Anderson~Cottonwood Irrigation District 2810 SilverStreet, Anderson, Ca. 96007 (530) 365~7329- Fax: (530) 365~7623 Brenda Haynes, President Audie Butcher, Vice President ~.obert Blankenship, Director Jason Munson, Director Kayle Spoon, Director Stan Wangberg, GM/Sec --- -BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 18, 2014 6:00P.M. ANDERSON CITY HALL- COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1887 HOWARD STREET- ANDERSON, CALIFORNIA PARTICIPATION BY PUBLIC IN MEETING To address the Board on any particular issue, please fill out and submit a Speaker Request Form prior to the start of the meeting. Each speaker will be limited to one three (3) minute opportunity to speak per agenda item, unless the Board makes an exception due to special circumstances. Effective July 1, 2008, the Brown Act requires any non-confidential documents or writings distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors less than 72 hours before a regular meeting will be made available to members of the public at the same time they are distributed. Pursuant to the State's Open Meeting Law, the legislative body or its staff may briefly respond to comments or questions from members of the public; and if deemed necessary, refer the subject for follow-up and/or to schedule the matter on a subsequent Board agenda. The Brown Act prohibits the Board from taking action on any item not placed on the printed Agenda in most cases. 1. CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC HEARING-6:00P.M. P.H.1. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING WATER RATE INCREASE. Notification of a proposed rate increase was provided to record owners of parcels using water provided by Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District, dated October 21, 2014, in accordance with Proposition 218. Following a review period of at least 45 days as required by law, this hearing is to consider all protests against the proposed fee. If a majority of owners of the identified parcels submit written protests, the District shall not impose the proposed fee. 2. PRESENTATIONS - NONE. 3. DISCUSSION ITEM - NONE. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1 AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 18, 2014 5. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any member of the public, staff or Board may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion. Are there any requests to remove any items from the Consent Agenda? 5.1 MINUTES - APPROVE THE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13,2014. 5.2 FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT FOR MONTH ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 2014. 5.3 PAYROLL- APPROVE PAYROLL CHECK REGISTER FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2014. 5.4 CASH DISBURSEMENTS - APPROVE CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2014. 5.5 EFTPS TRANSACTIONS- APPROVE EFTPS TRANSACTIONS FOR THE PAYROLL PERIODS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2014 AND NOVEMBER 15, 2014. END OF CONSENT AGENDA 5.6 ITEMS (IF ANY) REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 6. ACTION ITEMS 6.1 CONSIDER REDUCTION OF PENALTIES FOR LATE PAYMENT OF WATER RATES (SEE STAFF REPORT). 6.2 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR 2015 WATER SERVICE (SEE ENCLOSED). 6.3 CONSIDER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CLEAR CREEK SIPHON INSTREAM REPAIR PROJECT USING CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE (SEE STAFF REPORT). 6.4 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE 2015 OPERATING BUDGET (PROPOSAL ENCLOSED). 6.5 CONSIDER CANCELLATION OF THE REGULARLY JANUARY 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING. SCHEDULED 6.6 CONDUCT ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2015 -PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, AND SECRETARY. 2 AGENDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 18, 2014 7. MANAGER'S REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE- CONSTRUCTION- MAINTENANCE- OPERATIONS 8. DIRECTORS' REPORTS • COMMENTS ON DISTRICT ACTIVITIES • QUESTIONS TO STAFF ON DISTRICT ISSUES 9. ADJOURNMENT NEXT SCHEDULED BOARD MEETING: FEBRUARY 12, 2015 3 Anderson,Cottonwood Irrigation District Brenda Haynes, President Audie Butcher, Vice President Robert Blankenship, Director 2810 Silver Street, Anderson, Ca. 96007 (530) 365~7329- Fax: (530) 365~7623 Jason Munson, Director Kayle Spoon, Director Stan Wangberg, GM/Sec -- -October 21, 2014 To: Record owners of parcels using water provided by Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District Re: Notice of Water Rate Increase Dear Landowner: As many of you are aware, Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District (District) has maintained its water rates, unchanged, since 2009. These rates are imposed for the cost of service which includes diverting, conveying, and delivering irrigation water to District landholders. In 2008 the rate for water was $69 per irrigated acre, and was increased in 2009 to $75 per acre which represented an increase of8.7% Since that time, the California Consumer Price Index has seen the following inflationary changes: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 -0.3% 1.3% 2.6% 2.2% 1.5% =20~1:::_4!..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,_1=.9'-'-"% (projected) Total Inflation 9.2% 2009 Rate Increase 8.7% Net Position -0.5% Inflation since 2009 has exceeded the most recent rate adjustment by 0.5%, effectively reducing the District's revenues derived from water rates by a like amount during that period oftime. The District has been operating for decades with a budget that relies heavily on nonoperating revenues (primarily property taxes and earned interest) to subsidize the difference between operating revenues and the cost of providing service. Operating revenues (rates and water transfers) in recent years have provided approximately 2/3 of the operating budget with the remainder provided by non-operating revenues. While the Board of Directors and management continue to pursue opportunities to diversify the District's revenue portfolio and to stabilize its water rates, there should be a close nexus between the revenues derived from operations and the cost of providing service. To help close the gap between operating revenues and expenses, the Board has determined that a series of small, inflation-based rate increases are necessary and appropriate. The following is intended to provide a narrative of substantive changes to the District's cost of providing service since 2009. Salaries and Benefits Since 2009, non-management salaries, benefits, and payroll taxes have increased 13.7%. In July 2014 the District entered into a new four-year Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Teamsters Union representing non'-management employees that will result in additional increased payroll costs averaging 1.3 5% for each of the four contract years, or approximately $7,500 per year. Water Rights Protection a) NRDC v. USBR et al In 2008 the District was named in a suit filed in Federal court by the National Resources Defense Council that seeks rescission of our Settlement Contract under which we divert from the Sacramento River (OCAP litigation). We have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with other defendant parties to share the cost of defending the suit, but each party has been burdened with significant costs. While there are water rights protection expenses other than the OCAP litigation, the majority of these expenses since 2009 have been a result of this lawsuit. During the period January 2009-0ctober 2014, the District has spent $136,090 on water rights protection. And the OCAP litigation is far from over; the defendants recently filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court following an unfavorable ruling by the 91h Circuit Court of Appeals. Ultimately, if the 9th Circuit opinion stands, all Settlement Contractors, including ACID, may have their Contracts re-opened. Even under best-case scenarios, this action may not be resolved for several years and will certainly result in significant additional legal expense. b) Drought year water curtailments In February 2014 the Bureau of Reclamation informed ACID that all Sacramento River Settlement Contractors would be curtailed to 40% of their contract supply (a 60% curtailment). ACID diverts water under its Settlement Contract with the United States, which provides for a maximum curtailment of 25% based on inflow to Lake Shasta. Extraordinarily dry conditions had resulted in very low reservoir storage, which prompted the National Marine Fisheries Service and other resource agencies to influence operation of the Central Valley Project; the goal of the fisheries agencies was to preserve cold water in storage to use for temperature control and water quality for fish in fall2014. These actions by the resource agencies resulted in the initial2014 allocation of 40%; the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors responded by contracting with engineering consultants to model operations and devise a diversion schedule that would mitigate some of the fisheries' concerns. In conjunction with the engineering consultants, there was Page 2of5 significant activity by the Contractors' legal teams and management to negotiate a revised curtailment of25%. While this activity resulted in almost doubling the initial water allocation, there were significant costs associated with these actions that were borne by the Contractors, including ACID. In addition, it is now clear that this cold water issue, and the resource agencies' goal of preserving cold water for instream purposes, will continue to impact Reclamation's ability to fulfill its contractual obligations to Settlement Contractors in the future. If dry conditions persist it is inevitable that similar pressure will be brought to bear upon Reclamation to preserve water in storage at the expense of Settlement Contractor supplies. As a group, the Contractors are working to address this issue prior to the 2015 season which will obviously result in continued and significant expense. Energy The District operates numerous pumping stations, including three 100-hp pumps at South Bonnyview and several smaller lift and recirculation pumps throughout the service area. The largest single expense is the South Bonnyview Pumping Plant, for which power is supplied by Redding Electric Utility. REU has imposed several recent rate increases of 7.8% per year, resulting in significant increases to expenses. Overall power costs for 2014 are projected to total approximately $130,000, compared to $102,000 in 2009- an increase of 27 .5%. Contract and Regulatory Compliance To comply with terms of our 2005 Settlement Contract with the United States, the District must be party to a regional water management plan. We shared in the cost of creating such a plan with other parties ($11,000 over two years), and the plan must be updated annually. Annual costs for plan compliance are approximately $6,500. In addition, there are numerous fees and charges for regulatory compliance which include: dam safety inspection and report; waste discharge permit; property taxes; and, membership fees for legislative and regulatory advocacy. Capital Needs The District celebrated its 1001h anniversary in 2014, and many components of the conveyance system are nearly 100 years old. There are several important issues that must be addressed to simply keep the system running. In 2010 the District replaced the instream portion of the Cottonwood Creek siphon, which had become exposed due to streambed degradation and damaged by scouring. This project cost $380,000 with $130,000 provided through a Federal grant program. The two issues of the highest priority currently facing the District are the Clear Creek siphon and seepage from the main canal. The Clear Creek siphon is an 84" buried pipeline that carries the main canal under Clear Creek for a distance of about 1,250 feet. The instream portion of this pipe has been repaired by a team of divers in three of the past five years after major leaks developed. In late 2013 the District rehabilitated 750 feet of the upslope portion of the siphon, which Page3o£5 included: excavation and recompaction of imported fill material around the pipe; major concrete work on the exterior including joint collars and a thru~t block; and, interior repairs to all joints and leaks. This project cost $240,000 and was paid entirely out of District reserves. A follow-up project on this same reach of pipe to address additional issues is scheduled to begin in October 2014 with a budget of$62,000. Seepage from the main canal at Hill Street north of Anderson has been a recurring problem each spring, but was worse than ever in April2014. The canal and the Verde Vale subdivision are constructed atop an alluvial fan that acts as a conduit for water, allowing seepage to spread downslope and flood numerous properties in the area. The District has undertaken a project to line a reach of canal 600 feet in length to reduce water loss and mitigate the flooding of adjacent lands. This project is scheduled to begin in October 2014 with an expected budget of approximately $300,000. All of this cost will be paid from District reserves. In 1988 the District implemented a System Improvement Program to install and replace buried pipelines in its lateral ditches. Since that time we have installed over 13,000 linear feet of pipe, with an additional 2,000 feet scheduled for installation this winter. Expenses for system improvements since 2008, excluding District staff time, are over $515,000. We have rehabilitated several pumps since 2009, including all three pumps at South Bonnyview for a combined cost of approximately $50,000. Two significant problems to tackle this winter include the failure of the Anderson Creek siphon, which runs parallel and adjacent to the arch flume, and failure of the Lateral37 pipeline under the railroad tracks. Both of these must be addressed immediately and cost estimates have not been developed. Conclusion Prices for almost all goods and services have increased significantly over the past six years, during which time the District has held the line on water rates. Unfortunately, as the preceding summary indicates, the current rates do not provide adequate revenue to meet the cost of providing service and maintaining capital infrastructure. Proposed Rate Notice is hereby provided that Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District is proposing a five-year sequential water rate increase beginning in 2015; the proposed rate will be applicable to each acre of land irrigated with District water. The existing rate will increase annually by 2.25% from 2015 through 2019. The new proposed rates are as follows: Page 4 of 5 Water Rates/Acre Current - 2014 $75.00 2.25% increase 2015 $76.69 2016 $78.42 2017 $80.18 2018 $81.98 2019 $83.83 Rate Increase (Annual) Resulting Revenue (6,650 acres) $1.69 $1.73 $1.76 $1.80 $1.84 $509,989 $521,493 $533,197 $545,167 $557,470 Added Revenue $11,239 $22,743 $34,447 $46,417 $58,653 $173,499 Basis for the Increased Rate Forecasts for annual inflation remain in the range of2%- 3%, which will impact most of the District's fixed costs. Energy costs are projected to continue rising with annual increases of 6% - 10%; legal and water rights protection expenses will be significant in upcoming years; and capital needs far exceed the District's reserves. The proposed rate increase of2.25% per year for five years, based on 2014 irrigation of 6,650 acres, will result in added revenue averaging about $35,000 per year for a total of $175,000 compared to the same period at existing rates. This revenue will be used to offset operating costs for which line items are included in the annual District budget, and help fund depreciation of capital infrastructure. Public Hearing Pursuant to Proposition 218 (California Constitution, article XIII D, §6), a public hearing must be conducted prior to increasing a property-related fee or charge. This proposed increase is subject to Proposition 218, and as such a public hearing has been scheduled, and notice hereby provided, to be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 18 at Anderson City Hall at 1887 Howard Street, Anderson, California. At the hearing the District will consider all protests against the proposed fee. If a majority of owners of the identified parcels submit written protests, the District shall not impose the proposed fee. Responses to this letter may be addressed to the General Manager at 2810 Silver Street, Anderson, CA 96007. Questions or comments may also be directed to the General Manager by phone at (530) 365-7329. Sincerely, ---~ t Stan Wangberg General Manager ) PageS o£5 DRAFT MINUTES FOR BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NOVEMBER 13,2014 Anderson..-Cottonwood Irrigation District Brenda Haynes, President Audie Butcher, Vice President Robert Blankenship, Director 2810 Silver Street, Anderson, Ca. 96007 (530) 365,7329- Fax: (530) 365,7623 Jason Munson, Director Kayle Spoon, Director Stan Wangberg, GM/Sec --~--~==================================~--~-- 1. CALL TO ORDER Board President Haynes called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Board members present: Blankenship; Butcher; Haynes; Spoon. Board members absent: Munson. District staff present: Kelley; Wangberg. Others in attendance: None. 2. PRESENTATIONS - NONE. 3. DISCUSSION ITEM 3.1 PROPOSED 2015 OPERATING BUDGET- (SEE ENCLOSED DRAFT). Review only. No action taken. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - NONE. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any member of the public, staff or Board may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion. Are there any requests to remove any items from the Consent Agenda? 5.1 MINUTES - APPROVE THE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 9, 2014. 5.2 MINUTES- APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 20,2014. 5.3 FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT FOR MONTH ENDING OCTOBER 31,2014. 5.4 PAYROLL- APPROVE PAYROLL CHECK REGISTER FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER2014. 1 DRAFT MINUTES FOR BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NOVEMBER 13,2014 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.5 CASH DISBURSEMENTS - APPROVE CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER 2014. 5.6 EFTPS TRANSACTIONS - APPROVE EFTPS TRANSACTIONS FOR THE PAYROLL PERIODS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2014; OCTOBER 5, 2014; AND OCTOBER 15, 2014. continued END OF CONSENT AGENDA Director Blankenship moved to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted; Director Spoon seconded the motion, and it passed unamimously. 5.7 ITEMS (IF ANY) REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. - NONE. 6. ACTION ITEMS 6.1 CONSIDER REVISION OF 2014 OPERATING BUDGET, ADJUSTING FOUR LINE ITEMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH YEAR-TO-DATE RESULTS (SEE STAFF REPORT). Following review, Director Blankenship moved to approve revision of 2014 Operating Budget, adjusting four lines in accordance with year-to-date results as recommended. The revisions will more accurately reflect actual revenues and expenses in the 2014 operating budget. Revenues • 4117 Water Transfer/Base Supply: increase to $1,561,700. Expenses • 5110 Regular Salaries (I'&D): decrease to $285,000. • 6015 Property/Liability Insurance: decrease to $22,447. • 8010 Water Transfer/Base Supply: decrease to $110,000. Director Butcher seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 6.2 CONSIDER DECLARING D4 CATERPILLAR CRAWLERJTRACTOR SURPLUS EQUIPMENT TO FACILITATE DISPOSAL (SEE STAFF REPORT). The District's vintage D4 crawler with dozer has not been operated since 2006. Making this tractor operable would require extensive repairs, and because of the age and low value of the machine such repairs are not cost effective. In addition, ongoing maintenance would be necessary to keep the tractor operable in the future. 2 DRAFT MINUTES FOR BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NOVEMBER 13,2014 6.2 CONSIDER DECLARING D4 CATERPILLAR CRAWLERJTRACTOR SURPLUS EQUIPMENT TO FACILITATE DISPOSAL (SEE STAFF REPORT). continued Although not often needed, if a dozer becomes necessary for District operations it would be much more cost-effective to rent an appropriate machine on an asneeded basis. Director Spoon moved to declare the D4 Caterpillar crawler/tractor surplus equipment to facilitate disposal. Director Butcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 6.3 CONSIDER RESCHEDULING OF DECEMBER MEETING TO THIRD THURSDAY- DECEMBER 18. General Manager Wangberg reported that he will be out of the office most of the week of December 1. He will be attending the Fall ACWA Conference in San Diego from December 2 - 4 and will be traveling on December 1 and December 5. This schedule will not facilitate the preparation for the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting on December 11. The Board unanimously agreed to reschedule the December board meeting to the third Thursday, December 18th on a motion by Director Blankenship and a second by Director Butcher. 7. MANAGER'S REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE Hill Street lining project This project has been underway since October 27 and is progressing very well. Starting at the Hill Street bridge, the canal profile has been shaped to grade for approximately 500 feet upstream, just below the confluence of the unnamed tributary. On Monday, November 10, 200 linear feet of the floor was poured using 6~-sack mix fiber-reinforced concrete. Steel rebar is installed on the edges of the floor to tie it to the slopes when shotcrete is applied. On Wednesday, November 12 an additional 200 feet of floor was poured, and an additional 100 feet will be poured on Friday. The remaining 100 feet will not be poured until the tributary spillway is completed, which will include a 32-foot wide concrete over-pour spillway and a 48" concrete pipe with a screwgate to accommodate winter flows from the tributary to the canal. 3 DRAFT MINUTES FOR BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NOVEMBER 13,2014 7. MANAGER'S REPORT continued On approximately November 21, after the concrete on the floor has cured, the application of shotcrete to the side slopes will begin. The completion schedule is uncertain but is likely to be early December. Clear Creek siphon The repairs to the upslope portion of the Clear Creek siphon, as approved by the Board last month, were completed in late October. The approved budget was $62,000, and the final cost for work completed will be approximately half that amount. We did not install any drainage structures nor do any exterior joint work as originally planned- these were deemed unnecessary. We focused instead on numerous interior leaks that were identified after dewatering, repairing these as we did in 2013 using a cementious repair product. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE The maintenance crew completed removal of the diversion dam in the Sacramento River on November 10, in a total of six days. They have now begun some of the numerous pipe installation projects scheduled for winter completion. 8. DIRECTORS' RPOERTS - NONE. Board President Haynes adjourned the meeting to a short recess at 7:23 p.m. to be reconvened into CLOSED SESSION C.S . 1 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - GENERAL MANAGER; PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE §54954.5. Open session was reconvened at 8:23 p.m. and President Haynes reported that the Board had voted unanimously to renew General Manager Wangberg's employment contract beginning January 1, 2015. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:25p.m. Respectfully submitted, Stan W angberg General Manager I Board Secretary 4 ANDERSON-COTTONWOOD IRRIGATION DISTRICT 2810 Silver Street Anderson, California 96007 Telephone 530-365-7329 Fax: 530-365-7623 DATE: December 12,2014 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Terri White, ChiefFinancial Officer SUBJECT: December 18, 2014 Board Meeting: Financial Status Report for November SUMMARY The monthly financial status report for November 2014 is submitted for Board review. DISCUSSION The monthly financial report for Year to Date through November 30, 2014 is enclosed. This report covers the period from January 1, 2014 thru November 30, 2014. Total revenues were $2,904,375 consisting of property tax, irrigation water, water transfer sales, interest and miscellaneous revenues. Total expenditures were $1,432,315 consisting of liability and vehicle insurance, annual audit, water purchase, and routine monthly expenses. The District's total funds on deposit on November 30, 2014 were $3,738,660. RECOMMENDATION No action is required on this item. Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2014 Financial Status Report Revenues TW/CFO 12110/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2014 Financial Status Report Expenditures TWJCFO 2 12/9/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 20 14 Financial Status Report TW/CFO 3 12/9/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2014 Financial Status Report 5500 Expense .. <::::::::::::::::::::.:.: ::::::::::::::::::.:::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~·(.@.(€@~9'P.iff.i:{:.::::··::::::::::::::::::::::::: TW/CFO 4 ::::::;:::::::::::::::··:·::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 12/9/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2014 Financial Status Report TWJCFO 5 12/912014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2014 Financial Status Report $799.412 Petty Cash $100 lmprest Cash $100 TCB Money Market Acct. Tri Counties Bank CD Total Cash General Fund Equipment Reserve $765.936 $3.738.660 $3.288.317 $104.748 Cap. Improvement Fund $87.931 Drainage Fund $25.000 Rights Protection Total Cash 1W/CFO $1.121.215 $232.664 $3.738.660 6 12/9/2014 Page: I 12/9/14 at 08:38:27.99 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District Payroll Check Register For the Period From Nov 1, 2014 to Nov 30, 2014 Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by Check Date. Report is printed in Detail Format. Reference Date Employee Amount 6490 11/3114 Marsha E. Kelley 1,156.69 6491 11/3114 Terri L. White 1,316.94 6492 11/3/14 Stanley D. Wangberg 2,406.81 6493 11/3/14 Randy L. Davis 1,391.87 6494 11/3/14 Scott Passmore 1,417.71 6495 11/3/14 Phillip Vega 1,200.70 6496 11/3114 Victoria A. Mitchell 1,114.03 6497 11/3/14 Lyle E. Thomas 1,150.66 6498 11/3/14 Michael D. Hall 1,150.63 6499 1113114 BrianOdom 1,138.02 6500 11/17/14 Marsha E. Kelley 1,156.69 6501 11/17/14 Terri L. White 1,025.96 6502 11117/14 Stanley D. Wangberg 2,406.81 6503 11117/14 Randy L. Davis 1,391.87 6504 11/17/14 Scott Passmore 1,312.24 6505 11117/14 Phillip Vega 1,109.72 6506 11117/14 Victoria A. Mitchell 1,058.08 6507 11/17/14 Lyle E. Thomas 1,065.47 6508 11/17/14 Michael D. Hall 1,060.06 6509 11/17/14 BrianOdom 1,047.71 6510 11/17/14 Christopher W. Moore 1,098.55 6511 11126/14 Christopher W. Moore 822.24 11/1/14 thru 11/30/14 27,999.46 11/1/14 thru 11/30/14 27,999.46 12/9/14 at 08:37:50.49 Page: I Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District Cash Disbursements Journal For the Period From Nov I, 20 I 4 to Nov 30, 20 I4 Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by Date. Report is printed in Detail Format. Date Check# Account ID Line Description 11/3114 4442 2220 PIT, SOl for 11/3/14 payroll Employment Development Depart. 1308 11/3114 4443 2227 2227 1308 11/3/14 4444 2226 5014 1308 lln/14 4463 6024 1308 11/10/14 4445 5016 5116 1308 11/10/14 11/10/14 4446 4447 11/10/14 11/10/14 11/10/14 11/10/14 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 50.00 25.00 75.00 500.00 444.58 944.58 retirement plaque for CG K & M Trophies 53.75 workers comp for Admin I Admin workers comp forT & D/October Care West Insurance Company 80.00 53.75 5,876.00 5,956.00 23.77 7008 8004 mise supplies for shop misc. supplies for canal maintenance cleaning supplies for office Hardware Express 76.23 60.14 23.77 22.01 158.38 8004 1308 concrete Lassen Landscape Materials 355.83 7008 1308 blade saw set Meeks Lumber & Hardware 32.24 8004 1308 metal for main canal Munnell & Sherrill 94.60 8004 1308 rapid set cement Pacific SupplyRedding 201.55 7008 COX, bags concrete, lumber Payless Building Supply 226.77 monthly charges for Shasta Ranch monthly charges for Supan Pump monthly charges for Perrys Pond monthly charges for Dyrnesich Pond monthly charges for Cottonwood Hyline monthly charges for Well#! monthly charges for 149.05 1308 11/10/14 681.66 angle iron Gerlinger Steel & Supply 1308 4448 457 WIH for 11/3/14 payroii/SW retirement for 11/3/14 payroll/OM Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co. 8006 8006 8006 8006 8006 8010 8010 \lfoll #") Credit Amount 681.66 8004 1308 7009 11/10/14 HSA deposit to #ICAIIJ766 HSA deposit to #ICA111769 Sterling Health Services Administration Debit Amount 355.83 32.24 94.60 201.55 226.77 273.64 99.04 197.20 196.78 3,452.90 1,032.28 12/9/14 at 08:37:50.52 Page:2 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District Cash Disbursements Journal For the Period From Nov I, 2014 to Nov 30, 2014 Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by Date. Report is printed in Detail Format. Date Check# AccountiD 6023 1308 11/10/14 11/10/14 11110/14 4454 4455 4456 7005 11/10/14 4458 8004 1308 chain/main canal Quality Saw & Mower 45.36 8006 20.00 1308 monthly power for Progress Drive monthly power for Chum Creek Pumps monthly power for Cedars Rd. pump monthly power forSCADA City Of Redding 6003 1308 labels, flags, envelopes Reliable 6017 property tax for #101-440-040, 202-160-012, 202-030-073 Shasta County Tax Collector 1308 11/10/14 4459 8005 7002 1308 11/10/14 11/10/14 11/10/14 4460 4461 4462 4464 11/17/14 11/17/14 4465 4466 4467 20.00 21.56 1,905.62 7J.l2 71.12 513.26 513.26 17.39 34.54 51.93 2.98 garbage for office/shop Waste Management 97.29 5014 retirement for Ad min/October retirement for T&D/October Western Conf. Team. Pension 373.68 8001 6003 1308 11/17/14 1,844.06 7008 1308 1308 11/17/14 45.36 bits Valley Supply Ace Hardware 1308 4473 filter for Chum Creek Pumps parts for pickups Taylor Auto Parts 596.22 7008 1308 5114 11/11/14 5,714.62 1308 8000 gate and related materials for Diversion Facilities Strange & Son Fencing monthly copies for office Carrel's Office Machines 2.98 97.29 1,494.72 1,868.40 1,573.27 1,573.27 23.78 23.78 2,314.92 1308 monthly gasoline/diesel fuel charges Flyers Energy, LLC 6008 8008 8010 1308 general water rights protection Water transfer/2014 Minasian, Meith, et al 1,265.60 215.62 513.72 6003 1308 tape pad, Office Depot 7000 Credit Amount 313.73 596.22 8006 4457 Well#2 monthly charges for office/shop Pacific Gas & Electric Debit Amount invoice # 2931660 & 9218775, parts/labor for backhoe Powerplan - OIB 8006 11/10/14 Line Description 2,314.92 1,994.94 26.41 26.41 12/9/14 at 08:37:50.55 Page: 3 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District Cash Disbursements Journal For the Period From Nov 1, 2014 to Nov 30, 2014 Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by Date. Report is printed in Detail Format. Date Check# AccountiD Line Description 11/17/14 4468 8006 8000 1308 Hill Street SCADA/Cottonwood Pacific Gas & Electric 39.21 13.09 6003 1308 electric hole punch Quill Corporation 11.86 8001 1308 Diversion Facilities City Of Redding 158.23 6016 1308 Water Rights fee State Board Of Equalization 8004 garbage disposal at landifll Waste Management 258.69 toilet rental for dam removal Welch Enterprises, Inc. 110.75 150.00 1308 office cleaning for November Terri White 6003 1308 electric 2/3 hole punch Quill Corporation 133.91 6023 monthly telephone/internet service Charter Communications 322.02 2014 Ground Water Transfer Luhdorff & Scalmanini 330.00 PIT, Ul, SDI for 11/17/14 payroll Employment Development Depart. 728.72 11/17/14 11/17/14 11/17/14 11/17/14 4469 4470 4471 4472 1308 11/17/14 4474 8001 1308 11/17/14 11/17/14 11/17/14 4475 4476 4477 7009 1308 11/17/14 4478 8010 1308 11/17114 4479 2220 1308 11/17114 11/17/14 4480 4481 2227 2227 1308 #ICAIII766/TWIHSA #ICAIII769/SPIHSA Sterling Health Services Administration 2226 457 WIH, 11117/14 payroll, SW retirement, 11/17/14 payroii,GM Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co. 5014 1308 11/17/14 11/17/14 11/18/14 I 1118/14 4482 4483 4484 4485 Debit Amount 52.30 11.86 158.23 2,888.80 2,888.80 258.69 110.75 150.00 133.91 322.02 330.00 728.72 50.00 25.00 75.00 500.00 444.58 944.58 10.50 28.15 8005 6003 1308 parking for meeting/Sac business lunches/meetings parts for well Fat Cow web hosting Business Card 6003 1308 flags Reliable 27.04 1124 30,878.27 1308 Clear Creek Siphon Repair RTA Construction, Inc. 6016 1308 Annuai Permit Fee State Water Resources 4,699.00 6002 6013 rn.... trn1 tln ... -1 Credit Amount 93.48 10.95 143.08 27.04 30,878.27 4,699.00 Page:4 12/9/14 at 08:37:50.58 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District Cash Disbursements Journal For the Period From Nov 1, 2014 to Nov 30,2014 Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by Date. Report is printed in Detail Format. Date Check# AccountiD Line Description Debit Amount Credit Amount Control Board 11/18/14 11/20114 11/20/14 11/20/14 11/20/14 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 Total 5507 1308 Hill Street Repair Vestra Resources, Inc. 6023 1308 wireless for October AT&T Mobility 6023 1308 water service City Of Anderson 11.15 6003 1308 drinking water for office Mt. Shasta Spring Water 17.60 8008 1308 water rights Northern California Water Asso. 3,973.00 3,973.00 238.35 238.35 11.15 17.60 1,595.85 1,595.85 73,352.45 73,352.45 EFTPS TRANSACTIONS Federal Payroll Taxes DATE PAYROLL PERIOD AMOUNT 11/3/14 10/16/14-10/30/14 $ 4,410.20 EFTPS for P/R taxes 11/18/14 11/01/14 - 11/15/14 $ 4,351.05 EFTPS for P/R taxes Comments Voided and/or Missing Checks Check# Issued To: Amount Check Date I Comments I Date Voided STAFF REPORT Item 6.1 Consider reduction of penalties for late payment of water rates. Under the District's Application and Agreement for Water, payment for water service may be made in two installments, due on specified dates in March and May of each year. These payments are deemed delinquent 30 days after these specified due dates, and are subject to late penalties as follows: Ifpayments are not received I postmarked by the delinquent dates, an additional penalty of25% will be added to the amount due; 50% will be added if not received after 30 days; and interest will be computed at the rate of 1.5% per month on the amount due. Irrigation deliveries will be withheld until the amount due, including any penalties and interest, is paid. These penalties, while generally effective, are very aggressive and result in significant charges when enforced. For example, a customer purchasing irrigation service for five acres at the current rate of$75/acre would owe $375; if delinquent, a late penalty of $93.75 would be imposed. Under existing management practices and in accordance with District regulations, water service is suspended for non-payment. This has proved to be a very effective deterrent to late payment, and in conjunction with a reasonable monetary penalty should provide adequate motivation for customers to maintain their account with the District. In addition, accounts with a balance due on December 31 result in a lien against the property and suspension of future service until paid. Recommendation Staff recommends revision of the existing penalty language in the annual Application to reduce the late penalty as follows: Ifpayments due are not received I postmarked by the delinquent dates, a late penalty of 10% will be added to the amount due, and interest will be charged on the outstanding balance at the rate of 1.5% per month until paid. Irrigation deliveries will be withheld until the amount due, including any penalties and interest, is paid StaffReport Item 6.1 Late penalties Page 1 of 1 Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District 2810 Silver Street Anderson, California 96007 Telephone: 530-365-7329 e-mail: APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR 2015 WATER SERVICE Payments for water service may be made in two installments. First Installment (at least 50%) Second Installment Due March 6, 2015 Due May 6, 2015 Delinquent after April 6, 2015 Delinquent after June 6, 2015 If payments are not received / postmarked by the delinquent dates, a late penalty of 10% will be added to the amount due, and interest will be charged on the outstanding balance at the rate of 1.5% per month until paid. Irrigation deliveries will be withheld until the amount due, including any penalties and interest, is paid. No water will be provided prior to payment. Please complete this form and mail it (in its entirety) with your payment in the envelope provided. APPLICATION WITH FIRST INSTALLMENT IS DUE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER(S) OF PARCEL(S) BEING IRRIGATED ________________________________________ PHYSICAL ADDRESS OF PARCEL(S) BEING IRRIGATED ____________________________________________________ LANDOWNER INFORMATION TENANT / IRRIGATOR INFORMATION Name: _____________________________________ Name: ______________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________ Telephone No: _______________________________ Telephone No: ________________________________ Alternate Phone: ____________________________ Alternate Phone: ______________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ As a condition for water service, the applicant and landowner agree to comply fully with the District’s Rules and Regulations, policies, and with applicable state and Federal laws, orders, and regulations. The applicant and landowner agree that they assume full responsibility and liability for the use or misuse of water delivered to their property, including all damages to adjoining property due to failure to adequately control water delivered to their property. It is further agreed that the applicant’s and landowner’s signatures(s) hereon signifies that they have read and understand the District’s Rules and Regulations and that they accept the terms and conditions for water service from the District. The District reserves the right to adjust the rates for water service if and when it is required based on district economic needs. The landowner further agrees that any charges for water used on his/her property by him/her or his/her tenant, but for which full payment is not received, may be added as an assessment on his property tax bill and hereby consents to that assessment. Nothing contained in this application shall be construed as an assumption of liability on the part of the District, its Directors, officers, or employees for any damages occasioned through the improper construction, maintenance or use of District facilities, or the delivery or failure to deliver water, or the waste of water, or by permitting the flow of water, or turning water in any facility, or to any land. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Application and Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, shall be determined by arbitration in Redding, California before one arbitrator. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This clause shall not preclude parties from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction. Landowner Signature ____________________________ Tenant / Irrigator Signature ________________________________ Dated: _________________________, 2015 Dated: ______________________________, 2015 ACRES Annual Application Fee Irrigated Acres $ 76.69 2015 CHARGE $ x _______ Total Charge for 2015 Water Service* 115.00 + $ ___________ = $ ___________ *1 Acre Minimum: $191.69 STAFF REPORT Item 6.3 Consider implementation of the Clear Creek Siphon Instream Repair Project using cured-in-place pipe. The Board and District management have, for over three years, been seeking a feasible method for rehabilitation of the instream portion of the Clear Creek siphon. One of the alternatives we have been examining is called cured-in-place pipe, or CIPP. This method includes the insertion of a folded felt liner impregnated with resins into the pipe to be repaired. The resins are then activated with heated water, and the liner expands and sets, resulting in a new smooth-walled liner that will both seal and strengthen the existing pipe. This project will require: a permitting/environmental consultant; a local contractor for site access and construction of an insertion point; and a primary contractor to install the liner. The project would consist of the following tasks: • Environmental and permitting (VESTRA Resources). o Will include, at a minimum, encroachment and grading permits from the County, and CEQA compliance. • Construction of access and staging area; construction of an insertion point that will include removal of the top of the pipe and rebuilding the pipe upon completion; and, site restoration (RTA Construction). • Installation of the liner (SAK Construction). Management has engaged VESTRA Resources of Redding for the environmental and permitting; RTA Construction of Redding has agreed to provide a scope of work and budget for access, staging, and restoration; and SAK Construction from Sacramento has made two site visits and is currently preparing a scope of work and budget for installation of the liner. It is possible that this project could be completed prior to the start of the 2015 irrigation season. Attached is a draft Project Description prepared by our consultant and an initial scope of work from RTA Construction. At the time of this report, we do not have the combined scope of work and budget from the construction contractors; this information will be provided prior to the December 18 meeting if available. Absent this information we will be unable to act on this proposal. Recommendation When the combined scope of work and budget for this project is available, and if the Board finds it fiscally feasible, staff recommends implementation of this project as a suitable method of rehabilitation for the siphon. Staff Report Item 6.3 Clear Creek CIPP Page 1 of I DRAFT NOTICE OF EXEMPTION CLEAR CREEK SIPHON REPAIR ANDERSON-COTTONWOOD IRRIGATION DISTRICT (ACID) PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed action consists of the lining and reinforcing of the existing siphon (pipe) that conveys Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District (ACID) irrigation water south across Clear Creek. Repairing the existing siphon where it crosses Clear Creek will result in reduced potential for future catastrophic failure of the siphon structure. The siphon was originally constructed in approximately 1915 and is almost 100 years old. The siphon is 84-inch cast-in-place concrete. Portions of the bed-load material in Clear Creek that once covered the pipe have been scoured away, leaving the pipe in a semi-exposed condition. This portion of the siphon has been exposed by hydraulic forces and is worn. The siphon has leaked in the past and has been patched previously. The previous leaks were at the joints of the pipe both within the channel and on the adjacent north slope. The "in channel' leaks have generally been repaired, however the pipe remains fragile and reinforcement is required. ACID began reviewing alternatives for the pipe repair in 2012. Based on these evaluations ACID has selected a cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) liner as the most environmentally sensitive and protective alternative. Other alternatives evaluated included: • • • • Steel or composite structural pipe slip lining. Removal and replacement. Patching and armoring. No action. The slip lining with a cured-in-place-pipe provides: the structural integrity needed to reinforce the structure; ensures a good seal in the siphon; does not restrict or reduce flow through the pipe; minimizes "in-channel" work and thereby reduces risks to aquatic organisms and salmon populations in the channel at all times of the year; and, minimizes total soil disturbance required for installation. The project will consist of slip lining 280 feet of the existing 84-inch concrete pipe lying within the channel with CIPP. A section of the pipe on the north bank outside of the stream channel will be removed to allow access to the pipe for slip lining. The section of the pipe removed will be replaced with new concrete pipe upon completion of the CIPP slip lining. CIPP technology has been improving steadily since its inception and is now used for the lining of drinking water, waste water and storm water piping. The CIPP process uses heat to initiate the curing of a resin-impregnated felt liner that is folded into the existing pipe. Heat is introduced in the form of UV, steam or hot water, which activates the resin. Drinking water technologies commonly use an epoxy resin and double exterior liners and are limited to pipe sizes less than 12 inches. For larger CIPP installations (pipes greater than 12 inches) generally two types of resin are used. The first type used commonly is the original resin which is styrene-based. The resin is used predominately for the lining of waste water conveyance (sewer) piping. This is due to issues associated with residual styrene in the pipe rinsate and ability of the treatment plants to manage and treat any residual material and rinsate. For storm water and irrigation conveyance systems, a vinyl ester resin produced by Alcoa AOC is common and is proposed for use at this site by ACID. EcoTeck L041-FLXG is an ultra-low VOC resin that does not contain styrene. The rinsate and resin residue is less toxic than the styrene based product. In general the resins gel in 1-2 hours and harden completely in 5-8 days; however, larger pipe sizes will extend the time required. For this 84-inch pipe the gel time may exceed 10 hours. By their nature the CIPP resins are highly volatile and toxic if released to the environment; even with the risk, however, the CIPP method can be the most environmentally friendly alternative as it requires less excavation and ground disturbance. ACID has selected the CIPP alternative because it results in no in-channel disturbance in Clear Creek. ACID is working with an experienced CIPP installer, SAK Construction which will minimize the risk of any "out of pipe" discharge. The 84-inch concrete siphon has been re-inspected by divers and the two leaks identified at Seam 5 and Seam 6 have been repaired using Weko Seals in advance of the lining project. No resin discharge into Clear Creek is anticipated. The lining work will not require dewatering of the pipe, and there will be no pressure gradient between the pipe and Clear Creek that would "push" resin out of the pipe into the channel. All resin curing water will be retained in the pipe and pumped south into a section of ACID canal that will be isolated from the rest of the canal. The residual VOCs in the curing water will be allowed to volatize naturally and the water will be sampled and VOCs will be below detection prior to discharging the water into the ACID canal system. The resin to be used includes petro-chemicals; as the resin liquefies and gels the product moves into seams and joints of the existing pipe which provides the increased structural integrity of the completed system. In some instances small amounts of the petroleum resin escape through small cracks or gaps in the pipe. This is rare. In response to this possibility ACID will boom the creek below the pipe during installation and for 10 hours after installation until the pipe has cured. The boom will retain and catch any sheen that may develop and catch any residual resin. This is not anticipated to be a problem during the installation and the booming activity is being conducted as an extraordinary precaution during installation due to the sensitivity of Clear Creek for salmonids. The work/ staging area for the slip lining and joint repair will be located on the north bank of Clear Creek in a semi-level area; however some earthwork will be required to provide enough area for the equipment necessary to "feed" the CIPP. The work staging area will be approximately _ _ __ square feet. The staging area near the creek will be bermed and rocked. Depending on the season of construction an SWPPP or Wet Weather plan will be prepared. A Shasta County Grading permit will be required an obtained for the access portion of the project. Some equipment and supplies will also be staged at the top of the slope behind an existing cell tower area approximately 600 feet from the creek bank in an area of approximately 7,000 square feet. The staging area, work area and access will be located to minimize disturbance to existing trees and vegetation. The small ephemeral draw on the east side of the siphon will be protected and remain undisturbed. Some riparian vegetation (blackberry) will be removed for construction. All disturbed areas will be re-seeded and mulched after completion of construction. The Best Management Practices to be used during CIPP installation include: • Certification by the liner system manufacturer that the installer is licensed and certified as competent to perform the work. • Documentation showing that the installer and any staff working on the project (1) are licensed and certified by the manufacturer of the CIPP product system m to be used on the project, (2) have at least 3 years of active experience in the installation of the CIPP and (3) have installed at least 50,000 feet of CIPP in similar conditions and that all of the above are documented in writing to ACID in advance of the project. • Certify that the manufacturer operates under a quality management system according to recognized industry standards. • Inspection at the time of installation to ensure that the liner material is not tom, cut, warmed or exposed to direct sunlight or otherwise damaged. If any part of the liner becomes tom, cut or damaged during insertion the operation will cease, the damaged material will be removed and new liner material obtained. • ACID will boom the creek below the project to ensure that any sheen or residual resin is retained at the work site. • ACID will provide a temporary "in canal" retention basin to catch and retain all pipe rinsate, residual resin and construction debris. No water will be discharged from the dammed canal section until sampled by a third party to determine that the water does not exceed regulatory limits or contain VOCs above the laboratory level of detection. • The staging area and access roads will be bermed and fully rocked to provide extra protection against sedimentation into Clear Creek. RTA Constr, n Initial Scope of Work 11/24/2014 1497 12:04 Clear Creek Siphon Lining *** Biditem Description I Mobilization Project Entrance Erosion Control Access Road & Work Landing at Access Portal Access Into Exisitng Concrete Pipe Inspect and Clean Interior of Siphon Liner Close Access Portal - Existing Concrete Pipe Stabilize Access Road Leave In Place Final Pennanent Erosion Control Decommision Project Entrance Pennits Administration 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BID TOTALS Status - Rnd Quantity Units 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS Bid Total ==--==> Unit Price Bid Total $0.00 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2015 Working Budget Proposal Revenues TW Page 1 12/11/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2015 Working Budget Proposal Page2 12/11/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2015 Working Budget Proposal TW PageS 12111/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2015 Working Budget Proposal ~~~~~ TW Page 4 12111/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2015 Proposed Budget Revenues TW Page 1 1211112014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District 2014 Proposed Budget Expenditures TW Page2 12111/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District TW Page3 12/11/2014 Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District Page 4 12/11/2014
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