sunday bulletin - Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church

Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish
SUNDAY, December 21, 2014
Sunday before Christmas – of the Ancestors
Tone 3; Matins Gospel 6
Apostolic reading: Heb. 11:9-10 & 32-40; Mt. 1:1-25
Served by: The Very Rev. Nicholas R. A. Rachford, J.C.L., Pastor
Cantors: Mrs. Adrienne Terleck, Mr. David Stacko;
Mrs. Helen Ilcisko, Miss Linda Squires, weekday cantors
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Adrienne Terleck
2711 West 40th Street
Lorain, Ohio 44053-2252
church: 282-7525; church fax: 282-9185; kitchen: 282-7742
Web; e-mail addresses: office –;
pastor –; Facebook – search FatherNick Rachford;
blog –; Twitter – tweet @FatherNickRachf.
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
10 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
Thurs. 12/25
10 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
This week at St. Nicholas
Intention of parishioners
Holy mysteries of Christian initiation for Emilia Novosielski
+Steve and Michael Kolcun by Mary Kolcun &Ann Jewell(23-23)
High school ECF
+Clinton Pincura by Robert & Adrienne Terleck (26-6)
Vigil Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
Intention of parishioners
Christmas, Birth of our Lord
+George Stanko by wife and family (24-17)
Synaxis of the Mother of God
+Anna Towne by the Rosary Society (26-7)
St. Stephen, protomartyr
Intention of parishioners
+Jack Evansco by the Family (26-2)
Intention of parishioners
ECF-Quiz Four
Christ is born. Glorify Him.
Christos razdajetsja. Slavite jeho.
Joseph R.Deliman, DDS
1210 West 44th Street
Lorain, Ohio 44053
(440) 282-4747
Preventive Dentistry for Adults and Children
Blueberry cheesecake: For all those who
liked the homemade blueberry cheesecake at the
picnic, you can pre-order one for $20 by calling
Becky Camp at (440) 244-2427.
Madeline R. Zaworski
Nikken Certified Wellness Home Consultant
A Wellness Home provides quality
air/water/sleep/nutrition/exercise to enhance
arthritic discomfort, diabetes, sleep, etc. by
improving one’s home environment naturally. Call
home “Wellness Preview” or classes about a
Wellness Lifestyle. Classes and Wellness consultations are free of charge.
4883 Oakhill Blvd.
Lorain, Ohio 44053
Home: (440) 282-3139
Cell: (440) 289-6150
A Time For Balance
St. Nicholas Homebound List:
Helen Briggs – Rae Ann Suburban Nursing Home #108, 29505 Detroit Rd., Westlake,OH 44145
Susan Dovin – 761 Shadow Creek Trail, Amherst, OH 44001
John Ivan1 – Anchor Lodge, 3756 W. Erie Ave. #109, Lorain, OH 44053
Jeanette Koscho1 – 3240 Falbo Ave. Lorain, OH 44053
Gail Mitro – Palm Crest East, 1251 East Ave., Elyria, OH 44035
George and Marie Moran2– Avon Oaks, 37800 French Creek Rd., #106, Avon,, OH 44011
Marilyn Mucha – 1725 W. 12th St., Lorain, OH 44052
Phyllis Muzick2 – Life Care Center of Elyria, 1212 S. Abbe Rd., #117, Elyria, OH 44035
Mary Nahm – 275 East 46th St., Lorain, OH 44052
Marianne Obertz – Sensi-Care, 1271 East Ave., Elyria, OH 44035
John Opalenik – 410 East 45th Street, Lorain, OH 44052
Maria Rokyta – 3117 Marie Ave., Lorain, OH 44052
Arnnie Shullick – 914 West 20th Street, Lorain, OH 44052
John Sopko1 – Elmcroft Senior Living, 3290 Cooper Foster Park Road, #49, Lorain, OH 44053
Margaret Super – 16220 Aldersyde Dr., Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Debbie Szabo2 – 5623 S. Nantucket, Lorain, OH 44053
Phyllis Szabo – 2909 Carmelita Court, Lorain, OH 44052h
Olga Zilka1 – 440 East 45 Street, Lorain, OH 44052-5508
These numbers indicate the Friday of the month when Father Nick will visit.
Anniversary book:
From the Pastor
I have finished my
work on the anniversary book and it’s been proofread by Adrienne and by Mark Teleha. Next step
is to hand it over to Mary Jo Thomas for pre-press
production and cost estimate.
upporting the mission of our parish:
Sunday offering: $2,039;
holy day: $116; candles: $104.17; Christmas: $700; religious articles: $10; poor: $50;
Horizons: $41; building fund: $45; Memorial/activity: $160 in memory of Elizabeth Sarady.
remember the repose of
the soul of Kristy Flowers
who died Dec. 6 and
whose funeral was on
Dec. 15. Eternal memory
and blessed repose grant
to her O Lord.
utilities: $486.64
maintenance: $18.97
office: $370.40
St. Nicholas Loving Tree: We will
again have the names on the loving tree of the
parishioners who are on our homebound list. We
ask that you take a name and visit that person,
bringing with you a
For the Divine Liturgy this Weekend small gift. Just as
before, you will see the
Ribbons at pages 11, 68, 135, 285
looks of gratitude on
their faces that lets
Option A for “O only begotten...”, Creed,
them know that even
“We have seen...”, and “May our mouth...”.
though they cannot be
Option C for the rest.
with us during this holy
Tropar, tone 3, page 135, of the Ancestors,
Christmas season, they
page 285 and of the pre-feast, page 283.
are still loved and not
Kontak of the Ancestors, page 281 and of
forgotten. The tree
the pre-feast, page 283.
Prokimen & alleluia of Ancestors, page 287. isavail at the side
Our Father, tone 3, page 68.
entrance. Thank you.
to Emilia Novosielski
as she receives the holy mysteries of Christian initiation. God grant Emilia and her family many
happy and blessed years.
Boldog nyugalmat: In your prayers
Expenses for Dec. 15-19:
Rosary Society will be
praying the rosary in Communion hymn C, page 79 and of the
December after the Ancestors, page 283.
Envelopes: Do
Divine Liturgy in honor
not use them until
of the Maternity of Holy Anna. All are welcome to
stay and pray with us. If anyone wish us to pray
ECF: The fourth quiz on Unit five and
for a special intention, please let us know.
Lesson 24 - Nativity and Lesson 25 - Theophany
Parishioner birthdays this week: will be Sunday, Dec. 28 after the Divine Liturgy.
Carol Sekerak (22), Helen Briggs (24), Colin
50/50 raffle: Tickets are currently being
Lehman (24), Mary Ann Lemley (26) and Mark
sold for the 50/50 raffle drawing for January.
Teleha (29).
There will be a drawing monthly. Please particiAnniversaries in December: Roger pate in this fund-raiser which will help pay our
operating expenses. December winner: Ann
and Rebecca Camp (29).
Cabin Fever fund-raiser: This is the
first fundraiser for 2015. Sign-up sheets for
helpers are at both entrances. Also, take some flyers and pass them out in the community. Tickets
are $5 per person.
Pirohi making schedule for the
Jan. 24 fundraiser: onion prep, Monday,
Jan. 12; potato prep, Wed., Jan. 14, 6 p.m.; pirohi
making, Thurs., Jan. 15, early prep, 6:30 a.m,
pirohi making, 8 a.m.
Praying for you: In the Bible, Jesus
prays and teaches his apostles to pray. Jesus says
to present your needs to God in prayer. In
response to this, Helen Ilcisko and I wish to start
a prayer ministry here at St. Nicholas. We don’t
know what our ministry will look like or how it
will run, but we believe it will evolve according to
God’s plan. We’ll pray for your needs or for
friends or relatives or neighbors or anyone who
asks us. Perhaps we’ll do what many churches do
and start “prayer chains” for special needs. We
believe in the power of prayer, especially when
hearts are united. And, of course, all prayers are
free. Sincerely,
s/Helen Ilcisko, 233-5947
s/Linda Squires, 988-3768
Rummage sale: You may start bringing
items for the rummage sale fund-raiser,
April 9-11, 2015, after the weekend Divine
Liturgies and place them in classroom one. The
tables are labeled according to category. Please
place your items in an orderly fashion on the
tables. Write the contents on your boxes and bags.
Larger items can go underneath the tables. Wait
until the week before the sale if you have very
large items to donate.
Right to Life and H.E.L.P.:
As we
celebrate the mystery of our God becoming a
man, celebrate the unique inherent dignity each
person possesses. Join the Eparchy of Parma,
Lake County Right to Life and H.E.L.P. on
Monday, Dec. 29 at 7 p.m. for the commemoration of the Holy Innocents and actively promote
the dignity of human life from conception to natural death for all people in all life circumstances,
regardless of age, ethnicity, physical condition,
mental health, or socio-economic status. Pray the
Akathist in Honor of the Nativity of Our Lord
with Bishop John Kudrick. During the social prepared by the St. Ann Ministry from St. Nicholas
Parish in Barberton, explore the various booths to
learn how you can defend the slaughter of the
holy innocents which continues today.
Week of prayer for Christian
Unity: Join our prayer with the prayer of
Christians around the world during the annual
week of prayer (Jan. 18-25). Pray great vespers
with Bishop John at 7 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 17 at
the Byzantine Catholic Cultural Center,
2420 West 14th Street, Cleveland. Honored guests
from various Christian churches will attend and a
social and fellowship will follow. Do your part
through your presence and your prayer to help
bring about the reality for which our Lord earnestly prayed “that they may be one” (John 17:11).
For more information, visit,e-mail,
call (216) 357-2933 or “like” the Byzantine
Catholic Cultural Center Facebook page.
animal, word and dance – our earth was
redeemed, RE-CREATED.
While it is true to say that Christ
redeemed humanity and by humanity he
redeemed the world, it is equally true to say
that Christ redeems humanity and by humanity redeems the world. Objectively people
were redeemed; but, in another sense, that
was only the beginning of a new world even
until now. By the power of his Holy Spirit
working in Christians the world can arise
anew. By reason of the love of God made
known to it in Christ Jesus our world is alive
now, vibrant in our day with life and light.
Creation fell by human failure; now it summons us with urgent summons to redeem it.
The whole world is one great yearning cry –
creation’s unceasing call for redemption.
And so Christmas is the feast of RE-CREATION – it is the feast which bespeaks the
continuing mission of Christ and his re-created followers to answer creation’s call for
St. John Chrysostom says that the priests,
“although living here on earth, have been
allowed to administer heavenly things and
have received such power as God has not
given to angels or archangels; for he said to
them (the priests), ‘Whatsoever ye shall bind
on earth, shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed
in heaven’. Whatever the priests do here on
earth (through the holy mystery of penance)
is confirmed by God in heaven, and the master confirms the decision of his servants the
priests...” The priests of the Church,
Chrysostom goes on to say, have not simply
received the power to attest that lepers have
been cleansed from the leprosy of the body, as
the priests of Moses’ law did, but to wipe out
fully the filth of the soul” (On the Priesthood
111:5). He says elsewhere: “Great is the
worth of the priests. Whosesoever sins ye
remit,’ saith he, they are remitted unto them.’”
But why speak of priests alone? Neither an
angel nor an archangel can work anything of
what has been given by God; but the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit make everything
possible. And the priest lends his own tongue
and offers his own hand
— (Homily 87 on John, 4).
Should we confess to a priest?
Let us hear the answer of St. John Chrysostom to this question:
Liturgy scheduling policy: In fair-
ness to everyone, since there are only 52 weekends in a year, the same person requesting or the
same intention being requested can only be
scheduled four times a year. Weekdays are
Some notes about funerals:
always available and at those Liturgies usually
the intentions for the deceased can be prayed,
but not Saturdays and Sundays.
If there be a great need for a funeral on
Sunday, it must be prayed in the afternoon and
without the Divine Liturgy.
items may be helpful for people to know and you
may want to give this information to your family
No funerals may be prayed on obligation,
simple or solemn holy days. Should it be necessary, the funeral is without the Divine Liturgy and
is not be celebrated in the church.
On Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday a
funeral can be prayed in the morning but not in
church. A funeral may never be prayed on Good
On Mondays through Fridays of the weeks of
Great Fast the funeral is prayed without the
Divine Liturgy.
No funeral is celebrated with Divine Liturgy
or in the church on the All Souls Saturdays.
Concerning cremation: The Church
permits cremation for appropriate reasons and
provided it is not intended as a denial of the resurrection. The Church believes in the resurrection of
the body and recommends as the ideal that the
body be buried intact in imitation of the Savior. It
is preferable that the cremation follow the funeral
Liturgy with the body present and properly
interred or inurned later. The ashes are never to be
scattered nor kept in the home or any other disposition. With permission of the bishop, though, the
funeral service could take place in the church with
the ashes present and in an appropriate container.
St. Gregory of Nazianzus sums up the
Eastern Christian view of Christmas in his
famous statement that the Nativity of Christ
“is not a festival of creation but a festival of
re-creation.” The birth of Christ, although an
historical event, is not an end but a means to
the renewal, sanctification, and re-creation of
the whole universe. Actually, we commemorate not so much the birth of a child as the
ultimate re-birth and transfiguration of all
mankind and with it the whole world of creation. The world held in bondage by reason of
man’s perversion, this is the world Christ
redeemed. Christ redeemed humanity and by
taking humanity to himself he redeemed the
The universe radically transformed by the
coming Christ
When the Word of God was made flesh he
not only became the head of a new race; he
became the Lord of a new creation. Christ in
his flesh took the whole of creation to himself
that it might share anew in Divinity. In Christ
Jesus the universe was radically transformed;
in his person the world was consecrated and
sacramentalized – clay and stone, plant and
BYZANTINE CHRISTMAS – Feast of Re-Creation
March for Life: We’re meeting at the
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Parma, on
Tuesday, Jan. 20, spending two days in
Washington, D.C. and returning to the cathedral
Thursday, Jan. 22. In addition to the annual
march, we also will visit the national Holocaust
Museum, the National Basilica of the Immaculate
Conception, tour D.C., and participate in the
opening mass of the national prayer Vigil for Life.
The total cost is $80. Brochures are on bulletin
tables. For complete details and registration materials, visit Tickets
and space are extremely limited. Registration
deadline is Monday, Jan. 12, 2015.
There is also a one day adult (18 or older) bus
trip to the same event, departing Thursday morning, Jan. 22 leaving from the cathedral. Cost is
$50.Complete details at Web site listed above.
Same deadline as above. Don’t miss this chance to
be the voice of the voiceless and speak on behalf
of preborn children who need you desperately.
Ladies Day Out: Ladies of the Eparchy
of Parma are cordially invited to join St. Ann’s
Ministry of St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic
Church, 1051 Robinson Avenue, Barberton, Ohio,
44203 for a memorable day of faith, fun and fellowship on Sunday, Jan. 25. Register online at or RSVP to
Carolyn King (330) 658-7264 or Lee Panco
(330) 928-8669 by Jan. 18.
9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy
10:30 a.m. Fellowship breakfast
11:45 a.m. Victoria Gutbroad, guest speaker
on the topic of “Enough” followed by an informal
discussion, as well as the opportunity for questions and answers.
12:30 p.m. Hand, chair and reflexologist
(foot) massages available by certified technicians,
nail bar and craft projects, 50/50 raffle and prize
2 p.m. dinner and fellowship with fashion
show presented by Common Threads
Mt. St. Macrina House
Prayer:The program schedule:
Poustinia Weekend, Feb. 20-22
Friday, 7 p.m. to Sunday, 11 a.m.
Registration due Feb. 13. Offering: $85.
Lenten Morning Retreat
Saturday, Feb. 28, 9:15 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Registration due Feb. 23. Offering: $30 and
includes lunch.
Lenten Afternoon Retreat
Sunday, March 1, 1:15 - 5 p.m.
Registration due Feb. 24. Offering: $30 and
includes supper.
A grave matter. On Friday, Oct. 20,
Father Nick, Father Michael (St. Nicholas Greek
Orthodox Parish) and Father Basil (Ss. Peter and
Paul Parish) blessed the new Eastern-rite section
in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, North Ridge Road.
The special introductory cost of a plot is $1,500.
This offers ends on Dec. 31, 2014. A map and
photo of the new section are posted on the bulletin
Institute of Catholic Studies at
John Carrol University: “Environmental
Sustainability, Justice, and Jesuit Higher
Education” lecture by Dr. Nancy C. Tuchman,
Thursday, Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m. at the
D. J. Lombardo Student Center, LSC conference