College and Scholarship Bulletin

College and Scholarship Bulletin
December 2014
Johansen High School
School Code: 051994
641 Norseman Dr.
Modesto, CA 95357
Phone: 209-576-4702
Fax: 209-576-4752
College Counselor
Mrs. Hildebrandt
Johansen High School
Volume 1, Issue 3
You’ve what??
The CSU/UC application deadline has come and gone. So now
what do you do? Follow all instructions to set up the portal and/
or email accounts for each college to which you applied. Many
have come in asking about portals showing your application is
“incomplete” pending submission of materials. Look at what it’s
asking you to submit: ACT/SAT scores, transcripts or placement
testing. Make sure your SAT/ACT scores have been sent from
College Board and/or ACT to the schools so your application/
acceptance is not denied. If you are being asked to submit a
transcript, you need to see the registrar, Cynthia Welch, to get
those sent, after grades are recorded in January. Do not miss the
deadline to get all of these additional materials submitted or you
will not be accepted to those
Make sure that your college application list in
colleges. Pay very close
Naviance is up-to-date with ALL colleges to
attention to all deadlines!!
which you’ve applied! This includes Community
Private Schools
A number of you are
still working on your
private school
applications—which is
good. However, make
sure that you have
requested that your
teachers and
counselors have
uploaded their letters
Colleges, CSU, UC and private campuses. All
seniors should be logging into Naviance and
making sure everything is current.
of recommendation
and completed the
evaluation form prior to
winter break! Many
applications are due
January 1st—in the
middle of break. The
supplemental materials
need to be submitted
before we’re all gone.
You can still work on
and submit your
application any time
until the deadline.
Make sure you
communicate with Mrs.
H. to submit these
school documents
BEFORE winter break!!!
Page 2
College and Scholarship Bulletin
Inside Story Headline
Are you changing your schedule 2nd semester?
If you plan on dropping a class that you reported on
your application that you planned to take next
semester, you must inform the colleges to which you
have applied, in writing.
In addition, if you receive a D or F in one of your
classes this semester, you must
call/email the colleges and let
them know about your grade!
Please remember to write a note of thanks to the
teachers/counselors who write you letters of
recommendation. It’s a great way to show
appreciation to those who put in extra time and
hard work in writing your letters!
Be sure to let
CSU Placement Tests:
FAFSA and Dream Act
workshops are scheduled with
your government teachers for
Jan. 21 and 22 in the
computer lab. You will be given
a list of information you’ll need
to bring to the workshop. The
goal is to complete and submit
your financial aid application
during the workshop. Deadline
is March 2nd but the sooner
you file, the more likely you
are to receive financial aid.
**Applications require parent
annual income. Be sure to
communicate all requirements
and deadlines to your parents
so you can complete the
SOME private universities
require a CSS profile form in
order for you to be considered
for financial aid. Visit to see if
your college requires this
form . Many deadlines are
earlier than the FAFSA/Dream
Act deadline!!
The ELM/EPT tests are required
by the CSU unless you have been
exempted by your EAP, SAT or
ACT scores. You can take the
tests at CSU Stanislaus,
regardless of where you plan to
attend college. The Cost is $18
per test (no fee waivers are
available). The CSUs require
them to be completed by May
2nd, but recommend you take
them as early as possible!
The first date is February
14, 2015. Go to
registration/ to get
information and to register.
The earlier you take it, the
better - especially with
math, as you may be
allowed to retake to raise
your score!
Mrs. H know of
any college
acceptances or
you receive, as
you receive
Spring Registration has
begun! If you are a senior
planning on attending
MJC next fall, it is strongly
recommended that you
sign up for a spring class
to help you get priority for
classes next fall!! The
classes are free while you
are still in high school.
You will need to pay a
small health fee.
Guidance 110 is the
recommended course
for spring. Classes start
in January 12, 2015.
You must apply at
College Athletes
NCAA—if you are planning to play a Division I or II
college sport you need to register with the NCAA
Clearinghouse at You must
meet class and test requirements listed. NCAA does
not accept ESS or SS classes. See Mrs. H with additional questions.
print out the forms
and go to your
counselor to have the
High School
Permission form
signed. Then take the
forms to MJC
admissions office.
Page 3
Scholastic Art and Writing Awards: 10 million dollars
in scholarships available to artists and writers. Go to for more information and to
apply. Deadline: December 17, 2014.
NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award—graduating seniors
who operate their own small business are eligible to
receive an award. Visit to apply
and for more information. Deadline: December
18, 2014.
Go Red™ Multicultural Scholarship Macy’s and the
American Heart Association are continuing their
concerted efforts to increase the number of minority
women in medical schools For the fourth consecutive
year, the partners are offering sixteen $2,500 tuitionfocused scholarships for minority women pursuing
undergraduate or graduate degrees in healthcare
fields. The deadline to apply for 2015
scholarships is Dec. 31, 2014.
All students must register online at Deadline: Essays must be
submitted by January 5, 2015
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship - numerous
students will receive a $10,000 renewable
scholarship. If you have at least a 3.0 GPA, good
citizenship and strong leadership you should apply.
Go to to apply. Deadline: January 8,
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
offers scholarships between $2,500 and $15,000.
Students must be of Asian and/or Pacific Islander
ethnicity as defined by the U.S. Census, be a citizen,
national, or legal permanent resident of the United
States (Citizens of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and the
Republic of Palau are also eligible to apply), have a
minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 unweighted, must
Paul Mitchell Modesto Scholarship opportunity for
apply for federal financial aid using the Free
prospective students. If you plan to apply to Paul
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
Mitchell Modesto School pick up a scholarship packet submit one letter of recommendation. Go to http://
from the scholarship box in the career center. for more
Postmark or delivery deadline: December 31, 2014 information and to apply. Deadline: January 9,
2015 at 11:59pm EST
Ithaca College Park Scholar Awards: If you are
majoring in Cinema/Photography, Communication,
San Joaquin Engineers Council Scholarship is for
Documentary Student, Media, Film/Photography/
seniors planning to enroll in engineering curriculum
Visual Arts, Marketing Communications, Journalism
in college. Students must have a 3.0 unweighted
or Television/Radio and would like to live in New
GPA, be a US citizen, and have taken the SAT or
York, check out the Ithaca College Roy H. Park
ACT. To apply, download the application at www.sjec
School of Communications scholarship for a four Postmark Deadline: January 10, 2015
year, full cost scholarship. Pick up an application
information sheet from the scholarship box or go to Ithaca College Martin Luther Kind Scholar Program is
an interdisciplinary learning community offered to
academically exceptional students from traditionally
California Association of Collectors, Inc - Scholarships underrepresented populations. Scholars receive a
range from $1500 - $2500. It is a simple one-page
minimum award of $25,000 up to full annual tuition.
application and 700-1000 word essay on the
For more information or to apply go to
“Importance of maintaining good credit during your Deadline: January 15, 2015
college years.” Download an application at Deadline: Must be postmarked Gates Millennium Scholars will provide 1000
by January 5, 2015.
scholarships of varying amounts to outstanding
African American, American Indian/Alaska Native,
JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest - awards from
Asian Pacific Islander American, and Hispanic
$500—$10,000 and an expense paid trip to Boston. American students with an opportunity to complete
Page 4
an undergraduate college education in any discipline
area of interest. Students must have minimum 3.3
GPA and be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. national or
permanent resident. Go to https:// to apply. Deadline:
January 14, 2015 11:59 PM EST
available for an interview either by phone or in
person. Interviews will be on Sunday, 19 March
2015, and Saturday, 21 March 2015. Go to the
website to see all available scholarships and to apply
Deadline: February 9, 2015
CTA Scholarship for Dependent Children - 35 $5000
scholarships available to students who have a parent
that is active, retired or a deceased member of
California Teachers Association. GPA should reflect a
high unweighted average. Scholarships are awarded
based on the applicant’s statement, school and
community activities and two letter of
recommendation. Go to
Deadline: February 6, 2015
Farmland Working Group Scholarship – Students will
explore the topic “How would you advise community
leaders with regard to growth and farmland
protection” through written or visual means.
Scholarships are awarded based on the essay/
creative response only. The number and amount of
scholarships will vary depending on number of
applicants. Pick up an application from the
scholarship box in the career center. Postmark
Deadline: February 13, 2015
PG&E Scholarships – In 2014, PG&E awarded over
Ronald McDonald House Charities U.S. Scholarship
$300,000 in scholarships to 167 students. There are
Program -There are four different scholarships in
11 different categories of scholarships including:
which graduating seniors may qualify: Asian,
various ethnic groups, women, people with
Hispanic Scholars and African American Future
disabilities, community service, employee
Achievers scholarships. Go online to apply http://
dependents and leadership. The scholarship amounts Deadline:
vary from $1000 - $5000 each. Go to http://
January 20, 2015.
ergscholarships/ to get information on all
Virginia Military Institute – if you’re planning to apply the different scholarships and to apply using one
to VMI, please see Mrs. Hildebrandt for information
application. Deadline: February 9, 2015
on a potential full tuition scholarship package.
Deadline: February 1, 2015.
Soroptimist International of Modesto Scholarship Three $1000 scholarships will be awarded to
Christermon Foundation—Scholarships available for
graduating seniors who demonstrate involvement in
students who parents or grandparents work for a
community service activities involving women and/or
company with a valid liquor, beer or wine license:
girls. Scholarships are based on financial need,
retailers, airlines, restaurants, hotels, suppliers,
academic merit and community service. Please DO
distributors, breweries, wineries, etc. Go to http://
NOT apply to this scholarship if you are applying for the Soroptimist Violet Richardson Award. Pick up an
for the application and more info. Deadline:
application in the Career Center. Deadline:
February 1, 2015
February 13, 2015
eQuality Scholarships – there are 17 - $6000
scholarships and one 4-year, $12,000 scholarships
available. Applicants must be a resident of northern
or central California; be a high school graduate, or
equivalent, by June 30, 2015; be enrolling in a postsecondary institution and have shown service to the
LGBTQ community. In addition to completing the
application, applicants for all scholarships must be
National Co-Op Scholarship Program will award 195
$6,000 merit scholarships for students planning to
attend Clarkson University, Drexel University,
Johnson & Wales University, Kettering University,
Merrimack College, State University of New York
Oswego, Rochester Institute of Technology,
University of Cincinnati, University of Massachusetts
Page 5
Lowell, University of Toledo, or Wentworth Institute
of Technology. Must have a GPA of 3.5 or better.
Download an application at
scholarship/index.html . Deadline: February 15,
North Modesto Kiwanis Scholarship Program –
$15,000 in scholarships will be awarded to qualifying
students in the Modesto area based upon the
following criteria: academic record (2.75 GPA or
higher); community service record, extra-curricular
activities and leadership experience; goals of
applicant; and letters of recommendation from
teachers or community. Preference is given to
students whose annual family income is between
$75,000 and $150,000. Pick up an application in the
scholarship box in the Career Center. Deadline:
Must be RECEIVED by 5:00 p.m. Friday
February 20, 2015.
Tom Mellis Memorial Scholarship—This $2500
scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding high
school senior actively participating in varsity sports.
Applicants will be judged on their scholastic record,
involvement in community service and student
leadership. You will need an official transcript so be
sure to request one from Ms. Welch. Pick up an
application in the scholarship box. Deadline:
February 27, 2105.
American Legion Auxiliary—Scholarships available.
Email: for information and
Happy Holidays Everyone!!