Oberthur Primary School Nicholls Crescent BULL CREEK WA 6149 Phone: 93323212 Fax: 93328273 NEWSLETTER 18th December 2014 No 21. Term 4 Dear Parents, Community, Teachers, Students and Welcome to Week 10 Term 4 COMING EVENTS Year 6 Graduation P&C Meeting (celebration) Year 7 Graduation ANOTHER FANTASTIC OBERTHUR YEAR! 2014 has turned out to be another stellar year! The students have done us all proud yet again. They have stepped up and performed at high levels in so many areas including: academic performance, competitions, choir, instrumental music, Chinese dance, Wushu, Edu-dance, swimming, athletics, sport, Chinese Study Tour, camps, excursions, etc, etc. Thank you so much to the P&C executive and members whose commitment and sheer hard work has resulted in terrific social events and fundraising that contributes to the whole school. Thanks also to the School Board members who have given their time freely to help guide the school’s directions and development. Sincere thanks to all Oberthur staff who strive incessantly to provide the best opportunities for all students to achieve to their potential. Have a wonderful holiday season and join us once again in 2015. Students commence on 2nd February. SURVEYS Thank you to the families who took part in the recent Parent Survey. We have received a preliminary report, which gives us some interesting information to assist our forward planning. A full report will be presented to the School Board in February. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The next Board meeting is on Tuesday 10th February at 7.30pm in the conference room. P&C MEETING The next meeting of the P&C is on Tuesday 17th February at 7.30pm in the staffroom. Come and join the first meeting for 2015. All parents are welcome. AWARDS – EDUDANCE ASSEMBLY The Edudance and Awards assembly on Friday 12th December was absolutely terrific. Congratulations to all award winners. Thanks to Mr J and the Edudance staff for a terrific program. REPORTS Most reports were distributed on Monday 15th December. If parents have any queries, please contact class teachers before Thursday. 8.50am 7.30pm 8.50am Tues 16 Dec Tues 16 Dec Thurs 18 Dec Last Day of Term Four Thurs 18 Dec Class lists & Uniform Shop Fri 30 Jan 2015 First Day of Term One 2015 Mon 2 Feb 2015 YEAR SIX GRADUATION The first ever group of Year 6 students to graduate enjoyed their special ceremony on Tuesday. It was a terrific celebration and we thank all guests and parents and the teachers involved. Best wishes to all Year 6 students for a smooth transition to high school education. YEAR 7 GRADUATION The last ever group of Year 7 students will graduate today, 18th December commencing at 8.50am. We wish them a wonderful high school experience. SCHOOL APP – Please subscribe Oberthur’s smartphone app is now available for free download from App Store or Android Market (just search for “Oberthur PS”). Newsletters are available on the app and there are links to the school website and other links. We are now able to send notifications direct to parents phones. CHAPLAIN As you may be aware, we were unsuccessful in our application to continue the Chaplain Program for the next two years. Due to a change in Federal Government funding and policy we are one of 100 public primary schools to have lost funding. We are endeavouring to negotiate to continue the program but we will need to raise funds to enable the program to continue and to retain Gerda’s services in 2015. We will try to keep you up to date with developments. ATTENDANCE IN 2015 School commences for students on Monday 2nd February. If families are expecting to arrive back from holidays later than this we will need a letter of advice as we can only count the number of students attending school by the 12th February, when we complete the electronic census. This is most important as it affects our total funding for 2015. Your cooperation is appreciated. STAFFING Nicole Campbell has taken over Area 9 for Term Four and done a great job. Chia Ooi has relieved in Area 5 for three terms. Divya Thomas has worked part-time in various areas during the last two years. We thank you all for your contributions and wish you well for the future. Also leaving for full-time work is He Jing, our advanced Chinese Assistant, thank you for your hard work. Stephanie Tredinnick will be taking family leave for 2015 and we wish her well in that endeavour. Chez Greig will be relieving at Wandering Primary School for next year. Paula Yates has been an important part of the school’s development over many years and she will be on leave for all of 2015 and possibly beyond. There are not enough words to convey our appreciation for all you have done. Best wishes for a great time ahead. Tracey Lewis has contributed to the school as a parent, P&C President and member, as well as an employee is also leaving us at the end of the year. Thank you so much for your many contributions. In 2015 we welcome back Mr Don McLeish in a part-time role. Mrs Vita Velletri will take a role in the Year 2 Immersion Program next year. Mrs Jakinta Durell and Mrs Sharon Grant will be additions to the staff for 2015. Hannah Smith will take Music for next year. We welcome you all. STUDENTS 2015 If any families are moving away for 2015 it would be most helpful if we know of any students who will not return for next year. If this applies to you it would be great if you could advise the office or your child’s teacher. Early planning of our class structure is essential to ensure appropriate placements. Thank you for your cooperation. PARKING ISSUES Please do not park on corners, at intersections, in No Standing zones or half on verges. It creates dangerous situations. Please remember to update your family details, including email address, by contacting the front office or advising of changes by email to connie.parfitt@education.wa.edu.au Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Enjoy your break! Tim Bamber, Principal The next Virtue we will be working on: RELIABILITY: Reliability means that others can depend on you to keep your commitments. Reliability is doing something that you have agreed to do in a predictable way, without forgetting or having to be reminded. WATER WISE PROGRAM Soak lawns every few days instead of a small amount every day. Small amounts of water are more likely to evaporate before penetrating the soil. You’ll also help your lawn become more drought resistant and develop a strong root system. WASTE FREE WEDNESDAY The Oberthur Primary School Litter Busting Committee is concerned with the amount of litter around our school. As a result we are encouraging students to participate in a Waste Free Wednesday in Term 4. • • CLASS LISTS 2015 Class lists will be displayed on the south side of the Conference Room on Friday, 30th January at 1pm. Please check later in the newsletter for Uniform Shop times at the start of next year. LOST PROPERTY Please check the Lost Property basket in the Undercover Area. Parents - to assist with the redistribution of lost property please ensure jumpers, hats and other clothing are clearly named. EARLY ARRIVALS Any students who arrive at school before 8.30am must sit quietly on the benches outside the staff room. Students are encouraged to bring their Crunch & Sip, recess and lunch in waste free packaging including reusable plastic containers. The Litter Busting Team will go around and give out prizes for students with waste free lunches. SCHOOL BANKING School Banking will be on Thursday 18th December from 8.15am to 8.45am. GIFT AND TALENTED SECONDARY SELECTIVE ENTRANCE PROGRAMS If your child is going into Year 6 next year, applications are now open for entry into Year 7 in 2016. Limited places may also be available for children going into Years 9, 10 and 11 in 2016. Applications for these elite program close Monday 9 February 2015. For more information Phone 9264 4307 Email: gate@education.wa.edu.au or visit www.education.wa.edu.au/giftedandtalented P & C NEWS Any queries please feel free to contact the P&C at email: oberthurpnc@gmail.com Oberthur Primary School Parents And Citizens Association (Inc.) Uniform Shop www.oberthurpandc.org.au How Do I Purchase Uniforms? OPTION 1: • Purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop located in the Middle Wet Area (near Areas 5 to 8) during scheduled opening times (listed below). OPTION 2: • Place your completed order form and payment in the box at the front office. • Payment can be made by cheque made payable to “Oberthur Primary School P&C” or cash (correct amount preferred). • Orders will be processed weekly and delivered to your child’s classroom. If items are unavailable or on back-order, you will be notified by text or email. 2015 OPENING TIMES – TERM 1 Friday 30th January 2015 3.00pm - 4.30pm Wednesday 4th February 2015 2.40pm - 3.15pm Wednesday 18th February 2015 2.40pm - 3.15pm Wednesday 4th March 2015 2.40pm - 3.15pm Wednesday 18th March 2015 2.40pm - 3.15pm Wednesday 1st April 2015 2.40pm - 3.15pm ST. THOMAS MORE CATHOLIC CHURCH Enrolments for classes will be on Wednesday 4th February 2015 between 4pm and 5pm. For enquiries please contact Jenny Figliomeni on 9310 1747 or 0435 695 399. MELVILLE AQUATIC CENTRE ‘Come & See, Come & Try’ Synchro Swimming session at the Melville Aquatic Centre during the last week of the upcoming holidays. The girls: Make new friends, Develop communication skills, Water safety awareness, Improve rhythm and coordination, Explore creativity, Enhance cognitive and proprioceptive skills, Have fun being active in a positive environment Experienced Synchronised Swimmers will demonstrate routines and skills in the water, and then be on deck to help the coaches teach the novice swimmers who turn up on the day. There is no need to book – simply come along! Wednesday January 28th 2pm - 4pm For more information www.synchrowa.com TENNIS LESSONS SCHOOL HOLIDAY CLINIC 3.00pm to 4.30pm 2.40pm to 3.15pm 2.40pm to 3.15pm 2.40pm to 3.15pm 2.40pm to 3.15pm 2.40pm to 3.15pm 2.40pm to 3.15pm In order for the P&C to offer this service, we rely completely on the generosity of volunteers. Please be thoughtful of this when placing your orders. If you are available to help, please do contact us! COMMUNITY NEWS LEEMING DENTAL THERAPY CENTRE Will be closed from 18th December for the School Holidays. In a Dental Emergency please phone the following clinics: Bannister Creek DTC 18/12/14 8:00am–4:00pm 9451 1761 Caralee DTC 19/12/14 8:00am–4:00pm 9337 6818 Mt Henry DTC 22/12/14–23/1/15 8:15am–4:30pm 9313 0552 (Excluding week ends and public holidays) Caralee DTC 27/1/15–30/1/15 8:00am–4:00pm 9337 6818 Outside of these hours please phone 9325 3452 We will re-open Monday 2/2/2015 at 8:15am Thanks you and have a Happy Christmas EXCUSES 2 EXERCISE Kids are welcome to come and do a mini Bootcamp Bootcamp too. Immersion Program Newsletter Semester 2, 2014 Dear Parents, The extension of the Chinese Immersion Program into Year One this year has demonstrated increased student success in raising the bar of knowledge and understanding of Chinese Mandarin through a continuation of six and a half hours of curriculum content delivered in Mandarin each week. Including the three new Pre-primary classes, we have had seven classes involved in the Immersion Program, a total of 166 students. Next year in 2015 we extend the program into four Year Two classes with 6.5 hours and this will mean a total of ten classes and an estimated 240 students involved in the program. The program will continue to include Science, Chinese Literacy, Maths and some other areas delivered in Mandarin. The students have been so receptive and have enjoyed the Chinese aspect of the learning program, which has resulted in them exceeding all our expectations in Chinese language learning. There has been a lot of interest from outside of the school and several visits for teachers from other schools and sectors have been organised during the year. Mrs Zhang, Mrs Farrell and I were invited to present sessions at this year’s Modern Language Teachers Association State Conference in September. We also recently had a visit to the school by the Minster for Education, Peter Collier accompanied by the Member for Bateman, Matt Taylor. The Minister was impressed by Oberthur and the achievements of our students across the school. He also said that he found the Chinese Immersion Program students were awesome and he praised the teachers and students for a fantastic job. I need to thank Mrs Zhang, our Chinese Language Coordinator, the Chinese Immersion teachers, the classroom teachers and assistants for a terrific collaborative effort. We also thank our wonderful, supportive parents for their support of this innovative and unique program. Best wishes Tim Bamber, Principal Pre-primary Immersion in 2014 In the six and half hours per week face to face “Chinese only” sessions, students have learned fundamental movement skills, obstacle course in the yard, Chinese language and culture, as well as some mathematics lessons in Chinese. Their speaking and listening is very impressive, students can respond to daily classroom greetings, instructions and questions. They can also recite dates of the week, the weather chart and count in tens in the target language. The wonderful family tree that the kids made is a good example of integrated learning of Chinese and History. To mirror the English literacy, students are also encouraged to read simple Chinese books and learn basic Chinese characters through reading comprehension. Our young learners in Pre primary have shown great enthusiasm and confidence in classes. You can hear not only the students but the teachers, assistants, and the parents speaking Chinese sometimes!. Overall, Pre-Primary students have had a great kick off in this first year bilingual program. Quotes from students: “ I like to sing songs in Chinese!” – Aiden PP3 “ I like to write Chinese words because I can write them!” – Denise PP2 “ Bingo game is my favourite Chinese activity because I know all of them? – Yi Lin – PP1 Year 1 Immersion in 2014 It has been a busy and fruitful year for the Year One Immersion Class in 2014. Year One classes and Immersion teachers have been working collaboratively to ensure that the program delivers the newly implemented Australian Curriculum effectively and efficiently. Students have learnt measurement and geometry, data, science, visual arts and Chinese literacy during Chinese Immersion lessons. It is extremely encouraging to see how much students have improved this year, not just in their language skills but also their abilities to achieve standards stated in the Australian Curriculum, despite learning the concepts in Chinese. With 2014 coming to an end soon, the Chinese Immersion Assembly serves as a great platform for students to communicate in Chinese to the wider public. Students have been practising enthusiastically and singing to their family members, even teaching their siblings the songs. It has certainly been a rewarding year and we are all looking forward to seeing your child continue to enjoy learning while stimulating different parts of their brain in 2015. SNAP SHOTS FROM THE IMMERSION PROGRAM 2014 PP1Maths time with the Hon Minister Collier and Mr Matt Taylor MLA Member of Bateman PP3 matchstick words Area 1 asking the Hon Minister Collier questions PP2 Chinese calligraphy fun Area 2 Learning Science “Season Changes” Area 4 Visual Arts and Chinese rhymes Area 3 Maths “ Times” in action
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