Parish Visitor -

The Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Parish Visitor
308 Market Street
PO Box 246
New Berlin
Pennsylvania 17855
March 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Grace and peace to you in the Name of the great and promised deliverer of all.
I am a little embarrassed. I shared with you all a vision for deepening and “Reforming Our Discipleship,” but I
left out a critical component. At least no one noticed (but maybe we should have). I shared it in our Annual
Meeting and then again in our first ever Mission Fest. The digital presentation was converted into a printed format so the attendants could take it home and think about it and pray about it. It was mostly complete. Oh my
and oh well. I am glad that I have expressed this process as a building discovery that we share in together. Below
is a condensed summary. [Full Presentation here.](Can you identify what was not included.)
Go for Two—Generosity is key | Add two more dollars to regular giving to church ministries
Three in the Door—Being authentic and prioritizing being in worship three out of four Sundays
Hands Up and Out—Be active in congregation with monthly support of service efforts
1 Big 6 Small—Take part in one big Bible study per year and daily contact with scripture
Seven Sighs—Encourage others to pray daily | Let go of what is prayed for
Smiling Elbows—Share joy with others in regular times of fellowship and community service
Yes, this is a pretty good list we have compiled. As I look at it again, it isn’t too bad. Except, we missed the significance of character. Certainly the character of a Christian is a critical component. Maybe our Lutheran bias excluded ethical behavior because that might seem too “works righteousness” oriented. We Lutheran Christians
have been accused of being too heavy on Grace and not heavy enough on holy living. Jesus is indeed very forgiving and grace filled. Let’s be clear, though, Jesus doesn’t encourage hypocrites. They receive the harshest words
he ever says. “You brood of vipers…” is what first comes to mind, along with others. God sees both faces when
we are two-faced. Many of the above discipleship points interrelate and depend upon sincerity and continuity between what is said and done, what is promised and what is kept. There are many pressures and temptations upon
Christians in this age. Staying true to Jesus means we don’t act one way for a few hours on Sunday and then another during the rest of the week. This doesn’t mean that we can’t make mistakes. We are sinful beings in need of
a Savior. This does mean that we have a Savior and following Him means that we do our best to act like God
wants us to.
So, please send me your catchy submissions to encourage one another in building up Christian character! Send me
your email, text, or voice messages. We had two sub-parts for each facet of discipleship, but submitting one idea
at a time is just fine. Use few words or a strange wording to help each disciple remember. Can you make it rhyme
in time? Please send in or message me by the end of the month. We will have a discipleship moment or update on
Palm Sunday [March 29th] during the fellowship time.
Let us continue our effort to Reform Our Discipleship! Let us do, praying for God’s guidance, faithfulness and
In Christ’s Love and Service,
Pastor Andrew Fitch
LENT 2015—Voices from the Deep End (of Faith)
Wednesdays—worship at 7pm
With Holy Communion and reflections from major figures in the Christian faith.
Each week we will hear Bible stories of characters of faith. We will also hear reflections from martyrs,
scholars, saints, and other accomplished swimmers in the baptismal waters.
We will hear from people like and including: Walter Brueggemann, NT Wright, Martin Luther, Dietrich
Bonheoffer, Douglas John Hall, Mother Teresa, Henri Nouwen, C.S. Lewis, as well as current leaders in
the global church.
Their thoughts on discipleship will shape our reflections. Pastor Fitch will utilize them in the homilies for
each evening. At times, their words will confront us and challenge us. Others will comfort us and reassure
us in our own striving. Tensions and disagreements between them on hot and current topics will be a piece
of our reflections and discernment. Timeless words that speak to our hearts and minds will be a hallmark
for these worship services. Prayers written by these “deep end” Christians will serve to distill our own petitions and requests in parts of each night’s order.
Evening liturgies will be abbreviated to make these services accessible for most schedules. Those who
take discipleship seriously will benefit greatly from prioritizing for presence in these worship times.
Each night will conclude with prayer around the cross—singing our prayer to a close. In this portion of
contemplative worship, we sing simple and meditative songs while we pray and light candles in the candle
trays that surround the cross in the chancel. This time concludes with silence in which you are encouraged
to remain as long as you like.
Maundy Thursday 7pm (Apr il 2) This night we celebrate and remember how the Passover dinner with
the disciples becomes the Last Supper. Forgiveness and loving service dominate messages we
take home from this night. Jesus exemplifies the
servant leader. Amidst betrayal and an impending arrest, he offers his own lifeblood for the nourishment of the
faith community in what we now call Holy Communion. The name for this night comes from the Latin word for
commandment, referring to the new commandment that Jesus gives on this night.
Good Friday 7pm (Apr il 3) This night mar ks the giving love of our Lor d, Jesus. The passion is r ead as a centr al
event, not only in the church year, but in all our lives as well. This year we adore the cross in a service of prayer
around the cross. We light candles as visible prayers to the Crucified in devotion, adoration, and supplication.
Easter Vigil 7pm (Apr il 4) Wor ship will be br ief and simplified (under an hour ). We will begin outside weather
permitting (which is a hopeful prayer at this point in winter!) This year we will celebrate with an intergenerational service full of liturgical action and meaning that is designed for all ages. Worship includes simple songs
through the movement from the Service of Light, the Service of Readings, and the Service of Baptism. This holiest night of nights celebrates the Passover from death to life and the earliest moment of celebrating the joy of
Easter Dawn 6:30am (April 5) Informal Early Holy Communion in New Berlin Cemetery (weather permitting) as the
sun rises—we celebrate the rising of the Son. As new light dawns on creation we give praise and thanks for the
new light and life dawning on all of us through the Resurrection of our Lord
Worship Leaders/Assistants
(Please remember … If you cannot attend worship the day you are scheduled as a helper, please find a replacement and notify the church office of the change. And, if you ar e not cur r ently on our list of helper s, and would
like to be, please contact the church office.)
Head Usher
Greg Schlegel (April Head Usher—Diane Walter)
* indicates evening Lent Service
Bradley Sauers and Ryan Sauers
Sean Benfer
Jillian Fee and Kaylin Foss
Garrett Benfer
Evan Foss and Amanda Schlegel
Nathan Sauers
Emilee Fitch an Christopher Hauck
Sean Benfer
Bradley and Ryan Sauers
Jillian Fee and Kaylin Foss
Kerry Fitch
Ryan Fitch
Greg Schlegel
Dan Foss
Dennis Spangler
Deb Wetzel
JR Erdley
Tom Milbrand
Miriam Milbrand
Karla Benfer
Emily Moyer
Robert and Karen Hicks
Gene and Mim Keister
Jerry and Deb Boyer
Tom and Miriam Milbrand
Kellie Reilly
Ginny Engel and Paul Kaler
Jason and Allison Houtz
Mike and Kelly Erb family
Brian and Janine Fee family
Ryan Fitch
Kate Williard
Tom Milbrand
Allison Houtz
Miriam Milbrand
JR Erdley
Ryan Fitch
Kate Williard
Tom Milbrand
Allison Houtz
Kay Trick
Dorothy and Jim Hackenburg
Mim Keister
Chris and Stacy Sauers
Diane and Clyde Walter
Kathy Brady
Altar Guild
Katie Mitchell, Diane Walter, Emilee Fitch, Jean Sauers
Linn Wetzel, Ross Mitchell
Kay Hestor, Chris Sauers, Ginny Engel, Tom Milbrand
Nate Williard, Patty Wetzel
Gary Anderson, Katie Mitchell, Deb Wetzel, Stacy Sauers
Diane Walter, Kerry Fitch
Linn Wetzel, Kay Hestor, Ryan Fitch, Emilee Fitch
Chris Sauers, Jean Sauers
Nate Williard, Gary Anderson, Ross Mitchell, Ginny Engel
Ronald Blatchley, Katie Mitchell, Tom Milbrand, Patty Wetzel
Chuck and Bonnie Ritter, Chris and Stacy Sauers
Chancel Choir
Bob and Jean Sauers, Rob and Audrey Sauers
Kurt and Linda Zimmerman, Katie and Ross Mitchell
Donald Wetzel, Carole Jacka, Ken and Patty Wetzel
Jerry and Deb Boyer, Barry and Melissa Hauck
Steve Eaton family
John and Betty Hollenbach, Carl and Helen Scholl
Gene and Mim Keister, Kay Hestor, Emily Moyer
Karen/Robert Hicks
Katie M/.Allison H.
Kathy B./Miriam M.
Jean /Audrey/Janine
Tom and Miriam M.
The deadline for the
April Newsletter is
Sunday, March 22.
March Flower Sponsors
Kay Trick and Ralph Geiswite
Jim and Dorothy Hackenburg
Valerie and Kevin Fry
Chris and Stacy Sauers (altar), Mary Agnes Hackenberg (basket)
Diane and Clyde Walter (altar), Katie and Nate Williard (basket)
Mary Bowersox
Prayer List
Prayers of healing, wholeness, encouragement—Long Term:
Judy Hackenberg, Julia Hauck, Logan Roush, Alicia Saxon, Kevin Featherstone, Linda Wood, Aimee
Erdley, Faye Stover, Merrilee Bender, Noah Navickas, Catherine Bell, Travis Catherman, Cindy Murphy, Laura Faux, Eleanor Evitts, Katie Benfer, Bill Duke, Edward Bennett, Bill and Bonnie Pontius,
Nancy Pursley, Glen Jones, Julia Fetter, Neida Frank, Keith Phelps
Prayers of healing, wholeness, encouragement,—Short Term:
Pat Seebold, Corey Milbrand, Sue Moll, Ryan Sauers, Dale Wright, Kerry Fitch
Providence and protection for First Responders, Military service
Stanley Miller, Stephen Schlegel, Shane Keller, Eric Brosious
Prayers of care and help for our homebound:
Bob Frank, Robert Seebold, Edna Probst, Erma VanHorn, Jane Solomon, Pauline Sauers,
Roberta Hollenbach, Martha Wetzel, Clair Jacka
Prayers of consolation and comfort for those who are grieving
XYZ Luncheon
Tuesday, March 17 at 11:30am
Shamokin Dam Pizza Hut
All You Can Eat Chicken and Waffles
Saturday, March 7 ... 4pm until sold out
The Chicken and Waffle dinner at Messiah is
open to the public. The cost of the meal is:
9 for adults; $4 for children age 5-12;
and all those age 4 and under eat free.
Please sign up if you plan to attend. If you need a
ride, indicate that on the sign up sheet in the fellowship hall. These luncheons are open to anyone who wants to join in, regardless of age.
Messiah Youth
In March (date and time to be announced): “Do You Believe” movie at Cinema Center, Selinsgrove. There
will be discussions and a pizza party at Messiah Lutheran Church, New Berlin after the movie. Stay tuned for
more details.
March 13-15, 2015: Marriage Encounter Weekend
When is the last time the two of you did something to enrich and revitalize your marriage? Make 2015 the year you resolve to take
time to spend a weekend learning how to make your marriage a more intimate, loving, Christian union. Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends run from Friday night at 8:00 p.m. to Sunday around 4:00 p.m. and have been enriching marriages for almost 40 years!
There is a $45 per couple registration fee; plus toward the end of the weekend, you will be given an opportunity to make a confidential contribution toward continuation of the program. Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all supplies are included. Registrations are limited; so act today to ensure that you can attend the Weekend of your choice. To sign up online, go to: and pay the $45 fee using your credit card, or mark the option to mail in a check. For questions, or if
you would like a brochure mailed to you, contact Pennsylvania Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber,
at 724-325-3166 or email: The next weekend is March 13-15, 2015, at the lovely Sheraton Pittsburgh
Airport Hotel located in a peaceful setting six miles from the Pittsburgh Airport.
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Council Meeting
January 8, 2015
Present: Pastor Fitch, Diane Walter, Chis Sauers, Nate Williard, Linn Wetzel, Katrina Mitchell, Gary Anderson, Greg
Schlegel. Absent: Ronald Blatchley, Kay Hestor.
Meeting called to order: 6:50pm, by President Diane Walter. Pastor Fitch opened the meeting with a reading from
John 4:50, along with thoughts for discussion and followed by prayer.
Election of officers was held, Representatives to Committees chosen (all of which carry a one-year term), and a big welcome to our newest member to Council, Linn Wetzel.
President – Diane Walter
Vice President – Chris Sauers
Treasurer – Nate Williard
Secretary – Greg Schlegel
Representatives to Committees:
Property – Linn Wetzel, Gary Anderson
Mission and Witness – Katrina Mitchell, Diane Walter
Christian Ed and Youth – Katrina Mitchell
Finance – Chris Sauers, Nate Williard, Greg Schlegel
Support Staff and Mutual Ministry – Gary Anderson
Women of the ELCA – Kay Hestor
Stewardship –Ronald Blatchley
Men in Mission – Chris Sauers
Worship and Music – Nate Williard
Committee descriptions were distributed to each appointed representative by President Diane Walter. The 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:45pm was reestablished for 2015 council meetings, as this was the consensus among Council
Secretary’s minutes for our December’s Council meeting/dinner were accepted following the Council’s review.
Treasurer’s report: Nate Williard noted that Brotherhood Mutual accounts are current and up to date. In addition,
Gaye Solomon’s past due amount has now been paid. All ELCA donations due from 2014 were discussed, and must be
paid by January 12th. Treasurer’s report reviewed, accepted and filed for audit.
Pastor’s report: Pastor Fitch highlighted some upcoming events: Mission Fest January 25th. Child abuse prevention
training information for church members involved with children on a regular basis will be provided at a later date. Help
will be needed from Council in gathering information for the parochial report that is due February 15th with a workshop
date to be announced. Hand-out information was provided in reference to the ELCA campaign. A brief discussion regarding Lent was held.
Committee reports:
Stewardship – No report
Property – Chris Sauers stated parsonage basement still needs insulated and he will coordinate project, plans for installing water jacket on water heater are in progress, water drainage in basement needs to be corrected, kitchen windows still have air leakage, there is a currently a breaker issue which Linn will take care of. Church also has areas that
require attention: paint is falling off the walls in the pipe organ chamber; possible lighting replacement in sanctuary,
will need estimates (PP&L is currently offering rebates), Linn will coordinate; boiler will be cleaned this coming week;
water fountain is being moved from the back burner to the front burner; leak in Parish Hall roof will be addressed this
summer. Outdoor winter clean-up, specifically for Sundays, was discussed; Linn will coordinate and is looking for volunteers. Linn also volunteered his time in removing excess snow from church parking areas. Thank you, Linn.
Finance – No report
Christian Ed/Youth and Family Ministries - No report
Worship and Music – There will be some changes taking place regarding the flower donors’ process. Youth choir program has been inactive owing to the director’s busy schedule.
WELCA – No report
Men in Mission – Chris Sauers designated January 24th at 8am for a work day at the parsonage.
Mutual Ministry – Diane Walter made mention that a meeting was held in December 2014. Dan Foss, Betty Hollenbach
and Diane Walter completed their terms.
Staff Support – No report
Mission and Witness – Pastor Fitch reminded everyone that there will be a Mission Fest on the 25th of January in the
Fellowship Hall following the worship service.
Unfinished business –
Pastor Fitch reported that church directory hopefully will soon be completed. Quick books will soon be up and running.
New Business –
Naming of the parsonage open for discussion, but will table for now. Kay Hestor has a used dishwasher which she is
willing to donate to the church if willing to accept. After discussion, Chris Sauers made the motion, seconded by Greg
Schlegel to decline the offer, motion carried.
Pastor Fitch briefly talked about the child abuse prevention and safety made mention earlier, which is mandated by our
insurance and required by law, and will be effective July 1st.
The descriptions of each committee may need some updating for our Bylaws, and it was requested that if committee
reps come up with thoughts and ideas to share them at the next meeting.
Diane Walter reported that Ron Blatchley suggested a carbon monoxide detector be placed in the parsonage as a precaution since the wood stove in the summer kitchen is being used. Chris Sauers will pick up detectors when he shops
for supplies for the parsonage basement.
There also was discussion pertaining to the funds left over from the sale of the parsonage and what would be our next
step. The Finance Committee will review the Renovation Account to determine the balance.
Greg Schlegel announced that there are some corrections pertaining to Berkheimer. It was determined that the local
exemption certificates are due at the beginning of each year by Pastor Fitch, Kellie Reilly, and Tina Fern, and the LST
local service tax form is due every quarter by Greg Schlegel. The information was stated incorrectly at the last meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 12, 2015.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm with Council praying the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Greg Schlegel, Secretary
Faith Lutheran Church and Outreach, Inc.
Feed the Hungry
Saturday, April 11, 2015
9 am - 3 pm
Faith Lutheran Church
2439 Old Turnpike Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837
March Birthdays
March 2
Barry Hauck
Jared Seiders
Melissa Laidacker
March 3
Jason Houtz
March 5
Robert Frank
March 8
Christopher Hauck
Ronald Hauck, Sr.
March 10
Jerry Boyer
March 11
Jean Sauers
March 12
Abigail Danner
Harold Spangler
March 13
Katrina Mitchell
Nathan Sauers
March 15
Diane Walter
March 21
George Hauck
Nancy Hummel
March 24
Camron Roush
Donna Spangler-Boop
Janet Neidig
March 25
Madeline Lafond
1 out of 5 children go to bed hungry in our county and
across the country. You can make a difference. Join
us on Saturday, April 11to help assemble meals.
Each volunteer is asked to sign up for a two hour shift
on the assembly line. Shifts are 9am-11am, 11am-1pm
and 1pm-3pm. You fill, seal, label and box a high
quality meal. Volunteers are trained when they arrive.
Most work is done standing, but some jobs can be
done sitting. Volunteers are asked to contribute $10 (if
able) towards the cost of the meals. Additional donations are gratefully appreciated.
100% of money raised pays for the materials to make
the packaged meals. Send donations to: Faith Lutheran Church (note “Feed the Hungry” in the memo section) or donate through Raise the Region Campaign.
All meals are distributed locally through food banks,
homeless shelters and other organizations.
March Anniversaries
March 17
R. Kurt and Linda Zimmerman
March 21
Kevin and Valerie Fry
March 31
Robert and Neida Frank
Sign up today by calling Nancy Ard at 570-524-1280
or email
March 11- 12, 2015: Camp Mount Luther is Helped by Raise the Region
Camp Mount Luther is participating in “Raise the Region” on March 11-12, 2015. This is an effort coordinated by
The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania. It is an event to help the community support local
nonprofit organizations’ fund raising efforts. FCFP, in partnership with Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships, will
be launching a 30-hour fundraising event on March 11 and 12, 2015, starting at 6:00 p.m. on March 11 and ending
at 11:59 p.m. on March 12. Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships has donated $150,000 that will be used to match
a portion of donations made to pre-registered nonprofits. Additional monetary prizes and incentives will be awarded throughout the entire event. This program is designed to help organizations, like Camp Mount Luther, kickoff
our 2015 fundraising campaigns and increase our donor base. Proceeds from this event will go to camp’s Annual
Fund, unless a donor gets in touch with the camp office to designate it for another camp cause.
How It Works:
On March 11 and 12, donors will visit from a computer, smart phone, iPad, etc. to learn
more about the nonprofits participating and how their work is impacting our community.
You can then make an online donation to support one or more of those nonprofit organizations on the Raise the Region website. Running totals will be shown throughout the day at the Raise the Region website.
At the end of the donation period, a pro-rated match per gift will be determined and the Community Foundation
will send checks to all participating nonprofits with the amount raised, the pro-rated match, and any EXTRA
money from prizes awarded throughout the day.
Camp Mount Luther has participated in Raise the Region the last two years and has garnered around $20,000 in
donations in those two years. Last year, we raised $12,000 during this day. We hope you will help us to have another successful year!
Synod Snipits
Looking Ahead to Spring/Summer . . .
April 26, 2015: Camp Mount Luther Spring Open House
Have you ever wanted to see Mount Luther’s site and facilities? Are you interested in coming to camp this
summer but want to get more information and see the place first? Well, this is your chance. The Camp Mount
Luther Spring Open House will be held on Sunday, April 26, 2015, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. You can ask questions, get a tour of the camp, and see what it’s like to be a camper. First time campers who are not registered
for summer but who attend the open house will get a $25 discount on their summer registration. If you’ve
been to camp before and would like to come and enjoy a nice spring day walking around our grounds, feel free
to join us! There is no RSVP necessary for this event.
May 16, 2015: CML Spring Work Day
Practice stewardship through service at Camp Mount Luther at their Annual Spring Work Day on Saturday,
May 16, 2015, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. They need your help getting the camp grounds and facilities ready
for summer. There will be plenty to do and everyone in the family can help! Please bring supplies to do
cleaning, mulching, raking, and light construction projects such as step ladders, buckets, rakes, etc. A light
lunch will be served. RSVP by May 8 if staying for lunch to or 570-922-1587.
June 19-20, 2015: Synod Assembly
The 2015 Upper Susquehanna Synod Assembly will take place at Weber Chapel on the campus of Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, on June 19-20, 2015. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
Group Work Camp is coming to our synod this summer . Ther e ar e 453 r egister ed for the Union/
Snyder/Upper Northumberland County Work Camp from June 21-27, 2015. There are also over 140 applications for home repairs in the three counties. A list of service opportunities is available on the synod website at You are also encouraged to attend the evening program that week in the Mifflinburg Intermediate School gym at 7:00 p.m. each evening.
Support is needed for a new ELCA Missionary, rostered in our synod. Pastor Dean Hoelz, a former military
chaplain, teaches conversational English in a Lutheran high school of the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church
and serves with a local congregation. His fundraising goal for 2015 is $25,000 in support. For more information on how to create a covenant of prayer, communication and financial support, contact or visit
Save the date and celebrate! On Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015, congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America will again have the opportunity to gather together for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday and celebrate
who we are as the ELCA – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. “God’s work. Our
hands.” Sunday celebrates the work done every day, serving communities in ways that share the love of God
with all of God’s people. If your congregation cannot participate on that day, please consider another time. For
more information, visit
Chicken Waffles
Turn Clocks Ahead
19 10-11:30am
Food Pantry Food
April 4
7pm Vigil of Easter
April 3
7pmGood Friday
6:45pm Council
7pm Lenten Service
Choir follows
7pm Lenten Service
Choir follows
April 2
7pmMaundy Thurs-
7pm Lenten Service
Choir follows
7pm Lenten Service
Choir follows
8:30 Worship/Music
March 2015
Daylight Savings
Time Begins
2nd Sunday in Lent
3rd Sunday in Lent
4th Sunday in Lent
Deadline for April
Newsletter Items
Holy Week
April 1
6:30 am Sunrise Service in NB Cemetery & 9am Festival Eucharist
5th Sunday in Lent
Palm Sunday
April 5—Easter
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
PO Box 246
New Berlin, PA 17855
The Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Parish Visitor
March 2015
Visit our website at
Live God’s Grace. Share Christ’s Love. Serve the Lord.