Parish Visitor -

The Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Parish Visitor
308 Market Street
PO Box 246
New Berlin
Pennsylvania 17855
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Grace and peace to you in Christ!
The Fitches wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss our gratitude. So,..
 Thank you to all those who helped to make the transition from the old parsonage to the new parsonage possible.
 Thank you to all those that spent time, energy, and money on the renovation and loving restoration.
 Thank you to Bobbi’s generosity that inspired so many to see the value of such a significant gift to the congregation.
 Thank you to the Renovation Committee and the sub-committee of “Designing Women.”
 Thank you to all of you that turned out to help us move. It was wonderful to see such a good size group show up on moving
 Thank you to all those that donated goods and services to keep the costs down for the project and up for the net sale!
 Thank you to those that helped to prepare the old parsonage for sale. It was the cleanest house the realtor has seen in years!
 Thank you for the housewarming gifts! We were glad to put many of them to use for Thanksgiving dinner.
 Thank you for those that continue to invest your energy and devotion into what God is doing right here where we live in
worship and in community. Thank you to those that are consistently a part of making things happen, flow and work! You
are truly a blessing to us all!
 Thank you for your humility! So many of you wished not to be named and called out for what you do, but consider it part of
what it means to be a Christian and a people of God. Thank you for serving and no wishing to draw attention away from
Christ at the center of all that we are and do. May your kindness and quiet service be forever remembered!
 Thank you for your stewardship—caring for your parsonage is good stewardship of a solid asset.
I invite you to stop in to the Open House on Dec 14th, following worship and fellowship time. There will be a brief rite of
Blessing of a Home. Thank you, in advance, for your prayers.
A reflection related to house and home:
I cannot imagine what it must have felt like for the Holy Family to be travelling and without a regular home for so long. Even
after they were able to find a regular house in Bethlehem and there for a year or so, some wise guys showed up and then the angelic vision that is the stuff of good dreams urged them to take flight to Egypt. This is the Epiphany story in Matthew 2. Mark
and John (the Gospels for this church year) recognized that Jesus was constantly on the move. They skipped Christmas and
Epiphany and went straight to the meat of the Good News for those with or without houses. Celebrating houses, Christmases,
Epiphanies, and Birthdays of a King is a privilege in many ways. Not everyone can afford to throw a house party.
Recently I saw a homeless person sleeping by the door at the top of steps of a downtown church. The church used the other
door. Around the corner, it was more of the same. A side door alcove of the church was another shelter for another homeless
person or two. This gesture seemed compassionate, but I wondered (judgmentally) if Jesus would prefer them to be let in out of
the cold. I was driving by in my heated car. I am from another town. It was all too easy for me to say that. Homelessness,
though, breaks my heart. I know that many times, the homeless are that way for reasons. Yet, I know the promise of the Kingdom of my Jesus—no one is homeless there. As we are to be about the work of Jesus, bringing the Kingdom to bear, as his
hands and feet, we continue to work for justice that all might have a shelter to be safe in.
Let no one, O Lord, under our watch and care, go to sleep with fear or without shelter. May it be so. Amen. Yes, may it be so.
In the Love and Service of Christ,
You are invited
to the New Parsonage
Open House
December 14th following
fellowship time.
There will be a brief
House Blessing and
a time to chat with the Fitches.
Dear Workers in the Kingdom of God,
On Nov. 20th, our food pantry served 57
families or 159 people. Thank you to all of the
volunteers who give of their time every
month. Please consider helping out next month on
Thursday, Dec. 18th, by contacting Miriam Milbrand at 570-966-1352..
Since our food pantry is small and local,
we are not receiving any government food or money. In support of our food pantry, the churches
will be asking you to please help by bringing specific items next month. Peanut butter and pasta
sauce will be the goal for the United Church of
Christ. At Messiah Lutheran, the congregation
will be asked to bring
An Invitation is extended to anyone
who would like to provide a special
music offering for the Christmas Eve
6:30pm worship service. Please call
Gaye Solomon @ 570-966-0859.
To ALL Women of the Church
Don’t miss the annual WELCA Christmas party to
be held Monday, December 8th at 6:30pm in the
parish hall. A tasty tureen dinner will be served.
Bring a dish to share if you are able. Any child is
encouraged to join us. A husband and wife team
will be entertaining us after dinner with guitars,
songs and stories. They love young people to
come and participate. All are welcome and bring a
friend. Please let Fran Blatchley know if you are
attending. We will be collecting holiday food for
the food pantry such as canned cranberry sauce,
boxes of stuffing mix, boxed pie crust, cake mixes
and frostings.
and place them in the container which will be sitting by the coat racks. Phyllis Swanger will ask
the folks at the Methodist Church for cereals and
pastas. Pastor Jason's congregation will be contributing stuffing and cranberry sauce. If you wish
to contribute monetarily, checks may be made to
M.E.L.C. Pastor's Discretionary Fund. Of course,
you can still donate other food items to the pantry
if you find good sales on different items.
Please save paper bags for us to use in the
food pantry. Once again, we need 1 qt. Plastic
milk or juice containers.
Thanks for your continued support,
The New Berlin Food Pantry
Lutheran Church Women ar e tying quilts for
Lutheran World Relief. There is a desperate need
for old sheets (fitted or flat) of any color or pieces
of material measuring at least 60” x 80”. If you
can help, please bring these items to church and
give them to Miriam or Fran. Thank You.
XYZ Christmas Luncheon
Tuesday, December 16 at 11:30am at
Country Cupboard, Lewisburg.
Please sign up if you plan to attend. If you need a
ride, indicate that on the sign up sheet in the fellowship hall. These lunches are open to anyone
who wants to join in, regardless of age.
2015 Altar Guild
There are still openings for people to serve on
Altar Guild in 2015. If you would be willing to
serve on Altar Guild on the following dates, please
contact Miriam Milbrand.
March 15
April 5
September 13
November 22 November 29
Communion Cards
If you haven’t filled out a
communion card in 2014,
please do so during the month
of December.
My name is Hannah Fee and I am from Girl Scout
Troup 356. We are working towards our bronze
award which is a community service project. We
are supporting Arthur’s Pet Pantry. We are in need
of donations. The following items are needed: dog
and cat food, cat litter, cat and dog toys, gallon
zipper storage bags.
Christmas Musical Practice Schedule:
“The First Christmas”
December 7 (Sunday) 10:30 – 11:30
December 14 (Sunday) 10:30 – 11:30
December 20 (Sat) 4:30 – 7:00 (Pizza, dessert,
drinks, snacks provided)
December 21 (Sunday) 8:30 arrive to Church for
warm-ups and getting in costume – Parents
will be asked to bring cookies, pretzels,
chips, punch etc. – please let Janine know
what you can bring as we are responsible
for the social that day. If anyone would
like to take charge of the social that day –
let Janine know as it is extremely helpful!
The donation box would be located in the entry
way of the fellowship hall. All donations needed
by January 15.
Thank you for your support.
Food needed:
Plain and Bar-B-que
Cookies: 3 dozen (x4)
Brownies or other goodie (x2)
Red punch (3 big containers – “Hawaiian Punch”)
YOUTH … Looking ahead to January
Friday, January 23, 2015
Ice Skating at the Sunbury Rink
$4 admission includes skate rental. Bring money
for vending machines if you want snacks.
Many, many thanks to those who contributed time, materials, and/or monetary gifts to the
new parsonage renovation project. It is beautiful, and became a reality because of YOU!
With sincere appreciation,
The Renovation Committee
Prayer List
Prayers of healing, wholeness, encouragement—Long Term:
Judy Hackenberg, Julia Hauck, Logan Roush, Alicia Saxon, Kevin Featherstone, Linda
Wood, Aimee Erdley, Lois Roberts, Marlene Gabel, Faye Stover, Merrilee Bender, Lester
Hummel, Noah Navickas, Catherine Bell, Travis Catherman, Cindy Murphy, Laura Faux,
Michael Eyer, Eleanor Evitts, Katie Benfer, Bill Duke
Prayers of healing, wholeness, encouragement,—Short Term:
Pat Seebold, Vicki Jones, Janet Neidig, The Kantz family, Peggy Ritter, Alexis Erb, Roy Fern, Debbie
Gray, Betty Hollenbach, Corey Milbrand
Providence and protection for First Responders, Military service
Stanley Miller, Aaron Snyder, Adam Davis, Stephen Schlegel, Shane Keller, Eric Brosious
Prayers of care and help for our homebound:
Bob and Neida Frank, Robert Seebold, Edna Probst, Erma VanHorn, Jane Solomon, Pauline Sauers,
Roberta Hollenbach, Martha Wetzel, Clair Jacka
Prayers of consolation and comfort for those who are grieving
Worship Leaders/Assistants
(Please remember … If you cannot attend worship the day you are scheduled as a helper, please find a replacement and notify the church office of the change. And, if you ar e not cur r ently on our list of helper s, and would
like to be, please contact the church office.)
Head Usher
Announcements 12/7 Brian Fee
12/14 Tom Milbrand
12/21 JR Erdley
January 2015 Newsletter
Deadline is
Sunday, Dec. 28.
Carl Scholl
12/28 Greg Schlegel
1/4/15 Brian Fee
Garrett Benfer and Evan Foss
Amanda Schlegel and Nathan Sauers
Bradley Sauers and Ryan Sauers
6:30pm Emilee Fitch and Christopher Hauck
11pm Sean Benfer and Keisha Schlegel
Jillian Fee and Kaylin Foss
Garret Benfer and Evan Foss
Bob and Jean Sauers
Ed Wagner
Deb Wetzel and Bob Woodling
6:30pm Ken and Patty Wetzel
11pm JR and Pam Erdley
Mary Bowersox
Katie and Ross Mitchell family
Altar Guild
Betty and John Hollenbach
Stacy and Chris Sauers
Ginny Engel and Paul Kaler
Scholls, Milbrands, Resseguies
Betty and John Hollenbach
Frances Blatchley
Kay Hestor, Greg Schlegel, Ginny Engel, Tom Milbrand
Diane Walter, Chris Sauers, Patty Wetzel, Deb Wetzel
Ronald Blatchley, Nate Williard, Frances Blatchley, Emilee Fitch
6:30pm Katie Mitchell, Gary Anderson, Stacy Sauers, Kerry Fitch
11pm Kay Hestor, Greg Schlegel, Jean Sauers, Ross Mitchell
Diane Walter, Chris Sauers, Ryan Fitch, Ginny Engel
Nate Williard, Katie Mitchell, Tom Milbrand, Patty Wetzel
Jerry and Deb Boyer, Barry and Melissa Hauck
Don Wetzel, Carole Jacka, Ronald and Frances Blatchley
Steve Eaton family
6:30pm John and Betty Hollenbach, Carl and Helen Scholl
11pm Gene and Mim Keister, Kay Hestor, Emily Moyer
Greg and Kim Schlegel family
Betty and John Hollenbach, Rev. David and Elaine Hauck
Stacy and Chris Sauers
Ginny Engel and Paul Kaler
Betty and John Hollenbach, Jane Moore
Betty and John Hollenbach, Jane Moore (altar), Marysue Roberts (basket)
Ronald and Frances Blatchley
Frances Blatchley
Karla Benfer
Dennis Spangler
6:30pm Deb Wetzel
11pm JR Erdley
Miriam Milbrand
Tom Milbrand
JR Erdley
Ronald Blatchley
Ryan Fitch
6:30pm Kate Williard
11pm Tom Milbrand
Allison Houtz
Miriam Milbrand
Knit Wits
Patty & Gladys Wetzel
Youth Parents
Frances Blatchley
Kay T. & Betty H.
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Council Meeting
October 9, 2014
Present: Pastor Fitch, Ronald Blatchley, Kay Hestor, Katrina Mitchell, Chris Sauers, Greg Schlegel, Diane
Walter, Nate Williard. Absent: Gary Anderson, Carl Scholl. No visitors.
The meeting was called to order at 6:50pm by President Diane Walter and Pastor Fitch led the group in a
reading of a Mission Verse, Luke 5:4. The pastor then led a brief devotions based on the theme of the Mission Verse: Fishing for People.
The Secretary’s minutes of the September 11 meeting were accepted without change.
The Treasurer’s report showed a balance of $3470.70 at the end of September and a current balance of
$3895.38 (as of October 8) and a list of unpaid bills totaling $9046.82. A total of $7634.24 (unchanged since
last month) has been borrowed from the Memorial Account to pay current bills. The report was accepted for
file and audit. A question was raised last month concerning the balance remaining on the mortgage; the current balance is $167,808.95.
Treasurer Nate Williard reported that Portico has cancelled the pastor’s benefits for non-payment. He will
send a check to Portico and consult with a representative about reinstatement. He also reported that he will
continue to write checks for payroll and will not attempt direct deposit. The Treasurer’s report was accepted
for file and audit.
The Pastor’s report indicated the usual mix of worship, pastoral care, community and fellowship participation.
He asked the Council think about what are the strengths of our congregation. Answers included: a very visible
location, many organized activities, the members mostly know each other and enjoy a sense of community.
Pastor Fitch is planning to be on vacation Sunday October 12 and ALWL Beverly Hoffman will be leading our
worship. Pastor’s work week has averaged 51 hours in September.
Committee Reports
Stewardship: No report.
Property, 300 Market St.: A work day is scheduled for October 11. The “Punchlist” is down to one page.
Property, 412 Market St.: There was one showing of the property with a current (reduced) price of
$157,000. The party seemed somewhat interested but did not make an offer.
Property, 308 Market St.: The clogged downspout at the SE corner is now open. Chris Sauers will repair
the roof leak on the Social Hall at his first opportunity. Linn Wetzel will look at the sanctuary lighting and
suggest appropriate changes.
Finance: Schlegel and Williard are still working with Berkheimer on tax exemptions for Pastor, Tina Fern,
and Kellie Reilly.
Christian Education/Youth & Family Ministries: Sunday School teachers will be Valerie Fry for kindergarten and younger, Katie Mitchell for grades 1 and 2, Stacey Sauers for grades 3 and 4, Frances Blatchley
for grades 5 and 6.
Minutes continue on page 6
Minutes continued ...
Worship and Music: The organists are OK with a 6:30 service on Christmas Eve. A second bulletin board
is being planned for the Social Hall. All are reminded to wear red on Reformation Day, Oct. 26.
WELCA: A chicken and waffle supper is planned for Nov. 1 starting at 4:00 pm. A shipment of 87 School
Kits, 61 Personal Care Kits, 18 Baby Kits, 7 blankets and 13 quilts is ready to be sent to Lutheran World
Men in Mission: October 11 will be a work day at 300 Market Street.
Staff Support: No report.
Mission and Witness: No report. The committee is trying to schedule a meeting.
Old Business
Church Directory is nearly done.
Greg Schlegel was unable to find a discount on Quickbook but noted that there is a non-profit version of it
available at $275.61 with a tutorial for $22.49.
New Business
The Nominating Committee has three candidates for next year’s committee: Frances Blatchley, Shawn
Danner, and Wendy Foss. Church Council candidates will be Greg Schlegel and Diane Walter, both of
whom are eligible for another term. One additional candidate is needed for Council.
The Finance Committee plans to have a 2015 budget ready by next Council meeting so it can be approved for the congregation to vote at the Annual Congregational Meeting November 16.
A motion by Sauers/Schlegel amended the minutes of November 12, 2013 to reflect that Diane Walter is
to serve a one-year term. Motion carried.
It was announced that a bequest of $20,000 was received from the Donald Spangler Estate. Terms of the
bequest are that it be applied to a building fund and Council members are requested to think about possible uses for the funds. Initial reaction was for energy abatement measures on the Education Building.
Meeting adjourned at 9:02pm with Council praying the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting will be moved up to November 6 at 6:45pm to allow more time before the Annual Congregational Meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Ronald C. Blatchley, Secretary
February 6-7, 2015: GROW in the Snow
Save the date! After a few years rest, the synod Youth Retreat at Camp Mount Luther is back
and will be held on February 6-7, 2015. All youth in 6-12th grade and their youth leaders are
invited to attend. The retreat will have a confirmation theme and more details will be available
later this fall. Contact Pastor Peter Horn at or Chad Hershberger at with questions.
December 26-31, 2014: Winter Mission Trip to Detroit!
LutheranHands is sponsoring a winter mission trip to Detroit for anyone 16-years-old or older.
Cost is approximately $225 per person and work will be on a variety of projects including but
not limited to food prep, maintenance, recycling, making door mats out of tires, collecting said
tires, and working with the developmentally disabled population. Housing will be provided at
the Cass Community, a social service that sets out to fight poverty and create working opportunities for citizens of Detroit, located at 11850 Woodrow Wilson Street, Detroit, Michigan. Travel
will be in 15-passenger vans. In light of the ELCA National Youth Gathering in 2015, by bringing
further attention to Detroit, LutheranHands hopes to inspire and promote much needed volunteer service to Detroit. Registration is open at Registration is electronic and forms mailed to LutheranHANDS will not be accepted. Payments will be accepted by
check or money order made payable to "LutheranHANDS" and mailed to: The LutheranHANDS
Foundation (Attn: Detroit Winter Mission Trip), P.O. Box 644, Hummelstown, PA 17036. Any
questions regarding the trip or the city of Detroit, contact Matthew
January 25, 2015: Camp Mount Luther Turkey Benefit Dinner
This event will celebrate Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday. Franklin wanted the turkey to be the
national bird of our country. Camp Mount Luther thought it would be fitting to have a turkey
dinner to honor his January birthday! You are invited to come to his birthday party and support
camp at the same time! The dinner will be helo on Sunday, January 25, 2015, from 4:006:00pm at the Evergreen Center at Mount Luther. The menu will consist of turkey and all the
trimmings. A freewill offering will be collected to help defray the cost of the dinner. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting the camp office at 570-922-1587 or
December Birthdays
December 4
December 5
December 6
December 7
December 8
December 13
December 16
December 18
December 20
December 21
December 23
December 25
December 29
December 30
Christmas Eve Worship 2014
Amanda Thomson
Ashlee Swartz
Robert Neidig
Stacy Sauers
Michael Hauck
Patricia Wetzel
Miriam Keister
Sean Wagner
Charles Ritter
Penny Hauck
Alexis Erb
Christina Brosious
Jeffrey Benfer
Kadyn Long
Kim Schlegel
Clyde Walter
Thomas Ward
The Early Service
will be at 6:30 pm.
Please make note of the change. It is
our hope that this timing will help our
many families with young children to
celebrate the birthday of Jesus with a
meaningful worship celebration (and
perhaps a little earlier to bed)!
The 11pm worship continues at the same time. Many people
are working late, so this time suits them well. We have been
one of only a few churches in the area that offer the traditional
“late” service.
The two services continue to be viable worship times for different sets of Christians.
Both services will continue with candlelight and Holy Communion. You may continue to expect us to “pull out all the
stops.” It is only the time that is changing.
December Anniversaries
December 17 Chris and Stacy Sauers
December 27 Robert and Nancy Hummel
Gifts that make a difference
Goats are known for surviving in some of the
world’s harshest environments — hot temperatures,
rocky terrain — you name it! This makes them especially valuable for families living in dry, droughtprone climates where it’s tough to raise other animals.
Fresh milk from a goat provides great nutrition for
children who are growing. And as goats multiply in
number, families often share the offspring with neighbors in need, helping lift entire communities out of
hunger and poverty.
There are lots of other good gifts available: water,
education, other animals, malaria and AIDs prevention.
Browse the catalog and select from more than 50 gift-giving
options. Choose the gifts that mean the most to you or
choose gifts in honor of friends or loved ones.
Where your gifts go:
“We believe that people know their own communities
best. We start by listening to our congregations and
our global companion churches that first identify the
local needs and related solutions that help make a difference. Then, we partner with people to make those
dreams a reality in their own communities.
The items in this catalog represent the kinds of projects and programs supported by funds from the
ELCA. Your donations support work within the same
categories of ministry (e.g., agriculture, malaria, disaster response, etc.) related to your gift, where needed
most, so that your donation has the biggest impact. In
order to honor your generosity and keep administrative
costs low, the ELCA does not track individual gifts to
specific families or locations in the U.S. or abroad.”
Tell others about the ELCA Good Gifts you have given in
their honor by printing a card or sending an eCard. With
each online donation you may request a printed card to be
mailed to your home. Please allow two weeks for delivery.
Open House and
Blessing at
New Parsonage
(after Fellowship)
Youth Christmas
Musical during
January 2015
Newsletter Deadline
7:30pm Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
Council Dinner at the
4:30pm Dress Rehearsal for Christmas
7:30pm Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
Christmas Eve
Food Pantry Food
7:30pm Chancel
Choir Long Rehearsal
December 2014
6:30pm WELCA
Christmas Party
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
PO Box 246
New Berlin, PA 17855
The Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Parish Visitor
December 2014
Visit our website at
Live God’s Grace. Share Christ’s Love. Serve the Lord.