Gedney Bulb Company Ltd. Gedney, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 0AU Tel: 01406 550341 Fax: 01406 550340 Order online at SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS and Bulbs ‘In The Green’ 2015 Bulbs ‘In The Green’ - Available January to April IDEAL FOR NATURALISING. Spring Flowering. Cultivated in Norfolk and Lincolnshire, lifted fresh from the ground. (Available in units of 100, per variety) Variety XALL-URS Allium ursinum (ransomes - wild garlic) Code Price 18p 25-35cm clusters of white star shaped flowers in May Allium ursinum XERA-HYE Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconites) 16p XEND-NON Endymion non scriptus (bluebells) 30cm true native bluebell, purple-blue bell flowers in May 16p XGAL-NIV Galanthus nivalis (snowdrops) 10-15cm single white flowers, January - February 9p XGAL-FLP Galanthus flore plena (double snowdrops) 12p XNAR-PSE NARCISSUS pseudonarcissus (wild daffodil) 10p 8-10cm yellow cup shaped flowers, January - March 7-10cm white double flowers in January - March 30cm pale yellow flowers, darker central trumpet, March - April Eranthis hyemalis Endymion non scriptus Galanthus nivalis Qty Galanthus flore plena Narcissus pseudonarcissus Acidanthera ‘murilae’ Double yellow Begonia Canna ‘variegated Tropicana’ Convallaria ‘Lily of the Valley’ Crinum ‘powelli’ Crocosmia ‘George Davidson’ Bulbs per unit Price each Price per unit 250 4p £10.00 CANNA to order, please enquire for availability and prices XCON-MAJ CONVALLARIA majalis (Lily of the Valley) topsize 100 16p £16.00 XCRI-POW CRINUM powelli 24cm up 10 XCRO-EMACROCOSMIA Emily McKenzie 7cm up 250 12p £30.00 XCRO-GDACROCOSMIA George Davidson 8cm up 250 12p £30.00 XCRO-LUCCROCOSMIA Lucifer 10cm up 250 10p £25.00 XCRO-EMBCROCOSMIA Emberglow 8/10cm 250 10p £25.00 XCRO-VOYCROCOSMIA Voyager 8cm up 250 12p £30.00 XDAH-BLLDAHLIA Bishop of Llandaff topsize 50 85p £42.50 XDAH-DHODAHLIA David Howard topsize 50 85p £42.50 XDAH-PHADAHLIA Purple Haze topsize 50 85p £42.50 XDAH-MOODAHLIA Moonfire topsize 50 85p £42.50 XERE-BUNEREMURUS bungeii topsize 25 75p £18.75 XEUC-BICEUCOMIS bicolor 16/18cm 25 60p £15.00 XGAL-CANGALTONIA candicans 14/16cm ‘summer hyacinth’ 50 26p £13.00 XGAL-BYZGLADIOLI byzantinus 250 6.5p £16.25 Code Variety XACI-MUR ACIDANTHERA murilae (bicolor) 8/10cm 70cm white flowers with brown markings on arching stems BEGONIA to order, please enquire for availability and prices CALLA to order, please enquire for availability and prices 70cm white flowers with brown markings on arching stems, May - June Large pink ‘elephant flowers’, ideal for large urns and tubs, Sept - Nov 60cm, orange flowers with brown markings, August - Sept 40cm, bright yellow flowers above sword-like foliage, July - August 100cm, bright red flowers along arching stems, August - Sept 70cm, dark red flowers on arching stems, July - August 75cm, large rich chrome-yellow flowers, August - Sept 90cm, bright red flowers, dark green-bronze foliage, July - Oct 70cm, rich orange flowers, dark smoky foliage, hardy, July - Oct 60cm, purple flowers with crimson centres, dark bronze foliage, July - Oct 50cm, yellow petals with red centres, attractive dark foliage , July - Oct 90cm tall majestic yellow foxtail lily spires, July - August 40cm, unusual pineapple flowers above broad foliage in summer 75cm, bell-shaped white flowers on strong stems, July - Sept 60cm brilliant wine coloured flowers, May - June £1.25 £12.50 GLADIOLI large flowered to order, please enquire for availability and prices Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ Crocosmia ‘Voyager’ Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ Dahlia ‘David Howard’ Dahlia ‘Purple Haze’ Dahlia ‘Moonfire’ Order Qty Eremurus bungeii Eucomis bicolor Galtonia candicans Gladioli Plum Tart Gladioli Nova Lux Bulbs per unit Incarvillea delavyii Pink Price each Price per unit Code Variety XINC-DEL INCARVILLEA delavyii Pink topsize 25 65p £16.25 XINC-SNO INCARVILLEA Snowtop topsize 25 65p £16.25 INCARVILLEA Snowtop topsize 25 50p £12.50 XLIA-ALB LIATRIS spicata alba 100 12p £12.00 XLIA-SPI LIATRIS spicata purple 100 12p £12.00 50 35p £17.50 XISM-FES 40cm, large deep rose pink trumpet flowers, June - July 40cm, large pure white trumpet flowers, June - July 40cm, large pure white trumpet flowers, June - July 50cm, strong white flowering spikes in August 50cm, strong purple flowering spikes in August XNER-BOW NERINE bowdenii 12/14cm 40cm, bright pink unusual furled flowers in late Autumn Showcases Bulb Qty Cost/Showcase SSP XS-01 Double BEGONIA 6cm up 5x20 £40.00 £1.00 each XS-02 Pendula BEGONIA 6cm up 5x20 £44.00 £1.00 each XS-03 Cascade BEGONIA 5cm up 5x20 £46.00 £1.00 each XS-04 Exotic BEGONIA 5cm up 5x20 £46.00 £1.00 each XS-05 GLADIOLI Large Flowered 14cm up 5x80 £38.00 5 for £1 XS-06 GLADIOLI Classic 10/12cm 5x100 £33.00 7 for £1 XS-07 GLADIOLI Nanus varieties 8cm up 5x80 £38.00 5 for £1 XS-08 LILIES Trumpet 20cm up 5x20 £60.00 £1.20 each XS-09 LILIES Asiatic 16/18cm 5x20 £44.00 90p each XS-10 LILIES Patio 12/14cm 5x30 £40.00 50p each XS-11 CROCOSMIA 8cm up 5x75 £38.00 25p each XS-12 CANNA LILIES topsize 5x15 £40.00 £1.20 each XS-13 DAHLIAS Giant Dinner Plate topsize 5x15 £55.00 £1.75 each XS-14 DAHLIAS Dark Leaf topsize 5x15 £55.00 £1.75 each Very large flowers in 5 colours Popular hanging basket begonia Double pendula begonia in 5 colours Picotee, Crispa Marginata and Red/White, Boulton de Rose, Marmorata 5 of the most popular colours Snowprincess, Traderhorn, Priscilla, Peter Pears, Nova Lux Short stemmed gladioli with freesia-like flowers Pink Perfection, Stargazer, Lollypop, Marco Polo, Grand Cru 5 varieties of the most popular colours Pink Pixie, New Wave, Crimson Pixie, Little Brigid, Orange Pixie 5 large flowering varieties Black Night, Shell Pink, Louis Cottin, Chinese Coral, Golden Lucifer 5 varieties of these supersized flower Dahlias Bishop of Llandaff, York, Dover, Purple Haze Incarvillea snowdrop Liatris spicata purple Liatris spicata alba Nerine bowdenii Dahlia Cambridge Dahlia Avignon Order Qty Qty Prepacked Bulbs Packs per Outer Price per Pack Price per Outer XPRE-DMX DAHLIA Individual prepacks 60 85p £51.00 XPRE-DDP DAHLIA Dinner Plate varieties 25 £1.36 £34.00 XPRE-DDL DAHLIA Dinner Plate varieties 25 £1.36 £34.00 XPRE-MIS Miscellaneous Bulbs 60 76p £45.60 XPRE-GLA GLADIOLI Large Flowered 40 76p £30.40 Price each Price Order per unit Qty minimum 40 named varieties 5 x Avignon, Bilbao, Manhattan, Kiev, Cambridge 10 x Bishop of Llandaff, 5 x Knockout, Purple Haze, David Howard 5 packs of 12 popular varieties Mixed colours x 20 corms 8/10cm Code Variety Bulbs per unit Qty Pot Lilies - flowering 90 days from potting. Labels are available for Pot Lilies at 6p each Blackbird XLP-BLA Blackbird 12/14cm 100 26p £26.00 XLP-CRP Crimson Pixie 12/14cm 100 26p £26.00 XLP-LOL Lollypop 12/14cm 100 28p £28.00 XLP-OPI Orange Pixie 12/14cm 100 26p £26.00 XLP-PPI Pink Pixie 12/14cm 100 26p £26.00 XLP-NWA New Wave 12/14cm 100 26p £26.00 XLP-BPI Bright Pixie 12/14cm 100 26p £26.00 XLP-SQU longiflorum Snow Queen 16/18cm 100 45p £45.00 XLP-STA orientale Stargazer 12/14cm 100 25p £25.00 25 75p £18.75 45cm deep ruby-red with dark freckles 40cm bold crimson red trumpets 45cm creamy white flowers with pink tips Crimson Pixie 50cm vibrant orange flowers 40cm pink to light pink, with yellow throats Lollypop 45cm white flowers with light freckling 35cm bright yellow flowers New Wave Bright Pixie Snow Queen Scented Lilies Orange Pixie 120cm large white trumpets, July - Aug 75cm pink speckled trumpets, July - Aug XLP-REG Regale (Trumpet Lily) 20cm up Pink Pixie 90cm large white trumpet flowers, July - Aug Stargazer Regale Name Address Tel No. Fax Email Gedney Bulb Company Ltd. Gedney, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 0AU Tel: 01406 550341 Fax: 01406 550340 Order online at Email: Orders will be dispatched from week 4 onwards Delivery & Conditions All prices are NETT and subject to VAT at the current rate. There is no minimum order, however minimum quantities per variety apply. Delivery over £400 will be charged pro rata (minimum charge £10). We regret we cannot make deliveries to a specific time (without a surcharge). Terms and conditions on main 2015 catalogue. By placing an order, the buyer is considered to have agreed to our terms and conditions. We can take payment by the following Credit Cards Mastercard * Visa * Electron * Switch * Solo
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