ORD DOMESTIC Flight Attendant Trip Selection for JANUARY 2015 (01JAN– 30JAN) Open Bidding 0001 18 DEC 14 local base time Close Bidding 0001 22 DEC 14 local base time Military 0900 25 DEC 14 Central time Awards will be available outside MOD office by 23:59 on 27 DEC 14 Military Information: HTTP://JETNET.AA.COM FROM AAFS (FLIGHT ATTENDANT WEB SITE) SELECT CREW RESOURCES LOOK FOR INFORMATION Flight Attendant Service Center 1-800-VIP-CREW Log-in, option #, then 6 Monday – Friday (except holidays) - 0700-1800 Central Standard Time FMLA Please contact FMLA representatives no later than two calendar days from your return to work date to have your absence recoded to FMLA. Representatives can be reached by phone or by sending an email to FA.FMLA@aa.com. MONTHLY BIDDING INFORMATION: Fall-offs: Approximately 0-50 international fall-offs. Open Replacements: Remarks may not be honored for the period of JAN 01 – 06, 2015. Approximately 0 –133 Open Replacements to be awarded. Bidding information is now available on the Flight Service website accessible via http://jetnet.aa.com. From AAFS select CREW RESOURCES/QUICK LINKS/Bidding Information. Domestic Cabin Positions/Equipment Codes Equipment EQ Codes F/C B/C 777-300 82 1, 5* 4*, 6, 7, 10, 11 777-300 2CLS ++ 82 1, 5* 4*, 6, 7, 10 777-200 AE 1, 5*, 6 4*, 7, 8 777-200 2CLS ++ AE 1, 5*, 6 777-200 2CLS Retro AF 1, 4, 5*, 6, 7 767-300 ER 34, D0, D7 1, 5*, 6 767-200 ER 3CLS 23 1, 5* 4*, 7, 8 767-200 ER 3CLS # 23 1, 5* 4*, 7, 8 767-200 ER 2CLS ** 23 1, 5* 757 49, 62, B0, B1, BA 1, 3 737 B8, B9, CE 1 S80 22, 35, EF 1 A319 91 1 A321T 80 1, 5 4, 3 A321S 75, 76 1 M/C 2*, 3, 8, 9 2*, 3, 8, 9 2*, 3, 9, 10 2*, 3, 4, 7, 8 2*, 3, 8, 9, 10 2*, 3, 4, 7, 8 2*, 3, 6 2*, 3, 6, 9 2*, 3, 4++, 6, 7 2*, 4 2, 3, 4 2, 4 2, 3, 4 2, 6 2, 3, 4 Training Support Desk Training Support Desk representatives may be reached through one of the following options: Phone, HISEND, or Live Chat - Hours 0700-1800 CST - Monday – Friday (except holidays). The chat function is found on the Flight Service website. Click on “Training”, and then “Chat with us Live!” in the upper right corner of the page. Administration Flex Pos** VMC Pos 10, 11 11 9, 10 7 9 7++ The Flight Attendant Service Center is awaiting your call! SENIORITY NUMBERS IN DECS AND THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE DIFFERENT: RELATIVE SENIORITY HAS NOT CHANGED 3 3 6 3 # Transcon Flights only *Paid galley position - F./A is paid galley pay only on scheduled 3-class service, routes and galley assignment is the ++ When a 2CLS service is scheduled on a 3CLS configured aircraft, B/C positions are considered M/C **Final cabin assignment based on customer load, market flown and F/A staffing. Flex positions may be assigned Bid compliments may vary by market seasonally. Returning Safely to Work from an Illness or Injury To return safely to work from an illness or injury, please refer to “Return to Work” in Jetnet. The Call-A-Nurse page enables both the employee and manager to view the return to work status in Jetnet. Please contact Call-A-Nurse (CAN) at 1-800-555-2373 to process your clearance in returning to work. 6 4, 7 3, 6 8 8 3, 6++ 3 3, 4 4 Representatives are here to assist you with questions related to maternity, paycheck items and many other administrative topics. Please contact a representative at your convenience. Flight Attendant Change of Status/Update to Quals/ Finger Prints/ Passports Each Flight Attendant is responsible for notifying the Base Planner if there is a change to your absence status, additions or deletions of qualifications, updated fingerprints, or updated passports. Your Base Planner must be notified no later than the 19th of the month in order to receive a bid. Please be aware that if your plan to clear date changes to an earlier date that you must notify your Base Planner in order to be awarded a bid. If you extend your plan to clear date though the end of the bid month, please contact your Base Planner because you will not be active for bidding. Base Planner Email: Lin.Hager@aa.com Base Planner Phone: VIP CREW #, 5, 9, 9 or ICS 817-967-3708 Flight Attendant Tablet Tips: • • • • • • • Did you know you can report catering issues on the FA Tablet? To check it out, select the FA Reports Icon and go to Catering. To ensure your Flight Attendant Tablet is up to date, please leave your Tablet on, charging, and out of airplane mode when not in flight. If you do not see your 4G connecting, either toggle in and out of airplane mode or open and refresh the USA Today app. This will help with your 4G connectivity. If your Tablet is not on My Flight version 1.5.8, please contact the Help Desk to push all pending updates to your device. Tablet bars are also available system wide to assist. Do not wait until you get on the aircraft to verify your eManual is up to date. Please update your Tablet before your trip. If your Tablet is not decrypted please contact the Help Desk at 1-800-343-0343 to decrypt. Decryption removes the need for a second sign in. If after 4 attempts to sign into your Tablet without success, please STOP and contact the Help Desk immediately at 1-800-343-0343 Make sure you have your Tablet with you before you leave the aircraft. Help Desk 800-343-0343 ICS 931-5313 INTL 678-992-292 Here’s wishing you the gift of peace and prosperity throughout 2015. We look forward to hearing from you. Happy New Year! COMBINED DOMESTIC/INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS WHY ARE WE COMBINING DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS AT LAA? There are many reasons to combine. First of all, International growth is a primary focus at American Airlines, so it makes sense that all Flight Attendants are qualified to fly both Domestic and International. Both the 2012 CBA and the CLA included provisions for combining the International and Domestic divisions as soon as possible. The Legacy US Flight Attendants are all “overwater qualified” and already have a combined operation. A combined operation is essential to moving into a Preferential Bidding System as well as an enhanced Trip Trade System. IF THIS WAS AGREED TO IN 2012, WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG? Since late 2012, we have been training our Domestic Flight Attendants so they are overwater qualified. Also during that time, Crew Resources, Flight Service and APFA have been working together with the IT department to prepare for this significant change. While it may sound simple to implement, the reality is that there are many DECS/FOS limitations tied to the historically divided operations that had to be addressed. WHEN WILL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS BE COMBINED? • • • We are now on track to implement the combined operation for the May 2015 bid month, so the effective date will be May 2nd, 2015 What that means is that for the bases with adjacent operations, there will be only one base moving forward. LAX, DFW, ORD, MIA, BOS and LGA will include both the formerly International and Domestic Flight Attendants in a single base. This means that even if you are currently based at IDF and you are awarded an International trip selection for May, your HI1 will show that you are “DFW” based. And while International trip sequences will continue to originate at those bases, the Crew Base names will change to the current Domestic Crew Base names. All International Flight Attendants’ HI8 and 3* (next status) will be changed to reflect the Domestic Crew Base name at the end of January so that vacation awards will be in seniority order for the appropriate base. NOTE: When known, any future JCBA changes related to the combination of Domestic/International Operations will be incorporated. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF THIS COMBINATION? • • • • • • • • • • • You’ll have the flexibility of bidding domestic or international selections for your monthly schedule Following bid awards you’ll have the ability to trade or access open time for both domestic and international trips through Make-Up, Option II, and Critical Coverage A single reserve list at each base Ability to trip trade or optional exchange with any Flight Attendant at your base No more need for Adjacent Base flying If you’re MIC obligated you’ll have the flexibility to fly Domestic or International trips to fulfill your obligation A single transfer list and no need to proffer into an International base More transparent assignment of reserves based on the single reserve list and no more cross utilization Potentially fewer bid denials since the pool of pursers and foreign language speakers will be larger Reserves will be able to preference Domestic or International trips in HIPREF All pursers will have data plans on their tablets WHAT OTHER CHANGES WILL OCCUR? COMPUTER ENTRIES: • All lists (like open time) will use the Domestic crew base name but if only looking for International trips, you would use an “I” instead of a “D”. i.e. N3I/DFW//2MAY to see the International trips in open time or ‘B’ to see both Domestic and International open trips (or N4D/I/B/) i.e. N3B/DFW//2MAY BID LINES AND TRIP SEQUENCES: • Until Preferential Bidding is implemented, bid lines will continue to be built as either pure Domestic or pure International • International trip sequences may still contain Domestic flight segments • Replacement/Relief lines will increase to an 80-hour guarantee • Relief lines and open replacement preference remarks will be provided in the next bid sheet Domestic/International combination information QUALIFICATIONS: • Combined Domestic/International Operations means that all Flight Attendants will need to be “Overwater Qualified” for International and potentially trained on all equipment at the base • In January 2015, we will begin “Overwater Qualification/Ditching” Training through a proffer for Domestic Flight Attendants who do not have that qualification. • If after the proffered training slots are filled there are still vacant slots in a class, Flight Attendants who do not have the “overwater qualification” will be drafted by base in reverse seniority order. • “Overwater Qualification” training will be a 3 day hands-on class with an optional 4th day of hands-on International Flagship Service (IFS) training. • Domestic Flight Attendants who have maintained their Overwater Qualification will be provided an opportunity to obtain IFS and AIFS qualification in 2015. Details to be communicated as soon as they are available. • All Flight Attendants will be required to have the “Overwater Qualification” by the end of 2015. • Effective with the May bid all Flight Attendants will be in a Domestic status, but as long as you are qualified on International and have the required service qualifications, you will be able to be awarded an International line and fly International trip sequences. INTERNATIONAL PAY: • International override of $3.00 per hour will apply to all hours flown or paid removals on International legs, including diversions, deadheading and flight pay and credit DUTY AND REST LIMITATION CHANGES: • Layover and Home Base Rest will be determined by the type of trip sequence flown • 30-in-7 limitation will be eliminated (35-in-7 limitation will be implemented at a later date in accordance with the JCBA timeline) • On-duty and rest provisions will remain the same as today for both Domestic and International trip sequences (when programmed, on duty limitations and rest provisions in accordance with the JCBA will be implemented and provided at a later date) Current Domestic Flight Attendant On-Duty Limitations and Rest Provisions DEPARTURE 0600-1759 1800-2059 2100-0559 SCHED/RESCHED/ACTUAL ON-DUTY 13:00/13:00/15:00 11:00/12:00/13:00 10:00/11:00/12:00 HOURS ALOFT 8:59 8:59 8:59 LAYOVER REST (Regular & Reducible) 9:00 reducible to 8:20 9:00 reducible to 8:20 9:00 reducible to 8:20 HOME REST REGULAR 11:00 11:00 11:00 HOME REST RESERVE 12:00 12:00 12:00 REDUCIBLE No No No Current International Flight Attendant On-Duty Limitations and Rest Provisions TYPE TRIP SCHED/ACTUAL ON-DUTY HOURS ALOFT Non-Long Range 14:00/16:00 12:00 or less 14:00/16:00 12:00 or less 16:00/18:00 Flt time plus sign in & debrief max sched+3:00 >12:00 up to 14:30 9:00 reducible to 8:00 behind the door 9:00 reducible to 8:00 behind the door 10:30 reducible to 10:00 >14:30 10:30 reducible to 10:00 If Seq contains a Non-Stop Leg >7:00 Long Range Extended Long Range LAYOVER REST (Regular & Reducible) HOME REST (Regular and Reserve) REDUCIBLE REST (Not applicable for Reserves) 12:00 Yes, up to 2:00 in actual ops* 14:30 No 36:00 Yes, at FA option to 24:00 48:00 Yes, at FA option to 24:00 * If on a non-long range trip, the Company may reduce the required 12 hour rest by up to 2 hours in actual operations, provided the Flight Attendant was originally scheduled for the legal rest, but due to a late operation, the trip is arriving later than scheduled. The reduction of rest may not cause the Flight Attendant to depart earlier than originally scheduled. TRANSFERS/PROFFERS: • All International Flight Attendants’ HI8 and 3* (next status) will be changed to reflect the Domestic Crew Base name at the end of January with an effective date of 02May15. • Transfer lists will be purged on March 5th after all April transfers have been processed. It is no longer necessary to add an international proffer preference. Flight Attendants will need to re-enter a transfer request as a Domestic base, including RDU. This will ensure you are on the proper base transfer list. The entry to add a transfer request to your 3* record is 3C/T/BASE-D. VACATION BIDDING FOR 2015 VACATION: • A combined seniority list for each crew base will be published on the Crew Resources link from the Flight Service website by the day vacation bidding opens in February. INTERNATIONAL FLYING DEFINITIONS: • INTERNATIONAL SEQUENCE - A sequence in which any leg takes off or lands outside the contiguous forty-eight (48) states, Mexico, Canada and Alaska, with the exception of the Military Air lift Command (MAC). It may also include a flight which operates within the contiguous forty-eight (48) states, Mexico, Canada and Alaska, which requires a Flight Attendant over water qualification. (definition will be updated under the JCBA) • Non-Long Range Flying - an International duty period which does not contain flying in excess of twelve (12) hours block. The on-duty period will not be scheduled or rescheduled to exceed fourteen (14:00) hours. • Long-Range Flying - an International duty period which has a scheduled International segment in excess of twelve (12) hours block but not more than fourteen hours and thirty minutes (14:30) block. • Extended-Long-Range Flying - an International duty period which has a scheduled International segment in excess of fourteen hours and thirty minutes (14:30) block. • International Flagship Service (IFS) – A special qualification required to work flights operating or deadheading to/from Europe, Asia, and destinations in Deep South America, e.g., Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires etc., that have a premium level of service comparable to European destinations. MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW – Watch for additional information on future bidsheets to include the following information: • Bid sheet changes and the online bidding tool • Reserve information including potential seniority of reserve in combined operation • Screen shots and examples of new computer entries and displays • HISEND changes • Day before coverage timeline changes under a combined operation • Availability changes ORD DOMESTIC CQ-RECURRENT TRAINING JAN 2015 ----- CQ Recurrent Training Update ----2014-15 CQ Training is a two day program as follows: Day One: Will begin at Flagship University (FSU). Check-in will be in the CQ Training Hall 2E40D • Class 1 FA Tablet Checks / Drill Practice Session begins at 1200 and class start time is 1330. • Class 2 FA Tablet Checks / Drill Practice Session begins at 1630 and class start time is 1800. Please arrive early enough to allow time (at least 20 min) for your Flight Attendant Tablet eManual to be checked prior to class start time. Day Two: Will begin at the Flight Academy • Class 1 begins at 0700 and class end time is 1000. • Class 2 begins at 1130 and class end time is 1430. Drill videos will not be shown at the Flight Academy; however; they are available on the Flight Service website and Flight Attendant tablet. Flight Attendants should review these videos prior to attending Training. To access the drill videos, click the media link on the Flight Service Website. For more information please refer to the “What to Expect” Document located on the Flight Service Website under Recurrent Training. Flight Attendants are expected to be familiar with the material contained within the FA Tablet eManual Revisions and Bulletins on their effective date and may be evaluated on this material while at CQ Training. WHEN TO ENROLL IN CQ TRAINING: Each flight attendant is responsible for knowing when his/her qualifications will expire and ensuring any required training is completed when due. Flight attendants are expected to attend CQ Training in their Base Month. CQ Training may not be postponed into the Grace Month unless you are on vacation, sick, LOA, injury, personal or operational emergency during your Base Month. ***Flight Attendants who do not attend training in their base month will be pre-plotted in their grace month. *** • • • To verify your base month, refer to your *9 Training Record. (In your personal mode in DECS, enter HI*9) It is recommended that you do not alter your schedule until after you have scheduled training. Altering your schedule could make you illegal for training and may result in trip removal without pay to accommodate training. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis and fill quickly. It is best to enroll early. Classes at the beginning of the month typically have openings. Please try to schedule yourself into a class in the first half of the month, if possible. • If JAN is your Grace Month, you must enroll in CQ Training before bids open for enrolled. • Crew Manning will not award a live bid to any flight attendant who will not be qualified on the first day of the new bid month. If • • • • FEB. It is your responsibility to notify the Base Planner you have JAN is your Grace Month, you must notify the Base Planner no later than JAN 19 if you have been scheduled for training to be awarded a bid. Flight attendants returning from a Leave of Absence (LOA) must notify the Base Planner and Pay Comp of training and return to work dates. Flight attendants who do not attend CQ Training by the end of their Grace Month will be required to complete the Requalification Training online lesson prior to CQ Training. This lesson must be completed in the same month as CQ Training. You cannot fly until this is accomplished. If you attend CQ Training in the month prior to your base month, your HI*9 (training record) will be updated to reflect the first day of your current base month If you attend CQ Training in your grace month, your HI*9 (training record) will be updated to reflect the last day of your current base month To realign your Base Month, you must attend CQ Training at least two months prior to your Base Month. For example, if JUN is your Base Month, you must attend CQ Training by APR to realign your Base Month. Flight attendants may not realign CQ Training into a reserve month due to limited reserve slots. ORD~JAN 2015 Class Dates JAN 6~7 7~8 12~13 13~14 14~15 15~16 16~17 26~27 27~28 28~29 CQ Training Class Rosters Class 1 Day 1 Day 2 1330-1745 0700-1000 3 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 If you are not enrolled in a class by JAN 06, please contact the TSD as soon as possible for assistance with enrollment. Class 2 Day 1 Day 2 1800-2215 1130-1430 183 196 200 208 213 214 215 216 217 218 HOW TO ENROLL IN CQ TRAINING: • Self-enrollment will be activated at 0900 CST DEC 26. • TSD call-in enrollment will begin at 1100 CST DEC 29. ***Please do not call the Training Support Desk regarding CQ Training enrollment prior to call-in enrollment. *** • Grace month trade requests will be handled on DEC 30. • Reserve Flight Attendants may self-enroll on days IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a duty-free period. • Requests for enrollment or changes must be received no later than three (3) full business days before the scheduled training date. • The TSD is open Mon – Fri, 0700 – 1800 Central Time. SELF-ENROLLMENT (in DECS) • To self-enroll, enter your personal mode in DECS. Enter HIU/class# <enter>. The response will be “OK” if you have successfully enrolled. • To view class numbers, in your personal mode in DECS, enter HITJ/START DATE/END DATE <enter>. The response will be title, class roster #, dates, times and base. If there is no class information on listing, all classes are full on the requested date. • To view individuals in a class, enter HIV/CLASS # <enter> *** IF YOU HOLD INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS, YOU MUST ENROLL USING THE INTERNATIONAL CLASS ROSTER. *** AUTOMATED SELF-ENROLLMENT (AVRS) • Dial 1-800-VIP-CREW or 817-956-CREW. • Enter first 4 characters of your password, followed by employee number. • Enter hot-path 9-5-1-1. LIVE CHAT or HISEND Form 100 • You may contact the Training Support Desk (TSD) via LIVE CHAT from the Flight Service Website or complete a HISEND form 100 during the self-enrollment period. CLASS CANCELLATION / FAILURE TO ATTEND TRAINING Class cancellations must be made no later than three (3) full business days prior to the scheduled training date. Flight attendants who cancel within 24 hours of class or who do not show for training will receive a missed assignment (MA). Additionally, if you are on reserve and would have been available to fly on the dates scheduled for training, you will be available for flight assignment. You must contact Crew Schedule and inform the scheduler of any changes to your status. Failure to do so may reduce your monthly pay guarantee. HOTEL AND TRANSPORTATION Hotel information is located on the Flight Service website. Click on Training, then Lodging Info under the CQ Training header. Information is posted one week prior to the scheduled class date. It is recommended that you check hotel information the day before you travel to be sure you have the most up-to-date information. The lodge is no longer accepting personal checks. An ATM is available in the lobby for your convenience. IOR~JAN 2015 CQ Training Class Rosters If you are not enrolled in a class by JAN 06, please contact the TSD as soon as possible for assistance with enrollment. ***INTERNATIONAL CLASS ROSTER*** Class Dates JAN 6~7 7~8 12~13 13~14 14~15 15~16 16~17 26~27 27~28 28~29 Class 1 Day 1 Day 2 1330-1745 0700-1030 21 22 23 24 25 105 106 122 123 160 Class 2 Day 1 Day 2 1800-2215 1130-1500 221 225 226 227 230 231 232 233 237 238 HOW TO ENROLL IN CQ TRAINING: • Self-enrollment will be activated at 0900 CST DEC 26. • TSD call-in enrollment will begin at 1100 CST DEC 29. ***Please do not call the Training Support Desk regarding CQ Training enrollment prior to call-in enrollment. *** • Grace month trade requests will be handled on DEC 30. • Reserve Flight Attendants may self-enroll on days IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING a duty-free period. • Requests for enrollment or changes must be received no later than three (3) full business days before the scheduled training date. • The TSD is open Mon – Fri, 0700 – 1800 Central Time. SELF-ENROLLMENT (in DECS) • To self-enroll, enter your personal mode in DECS. Enter HIU/class# <enter>. The response will be “OK” if you have successfully enrolled. • To view class numbers, in your personal mode in DECS, enter HITJ/START DATE/END DATE <enter>. The response will be title, class roster #, dates, times and base. If there is no class information on listing, all classes are full on the requested date. • To view individuals in a class, enter HIV/CLASS # <enter> AUTOMATED SELF-ENROLLMENT (AVRS) • Dial 1-800-VIP-CREW or 817-956-CREW. • Enter first 4 characters of your password, followed by employee number. • Enter hot-path 9-5-1-1. LIVE CHAT or HISEND Form 100 • You may contact the Training Support Desk (TSD) via LIVE CHAT from the Flight Service Website or complete a HISEND form 100 during the self-enrollment period. CLASS CANCELLATION / FAILURE TO ATTEND TRAINING Class cancellations must be made no later than three (3) full business days prior to the scheduled training date. Flight attendants who cancel within 24 hours of class or who do not show for training will receive a missed assignment (MA). Additionally, if you are on reserve and would have been available to fly on the dates scheduled for training, you will be available for flight assignment. You must contact Crew Schedule and inform the scheduler of any changes to your status. Failure to do so may reduce your monthly pay guarantee. HOTEL AND TRANSPORTATION Hotel information is located on the Flight Service website. Click on Training, then Lodging Info under the CQ Training header. Information is posted one week prior to the scheduled class date. It is recommended that you check hotel information the day before you travel to be sure you have the most up-to-date information. The lodge is no longer accepting personal checks. An ATM is available in the lobby for your convenience. TRAVEL If you have self-enrolled in a CQ Training class, flights to/from training will automatically be booked from your base station (EXCEPTION DFW/IDF SINCE THEY ARE LOCAL). To access your flight information in DECS, type: • HSS/1/sequence#/ddmmm. Your name should also appear on the crew ”NS” deadhead list for each American Airlines segment. To change or make travel arrangements: • If booking your own flight to training or in the event of Irregular Operations (IROPS) or your flight cancels, please see the entries below for selfre-booking: 1. First remove the original flight booked automatically when enrolling in CQ Training: (Class # and Flt # can be found on your HI1) HIGOR/(Flt Nbr)/ (Date)/FA/(From Sta)/(To Sta)/(Pass Class -without “D” indicator)//(ClassNbr) Sample: HIGOR/701/7JAN/FA/LGA/DFW/A1//334 (note the double slash) OR 2. To remove a flight if booked separately when you enrolled in CQ Training: IMPORTANT: The TSD will not be able to make flight changes once class has begun. HIGOR/(Flt Nbr)/(Date)/FA/(From Sta)/(To Sta)/(Pass-Class-A1 to, A3 from) Sample: HIGOR/701/7JAN/FA/LGA/DFW/A1D OR 3. To book a flight to/from CQ Training: HIGOA /(Flt Nbr)/(Date)/FA/(From Sta)/(To Sta)/(Pass-Class-A1D to, A3D from) Sample: HIGOA/593/7JAN/FA/DFW/BNA/A3D Sample: Eagle Flts- HIGOA/MQ593/7JAN/FA/ DFW/BNA/A3D (note the MQ for Eagle) Irregular Operations (IROPS) & CANCELLATIONS FAs are required to stand by for all departing flights for the remainder of the day up to duty time (14 hrs. Domestic, 14 hours International) Upon arrival at your base/home, should you have a trip the next day or are on RSV, please call scheduling at (800) 847-2739 or (800) VIP-CREW to inform them of your arrival time and flight cancellation. If you are not able to get on a flight home, call The Lodge at (817) 956-1000 and ask for accommodations. TRAINING SUPPORT DESK HOURS: 0700-1800 CENTRAL TIME M-F Note: If you book to a later flight, call TSD as soon as possible and provide flight information so that TAFB can be adjusted. REQUALIFICATION TRAINING Requalification Training is required for Flight Attendants who are attending CQ Training after their grace month. Requalification Training is completed via an online course titled RQT, While You Were Away. Contact the Training Support Desk at 1-800-VIP CREW, login, #, Option 6 for enrollment and complete details. If you started online training prior to your base month, you will need to retake the lesson. Contact the TSD at 1-800-VIP-CREW, login, #, Option 6 to re-register. 2014-2015 CQ TRAINING PROGRAM Class Information Class 1 & 2 Day One: Travel to DFW and report directly to Flagship University (FSU). Check-in will be in the CQ Training hallway room 2E40D. Transportation from DFW Airport – Lower Level by Gate C24 (Known Crew Member ID Portal) (Class 1) Shuttle Pickup from DFW Airport: 1100, 1130, 1200, 1230, and 1300. (Class 2) Shuttle Pickup from DFW Airport: 1530, 1600, 1630, 1700, and 1730. (Class 1) Check-in starts at 1200 and ends at 1330. Class begins promptly at 1330 (Class 2) Check-in starts at 1630 and ends at 1800. Class begins promptly at 1800 (Late arrivals may not be admitted into class). Please allow approximately 20 minutes for your FA Tablet eManual to be checked prior to the 1330(CL1) & 1800(CL2) start times. (The Tablet Bar is no longer offered during CQ). (Class 1) Day 1 pickup from FSU (North Entrance) to hotel spot @ 1745; depart 1800, 1830, 1900 (Class 2) Day 1 pickup from FSU (North Entrance) to hotel spot @ 2215; depart 2230 or released by MOD Day Two: Travel from Hotel and report directly at Flight Academy to complete Proficiency Checks and travel home. Scheduled van from Hotel to Flight Academy will run at 0600 (Intl) & (Dom) for Class 1 Scheduled van from Hotel to Flight Academy will run at 1030 (Intl) & (Dom) for Class 2 Van service from the Flight Academy (Front Entrance) to DFW Airport (Lower Level by Gate C24) runs every 15 minutes Alternate transportation: Flight Academy van runs every 15 minutes from DFW (Lower Level by Gate C24) to the front entrance of the Flight Academy. You will need to walk across the street to Flagship University (FSU). Or you may take the Airport Shuttle at the lower level to FSU (Lodge Entrance) which departs DFW every 30 minutes at quarter past and quarter till the hour. Please call 817-956-1000 to verify pick up location based upon your Terminal. Where: CQ Training will begin at FSU What to wear: Business Casual Attire and flat, closed-toe shoes. No shorts are allowed at FSU. You may want to bring a sweater, as classrooms are airconditioned. What to bring: Flight Attendant crew I.D. badge, equipment key, jet bridge key (old CR key to gain access to the Flight Academy), FA Tablet eManual with Charger and Battery, and your Online CQ Training confirmation codes. A snack is suggested, as there are no scheduled meal breaks. NOTE: Domestic Flight Attendants that hold International Qualifications MUST enroll in an INTL Class when going to CQRecurrent Training. ONLINE TRAINING All flight attendants must complete the online lesson(s) prior to attending CQ Training. • All flight attendants must complete CQ Training 2014-2015 WBT. • All FAs must also complete the CQ Training General Ditching 2014-2015 WBT. • Flight attendants will not be admitted into training unless all online training has been completed. • To complete online training, go to the Flight Service Website, click the “Training” link, and then click on the “Online Learning Center” link under Resources on lower right hand side in RED print. This will take you to the Online Learning Center. Next, click on the course title under the “In-Progress Learning Activities” (i.e. CQ Training 2014-2015) then click “Launch.” • Be sure to print, take photo with your cell phone, or write down your confirmation code(s) and bring to training. • You may start the online lesson(s) no earlier than one month prior to your base month: i.e., if your Base Month is NOV, you can start in OCT and the lesson is still acceptable if you come in your grace month (DEC). However, if you go QI and began your online lesson prior to your Base Month, you must retake the lesson. All online training must be complete prior to attending CQ Training. • Online Learning Center does not support MAC, iPad, or other mobile devices. Internet Explorer (versions 6.0 – 9.0) is necessary to access online lessons. Other web browsers, such as Safari, Mozilla-Firefox and AOL are not compatible with the Online Learning Center. • For technical assistance, click on Employee Help located under your name on the Training Site home page, then click on Technical Assistance. For online lesson content issues, contact the TSD at 1-800-VIP CREW, login, #, Option 6. How to Prepare The more prepared you are the more successful you will be. Your FA Tablet eManual and Web-based lessons are excellent resources to study prior to CQ Training. Training videos to include drills, CPR, Step 4 and Step 8 can be found on the Flight Service website /Training Home/ Training Videos or on the Flight Attendant Tablet through the Flight Service Training App. Be prepared to demonstrate your proficiency with the following procedures and skills: • Evacuation Drill commands and actions • CPR/Heimlich procedures • Sabotage or Suspicious Devices • Emergency equipment operation • Planned Emergency Checklist • Crew Resource Management You will perform the following drills (based on aircraft qualifications): • S80: (DOM/INTL) Overwing Exit Land Drill as FA 5; (DOM not 767 qualified) FWD Entry Door as FA 1 with FA 3 unplanned ditching. • 737: (DOM/INTL) AFT Entry Door Drill as FA 2. • 757: (DOM/INTL) 2R Door Drill as FA 3 with FA 5. • 767: Planned ditching at 1L, 3L or 3R (International, or Domestic w/ INT quals) or Unplanned ditching at 1L, 3L or 3R (Domestic), and all FAs will complete Overwing Exit 2R as FA4 (or 2L as FA6). • 777-200: (DOM/INTL) 1L Door drill as FA 1 (INTL not 767 qualified) 1L Planned Ditching as FA 1. • 777-300: (DOM/INTL) 3L Door drill as FA 7. • 787: (DOM/INT) 1L land evacuation. • 319: (DOM/INTL) 1L Door drill as FA1 (primary exit only). You Know the Drill Session: A Voluntary Session to Prepare for Drills • Held at FSU prior to class start (Class 1 1200-1315; Class 2 1630-1745) • You may use this session as practice only or if you would like to receive credit then you must pass the drill on the first attempt • You may practice as many drills as class size and time permit TO: ORD DOMESTIC FLIGHT ATTENDANTS RE: AIRBUS A319/A321 Training Proffer – January Reserves TO: ORD DOMESTIC FLIGHT ATTENDANTS RE: AIRBUS A319/A321 Training Proffer – January Regular (non-reserve) The following is a proffer for ORD-D based reserve Flight Attendants desiring to qualify on the A319/A321 aircraft. We are proffering for up to 15 ORD reserve Flight Attendants to be trained in January. Only those Flight Attendants who are on reserve in January will be eligible for this proffer. If insufficient proffers are received, Flight Attendants may be assigned training in reverse order of seniority. The following is a proffer for ORD-D based non-reserve Flight Attendants desiring to qualify on the A319/A321 aircraft. We are proffering for up to 15 ORD non-reserve Flight Attendants to be trained. Only those Flight Attendants who are not on reserve in January will be eligible for this proffer. If insufficient proffers are received, Flight Attendants may be assigned training in reverse order of seniority. You will be advised of your successful proffer or assignment via HI6 message. This email will contain all the details you will need. You will be advised of your successful proffer or assignment via HI6 message. This email will contain all the details you will need. An online course (as well as the Thales IFE course, if not already complete) is required prior to attending hands-on training at FSU. You will not be admitted to hands-on training without having completed the online portions. Flight Attendant Planning will schedule training as follows: An online course (as well as the Thales IFE course, if not already complete) is required prior to attending hands-on training at FSU. You will not be admitted to hands-on training without having completed the online portions. Flight Attendant Planning will schedule the hands-on portion of training on one of the following dates: One reserve day for completion of online training followed by one of the following: January: 6 - 7, 8 - 9, 10 - 11, 12 - 13, 17 - 18, 20 - 21, 22 - 23, 24 - 25, 25 - 26, 27 - 28 January: 6 - 7, 8 - 9, 10 - 11, 12 - 13, 17 - 18, 20 - 21, 22 - 23, 24 - 25, 25 - 26, 27 - 28 Pick-up locations for the shuttle from DFW to the AATCC (FSU) operate from the lower level. It is recommended that you call 817-956-1000 for pick up as the shuttle service is often on call. Pick-up locations are as follows: B7, C24, D17, D29. The van will be marked AATCC. For pick-up from terminal A, please call for current location. Note: Proffers may not be rescinded. Duty free periods may be moved for the purpose of scheduling training for F/As who proffer. M2’s may be moved at the company’s option to accommodate training. Please understand that due to the large volume of proffers, we are unable to honor requests for class dates or changes. Pick-up locations for the shuttle from DFW to the AATCC (FSU) operate from the lower level. It is recommended that you call 817-956-1000 for pick up as the shuttle service is often on call. Pick-up locations are as follows: B7, C24, D17, D29. The van will be marked AATCC. For pick-up from terminal A, please call for current location. Note: Proffers may not be rescinded. Classes will be scheduled on days that least impact the Flight Attendants schedule. Duty free periods may be moved for the purpose of scheduling training for F/As who proffer. Please be aware that altering your schedule (TT/OE) may affect Planning’s ability to schedule training. For those Flight Attendants holding a regular bid who are unable to attend due to planned absence (i.e.SK/VC), training will be deferred to a subsequent month. Please understand that due to the large volume of proffers, we are unable to honor requests for class dates or changes. Proffer must be accomplished via a web ballot **Please use the following guidelines** • • • • Sign into the Flight Service website. Go to the Crew Resources page. Look for Featured Links. Under Crew Planning, double click on the Airbus January Training Ballot. • • • Review ballot and answer the questions on the screen. Click the NEXT button at the bottom of the screen. Review your answers and click the CONFIRM button if correct. • Print a copy of the confirmation number for your records. Proffer must be accomplished via a web ballot **Please use the following guidelines** • • • • • Sign into the Flight Service website. Go to the Crew Resources page. Look for Featured Links. Under Crew Planning, double click on the Airbus January Training Ballot. Review ballot and answer the questions on the screen. • Click the NEXT button at the bottom of the screen. • Review your answers and click the CONFIRM button if correct. • Print a copy of the confirmation number for your records. The bid status (Reserve or Non-Reserve) for some flight attendants may not be known until bids are final. Proffer results will be posted within 24 hours of bid finalization. PROFFERS MUST BE RECEIVED IN PLANNING BY 1000 Central Time, Monday, December 22, 2014 The bid status (Reserve or Non-Reserve) for some flight attendants may not be known until bids are final. Proffer results will be posted within 24 hours of bid finalization. PROFFERS MUST BE RECEIVED IN PLANNING BY 1000 Central Time, Monday, December 22, 2014 Voluntary Training for January 2015 Voluntary Training for January 2015 777-300 and Airbus Voluntary Training Class Dates: Class dates have not been finalized as of the printing of the bid sheets 737, 757, and 777-200 Voluntary Training Class Dates: Class dates will be posted on the Flight Service Training Calendar located on the Flight Service website Training page prior to Trigger enrollment dates. An email message will give notice when the class dates are posted. 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28 HOW TO VOLUNTEER FOR 737, 757 OR 777-200 • • • • • • • • • • • Flight Attendants who would like to obtain an equipment qualification on the 737, 757, or 777-200 aircraft, either in conjunction with Recurrent Training or on a day off, may submit a web-ballot. If attending aircraft training in conjunction with Recurrent Training, you must schedule Recurrent Training prior to submitting a web enrollment form. Please place your desired dates of training in order of preference. Flight Attendants on a reserve or available month can only attend on days off. They must relinquish a duty free period to attend training and they will receive training pay. Voluntary enrollment will not involve trip removals. 737, 757, and 777-200 training is a one day training class. You will need sufficient DO's and DFPs on your schedule to accommodate training. Voluntary Training requests are honored after Flight Attendants who successfully triggered an aircraft or service qualification have had an opportunity to enroll in class. Your request to be enrolled in a course will be processed one (1) business day after you submit the enrollment form. Training consists of an online portion (Phase 1) and a Hands-On Training (Phase 2). The Phase 1 online lesson for the 777, 757 and 737 must be completed prior to attending Phase 2 Hands-On Training. You should complete the online portion at least 48 hours prior to attending Phase 2. If you do not, you won’t be permitted to attend hands-on training. International Flight Attendants and Domestic Flight Attendants who hold current International qualifications must complete the International Ditching online course. For additional information regarding voluntary training, visit the Flight Service website Training Page. HOW TO VOLUNTEER FOR 777-300 OR AIRBUS • • • • • • • • • If you desire to qualify on the 777-300 or Airbus, you may submit a web ballot after the Trigger enrollment dates. Please do not submit your web ballot until January 1, 2014 after trigger enrollment. Please place your desired dates of training in order of preference. Note: Due to the large number of F/As needing the 777-300 and Airbus training, there may be times you will not receive your first choice. Voluntary enrollment in the 777-300 and Airbus training courses will not involve trip removals, including reserve duty or available days. 777-300 and Airbus are multi-day training classes that will require an overnight stay in DFW (for non-DFW/IDF FAs). You will need sufficient DO's and DFPs on your schedule to accommodate training. Non DFW/IDF based FAs will be provided hotel accommodations for 777-300 or Airbus voluntary training. Only FAs who currently hold a current 777-200 qualification and current international qualification are eligible to become 777-300 qualified. Your request to be enrolled in a course will be processed one (1) business day after you submit the enrollment form. 777-300 and Airbus training consists of an online portion (Phase 1) and a Hands-On Training (Phase 2). The Phase 1 online lesson for the 777-300 and Airbus must be completed prior to attending Phase 2 Hands-On Training. You should complete the online portion at least 48 hours prior to attending Phase 2. If you do not, you won’t be permitted to attend hands-on training. International Flight Attendants and Domestic Flight Attendants who hold current International qualifications must complete the International Ditching online course. For additional information regarding voluntary training, visit the Flight Service website Training Page. JANUARY TRIGGER MONTH FOR AIRCRAFT TRAINING 777-300ER Trigger Training Enrollment What You Should Know About Trigger Training in Trigger Months - Jan, May & Sep. • ***IDF, LAXI, JFK and IMA-based F/As only*** Enrollment Date: December 29 and December 30 Enrollment Time: 10AM CST both days • Class dates have not been finalized as of the printing of the bid sheets • • • Class dates will be posted on the Flight Service Training Calendar located on the Flight Service website Training page prior to enrollment date. An email message will give notice when the class dates are posted If I successfully held a 777-300ER trigger, how do I enroll in a class? • If you have successfully held a trigger for 777-300ER aircraft and wish to attend training, you will need to contact the Flight Attendant Service Center (TSD) or send a HISEND 100 during the specified date above. • If you have not contacted TSD on the date listed above, it will be considered Voluntary Training. • 777-300ER training is a two (2) day classroom/instructor-led training with a required online lesson that must be completed prior to class start. • • • • Airbus Trigger Training Enrollment **DFW, IDF, LAX-D, LGA, SFO, MIA and IMA based F/As only** Enrollment Date: December 29 and December 30 Enrollment Time: 10AM CST both days Class dates have not been finalized as of the printing of the bid sheets Class dates will be posted on the Flight Service Training Calendar located on the Flight Service website Training page prior to enrollment date. An email message will give notice when the class dates are posted If I successfully held an Airbus trigger, how do I enroll in a class? • If you have successfully held a trigger for Airbus aircraft and wish to attend training, you will need to contact the Flight Attendant Service Center (TSD) or send a HISEND 100 during the specified date above. • If you have not contacted TSD on the date listed above, it will be considered Voluntary Training. • Airbus training is (2) day classroom/instructor-led training class with required online lessons that must be completed prior to class start. How to Trigger Choose option 11 on the “HIB” menu and the following menu will be displayed: TRIGGER TRAINING – FLIGHT ATTENDANT EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATIONS 767 S80 777-300 Airbus For 777-300ER Differences Training. ENTER 100 For Airbus Differences Training ENTER 320 • • • In order to be eligible to attend Trigger Training, your name must appear on the successful trigger list, which will be posted on the Flight Service website – Training Page – Trigger Information. In order to trigger for training, the aircraft or service that you desire must appear on your base’s bid sheet. You must be in an active status in order to trigger for training. Training is scheduled on a first come, first served basis. You will be offered training on the date(s) that least impact your flying schedule and options that minimize or eliminate trip removals. Trip removals are a last resort and are only an option if you are not legal or your flying schedule shows you unavailable for another class based on your original, unaltered flying schedule. If you’ve altered your schedule and/or picked up trips that overlap with training class dates, you will not be trip removed. If you are unable to accept the training date we offer you, you will be removed from the Trigger Training List. If you do not contact the Training Support Desk during the designated enrollment period, we will assume you are no longer interested in training and will remove you from the trigger list. If you cancel your scheduled training within three (3) business days of the class start date, you’ll receive a Missed Assignment (MA) and will be removed from the Trigger Training List. If you were trip removed and cancel your scheduled trigger training, the trip removal will be unpaid and uncredited. Did you know? Additional details can be found on the Flight Service website – Training Page – Trigger Information. Other Trigger Training If you successfully triggered the S80 and/or 767 and would like to enroll in a class, call the Flight Attendant Service Center any time between 0800 and 1800 Central Monday through Friday to get more information. SERVICE QUALIFICATIONS PPY – PURSER 24– ASIA INTL PREMIUM EXPERIENCE Simply type in the applicable code (e.g. PPY) for the qualification you’d like. Indicate your desired qualifications in the order of your preference – separating each choice with a slash “/”. You can enter up to nine (9) things. Example: 767/100<ENTER> Sabre response should be: 767 ADDED TO TRIGGERS 100 ADDED TO TRIGGERS TRIGGER ADD COMPLETE • TYPE H FOR HELP WHILE ON THE TRIGGER MENU • TO DELETE A TRIGGER REQUEST: EXAMPLE: D/767 <ENTER> *** TRIGGERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED ON A SECONDARY BID BALLOT*** Reliefs are not built for Flight Attendants: On Reserve On Vacation the entire month Do not have at least 9 days of VC Qualifications not current at beginning of month Bidding information is now available on the Flight Service Website accessible via http://jetnet.aa.com From AAFS (Flight Attendant web site)Select CREW RESOURCES Look for information. R1 = ALL RELIEF SELECTION NUMBERS (you will take ANY relief) R2 = SELECTED RELIEF SELECTION NUMBERS (you only want specific rlfs) R3 = EXCLUDE BID FROM AWARDING OF RELIEF ORD VACATION RELIEFS RLF SEN EMP NAME START END \ 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 11306 7835 268 775 1172 1319 1515 1727 1801 2060 2352 2672 2757 3102 3252 3311 3597 4001 4275 4445 4469 5068 5793 6403 6433 6599 7002 7056 8157 8646 9406 9810 10252 10999 11411 11773 565299 335436 11667 45670 64101 74933 95260 96352 96670 96536 98672 86342 19304 14014 56533 56946 110658 112517 37496 132011 132038 146024 145877 185723 185811 147887 307599 307730 345560 362836 437995 532523 533460 387778 565533 592639 RYG P TYLER K KEARNEY LE SANTINI G GOLLISH DL COSHUN JP ZIMMER JM MANDICH LA LOWE KA PREGONT K HERNET CA OCONNELL ME MURPHY JM JARNAGIN AC SCHOENECKER VOLLEN NN LACKNER TM MOSS CM MCKAY YR MUNSHOWER S FOLKES WP HORGAN MT JOHNS CF BYLEWSKI NA WILSON CL LILLY T KIERAS SL HERMANN JM CARMICHAEL M MURRAY DL REMMEL K YOUNG M JURISIC SL GORDON SM BRAGANZA TIE SMITH R 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/06/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/23/15 01/21/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 P1 01/30/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/19/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/18/15 01/30/15 01/18/15 P1 01/30/15 QUAL’s 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 12072 13030 13174 2085 2369 2548 3771 4815 2681 2807 4066 4910 1250 2829 4705 3533 11435 2619 4398 5436 5484 5752 5973 6214 6223 6272 6536 6600 6667 6764 7076 7227 7431 8152 8154 8155 8196 8785 4029 520498 637387 625266 97036 98870 6566 112722 139803 18706 43733 122412 140034 67679 43972 139510 52991 520674 5600 131922 163863 164061 168018 175822 182914 182911 183057 196279 301138 301342 301605 307776 321094 321583 345545 345547 345548 11752 169782 81485 MCCAFFREY MA ESPER LL BARR TA PERBOHNER ME TOMPKINS MG NURRE PJ RODRIGUEZ JA HEINLEIN TH ADAMS-DEJARD BRYANT KUH B JUNG EH ADDIS LA BECK BR NETZEL JE DAUL P ENGELMAN W HARDER P LEAHY KA WAGNER KR PAULSON SJ PRUITT RATHE CUNNINGHAM G BORLAND MA WONG-GOEBEL DYER DL FOOTE AL ROGERS GJ BRADLEY JM WATKINS JL BORLAND J POZNIAK A MARCINEK SB FRANCIS DA ALLEN KE BURNETT DD BURNETT DA MOHR MA DU PREE H FRIESEN 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/05/15 01/18/15 01/05/15 01/17/15 01/19/15 01/19/15 01/18/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/05/15 01/21/15 01/18/15 01/22/15 01/18/15 01/05/15 01/12/15 01/22/15 01/05/15 01/18/15 01/12/15 01/05/15 01/12/15 01/12/15 01/12/15 01/12/15 01/22/15 01/22/15 01/22/15 01/22/15 01/22/15 01/18/15 01/07/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/18/15 01/17/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/17/15 01/30/15 01/16/15 01/28/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/28/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 01/15/15 P1 01/15/15 01/29/15 01/26/15 01/30/15 01/26/15 01/13/15 01/20/15 01/30/15 01/13/15 01/26/15 01/20/15 01/13/15 01/20/15 01/20/15 01/20/15 01/20/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 01/26/15 01/30/15 ORD RESERVES FLIGHT ATTENDANTS TRANSFERRING IN OR CHANGING TO ACTIVE STATUS THE FIRST CONTRACTUAL DAY OF THE MONTH SHOULD BID ACCORDINGLY IF THEY FALL WITHIN THE SENIORITY RANGE BELOW. BACK UP FLIGHT ATTENDANTS SHOULD INCLUDE SOME RESERVE SELECTIONS AND RESERVE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS SHOULD INCLUDE SOME REGULAR SELECTIONS IN THEIR BALLOT. FOR RESERVE INFORMATION REFER TO: www.aaflightservice.com From Home Page Select: My Job > Crew Resources > Bidding Information > General Reserve Information PAYBIDS ARE INDICATED IN BOLD NO Reserve Credit: Bidding ONTO reserve with vacation or after being granted a leave of absence will not fulfill his/her reserve rotation obligation and will not get reserve credit BACK-UP RESERVE LIST SEN EMP NAME 11363 11381 11412 11414 11435 11450 11476 11477 11484 11492 11498 11503 11504 11518 11519 11523 11524 11532 11533 11548 11561 11599 11601 11617 11632 11636 11638 11657 11663 11666 11678 11691 11701 565423 565462 565537 565544 520674 565618 565673 565674 565625 565701 565714 565720 565722 565747 565749 565756 565758 565770 565773 565812 77103 565930 565934 445190 566000 566018 566021 487075 592358 592369 592395 592438 592462 KLASSY JENSEN WENDT DOYLE HARDER OROURKE PRESKAR AKHTAR CAMPBELL RIPPY CHANDLER ANDREINI HONORE CARTER GREB MALENFANT KOCISS MALDONADO PERO EPTING TOBIN THOMAS COLLINS ERNST RENDON DEBB WEBER HUDSON GRABSKY MCPHILOMY DAILEY ALFARO DIAS QUALS 11704 11762 11773 11790 11791 11792 11794 11819 11822 11842 11855 11876 11906 11916 11920 11935 11951 11953 11970 11975 11980 11983 11987 11988 11994 11998 12005 12014 12026 12029 12050 12059 12060 12072 12116 12128 12129 12141 12143 12157 12167 12186 592472 325096 592639 592684 592686 592687 592690 592744 592753 480140 565884 592876 592939 592986 592943 593028 593082 593084 593121 593137 593145 566032 593156 593158 593172 593182 593202 593229 430765 16069 520696 593326 593329 520498 593491 593515 593517 593553 593559 593598 593624 593666 WHITTAKER DERDA SMITH CROWE CLAPP GARCIA COATES VAZQUEZ TEACHOUT TRUJILLO SCHWARTZ LELLE RUMSCHLAG HOWELL HERBST VIGO TEMPLE OCONNOR BARGER SMRT MCAFOOSE JOHNSON HARVEY HULL NAGURSKI AIKEN VELEZ PEREZ NOTO REBER ROGERS LUBY NG MCCAFFREY MOORE MUNIZ TOLENTINO WILLIAMS KOTSONIS CAGLE-AFTUCK EVANS MILLER SP SP SP RESERVE LIST SEN EMP NAME SP FR 12188 12219 12234 12247 12255 12310 12329 12331 12333 12351 12353 12370 593670 593734 480447 593802 593822 567256 156407 593977 593981 594021 594025 594059 BONILLA RYAN VALDEZ BLACKBURN WESTERFIELD KUHN JOHNSON KEITH VALDEZ COOLEY CRAIG-LOY STATELER QUALS 12379 12382 12383 12392 12397 12413 12415 12427 12432 12436 12440 12493 12518 12519 12522 12540 12541 12542 12544 12556 12573 12582 12583 12602 12605 12609 12610 12622 12626 12657 12667 12690 12693 13396 13469 13494 13699 13718 13722 13751 13764 13787 13810 13828 13919 13945 14050 14135 14138 14153 14234 14275 14297 14321 14450 83801 13464 580047 594088 521623 487185 594131 558002 594172 594181 387397 626914 637016 637019 637099 647955 647967 647966 647971 648082 648181 648221 648224 645419 645454 645473 645456 645527 645533 637030 645680 645529 645741 621959 623072 623899 626639 653899 581135 614863 627340 629090 629089 655928 614801 629226 632967 185761 633093 633100 633567 638450 638372 638772 640517 CONTINUED TURCO GRABOWSKI SP OLSEN MCGOWEN BEACHAM SKIBINSKI BAKER GRANT BEIN CORONA-ZEPEDA SP HAWORTH SMITH SCHWARZ PIJL RUSSELL SULLIVAN CEFERIN STEVENSON WITWER PERSON ANTHONY KOTULSKI STEPHENS REIMERS WENBERG MORRIS RONCKE MCNICHOLS WITTIG WALKER-HENRY MURCOTT TUJO RAY DEKIEL BADGER BURGE LARSON DUNLEAVY UY DRAKE FFP JOHNSON HARRIS SMITH ELSESSER ROCHE-KEEHN MC-GRAW OLIVER MORGAN SKOURUP OHARA HARFORD RICHARDSON MANZELLA BECERRA SETTY FFP FR FR FR 14463 14487 14538 14581 14606 14643 14703 14724 14759 14857 14903 14916 14920 14929 14934 14937 14967 14984 15070 15091 15094 15095 15109 15152 15195 15344 15379 15385 15391 15421 15435 15437 15445 15468 15471 15486 15491 15492 15494 15496 15499 15507 15522 15532 15536 15537 15542 15546 15552 15553 15567 15577 15603 15604 15606 15613 15628 15640 15649 15663 640852 640919 615290 649915 649911 649978 650842 650877 650912 656527 656985 656745 656869 657662 656779 656730 650806 666268 658124 658068 658087 658094 658123 658180 669893 489259 666283 667237 667442 624714 667609 667620 667627 667692 670691 687276 670758 667697 670989 667686 667683 321109 687113 687100 687213 687111 687102 687097 687108 687148 520970 687203 687167 687210 687182 687177 651883 687246 687245 687257 HARGROVE KOZARITS SEXTON CLANTON HOLDING BUIE CRISAFULLI HARRELL CAMPO SITO PETZEL OCASIO WILSON HARRISON BERRY ROWE AMEND ROGERS EARLS KUHN CASE STANCZAK CLAUSEN DUDKO STOCKS FIGUEROA-JIMENEZ CARTER VASQUEZ ILIFF WESSELS LINER TOUSIS MURPHY BOWLIN POGGI ZIEGELBAUER ZURCHER LOWERY KI BARNINGHAM TEAGUE STOFFREGEN LEHMKUHL BERGSTROM WALKER HOLMES MELNYCHUK BROWN GENOVA OLIVIER KELLY OKOL GEORGE WENC JOHNSON HANNON PERRY CALCANO LASKER BILLOPS FR SP SP 15666 15790 15794 15796 15899 15917 15928 15929 15930 15940 15945 15946 15950 15957 15978 15985 15992 15996 16482 16496 16499 16501 16513 16514 16526 16548 16564 16581 16585 16592 16601 687250 696558 695464 658023 695731 696446 695693 696526 687948 695697 695694 695867 696444 696594 696614 696581 696555 696547 751137 751130 752564 752561 751140 752573 751128 752614 752577 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ATTENDANTS TRANSFERRING IN OR CHANGING TO ACTIVE STATUS THE FIRST CONTRACTUAL DAY OF THE MONTH SHOULD BID ACCORDINGLY IF THEY FALL WITHIN THE SENIORITY RANGE BELOW. BACK UP FLIGHT ATTENDANTS SHOULD INCLUDE SOME RESERVE SELECTIONS. RESERVE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS SHOULD INCLUDE SOME REGULAR SELECTIONS IN THEIR BALLOT. X = DUTY FREE M = MOVABLE ORD Domestic for the month of January 2015 PRE−FLIGHT / THROUGH − FLIGHT FUELING POSITIONS The following Flight Attendants have extended ground time assignments for reporting early or staying late which corresponds to the fueling responsibilties. Assigned F/As are compensated for reporting early/staying late assignments in accordance with the Flight Attendant agreement: Article 3, section J, 1−2 +−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ | Aircraft | Report Early | Stay Late | |−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ | S80 | 2 | 4 | |−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ | 737 | 1,2 | 3,4 | |−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ | 757/767 | 1,2 | 3,4 | |−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ | 777 | 1,2,4,5 | 3,6,7,8 | |−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ | Flight Services Procedures − Revised 11/28/01 | +−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ D/I BASE SEQ FLIGHT STA D/P Ext (Mins) D/I BASE SEQ FLIGHT STA D/P Ext (Mins) ==================================================================================================================== | D ORD 10710 1047 LAX 5 | D ORD 10721 1192 LAX 37 | D ORD 10724 2378 SFO 12 | D ORD 10791 1456 MCO 3 | D ORD 10794 1192 LAX 37 | D ORD 10795 1444 PHX 4 | D ORD 10797 393 MEX 18 | D ORD 10797 1597 MEX 16 | D ORD 10819 1456 MCO 3 | D ORD 10821 1444 PHX 4 | D ORD 10824 393 MEX 18 | D ORD 10824 1597 MEX 16 | D ORD 10827 1355 BOS 2 | D ORD 10833 1644 SNA 5 | D ORD 10837 1224 EWR 7 | D ORD 10850 1515 MCO 10 | D ORD 10858 1444 PHX 4 | D ORD 10859 1515 MCO 12 | D ORD 10860 1192 LAX 5 | D ORD 10862 393 MEX 18 | D ORD 10862 1597 MEX 16 | D ORD 10864 1355 BOS 2 | D ORD 10891 1456 MCO 3 | D ORD 10895 1444 PHX 4 | D ORD 10897 1597 MEX 16 | D ORD 10897 393 MEX 18 | D ORD 10909 1515 MCO 12 | D ORD 10912 393 MEX 18 | D ORD 10912 1597 MEX 16 | D ORD 10913 1132 PHX 1 | D ORD 10923 2488 EWR 8 | D ORD 10926 2378 SFO 12 | D ORD 10933 221 SFO 10 | D ORD 10940 1456 MCO 3 | D ORD 10944 1597 MEX 16 | D ORD 10944 393 MEX 18 | D ORD 10945 1052 TPA 15 | D ORD 10984 1047 LAX 5 | D ORD 10999 1047 LAX 5 | D ORD 11003 1684 EWR 1 | D ORD 11008 2378 SFO 12 | D ORD 12114 2339 DFW 50 | REPORT EARLY −− TURN | SEQ 12114 REPORT EARLY DFW |
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