Booster Club
Camille Clegg, Editor
Emily Perez, Photo Editor
Principal’s Post
Students at Paul Revere Charter Middle School and Magnet Center are entering
exciting, challenging, and interesting times. Common Core State Standards, iPads in
the classroom, Pearson Educational Programs, Destiny Textbook System, and Socratic
Practices and Seminars flourish in classes around the campus. The “winds of change” are moving
rapidly through the hallways of Revere. I am proud of the manner in which our teachers, students,
parents, and staff have accepted these major changes to the educational landscape. Revere has always
embraced academic change to meet the specific needs of the students. I’ve watched teachers gingerly
maneuver through programs offered by LAUSD. These same teachers create, redevelop, and redesign
these programs to fit the academic and social levels students at Revere strive to achieve. It’s very easy for
anyone visiting Revere, and we’ve had tons of visitors this school year, to see how professional educators
work to encourage enthusiastic students.
All of these new programs require leadership from dedicated, hardworking, knowledgeable
administrators and support staff. Mr. Tom Iannucci, Mr. Brett Shibata, Ms. Blakley Coe, Mr. Derek
Hubbard and Mr. Justin Koretz make up the finest administrative team I have ever worked with in some
16 years as an administrator. Counselors like Ms. Joy Kobashi, Mr. Ruben Valerio, and Ms. Cecilia
Esparza and Deans, Ms. Ashley Augenstein and Ms. Susan Grayson give more than 100% support to
every child on this campus. Ms. Kim Uchida represents the teachers for UTLA with fairness and strength.
Furthermore, she always collaborates with me on issues that require understanding between
administration and faculty. She’s a tough adversary, but always fair, and we frequently make each other
laugh. The office staff at Revere has gone through so many changes in the last 6 years yet continues to
be one of the most professional, devoted group of people found at any school. Thanks to our parent
organization we have a dedicated, knowledgeable technology expert in Mr. Tom Poungponsri. The
Special Education Office led by Ms. Clausine Honda has created a program that is envied by almost
every middle school in ESC West. The plant staff led by Mr. Orsi Giron are always right there when we
need equipment moved, tables placed, desks removed or rooms cleaned. Mr. Giron, along with our
gardener, Mr. Brian Denny, protect the facilities and take pride in the fact that the campus at Revere is a
showplace for the District.
I need to give special recognition to the fantastic main office staff. They are the first line of
defense at Revere. Mrs. Lori Vogel, Community Liaison, speaks to and for the parents in the
community. Her talent and knowledge with the Revere website has been astounding. Then I
turn to, as everyone at Revere usually does, Mrs. Ana Berrellez our School Administrative
Assistant. She is the “guardian at the gate” for everyone’s pay, purchases, emergency leaves,
substitute scheduling, coverages, budgets, and personal issues. I am proud to say that she is
my friend and confidante.
You may suspect from the paragraph above that this article is an attempt to say thank you
and farewell. It is. After six unbelievable, enjoyable, outstanding years at Revere and 40
years as an educator with the Los Angeles Unified School District I am saying farewell at the
end of the school year in June 2014. My years at Revere have been among my best with
LAUSD. The people I’ve had the joy of working with on the Westside the past six years have
demonstrated to me how a great team of teachers, administrators, parents and community
collaborate for the sake of children. The parent organizations have supported my ideas,
hopes, and dreams for all the students. I will never forget their offers of friendship and hard
work that contributed to the many successes at Revere.
I never planned to write a long good-bye but this article has become one. Just know that
Revere has given me the opportunity to reach out to children and develop an excellent site for
learning. An educator can wish for nothing better in their chosen career. I sincerely hope
everyone at Revere will continue to move forward, never stagnate, and plan for the future
with every challenge. Whether there are challenges or changes the students’ academic needs
should be considered first, and praise for their successes and achievements recognized by
everyone. I am sad to leave, but proud and happy of the Revere that stands today.
The Patriots Ride Into the Delphic League by Hema Anwar
Who is that Racing By Us?
The buzz around the L.A. school sports scene is
all about the “new school” in town. Actually, it’s
not so new, but Revere’s initial entree into the
Delphic Sports League has definitely turned
some heads. Thanks to the efforts of Coach
Paul Foxson, his wife Stacy, Assistant Principal
Justin Koretz, and Coach Jerry Lafolette,
Revere’s sports program, turned from being just
pick-up scrimmages with any school willing to
play us to a full-fledged competitive league, competing against some of the best teams in the
How Far Have We Come?
About ten years ago, Revere didn’t have sports teams at all. Our large, diverse and very
talented group of student athletes were limited to displaying their athletic prowess in P.E.
classes. Out of their pure love for sports, recognition that the kids deserved more, and quest
for fun, school spirited competition, the Foxsons, Koretz and Lafolette started a middle school
sports program at Revere called P.E.P. (Personal Enrichment Program). They spent the last ten
years promoting the program, and cold-calling the schools in the area (mostly private) to
play against Revere. Most of the private schools are in a League called the Delphic League. It
includes Harvard Westlake, Buckley, Oaks Christian, Brentwood and several others. For
many years, Revere competed against these schools in “unofficial events” but was not
permitted to join the League. The Delphic League was concerned about the logistics if all of
the public schools joined their league as well, making the League difficult to administer.
Stellar Performances Gets Us Drafted
Thanks to our strong performance in the “unofficial”
competitions (and probably helped by low entries
from other schools) the Delphic League invited
Revere to compete in both wrestling and lacrosse
four years ago. This limited admission showed us
that this League is the place to be.
After a few more years of tough competition with
Revere being a strong contender against the best
schools in the League, Revere was invited to participate in all sports in the League.
Let the Games Begin
Now, the fun has begun. Revere took first place in cross-country in the fall, (with stand-out
Brent Smith leading the pack) and has had great performance in girls basketball, girls and
boys soccer, wrestling and lacrosse. Eventually, Coach Foxson would like to see all of our
sports teams entered in the Delphic League so that Revere athletes can be challenged by the
competition, and show them our stuff. There are about 25 adjunct instructors, teachers, and
coaches who coach the teams and keep the program organized. While our first full year in
Delphic has been very successful and fun, our Coaches hope to see more students participate.
Participation in middle school sports allows kids to get ready for high school competition,
which can be fierce, and teaches them how to compete with kids of different ages.
For the final season of the year, Revere will be competing in track & field, boys
tennis, boys volleyball, and girls softball. Revere Sports is a great way for students
to make friends with other kids and to develop school spirit. It’s also an easy way for parents to
get involved by supporting the team, and getting to know other parents and the coaches. Join
the fun, pick a sport, and come out and compete! For more information on how your child can
benefit from P.E.P. please visit !
Revere Counselors
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. ~Plutarch
The push for individualism and greatness comes from several angles at Paul Revere. The
brilliant minds being cultured at our school is evidence of a strong tripod system involving the
student, their parents, and their teachers. Our instructors do a fine job of igniting thought and
passion within our children. To our benefit, there is another excellent group of educators on
campus that work alongside our teachers, while providing support to our kids mentally and
emotionally. Here, the Rider takes a moment to shine light on a few jewels within the
counseling office, including our newest addition, Ms. Cecilia Esparza.
Ruben Valerio (6th grade) – Comical and good-spirited, Mr. Valerio proudly serves as
Revere’s sixth grade counselor. When asked why he loves his chosen career path, he offered
the following response, “I recognize the importance of healthy communication, self-realization
and self-expression. Growing up, I didn’t have a counselor at school or that adult who talked
to me about those things. I believe in the human potential and want to help students
understand and realize their potential and develop positive virtues so they grow up to be
confident, compassionate and humble people and work towards creating a better world.”
Joy Kobashi (7th grade) – Warm and compassionate to both students and parents alike, Ms.
Kobashi still remains as our seventh grade counselor. Described by some as “one of the
greatest child advocates,” she continues to greatly support Revere in her role.
Cecilia Esparza (8th grade) – Bringing excitement and spark, Ms. Esparza confidently fills the
shoes as our eighth grade counselor. She adds, “One of my favorite things about choosing to
become a school counselor is having the opportunity to see the personal growth, along with
the academic learning, that students achieve throughout each year. As I counsel them through
academic and personal challenges, they are constantly teaching me ways to improve and be
a better school counselor.”
Regina Castillo-Lemon (Sr. Office Technician/Records Clerk) – Encouraging and supportive,
Mrs. Castillo-Lemon finds immense joy in working with children. When asked about her role,
she stated, “I love being with the kids and helping parents like me. Just being around the
helpful, cool, outgoing and hardworking staff at Revere makes you want to give yourself
more… it’s contagious when you see your team, especially your boss’ passion to assist the
nice families and children of Paul Revere!”
Why Volunteer?
Community Service is Important for Parents too
by Mary Wlodek
“Today at Revere we are embarking on campus improvement, iPad technology and Delphic sports. None of
this happens without the extra support and involvement from parents. I feel that every volunteer hour I log is a
way to thank our teachers and positively affect my kids and Revere’s students.”
- Diane Elander
As a character-building exercise, all students at Paul Revere Charter Middle School are
expected to perform 5 hours of community service (aka volunteer). In fact, the administration
believes that volunteerism is so important to the kids’ education that students who fail to
complete the requirement have their P.E. grades reduced by a letter grade (i.e. from “A” to
Interestingly, Revere would not be a “Charter” middle school if not for parent volunteers.
Approximately 20 years ago, parents living in the area frustrated with the (lack of) quality
education provided by the local public K-12 schools, volunteered their time and energy to
establish the Palisades Charter Complex, currently consisting of 5 elementary schools, Revere
and Pali High. The benefits of these pioneering parents’ efforts are obvious – and all point to
exceptional educations far-exceeding what is found in most public and many private schools.
Volunteerism at Revere
Today, a battalion of parents continue to volunteer in capacities large and small to make sure
that your child gets the best education possible.
• That parent tour you went on? It was the product of parent volunteers.
• Registration days last August? Developed and produced by parent volunteers.
• The weekly eblast and this edition of the Revere Rider? Parent volunteers make them
• The music program, P.E. every day for all students, extra nurses hours, the emergency
sheds? All due to the countless hours committed by volunteers to fundraise for Revere.
• 8th Grade Culmination Events? Yes, parent volunteers at work.
In an interesting twist, Lori Vogel, Revere’s Parent/Community Liaison, started as a volunteer.
She served as PRIDE President for 3 years and as its VP Communications for an additional 3
years. Lori commented, “I was reluctant at first to volunteer for a board position, but quickly
learned the ropes from the other parents. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to be on
campus when my children were students and for all the friendships formed through
Parents volunteer at Revere for lots of different reasons. Some of our school’s current volunteers
reflected on the fulfillment they get from their efforts:
“Volunteering at Revere has opened up my son's middle school world to me. I am able to connect with
him because I understand his everyday environment. In addition, volunteering has made the campus a
familiar place for me so that I can really appreciate its positive energy from such a large and diverse
group of kids and faculty. Volunteering allows you to realize that behind the uninviting gates and the
rather unattractive ditch is a campus that is well cared-for, and filled with natural beauty.
- Hema Anwar, PRIDE VP Curriculum & Student Services
“I volunteer to transform strangers into a community. It takes a village to raise a child and I believe that
having more people know me translates into more people looking out for my kids and vice versa.”
- Christi Catalano, Eblast Producer
“I have met so many kind people as ‘Bagel Mom,’ it is very rewarding. My idea to ask local
corporations to donate unwanted food started small, and literally has grown into a food pantry for
hungry kids at Revere. It is so wonderful to help these kids, reduce waste and be a good role model for
our kids.”
- Deborah Elkins, AKA “Bagel Mom”
“When my love for writing led me to help with the school newsletter, I found myself getting to know more
members of the staff, fellow parents and associates of my children. Additionally, creating content for the
newsletter also led me to learn certain school processes and how much the school actually works
overtime for our children. I am happy to donate my time to something that helps promote our
community and my girls are very pleased to see that I care about their school.”
- Camille Clegg, Editor, Revere Rider Editor
“It keeps me connected to my daughter and her education. Even though she is independent and it's a
totally different world than elementary school, by volunteering I show her that her education is important
to me.”
- Sibylla Nash, PRIDE/PTSA Secretary
“Volunteers are the people who create the difference between a mediocre school and a fantastic school.
I am happy knowing that the time I put in at Paul Revere benefits not only my son but enriches the
experience for every other child that attends the school. That is very fulfilling.”
- Lee Trask, PTSA Treasurer
“Volunteering at Revere shows my son that I care about his schooling and helps me understand what he
experiences during his day. I also gained an appreciation and understanding of the administrators and
teachers. I see them in action interacting with the students. They care, model respect to the students,
and teach responsibility.”
- Kareen Koay, Eblast Editor
Like me, you may think, “I don’t know anything about Revere, so I’ll take a breather from
volunteering.” Or, perhaps like my daughter, your child rides the bus to and from Revere, so
you simply are not engaged in the campus. Fortunately, friends made while volunteering at
my daughter’s elementary school lured me into joining the PRIDE board. Six months later, I
can’t count the benefits my involvement has provided to my daughter and me.
If you are interested in exploring how you can fulfill your community service goals at Revere,
please email
Stride Counts by Lisa Heide and Heidi Huff
Passionate about horses, three Revere
students are saddling up to represent
their school in the Interscholastic
Equestrian League (IEL): 8th grader,
Heather Huff, and 7 th graders,
Jacqueline Bohrer (Cat) and Charlotte
The IEL hosts four horse
shows/year to foster team
competition for equestrian riders in
grades 7-12. IEL rider membership
boasts 562 students from 73 public and private schools in Los Angeles County.
Cat competes in dressage with her horse, Lulu. Her goal is to have Lulu smoothly
perform a pre-determined sequence of different walks, trots, and canters (flatwork) in
varying patterns and directions, all commanded with imperceptible movements of her
hands and legs.
Cat and Lulu showcased excellent teamwork, receiving top ribbons in their first two
IEL shows, including a 1st Place! Equally impressive was Cat’s response, “I’m so
proud of Lulu!”
Charlotte competes in equitation and hunter
classes, comprised of jumping over fences and
flatwork. In equitation, the rider is judged,
whereas, in hunter classes, the horse is judged.
Charlotte’s job when jumping a course is to
maintain pace, keep her horse in balance
through turns and landings, and assess
distances and angles to the fences for the
horse to jump the fence cleanly. Against a
field of 70 riders in the Novice Division at their
first IEL show, Charlotte and her horse, Maka, earned 3rd and 4th places in equitation
and 6th and 8th in hunters.
Heather competes in both equitation and hunter classes, jumping 3’-3’3” fences at
regional and national competitions.
Unfortunately, Heather’s horse, Monty, was
injured for the first two IEL shows, but Heather
still came to support Team Revere. Her veteran
advice was appreciated: “It’s not about trying to
win. You and your horse are a team, so it’s
about doing your best to help your horse do his
best. When that happens, it’s the best feeling in
the world!”
Plus Exercise Equals Success
by Lori Vogel and Camille Clegg
Paul Revere is home to a large
student body made up of hundreds
of colorful 6th-8th graders who add
value to the school in some unique
way. Whether their gifts gleam in
the classroom, at home or
somewhere else, our school is filled
with kids whose strengths standalone. Meet Danilo Milic, a proud
7th grade Patriot whose passion
lies within the world of tennis.
What started as a recreational
pastime at the tender age of six
has now morphed into a treasured sport that Danilo has
strengthened over the past two years. He commits to a
rigorous schedule, which includes a 40-minute car ride to
Carson afterschool for practice 4-5 times a week. Here,
Danilo spends 3+ hours honing his craft in a program
offered by the USTA (United States Tennis Association). With
this level of commitment, it’s no surprise to learn that Danilo
was invited to attend the largest annual international team
competition, the Davis Cup.
As he works on his dream of becoming a professional tennis
player, Danilo also commits himself to his academics. He
works on assignments and projects each night after practice.
Per his father Goran, Danilo’s biggest achievements are his
strong work ethic and determination in finding a way to
make academics and athleticism compliment each other.
Both Danilo and his family strongly applaud the teachers
and staff and feel that any success that Danilo obtains will be
partly due to the efforts and support from their extended Revere family. Further proof
that at Paul Revere, everyone is a champion.
Do you know what’s going on in the mind of a 7th grader? We do!
Today’s seventh graders are in a unique position. They are no longer the newbies on the block
like their sixth grade comrades and they aren’t ready to exit the school like their eighth grade
associates. They are in the middle, which gives them a cool spot to rest their heels as they master
the groove of middle school. So when it comes to mood, organization, homework help, and other
areas of their lives, what are they thinking? A recent survey taken by a class of Mr. Wechsler’s
seventh grade students gives us a mini view of what some are pondering.
In your opinion, how organized
are you?
Two Cents - When asked about their overall
preference on who they go to for advice when
having trouble with friends, the majority of
girls find themselves entertaining another
friend’s opinion whereas, the majority of boys
are more inclined to go to their parents for
guidance. The few remaining students stated
that they simply rely upon themselves to work
matters out.
Clubbed - The second portion of the survey queried club activities and interest at school. With
the exception of a few students sprinkled between Aca-Deca, Drama, Film and Go Green, the
majority of girls stated they did not belong to a club. None of the boys who responded currently
belong to a club. What kind of clubs do 7th graders wish the school offered? The students split
themselves between interest in cooking, future planning, horror, sports, and fashion.
Study Up! - The chart
to the right shows
votes based on how
students get
themselves to study
when they’d rather be
doing something else.!
Dangles Carrot
It's Natural
Convince Themselves
Silent Partners - When asked how they’d like their parents to support them with homework, the
majority of girls and boys preferred to be left alone with the belief that they have it covered. The
rest opted for parents to hang out nearby silently as a show of support.
Float On - The final phase of the study asked students to share what they think about if and/or
when their minds drift in class. A resounding number of students said they consider future plans;
everything from what will happen afterschool to an activity he or she may have later in the week.
Some think about books they’re currently reading in their spare time and the rest range between
thoughts of dancing, what will happen on the next episode of Law & Order and what they plan to
do in the event of a natural disaster.
Dear Revere Families,
As we enter into Spring Break, we need you to step up to the plate!
Your contribution to PRIDE is how we survive and THRIVE!
How do you want to support your child’s education at Revere?
Your $10 - $10,000 Contribution—
Any dollar contribution is always welcome—more or less than what we show here—
If you think the extras we get at Paul Revere are important to your child’s education,
please donate what you can!
$500 Physical Education & Music Donation—
Everyday our celebrated Physical Education team encourages our children to move their bodies for 45
Revere’s award-winning music programs—orchestra, band and choir—are celebrated state-wide.
If you believe in the sound of music and in physically healthy kids,
please donate $500.
$750 Auxiliary Donation —
Revere manages to reduce class sizes through Auxiliary Teacher hires in academic classes,
through PRIDE donations only.
If you think keeping class sizes smaller is important to your child’s learning experience,
please donate $750.
$5,000 Legacy Donation—
Family Funds are used for enrichment programs in the Arts, Drama, Music, and Technology.
Many middle schools cut these “enrichments”. Ours thrive with over one-third or 800 students
participating in the Arts!
If you believe in the legacy of learning—beyond the core,
please donate at the $5,000 level.
Send your contribution to us at Paul Revere.
Questions? Contact Parent Chair, Roni Weisberg-Ross (310) 600-2451
Donor Recognition
It is always the right time to donate to Revere's Annual Giving Campaign. Any amount is appreciated and your
donation is a great way to contribute to the 2012-2013 school year!
Please join our Annual Giving Drive Today. Please mail your check payable to: PRIDE, attention Annual Giving 1450
Allenford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90049 or click here to donate using your credit card, GooglePay or PayPal.
!Team Revere would like to thank the following donors for their pledges and donations:
Family Name, Student, & Grade
Abrams Family, Molly, 8
Alan Golad,
Emma, 7
Alford Family,
Liam, 7
Alkin Family,
Leah, 6
Andres Family, Alexandra, 6
Andrew Hyman
Andrews Family, Charlotte, 7
Anwar Family,
Brett, 6
Shirlee, 7
Asawa Family, Conor, 6
Askarinam Family
Aya Futami
Bailey Family,
Chadwick, 6
Baldecchi Family, Dante, 6
Balestra Family, Lola, 6
Barad Family,
Joshua, 7
Barron Family,
Alec & Kylie, 6
Unger Family,
Babe Unger, 7
Bedecarre Family, Grace, 8
Benitez Family, Libny, 8
Bentley Family, Sarah, 6
Berendsen Family, Quinten, 6
Bernstein Family, Lauren, 6
Berrios Family,
Bierscheck Family, Alyssa & Jessica, 6
Bilson Family,
Michael, 6
Bookey Family,
Jack & Lionel,8 & 6
Bozorgnia/Zamanpour, Pedram, 6
Braun Family,
Lucas, 7
Bronstein Family Sayuri, 6
Brooks Family,
Bo, 6
Brown Family,
Niara, 8
Cabrera Family, Joseph,6
Tapia-Arabia Family Alex, 6
Carney Family,
Dylan & Bridget, 8 & 6
Carter Family,
Quincy, 8
Catalano Family, Maggie, Abby & R.
Mayo, 8 & 6
Catlin-Munoz Family El Cid, 7
Cecchini Family, Luca ,7
Chawla Family,
Sanjna Raj,7
Cheldin Family,
Gabrielle, 8
Chiu Family,
Bevan, 7
Chow Family,
Russell & Sydney, 8
Chudacoff Family, Jack ,7
Clifford Family,
William, 6
Courtney Coleman Patrick Gowen, 6
Conte Family,
Nicholas, 6
Cord Family,
Miles, 6
Coughlin Family, Ridge, 7
Cox Family,
Emily, 8,
Crossman Family Caleigh, 6
Velky Family,
Alyssa, 6,
Da Silva Family, Sabrina, 6,
Datwyler Family, Maya, 6,
Davidson/Shaw, Sophie, 7,
Davis Family,
Spenser, 8,
Dohad Family,
Daniel, 7
Doran Family,
Alice, 6
Doran Family,
Daniel, 6
Dourrahmani Family, Sahel, 7
Edelman Family, Emma ,8,
Edwards Family
Eglisson Family, Ethan, 8
Elkins Family,
Jaden, 7
Epp Family,
Alexandra, 6
Eskigian Family, Lucas, 7
Estela Munoz,
Gabriela, 8
Fopeano Family, Alec, 7
Nicolo, 8
Friedman/Schneider, Andrew, 8
Galef Family,
Aaron & Jordan, 7
Gallie Family,
Russell, 6
Garff Family,
Harrison & Jessica, 8 & 6
Gibbels Family, Luna ,8
Glenn Family,
Emily, 6
Gloria Gonzalez
Goldman Family, Benjamin, 7
Goldsmith Family, Simon,7
Goore Family,
Madeline, 8
Gotler Family
Liberty, 6
Gottesman Family, Daniel, 8
Gottfried Family, Gabriel, 7
Goy Family,
Stefan, 6
Grant Family,
Oliver, 6
Gruber Family,
Lily, 6
Hamer Family Ben, 8
Handler Family
Jenna, 7
Hanson Family, Shelby, 7
Hausner Family, Zachery, 6
Healy Family,
Claire, 7
Heide Family,
Charlotte, 7
Hernandez Family, Mike, 7
Howard Family, Brittany, 6
Howard Family, Justin Samuel, 7
Marion Howell
Huff Family,
Heather & Joseph, 8 & 6
Huggins Family, Eloisa, 7
Hyman Family, Jonathan
Iacopino/Williams, Kevin, 8
Iglesias Family,
Michelle, 8
Israel Family,
Rachel & Hannah ,7
Jacobs Family,
Loren, 8
Jiang Family,
Claire, 8
Johnson Family, Khalilah,6
Jones Family,
Ethan, Meghan &
Jones Family,
Jackson, 7
Jugan Family,
Henry, 6
Jussen Family,
Tula, 6
Karen Manfield
Kasick Family,
Trace, 6
Katherine Schiffman, Shelby, 7
Kilkowski Family, Elena, 6
King Family,
Robert, 8
Kirshner Family, Kyla, 8
Klima Family,
Vincent, 6
Kogosov Family, Alan, 7
Konstantina Mallios
Kurlak Family,
Keith, 6
Larsson Family, Tom, 6
Leader Family,
Nicholas, 8
LeFebre/Margolis Family Francesca, 6
Lehman Family, Jonathan, 6
Levi Family,
Matthew, 8
Lightfoot Family, Declan, 7
Lin Family,
Zachery, 6
Schultz Family, Elena, 7
Loncar Family,
Wyatt, 7
Lovett Family,
Henry, 7
Low Family,
Dahlia, 6
Luckenbill Family - Ethan, 6
Margolis Family, Sierra & Dakota, 8 & 6
Marjolaine Ouellet
Clements Family, Anna & Dylan, 8 & 6
Marner Family,
Benjamin, 8
Martin Family,
Kira and Johnny, 6
Martins Family,
Inessa, 6
Matayoshi Family Melanie, 7
May Family,
Zachary ,7
McArthur Family, Mia, 8
McCoy Family,
Ally, 7
Medernach Family, Sara, 7
Meek Family,
Thomas, 6
Melamed Family, Lenny, 6
Mercedeh Motameni Kiara, 8
Meyer Family,
Bennett, 6
Michel Family,
Thomas, 7
Miller Family,
Ashley, 8
Mirner Family,
William, 6
Mirshokri Family, Kian
Mitchel Family,
James, 7
Mitchell Family,
Evan, 8
Mullin Family,
Zade, 6
Nagy Family,
Alana, 6
Namvar Family,
Alexandra, 6
Nathalie Choupay
Neal Family,
Tiffany, 6
Neda Kohanbashir
Nelson Lim/Hwee Ng, Jaimie, 6
Neumann Family, Casey & Whitney, 8 & 6
Nieto Family,
Christian, 7
Lowell & Miles, 8
Nusbaum Family, Ava, 6
Ornest Family
Page Rosenberg
Pakizegi Family, Deyar Dylan, 6
Paleno Family,
Mariana, 6
Paller Family,
Michael & Paul, 7
Pavoni Family,
Massimo, 8
Pelsue Family,
Reid, 6
Petrisor Family,
Juliet, 7
Pierce Family,
Madison, 6
Png Family
Han, 7
Polovinchik Family, Matthew, 6
Port Family,
Prall/Freedman, Claire, 7
Price Family,
Jennifer, 8
Rachel Berman
Rachmani Family, Eric, 6
Rafiee/Esfandiari, Rustin, 6
Rahman Family, Shadie, 8
Rakefet Hak
Randerson Family, Taylor, 6
Reiss Family,
Malia, 6
Rene Family, Elizabeth & Samantha, 7
Rice Family,
Marson, 6
Rickert Family Christopher, 6
Rodriquez Family, Mia, 8
Romanik Family,
Hana & Maya, 6
Rosenberg Family, Zachery, 7
Ross Family,
Caroline, 7
Salmassy Family, Kevin ,6
Sanders Family,
Brendan ,7
Santini Family
Nicholas, 7
Sasaki Family,
Matthew & Samuel ,6
Savage Family,
Dylan ,6
Saxon Family,
Willow May ,6
Schneider Family, Luke ,6
Scholl Family,
Trevor, 8
Schplein Family, Ezra, 7
Scott Family,
Elizabeth, 6
Scott Family,
Landon & Tobias, 8 & 6
Seidman Family, Sammy & Joey, 6
Sharpe Family,
Brendan, 8
Shin Family,
Nicole, 6
Sigworth Family
Alicia, 6
Siliezar Family,
Alexander, 8
Simon Family,
Aaron, 6
Smerling Family, Jacob, 8
Smith Family,
Taylor, 6
Soule Family,
Ruby, 8
Steven Starr
Suh Family,
Suisman Family, Edward, 6
Sylvester Family, Alden & Catalina, 6
Taghibagi Family, Leila, 6
Takei Family,
Shay & Lulu, 8
Tatiana Tatarinova
Taylor Family,
Benji, 8
Taylor Family,
Ayanami, 7
Thomas Family, Hugh, 7
Thomas Family, Katherine, 7
Thordarson Family, Dean, 7
Bergstein Family,
Theodore, 7
Trautwein Family, Edith, 8
Trevisan Family, Eva, 6
Turfe Family,
Michael, 6
Kami Turrou
Tzung Family,
Shelby, 7
Urbach Family,
Valentine Family, Dean & William, 8 & 6
Vaughn Family,
Luke, 8
Vazirani Family
Villarreal Family
Wallin Family Alyssa, 7
Weitz Family,
Laurel, 6
Wen Family,
Daniel, 7
White Family,
Laura, 8
Mary Williams,
Gus Wortman, 7
Winter family,
Grace, 7
Wlodek Family, Sophia, 6
Wolodarsky Family, Imogene, 6
Wootton Family, Jackson, 6
Wunder Family, Zachary, 7
Yamada Family, Kohnosuke, 7
Yang Family,
Andrew, 6
Yang Family,
Brian, 6
Zabrucky Family, Matteo, 8
Zahn Family,
Lucas, 6
Zhang Family,
Judith, 6
Jason, 7
Ziskin Family,
Sophia, 6