SATURDAY EVENING WORSHIP Bridgeport United Methodist Church DISCOVER THE VITAL 4-G NETWORK at Bridgeport United Methodist Church As the body of Christ we Gather, Grow, Glorify, and Go forth to share the good news of Christ. Invite others to share in these upcoming services: SATURDAY EVENINGS 6:15 PM February 28 March 7 March 14 Journey to the Cross The Parentheses of Life Broken Crayons Still Color Rev. Steve Engle Rev. Ken Ramsey Rick Curtis SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM LENTEN SERIES: The Cross: God’s Map and Math for Life March 1 Increasing by Subtraction Rev. Ken Ramsey March 8 The Right Angles of the Cross Rev. Steve Engle March 15 When Life Just Doesn’t Add Up Rev. Ken Ramsey February 21, 2015 251 Worthington Drive, Bridgeport, WV 6:15 PM BRINGING IN THE LIGHT PRELUDE AND GATHERING MUSIC Carla Engle CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Steve Engle *HYMN We Are Called FWS 2172 *INVOCATION *THE LORD’S PRAYER *WORDS AND ACTS OF WELCOME THE WORSHIP OF GOD IN GIVING *HYMN As a Fire Is Meant for Burning FWS 2237 SPECIAL MUSIC Amazing Grace Trio; Charlea Ramsey, Maizze and Gabby Christie SCRIPTURE LESSON Isaiah 6:1-8 MESSAGE A Hoot Owl God Rev. Ken Ramsey INVITATION TO PRAYER AND COMMITMENT *HYMN Here I Am, Lord UMH 593 *TAKING THE LIGHT INTO THE WORLD *SENDING FORTH *POSTLUDE FWS-Faith We Sing Hymnal February 22, 2015 † 8:30 AM & 10:45 AM First Sunday in Lent TheCross: God’sMapand MathforLife. UMH-United Methodist Hymnal Come to Sunday School There are classes offered for all age levels children through adult. Sunday School Coordinator is Jennifer Randolph. The classes will be held in the following rooms. 3 Year & 4 Year Pre K Room 26 (must be 3 years old by Sept. 1) Christa Randolph Kindergarten & 1st Grade Room 31 Patsy Coll 2nd Grade Room 29 Patty Merinar 3rd & 4th Grades Room 50 Stephanie Stewart Susan Deniker 5th Grade Room 52 Debi Douglass Mid-High (6th-8th grades) Room 11 Trey Hornor Senior High (9th-12th Grades) Room 10 Mark Allen One of our shared responsibilities as a community of faith is to care for one another. If you know of a member who is hospitalized or needs congregational care in some way, please notify the Church. If we know about the situation, our Pastoral Care Staff can respond appropriately. It would also be much appreciated if you take a moment and send a card of compassion and care. Thank you for helping us care for one another. WORSHIP OPPORTUNITY in 2015 You are invited to a new Worship Service the second Thursday of each month, at 7 PM, in the Sanctuary. The service combines scripture choruses, worship, and Bible Study. We will begin an in-depth study: Philippians: Practical Faith for Today. Our next service is Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 PM with the title, “How to Have the Mind of Christ.” You're invited to explore this opportunity as a way of growing your faith. Child Care is provided. UPPER ROOM DEVOTIONAL GUIDES The Upper Room is a wonderful daily guide for prayer and Bible reading. Consider cultivating your spiritual walk by using this great tool. You will find them in the literature racks at each entrance. Donation is $1. PRELUDE Carla Engle Please sign the attendance register Come, Ye Disconsolate BRINGING IN THE LIGHT AND THE WORD CHORAL INTROIT J. Bert Carlson The Symbol of God’s Presence Give Me a Clean Heart *CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 51) Douroux Rev. Steve Engle RESPONSE: (tune: The Gift of Love) Create in us, Thy heart of love. Grant Thy right Spirit from above. Within our lives, help us to be Faithful and true, to follow Thee. R: Repent of sin and Respond in trust. Leader: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love. People: According to Your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions. Leader: Create in me a new heart and put a new and right spirit within me. People: Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain in me a willing spirit. (All sing response) *INVOCATION A: Accept God’s forgiveness. *THE LORD’S PRAYER G -R -A - C -E God’s gift to us is an invitation to all! How do we receive Christ into our lives? This “GRACE” pattern is one that many have found helpful. G: God’s grace or unmerited love is for all. BRIDGEPORT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH STAFF Dr. Ken Ramsey, Senior Pastor † Rev. Steve Engle, Minister of Discipleship, Program & Hospitality † Rev. Jim Lang, Minister of Teaching & Pastoral Care † Sarah Carr Parsons, Director of Music Ministry † Rev. George Bramble, Pastoral Care Jennifer Randolph, Coordinator of Sunday School † Carla Engle, Coordinator of Vaca/on Bible School † Cheryl Soltesz, Coordinator of Youth Ministry † Tyler Sprouse, Student Minister † Larry Parsons, Organist † Christy Hickman, Treasurer † Gloria Morris, Kim Kapp, Administra/ve Staff † Polly Steele, Director of Preschool † Becky Thornton, Director of Joyful Noise A4erschool Program † Bill Furbee, Keith Mackey, Dorothy Prunty, Facili/es WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH GATHERING MUSIC PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS C: Confess your faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. E: Enter actively into the fellowship of the church and engage in mission and service. PRAYER: Lord Jesus come into my life. Make my heart Your home. Forgive me; assure me; and mold me into Your disciple. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. *HYMN OF PRAISE Lift High the Cross UMH 159 *WORDS AND ACTS OF WELCOME OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK (February 22 - March 1) THE WORSHIP OF GOD IN GIVING OFFERTORY ANTHEM My Song In the Night Christiansen (During the offertory, prayer stewards will collect your prayer request cards and offer prayers of intercession at the altar) *AN AFFIRMATION OF FAITH *GLORIA PATRI *DEDICATION *HYMN UMH 881 UMH 70 The Apostles’ Creed UMH 189 Fairest Lord Jesus Nursery Library 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:30 PM TUESDAY Qi Gong Staff Meeting/devotions/communion UM Women’s Ex. Bd. Mtg. Jubilate Choir Cherub Choir Parlor Fowler Heritage Room Fowler Heritage Room Fellowship Hall Children’s Chapel 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY Matin Ringers Toddler Gym Time Chancel Choir Balcony Gym Fellowship Hall 9:00 AM 10:15 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM THURSDAY Preventicare Lectionary Bible Study Prayer Shawl Ministry Hephzibah Women’s Study Mtg. Nursery Library Parlor Balcony UMH 163 11:30 AM 9:30 PM FRIDAY Sisters Bible Study Mid High Lock In Fritz Lubrich 6:15 PM Romans 8:12-17 So then, brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh— 13 for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. 15 For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. LENTEN SERIES: The Cross: God’s Map and Math for Life God’s Greatest Addition Rev. Ken Ramsey MOMENTS OF GUIDED PRAYER INVITATION TO PRAYER AND COMMITMENT *HYMN OF RESPONSE Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know *TAKING THE LIGHT IN THE WORLD *SENDING FORTH *POSTLUDE In the Cross of Christ I Glory Sanctuary Fellowship Hall Balcony Balcony Fellowship Hall Fellowship Hall MONDAY Preventicare Lent Bible Study 12 MESSAGE Sanctuary 9:00 AM 7:00 PM (10:45 Children K-2nd Grade may leave for Children’s Church. Please meet with your leader in the back of the Sanctuary.) SCRIPTURE LESSON SUNDAY Worship Sunday School Worship Service 10:45 AM Jubilate Musical Rehearsal 3:00 PM Jubilate Ringers 5:00 PM Evensong Ringers 6:00 PM 6:30-7:00 PM Senior/Mid High Seraphim Mid High/Senior High Youth 7:00 PM 8:30 AM SATURDAY Saturday Evening Worship Fowler Heritage Room Sanctuary SUNDAY March 1 Greeters: Penny Gage † Kevin and Yvette Hunt, Michelle and Aubrey 8:30 Infant Nursery: Amber Barr 10:45 Infant Nursery: Amber Barr, Sarah Barr 2, 3, & 4 Year Old Nursery: Jennifer Randolph, Cathy Hamilton Saturday Evening Ushers: John Dawkins, Dennis Hathaway, Phil Dye 8:30 AM Ushers: Penni Day Rexrode, Norma Ladd, John Wilson, Vicki Baker, Tim Flint, Ed Taylor 10:45 AM Ushers: Bob Malenich, Rob Lang, Jeff Wright, Rod Kidd, Steve McClain, Jeff Gage Counters: Jon Griffith, Paul Whiteman, Matthew Groves Our Sympathy to Clyde Strother and Family on the death of his sister, Phyllis Jean Sokolosky. Flowers on the Altar in Memory of Barbara Dye given by Phil Dye. 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30-7:00 PM 7:00 PM Worship Sunday School Worship Jubilate Musical Reh. Jubilate Ringers Evensong Ringers Senior/Mid High Seraphim Lenten Service Sanctuary Sanctuary Fellowship Hall Balcony Balcony Fellowship Hall Sanctuary LENTEN SERVICES: MARCH 1, 8, & 15 7:00 PM EACH SUNDAY Please plan to join us as we focus on “The Psalms as Tools for Prayer” during these special services. Encourage your whole family to come as we all gather to grow in our faith walk. LENTEN MONDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will begin on Monday, February WATCH BRIDGEPORT UNITED 23, at 7:00 PM, in the Library. This METHODIST CHURCH ONLINE study has six lessons on beginnings, A new ministry has been launched mak- self-examination, honesty, repentance, ing it possible for our Worship Service forgiving and beginning again. The to be watched online. The service is now class will be led by Rev. Jim Lang. streamed live at 10:45 AM, on Sundays, and is archived online for later viewing as well. Share this with persons you Worship/Sermon Notes: know who are out of town or unable to __________________________ attend our Worship Service in person. Visit the Church Website at __________________________ and click on the “Watch Online” link or go to __________________________ __________________________ bridgeportumc Watch Online THURSDAY EVENING WOMENS STUDY GROUP at 7:00 PM The new book for the study is entitled, “Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God” by Sharon Jaynes. Join us for this study led by Jill Steele. All are welcome! __________________________ MARK YOUR CALENDARS! MISSION TRIP June 22-27, 2015 to St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center, Seabrook Island, SC. Mid High (must have completed 6th grade) thru Adult. MORE INFO COMING SOON __________________________ SISTERS BIBLE STUDY meets Fridays at 11:30 AM, in the Fowler Heritage Room. They will begin a six week study by Rick Warren entitled, “40 Days in the Word: Love the Word. Learn the Word. Live the Word.” Call Penny Gage at 304.677.6190 for more details. MEMBERSHIP SUNDAY If you feel God is leading you to live out your faith here, we’d love to speak with you about becoming a member. March 29 we will be receiving members. Please fill out complete contact info and someone will contact you. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ — 8:30 Service Childcare - infants-5 years, Nursery, hallway by back Chapel 10:45 Service Childcare - infants-2 years, Nursery, hallway by back Chapel 10:45 Service Childcare for 2, 3 & 4 yr. olds, Educ. Bldg. - 1st room on right Children's Ac2vity Packets available on table in the back of the Sanctuary 10:45 Children’s Church - ages 5-2nd grade, Children’s Church Room Large Print Hymnals at main entrance to the Sanctuary Extra Copies of Our NewsleAer, “Steeple Talk” available in the Narthex Prayer Cards to indicate special concerns are located in the pew racks DVD’s ($1) of the 10:45 AM Worship Service. Call the Church Office 842.6284 Van Transporta2on available for 10:45 AM Worship. Call the Church Office 842.6284 HOUSING NEEDED for the evening of March 6 and the evening of March 10...for members of the Geneva College Choir who will be presenting a concert at Simpson Creek Baptist Church, Friday, March 6. AND for members of WVWC Concert Chorale who will be presenting a concert Web Page: on Tues., March 10, at BUMC. Call Sa- Email: rah at 304.842.6284. Open hearts Open minds Open doors @DrKenRam or @Bridgeportumc Bridgeport UMC
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