SATURDAY EVENING WORSHIP DISCOVER THE VITAL 4-G NETWORK at Bridgeport United Methodist Church As the body of Christ we Gather, Grow, Glorify, and Go forth to share the good news of Christ. Invite others to share in these upcoming services: December 27 January 3 January 10 SATURDAY EVENINGS 6:15 PM Visions of Shepherds Rev. Steve Engle Be Nice, or Else! Rev. Jim Lang Land of Beginning Again Rev. Steve Engle SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM December 28 A Full House is Hard to Beat Rev. Steve Engle January 4 Gifts for the New Year Rev. Ken Ramsey January 11 The Three T’s of Spiritual Power Rev. Ken Ramsey December 20, 2014 Bridgeport United Methodist Church 6:15 PM BRINGING IN THE LIGHT PRELUDE AND GATHERING MUSIC LITANY OF THE ADVENT CANDLES December 21 2014 † 8:30 AM & 10:45 AM Carla Engle Cheryl Soltesz, Coordinator of Youth Ministries Rev. Steve Engle INVOCATION THE LORD’S PRAYER *HYMN Joy to the World UMH 246 *WORDS AND ACTS OF WELCOME THE WORSHIP OF GOD IN GIVING O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Ashley Driscoll, cello SCRIPTURE LESSON John 1:6-8, 19-28 SPECIAL MUSIC Mary, Did You Know? Jennifer Cole MESSAGE Finding Your Way in a Hurried World Rev. Ken Ramsey INVITATION TO PRAYER AND COMMITMENT *HYMN Angels We Have Heard on High UMH 238 *TAKING THE LIGHT INTO THE WORLD *SENDING FORTH *POSTLUDE FWS-Faith We Sing Hymnal UMH-United Methodist Hymnal † Tonight's Offertory is in memory of Kenneth Kincaid. Come to Sunday School There are classes offered for all age levels children through adult. Sunday School Coordinator is Jennifer Randolph. The classes will be held in the following rooms. 3 Year & 4 Year Pre K Room 26 (must be 3 years old by Sept. 1) Janelta Curtis Kindergarten & 1st Grade Room 31 Ginny Vincent 2nd Grade Room 29 Lyn Hathaway 3rd & 4th Grades Room 50 Melanie Groves 5th Grade Room 52 Nancy Helmick Mid-High (6th-8th grades) Room 11 Trey Hornor Senior High (9th-12th Grades) Room 10 Mark Allen One of our shared responsibilities as a community of faith is to care for one another. If you know of a member who is hospitalized or needs congregational care in some way, please notify the Church. If we know about the situation, our Pastoral Care Staff can respond appropriately. It would also be much appreciated if you take a moment and send a card of compassion and care. Thank you for helping us care for one another. BRIDGEPORT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH STAFF Dr. Ken Ramsey, Senior Pastor † Rev. Steve Engle, Minister of Discipleship, Program & Hospitality † Rev. Jim Lang, Minister of Teaching & Pastoral Care † Sarah Carr Parsons, Director of Music Ministry † Rev. George Bramble, Pastoral Care Jennifer Randolph, Coordinator of Sunday School † Carla Engle, Coordinator of Vaca/on Bible School † Cheryl Soltesz, Coordinator of Youth Ministry † Tyler Sprouse, Student Minister † Larry Parsons, Organist † Christy Hickman, Treasurer † Gloria Morris, Kim Kapp, Administra/ve Staff † Polly Steele, Director of Preschool † Becky Thornton, Director of Joyful Noise A4erschool Program † Bill Furbee, Keith Mackey, Dorothy Prunty, Facili/es 251 Worthington Drive, Bridgeport, WV Fourth Sunday of Advent GOD’S PEOPLE GATHER TO CELEBRATE: THE PROMISE OF GOD THAT SHINES FORTH GATHERING MUSIC Carla Engle GREETING Please sign the attendance register PRELUDE O Come, O Come, Emmanuel arr. John Schmitt Ashley Driscoll, cello BRINGING IN THE LIGHT AND THE WORD Christmas Eve Services Invite someone to join you! All of our Saturday evening (6:15) and Sunday morning (8:30 & 10:45) Worship Services will be filled with uplifting music, inspiring messages, and the litany of the Advent candles. December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Services 6:00 PM Family Service with candle lighting and living nativity 8:30 PM Worship with candle lighting and Holy Communion 11:00 PM Worship with special music, full choirs, and candle lighting. The Symbol of God’s Presence ADVENT CANDLE CELEBRATION IN LITANY AND SONG: LOVE Where the Promise Shines (All Sing) Lead us on, lead us on to a morning where the promise shines. (repeat) LITANY Cheryl Soltesz, Coordinator of Youth Ministries Leader: Advent is a time to reawaken our longings. People: God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. Leader: We longed for the silence to be broken and the light to shine in darkness. People: God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son! Leader: Today we light the candle of love. God’s love is poured out for all of us gathered here! People: In the person and work of Jesus, God is at work drawing us near with an amazing love. INVOCATION (in unison) Rev. Steve Engle God of Grace, You so loved the world that You gave Your only Son to all. He is the true gift of Advent, shining forth Your glory and grace. We pray that You would shine forth Your hope, peace, joy and love within our world today. In the name of Jesus, who taught us to pray: THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (All stand and sing: Where the Promise Shines) *HYMN OF PRAISE Angels We Have Heard On High *WORDS AND ACTS OF WELCOME UMH 238 SERVICE OF CHRISTIAN BAPTISM Mark and Meredith Veltri present their daughter, Vaughn Lee Veltri, for baptism. RESPONSE God Claims You Vaughn Lee , God claims you, God helps you, protects you, and loves you, too. Verse 1: We this day do all agree a child of God you’ll always be. We your family love you so, we vow to help your faith to grow. THE PURPOSE OF GOD THAT CALLS FORTH THE WORSHIP OF GOD IN GIVING OFFERTORY ANTHEM The Work of Christmas (words on next page) 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM SUNDAY Worship Sunday School Worship Service 9:00 AM 7:00 PM MONDAY Preventicare Advent Study Nursery Library 9:30 AM TUESDAY Staff Meeting/devotions/communion Fowler Heritage Room 6:00 PM 8:30 PM 11:00 PM WEDNESDAY Family Christmas Service Service of Holy Communion Christmas Eve Service Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary FWS 2249 Refrain: Verse 2: OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK (December 21 - December 28) Dan Forest request cards and offer prayers of intercession at the altar) Old 100th UMH 95 FRIDAY Office Closed UMH 229 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Sanctuary THURSDAY Office Closed Merry Christmas! (During the offertory, prayer stewards will collect your prayer *DOXOLOGY *DEDICATION *HYMN Sanctuary (10:45 Children K-2nd Grade may leave for Children’s Church. Please meet with your leader in the back of the Sanctuary.) 6:15 PM SATURDAY Saturday Evening Worship Sanctuary THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN WORD THAT SPEAKS FORTH SUNDAY SCRIPTURE LESSON December 28 Luke 1:26-38 THE WORD IN MUSIC My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout Mary’s Hymn Irish Carol MESSAGE CHORAL RESPONSE Christmas Secrets Rev. Ken Ramsey Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming/The Rose Craig Hella Johnson INVITATION TO PRAYER AND COMMITMENT THE POWER OF GOD THAT SENDS US FORTH *HYMN OF RESPONSE Good Christian Friends, Rejoice UMH 224 *TAKING THE LIGHT IN THE WORLD *SENDING FORTH *POSTLUDE Dancing Day Rosalie Bonighton 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM Worship Sunday School Worship Sanctuary Sanctuary THE WORK OF CHRISTMAS When the song of angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, to heal the broken, To feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among brothers, To make music from the heart. Text by Howard Thurman (1899-1981) Those participating in the service: Narrators and Soloists: Rebecca Cobb, Shelby Whiteman, Grace Musgrave Angel-Diane Whiteman, Mary-Leigh Hornor Guitar-Mike Hess Flute-Kaitlin Exline 10:45 AM-Advent Song, Jeanna & Cole Carder The Rose Quartet; Hannah Hamilton, Kristen Sappington, Rosie Wilson, and Molly Summers Greeters: Jennifer & Maggie Walker † Ron & Shirley Prince 8:30 Infant Nursery: Amber Barr 10:45 Infant Nursery: Amber Barr, Sarah Barr 2, 3, & 4 Year Old Nursery: Jennifer Randolph, Cathy Hamilton Saturday Evening Ushers: John Dawkins, Dennis Hathaway, Phil Dye 8:30 AM Ushers: Penni Day Rexrode, Norma Ladd, John Wilson, Vicki Baker, Tim Flint 10:45 AM Ushers: Chuck Steele, Terry Cole, Phil Stalnaker, Tom Hamilton, Steve McClain, Mark Allen Counters: Jeff White, Paul Fulks, Greg Moore Christian Sympathy to Lillian Curry on the death of her husband, James Curry. YOUTH Opportunity- The United Methodist Men have invited the youth WATCH BRIDGEPORT UNITED to go to the WVU Men's Basketball game against Virginia Tech Tuesday, METHODIST CHURCH ONLINE A new ministry has been launched mak- December 30 at 2:00 pm. The Men will cover the cost for any youth going. ing it possible for our Worship Service to be watched online. The service is now Tickets are available for parents wishstreamed live at 10:45 AM, on Sundays, ing to join in the fun for $10. Call or text Cheryl Soltesz at 304.203.5160 to reand is archived online for later viewing serve a ticket. as well. Share this with persons you know who are out of town or unable to SISTERS BIBLE STUDY meets attend our Worship Service in person. Visit the Church Website at Fridays at 11:30 AM in the Fowler and click on Heritage Room. They will begin a six the “Watch Online” link or go to week study by Rick Warren entitled, “40 Days in the Word: Love the Word. Learn the Word. Live the Word,” bridgeportumc beginning Jan. 16. Call Penny Gage at 304.677.6190 for more details. THURSDAY EVENING WOMENS STUDY GROUP SHEPHERDS CORNER COLLECTION will be next Sunday. A new study is being explored for the new year. Meanwhile, for those who are You may drop off any non-perishable interested in prayer and informal discus- items in the basket in the Narthex. sion, Jill Steele and others will still be Thanks. gathering on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. (excluding holidays) All are welcome! Watch Online MARK YOUR CALENDARS! MISSION TRIP June 22-27, 2015 to St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center, Seabrook Island, SC . Mid High (must have completed 6th grade) thru Adult. MORE INFO COMING SOON WANT TO BEAT LES HOWARD AT HIS OWN GAME? Sign up for the 1st Annual BUMC Chili Cook Off on Jan. 4, following the 10:45 AM Service. Cooks can enter by signing up on the sign up sheet in the Narthex. We are looking for 12 chefs to be judged by the people and a prestigious panel of judges. — 8:30 Service Childcare - infants-5 years, Nursery, hallway by back Chapel 10:45 Service Childcare - infants-2 years, Nursery, hallway by back Chapel 10:45 Service Childcare for 2, 3 & 4 yr. olds, Educ. Bldg. - 1st room on right Children's Ac2vity Packets available on table in the back of the Sanctuary 10:45 Children’s Church - ages 5-2nd grade, Children’s Church Room Large Print Hymnals at main entrance to the Sanctuary Extra Copies of Our NewsleAer, “Steeple Talk” available in the Narthex Prayer Cards to indicate special concerns are located in the pew racks DVD’s ($1) of the 10:45 AM Worship Service. Call the Church Office 842.6284 Van Transporta2on available for 10:45 AM Worship. Call the Church Office 842.6284 A NEW JUNIOR CIRCLE (ages 8-12) of the United Methodist Women is being formed. Jordan Groves is our young leader, guided by Miss Debi and Miss Melanie. All are invited to sign up on the Web Page: bulletin board (after discussion with Email: parents). This is a great opportunity to grow in faith and service. OUR SPEICAL CHRISTMAS OFFERING helps greatly as we near the end of the year. Envelopes are in the pews or you can simply label a regular envelope, “Christmas Offering”. Thank You. @DrKenRam or @Bridgeportumc Bridgeport UMC
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