Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE - Friday, May 15, 2015 a+RPHRIWKH:HHNa RevereTV Spotlight 6DXJXV3HUIHFWO\ PDLQWDLQHG URRP 5DQFK RIIHUV VSDFLRXV OLYLQJ URRP ZLWK EXLOWLQ EDU XSGDWHGNLWFKHQZLWKGLQLQJDUHDWZREHGURRPV RIÀFHZLWKEXLOWLQVDQGIUHQFKGRRUVWREULJKW DQGVXQQ\ÀUVWÁRRUIDPLO\URRPZLWKYDXOWHG FHLOLQJÀQLVKHGURRPLQORZHUOHYHOXSGDWHG KHDWZLQGRZVDQGFHQWUDODLUIUHVKO\SDLQWHG H[WHULRU OHYHO ORW ZLWK VWRUDJH VKHG JUHDW ORFDWLRQMXVWRXWVLGHRI6DXJXV&HQWHURQGHDG HQGVWUHHW 2IIHUHGDW &HQWUDO6WUHHW 6DXJXV0$ 9LHZWKHLQWHULRU RIWKLVKRPH ULJKWRQ\RXU VPDUWSKRQH 9LHZDOORXUOLVWLQJVDW&DUSHQLWR5HDO(VWDWHFRP T V News" has surprised viewers with a new episode this week! That makes for a new episode two weeks in a row, instead of the usual bi-weekly schedule. This week, Debbie Peczka is our solo anchor. Peczka brings some new and important information to this episode. Some stories touch on topics like ongoing developments in the city, future road closures, law ordinances to be aware of, and so much more. At the end of the show, be sure to pay close attention to the many upcoming events Peczka talks about to get involved in community events, especially as the weather gets warmer. "RTV News" is set to air on channel 8 every Wednesday and Friday at 6pm, and Sundays at 5pm. You can also find this episode and all other programs produced by RevereTV on our YouTube page. Are you familiar with the "R new Massachusetts General Law 40U that will be enforced in Revere? Mayor Dan Rizzo, 40U Hearings Officer, Bob Marra, and D'Ambrosio Brown LLP, Peter Brown, were in the RevereTV studio to talk about it. When enforced, 40U is a fine ticketed for unsettling or damaged property throughout the city. Check out the full chat to grasp a better understanding of the city ordinance related to this law here, or find it playing on Revere City Channel 9 for the next few weeks. Some of our community members have been in and out of the RTV studio this week! Specifically, Joe Fortunato, who volunteered and produced "Eye on Revere: Revere Youth Baseball and Softball Fun 2015." This program is coverage of the annual parade by St. Mary's Youth Baseball and Softball League. The teams REVERE TV | SEE PAGE 17 REVERE ARRESTS Tuesday, May 5 Sameh M. Sayed, 20, of 83 Endicott Ave., Revere was charged with an arrest warrant. Jessica A. DeConinck, 23, of 418 Revere Beach Pkwy., Revere was charged with sexual conduct for a fee. Wednesday, May 6 Jose M. Alecea, 29, of 391 Mountain Ave., Revere was charged with malicvious destruction of property over $250. Adil Azmani, 31, of 541 Revere St., Revere was charged with indecent assault & battery on a person 14 or over; and rape. Thursday, May 7 Napoleon T. Howard, 45, of 133 Mooreland St., Fall River was charged with an arrest warrant. Friday, May 8 Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Franklin A. Frustaglia, 77, of 418 Revere Beach Pkwy., Revere was charged with assault & battery. Kelly A. Soye, 47, of 44 Cambridge St., Revere was charged with shoplifting by asportation. A 16 year-old Juvenile was charged with shoplifting by asportation. A 14 year-old Juvenile was charged with shoplifting by asportation. Saturday, May 9 No arrests were reported. Sunday, May 10 Hacene Mezri, 55, of 13 Cottage St., Everett was charged with two arrest warrants. Adolpho Lima, 38, of 38 Sumner St., Revere was charged with assault & battery on a police officer; resisting arrest; and carrying a dangerous weapon. Monday, May 11 Serxhio Mucollari, 23, of 47 South St., Quincy was charged with disorderly conduct; assault & battery on a police officer; and resisting arrest. Ariel O. Velasquez, 22, of 52 Abruzzi St., Revere was charged with trespassing. Beyanca A. Mardigras, 24, of 192 Bruce St., Lawrence was charged with trespassing; and an arrest warrant. Joyellen Gray, 52, of 144 Fenno St., Revere was charged with shoplifting $100+ by asportation. Joshua A. Perez, 22, of 395 Mountain Ave., Revere was charged with possession to distribute a Class D drug, subsequent offense. Larry A. Tatum, 26, of 1662 North Shore Rd., Revere was charged with operating a motor vehicle with revoked or suspended license; possession of an open container of alcohol in motor vehicle; and possession of a Class D drug. A 16 year-old Juvenile was charged with assault & battery.
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