samaritan counseling center non-profit organization us postage paid albuquerque, nm permit no 1484 news volume 17, number 1 from the executive director 1101 medical arts avenue ne, building 3 albuquerque, new mexico 87102 Dreams and Visions address service requested called back to the well healthy marriages Another political season is bringing contrasting visions for the future of our country. All three major candidates for President have shared their dreams with us, stirring our hopes for a more peaceful world, a stronger economy, preservation of the global environment, healing of racial and political divisions. One of the great gifts of democracy is the hopefulness of visionary thinking that emerges in each election cycle. First Presbyterian Church 217 Locust NE the bertha & eldon guhl center for children & adolescents samaritan center for changing families 1101 Medical Arts Avenue NE, Building 3 st. joseph center for children & families La Mesa Presbyterian Church 7401 Copper Avenue NE workplace services business office 2340 Alamo SE, Suite 123 (505) 842-5300 samaritan counseling center of albuquerque staff and boards executive director Paul E. Hopkins, DMin clinical director Sarah Brennan, PhD medical arts staff Amy Brashear, MDiv, MC Lee Swanson, MA Arlene Harmon Joanne Moreno bertha & eldon guhl center for children & adolescents John Harlow, PhD, program director Hope Krasner-Kuehn, PsyD Sabrina Mann, MSW Leah Rudnick, MD st. joseph center for children & families Tamara Thiedeman, MSW program coordinator Jackie Perez, MSW Linda Perez samaritan center for changing families Anthony Baca, LMHC Martha Kaser, LMSW Barbara Wasylenki, MSW workplace services Timothy S. Strongin, PhD, ABPP, program director Kathy Jackson, MA Joan Levine, MSW Norma Tejada, MA Katrina Piazzese called back to the well Sue Joiner, MDiv, program director Wanda Tuck healthy marriages Sarah Lee, MA, program director Bruce Eklund MaryAnn Eklund, PhD Gabriel Gonzalez-Camargo, MDiv, MA Stephanie Jaeger Claudia Kotter Gerry & Joann Magyar Silvia Pacheco Petulia Vandever finance & billing Larry Green director of business & finance Margaret Kimball Lorraine Lujan Clara Sanchez resource development staff Kathleen Raskob, director Laura Cawthon spring 2008 consultants William Foote, PhD Sheryl Philips, MSW Frank Spring, JD, PhD William Ulwelling, MD samaritan counseling center of albuquerque foundation board of directors Tom Dawe, President Julie Bowdich Robin Brulé Kathy Lopez Bushnell Victor Chavez Robert Custer Wayne Davenport George Friberg Patrick Glennon John Goodwin Heidi Frost Heard Pamela Hurd-Knief Terry Horn Greg Leyendecker Vicki Macaulay Sherman McCorkle Margaret “Meg” Meister Kirk Meyer Robin Dozier Otten Henry South Kathy Sporing Dennis Sterosky George Stanfield Elizabeth Trainor Len Trainor samaritan counseling center of albuquerque operating board of directors Breda Bova. President Tammy Barth-Oakes Pam Catanach Paul Christensen John Easter Rabbi Art Flicker Francesca Garcia Robert Garcia Don Kawal Bart H. Kinney, III Don Jones Beverly McMillan Beth Moise Shirley Morrison David Okerberg James M. Parker Sarah Smith Holly Traver Tammy Wash John Wright Dreams of a better future are an unmistakable sign of health. Depression dampens dreams, trapping thoughts in cynical despair. But when a struggling individual can take positive steps toward the glimpse of a new future, there is hope for healing. When couples can see beyond their bitter conflict, the possibility of a new marriage is born. And when a society puts aside the negativity of how awful things are, a new and more positive era may emerge. Green shoots of new life appear out of death in just such ways. The Samaritan Counseling Center is doing some visionary thinking of our own these days. Having doubled in size and service to the community twice in the past five years, we are asking ourselves what growth and new service we may be called to offer in the years ahead. Samaritan will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2012, and our board and staff are working now to cast a vision of our future in central New Mexico. One thing is clear. As the mental health care system of our state continues to crumble, we must be even more diligent in continuing to offer healing and hope to children and couples and families who struggle with the burden of mental and emotional and relational and spiritual malaise. Dreams do not become reality without hard work. When this election season is over in the Fall, Americans must join hands to create the better world we have glimpsed in the oratory of the months now unfolding. Likewise, we at Samaritan, board and staff and volunteers, are dedicating ourselves to the hard work of providing service and raising money to bring excellent, ethical, and accessible care to all who need our vital ministry. Our Campaign for Hope is making good progress in raising $2.2 million to sustain Samaritan’s service into the future. Samaritan’s board and staff are working hard daily to deliver healing care and fund our ongoing operation. We are thankful to all who help us in this important work, and we give particular thanks to the Author of all visions whose blessings we enjoy and whose guidance we seek to follow. Join us for an inspiring evening of joyful music! Randy Travis and his Gospel Band In a benefit concert for The Samaritan Counseling Center’s Campaign for Hope Friday, May 23, 7PM Kiva Auditorium, Albuquerque Convention Center Call Samaritan Counseling Center, 842-5300, for more information. Healthy Marriages Welcomes Harville Hendrix SCCF Offers Mediation for Divorcing Couples Healthy Marriages has a passion for reaching couples. Our goal, simply put, is to teach couples skills that can better their relationship. Twice a year we have a large event and bring in an expert from the field. We are truly excited to announce that Dr. Harville Hendrix will be coming to Albuquerque and partnering with Healthy Marriages to lead a relationship seminar. Dr. Hendrix is an internationally known couples therapist, public lecturer, and author. He’s been on the NY Times Best Seller list and a frequent guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show. He is the co-creator, with his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, of Imago Relationship Therapy which is practiced in 30 countries by over 2,000 therapists. Seating is limited, so register early. Please do not miss this opportunity to hear from a relationship expert. Spirit of Samaritan Campaign for Hope phi•lan•thro•py altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes In October of 2007, Samaritan embarked on an ambitious campaign to increase our endowment by $2 million, to sustain the healing work we do here. Thanks to the generosity and support of cherished donors, staff and board members, we have received a total of $1,178,061.00 in pledges and cash gifts. We’re over halfway to our goal! have you included samaritan counseling center in your estate plans? getting the love you want with dr. harville hendrix A Relationship Seminar for Couples Saturday, April 12, 2008 6:00 to 8:30 PM Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town Albuquerque, NM $5 per couple Register online at Refreshments Will Be Provided (We also offer childcare assistance: Please ask us how) 505.247.1511 or 1.888.892.4250 Mediation of divorces or separations will be offered by the Samaritan Center for Changing Families (SCCF) to clients who want to avoid the stress and dissension of litigation. Martha J. Kaser, JD LMSW, a therapist and experienced divorce mediator, will offer this service as an alternative to the ‘traditional’ method of litigated divorce or separation. The service is available to all couples who are ending their relationship, whether married or not, and wish to avoid the emotional and financial stress of litigation. Mediation is added to SCCF’s successful Wise Parent program for parents who seek assistance with co-parenting after divorce or separation. Mediation is based upon the premise that couples can work out the end of their formal relationship themselves, with the assistance of a neutral third party mediator. When children are involved, the mediation process helps parents structure their continuing relationship as co-parents of their children after the marriage ends. Mediators can help couples divide assets and debts, provide for the financial and parenting needs of their children, establish spousal support if required, and provide for dispute resolution should differences arise in the future. At the conclusion of the mediation, a document reflecting the couple’s agreement is prepared and signed.. Forms approved by the Second Judicial District are available if the parties wish to prepare all of the documents they need to file the completed divorce with the court. The process involves non-adversarial meetings between the parents and the mediator where options for resolving each issue are discussed and the parties reach agreement on the outcome. All communications during the process are kept confidential. Some mediations resolve every issue; some do not. In any case, every issue settled at mediation is one less for resolution through the courts. Parties may have attorneys who attend the mediation with them. In other cases, the parties are representing themselves. The mediator is not acting as an attorney for either party, and does not offer legal representation. Mediation services are not therapy, and are not eligible for reimbursement by health insurance companies. Services will be billed on a sliding fee scale from $60.00 to $125.00 per person per hour. Research on mediated versus litigated divorces concludes that the overall level of satisfaction, and compliance with a mediated agreement is higher than that resulting from a divorce or separation acquired through litigation. The Samaritan Center for Changing Families is pleased to offer this service to the families of Albuquerque. Samaritan Receives Corporate Citizenship Award The “stars” gathered at Rodey Theatre on UNM’s campus on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 for the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce’s Fourth Annual Corporate Citizenship Awards. Samaritan Counseling Center was one of the finalists in the non-profit category. These awards are presented to businesses and non-profit organizations that demonstrate their achievements through community involvement, environmental impact and economic viability. After the three business winners were announced, the suspense built around the non-profit category, with Samaritan up against two very worthy non-profit candidates, Immanuel Lutheran School and Tree New Mexico. Randy Woodcock of United Way (last year’s recipient in the non-profit category) opened the envelope and revealed Samaritan Counseling Center as the winner! Paul Hopkins accepted the beautiful award on behalf of Samaritan and basked in the glow of the crowd’s adulation. Paul Hopkins accepts award from United Way’s Randy Woodcock. Spirit of Samaritan Campaign Update The Spirit of Samaritan Campaign for Hope has brought in over $1.3 million in gifts and pledges as of June 30. Launched in September, 2007, the campaign aims to raise $2.2 million to expand and sustain Samaritan’s ministry of healing in central New Mexico. Included in the goal is an intent to increase the Samaritan Counseling Center Foundation’s assets from $1.1 million to $3 million by 2010. Earnings from the Foundation are used to help underwrite the cost of care provided to poor and uninsured clients served by Samaritan. Samaritan board members are talking with friends and supporters of the Samaritan Counseling Center, inviting others to consider three-year pledges to this special campaign, over and above annual campaign gifts to Samaritan’s operation. Eleven other community backers have agreed to serve as members of the Campaign for Hope Team focusing on major gifts to the campaign. campaign for hope team members include: Randy Travis Performs to Benefit Samaritan John & Kathleen Avila, Avila Retail Development & Management Jim Hinton, Presbyterian Healthcare System Susan Jennings, Community Volunteer Vic Jury, SUMMIT Electric Dennis Malouf, Universal Advisory Services Sherman McCorkle, Technology Ventures Corporation Steve Prickett, Merrill Lynch Ron Stern, Lovelace Health System Ann Wehr, Molina Healthcare Judy Zanotti, Community Volunteer The Campaign for Hope received a boost from Randy Travis and his Gospel Band on Friday, May 23 at Kiva Auditorium. Samaritan is grateful for their continued support of the healing work of Samaritan Counseling Center. from left—Margaret Kimball, Arlene Harmon, Randy Travis, Paul Hopkins, Kathleen Raskob, Pam Catanach. New Counseling Clients in 2007 2007 referrals 2007 budget outcomes Age of Counselees 1-9 10 - 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70+ Totals Referral Source Clergy Physicians Former Clients Media/Ads Friends/Family Legal Managed Care/EAP Insurance Internet Internal Social Services Schools Other Income for 2007 Expenses 2007 $2,329,658 $2,375,758 Net 2007 Operating result ($46,100) 2007 men/women Gender of Counselees Female Males Totals Annual Totals 846 666 1512 The Samaritan Counseling Center concluded 2007 with another very successful year of growth in service to children, adults, families and faith groups in central New Mexico. Here are some highlights of our accomplishments of 2007: We completed 21 years of service, providing healing, reconciliation, education, and personal and spiritual growth to more than 24,000 people. We have now provided nearly $3.5 million in charitable services over that twenty-one year period. We increased services more than 30% serving 3,400 people, and raising $1.75 million for operations & endowment, plus $650,000 in government grants. We doubled the space at the Alamo location and strengthened finance and Workplace Services staff. We launched the Spirit of Samaritan, a Campaign for Hope, and surpassed the halfway point in 3 months. We increased Center support for staff healthcare and retirement. 2007 ages of clientele Annual Totals 94 213 271 372 319 171 56 16 1512 annual report 2007 Annual Totals 100 181 46 15 206 153 48 123 38 54 48 34 205 planning for future service Recently the Samaritan Counseling Center has been updating its strategic plan to guide our growth and operation through our 25th year of service in 2012. Led by co-chairs Holly Traver of Wells Fargo Bank and Terry Horn of PNM, representing the Center board and the Foundation board respectively, the twelve member strategic plan committee of staff and board members has extended a vision and developed detailed plans for achieving that vision over the course of the next five years. The draft of the proposed plan will be reviewed by various Center stakeholders over the summer, with adoption by the Center’s board expected in August. To review a copy of the Center’s Strategic Plan, 2008 – 2012, visit Samaritan’s website, and click on strategic plan or the home page on the Board of Directors page. samaritan is grateful for support we received in 2007 from these generous friends Sally and Bill Aber ACCION New Mexico Reina Ahmed Thomas and Winifred Aicher Albuquerque Community Foundation Albuquerque Journal All Type Printing Lee and Elizabeth Allbright Kip and Roxanne Allen Douglas and Nadine Allen Rex and Barbara Allender Alternatives American Society of Radiologic Technologists Amy Biehl High School Analytical Solutions Dr. and Mrs. Terry Anderson Judy Anderson Donald and Joy Anderson Patty Anderson Dick and Joycelee Andes Anonymous Lucy Archamboult Archdiocese of Santa Fe Darrell and Jacalyn Arne Regina Arrigoni Articles for Her Ted and Carol Asbury Atkinson & Co. Ltd Atkinson & Kelsey, P.A. Leslie F. Atler, Ph.D. Bob and Shari Aubrey John and Kathleen Avila Avila Retail Development & Management, LLC Anthony Baca Samuel and Sharon Baca Baca & Redwine, P.C. Karen Baehr Kay Ballinger Bank 1st Bank of Albuquerque Bank of America Bank of the West Patricia Barbier Stephen Bass and Laura Heuter Bass Daniel and Gayle Bator Arthur and Alex Beach Bryan and Janice Beck Ross Becker and Joanne Reuter Troy Benavidez Berger Briggs Real Estate & Insurance, Inc. Lynn Billings Carolyn Biswell Bob Blount Blue Sky Images BlueCross and BlueShield of New Mexico Monica Boehmer, DDS, PC Candace Bogart and Richard Miller Bohannan Huston, Inc. Grace and Ronald Bousek Jason and Samantha Bousliman Art and Breda Bova Robert and Phyllis Boverie Julia A. Bowdich Dick and Iris Brackett Amy Brashear John and Sarah Brennan Wilfred and Margaret Brennan Doug and Sarah Brown Greg and Carol Brown Donald and Brenda Brown Frederic and Karen Brown Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, P.C. Robin Brule Jeanne and Gig Brummell Pat and Ann Buck Build New Mexico Nina Burger Shelley and Kathy Burt Robert and Christina Butler Louis and Eva Caldera Stephen and Barbara Caldwell Robert and Mary Calvani Dave and Carole Camacho Canossian Daughters of Charity Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation Carlo, Inc. Wendy Carlson Homero and Janis Carrasco Karen Carruthers Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Castiglia Pam Catanach William and Patsy Cavin Laura and Larry Cawthon Century Sign Builders Chant Associates, Inc. Chaparral Electric Contractors, Inc. Charter Bank-Mortgage-Insurance Victor and Pamela Chavez Chavez-Grieves Consulting Engineers Cheshire Consulting LLC Children’s Grief Center of NM Lance and Kathy Chilton Stephen and Judy Chreist Paul and Vicki Christensen Kathleen and Hugh Church Citi Cards Sandra Clark CNM Foundation Peter and Francine Cogen Coldwell Banker Legacy Colket Family Foundation COMPA Industries, Inc. Compass Bank Mary Cooley, MA, SPHR Beverly Cramer Dick and Kathy Craner Chuck and Leigh Crespy Jim and M.C. Culpepper Robert and Mollie Custer Phillip and Krys Custer D.R.B. Electric, Inc. Paula Dal Santo and Ed Anlian Michael and Linley Daly James Daniel Mary Daniels Daniels Fund Marc and Linda Davidson R. Thomas and Melinda Dawe Bradley and Kathy Day Paul and Nona Debenport John and Debra deGraauw Leonard and Jean Ann DeLayo Maribel Delgado DH&IS Mrs. L.F. Pearl Diehm Joe and Christine DiGregorio George and Margery Dixon Cristina Dohrenz Pete V. Domenici, Jr. Don Chalmers Ford Laurie and Michael Donovan Bill and Fran Dorman Dr. and Mrs. James Drennan Robert and Jacquelin Duff Beth Dwyer E. Blaugrund Family Fund of Albuquerque Community Foundation Roberta and William Eads Dr. John Easter Bob and Katie Eaton Mel and Mary Ann Eaves William Ebel and Rev. Dr. Suzanne House Ebel El Norteno Restaurant Elite Travel Agency Richard and Jessica Elkins Enterprise Builders Corporation Enterprise Rent-a-Car A. Entezari, Ph.D. and Mrs. Donna Entezari Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande Charles Ewing and Kate Livingston Peter and Lori Feibelman Gail Carr Feldman, Ph.D. Louis and Arlene Feltz Edward and Josala Fetherolf First Congregational UCC First National Bank of Arizona First National Bank of Santa Fe First Presbyterian Church First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque Charles and Elizabeth Fleddermann Rabbi Art and Mrs. Linda Flicker Rita Flores The Flower Gallery Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Ford Maureen Forrestal Mr. & Mrs. Jim Franchell Franciscans in the Desert Frank D. Gorham, Jr. and Marie K.Gorham Charitable Foundation George and Mary Friberg Robert and Choon Fritch Anne Frost Sue Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garcia William and Deloris Garrison Gatherings David and Ilse Gay Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gherardi Stanley and Sheila Gillespie Patrick and Lyn Glennon Patricia Glover Lindy Gold Diane Goldfarb Gabriel Gonzalez Camargo and Arlene Gonzalez Robert and Marti Goodman Danniele Grandberry Grant Thornton LLP Larry Green and Chris Hibbard Janice Griffin, Ph.D. Richard and Suzanne Guilford H.B. and Lucille Horn Foundation Alisa Hadfield Vern and Vicki Hagen Kevin Hagen John and Kim Harlow Arlene Harmon Michael and Marylyn Harris Hart Construction The Honorable Harris Hartz Wyatt Heard and Heidi Frost Heard Mr. and Mrs. Dick Heath K. John Heilman and Eleanor Bernier Del and Mary Helton Hunter and Lila Henry Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hepworth John Herman High Desert Investment Corporation Dr. David C. Hillson & Mrs. Eileen Grevey Hillson Hillson’s Western Wear Meta Hirschl Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hoffman A. Bart Holaday and Lynn Villella Holaday Carol Holland and Deborah Hilty Pastor Patricia Holman and Phil Wangberg Scott and Kay Holswade Barbara Holt Paul and LaDonna Hopkins Sean Hopkins Terry and Lori Horn Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Horvath Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town Hugh and Helen Woodward Fund of the Albuquerque Community Foundation Dr. & Mrs. James Hutchinson Hyatt Regency Hotel Irwin Union Bank Jaynes Corporation Susan Jennings and Gill Rubidoux John Shomaker and Associates Terry and Connie Johnson Sue Joiner Donald and Merri Jean Jones Lauren and Thomas Joule Julia Kalmus Donald & Maria Cristina Kawal Keleher & McLeod, PA Henry (Hank) and Bonnie Kelly Michael and Marianne Kelly Don Kelly and Anita Williams-Kelly Kelly Jo Designs Candace Kern and Stephen Westheimer Margaret Kimball Kirtland Federal Credit Union Cornelis Klein & Shirley Morrison KOB-TV 4 P.W. “Kodi” and Lou Kodituwakku Barbara Koltuska Kathy Komoll Sarah Kotchian and Robert Nellums Marta Kramer Richard Kuehn and Hope Krasner-Kuehn La Mesa Presbyterian Church Laurie Ross-Brennan & Associates, P.A. Dr. and Mrs. Russell Lee Sarah and Kimon Lee Col. Brian D. Leen and M. Lucia Garro Leen Tony and Susan Leonard Lewis and Roca LLP Liebers Luggage Life Change Psychological Institute Limited Brands Foundation Ralph and Brenda Lind Lobos New Mexico Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories Kathy Lopez-Bushnell Los Alamos National Bank Los Altos Christian Church Adams Lovekin, Ph.D. and Ann Lewis Lovekin Lovelace Health System Ken Lucero and Francilla Whiteskunk-Lucero William and Judy Lucero Deborah Lundy Gordon and Vicki Macaulay Steve and Lisa Mager Mary A. Malwitz and David Stout Josh and Sabrina Mann Jeremiah and Esperanza Manning Dr. and Mrs. Erich Marchand Carolyn Martinez Cathy and Daniel Martinez Alan and Deborah Mask Massage for the Health of It Herman and Emily Mauney Sherman and Cathy McCorkle Robin McCoy Lisa McCulloch Rachel McHugh Jane McKenna John and Millie McMahon Mary Lou and Norman Melvin Merry Maids Mesa Del Sol LLC James Messec and Melissa Morris Cecilia Metz William and Marilyn Michael Don and Pamela Michaelis Miller Stratvert Law Office Sheri and Dr. Michael Milone J. Howard and Judy Mock Modrall Sperling Mr. Steve and Dr. Beth Moise Patrick Molina and Stephanie Kaup Molina Molina Healthcare of New Mexico Martin and Ruth Mondlick Dennis Monroe Monte Vista Christian Church JoAnne Moreno Moses at Home Mountain States Mutual Casualty Company Jolynn Muraida Anne Murray Leslie Neal Ann and James Nelson New Belgium Brewing Co., Inc. New Mexico Bank & Trust New Mexico Cancer Center New Mexico Charities, Inc. New Mexico Conference of Churches New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union New Mexico Mutual New Mexico Symphony Orchestra New Mexico Technet Rev. Harold and Mrs. Shirley Nilsson Anne Nokes Norbertine Community Robert and Marjorie Nordhaus Charles North, M.D. and Faye Butler North Ann Bateman Noss Now We’re Cooking Maj. Gen. Francis Nye Greg Ogawa and Diane Harrison Ogawa Mary O’Leary Tom and Terri Olesen Robin Dozier Otten Our Lady Of The Annunciation Albert and Peggy Owens Elizabeth Paak Dr. Luis Padilla and Alana Williams James and Linda Parker Theresa Parrish Pass Your Plate Ron and Becky Pate Drs. Lara Patriquin and Ian Paul Rev. and Mrs. Howard Paul JoAnne Pegler Mary Pegler-Pringle Calla Ann Pepmueller Linda Perez Jacqueline Perez Charles and Karen Pharris Phillippi, Wright & Co. CPA’s Ed and Nancy Pierce Peter and Dinah Pierotti Eric Pillmore PNM Resources Maureen and Michael Polikoff Pool Family Revocable Trust Mary Poole Benjamin Porter Alice E. Pownser, RNCS Bob and Joan Pratt Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation Presbyterian Healthcare Services Presbytery of Santa Fe Steve and Andrea Prickett Prince of Peace Catholic Community Dixie Lee Prowell Shirley Puariea Pulakos & Alongi, Ltd. Helen Purser David and Nancy Radley Sharen Ramirez Will and Kathleen Raskob Raskob Foundation Russell and Elizabeth Raskob Mary Reeves Robert and Kathy Reidy Harold Reynolds Susan Reza Norman and Dottie Ribble Peter Rinn and Barbara Wiley Angel and Frances Rivera Joan Roberts Christine Robinson and William Baker Rocky Mountain Mortgage Beverly Rogoff Larry and Deena Rolls Judy Romero-Oak Estelle H. Rosenblum Barbara Rosnagle Leah Rudnick Jack and Donna Rust Salon Centro Elizabeth Schmidt-Nowara Arthur Schreiber Alison Schuler A.T. and Barbara Schwyzer Matthew Segura and Nancy Herring Bruce and Sandy Seligman Seven-Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. of Albuquerque Karen Shackleford Don and Barbara Shearer Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church Reed Sheppard Stuart and Rosalie Sherman Eva Silva Sandra Silva Mr. and Mrs. Hal Simmons Gordon and Patience Skarsgard Joseph and Carla Skibba Skyiepal Family Lynn Slade and Susan Zimmerman Sarah Diane Smith Rick and Barbara Sneddon Dr. Dolly Sokol Sombra Del Monte Christian Church Southern Wine & Spirits of America, Inc. Paul and Karen Sowards John and Mary Lee Sparks Joe and Gail Spiess Rudy and Kathy Sporing Frank Spring, Ph.D. Susan Sprowls St. Chad’s Episcopal Church St. John’s United Methodist Church St. Joseph Community Health Foundation St. Luke Lutheran Church Donna Stabler Robert Stamm George and Jenean Stanfield Jeff and Jan Sterba Dennis S. Sterosky John and Kris Stichman The Stocker Foundation Dr. Timothy and Barbara Strongin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stuart Miriam Stucker Sutin Thayer & Browne Lee and Dawn Swanson Else Tasseron Dick and Dang Teater Technology Ventures Corporation Norma Tejada The Grove Cafe & Market Roger and Kyla Thompson Thornburg Companies Peggy and Jim Tilghman T-Mobile Steve Tolber and Louise Campbell-Tolber Len and Liz Trainor Coleman Travelstead and Brookes McIntyre Holly Traver Carol Tucker Trelease TriCore Reference Laboratories Triumfo Property L.L.C. Craig and Lynn Trojahn Simon and Wanda Tuck Judith Tucker Eugene Tuma Dr. and Mrs. Robert Turner Robert and Marylee Tyler Trisa and James Ulrich William Ulwelling, MD United Blood Services United Way of Central New Mexico Universal Advisory Services University of New Mexico UNM Anderson Schools of Management Petulia Vandever Vanessie of Santa Fe Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Justina Vigil Vigil Safe & Key, Inc. Charles and Jean Villamarin Andrew and Janet Vogt Irene V-Palacios Wagner Valuation and Financial Forensics Janis Wainright Scott and Elizabeth Walker Julie Walker Bettie and Harry Wallingford Darrell Walter Susan Walton Kenton Walz Thomas and Tammy Wash Gene and Barbara Wasylenki Andy and Carol Watson Wells Fargo Robert and Elizabeth Wertheim Helen Wertheim Western Assurance Monica Whitaker Joel Widman and Catherine Mulqueen Wiggins, Williams & Wiggins, P.C. Jim and Scotty Wilkins Greg and Laurie Williams Floyd Wilson Rodney and Marty Wilson Dorothy Wilson Randy and Jacqueline Woodcock John and Carol Wright Mark and Kathy Yarbrough Jerome Yatskowitz and Anne Haines Yatskowitz YMCA of Central New Mexico Pennie and Dwight York Zanios Foods Inc. Judy Zanotti and Dave Davis Carl Zimmerman
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