secretary
Amy Luebbert, Co-Secretary
Charlie Ahern
Bob Belosky
Brandon Bundt
Ross Loder
Barb Royal
Scott Emison Clair, Stewardship
Chris Jorgensen, Facilities
Sally Boeckholt, Councilor at Large
Kate Allen, Social Justice
Ellen Taylor, Congregational Life
Julie Brown, Religious Growth And Learning
Bill Paxson, Worship & Arts
March Theme: What does it mean to be a people of resilience?
Intoning the Chime
Audrey Keairns
Centering Music
Channing Chimes, Karen
Kraemer , director
“Blue Boat Home” arr. by Karen
Opening Words
Audrey Keairns
Chalice Lighting
Leader: Life is a gift for which we are
People: We gather in community to celebrate
the glories and the mysteries of this great gift.
Leader: So let us kindle now the flame
of our liberal religious heritage.
People: In its glow, may our reason and our
passion lead us to be true to ourselves, true to
each other, and true to what we can together
*Hymn #361
Enter, Rejoice, and Come In
Nathan Notch
Megan Salley
Faith in Action Day
(tune: Old Hundredth #371)
From all that dwell below the skies
let songs of hope and faith arise;
let peace, good will on earth be sung
through every land, by every tongue.
Sharing a Story
An original story written by Jackson
Singing the Children to Classes
Children’s Benediction (back cover of the
Joys and Concerns
[submit on Sunday or via]
Andrea Quinn
Jackson Doyle-Scar
Andrea Quinn