뿌리로 가는 길 III | Routes to the Roots III 발트라우드 문즈-하일리거 (독일) | Waltraud Munz-Heiliger (Germany) 도시의 지도는 잎맥의 구조와 유사한 구조를 보여준다. 또 한 인간과 동물의 혈관은 지하철 노선도처럼 보인다. 나뭇 가지는 공중에서 내려다 본 하천의 수로와 비슷해 보인다. <뿌리로 가는 길> III 은 이러한 유사성에 착안하여 지구의 지도를 나무 몸통에 심어 나무에 내재된 내적 이동 체계를 보여주려는 작품이다. The system of a city-map is similar to the vein system of a leaf and the blood circulation of a humans and an animal´s body seems like a metro map. The supply lines of a tree are akin to a stream’ s course observed out of the bird’s eye view. In her creation “ROUTES TO THE ROOTS” III Waltraud Munz uses this similarity by implanting earth maps into a trunk and by using two different norms she makes the inner logistics of a trunk transparent. 세계지도 | World Map 글로벌한 마인드를 가지고 글로벌하게 행동하라. 모든 것은 다 연결되어 있고, 따라서 우리는 그 맥락 안에서 사고할 필요가 있다. 조그만 나비의 날갯짓이 지구 반대편에 허리케인을 유발할 수 있다 (나비효과). 지구의 표면이 얼마나 얇고 민감한지 기억하자. 대기나 수질, 토양의 오염은 경계에서 멈추는 것이 아니다. 지질구조의 경계는 흔히 지리적 경계가 된다. 그리고 그 경계는 이렇듯 늘 변하고 있다. Think global - act local. Since everything is connected to everything. We need to think in contexts. The beat of a butterfly’s wing somewhere on earth can cause a hurricane on the other side oft he globe (butterfly effect). To remember how thin and sensitive is our fertile surface of the earth and that air, water and soil pollution does not stop at borders longer. Tectonic boundaries are often geographical boundaries. They are 95×165cm, Clay, Jute, 2014 32 like this, always changing. 33 분열된-통합된 : 지도로 만든 나뭇잎 Divided-United : Leaves with cartografic maps 서로 다른 두 세계를 연결하기. 나뭇잎은 지도를 연상시키는 망구 조를 가지고 있다. 이러한 공통점에 착안해 그 둘을 콜라주 형식으 로 결합하여 그 유사성을 강조했다. Making connections between different realities. Leaves have a wire system that is reminiscent of a map or a plan. This association was the reason for it to combine both in a collage together and to emphasize their similarities. Leaves with reflecting foil, 2014 분열된-통합된: 금속 호일로 만든 나뭇잎 | Divided-United: Leaves with metallic foil 빛을 반사하며 반짝거리는 표면은 아름다운 공예품이기도 하지만 사회적 침투의 도구를 나타내기도 한다. 살아있는 것들은 모두 환경의 지배를 받는다. 이 작품의 변화무쌍함과 덧없 음은 반복되지 않는 무언가를 의미한다. Reflective surfaces are in the contemporary art not only aesthetic artifacts, but instruments of social penetration and knowledge of the world. Something alive is always dependent on its environment. For volatility of (or fleetingness) atmospheric experience includes their unrepeatable. 34 Leaves with cartografic maps, 2014 35 다리아 리시치나 Darya Lisitsyna 2011 Volga festival of architecture S. O. S. "Samara-island of freedom" Samara, Russia 발트라우드 문즈-하일리거 Waltraud Munz-Heiliger 2009 08. Internat. Vogelfrei-Biennale Dachterrasse darmstadtium 러시아 Russia 2011 Festival of Landscape Architecture "Archstoyanie", Kaluga region, Russia 독일 Germany 2008 Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republik 2008 Wortbruch basis e. V. Frankfurt am Main 2011 Symposium on wood sculpture "Miracle workers", Sochi, Russia dashli@yandex.ru +7 927-379-34-00 wm@waltraudmunz.de, waltraud.munz@t-online.de www.waltraudmunz.de, www.waltraudmunz-heiliger.de 2012 International Snow, Hail Tour Finland - Russia 2012 International festival of snow and ice sculptures in Petrozavodsk 2012 Tournament wooden sculpture in Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia Education 2012 Day RedBull in Moscow "CanArt", Moscow, Russia Freie Kunstschule Stuttgart 2012 The Festival of sand sculptures "Words - in - sand", Perm, Russia University Stuttgart Art History and Philosophy 2012 The Festival of sand sculpture "the Secrets of Atlantis", Saint-Petersburg, Russia University of Fine Arts Karlsruhe Participation in competitions, symposiums and festivals 2012 International plein air woodcarvers, Grodno, Belarus University of Fine Arts Frankfurt am Main - Staedelschule 2003 all-Russian open architectural competition "Domzagorodom" 2013 International snow sculpture competition, world Snow Forum, Novosibirsk, Russia - Master of Arts - 2005 International review competition of graduation projects, diploma of 1st degree 2013 Ice Sculpture SculptFEST, Prizren, Kosovo 2005 The international ideas competition "in the city" 2013 The Festival of kinetic sculptures made of foam "White nights" in Perm, Russia Solo Exhibitions 2006 Architectural festival"CITY-ON-SNOW", Sukhanova, Moscow region, Russia 2013 International festival of straw sculptures, Iskenderum, Turkey 2015 Bild Wort Bild CityKirche Konkordien Mannheim 2008 "Zurbagan" youth architectural festival "City", Crimea 2013 MOSCOW FLOWER SHOW, Gorky Park, Moscow, Russia 2015 Bild Wort Bild Stiftskirche Kaiserslautern 2009 "ECA-city youth architectural festival "City", Kargopol, Russia 2013 Wood carving show, Beijing, China 2015 Bild Wort Bild Johanneskirche Hanau 2009 "City of hills" in the framework of the festival "Empty hills", Kaluga region, Russia 2013 Symposium on wood sculpture, Heuer, Denmark 2013 maiporlinge - Remise Zwingenberg 2009 Art expedition "Kenozersky ark", Arkhangelsk oblast, Russia 2013 Sculptural residence , sculpture Park "Legend" of Penza, Russia 2012/13 ÜBER BLICKE Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt 2010 The construction of the snow hotel in the Arkhangelsk region in the framework 2013 Hay Festival SENOFEST, Penza, Russia Architecture, the red diploma, the Penza State University of Architecture and Building Psychology, the Penza State Pedagogical University of V.G.Belinsky of the project "Russian snow", Ustyansky district, Russia 2010 Sculpture festival "City of snowmen" in Arkhangelsk, Russia 2010 The "White city" architectural festival "City", Veliky Ustyug, Russia 2010 Architectural festival "City AZ" old Ryazan, Russia 2010 Art festival "Landscape theatre North of the equator, Kenozersky national Park, Arkhangelsk region, Russia 2005 6. Internat. Vogelfrei-Biennale Darmstadt, „StattParadies“ Schlossterrasse 2004 ART Karlsruhe Galerie in der Feste 2003 Vogelfrei 5 TransitARTen Darmstadt „TransitARTen“ 류희수 Ryu, Hei-Soo 한국 Korea in-grey@hanmail.net +82 (0)10-8943-4503 Group Exhibitions 2013 Charity project to 100 days before the Paralympic games "world Class", 2014 VORGEBIRGSPARKSKULPTUR Cologne 교육 2014 Darmstädter Sezession, Ziegelhütte Darmstadt 서울여자대학교 미술대학 서양화과 졸업 2014 7. Internat. Forest-Art-Biennale Darmstadt „ Kunst Biotope“ 성신여자대학교대학원 미술사학과 졸업 Sochi, Russia 2014 The City of winter fun SnowGRAD, Izmailovsky Park for leisure and Recreation, Moscow, Russia 2014 The great snow maze Park post-Soviet period" VVC, Moscow, Russia 2014 International festival of snow and ice sculptures "Hyperborea", Petrozavodsk, Russia 2011 International snow sculpture contest in Valois, France 2014 Cultural tour of the provinces "Wood is good", China 2011 International festival of snow and ice sculptures in Petrozavodsk 2014 Art festival "Emerald hills and even more, Krasnogorsk, Russia 2011 Symposium on wood sculpture, Heuer, Denmark 2006 3. Internat. Forest-Art-Biennale Darmstadt „circles + systems“ 2013 Brandspa, design and construction of the stand RAFA, London, UK 2010 International art objects Symposium, Penza, Russia "Hyperborea", Russia 2007 3. Höhler-Biennale Gera 2007 7. Internat. Vogelfrei-Biennale „WintergARTen“ Darmstadt "Hyperborea", Russia Education 2007 Int. Forest Art Wisconsin, „native – invasive“ Minocqua (USA) 2014 Festival "Archstoyanie child", Kaluga region, Russia 2014 Festival "the Forest People", Syktyvkar, Russia 2014 Kunst im Park Namedy 2014 Stadtgalerie Mannheim 2013 6th Geumgang Nature Art Pre-Biennale, Republic of Korea 2013 vAertigo arterritoire 3. Parcours d’Art Actuel en Suisse Normande, France 2013 10. Internat. Vogelfrei-Biennale „Stadtgarten“ Darmstadt 2011 09. Internat. Vogelfrei-Biennale „Jäger und Sammler“ Jagdschloss Kranichstein 2010 Internat. Forest Art China, „Poetic Forest”, Mt. Lushan, China 그룹전 2006 Luna Bath 기획전 (서울, 아트앤드림갤러리) 2008 소수자문화예술교육전시-달그락 다른 목소리로 2008展 (안산, 안산문화예술의전당) 2010 BIEAF 2010 Lotte Exhibition (부산, 롯데갤러리 동래점) 2010 798 Art District Beijing, Anni Art Gallery, Peking / China 2014 Project art yard ART OVRAG, Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia 80 81
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