The Bell Tower - Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church

The Bell Tower
December 2014
From the Rev'd Msgr. John Gilchrist
Pondering a manger in the ‘middle of time’
There are, in my eyes, three moments in time that mark the greatest events in cosmic his- tory. I refer to the universe, the entire limits
of space to the very edges of creation. I am speaking of time where it meets infinity.
The first moment is what we so easily refer to as the “Big Bang.” It is that instant when time began, when an inconceivable sphere (I
dare not call it a mass) of energy was created and then exploded into trillions of elements of gas and matter that became the countless galax- ies of the heavens.
Since there is a law of conservation in nature that says nothing is ever gained or lost, but only transformed, all that existed at the beginning still remains either as energy or as matter.
The second great moment will come when time as we know it will end. Perhaps the universe will simply expand into eternal space.
Perhaps this tiny planet will slow down and then fall back into the sun. Perhaps the sun will cool first. No matter—one day for mankind time, as we know it, will end.
If we are Christians, then we believe that the Son of Man will come as He said He would, and there will be a final reckoning. The
Book of Life will be opened.
Between these two incomprehensible events, lies a third. It is that instant in the history of the world that a theologian,
Hans Conzelmann, termed the “middle of time” when the eternal “Word” of God, the Logos, left eternity and stepped into time as
man—Jesus of Nazareth. It is an occurrence that challenges the mind even more than creation and the final destiny of the material
An African student from Kenya attending Seton Hall University once challenged me with this question: “How can an infinite God
become finite and use such a flawed thing like language?” I don’t remember the answer I gave. I’m sure it was just a word like
“miracle.” Or perhaps I said, “God can do all things.” But the mystery haunts me each Sunday when I recite the words “God from
God, Light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made, one in being with the Father.” In the presence of this reality, this
mystery, I hear the words: “Let all mortal flesh be silent” echo in my consciousness.
I read a little poem years and years ago. The poet was facing the same quandary as the Jews who awaited the Messiah.
“They all were looking for a king
To slay their foes and lift them high Thou camest a little baby thing That made a woman cry.”
If we could even begin to understand this mysterium tremendum et fascinans, (a mystery inscrutable and spellbinding) (Rudolph Otto)
that we so glibly mention as the “Incarnation,” we would be reduced to a complete awestruck paralysis. It is no less mind-boggling
than the creation of the world or the final destruction of all that physically exists.
“The Word became flesh and pitched His tabernacle among us,” said Saint John. And so we can adapt the lines of the Book of Wisdom (18:15): “For when the peaceful stillness encompassed everything and the night in its swift course was half spent, your allpowerful Word bounded from heaven’s throne” and the tiny voice of an infant’s cry was heard in Bethlehem. And suddenly there was
a heavenly host praising God and say- ing: “Glory to God in high heaven, peace on earth to those on whom His favor rests.”
Like the simple shepherds, we have no earthly wisdom with which to deal with these mysteries. We can only do as they did. We can
go spiritu- ally to Bethlehem and find Mary and Joseph and a baby lying in a manger. There in silence perhaps we will begin to understand this greatest mystery of all. There the promised peace will put our worried souls to rest. Only there will mystery give way to
secure faith.
Betsy Bond and Cyndy Hinton traveled to Chicago to see
the sights and hear Leslie Hinton Deslauriers preach at
Second Presbyterian, Chicago.
Houston and Debi Akin went to last week’s UT game,
where Debi met sportscaster, Kirk Herbstriet.
Congratulations to Jim Frazier (Angie Frazier’s son) and
Jennifer Darby, who were married in Longboat Key, FL on
Monday, November 17th.
Addy Mitchell and Brown Jewell were in the BGA
play “Alienated.”
Robert Smith drove “a fast car” (his Corvette) at the
NASCAR track in Bowling Green, sponsored by the Sports
Car Club of America.
Steve Young took a trip to Cuba, and has many stories to
Susan Walker’s family tree farm in Quincy, FL was
awarded “Top Tree Farm in Florida.”
Address Changes and Corrections
Ulric Henegar
400 East Howry Avenue, Apt. 403
DeLand, FL 32724
Sympathy to the family of Bob
Poe who died on November
2nd, 2014.
“The eternal God is your
dwelling place, and underneath
are the everlasting arms."
Sympathy to the family of David Price who died on
November 12, 2014.
"I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord. Those
who believe in me, even though they die, shall live.”
Sympathy to the family of Blanche Moss who died on
November 18, 2014.
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, blessed
indeed, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their
labors, for their deeds do follow them.”
Sympathy to Margaret Lamb on the death of her
mother on November 25, 2014.
In the Spirit of the Christmas Season:
is there someone you have not seen at
church in a while? Sometimes our busy lives
We wonder about them, where they are and
how they are doing, but we are hesitant to get
in touch with them. Maybe we are bashful,
maybe we are busy. Please take a moment to
contact anyone you miss, whether by picking
up the phone, sending a note, or shooting an
email to them. If something is stopping you,
then mention the name of anyone whose
absence you notice, or about whom you are
concerned for any reason, to one of the
pastors or any of the ruling elders.
To keep in our prayers:
Betty Herbert
Buddy Victory
Joe Dreussi
Brian Lake
Judy Hurley
Max Hendrix
Those whose beloved pets have died
Those who have received a cancer diagnosis
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry at HFPC is available for
prayer requests. If you would like to submit a request:
1) Fill out the Prayer Request Card located in the Sanctuary pews and drop in the offering plate or prayer request
box located in Memorial Hall.
2) Submit your prayer request via email
Service of Lessons
and Carols
Annual Presbyterian
2 TO 5 PM
Presented by the choirs of
the church
Sunday, December 21st
8:30 AM and 11:00 AM
1622 Grassmere Rd.
(Westhaven subdivison)
All ladies are invited to
join us as we celebrate
the joy of the Christmas
season. Please bring any
visiting family members or
neighbors, and get to
know our new members
during this wonderful time
of fellowship.
December 2nd at 11:30 AM
Meet at the home of Anne Rutherford
811 Hillsboro Road
Book: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter
Everyone is invited to join us for discussion
and fellowship.
For more information contact June Warren
615-794-7453 or e-mail
Steven, Susan, Lily, and Jacie Hollis
2208 Creekside Lane
Franklin, TN 37064
Christmas Eve Services
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
5:00 PM and 11:00 PM
Do not be afraid; for
see—I am bringing you
good news of great joy
for all the people: to
you is born this day in
the city of David a
Savior who is the Messiah, the Lord.”
Luke 2:10-11
The Presbyterian Women's Bible
Group will meet on Tuesday,
December 16th in the Church Parlor
at 9:45 am.
December’s lesson is based on
2 Corinthians 5:11-6:10 and will be
led by Carol Warren. Carol will
discuss chapter four of the study book "Carrying in Our
Bodies Jesus' Acts of Healing, Reconciling and Love."
Study books are available in the parlor.
Please join us for coffee, cake, and fellowship as we
welcome in the Christmas season.
December 7, 2014
Dinner at 6:00 PM
Children’s Program will follow
Practice Schedule:
For ALL toddlers through 5th grade:
Sunday, Nov. 30th and Saturday, Dec. 6th from 3:30-4:30 PM
Dress Rehearsal: Sunday, Dec. 7th 5:00 PM
All youth and parents are invited to help!
If your child does not want a speaking part or is too young for a speaking part, we
always need and want many animals and angels!!!
Please contact:
Kellie Pearson
Kelly Lang
HFPC Youth Christmas Party!!!
Fun...Fellowship...and Food!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2014 6:00-8:00 PM
Home of Will Berger and Sally Hughes
4016 Clovercroft Road
Please bring a gift item to donate to Graceworks
Hymnal Donations
We would like to extend our thanks and recognize the following
Glory to God hymnal donations:
In memory of J. Porter Ellis, Jr. by Joe Brady
In memory of Walter B. Short by Joe Brady
In honor of Ben and Susan Ward by Joe Brady
In honor of the Kimball family by Joe Brady
In memory of Joyce Macpherson Poe, mother of Debbie,
Robert, and James by Bob Poe
In honor of our children, Debbie, Shearer, Robert, Michael,
James, and Cooper by Bob and Sally Poe
In memory of Alice Marion Poe by Bob Poe
In memory of Sally G. Poe by Bob Poe
In memory of Mary Sue Gamblin, mother of Sally G. Poe, Nina
R. Tomblin, and Betty J. Astleford
On November 2 HFPC was a host site for the second time on the monthly
downtown Franklin Art Crawl. The event is held from 6 to 9 PM on the first
Friday of each month. It is free and open to the public. Artists are invited to set
up their work in Memorial Hall. HFPC volunteers serve as greeters and hosts
and often provide finger foods for our visitors. In November we also had live
piano and organ music performed by Will Berger. HFPC has quickly become
one of the more popular destinations on the Art Crawl.
We had two artists with us in November. Dina D'Argo who has a gallery in
Shelbyville showed several paintings. Her subjects were primarily nature
scenes, horses and wildlife. Many of her paintings are large scale which showed
well in our Memorial Hall space.
The second artist was Hugh Elledge who lives near Nippers Corners. Hugh
exhibited a few paintings and several hand made wooden furniture pieces,
decorative objects and tableware. Hugh's wife and teenage son were there with
him. They helped set up his displays and greeted guests.
Hugh has Parkinson's disease. The tremor in his hands is noticeable. He used
to be in the insurance business, the stress of which exacerbated his Parkinson's
symptoms. A couple of years ago his neurologist at Vanderbilt asked him what
activity made him happy. The doctor predicted that Hugh had about ten years of
quality life ahead of him and that he should think about how he wanted to spend
his time. Hugh decided to quit his job and work full time with wood. Wood crafting has changed Hugh's life and now involves the whole family in the endeavor.
Hugh and his wife both told me how much they appreciated being in our church
and displaying his work there in a setting that is not commercial. The work also
elicited comments and questions from our guests who ended up sharing the
stories of their crafts as well as their stories of healing and faith.
The next Art Crawl is Friday, December 5. The December show will feature the
work of students in the watercolor classes taught by Shelley Snow at HFPC.
This should be an especially festive event
with our Christmas decorations in place. If
you would like to bring finger food, participate
as a host or perform live music please contact John Kells.
The Manger opens December 4th and
provides an inexpensive place for pre-qualified Williamson County families to shop for Christmas
gifts through The Manger. Gifts are needed for
all ages, should cost no more than $35, and can
include gift cards to places like Wal-mart, Target,
Best Buy, or Amazon. Baskets are set up in
Memorial Hall and the Fellowship Hall to collect
Graceworks’ food pantry is in need of
non-perishable items, as well as toiletries and
household items to help those in need. Gift cards
and checks are also appreciated. Please consider
helping this important part of Graceworks’
ministry during the Christmas season. Contact
Christi Ensch at
Share the gift of clean water and beautiful music
this Christmas! Living Waters for the World is
offering a new Legacy Christmas CD for only $15.
All proceeds go to support Living Waters for the
A SPECIAL THANK YOU...Four groups from HFPC
participated in a meaningful Thanksgiving
experience this week, from the fun of shopping to the joy of
delivering the ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal. Special
thanks go to the Session, the choirs, the Library Sunday School
class, and June Warren, Betty Trondsen, Carolyn Simpson, Mary
Calvart, Steve and Claudia Zanolini, and Nancy Montgomery for
providing food baskets for four Williamson County families. We
were also able to give an additional cash donation to the food
pantry at Graceworks. To round out the season, the Youth will be
providing a Christmas basket.
Discretionary Fund Request
The HFPC discretionary fund is money used by the pastors to help
members or strangers who are in need of financial assistance.
Rent, groceries, gasoline, clothing are among the ways that money from the fund is used. The discretionary fund is not part of the
church budget, but depends solely on contributions from members
and from offerings taken up at the Christmas Eve services and the
Tenebrae service. Our next church-wide offering for the fund will
be on December 24, 2014!
As you know, our income comes primarily from two sources. The offerings you routinely make to the church are very important, and that's one reason for an annual emphasis on the Stewardship Campaign. Pledges last year totaled $153,000,
and we based a number of budget decisions regarding the 2015 budget on equaling, or perhaps slightly building upon, that
number. I received a number of pledges this past week, and want to encourage everyone who hasn't already done so to
thoughtfully consider making a pledge. We'll continue to accept your pledge cards for the next week or two, or, for those
who wish, I'd be glad to receive your email pledge sent to
As of the end of October, both our weekly member offerings and our cash offerings (those funds put in the collection plate
as cash and not associated with any particular church member) are very close to last year's totals. We're literally just a few
hundred dollars ahead of last year, and this is why your pledges are so important. As you may recall, our approved 2014
budget is $275,500, which, divided by 52, is a weekly total of about $4,700 in expenses. In our Sunday bulletin, I total our
weekly collections and compare that against those estimated expenses. While this past Sunday had a very robust
collection (we gained some ground!), we are still a few thousand dollars behind in expenses. This gap will be made up from
our revenue from the annex and Frothy Monkey, but we need to keep a close eye on it. I certainly am.
Our 2015 Session-approved budget relies, in part, upon a consistent stream of pledges. I encourage you to participate. As
noted earlier, we'll continue to accept your pledge cards in the next few weeks, or, for those who wish, I'd be glad to receive
an email pledge sent to
Mike Ensch
Historic Franklin Presbyterian Church
Fifth Avenue and Main Street
P.O. Box 323
Franklin Tennessee 37065-0323
Return Service Requested
Serving Christ and neighbor at the crossroads!
December 2014
30 Worship 8:30/11
Sunday School 9:45
Play Practice 3:30 PM
7 Worship 8:30/11
Sunday School 9:45
Session mtg 12:30 pm
Christmas Play: Rehearsal
5:00 PM, Dinner 6:00 PM
14 Worship 8:30/11
Sunday School 9:45
Ladies’ Christmas Tea
2:00-5:00 PM
Youth Party 6-8PM
Sunday School 9:45
2 Book Club 11:30 AM
3 Bible Study 10:00 AM
Terrific Tuesday 4:30 PM
Bell Choir 6:00 PM
Chancel Choir 7:15 PM
10 Bible Study 10:00 am
Sewing 10:00 AM
PW Bible Study 9:45 AM
17 Bible Study 10:00 AM
Dickens of a Christmas
Bell Choir 6:00 PM
Chancel Choir 7:15 PM
Christmas Eve Service
5:00 PM and 11:00 PM
No choir practice
31 New Year’s Eve
No choir practice
Christmas Play
practice 3:30 PM
Franklin Art Crawl
Memorial Hall 6-9 PM
Bell Choir 6:00 PM
Chancel Choir 7:15 PM
Lessons and Carols
8:30 and 11:00 AM
28 Worship 8:30/11
Sunday School 9:45