Jan. 30, 1,923. HF % 0O. W W. IHZNEZ. 01 ir8Mm 933, F .wba-?mW/ .4 k. 98 F 3 “II..14- wah,’ _ ’ InvenTor ‘Fred A. PuTnum 1 bymwkm Anya. Patented Jan. 30; 1923. i M43328 . ' .1 tiNirt > rnnn A. .PUTN'AM, or KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, assrenon To MARKEM ‘MACHINE . v - comranv, or BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, aconronnrronor Massnonnsnrrs; 7 TYPE wnnnnf ; Application ?led Apri122, iézgtsein No.- 556,055. To (ZZZ whom 2'17’ may concern: . . I Be it known that I, FRED A. PUTNAM, a citizen of the United States, and resident of Keene, county of Cheshire, State ‘of New 5 Hampshire, have invented an Improvement " Fig. 3‘ is a ‘section on the‘ line 3-43, Fig. 2. I Fig. dis a perspective View of‘ one ofthe type blocks removed. , ' I ' i Fig. 5 is a perspective View of thef'endof onev ofthe type-carrying arms.‘ 7 in Type Wheels, of which the following de scription, in connection with the accompany ing drawing, is a speci?cation, like charac¢ 10 ._ M Fig. 16' is‘ an under side perspective view of the type block.__ . '\_ __ ' ' 60 " The type wheelf'herein shown comprises ters on the drawing representing like parts. a. body portion '1 which may‘have any suit-' ‘This invention relates'to type wheels for able shape .dependlngon the construction of , ’ ' 65 use in those printing or marking machines the ‘marking‘machine with‘which ‘it is used. , that have a pluralityof independently-Each This body portion 1 is provided'with' a ‘plué‘ justable type'wheels each bearing a plurality rality' of‘ radially-extending arms 2 'each} of type characters, an example of such mark adaptedto support a‘ type character. The ' ing machine being found in United States type characters areformed on type blocks‘ 70 Patents No. 15181365 and No. 1,131,959, both 3 which aresecured to the ends of the arms dated March 16, 1915. p . I . Q?a'nd the construction is preferably such One of'the objects of my present 1nven-' that thetype blocks 3 can be removed from tion is to provide‘ a type wheel of this char the arms in 7 order vto permit them to be acter which'is constructed so that the type replaced by newtype blocks: Each type are separable‘ from the'bo‘dy of the wheel. bloclrhas on its outer ‘face a type ‘character 4. One advantage of this construction. is that These‘ "type blocks mayv be made in )7 any way. if it is‘ desired for any reason to change one or more of the type characters of anytype without ‘ departing from ' the "invention. ' ‘ They might be made'as die castingsor the wheel, such change can be effected by simply type-characters‘ Zl-fmay'be engraved or cut 80» removing the type characters which are not thereon by any suitable means. In any desired and substituting therefor othertype event the material of'which'the' type blocks 3 ' characters. In some, type wheels: the type are made will preferably be hard and ‘strong characters are cast integral with thexwheel so thatthey'will stand up vunder hard and and, of course, where this construction is employed the only way to eli'ect‘a change in continuous vusage. ' ' ' ' ' ' 85 ' . In order to anchor'th‘e type blocks v3lito " one or more of theitype ‘characters on the’ thearms 2 I propose to form in the end‘ of wheel is to provide anew type wheel. eacharin 2'crossing groovesfand'to provide Another advantage which is derived from the typeblock with corresponding ribs and this construction is that the type characters tongues to ?t the grooves. vBy having the. 90 40 can be made from a relatively ‘hard material tongues and grooves crossing each other or which will withstand the wear to which extending in different directions they serve they are subjected, while the body of the to anchor the type block in place and pre type wheel can be made of'a material which vent it from lateral movement in any di- i while suitable for the body of the wheel rection. ‘ 95 might not be suitable for the type characters. in the construction herein each arm 2 is 6ther objects of the inventionv are to'im provided with a groove or'slot 5 extending prove type wheels all as will be more fully transversely therelacross and-is also provided ' hereinafter set forth. 45 _ ' with another groove or slot 6 extending , 100' ' In order to, give an understanding of the thereacross in another direction,'preferably invention 1 have illustrated in the drawings in a direction of the'plane of the type wheel. a selected embodiment thereof which will One‘ of-these grooves is shown'as deeper 50 now be described after which the novel fea than the other7 although this is not essential. > tures will be pointed out in the appended In this construction the groove or slot 5 is claims. ‘ ‘ - Fig. 1 is a side view of a typewheel em bodylng the invention. deeper than the groove 6. . . _ The type block 3 is formed with an in wardly-extending tongue 8‘ of a size to ?t Fig. 2 is a sectional view of one of the the slot 5. ‘and is also provided with a rib 9 j type-carrying arms of the type wheel show of a. shape and size to fit the groove 6. The ' mg the type block in position thereon. tongue and the rib intersect each other and 11 o. » 1,443,928 because the tongue 8 is larger than the rib‘ thereon or may be‘made in any‘ other ‘way. 9, said rib will appear as two ‘separated The ‘typeeblocks are all interchangeable so sections situated on opposite vsides of the ‘that if it is desirable at any time to change the nrder ‘of the ‘type icharatters ‘or to pro" . _ Each type block is retained in place by a vide 'di‘?er'e'n't type "characters, the type locking pin 10 which extends transversely blocks can be readily removed and new ones ' through the arm 2, the wall of the slot '5 and" "inserted which will have the proper orde ton'gne%8~. one face of the tongueh8 each being provided. or the desired type characters. ' > with a groove'll to receive the ‘pin; lWh‘e'n ‘ While l have 'il‘lifi's’trated herein a selected ‘ the parts are assembled the two grooves 11 embodiment of the invention I do not wish to form an opening extending transversely be limited to the constructional teatiilr‘es throng'h the arm into which the pin 10 may be‘ driven, ' ' In assemblingthe typeblock with the type wheel, said block'will be inserted in its place wit'hfthe tongue '8 ?tting into the slot 5 and the ribsections 9 ?tting into the groovev 6, after which; the locking pin 10 will be driven into the aligned grooves 11. The '20 rib sections 9 hold each type block from shown. ' I claim. ‘ . 1. A type wheel having a‘ plurality of ra- " ’ dlal ‘type Carrying ?ring Bach provided at" its end with two crossing grooves, and type ‘blocks. carried by said arms and each ha‘v-l .60 ing tongues and ribs?t't'ing said grooves,‘ 2. In a type wheel, the combinationwith a body portion having fa‘plurality of radial“ ‘ movement transversely of the arm 2 and the arms each'proyided'rwith 'a ‘slot extending ‘tongue 8 holds the block from movement across the end thereof in one direction an _. a 65 groove extending across ,‘the ‘end thereof 'i in , in a direction tangentially of the wheel.‘ With this ‘construction it is possible to ‘another direction, oi _~type blocks carried ‘ make the body of the type wheel of arell by said arms, each,v block; having a tongue atively *cheap metal which, while having all to ?t the slot and a rib to'lit the groove, ‘and the characteristics necessary for the body of means for locking theblocks t‘o'the aims}: 3. In a type wheel, the combination with ' acteri'stics’ for the type characters,v and to a body portion having radially-‘extending make the type blocks of another kind ‘of arms, each having in its end a slot extending material which is better suited vfor making transversely thereof and a‘ groove of less > of type characters. In a type wheel having depth than’ the slot extending, at an angle this construction the type characters can be thereto, of type blockscarried by said arms 70 the wheel, does not have the proper char, 75 made of a material which will withstand the ‘each having a' tongue‘ fitting the slot andfa ‘ wear to which, they are subjected while the rib, ?tting the groove, one wall of each, ‘slot body of the type wheel can, be made of a and the tongue ?ttingsaid slot‘ each having In this way a a groove therein, which grooves are ‘aligned -‘ type wheel of the highest quality, so far when the, block is in place, and'a locking as service is concerned, can be produced at in said aligned grooves. less expensive material. 40 relatively small cost’. 7 v c The type blocks can be made as die cast ings or may be made of steel which is en graved’ or out to form the‘ type characters In testimony whereof, I have signed name to ‘this specification, . _ ‘ _ ‘FRED A. Permit.’ , J'
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