NWO Plant List March 2015 New World Orchids Dr. Kristen Uthus 9588 Meadowcrest, Manchester, MI 48158 Phone: 734-369-1776 Email: nwo@newworldorchids.com www.newworldorchids.com Price list 12 March 2015 **Prices are subject to change at any time** PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR INFO ON CULTURE AND AVAILABILITY BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER ! Neofinetia - PRICED PER GROWTH Code NF001AKA NF002AKE NF003AKO NF008AMA NF009AFU NF010ACH NF011AON Variety Akabana 赤花 Akebono 曙 Akogare 憧 Amanogawa 天の川 Aojiko Fugaku 靑軸富嶽 Aojiku Chousentetsu 青軸朝鮮鉄 Aone Zuiun 青根瑞雲 Price $20.00 $55.00 $80.00 $15.00 $40.00 $10.00 $30.00 Description Nice clear pink flower. Green leaves with a lime-green to gray-silver center stripe. Nice bean leave type and yellow variegation on leaves. White basal color; 8" LS. Very special yellow - varying striping. Rare. Pine needle foliage; 3” LS. Similar to Zuiun; very nice tiger color NF012ASA Asahiden 朝日殿 $30.00 Rising Sun Lord, Yellow and green striped leaves. 6"-7" LS; particularly strong fragrance. NF013AWA NF014AYA NF016BKA NF017BMU Awa Haribeni 阿波針紅 Ayanishiki 綾錦 Benikanzashi 紅簪 Benimuso 紅無双 $10.00 $20.00 $85.00 $45.00 Pine-needle plant with some pink on the flowers. Large pink flowers and a pink peduncle. 3-spur pink flower (see also Hanakanzashi 花簪) Small, thick peacock, rough textured leaf. 1 NWO Plant List March 2015 Neofinetia - PRICED PER GROWTH Code NF018BTO NF019BOU NF020BSU NF023BYA NF024CSD NF025CHO NF027DSK NF030FUG Variety Beniotome 紅乙女 Beniougi (Benikujaku Kohai) 紅扇 Benisuzume 紅雀 Byakurei 白麗 Choseiden 長生殿 Chousentetsu 朝鮮鉄 Daiseikai 大青海 Fugaku 富嶽 Price $60.00 $100.00 $20.00 $70.00 $15.00 $10.00 $30.00 $40.00 NF032FUK Fukujumaru 福寿丸 $10.00 Small plant with leaves that are a cross between bean and pine needle types; 2.5" leaf span. NF036GEK NF037GOJ NF038GYO NF039HAG NF040HKC NF041HKH NF043HKS NF044HKU NF045HNA Gekkeikan 月桂冠 Gojō Fukurin 御城覆輪 Gyokusei 玉青 Hagoromo 羽衣 Hakuchou 白鳥 Hakuhou 白鳳 Hakuseiryu 伯青龍 Hakuun 白雲 Hanagoromo 花衣 $45.00 $25.00 $40.00 $30.00 $50.00 $15.00 $45.00 $12.00 $15.00 NF047HKI Hanakin 花金 $15.00 NF048HIGA Higashidemiyako A+ 東出都 $25.00 NF051HSK NF053HIS NF056HNZ NF055HGR NF057HMD Hime Sekai 姬青海 Hisui 翡翠 Hoshi no Shizuku 星の雫 Hoshiguruma 星車 Houmeiden 豊明殿 $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 $20.00 $45.00 Nice striped leaves - green with yellow 4 - 6” LS. "Castle Fukurin;" cream-yellow margin with crisp striping; 5-7" leaf span. Jade green Green leaf center; diffuse cream to yellow edges Thick, slender leaves, pink to purple root tips and white flowers. Slight tiger markings. Green with fine stripes and red pigmentation on leaves. "White Snow;" leaves have distinct white tiger markings; 5" leaf span. "Clothes of a Flower;" golden yellow tiger with 4-5" leaf span. Neo variety cross between Hanagoromo 花衣 x Kinkounishiki 金広錦; spring green leaves with bright yellow ends. Green leaves with yellow margin, 4 - 6” LS. Particularly impressive size and coloration on this group of Higashi’s; think Fukiden! Highly recurved bean leaf with upright (star) flowers; 3" leaf span. One of the most well-known green-flowering Neo's; 5-7" leaf span. Description Pink flower, pleasant wave to leaves. Red blush on leaves, red tsuke. Princess leaf plants with smaller, solid light pink flowers. 4" leaf span. Large 7" wide growths with heavy purple pigmentation. Long green leaves with darker green central stripe. Pine needle foliage in compact growths. long curved leaves with thin yellow stripes on most growths, white flowers. Very nice green and yellow stripes that vary from leaf to leaf. "Star Car;" spurless, star-shaped flowers. White leaf base and striking bright ruby root tips. 2 NWO Plant List March 2015 Neofinetia - PRICED PER GROWTH Code NF058ISE NF059JIT NF060JUN NF061JYU NF063KBT NF064KGH Variety Isechabo 伊勢矮鶏 Jitsugetsukou 日月宮 Junihitoe 十二単 Jyuko 寿光 Kabutomaru 兜丸 Kaguyahime かぐや姫 Price $15.00 $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 NF067KAI Kaiomaru 海王丸 $65.00 NF070KNS Karanishiki 唐錦 $50.00 NF076KSH Kibana Shanhai 黄花上海 $40.00 NF079KHM NF080KTM NF081KNB Kikuhime 菊姫 Kikuotome 菊乙女 Kinboshi 金星 $45.00 $40.00 $60.00 NF082KGR Kinginrasha 金銀羅紗 $50.00 NF083KBT NF085KJK NF086KRK NF087KRM NF089KHS NF091KRF NF092KSR NF093KSS NF094KSY NF095KSZ NF097KOD NF098KGN NF100KOM Kinkabuto 金兜 Kinkujaku 金孔雀 Kinroukaku 金鏤閣 Kirinmaru 麒麟丸 Kishuu Hakusetsu 紀州白雪 Kishuu Ryokufuu 紀州綠風 Kishuu Ryokuhou 紀州緑宝 Kishuu Sekko 紀州雪虎 Kishuu Shirayuki 紀州白雪 Kisuzume 黄雀 Kodaiju 古代樹 Koganenishiki 黄金錦 Komaru 小丸 $80.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $15.00 $20.00 $15.00 $25.00 $15.00 $40.00 $10.00 $40.00 $15.00 Description Compact grower; semi-bean leaf type. Long, bright green leaves with lots of white tiger coloration. Wide leaved, pointed bean. Shiny bean leaf. Bean leaf type with upward-facing flowers and a short spur. Weird, tall growing bean leaf, straight tsuke. Striking plant with peacock oriented bean leaves, dark purple mountain tsuke, and beautifully oriented growths. Small, light-colored tsuke; slight tiger coloration. A nice variant of Kibana with bright green leaves and more delicate growths than Kibana furan. Yellow flowers. Stocky light green leaves with yellowish flowers. Deep yellow flowers, some with a little pink. Golden leaves with a spur-less, star-shaped flower that has pink tepal tips. Rough-textured, rasp leaf hints of some marginal variegation, sometimes, almost ruby root tips. The flowers fuller texture. Variable yellow striping, some with Ku Ryu Den. "Gold Peacock", bean leaf with golden color that develops in high light conditions. Tiger stripe with nice golden yellow markings; 6" leaf span. Miniature bean leaf; 2" leaf span. Nice yellow tiger variegation. Delicate green flowers. Thin, bright green leaves with distinct purple markings. Dark green leaves with faint spring green tiger markings. Compact plant with light green leaves and nice white tiger markings. Bright yellow flowers with a white lip. Compact growths of slender light green leaves; vigorous grower! Very wide golden leaves. Peacock leaf with straight tsuke. 3 NWO Plant List March 2015 Neofinetia - PRICED PER GROWTH Code NF101KFR NF103KOH NF104KKK Variety Koto Fukurin 湖東覆輪 Kouhou 黄鳳 Koukakuden 紅嚇殿 Price $50.00 $40.00 $25.00 Description Light Cream-yellow stripes with red blush in places. "Golden Treasure;" yellow flowers. Big-leafed plants with pink flowers. NF106KOY Kouyo 紅陽 $60.00 Bright green leaves with slight peacock and nearly purple flowers; one of the best reds in Neos. NF107KJN NF108KJM NF110KSJ NF111KSH NF113KUT NF114KYO NF119MWH NF120MSK NF122MYD NF125MMH Kujaku Nishiki 孔雀錦 Kujakumaru 孔雀丸 Kuroshinju 黒真珠 Kuroshio 黒潮 Kutsuwamushi 轡虫 Kyokko 極紅 Mikawa no hana 三河花 Misukage 御簾影 Miyakodori 都鳥 Momohime 桃姫 $35.00 $55.00 $20.00 $45.00 $20.00 $60.00 $25.00 $30.00 $90.00 $15.00 Small plants with princess leaves and lots of variable bright yellow stripes. Rough textured peacock growths with thick leaves. Ultra-mini growths, only 1" across! Wide, rounded leaves with slight peacock; stocky plants; like a bean leaf on steroids. Slightly pink flowers on plants with very curved leaves. Thin, dark green leaves with red-purple tips and accents, pink flowers. NF126MSM Musoumaru 無双丸 $40.00 NF128NAN NF127NXI NF130NIS NF132ONS NF137OUT NF133ORI NF134OTK NF135OGN NF136OGM NF141REN Naniwajishi 浪花獅子 Neofinetia xichangensis 西昌風蘭 Nishidemiyako 西出都 Onami Seikai 大波青海 Ootori 鳳 Orihime 織姫 Otakamaru 大鷹丸 Ougon Nishiki 黄金錦 Ougonmaru 黄金丸 Renjoumaru $20.00 $25.00 $70.00 $10.00 $35.00 $80.00 $12.50 $40.00 $40.00 Wide lime-colored leaves with darker stripes, beautiful, contrasting, large growth. Quite thick leaves with beautiful shima stripes. Roots mud, but almost ruby. "Peach princess", narrow bright green leaves with light pink flowers. Cross between a bean leaf and Benikujaku 紅孔雀. Leaves are thick, wide and have a rough texture. Strange, twisted growths of thick but narrow leaves. A Chinese species of furan, very rare !!! Nice striping, good large white flowers. A bean leaf with highly recurved, bright green leaves and wave tsuke. Leaves with reverse variegation, similar to Akebono 曙. Very nice variable striping. "Big Falconine", bean leaf-style with normal shaped, white flowers. "Gold Brocade;" almost entirely golden yellow leaves. Golden yellow flowers. 4 NWO Plant List March 2015 Neofinetia - PRICED PER GROWTH Code NF144RYO Variety Ryokuhou 緑宝 Price $55.00 NF145SBT Seibotan 青牡丹 $25.00 NF146SEK NF147SNK Seikai 青海 Seiou Nishiki 青王錦 $50.00 $70.00 Description Bean leaf with mountain tsuke. This Neo variety is the product of self-fertilization of Kujakumaru 孔雀丸. It has small, thick, roughtextured leaves. Large, highly recurved bean leaves; unusual pink flowers with long petals and sepals. Variable thin yellow striping on light green leaves. NF148SRJ Seiryujishi 青龍獅子 $15.00 Small, pine-needle growths with a twist. Produces nicely-shaped plants as they grow, 2 - 3” LS. NF149SBZ NF152SNT NF153SSZ Senbazuru 千羽鶴 Seto no Tsurugi 瀬戸の剣 Setsuzan 雪山 $50.00 $65.00 $15.00 NF154SHA Shachikouryuu 鯱甲龍 $25.00 NF155SKK NF156SKD NF157SKT NF159SNK NF160SRY NF161SSK NF162SSD NF163SSZ NF164SKI Shikoku Kouryuu 四国甲龍 Shikouden 司光殿 Shinkotou 新湖東 Shiraito Nishiki 白糸錦 Shirayuki 白雪 Shishikouryuu 獅子甲龍 Shishinden 紫宸殿 Shitakiri Suzume 舌切り雀 Shoki $55.00 $20.00 $30.00 $20.00 $15.00 $20.00 $80.00 $30.00 $10.00 Lovely pointed bean leaf with purple-tinted wave tsuke. Straight leaves on small, twisting growths; distinctive dark tsuke. "Snow Mountain;" nice princess tiger with 5" leaf span. Long, very twisted leaves with pointed tips. Leaves have raised ridges that give them an interesting 3-D striped appearance. Twisted, quite thick leaves. Extremely long and thin princess leaves; some pink flowers in the mix? Variably striped plants with nearly white markings; 4" leaf span. Small, narrow leaf ranging in color with thin cream and purple stripes. Tiger stripe. Very twisted leaves with a pointed tip. Dark green leaves with variable thin yellow margins. V-shaped spur. NF168SHK Shunkyuuden 春及殿 $90.00 Crazy-looking flowers with extra/contorted flower parts. Flowers are white, green, and pink. NF169SHU NF170SOU NF171SUG NF172SUK Shutennou 朱天王 Soubiryuu 双尾龍 Suigai 垂崖 Suikaden 翠華殿 $15.00 $75.00 $35.00 $25.00 "Red Emperor", A Neo classic; white flowers with cherry tips, spur, and peduncle. 2-spur flowers; long, thick, bright green leaves. Short, stocky plants with log, upright flowers. Flowers have green tips, "samurai" bean leaf foliage. NF173SUN Suminagashi 墨流 $25.00 "Black Robe;" large leaves with subtle, occasional purple threads; slightly raspy appearance. 5 NWO Plant List March 2015 Neofinetia - PRICED PER GROWTH Code NF167SMZ NF174SUF NF175SSM NF176SZM NF177SYO Variety Sumon Yama 守門山 Suruga Fukurin 駿河覆輪 Surusumi 折墨 Suzumushi 鈴虫 Syojyo 猩々 Price $80.00 $40.00 $20.00 $70.00 $15.00 Description Nice yellow tiger marks on dark green leaves. Beautiful Cream-yellow striping on leaves. Thick leaf with dark streaks on top and undersides. Thick bean leaf with pointed tip on leaves, upward facing, white flowers. A great pink flower with color at the flower tips, spur, and peduncle. NF165SXS Syojyo 猩々 x Shutennou 朱天王 $15.00 Cross between Syojyo 猩々 x Shutennou 朱天王, two similar pink-flowered varieties. NF178TAC NF180TMT Tachitaihou 立大鵬 Taimatsu 松明 NF181TAY Taiyoden 太陽殿 $30.00 NF182TKK NF184TGN NF185TMG NF186TMK NF189TAN NF190TEN NF192TKF Takakuma 高隈 Tamagawa Nishiki 玉川錦 Tamagawa 玉川 Tamakongou 玉金剛 Tankai 淡海 Tengen 天玄 Tenkei Fukurin 天恵覆輪 $15.00 $35.00 $10.00 $12.50 $80.00 $15.00 $45.00 NF193TKB Tenkoubai 天紅梅 $15.00 NF194TES NF196TNZ NF197TOK NF201TOU NF203TKO NF204TOT Tenshin 天心 Tenzan 天山 Tokai 東海 Tougen 桃源 Toukou 桃煌 Toutenkou 東天紅 $45.00 $15.00 $25.00 $15.00 $75.00 $70.00 NF205TOY Toyozakura 豊桜 $30.00 NF207UKA Unkai 雲海 $65.00 $12.50 $150.00 Semi-bean leaf with some interesting texture to the leaf; 3-4" leaf span. Contorted, bean leaf. Very beautiful! Thin yellow stripes on medium green leaves; stripes continue down onto the tsuke and vary among leaves. "High Bear;" creamy tiger striping; 5-6" leaf span. Variable light striping. Princess leaf, 5-6" leaf span. Bean leaf type, flowers rounder, star-shaped with short spur. Medium sized, wide leaved variety, white, star shaped flowers. Medium bean leaf with very big flowers. Nicely contrasting green & gold leaves. Dark green leaves with distinctive purple markings on most, specially on undersides of leaves. Very showy! Flower has a forward-facing spur (like Pinocchio's nose!). Thick, bean leave like leaves with shima stripes. Big growths with very curved foliage--like Ounami, but much larger. Light pink flower. Nice pink/red. Large princess leaves, large flowers with pink. Nice pink flowers with darker spurs on plants with long, dark green leaves. Very nicely shaped plants. Flowers have extra long petals and sepals with a pink blush at the base. 6 NWO Plant List March 2015 Neofinetia - PRICED PER GROWTH Code NF208UKY NF209USH NF210YAE NF212YAS Variety Unkyou 雲橋 Ushiwakamaru 牛若丸 Yaegoromo 八重衣 Yasuri Takakuma 鑢高隈 Price $25.00 $45.00 $15.00 $10.00 NF213YAT Yatsufusa 八房 $90.00 NF214YOD Yodo no Matsu 淀の松 $12.50 NF216YOR Yoroidoshi 鎧通し $20.00 NF217YOU NF219YUB NF220YUZ NF221ZUI Youmeiden 陽明殿 Yubae 夕映 Yuzuki 夕月 Zuiun 瑞雲 $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 $20.00 Description Green and white tiger markings. Lime green irregular peacock leaves, rough texture. Unusual white-striped leaves; pattern will vary on each growth. Vigorous grower with stocky leaves. A 3-spur flower variety. Flowers rarely open but swell like a balloon, going from white to light pink, weird. Thick, Bean-leaf type. 3"-4" LS. Vigorously growing, large pine needle growths; named for the armor-piercing dagger of the Edo Era in Japan. Variable yellow to lime green leaves. Yellow Neofinetia crossed with a pink. Flowers yellow and light pink. Tiger striping, leaves yellow with green tip, roots mud, almost peach. Growth centers yellow, with light yellow flowers. Neofinetia hybrids - PRICED PER PLANT Code VH003 Variety Neostylis Lou Sneary “Bluebird” Price $30.00 VH002APK1 Neostylis "Pinky" $25.00 VH002BPK1 Neostylis Pinky 'Starry Night' $25.00 Description cross between Neofinetia falcata and Rhynchostylis coelestis, fragrant. hybrid between Neofinetia x Rhynchostylis with deep pink flowers, often fragrant o a small compact plant. hybrid between Neofinetia x Rhynchostylis with deep pink flowers, often fragrant o a small compact plant. 7 NWO Plant List March 2015 Neofinetia SPECIALS - PRICED PER PLANT - only 1 available per variety Code NF031FUJ NF042HKF NF052HMK NF211YAM NF183TKN Variety Fujiho 富士峰 Hakuou Fukurin 白王覆輪 Himiko 卑弥呼 Yamato Nishiki 大和錦 Takara Nishiki 宝錦 Price $495 $120.00 $550 $95.00 $250.00 Description Every growth with different markings. 10 gr+3 babies Nice yellow edges on leaves. Twisted growths and leaves. Special. Yellow variegation on rounded leaf, compact growths, cute. 5 gr. + 4 babies Variable light striping. 5+ growth NF187TMN Tama Nishiki 玉錦 $650.00 Variety of Nishidemiyako, with smaller and curvier leaves with marginal variegation. 1+ growth NF150SGK NF140RNH NF138OYA NF090KHO NF124MYH NF075KIB NF222HSY Sengaku 尖岳 Rain no Hikari 羅因の光 Ooyashima 大八州 Kishuho Miyakohabutae 都羽二重 Kibana Furan 黄花風蘭 Houshoudenn 宝生殿 $250 $350 $150.00 $575.00 $180.00 $45.00 $595.00 Nice bean leaf with mountain tsuke. 1 gr + 1 baby Variable yellow striping on blue-green leaves. 7 growth Large green growths, creamy-white flowers. Variable cream-yellow stripes, different on each growth and long leaves. Wind orchid (Furan) with yellow flowers. Creamy shima stripes on soft green leaves. Beautiful! Dendrobium moniliforme CHOSEIRAN - PRICED PER PLANT Code DEN001AKE DEN002AOK DEN003ASA DEN005BFK DEN008BTM DEN009BSZ DEN011THN DEN013FAI DEN014FJM DEN015FJS Variety Akebono 曙 Aokouryu 青交流 Asahi Zuru 朝日狡 Benifuki 紅富貴 Beniotome 紅乙女 Benisuzume 紅雀 Choseiran with thin leaves Fairy Fujimaru 富士丸 Fujitsuru 藤蔓 Price $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Description Soft pink flowers. Narrow green leaves. White leaves with a thin green outer margin, yellow pseudo-bulbs. Green leaves with raised creamy-yellow center veins, Yellow psuedo-bulb. White and pink stripes on narrow leaves. Leaves with white streaks basally, and a little pink tinge coloring, curvy leaves, 3”-5". Very thin, green leaves. Fairy Princess, or Orchid of the Fairy. Crystalline-white flowers on a 3" tall plant. Dark purple pseudo-bulb, leaves dark green, some heavily twisted. Leaves dark green with white picotee leaf edges, Lavender flowers with white throat. 8 NWO Plant List March 2015 Dendrobium moniliforme CHOSEIRAN - PRICED PER PLANT Code DEN016FUK DEN017GIF DEN019GOK Variety Fukura Suzume 福良雀 Gifusan Daruma 岐阜産達磨 Gokuki Nagashi 極黄流し Price $25.00 DEN020HAK Hakuhou 白鳳 $25.00 DEN024HKT DEN022HRK DEN021HRY DEN025HMG DEN026HMK DEN028IZD DEN029IZH DEN027ISH DEN030KMB DEN031KNY DEN032KBK DEN034KHM DEN035KGS DEN036KXG DEN037KNB DEN038KGK DEN039KKK DEN040KKH DEN041KKD DEN042KMR DEN043KNR DEN044KNS DEN045KSE Hakutsuru 白鶴 Hakuun Yuukou 白雲幽晃 Hakuunryuu 白雲龍 Hime Gyokouryu 姫漁港龍 Himekinryu 姫金幽 Ishizuchi Daruma 石鎚達磨 Ishizuchi no Hana 石鎚の華 Ishizuchi 石鎚 Kaioumaru Botan 海王丸牡丹 Kanayama 金山 Kibana Koiten 阿南の黄花 Kihoumaru 貴宝丸 Kinagashi 着流し Kinboshi x gyokuen Kinboshi 金星 Kingyokuden 金玉殿 Kinkaku 金閣 Kinkakuhou 金閣宝 Kinkouden 金広殿 Kinmaru 黄丸 Kinryu 金龍 Kinsei 金星 Kinsekei 金世軽 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Description Odd shaped, flowers, curved back, pink flower parts. Very small rounded leaves on compact growths. Mini miniature. Heavily variegated with bright lemon-yellow and green leaves, green psuedo-bulbs. Irregular, faint bright white-yellow markings on leaves, marginal striping. tall, green-yellow pseudo-bulbs. Flowers are icy white. Green leaves with heavy yellow striping centrally, white flowers, 4"-5" tall plant. Green leaf center with white edges and some pink-red. Green leaf center with white edges. Golden yellow leaves, nice contrasting dark green striping throughout. Dark green leaves with a golden margin, light pink flower. Compact growths, variegated leaves, pink flowers. Compact growths, pink flowers. Large white to yellowish flowers. 4" tall plant, Compact growths, rounded leaves. Leaves variable, from all-green to heavy yellow stripes. Flowers pink with white center. Thin dark green leaves and creamy-yellow flowers. Narrow golden margins on the leaves. Variable yellow striping throughout leaf, 6-8" tall. $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $250.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Green leaves, with occasional white markings, flowers shell-pink with undulating petals. Yellow pseudo-bulb, leaves green with spring green center striping. Lime green to yellow centers on wide leaves, 4" plant. Variable green stripes on a yellow-cream leaf. Variegated leaves. Green leaves, creamy-yellow flower. Heavy yellow marginal striping, large plant. Green with yellow margins on a small plant. 2" Miniature only 2-3" tall, cute! 9 NWO Plant List March 2015 Dendrobium moniliforme CHOSEIRAN - PRICED PER PLANT Code DEN046KNU DEN047KNZ DEN048KSO DEN049KTE DEN050KTM DEN051KGA DEN052KXB DEN053KOKb DEN053KOKa DEN055KGE DEN056MAN DEN057MAT DEN058MAY DEN061NAN DEN062NIK Variety Kinuayudo 絹の宿 Kinzan Kongo 金山金剛 Kisokobushi 木曽拳 Kiten Kitomaru 帰途丸 Koganemaru 黄金丸 Koibeni x Benibotan Kokan (med) Kokan (small) Kougetsu 香月 Mangetsu Matsushima Sekkoku 松島石斛 Maya Nanki 南紀 Nikko 日光 Price $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $195 $95 $25.00 $65.00 $25.00 $250.00 $25.00 $25.00 DEN063NKD Nikkouden 日光殿 $25.00 DEN064RAI DEN065SAI DEN066SEK DEN067SHI DEN068SKJ DEN069SHT DEN070SSM Raizan 雷山 Saika 斎花 Sekoku 瀬古 Shien 紫燕 Shikinju 士菌入 Shinhayatama 新速玉 Shishimaru 獅子丸 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $45.00 $25.00 Creamy-white flowers, medium-large plant. Small rounded leaves with white outer margins, minaiture. Wild type from the Matsushima Province. White to pink flowers. White variegation on leaves, white flowers. Slender green leaves on thin canes. Tall plant with dark green leaves, bright pink flowers. Light of the Sun, yellow pseudo-bulbs, leaves green with lime green striping centrally. Small 4" plant. Thunder Mountain, green leaves, flowers pink to dark pink. 6-8". White flower, leaves with pink markings centrally. Leaves with white to cream stripes. Quite variable. 6-7" tall plant. Large, dark pink flowers. Leaves dark green with a purple center stripe, pink flowers with darker edges. Green leaves with red center line, dark pink-red flowers with white center. Contorted leaves, lime green central striping. DEN071SKN Shokou Nishiki 蜀紅錦 $25.00 Heavy white streaks on rounded leaves, pink coloration on edges of new leaves, 3-4" tall. DEN073SIR DEN074SKO Siroaya 白綾 Suikou 翠晃 $25.00 $25.00 Rooted keiki's from our mother plant which is 6" across. Thin medium green leaves with red accents on tall dark pseudo-bulbs. Description Green leaves with multiple narrow white stripes, pink flower, 4" tall plant. Green leaf with varying yellow center streaks. Small, upright bell shaped flowers with bright pink edges. Dark green long leaf, with a reddish cast and a thin golden margin. Creamy-yellow leaf center. Very small leaves with beautiful flowers. 10 NWO Plant List March 2015 Dendrobium moniliforme CHOSEIRAN - PRICED PER PLANT Code Variety Price DEN076TAM Tama 玉 $25.00 DEN077TMN Tamanishiki 玉錦 $25.00 Description beautiful heavy yellow coloration in center of leaf, dark green margins, Yellowish psuedo-bulbs. very fragrant white flowers. Cream with contrasting dark green stripes, short golden yellow pseudo-bulbs. DEN078TAN Tango 単語 $25.00 Narrow green leaf with purple tinge, narrow pseudo-bulb, pink streaked flowers. 4" tall plant. DEN079TNH DEN080TKY Tenho Tenkyuden 天宮殿 $25.00 $295.00 DEN081TNN Tennyokan 天女冠 $25.00 Heavenly Maiden, yellow-cream to lime-green central striping, yellow psuedo-bulb, 4" tall plants. DEN082TNS Tenshikou 天紫晃 $25.00 Tall plant, dark green leaves. 6-8"- crisp white flowers with magenta-red throat and petal tips. DEN083TSH DEN084TOH DEN085TOM DEN086TOG Tensho 篆書 Tohokakoitenka Tomoshiraga 共白騰 Tougyoku Fukurin 紅玉覆輪 $25.00 $45.00 $25.00 $25.00 Lavender-pin flowers on large plants. DEN087TSU Tsuruhime 鶴姫 $25.00 Green margins, cream centrally with variable green stripes, pointy leaves, yellow pseudo-bulbs. DEN088UME DEN089HYB DEN090YAS DEN091YUM DEN092YUT Umegae White Dendrobium Hybrid Yashiro 八代 Yumedono 夢殿 Yuuten 幽天 $25.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Narrow leaves with white and pink streaks. Minaiture with rounded variegated leaves. Pure white flowerswith yellow throat. Some leaves become variegated. 5" tall plant. Leaves with irregular striping, 2" tall plants. Yellow flowers with red center on large plants. Light pink flowers with an orange throat. Round green leaves with red and white streaks 11 NWO Plant List March 2015 Cymbidium goeringii & hybrids - PRICED PER GROWTH, minimum sold by 3 growths Code CYM002 CYM003 CYM004 CYM005 CYM007 CYM008 CYM009 CYM023 Variety Haruichiban Hinamaturi Kiki Kimpa Matukase Meikyoku Murasame Murechidori Price $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00 $25.00 $10.00 CYM010 Otori $25.00 CYM012 CYM015 CYM024 Setsuzan Sumonryu Tamanoyubae $20.00 $30.00 Description C. hybrid; green flowers with a white lip. C. hybrid; Large white flowers with pointed petals and sepals. C. hybrid C. goeringii; Snakeskin leaves. C. hybrid C. goeringii Cream white centers with dark margins and occasional center stripes. C. hybrid; Beautiful mauve flowers with fine white stripes and a spotted lip. C. goeringii; green flowers C. goeringii; Light green with dark margins and center striping; large growth habit; mahogany flowers. C. goeringii; Bright green with white picotee edges. C. goeringii; Snakeskin with shorter leaves that turn down. C. goeringii; orange flowers Sedirea japonica NAGORAN - PRICED PER PLANT Code Variety Price SED001 japonica (Nagoran) small $25,00 Standard form, beautiful yellow-green flowers with purple-pink markings on the lip, very fragrant. SED002 japonica (Nagoran) medium $30,00 Standard form, beautiful yellow-green flowers with purple-pink markings on the lip, very fragrant. SED004 Minmaru $45,00 SED005 Minmaru Shima $90.00 SED006 Seigyokumaru $55,00 Very small, round leaves. Stays compact and still makes beautiful flowers. Small, round leaves with beautiful shima stripes that vary among leaves. Stays compact and makes beautiful flowers. Very small, round leaves. Stays compact and still makes beautiful flowers. Description 12 NWO Plant List March 2015 Sophronitis - PRICED PER PLANT Code SPH001 SPH002 SPH003 SPH004 SPH006 SPH005 Variety Sophronitella violacea Sophronitis acuensis Sophronitis bicolor Sophronitis brevipedunculata Sophronitis cernua Sophronitis cernua `Spring Hill’ Price $100,00 $75,00 $125.00 $85,00 $75,00 $85.00 SPH010 Sophronitis coccinea 4N (large) $70,00 Standard orangy-red flowers, but larger growths and flowers than 2N, very long lasting blooms. SPH009 Sophronitis coccinea 4N (med) $40.00 Standard orangy-red flowers, but larger growths and flowers than 2N, very long lasting blooms. SPH011 Sophronitis coccinea 4N (XL) $295,00 Standard orangy-red flowers, but larger growths and flowers than 2N, very long lasting blooms. SPH012 SPH014 SPH017 SPH015 SPH016 Soph. coccinea var. caraguatatuba Soph. coccinea var. xanthoglossa Sophronitis grandiflora Sophronitis pygmaea Sophronitis wittigiana (rosea) $80.00 $100,00 $95.00 $120.00 $120.00 orange-red flowers. orange -red flowers with yellow lip. Similar to S. coccinea but with larger flowers than typical S. coccinea. Smallest growing Sophronitis. Huge pink flowers in comparison to plant size Description Brazilian orchid with bright purple flowers more reminiscent of violets than orchids! Small growths, much like a bicolor but with less yellow. Red with orange overlay centrally – very unusual. Small-leafed plants with comparatively huge flowers. 1" to 2" orange flowers. Divisions on mounts – Fluorescent orange flowers. Ponerorchis - PRICED PER TUBER Code Variety Price OTH039 Ponerorchis graminifolia (regular) $25.00 OTH040 Ponerorchis graminifolia (large) $30.00 Description "Utyouran;" tuber-grown orchids; require winter dry period; bloom in spring. We offer a color mix, not color specific "Utyouran;" tuber-grown orchids; require winter dry period; bloom in spring. We offer a color mix, not color specific 13 NWO Plant List March 2015 Other orchid species - PRICED PER PLANT Code OTH001 OTH002 OTH006 OTH007 OTH008 OTH009 OTH010 OTH011 OTH012 OTH013 OTH014 OTH015 OTH016 OTH017 OTH018 OTH019 OTH020 OTH021 OTH022 OTH023 OTH024 OTH025 OTH026 OTH028 OTH029 OTH030 OTH031 OTH033 OTH034 OTH036 OTH037 Variety Aerangis citrata Bulbophyllum fascinator Dendrobium chrystyanum Dendrobium formosum Dendrobium kingianum Dendrobium pachyphyllum Dendrobium sulcatum Dendrobium venustum Epidendrum polybulbon Epidendrum porpax Haraella retrocalla Kefersteinia andreettae Kefersteinia pellita Lockhartia oerstedii Macodes sanderiana Maxillaria variabilis Platystele repens Pleurothallis amphigya Pleurothallis anfracta Pleurothallis medinae Pleurothallis rubroinversa Pleurothallis scurrula Podangis dactyloceras Rangaeris amaniensis Restr. antennifera var. ‘Lynniana’ Restrepia brachypus Restrepia dodsonii Restrepia trichoglossa Sarcochilus falcatus ‘M264′ Scaphosepalum fimbriatum Scaphosepalum gibberosum Price $30.00 $35.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $20.00 $50.00 $25.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 14
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