Human Resources Bulletin December 2014 Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Division of Human Resources PAYROLL INFORMATION • Direct deposit funds will be available at your bank by 9 a.m. on December 24, 2014. • Direct deposit stubs will be delivered by basket mail to schools December 18, 2014. TAX WITHHOLDING Tax changes may be made any time by submitting a form W-4 (federal) or MD 507 (state) Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate to HR/Payroll. Remember, if you change your address, you need to submit new tax withholding forms if you moved to a different state or Maryland county. W-2 INFORMATION 2014 W-2 forms will be mailed by January 31, 2015. Active permanent employees will receive W-2s at their work location. W-2s for temporary or inactive employees are mailed to the home address. If you need to make corrections to your personal information, please do so as soon as possible so your W-2 will be correct. Send a Change of Personnel Records form (available at > HR/ Employment > Forms, and on the intranet) to: Address changes: Benefits Office, Human Resources Confidential Fax: 443-458-0669 Name changes: Wilmagrace Carpenter Employee Records File Room Human Resources (include required documentation listed on the form) Confidential Fax: 443-458-0137 BENEFITS DEDUCTIONS 2015 As indicated in the Open Enrollment Guide, 2014 healthcare rates will not change for 2015. • New Flexible Spending Account (FSA), and voluntary life insurance deductions begin January 7, 2015. • If you submitted paperwork to enroll in or increase voluntary supplemental life insurance, up to $100,000, your new deductions will start the first pay in January. If you applied for more than $100,000 in voluntary life insurance, you will be notified if your application has been approved by Cigna. Deductions will commence once approved. Reminder: The frequency of deductions is aligned with your number of pays: 1) All employees who are paid over 12 months have benefit deductions from all 26 pays (including, for example, 10-month employees paid over the summer). 2) All employees who are paid over 10 months have benefit deductions from 22 pays. Note: An exception to the above are retirement deductions, which continue at the same frequency of 20 or 26 deductions, per the Maryland State Retirement Agency. EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION Verification of Employment can be accessed by employees, lenders, and verifiers via The Work Number. This information can be found at > HR/ Employment > Employment Verification or Step-by-step instructions are provided for the convenience of the employee, lender, and verifier. Please Note: Please make note of your unique AACPS Employee ID shown on your paystub. In early 2015, HR will ask callers for this ID instead of a social security number, and it will be required on AACPS HR documents. Anne Arundel County Public Schools prohibits discrimination in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability unrelated in nature and extent so as to reasonably preclude performance. For more information, contact The Office of Investigations, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, 2644 Riva Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, (410) 222-5286; TDD (410) 222-5500. AACPS • Division of Human Resources • DPS/JH 1394/21 (Rev 12/14)NS OPEN ENROLLMENT WRAP UP Since Open Enrollment for 2015 has ended, the Benefits on-line enrollment site is no longer available for employees to select benefits or change elections. You may still review your benefits elections or print your enrollment summary (go to > HR/Employment > Benefits and click on On-line Benefits). Healthcare and Prescription ID Cards • If you did not make any changes in your medical coverage, continue to use your current medical cards. • If you switched from the PPN plan to the Triple Option medical plan, you will receive a new medical card for each family member enrolled. If you participate in the Select Vision program, the vision benefit will also show on this medical card. • If a new dependent is added and coverage level changes (e.g., employee/spouse to family), new cards will be generated. For the BlueChoice, Triple Option, and dental plans, ID cards will be generated for anyone new who is added. • Dental cards are issued separately from medical and vision cards. If you had dental coverage in 2014, continue to use your same dental card. If you changed your dental plan during open enrollment, you will receive a new card. • New CareFirst cards will be sent to employees enrolling in a medical plan for the first time in 2015. Each family member will receive their own card. • Remember that your CareFirst medical card also reflects your CVS Caremark prescription coverage (RX) and your vision coverage (SV). Carefirst Concierge Service A dedicated CareFirst Customer Service Representative is on-site at the Central Office on Riva Road every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you have claim or eligibility questions, please call HR/Benefits at 410-222-5221/5219 on Tuesdays and ask for the CareFirst representative. Carefirst Select Vision Change Note that there has been a change in the benefit plan period. The plan will now permit annual vision exam coverage, i.e., one visit per calendar year, regardless of date of service in the prior year. For example, if you had an eye exam in September 2014, you can schedule a new eye exam any time in 2015 (the 12 month waiting period between exams no longer applies). CVS Caremark • Reminder: 3-tier co-payment structure Your prescription drug co-pay depends on whether your doctor prescribes a generic, preferred brand, or nonpreferred brand-name drug. Obtain a copy of the CVS Caremark Primary/Preferred Drug List from and discuss generic/preferred brand options with your physician. This list is typically updated on a quarterly basis. Mail order or CVS retail Retail pharmacy maintenance (up to 30-day choice (up to 90-day supply) supply) Tier Medication Type 1 Generic $5 $10 Preferred Brand $15 $30 $25 $50 2 3 (no generic equivalent) Non-Preferred Brand • Waiver of Generic Co-Pay. You may be eligible to receive a one-time free first fill for a generic alternative for a brand medicine you currently take. • Maintenance Choice. You may choose to receive your 90-day supply of medications through CVS Caremark Mail Service or at a CVS pharmacy. Prescription questions can be directed to 800-241-3371. SUMMARIES OF BENEFITS AND COVERAGE (SBCs) As required by Healthcare Reform, employees have access to Summaries of Benefits Coverage. They can be reviewed at > HR/Employment > Benefits > Healthcare. Do you have a benefits-related question? E-mail HR/Benefits staff at ? RETIREMENT Employees planning to retire by September 1, 2015 should submit their application for an estimate (Form 9–MSRA website) by January 31, 2015. They should also attend two AACPS programs: 1. The Retirement Information Program 2. The Retirement Forms Workshop Enrollment is on ERO. Refer to the recent all-employee e-mail which contains the flyer “Important Retirement Planning Information” for more details. See the chart for the Spring 2015 schedule; all sessions will be held in the AACPS Board Room from 4:30–6:30pm: Informational Sessions Wednesday, January 14th Monday, February 9th Tuesday, March 17th Tuesday, April 7th Tuesday, May 5th Forms Workshops Wednesday, January 7th Wednesday, January 28th Thursday, February 26th Thursday, March 26th Thursday, April 23rd Tuesday, May 26th Reminder — If you need to take a leave of absence you may be eligible for pension service credit for certain types of leave. It is the member’s responsibility to file an Application to be Placed on a Qualifying Leave of Absence (MSRPS Form 46). Contact your retirement representative in HR for more information at 410-222-5224: Employees A – L ask for Deanna Chew; M – Z ask for Pam Saulsbury. SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN – Are you participating? It is never too soon — or too late — to start saving for your retirement. While traditional pensions and Social Security benefits provide a safety net in retirement, they often are not enough. This is especially true in light of what experts say you will need to maintain your standard of living after you stop working. The amount may surprise you. With healthcare costs rising and life spans increasing, you may need as much as 80% – 100% of your pre-retirement income to maintain your current standard of living. Three AACPS-approved investment providers — Lincoln Financial, VALIC, and Voya (formerly ING) — offer excellent investment options to help you reach your retirement savings goals. You can enroll at any time during the year. NEW: To enroll in, or to change, a deferral in a supplemental retirement plan, you must go on-line, through Retirement Manager. The system guides you through the enrollment process. Access this site on the Intranet at Human Resources > Benefits > Supplemental Retirement or go directly to You may also contact HR/Benefits at 410-222-5221/5206 for further information. Please contact a plan provider representative to find out more about their plans and investment choices. They can also assist you with your enrollment! Lincoln Jeff Furniss Rick Nistler VALIC Judy Brown Paul Burns Jon Coe Chad Watson 410-459-9031 410-212-5554 Bart George 443-994-3714 Steven O’Leary 410-859-2363steven.o’ Voya (formerly ING) Alicia Kong Robin Laird Contributions to supplemental retirement plans may not exceed IRS annual limits. The IRS limits for 2015 for both the 403(b) and the 457(b) plans change to the following: Under age 50 – $18,000 • Over age 50 – $24,000 Remember, ALL employees, even temporary employees like substitute teachers, are eligible to participate, and the minimum contribution is only $1/pay. Remember, you can enroll at ANY time! Better to get started earlier rather than later! More information can be obtained at the AACPS/Benefits website > HR/Employment > Benefits > Supplemental Retirement. For those planning to retire in 2015, consider a 457(b) to maximize leave payout. FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS Note that a dependent care FSA cannot be used for healthcare expenses of a spouse or child. Please make sure you enrolled in the correct Flexible Spending Account. If you enrolled in a dependent care account in error, please contact HR/Benefits as soon as possible. Outstanding FSA expenses incurred in 2014 must be submitted to TASC no later than March 31, 2015, for reimbursement. As noted during Open Enrollment, up to $500 in unused healthcare flexible spending funds will roll over into your 2015 FSA. The carry over may roll from year to year indefinitely. Note that you will not have access to the $500 roll over until April 1, 2015 (after the 3 month grace period). You may link to the TASC website from > HR/Employment > Benefits > Flexible Spending Accounts to view general FSA and specific account information. New enrollees, prior to the first of the year, will receive a participant welcome letter, a customized Request for Reimbursement Form for 2015 claims, and prefunded Benefit debit cards (Visa) if enrolled in either a dependent care or healthcare FSA. If both a dependent care and healthcare FSA are elected, one card will be issued, which will be used for both accounts. One card will be issued to the employee. Additional cards for dependents may be requested by the participant directly through TASC at no cost. If you enrolled in an FSA in 2014, you can continue to use your same card in 2015. EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT PROGRAM The Employee Discount Program offers AACPS employees discounts from local businesses that are greater than those offered to the general public. All AACPS employees are eligible. These services include entertainment, finance, fitness, and technology. Information on this program is available at: > HR/Employment > Benefits > Employee Discount Program. New businesses are continuing to join the program so check this site often! If you have any questions regarding a discount, contact the vendor directly. All AACPS employees are encouraged to access the Employee Discount Program. However, AACPS assumes no responsibility for any arrangements, contracts, purchases, or disputes between individual employees and the discount vendor. The program does not negotiate, guarantee, or endorse discount vendors or prices. All arrangements are strictly between the employee, as a consumer, and the vendor. AACPS employees are encouraged to research and compare prices and services before purchasing, signing any contract, or making arrangements. To receive reimbursement for expenses for which you are unable to use the debit card, submit a claim form. Claim forms are personalized for every participant. Electronic reimbursements are issued daily. It is recommended to have your funds direct deposited into your bank account (log onto to establish an account and set up direct deposit). You must contact Customer Service to have a paper check issued, and you may incur a fee for this. Otherwise reimbursement will be made to a “Cash” account back to your debit card. Such funds can actually then be used at retailers that accept the Visa brand card. Keep in mind to save all receipts/documentation to submit with reimbursement forms or to verify expenses for the Benefits card. Remember certain over-the-counter medications may be covered with a prescription from your doctor. TASC contact information: • Website: • Customer service line: 800-422-4661 (hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday-Friday) • Claims and substantiation may be submitted to TASC via the web at, mobile app (available for free with Apple or Android), mail, or fax. • Fax number: 608-663-2762 • Mailing address: TASC – PO Box 7308, Madison, WI 53707-7308 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Information related to Spring 2015 Professional Development Workshops and college courses is accessible through the AACPS website. The online chart can be accessed through the AACPS intranet under Site Index > Professional Growth & Development > Professional Development Workshops Opportunities. Registration on ERO for Spring workshops is currently available. Workshops start as early as January 26, 2015. Please register on ERO at least three days before the workshop start date. FRAUD, WASTE, AND ABUSE REPORTING HOTLINE Anne Arundel County Public Schools has a Fraud, Waste, and Abuse reporting hotline number. The number was established so that employees and citizens of Anne Arundel County can report instances where they believe potential fraud, waste, or abuse of AACPS property or resources is taking place. The toll free fraud hotline number is 877453-6681. It can be reached 24 hours a day. All calls are confidential and can be made anonymously. HR/Benefits has two fax numbers: 410-222-5610 or 443-458-0669 (E-fax) INTEGRATED DISABILITY AND LEAVE MANAGEMENT (IDLM) Notice of Absence intended date of return. This form must be faxed to IDLM at According to Board Policy and the Negotiated Agreements, 443-458-0140 24–48 hours prior to the employee reporting any sick leave in excess of three consecutive days shall be for duty at their work location. If such certification is not attested to by a physician. Medical certification will provide received and approved by Human Resources, they may not pertinent information regarding the seriousness of the return to work. illness as well as its duration to help administration plan for short-term vs. long-term coverage. The medical certification Accommodations Please be reminded that assistive devices such as orthopedic must be made available as soon as possible to determine boots, casts, crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. should whether the leave usage should be authorized or denied. be reported to IDLM immediately. For this reason, the physician’s statement should not be held by the employee until the time of return. The medical The Division of Human Resources will review all employees’ certification must relate only to the health condition for medical releases to return to work along with any specific, which the current need for leave exists. It should identify the medically necessitated accommodations/limitations health care provider and type of medical practice (including associated with their return. On occasion, additional pertinent specialization, if any), what the patient is being information may be requested from the treating practitioner. treated for, the approximate date the health condition The purpose of such review is to ensure that the employee is commenced, and its probable duration. able to perform the essential functions of their position and to determine whether their return would present a risk to This note must be faxed directly to IDLM’s secure, the health, safety, and welfare of themselves, co-workers, or confidential fax at 443-458-0140. students. An employee’s return to work may be delayed until Return to Work Requirements appropriate medical certification is provided regarding his/ When employees have been absent from their workplace her fitness for duty. Principals/supervisors will be notified by due to their own personal illness for a period of two (2) Human Resources when an employee is cleared to return to weeks or if they are returning to work with restrictions/ work. No employee should be permitted to return to work limitations, they are required to present a medical release until that communication has been received. from their treating practitioner/provider prior to their Questions? Call 410-222-5090 REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FORMS Reasonable Accommodation forms can now be found on the AACPS Intranet under Forms > Human Resources > Reasonable Accommodations. If you have questions regarding disability accommodations, please contact the Division of Human Resources at 410-222-5286. MAINTAIN YOUR MSDE CERTIFICATION: CHOOSING COURSEWORK FOR RENEWAL Teachers, specialists, and administrators who hold an Advanced Professional Certificate (APC) or a Standard Professional Certificate (SPC) have specific credit requirements for renewal. APCs/SPCs are issued for 5 years and sufficient appropriate credit for renewal must be earned during that certificate validity period. As a certificated employee, you need to choose coursework appropriate for your renewal requirements. By regulation, course credit must be in the content area and/or “related to a school assignment.” If you have not completed the MSDE-regulated reading requirements, you must complete the reading coursework before any other credits can be considered for renewal. In order for college coursework to be eligible for reimbursement for teachers, they must be “related to the Unit I member’s current assignment or anticipated assignment in the school system” (TAAAC, Article 9.C). For administrators, “credits are subject to approval” and “must be applicable to some clearly defined objective, such as a planned program leading to an advanced degree or the enhancement of expertise on the job.” (AEL, Article 12.A.1) Carefully consider your renewal plan early in your certificate renewal cycle and communicate it to the AACPS Certification office via the Professional Development Plan form ( > Human Resource/Employment > Employee Forms > MD Teaching Certification). The AACPS Staff Development office and the Office of College/University Partnerships are a great source of approved credit for renewal. Information on these options is available on the Intranet at Site Index > Professional Growth & Development. You receive a letter from the AACPS Certification office each time your certificate is renewed. It includes information about your requirements for certificate renewal. It is imperative to maintain that letter and enclosures so it is available to you as a reference. Visit the Certification office on the Intranet for more information on certificates and renewal at Human Resources > Certification. New Year’s Resolutions Better than “Losing Weight” At one time or another, many people have wanted to lose weight. Some even go so far as to dump that one wish on a hopeful January 1st. If resolutions were all it took to accomplish what we wanted, we would make resolutions every day. As it is, most of us begrudge the annual time of year when we are supposed to vow to do better, knowing that accomplishing those lofty goals is easier said than done. ess n l l WeTips What is known from years of study is that smaller goals are often easier to accomplish than large lofty goals, so here are ten goals that are better than “I want to lose weight.” Just pick one. If you master it, add another one. 1. Eat a high-protein, low-fat breakfast. 5. Drink water throughout the day. 2. Do not have a second helping 6. Replace a half hour of TV time with (at least on weekdays). movement (the TV can still be on!). 3. Try one new healthy recipe each week. 7. Get up and move around at least once an hour (for those who sit 4. Make sure each meal includes a at desks). green vegetable. 8. Learn about strength training and how to do it safely. 9. Reward myself when I accomplish little goals. 10.Look for at least five opportunities each week to move more. Source: National Wellness Institute Breast cancer drugs Effective October 1, 2014, the breast cancer drugs Tamoxifen and Raloxifene are covered at zero-cost share. The preventive health benefit pertains to women who are 35 years or older and at increased risk for invasive breast cancer after risk assessment and counseling. Prior authorization is required. Remember to take your Health Assessment! As a first step toward better health, we encourage all employees, and their eligible covered dependents ages 18 and older, to complete a Health Assessment (HA). This free and confidential assessment is quick (about 15 minutes), easy to complete, and gives an immediate picture of your current health status. If you have recently had blood work done, have your lab results with you to help answer a few of the questions. The goal of the HA is to provide you information and tools you need to make positive lifestyle choices that will improve your health and quality of life. A personalized confidential report will be generated to you upon completion of the HA. The report also gives personalized recommendations for making improvements. Ready to get started? 1. Go to and click on “My Account” on the left-hand side. Enter your user name and password, or if this is your first time logging on, click “Register Now” (you will need your CareFirst ID number which can be found on your ID card, or your social security number). 2. Click on the tab “Manage My Health.” 3. Drop down and click on “Health Assessment and Coaching” and log in as a New User. Create a password. Click on “Health Assessment.” 4. Terms of Use, Use and Disclosure of your Information, and HIPAA forms must be accepted before proceeding with the Health Assessment. The Health Assessment is available November 1, 2014, through January 31, 2015. If you have any questions, please e-mail or contact Benefits at 410-222-5219/5221. If you have technical questions regarding problems with the website, call CareFirst at 877-526-8390. Paper Health Assessments are available upon request by calling HR/Benefits. Employee Assistance Program Remember to take advantage of your free, confidential Employee Assistance Program through Business Health Services (BHS). They can help you and your household members with short-term counseling for personal or work-related issues. The EAP provides support for various issues impacting families today: • Emotional and psychological issues such as grief/loss, depression, etc. • Family issues such as marriage counseling, dealing with challenging children, etc. • Substance abuse issues • Major life events, including births, accidents and deaths • Health care concerns • Financial issues such as college funding, debt management etc. • Legal concerns such as guardianship, custody and support, estate planning, real estate, etc. • Work relationship issues • Assistance finding child care or elder care Call 800-327-2251 any time. Look for the “Wellness Exchange” newsletter in your email inbox once a month, courtesy of BHS. “Wellness Bytes” are also available on the Intranet > Human Resources > Employee Benefits > Employee Assistance Program.
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