News Inc. No. A0023061U December 2014 All correspondence to: GPO Box 9800, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 Editor: Alex Stoneman OAM PO Box 66, Carisbrook Vic 3464 <> 2014 VPC Congress Overprinted Mini-sheet now available ANDA/APTA Stamps & Coin Fair Saturday 11th, Sunday 12th April Bayview on the Park 52 Queens Road Contact: Gabrielle Griffiths 0438 342 553 In this edition… VICPEX 2014 at Geelong Stamp Club news Club Stamp Quiz Some new philatelic books APF Philatelic Shop Summer Quiz Stamp Fairs Australian Pacific Exhibitor VPC News editor required VPC Congress mini-sheets and more ‘VPC News’ Editorial The Victorian Philatelic Council publishes VPC News quarterly. It is issued in March, June, September, and December. It is issued in electronic format on the APF and the APTA web-sites. If your Society, Club, or organization wishes to publicize its activities or publications to the broader philatelic community please send details to the editor via the GPO Box or direct by email in Word, Publisher, Excel or PDF format to APF APTA Change of Contact/Mailing Address Please notify the VPC of any change to Club contacts or mailing addresses. The next VPC News will include an up-to-date Club & Society Listing. The VPC meets four or five times a year, at roughly two monthly intervals. The next meeting will be on February 9th. Victorian State Exhibitions & VPC Congresses 2015-2017 2015: Brighton, August tba 2016: Gippsland? 2017: Melbourne VPC Award of Merit This is given to a stamp collector/ philatelist who has made an outstanding contribution to organized philately, beyond Club level, in Victoria. Nominations are invited and these should be addresses to Peter Leitch, VPC Secretary. An outline of the nominee’s contribution must accompany the nomination. The award is announced and presented at the annual VICPEX. The closing date for material for the next issue of VPC News is 21st February 2015. I have agreed to continue to edit VPC News until the end of 2014, when a new editor will be required. Alex Stoneman (03) 54642400 Victorian Philatelic Council Office Bearers 2015 President: Charles Bromser Vice President: Secretary/Treasurer: Peter Leitch Representatives on Victorian Philatelic Council 2014-15 Clubs: Charles Bromser, Alex Stoneman, Raymond Lancaster, 1 vacancy R.P.S.V.: Gary Brown, Peter Leitch, Frank Pauer, John Rennie A.P.T.A.: Robert Williamson, 3 vacancies Australia Post: 1 vacancy Items for the APF website Please send details of club events or changes in club meetings, contacts or office bearers to the APF webmaster: Details t.b.d. VPC News December 2014 Page 2 VPC Congress Mini-Sheets Philatelic Literature Available The VPC has kept some of the 2014 Congress overprinted mini-sheets to make them available to collectors, who could not attend the Exhibition at Geelong West. Premier Postal Auctions has announced the availability of the following philatelic publications: (a) 'The Hand-Held Postmarks of South Australia and the Northern Territory' published by the Philatelic Society of South Australia. This three-volumes definitive work is now available for sale at $175. (b) The second editions of the 'Queensland Numerical' and 'Queensland Datestamp' books by Bernie Manning are also available. With updated information and illustrations in full colour, these two books are for sale at $160 plus postage, but if you order both books, there is a special deal for $260. For further details, please contact David at Premier Postal Auctions ( or visit the website (, select the 'book sales' submenu from the top left and simply order through there. These are available from the VPC Secretary, Peter Leitch. They are priced at $10 each. Registered postage is extra for orders requiring this service. Peter also has a few copies of the 2012 and 2013 overprinted mini-sheets from the 2012 and 2013 Congresses. These are also available @ $10 each. 2014 VPC Congress The exhibition at Geelong West Town Hall went very well. There were some interesting entries on display and the dealers were well patronised. The organisers are to be congratulated on a great event. The VPC is looking for more collectors to submit entries in 2015, both single and multi -frame. If you have any ideas on encouraging collectors to prepare and submit entries, members of the Council would be very supportive. Perhaps we can run some workshops to assist interested people in preparing entries. VPC Congress and State Exhibition in 2016 in Gippsland? VPC is keen to cooperate in conducting the 2016 program in Gippsland, where some previous state exhibitions have been very successful. Contact is Peter Leitch, whose details are on page one. VPC News December 2014 Page 3 VPC News December 2014 Page 4 Australian Philatelic Federation Shop PRODUCTS FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE SEND ALL ORDERS TO: Archival Products, Australian Philatelic Federation, PO Box 506, Victor Harbor, SA 5211 Our Products Manager can also be contacted by email or by telephone on 08.8552.1983 Orders may also be placed through SAPHIL House, by any of the following methods – by email <> by mail to 22 Gray Court, Adelaide 5000 by telephone (08) 8212 3557 Please note there is also no answering machine Orders are processed from 8.00am to 4.00pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Product Weight Per Price Stampsafe Box 200g Each $20.00 Display Pages 140gsm - low acid bleached [ Before ordering display pages and protectors, please ensure you have considered the purpose for which you wish to use them as strict limits apply to page sizes for exhibiting purposes. Samples available on request. ] Product Weight Per Price 283 x 210mm plain / white 450g Per 50 $12.00 283 x 210mm plain /off white 450g Per 50 $12.00 283 x 216mm plain / white 450g Per 50 $12.00 283 x 216mm plain / off white 450g Per 50 $12.00 283 x 230mm plain / white 500g Per 50 $15.00 283 x 230mm plain / off white 500g Per 50 $15.00 283 x 216mm feint grille / white 450g Per 50 $15.00 283 x 230mm feint grille / white 500g Per 50 $18.00 283 x 420mm plain / white [1] Discontinued line 900g Per 50 $22.00 283 x 420mm plain / off white [1] Discontinued line 900g Per 50 $22.00 283 x 454mm plain / white 975g Per 50 $24.00 283 x 454mm plain / off white 975g Per 50 $24.00 VPC News December 2014 Page 5 Sheet Protectors - Polypropylene - 60 micron clear [ Before ordering display pages and protectors, please ensure you have considered the purpose for which you wish to use them as strict limits apply to page sizes for exhibiting purposes. Samples available on request. ] Product Weight Per Price 285 x 225mm - top open 330g Per 50 $30.00 285mm x 240mm – top open 350g Per 50 $30.00 285mm x 420mm – top open [1] Discontinued line 655g Per 50 $55.00 285mm x 457mm – top open 745g Per 50 $60.00 285mm x 465mm – top open 1080g Per 50 $60.00 Sheet Protectors - Mylar [Before ordering display pages and protectors, please ensure you have considered the purpose for which you wish to use them as strict limits apply to page sizes for exhibiting purposes. Samples available on request. ] Product Weight Per Price 285 x 225mm - top open 14g Each $2.20 285mm x 230mm – top open [1] Discontinued line 15g Each $2.00 285mm x 240mm – top open 16g Each $2.20 285mm x 415mm – top open [1] Discontinued line 25g Each $3.25 285mm x 465mm – top open 28g Each $4.00 Some Forthcoming Philatelic Exhibitions Sydney Stamp Expo 2015 ANZAC Centenary Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th April 2015 JOHNNY WARREN RECREATIONAL STADIUM cnr King Georges & Forest Roads HURSTVILLE Official website: 2015 VICPEX at BriPhil House, Brighton 2015 National Single Frame Exhibition Newcastle 30th October to 1st November 2017 National Philatelic Exhibition in Melbourne VPC News December 2014 Page 6 ‘VPC News’ Editor Required in 2015 N.A.P.E. Magazine The Asia Pacific Exhibitor is the quarterly magazine of the International Association for Philatelic Exhibitors. It is up to issue 102. Each issue has articles on philatelic exhibits, which are of interest to most collectors, even if they are not exhibitors. Spring Quiz Who is the famous philatelic forger shown? Which famous Australian stamp did he forge? Answers: Jean Sperati. £2 Kangaroo and Map. Summer Quiz The November features articles on: How to look after your collection The war in Gallipoli The Game of Cricket South African Air Letters & Aerogrammes till 1961 The UPU was formed in 1874. Subscriptions to: Charles Bromser, 37 How many members did it have in that year? Bridport St., South Melbourne, Vic 3205 or Where is its headquarters? email: <> When did Australia join? The issues from 2006 to 2013 are on line at the NAPE website. An annual subscription is The first two correct entries will each win a $40 posted in Australia. 2014 VPC overprinted miniature sheet courte- The VPC gets requests from Clubs about presy of the VPC. paring exhibits. A Club subscription to NAPE Entries to Alex Stoneman, PO Box 66, Caris- would be a useful first step for Clubs which brook, Vic 3464 or to <> have members who are philatelic exhibitors or are considering preparing to exhibit. VPC News December 2014 Page 7 Special Events 8 *** indicates admission charges apply Essendon: Ukrainian Hall, 3-11 Russell Street 1st Sunday of each month 9:00am – 3:30pm Grant Carter 0423 271 001 Nunawading: Jaycees Hall, Silver Grove Last Sunday of each month (second Sunday in December) 9:00am – 3:30pm Grant Carter 0423 271 001 Bentleigh: Bentleigh-McKinnon Youth Centre, Higgins Road, Bentleigh 3rd Sunday of each month (January—December) 9 am - 2:30 pm John Thomas Tel 0418 322 315 ANDA/APTA Stamps & Coin Fair*** Bayview on the Park 52 Queens Road Saturday 11th, Sunday 12th April Gabrielle Griffiths 0438 342 553 Ballarat Begonia Stamps & Coins Fair Monday 9th March Ballarat Special School Gillies St., Ballarat Sydney Stamp Expo 2015. ANZAC Centenary 16th –19th April King Georges & Forest Roads HURSTVILLE Maryborough Stamp Fair Saturday 7th May St. Augustines Hall Burns/Kars Sts Peter Morey 5339 1767 Graeme Loyer 54605008 Ballarat Philatelic Society Monday 9th March 9.30am to 3.30 pm Ballarat Specialist School Gillies Street, Ballarat [opposite Botanical Gardens] Free Entry Stamp and Coin Dealers Displays Refreshments Lucky Door Prizes Contact: Peter Morey 0435 601 673
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