Wisconsin Association of Fairs C O N V E N T I O N INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Message 2 2015 Convention Fair Day WI DATCP Reports State Board Election 3 The Wisconsin Association of Fairs Annual Convention will take place at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells January 4-7, 2015. The convention will officially kick-off on Monday, and conclude with the Awards Banquet and Fairest of the Fairs Finale on Wednesday. Our convention theme this year is “Join the WI Tailgate Party”. WLIC Workshop Trade Show Evening Receptions Fairest Fairwell 4 Fairest Contestants 5 Silent Auction 6 Veggie Races 6 Associate Signage Convention Schedule 7-11 Fair Trade Table 11 Education Raffle Banquet Format Calendar 12 Beginning on Sunday, there will be a few pre-convention activities. Many committee meetings will take place in the afternoon and convention registration will be open. The Fairest of the Fairs program will also kick-off Sunday morning. “Meet the Contestants” will take place Sunday afternoon. “Carnival Night” hosted by our Associate members in the Carnival industry will take place from 6-8 p.m. on Sunday and will include games, food and drinks. Many thanks to Chuck and Lynn Waterman from Calkins Midways for coordinating this event. On Monday, we are asking that all fairs in attendance, create a Veggie Car to race at the opening session at 10:00 a.m. We know all of you have that competitive spirit in you, so let’s see how creative your fairs can be. The details on building a Veggie Car and the new categories to participate in have been e-mailed to each fair secretary. Be sure to wear your tailgating attire, think Packer, Brewer, Badger and Bucks. Just remember, it is a little warmer inside Chula Vista then most of the times we are tailgating in Wisconsin. Come dressed in tailgating attire for Monday and cheer on your fair. Once we’ve crowned the Veggie Fair Winners, Gary Berg, will be presenting “Seeing Straight in a Cross-Eyed World” which examines how sight, sound, words, past experiences, and even laughter and music can all play major factors in how well we communicate with each other. This basic understanding helps people be more patient and accepting of other people’s viewpoints and ideas, and helps groups work together more effectively. If you haven’t already made your reservations for the upcoming convention, you can contact the Chula Vista Resort directly by e-mailing Robin Dunham at robind@chulavistaresort.com or calling 608-254-1620. Associate members, when you reserve a condo, please let them know you are an Associate for the fair convention and you are in need of a hospitality room. They’ll get you in the right area. There are no restrictions as to the number of rooms you can reserve. If your fair requires payment by check instead of credit card, please inform the reservation staff prior to making your reservations and they can assist you in your request. 2 0 1 5 President’s Message Hello Fair Family, As the end of 2014 is rapidly approaching, we find ourselves entering into the busy and festive season of the holidays and fair conventions. Combine that with old man winter picking up right where he left off last year and its hold on to your hats, it’s going to be a great ride. Kicking off the convention season the second week in December, is the IAFE National Convention in Las Vegas. Wisconsin is always well represented there. I know we have several very deserving fairs and individuals nominated for awards. Good luck to all, enjoy the warm weather and ‘On Wisconsin’! The second week in January is our state convention in the Dells. This is the one that the majority of us look forward to. Four days full of fun, fellowship, education, entertainment and networking opportunities that can’t be matched anywhere else. Your state board has worked hard to put together the program with the topics most beneficial to our fairs. If you have an idea for a workshop or round table, just contact any one of your board members. I attended my first convention 20+ years ago in Milwaukee and I haven’t missed one since and I can honestly say that I learned something new at every one. If you can’t join us for the entire convention then join us for a day or two. It’s well worth your time. As I reflect back on 2014, I must say it has been an interesting and challenging, but very rewarding, year. I have learned a lot about our State Association and the people that belong to it. I am very honored to be in this position and look forward to working with all of you in the future. I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a most blessed holiday season. Good wishes, good health, great family and great friends. God Bless. See you in January, Dale Christiansen Fair Day at the Capitol Save Wednesday, March 18, 2015 for Fair Day at the Capitol. This is an opportunity for fair board members, fair supporters and fair participants to get together and meet with our Legislators on one specific day and have a larger impact with the number of people attending. As in the past, we will meet at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and then travel to the Capitol for meetings with our Legislator’s beginning at 1:15 p.m. During lunch, Jolene will update us on the lastest support we have from our Legislators, provide handouts to give to your Legislators, and where to meet her after you’ve met with your Legislators to give an update on how your meetings went. More details to follow after convention, but please save this important date! WI DATCP Reports Just a reminder, your year-end reports are due by January 31st, 2015 if you haven’t already sent them in. Please contact Bob Williams if you have any questions about these reports as well. Thanks for your promptness in getting these reports submitted. Grievance Meeting Set If you have any grievances you’d like the Association to review, please submit them in writing to the Wisconsin Association of Fairs, 5320 County Road F, Merrill, WI 54452, by January 1st by mail or e-mail: wisfairs@gmail.com. PAGE 3 State Board Elections Trade Show This year three positions were up for election this fall. In District 2, Rusty Volk, Northern WI State Fair, completed his first term. Deb Gotlibson from the Dunn County Fair, was elected to a three-year term. District 3 Director, Kathy Granger, Elroy Fair, completed her second term. Marla Stello, LaCrosse Interstate Fair was elected to a three-year term. In District 4, Shari Black, Waukesha County Fair, was elected to a second, three-year term. We’d like to thank Rusty and Kathy for all of their hard work and dedication to Wisconsin Fairs. The trade show will be open on Monday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It will be located in Ballrooms A-I. Our trade show schedule conflicts with only a few other events so our fair board members have open time to visit with our Associates. Fairs, please take advantage of the trade show hours and be sure to visit our Associates. They have put a lot of effort into making our trade show a success. Don’t forget to visit the Associates working from their hotel rooms as well. A full list of our attendees’ rooms is available throughout the hotel during convention. Please be sure to see how their products or services can benefit your fair. Evening Receptions Set Booths can be set up on Sunday, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and again on Monday, from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Booths must be cleared between 5:00-7:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Monday evening’s reception will consist of our annual cheese party at 4:30 p.m. in the Riverview Ballrooms. It is a long-standing event at each of Wisconsin’s annual fair conventions. Assorted cheeses are provided each year by Wisconsin’s world renowned cheese makers. Our Fairest of the Fairs contestants will have their auction items on display and the auction will begin at 5:30 p.m. Take time to visit with each of the 41 Fairest of the Fairs contestants. Bid high, and bid often. Tuesday night will include our President’s Reception with hors d'oeuvres and beverages beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Riverview Ballrooms. Each evening’s reception will conclude with our Showcase of entertainment. Our Showcase Committee is excited about our entertainment at this year’s convention. I’d like to thank our Associates for their excellent submissions. Please be sure to visit our Associates following the showcases to see how their entertainment may help your fair. Two acts will be featured each night as part of our video showcasing. If your business has an act that won’t fit on our stage, please consider submitting an application for a video showcase in the future. Acts like animal shows, jugglers, stunt shows, demo derby or rodeos are perfect for the video showcase. WLIC Presenting Workshop WLIC (Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium) started their Fair Program to provide the county fairs the opportunity to use RFID ear tags and RFID readers to help with livestock check in and other times during the fair when animal ID was needed. WLIC will be attending the convention on Tuesday with an informational workshop from 11:15 AM—12:15 PM in the Santa Fe room. Join Alan Clark, Executive Director, WLIC, as he demonstrates how the RFID tags, readers and software work and how your fairs can use the Free Herd Management software to organize records and record weights during weigh-in. This fair season WLIC will also process the tags and DNA samples for WI State Fair Exhibitors and will explain how your fairs can use DNA programs at their fairs. Alan will also offer one-on-one sessions for fairs looking for more detailed information between 12:15-4:15 p.m. Please contact him at 888-808-1910 to make an appointment prior to convention. Fairest Fairwell Hello Fellow Fair Enthusiasts! Nothing makes a person more passionate about Wisconsin’s Fair industry than traveling to 52 of the 76 Fairs and personally seeing the time, passion and effort that makes each special. In that time, I saw fairgrounds large and small. I saw Fairs with huge midways and Fairs with no carnival attractions. I saw shows with numerous agricultural exhibits, and Fairs whose highlights were companion animal shows or schoolwork spotlights. While each Fair is different, they are all the same in that they are wonderful examples of our robust, unique fair industry that brings something special to Wisconsin. At the start of my summer, I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was nervous about all the traveling; I was worried about spending so much time away from family and friends, and I often found myself caught in the rain. Luckily, the weather cleared in those summer months. Traveling became easier because visiting each Fair was an exciting, educational adventure, and I was never lonely because I inherited a Fair family. I think my favorite part of the summer was adding branches to my Fair family tree. Each visit meant making new friends, meeting new exhibitors, talking with new fairgoers, or if I was lucky, staying with members of the Fair Board of Directors or Fairest Committee. Of course, a very large branch of that tree belongs to fellow Fairests. We had a special group in 2014, and I consider myself the luckiest of them all because I got a second chance to see many of them again. While I am incredibly thankful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I honestly believe any of those girls could have been your 2014 Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs and done a wonderful job. I met many of the girls who will be competing in 2015, and I am jealous it is now their turn to add branches to a Fair family tree. I cannot write a farewell letter without mentioning the 11 magical days of the 163 rd Wisconsin State Fair. Even though opening ceremonies got off to a rough start with flower pinning injuries (just ask Rick Frenette), they were the most eventful 11 days of my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to go on crazy rides with Governor Scott Walker. I am grateful for the Fairest Committee that had faith in me and prepared me for this adventure. I am grateful for the memories I made with 67th Alice in Dairyland Zoey Brooks. I am grateful for the escorts who selflessly gave me their time. I am grateful for the staff who always welcomed me to the office with huge smiles even though they were always working later and waking up earlier than I (I owe a special shout out to Bruce Sullivan who let me meet Lady Antebellum on my birthday!). I am grateful for the youth at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin who inspired me. I am grateful for every single second of the 163 rd Wisconsin State Fair. Thank you all for putting your faith in me as a spokesperson for the Fair industry. I will carry the lessons I learned with me as I start the next adventure of my life. I am currently ending my time as the Farm News Director at WQPC-WPRE Radio in Prairie du Chien, and am moving to Eau Claire to start my career as a multimedia journalist with WQOW News 18. I am nervous for this change, but if there is anything I learned from being Fairest, it is that the best opportunities often make you nervous before you start. Thank you all for everything. I cannot wait until I see you again. Kaitlyn A Riley,, 2014 Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs PAGE 5 Fairest of Fairs Contestants Named Vying for the title of 2015 Fairest of Fairs are 41 contestants who seek to be named ambassador for our county and district fairs and become the official summer hostess for the Wisconsin State Fair. They include: Barron County, Devon Snowbank; Brown County, Deanna Schlies; Calumet County, Erica Lamers; Central WI State, Cassi Miller; Clark County, Kelsey Rueth; Columbia County, Alli Achterberg; Crawford County, Sarah Achenbach; Dane County, Hannah Haack; Dodge County, Carrie Warmka; Elroy, Natasha Wells; Fond Du Lac County, Katie Bock; Grant County, Katelyn Bode; Green County, Alicia Kubly; Iowa County, Sarah Mueller; Jefferson County, Caitlyn Gerlach; Juneau County, Abigail Bradley; Kenosha County, Kristin Blume; Kewaunee County, Melissa Heraly; LaCrosse Interstate, Andrea Pieper; Langlade County, Mary Waterhouse; Lodi Ag, Lindsey Hellenbrand; Manitowoc County, Anna Gries; Marquette County, Danielle Baker; Northern WI State, Lindy Clark; Oconto County, Kallie Rank; Ozaukee County, Emily La Sage; Polk County, Kristin Wyss; Racine County, Emily Schaal; Richland County, Molly Jump; Rock County, Kristen Broege; Sauk County, Sydney Litscher; Shawano County, Ashley Bergsbaken; Sheboygan County, Danielle Navis; St. Croix County, Rachel Kromrey; Trempealeau County, Brynna Stuhr; Vernon County, Alexis Dunnum; Walworth County, Emilie Cerny; Waukesha County, Robyn Wittkopf; Waupaca County, Wendy Bricco -Meske; Winnebago County, Maryjane Behm; and Wisconsin Valley, Mckenzie Valenta. For four days these highly motivated young people will be interviewed, interact with you at the convention and partake in several workshops. Good luck to all of the participants! Fairest of The Fairs Contestants participating in Fairest Reunion Day at the 2014 Wisconsin State Fair PAGE 6 Silent Auction Items Needed We are excited to again offer a silent auction at convention. In addition to the live auction on Monday night, the silent auction will take place on Tuesday. We are asking all fairs and Associate members to donate an item or two to the silent auction. Consider a bottle of wine, box of chocolates or an item from a local business to add to the silent auction. Donated items are asked to be delivered to the Riverview South room on Tuesday from 12:15 PM to 1:00 PM. Items will then be on display for bidding from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM and again from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The winning bids will be announced at 7:00 p.m. before the showcase begins. We will accept credit card, cash or check payment for the live and silent auctions. Associate Signage New in 2015 Associates are allowed to display posters only on the floor by their hotel room doors or in their trade show booth. Posters are not allowed on the walls throughout the hotel like in the past. The Association will provide signboards in the registration area and throughout the convention facility listing your trade show booths and hotel rooms so fairs can find your business. We will provide more signboards throughout the convention facility than we have in the past simply because there isn’t the same amount of wall space for banners and signs that you’re used to. Veggie Races Return By popular demand the Veggie Races are back and with even more ways to participate. I know you all have the competitive spirit in you and we are asking that each fair bring a veggie car or two to show off at our opening session on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. I have sent each fair secretary a drawing on some ways to build the proper veggie car. New this year we are asking that fairs bring their own axels and wheels and we will provide the track, thanks to the Barron County Fair. Since all of you are quite creative we have expanded our categories this year. We will have one winner in each category, not to mention the bragging rights that you won! Categories: 1. Veggie Stock Races: Bring your car built for speed. 2. Best Use of Tailgating Theme: Build your car for display use only with the best use of our Tailgating theme. 3. Team Spirit/Extreme Tailgating: How loud is your cheering section? We will judge your team of 5 people on how creatively they dressed for the convention theme as well as how well they cheered the racing cars on. We look forward to seeing your creativity at the upcoming convention! PAGE WISCONSIN ASSOCIATION OF FAIRS ANNUAL CONVENTION JANUARY 4-7, 2015 CHULA VISTA RESORT, WISCONSIN DELLS, WI Registered convention attendees are invited to attend all of the events listed in the program. Your convention badge is required for these events, so be sure to wear it while attending the convention. If you have any questions about our programmed events, please be sure to ask our Registration Desk. They are here to help. Enjoy the convention! 7:00-9:00 AM Breakfast Buffet Board Meeting Executive Board Room 10:00 AM Fairest Committee Mtg – Sierra Vista 11:00-11:45 AM Fairest Registration – Sierra Vista 11:00 AM MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2015 7:00-9:00 AM Grand Buffet Breakfast – Upper Dells 7:45 AM First Time Attendees Gathering Upper Dells If it’s your first time attending our convention, let us give you an overview of the convention. 8:00 AM-4:00 PM Registration Desk Open 8:30-9:30 AM LIFE IN THE FAIR BOARD LANE Grand Ballroom SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 9:00 AM 7 Convention Services Committee Mtg– Grand Ballroom 8:30-9:30 AM ELECTRIC SAFETY Riverview Room North Tom Garvey, Lead Service Consultant for WI DSPS will discuss the changes to electric codes that fairs should be aware of. Scott Amacher, from Ride Safety will also be available. 9:00 AM-1:00 PMTrade Show Set up – Ballrooms A-I 9:30 AM 2:00-3:00 PM Meet the Contestants Upper Dells Ballroom 10:00 AM VEGGIE RACES FUN TIME Grand Ballroom Calling all Fairs. Show that competitive spirit you have by participating in our Veggie Races. Come warm up the track and “Join the WI Tailgate Party” for a fun filled convention. 10:30 AM CONVENTION KICK-OFF Grand Ballroom Call to Order – President, Dale Christiansen Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem, Kaitlyn Riley Introduction of Board of Directors Keynote Speaker: Gary Berg, will be presenting “Seeing Straight in a CrossEyed World” which examines how sight, sound, words, past experiences, and even laughter and music can all play major factors in how well we communicate with each other. This basic understanding helps people be more patient and accepting of other people’s viewpoints and ideas, and helps groups work together more effectively. Associate of the Year Presentation 3:00-8:00 PM Convention Registration Open Grand Ballroom Lobby 3:00 PM Fairest Coordinator Networking Session – Upper Dells This will be one of two sessions offered for Fairest of the Fairs Coordinators to gather and network. 4:00 PM Credentials Committee Meeting Laguna Vista 4:30 PM Resolutions & Awards Comm. Mtg Santé Fe Room #3020 4:00-6:00 PM Trade Show Set up – Ballrooms A-I 6:00-8:00 PM CARNIVAL NIGHT RECEPTION Grand Ballroom Showcase Committee Mtg Riverview Ballroom South 11:15-12:15 PM ROUND TABLES ROUND TABLE #1—WI STATE FAIR JUNIOR AMATEUR TALENT COMPETITION Riverview North Bruce Sullivan, WI State Fair and Nick Datillo, Nick D Entertainment, will lead a session recapping the first year of the Wisconsin State Fair Junior Amateur Talent Competition. Please join them to share your experiences of hosting the competition and encourage other fairs to participate and send their finalists to the 2015 competition at the Wisconsin State Fair. ROUND TABLE #2—BLUE RIBBON FAIR MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Laguna Jim Martens will show you what’s new with their programs and highlight the most commonly asked questions from our fairs. Network with other fairs on tricks you’ve learned. ROUND TABLE #3—ASSOCIATE/FAIR NETWORKING Grand Ballroom Let’s have an open discussion of what fairs are looking for from Associates and what Associates need from our fairs to be sure you are booking the right business for your fair. In turn let’s be sure fairs are providing the basic needs for our Associates. ROUND TABLE #4—WLIC FAIR AND DNA PROGRAMS Santé Fe 3016 Join Alan Clark, Executive Director, WLIC, as he demonstrates how the RFID tags, readers and software work and how your fairs can use the Free Herd Management software to organize records and record weights during weigh-in. This fair season WLIC will also process the tags and DNA samples for WI State Fair Exhibitors and will explain how your fairs can use DNA programs at their fairs. Alan will also offer one-on-one sessions for fairs looking for more detailed information between 12:15-4:15 p.m. 12:15-1:00 PM Silent Auction Donations Received Riverview North Bring your silent auction items. 12:30-1:30 PM Premium Committee Mtg Laguna Vista 12:30-1:00 PM Associate Committee Mtg Grand Ballroom 1:00-4:30 PM Silent Auction Open for Bids Riverview North Final bids close at 7:00 p.m. 1:00-5:00 PM TRADE SHOW – Ballrooms A-I Photo/Media Contest People’s Choice Balloting 1:15-2:15 PM SECRETARY/TREASURER WORKSHOP Grand Ballroom Bob Williams and Stacie Ashby, Wisconsin DATCP, will review the required reports needed from each fair throughout the year. What is the information used for, how is it submitted, and why meeting the deadlines is necessary. If you are responsible for judges forms, annual financial reports, and correspondence for your fair, join us. 2:00-3:00 PM Ice Cream Break in Trade Show 2:30-4:00 PM FAIREST PRELIMINARIES Grand Ballroom 6:00 PM PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION Riverview Rooms 6:00-7:00 PM Silent Auction Final Hour Riverview Rooms 7:00 PM SHOWCASE OF ENTERTAINMENT Riverview Rooms Rocky Mountain Oyster Band - Talent Associates, Inc. FLUX (Video Showcase) - The Entertainment Company The Sound Exchange - G.L. Berg Entertainment Agency WI Lawn Mower Racing (Video Showcase) Superfly - ACA Music & Entertainment The Looney Lutherans - The Memories Blue Light Scene - ACA Music & Entertainment Lizzy—The Dream Girl (Video Showcase) - G.L. Berg Entertainment Kali Rose - Kali Foster Big League Bull Riders (Video Showcase) 7 Bridges - Liz Gregory Talent Sound and Lights—Sosonic Video Productions—PM Productions HOSPITALITY FOLLOWING SHOWCASE—11:30 PM Grand Ballroom 12:00-2:00 PM Chula Lunch Concessions Grand Ballroom Lobby 12:00-1:00 PM NETWORKING Grand Ballroom (bring your own lunch) Do you have a topic we haven’t covered in the schedule? Here is your opportunity to bring up a topic. Sandy Lang will lead our session. 1:00-4:30 PM TRADE SHOW OPENING Ballrooms A-I Photo/Media Contest People’s Choice Balloting 1:30-3:30 PM Fairest Contestant Scrapbooks on Display – Aztec Room 1:30 PM Auction Committee Mtg Riverview North 1:30 PM YOUNG PROFESSIONALS INITIATIVE Upper Dells Ballroom All those under age 40, come and network. IAFE has a successful YPI program started on the national level which we’d like to incorporate into Wisconsin. Join us and get to know those of similar age to discuss opportunities to get more involved in the fair industry. 3:00 PM Legislative Committee Mtg Laguna Vista 4:30 PM CHEESE RECEPTION & FAIREST AUCTION Riverview Rooms 5:30 PM AUCTION – Riverview Rooms 7:30 PM SHOWCASE OF ENTERTAINMENT Riverview Rooms (immediately following the auction) The Boogie Men - The Entertainment Company Lizzy—The Dream Girl - G.L. Berg Entertainment Agency Consult The Briefcase, - Bananas Entertainment Big League Bull Riders (Video Showcase) Magic & Mayhem - James David FLUX (Video Showcase) - The Entertainment Company Gunner & The Grizzly Boys - Variety Attractions WI Lawn Mower Racing (Video Showcase) Cook & Belle with Seth Cook - Klein’s Entertainment, Inc. Sound and Lights—Sosonic Video Productions—PM Productions HOSPITALITY FOLLOWING SHOWCASE– 11:30 PM Grand Ballroom TUESDAY, JANUARY 6. 2015 6:00-9:00 AM Grand Buffet Breakfast – Upper Dells 7:30-5:00 PM Registration Desk Open 8:00-9:00 AM AG NETWORKING Riverview North Join Brian Bolan, WI State Fair and Dr. McGraw from the WI DATCP. They will lead us in discussions on EHV-1 in horses, PEDv and the weigh-in, and influenza viruses to start. 9:30-11:30 AM Fairest Contestant Scrapbooks on Display – Aztec Room 9:30-11:00 AM WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP #1—FOOD SAFETY & CAMPING Riverview North Join the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to bring you up to date on what you should know about your food vendors and your camping licensing requirements for your fair or event. We will discuss what you need to look for, the most common violations and what you can do to minimize your risks. WORKSHOP #2—ADVERTISING ON A SMALL BUDGET Grand Ballroom Jeannie Domeyer, from the Delaware County Fair, Iowa, has presented at the IAFE Convention and brings her ideas on advertising on a small budget to Wisconsin. WORKSHOP #3— SUPERINTENDENTS TRAINING Laguna Ann Webb, Pierce County Fair will lead the session. Do you have guidelines in place for your superintendents to follow? What authority do they have? What are your expectations of them? 11:00-11:15 AM Coffee Break Riverview and GB Lobby #2 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Chula Concessions Available WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2015 6:00-9:00 AM Grand Buffet Breakfast – Upper Dells 7:30 AM-4:30 PMRegistration Desk Open 8:00 AM ASSOCIATION BUSINESS MEETING Grand Ballroom Call to order – President, Dale Christiansen Opening – America the Beautiful Kaitlyn Riley President's Report Roll Call of Fairs/Financial Report Sec/Treas Jayme Buttke Wisconsin State Fair Report Rick Frenette Report of 2014 Fairs – Bob Williams, DATCP LTE Fairs Coordinator Committee Reports by Chairperson Fairest of the Fairs – Tonya Dvorak and Kaitlyn Riley Auction – Tim Heffernan Audit – Bill Marohl Credentials – Jessica Bashirian Educ./Spec. Projects – Becky Merwin Grievance – Dale Christiansen Legislative – Jessica Klumpp Premium – Dennis Duesterbeck Resolutions/Awards – Ann Webb Showcase – Bruce Sullivan Old Business New Business Adjournment 10:00-11:00 AM WORKSHOPS & ROUND TABLES WORKSHOP #1—AG ADVENTURE AREAS Ballroom A&C Let’s talk about what makes a successful Ag Adventure area at your fair. Who’s running it? How many people does it take to staff it? What hasn’t worked? How do I get started? Join a panel of fairs with three different budgets so you can adapt your Ag Adventure area to your needs. WORKSHOP #2— COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS ON A SMALL BUDGET Grand Ballroom jill Albanese, WI State Fair and Jessica Klumpp, Florence County Fair, will present their ideas on Competitive Exhibits on a Small Budget. ROUND TABLE #1— SOCIAL MEDIA Ballroom E What’s been successful for your fair? Do you run any contests through Social Media? How has it worked as an advertising source? Join Matt Immel, Fond du Lac County Fair and Rhonda Klement, Langlade County Fair to talk about what’s worked for their fairs. ROUND TABLE #2—CELEBRATING THE 4-H CANNED MOSIAC Ballroom G Why recreate the wheel? Brown County Fair will share how they created a 4-H canned food display so you can create one at your fair. 11:00-11:15 AM Refreshment Break Grand Lobby and Conv. Center Lobby Cookies and milk 11:15-12:15 PM WORKSHOPS & ROUND TABLES WORKSHOP #1—PHOTO/MEDIA CRITIQUE Ballroom A & C Kristin Olson, Knock Out Communications will present an overview of the Media entries submitted in this year’s contest. We can always learn how to make our product better. This is your opportunity to learn and ask questions of someone in the communications and marketing industry. This is open to all convention attendees, not just those that entered the contest. WORKSHOP #2—COUNTY FAIR RECYCLING Grand Ballroom Interested in starting a recycling program at your fair? Do you have a recycling program but want to improve it? Come learn the basics from Melanie Burns, DNR Recycling Coordinator, who will present ideas on how to get started from the ground up as well as easy changes to improve your existing program. Laura Sauermilch, Innovation EHS Solutions LLC, will be representing Sheboygan County Fair and Kay Hillskotter, Waupaca County Fair, will speak on lessons they have learned on how to run a successful recycling program and how to avoid common mistakes when implementing a program for the first year. WORKSHOP #3—YOUTH LIVESTOCK UPDATE Ballroom E Results from the MAQA (Meat Animal Quality Assurance) program will be shared. In addition we will be reporting what counties are generally doing for their youth livestock projects educationally, policy, rules, etc. We will also have some recommendations regarding some of the results. Presented by Pam Hobson and Bernie O’Rourke, UW Extension. WORKSHOP #4—WISCONSIN AGRI TOURISM ASSOCIATION Ballroom G Steve Peterson, President, WATA, will discuss the New Liability Law and the signage available to help your fair as well as what type of educational series WATA is hosting. ROUND TABLE #1—FAIREST COORDINATORS Laguna Vista Fairest Coordinators will meet with the committee members to discuss any questions about the program and update you on any changes. 1:00-2:00 PM NETWORKING SESSION Grand Ballroom Join us for an open format where you can ask questions of other fairs that we may not have covered in our workshops. We’re all one fair family and are a great resource of information. Bring your questions. 2:30-3:15 PM DISTRICT MEETINGS District 1 – Grand Ballroom Dale Christiansen & Rhonda Klement District 2—Laguna Vista Ann Webb & Deb Gotlibson District 3—Sierra Vista Bill Marohl & Marla Stello District 4—Upper Dells Shari Black & Matt Immel 4:30-8:30 PM AWARDS BANQUET & FAIREST OF THE FAIRS FINALS Ballrooms A-I HOSPITALITY FOLLOWING BANQUET-11:00 PM Grand Ballroom Fair Trade Table Banquet Format We are excited to try a new banquet format for this year’s convention. Doors will open at 4:30 PM and at 4:45 PM the Fairest of the Fairs contestants will begin their self-introductions. We will have our banquet meal following their introductions, allowing time for our judges to determine the top ten finalists. At approximately 6:00 PM we will continue our program hoping to conclude by 8:00 PM crowning our 2015 Fairest of the Fairs. Education Raffle Don’t miss out on the opportunity to win some great prizes at the upcoming convention. Some of the items in the past have included an IPAD, LED TV, camera package and kid’s pedal tractors. Tickets can be purchased at the Registration Desk during convention. Winners will be drawn at the conclusion of our banquet and you don’t need to be present to win. Proceeds from the raffle go towards our Education Fund. In the past we have updated our Fourth Grade Education Packet, created a promotional DVD and held the Consumer Protection classes. Thanks to everyone who as participated in the past. Below are just a few of our recent winners. Again this year, we will be having a “Fair Trade” table. The purpose of this table is to allow you to share your information with other fairs. We are asking that every fair bring along extra premium books, flyers, and promotional material that can be given away. This table is meant to be a trading table, you bring some information, and you take some with you. Please bring along your materials. PAGE www.wifairs.com 2015 Calendar of Events Wisconsin Association of Fairs 5320 County Road F Merrill, WI 54452 715-536-0246 wisfairs@gmail.com January 4-7 WI Association of Fairs Convention, Chula Vista Resort, WI Dells March 18 Fair Day at the Capitol March 23-25 Zone 4 Meeting, Sioux Falls, SD April 15 District 2 Meeting, Pepin County Fair April 16 District 3 Meeting, Richland County Fair April 20 District 4 Meeting, Waukesha County Fair & Brewer Game April 22 District 1 Meeting, Oconto County Fair October 7 District 4, Brown County Fair October 8 District 3, Columbia County Fair October 14 District 2, Bayfield County Fair October 15 Nov. 29-Dec. 3 January 10-13, 2016 District 1, Athens Fair IAFE Convention, Las Vegas, NV WI Association of Fairs Convention, Chula Vista Resort 12
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