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December 17, 2014
Volume 18, Issue 42©
America’s Best Conservative Newspaper since 1997
‘Super-Elites in Washington
and Wall Street Dream of World
Without Borders’
Over 1,000 Gun Owners
Violate Washington’s I-594
- In Front Of Police!
Page 3
Page 8
Page 12
Former CIA How Obama and His Environmental Base Are
the Oil and Gas Industry
Chief: ISIS Planning to Eradicate
By Ron Arnold
to Attack
U.S. Soon
Ex-CIA Director
Morrell says terrorist
attack in U.S.
by Kit Daniels
Morrell was commenting on
the current Sydney, Australia,
hostage situation on CBS Monday when he claimed jihadist
militants will likely carry out a
similar operation in the U.S.
“What concerns me the most
is we’re going see this kind
of terrorism around the world
and we’re going to see it here,”
he stated. “We need to be prepared for that.”
Why does the Environmental
Protection Agency’s regulatory
war against hydraulic fracturing
look like the Natural Resources
Defense Council’s 2007 agenda
for eliminating domestic oil and
natural gas development?
million in taxpayer dollars to
its coffers—is highlighted in an
October report from the Senate
Environment and Public Works
Committee minority staff titled,
“Setting the Record Straight: Hydraulic Fracturing and America’s
Energy Revolution.”
Because it is.
“You know, it shouldn’t surprise people when this happens
here sometime over the next
year or so, guaranteed.”
The hostage situation in Australia wasn’t surprising, Morrell said, because 300 Australians left the country to fight
in Iraq and Syria, including 70
who are fighting for ISIS.
“ISIS has had a focus on Australia for sometime,” he added.
“Just a couple of months ago
the Australians did a countrywide raid arresting a number
of people after a senior ISIS
leader called for individuals in
Australia to behead Australians
in public for ISIS, so there is
this focus on Australia.”
President Obama is coordinating
with far-left environmental activists to wage an all-out assault on
American oil and natural gas.
The NRDC’s unjustifiable access
to such anti-fracking regulatory
power—and the diversion of $8.4
The 111-page committee report
opens by citing the enormously
positive impacts of America’s
oil and natural gas renaissance,
which has:
•Created and sustained millions of
jobs and revitalized our manufacturing sector;
•Provided greater energy security
and geopolitical strength while
reducing our trade deficit;
•Lowered domestic energy prices
both in our homes and at the gasoline pump.
But the emphasis is on those who
would obliterate that renaissance.
The message to the public is a
warning: President Obama is
coordinating with far-left environmental activists such as the
aggressive NRDC and the Sierra
Club, along with their millionaire
board members, their Hollywood
celebrity boosters and their “philSee Obama, pg.
‘Cold, dead hand’ of Reid steers
Congress in 2015
Rep. McClintock: ‘Cromnibus’ was ‘huge surrender’ of
GOP power for 9 months
By Greg Corombos
“Most of us unwittingly fall
victim to it all too often and
sadly if we don’t stop, we
will continue to lose our free
will and liberties,” journalist
General Maddox wrote. “It
has been widely used by our
governments and corporations
around the world.”
“You could say that in terms
of controlling the masses, and
society in general, its deployment has been an effective
tool in keeping humanity in
And it’s also worth wondering
what else Morrell knows which
he isn’t revealing.
By Erick Erickson
Democrats who spent a number
of years being advised of what
the CIA was doing to extract
information from enemy terrorists
a report
claiming we
w e r e
torturing bad
guys. Further, they claimed
that we were gaining no valuable information from that
Individuals in the intelligence
community have pointed out,
mostly to deaf ears in the press,
that (1) these same Democrats
were well briefed for years; (2)
there were no objections at the
time; (3) we did, in fact, learn
useful intelligence that kept us
safe; and (4) none of the intelligence officers who were involved in the interrogations of
the bad guys were interviewed
by the Democrats.
The very same people embracing the Democrats’ report as
some fountain of wisdom and
salve to wash sins away were
only two weeks ago claiming
there’s a “rape culture” on
American college campuses
and anyone who dismissed
Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s Rolling Stone article was siding
with rapists.
Lest we forget, on September
11, 2001, a number of Muslim
terrorists hijacked American
airliners and flew them into the
World Trade Center, Pentagon,
and would have hit another
building had passengers on
United 93 not fought back.
Subsequent terrorists tried to
blow up other airliners and
killed more people abroad.
No doubt the federal government will use the Sydney
hostage situation, and ISIS
in general, to justify a greater
expansion of the police state
which creeps into every aspect
of Americans’ lives.
This is a centuries-old government strategy called “problem
– reaction – solution” in which
the government manufactures a
crisis or takes advantage of an
existing one to scare the public
into demanding a “solution”
which was the government’s
objective all along, before the
crisis even started.
God Bless Dick
Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev
The House of Representatives
avoided a government shutdown
Thursday night, but Rep. Tom
McClintock, R-Calif., says it came
at the cost of letting the outgoing
Senate Democratic majority have
control over government spending
for nine months after they lose
power, and he says Republicans relinquished their strongest weapon
for confronting President Obama’s
immigration actions in the new
“This was a huge surrender of the
prerogatives of the Congress to
bring this administration under
control, which is what the American people clearly voted for us to
do when we saw a nine-seat shift
toward the Republicans in the U.S.
Senate,” McClintock said.
On Thursday night, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted 219-206 to approve a
$1.1 trillion spending package that
funds most of the federal government until the end of September
2015. However, it only extends
funding for the Department of
Homeland Security until February.
The combination of an omnibus
bill and a continuing resolution
was tagged as a “cromnibus” bill.
Nearly 70 conservatives voted
against the plan. Fifty votes from
Democrats put supporters over
the top after heavy lobbying from
President Obama and the decision
of House Democratic Whip Steny
Hoyer, D-Md., to back it.
McClintock said the “cromnibus”
strategy never made any sense to
him. He and other conservatives
preferred a short continuing resolution into next year so Republican
majorities in both chambers of
Congress could lead the way on
“Instead of negotiating with the
new Republican Senate that has
has the imprimatur of approval
of the American people, they
decided they’d get a better deal,
I don’t know why, by negotiating
with Harry Reid, (outgoing Senate Appropriations Committee
Chairwoman) Barbara Mikulski
and the Democratic Senate that
voters just thoroughly repudiated,”
said McClintock, who argued
those rejected leaders have largely
handcuffed Republicans for most
of 2015.
“So now, the cold, dead hand of
Harry Reid and the Democratic
Senate will be steering the new
Republican Congress’ spending
priorities for the first nine months
of the new Republican Congress,”
he said.
It is a fact that enhanced interrogation, not torture, yielded
useful information that helped
the American military stop
other Americans getting killed.
Democrats have the luxury of
peddling this report because
they are all alive and our intelligence community successfully extracted information
from bad men to avert further
What’s more, the media and
left are now exposed as moralist preeners. They are vastly
more concerned with a “narra-
See Reid, pg. 9
High 45
Low 36
High 45
Low 40
See Erickson, pg. 7
High 42 Cloudy Sunny
Low 35 PM Sun High 49
High 46 Low 32
Low 29
Partly AM Rain/
Cloudy SnowHigh 50 Showers
Low 36 High 47
Low 35
Crossword Puzzle/Horoscopes
Editorials/Comments /Politicos
Fishing Report/Golf Report
Page 11
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Page 2 The BANNER
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Governor Mary Fallin’s “Oklahoma Now”
By Neil Carson (CKA Bob McDowell)
Governor Mary Fallin Fills Oklahoma Wildlife
Conservation Commission Vacancy
Clinic; and helped host the governor and confirmed by the
Governor’s Big Buck Hunt in Senate. They serve in an unpaid
capacity as the department’s advisory, ad“I am excited for this oppor- ministratunity to serve on the Wildlife tive and
Conservation Commission and p o l i c y I appreciate Governor Fallin’s m a k i n g
appointment,” said Gaddis. “I body.
look forward to working on
wildlife management issues as G a d d i s
well as overseeing the state’s received a
Gov. Mary Fallin
Gaddis, of Ada, owns and also hunting and fishing regulations bachelor’s
serves as a financial adviser at while protecting Oklahoma’s degree in biology education
Gaddis & Gaddis Wealth Man- natural resources and beauty.” from East Central University.
agement, a financial planning
Gaddis currently serves as a She and her husband, Roger,
and investment firm.
mentor on the Ada High School have four sons.
“Leigh Gaddis is an avid out- Student Mentoring Program; Since becoming Oklahoma’s
door enthusiast and a leader as a member of the President’s first female governor in 2011,
within the community,” said Circle at East Central Univer- Fallin has appointed numerFallin. “She brings a unique sity; in the Circle of Friends at ous women to various boards
background to the commission Mercy Hospital, Ada; and as an and commissions. She also has
as well as a passion for hunting, elder of the First Presbyterian made several first-time female
Church in Ada. She is also a appointments to various bodies,
fishing and the outdoors.”
2011 graduate of Leadership including Sandy Bracken as the
Gaddis is a lifetime member of Ada and currently serves on the first female bank executive to
the Oklahoma State Banking
the National Rifle Association; planning committee.
Board and Karen Krehbiel to
a member of Safari Club International; annual participant in The eight-member Oklahoma the Oklahoma State Board of
the Oklahoma City Gun Club’s Wildlife Conservation Com- Agriculture.
Women on Target Shooting mission is appointed by the
OKLAHOMA CITY – Governor Mary Fallin today announced the appointment of
Leigh Gaddis to the Oklahoma
Wildlife Conservation Commission. Gaddis, the first woman
appointed to the Wildlife Conservation Commission, will
replace the late Harland Stonecipher, pending confirmation
from the Oklahoma Senate.
Congressman Jim Bridenstine
on Passage of the National
Defense Authorization Act
Prevent divestment of 7 Airborne Warning and Control System
(AWACS) aircraft at Tinker Air
Force Base and disestablishment
of 513th Air Control Group.
· Prevent cancellation of C130 Avionics
Program (AMP)
and reallocate
funding to
complete AMP
“Passing the NDAA helps Con- R&D.
gress discharge its most important
constitutional responsibility of · Authorize the
providing for the common de- transfer of land
Jim Bridenstine,
fense and protecting the American to expand Camp Rep.
people. NDAA gives Congress a Gruber. The
voice in national security policy Oklahoma Army National Guard
and defense programs. Failure to requires additional space at Camp
pass the NDAA would amount to Gruber for maneuver and indirect
simply rubber stamping President fire training.
Obama’s reckless national security
agenda. As Oklahoma’s represen- · Authorize transfer of 13 MCtative on the House Armed Services 12 aircraft to the Oklahoma Air
Committee, I am proud that many National Guard.
of my provisions are included in
· Restore funding for National
the final bill.
Guard State Partnership Program.
“I thank Senator Jim Inhofe, Rank- Oklahoma’s National Guard parting Member of the Senate Armed ners with Azerbaijan.
Services Committee, for his leadership and tireless efforts to produce · Prohibit U.S. funding of certain
an NDAA that funds our troops, military cooperation programs
pushes back on the President’s with Russia.
agenda, and is good for Oklaho· Require a plan to mitigate risks
ma’s warfighters and industry.”
from Russian global satellite naviSeveral Bridenstine initiatives are gation ground monitoring stations
near U.S. military bases.
included in the NDAA:
Today, the Senate passed the FY15
National Defense Authorization
Act (NDAA) conference report to
authorize funding for American’s
military by a vote of 89-11. The
legislation now heads to President
Obama’s desk. The House passed
this bill last week by a vote of 300119. Congressman Jim Bridenstine
helped draft the bill and voted for
its passage.
Toll Free Capitol Switchboard 1-877-762-8762
Sen. James M. Inhofe
Washington Phone 1-202-224-4721 FAX 202-228-0380
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-748-5111 • Oklahoma City 1-405-608-4381
Sen. Tom Coburn
Washington 1-202-224-5754 FAX 202-224-6008
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-581-7651 Okla. City 1-405-231-4941
U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Dist. 1)
216 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington DC 20515
1-202-225-2211 FAX (202) 225-9187, Tulsa, 2448 E. 81st. St.,
#5150, Tulsa, OK 74137, 1-918) 935-3222 FAX (918) 935-2716
Rep. Markwayne Mullin, (R-Dist. 2)
Washington 1-202-225-2701
Claremore 1-918-341-9336
Muskogee 1-918-687-2533
Rep. Frank Lucas 1-202-225-5565/Stillwater 1-405-624-6407
Rep. Tom Cole 1-202-6165/Norman 1-405-329-6500
Oklahoma State Offices
Governor Mary Fallin
OK State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • Phone 1-405-521-2342 Fax 405-521-3353
Tulsa Office: 440 S. Huston Ave. , Suite 304, Tulsa, OK 74127
Phone: 1-918-581-2801 • Fax 1-581-2835
Rep. Bennett
Receives Farm
Bureau Award
representative has been recognized for his work helping the
state’s rural farming and ranching
Merry Christmas
As we come to the last full
week of December, and 2014, it
seem time to pause, relax, and
reflect on the great blessing that
was given to all mankind over
2,000 years ago when GOD in his
love for humans allowed his SON,
JESUS, to be born to a young
woman named Mary. According to
scripture, Mary was a descendent
of the original Chief Priest of the
Jewish faith, Aaron, older brother
of Moses. She was, it is written,
betrothed, that is engaged, to a man
who was a direct male descendent
of the great Israelite King, David,
but was still a virgin. Virginity in
young women is still vitally important in the Middle Eastern societies
to this day.
The Israelites, like most of
the world around the Mediterranean Sea, had been conquered by
the Roman state and Cesar had ordered every man to go to the home
town of his ancestors to be registered, with family. Thus Joseph,
residing in Nazareth and working
as a carpenter, went to Bethlehem,
called the City of David, to be registered. Mary was already in the
ninth month of her pregnancy, and
came to be delivered while there.
The Jewish rulers believed that the
couple had naturally created the
baby and thus that Joseph was his
father. As a result, the baby was
considered to be of both the king
and priest lines.
This was necessary so that
JESUS would, as God, be able to
experience all the temptations that
beset mankind and yet, because
of who he is, stand firm to resist
succumbing to them. Having done
so, his death by crucifixion just 33
years later, served to be a sacrifice
to cover ALL the multitude of sins
committed by men and women
from the beginning to now, and on
into the future. All that is necessary for each of us to receive that
forgiveness is to accept the gift that
was offered them. Thus we who
have accepted JESUS as Lord and
Savior have been forgiven and,
we believe from Scripture, can
look forward to eternal life after
the death of our borrowed bodies
on earth.
Unfortunately, in my mind,
the observance of Christmas has
been far too commercialized so
that the more serious meaning of it
is lost to many, if not most, people.
Further, there is a heavy movement abroad, both in and out of
government, to
remove any reference of God
from the daily
life. In the US
Military there
is an attempt,
it is reported,
to remove the
position of
Chaplain from units. In some
cases there have been attempts to
place practicing Atheists in the
Chaplain offices. Also, reports
have been received that recently
installed superintendents of the
Military and Air Force Academies
have outlawed the use of God, Jesus, or even “Bless you” from the
respective campuses. As one with
an early involvement with the Air
Force Academy I’m wondering if
she is ordering the closing of the
Cadet Chapel.
All this removing of Christianity and Jewry from government and schools, at all levels, has
caused me to become concerned
that the military (terrorist) attacks,
earthquakes, and major weather
problems of recent years is resulting from the removal of divine
protection we have enjoyed since
1776. There have been so many
instances of what appears to be
“miraculous” intervention to allow
us to prevail and thus rise from a
small group of English colonies
into becoming the most powerful
and influential nation in the history
of the World in just 238 years. Any
one not occurring and this could not
have happened. My concern is that
we may be losing the divine protections because of the departure from
God from our lives.
In any event, it is my wish for
everyone to have a most wonderful
Merry Christmas, to be followed by
a very prosperous and safe 2015.
Thank you for reading these tomes
and for the complimentary remarks
that have been forthcoming. My
goal is to be interesting, informative, and amusing.
The Conservative View
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau has
By Russell Turner
awarded state Rep. John Bennett
a spot in the organization’s “100
Percent Club” for his efforts in
I have found that on some practice of water boarding was
maintaining a friendly operational
trying to convince some- condemned and the statement was
and business environment for rural
is just a waste of made that the CIA didn’t receive
breath. You would have about as any usable information after using
“The plight of our state’s farmers much success talking to a rattle- it. From what I have read the charge
and ranchers is a cause near and snake and trying to convince him that no usable information is totally
dear to my heart,” said Bennett, not to bite you. You might make false, a wealth of information was
R-Sallisaw. “Oklahoma is what it the best argument in the world but collected from several terrorists usis today because its farmers and you will probably still get bit if you ing this technique. I also may note
get too close. The snake really can’t that the terrorists had no permanent
ranchers have put in long, hard
help it, he is a snake and that is disabilities
hours maintaining their land, raiswhat snakes do. Over the past few because of
ing cattle and harvesting crops.
days some of our elected leaders t h e w a t e r
They are the backbone of this
have been doing a lot of talking; boarding; it
state and I am deeply grateful to
in my opinion they might as well is a far cry
have been recognized in helping
be talking to one of our slithering from the acthem out.”
tions of the
A recent quote by Hillary Islamic terThe Farm Bureau’s “100 Percent Clinton showed an insight to the rorists beClub” honor is handed out to liberal mentality. She said we heading our
members of the state House and Americans need to give respect to citizens in
Russell Turner
Senate who support its mission our enemies and to sit down with Syria and
of protecting personal property them and have a conversation and Iraq.
rights, keeping taxes low and try to understand their grievance
When we have American
boosting agricultural and rural with us. I am getting tired of our lives at stake water boarding is
elected leaders apologizing to some a small price for a terrorist (who
tinhorn dictator because they think probably needed a bath anyway) to
“I was raised on a farm in eastern that the United States is a terrible pay to insure their safety. I am not
Oklahoma,” Bennett said. “I am and evil place. Just a couple of days ready to sacrifice any of my family
proud to stand for rural values as ago the actions of Senator Dianne or friends because of some selfwell as farming, ranching and agri- Feinstein went to the absurd. She righteous politician on Capitol Hill.
cultural families. I thank the Okla- released a report on alleged torture I wonder if the likes of Hillary and
homa Farm Bureau for this special by the CIA in the aftermath of the Diane would be willing to sacrifice
honor and I will continue to work 911 attacks. She and some of her their family members to a bunch of
to ensure the rights, freedoms and colleagues condemned the CIA for murderous thugs instead of using
operations of our state’s farmers their attempts to gather informa- strong interrogation methods? It is
and ranchers in the future.”
tion after the terrorist attacks. The very easy to set back in a nice office
where they have around the clock
security and critize the people and
solders on the front lines whose life
is in immediate danger. The timing of the release of the report also
serves as a distraction from the issue
of the president’s illegal action on
Jay Vickers, Editor
illegal immigration.
Editorial & Advertising Offices:
Over the years I have noticed
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current administration
433301 E. 350 Road, Adair, OK 74330
kisses the backside of our enemies
Published by Banner Weekly Corp.
while trying to rule the citizens of
Donna Vickers, President/Publisher
this nation with an iron fist. Just
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like talking to a rattlesnake, a
rorist does not listen to reason and
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An Independent Newspaper, All Reproduction Rights of Advertising and
he cannot help it he cannot change
Articles are Reserved by Banner Weekly Corp.
his ways simply because he is a
Copyright© 1997-2014
terrorist; and no amount of talking
will change that.
Talking To A Snake
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
From My Pointless Ruth Bivens
Dear Friends and Faithful Supporters
I am writing you today from
our little house in Pharr, TX. We
have been back here a little over
a week, having spent some time
up at the Getsemani Children’s
Home after we got back from our
good trip to Alabama. The state
meeting was a tremendous blessing and we were privileged to be
in services in several churches as
well. Folks there always make us
feel so welcome and at home. We
left there on Nov. 12th and pulled
into our front yard here Thursday
evening the 13th.
By the time we made it back
that evening we were both worn
out. We just brought in the essential
items for the night, and collapsed
into bed. As usual, people loaded us
down with donations for the Getsemani Children’s Home, so we left
most of the load in the van.
Neither of us were prepared
for the cold weather we ran into
in northern Alabama, nor the cold
weather we ran into in deep south
Texas. We are blessed to have a
window unit in our little living
room that is an air-conditioner and
heater too. Bud turned it on, sat
down in his favorite chair, put his
feet up on his foot stool, and turned
on the television. It did not matter
that we were exhausted. He found
a football game to watch.
I pulled the spread off of our
bed and dug our electric blanket out
of the hall closet. I got it all hooked
up, the spread back on, and turned
on the blanket. We had a light
snack, then I crawled into bed. It
was not long until Bud joined me.
He said that electric blanket was
worth its weight in gold.
When we are here in Pharr,
as usual, we are counting the
days until we can get back to the
Getsemani Children’s Home. We
consider this our Northern Mexico
mission field. It is such a great
blessing and challenge to minister
to the children there and guide their
steps in following Christ. We got
to be with them over Thanksgiving,
and it was a special time. Bud made
11 pies, two cakes, and a pile of
cookies. John and Paulina prepared
three turkeys.
Of course, since Thanksgiving is not a Mexican holiday, the
children all had to go to school that
day. But, the evening “dinner” was
just as special as could be. John
had invited some English speaking
neighbors, five German Baptist
who have a farm nearby. And,
the Christian Psychologist couple
who counsel the children were also
invited for the meal. We stood in a
large circle and joined hands as we
all gave thanks and a few individuals shared special testimonies of
their personal thanksgiving to the
Lord for His special blessings.
I reminded them that Bud
had spent several hours in the
Emergency Room at a large hospital in McAllen on Sunday, Nov.
16 suffering with chest pain. I truly
feel that it was the prayer of friends
and family that made all of his
blood work, EKGs, Chest X-Ray,
and other tests turn out in normal
range. After four hours, the tests
were all repeated, just to make sure
that nothing had been overlooked
the first time, or that nothing new
had developed. Again, everything
turned out normal showing no heart
involvement. The doctor concluded
that Bud must have pulled some
muscles as he unloaded the van
from our trip to Alabama. I didn’t
bother to tell the doctor that the van
had not been unloaded yet. Bud set
the ice chest out of the back of the
van and left it in the front yard. But,
that is not anything unusual as far
as lifting weight or activity. I know
that the Lord was at work, and He
permitted Bud to go through that
pain because He had a purpose.
We do know that Satan is always
on the attack and, we have to stay
prayed up and close to the Lord
to resist him. But we also need to
be on the lookout for chances to
serve Him.
As I stood in the emergency
room that morning and considered
why our normally sweet Sunday
morning had been so stressful, I
wondered what the Lord’s purpose was for allowing this event. I
looked around that emergency suite
and I knew that we would never
have gone there without Bud’s having suffered pain that morning. So,
I pulled out my hand full of Chick
Tracts and began to scatter them
around where the nurses and other
staff would find them. I prayed for
each tract to fall into the hands of
someone who needed it. Each of
them has a clear Gospel message
and clear directions for accepting
the Lord. We will never know
this side of eternity who picked
them up, read them, and how they
doctor released Bud
to come
home, and
we praised
and thanked
the Lord
for that!
I quickly
friends and
Ruth Bivens
family, and
we all prayed our thanksgiving
prayers for his health and strength.
It was not long until he was back
on his bike, running errands, and
keeping up the active life he always
We know that we still have
work to do. Please keep us in your
prayers, we are not getting any
That Sunday, when Bud
told me he was having chest pain,
I went into the kitchen to fix my
coffee, trying to keep from panic.
There on the cabinet my eyes fell
on the little container where I store
my sweetener. It is a small clay
bowl with a clear glass lid. Years
ago I found a white card that just
easily tucked right into the inside
of the lid. It has a message that I
have needed many times over the
years. It says, “Trust Me, I Have
Everything Under Control. Jesus”
I rested in that confidence and, sent
messages to friends and family to
pray. Then we got in the car and
headed for church. Bud insisted.
We were two blocks from the
church when I received a message
from our dear friend, Sally Cash,
the wife of the Alabama State
Director. She sent the message
that he should go to the Emergency
With that message, Bud
made a U-turn and headed for the
hospital. He would never have
listened to me tell him that. He is
fine now. It is hard to keep a good
man down. And, we know that
During the whole time we
were at the children’s home I was
cleaning up the filth from a huge
invasion of mice. Paulina had
emptied four from the traps. I found
five in traps the day we arrived,
then caught two more during the
next two days. I have never seen
such a mess of mouse droppings
in my life-it was high and low, all
over the house. I had to wash all of
our sheets and blankets, and a pile
of Bud’s folded clothes. I did not
get finished cleaning shelves, so
will have to wrap up that project
when we go back. And, besides
that, all the book shelves are full
of spiders and their webs. I did not
even start there.
On the 6th I was privileged to
speak to the District Ladies’ meeting at the Seminary of the Cross,
in Reynosa. There were ladies
represented from five or six of the
churches in Reynosa. Some we had
not seen since ’98. We are finishing up our semester of teaching at
the Seminary this week. We gave
final exams this morning. This has
been a great blessing to us, getting
to work with our precious friends
Lalo and Elvira Gonzalez, and the
students there. They have asked
us to share their need for prayer
and support. Their next semester
is still uncertain. There are pastors
who want to close the Seminary
and there is such a great need for
trained pastors and workers, all
over! Their graduation is the 19th
of this month, and one young lady
will be receiving her diploma.
The news we have from
Altamira is this: Sister Eva, wife
of Lazaro de la Rosa, is critically
ill. Pastor Adrian Hernandez and
his wife Ana have a new baby girl,
and she is a cutie. The night classes
at the IBLAC Bible Institute will
be wrapping up next week. The
violence with the cartels in Mexico
continues. We heard on the news
last night that 199 Americans had
been kidnapped this year! It is clear
that Satan is alive and well, and attacking every area of the ministry
in Mexico. Meanwhile, there are
new churches under construction
See Pointless. pg.
Page 3
Sen. Sessions: ‘Super-Elites in Washington
and Wall Street Dream of World
Without Borders’
By Staff
In a speech delivered on the Senate floor Friday as the Senate was
debating a 1,603-page government
funding bill that will permit President Obama to spend tax dollars to
implement his unilateral amnesty,
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.) argued
that trends in U.S. immigration
and employment are depressing
the job prospects and income of
“This summer alone the White
House met 20 times with business
executives, amnesty lobbyists,
immigration activists to craft their
executive amnesty,” Sessions said.
“You know who wasn’t invited
into that room? You, the American
citizen. You don’t get a say.
“These super-elites in Washington
and Wall Street dream of a world
without borders,” said Sessions, “a
paradise where things like laws and
rules and national boundaries can
don’t get in the way of their grand
nated many of the jobs in which
high school graduates…once could
earn $40 an hour, or more.’
Since end of the 1960s - the time
frame identified by the article – the
share of the US population that is
foreign-born has increased from
less than 5 percent to more than
13 percent.
As a total number, the size of
the foreign-born population has
quadrupled over the last four decades.
Due to current Washington policy,
these figures are only going to rise.
The Congressional Research Service estimates that the foreign-born
population could reach as high as
58 million within a decade based on
recent trends. Only an adjustment
in policy will change this trajectory
– just as policy was changed early
in the 20th century to allow labor
markets to tighten.
This is an issue that affects all
Here is the text of Sen. Sessions’ residents, foreign-born and USspeech:
born. In fact, among those most
affected by the size of these large
Sen. Jeff Sessions: The U.S. De- immigrant flows are the immipartment of Commerce informs us grants themselves. By continuing
that ‘today’s typical 18- to 34-year- to admit these large numbers over
old earns about $2,000 less per such a sustained period of time,
year (adjusted for inflation) than many immigrants themselves are
their counterpart in 1980.’ That is unable to find jobs. For instance,
a sharp and painful wage decline less than half the immigrants who
for young Americans. What has entered California since 2010 are
happened in the labor market since participating in the labor force. In
Los Angeles – where 4 in 10 residents is an immigrant – one-third
Data from the U.S. Census Bureau of immigrants recently-arrived live
offers this insight: ‘From 1930 to in poverty.
1950, the foreign-born population
of the United States declined from We have an obligation to those we
14.2 million to 10.3 million…[but] lawfully admit not to admit such a
Since 1970, the foreign-born popu- large number that their own wages
lation of the United States has and job prospects are diminished.
increased rapidly due to large-scale A sound immigration policy must
immigration.’ Census Bureau serve the needs of those already
statistics report that in 1980, the living here.
foreign-born population stood at
14.1 million.
Immigrants and native-workers
are also competing with a large
From 1980 through 2013, the im- flow of temporary guest workers
migrant population tripled from 14 – individuals brought into the U.S.
million to more than 41 million.
from abroad for the explicit purpose of taking a job. Each year,
This large increase in the size of the U.S. admits roughly 700,000
the immigrant population is the guest workers for this purpose.
direct product of policies in Wash- Of those roughly 700,000 guest
workers only about 10 percent are
for agricultural work – the other 90
Legal immigration during the 80’s percent take jobs in almost every
averaged around 600,000 a year. industry in America, from goodBut since 1990 through today it paying construction jobs to coveted
has averaged about 1 million an- positions at technology firms in
nually – meaning the annual rate Silicon Valley.
almost doubled. The sustained
large-scale flow of legal immigra- The pressures on the middle class
tion – overwhelmingly lower-wage are great. You have a large flow
and lower-skilled – has placed of permanent immigration and temsubstantial downward pressure on porary workers, the elimination of
many good-paying jobs at factories
and plants due to advances in robotWe have, right now, a very slack ics, the shedding of manufacturing
labor market with more jobseekers jobs due to overseas competition,
than jobs.
a sluggish over-regulated economy
that is growing too slowly to keep
The White House has itself esti- pace with population growth, and
mated that are three unemployed the high costs of energy, healthcare
persons for each one job opening.
The Economic Policy Institute
estimates that, in the construction
industry, there as 7 unemployed
persons for each available job
and household goods.
Policymakers in Washington need
to be reducing the burdens on
working families, not increasing
Harvard Professor Dr. George Borjas estimates that high immigration
flows from 1980-2000 reduced the
wages of lower-skilled American
workers by 7. 4 percent. In gross
dollar terms, Professor Borjas
estimates that current immigration
rates produce an annual net loss of
$402 billion for American workers
who compete with foreign labor.
Furthermore, as documented by
the Center for Immigration Studies
relying exclusively on government
data, all net employment gains
among the working-age since the
year 2000 have gone to immigrant
workers. This remarkable trend
occurred even as the number of
working-age native workers increased by nearly 17 million.
Here a few more statistics:
•Nearly 1 in 4 Americans in their
prime working years (ages 25–54)
are not working. This includes 10
million American men and 18 million American women.
•Real median weekly earnings
are lower today than they were
in 2000
•Median family income is down
$4,000 since November 2007
It is in this context that we must
consider the economic fallout from
the President’s unconstitutional
executive amnesty. In plain violation of law and the expressed will
of the American people, the President has ordered 5 million work
permits to be issued to those here
illegally – who will now be able to
take any job in America.
This illegal amnesty is part of a
broader immigration vision from
the President. The legislation he
endlessly champions – the bill
written behind closed doors with
immigration activists and open
borders billionaires – surges immigration rates yet higher. After four
decades of record immigration,
the President’s bill – supported
unanimously by Senate Democrats
– triples the issuance of permanent
residency cards and doubles foreign guest worker admissions over
the next ten years.
The Center for Immigration Study
explains that this legislation would,
in a mere six years from today, increase the percentage of the U.S.
population board abroad to a level
never before reached in America
history. And by 2033, nearly 1 in 6
U.S. residents under this plan will
be foreign-born.
Unsurprisingly, the nonpartisan
Congressional Budget Office
projected that the result of this legSee Sessions, pg. 11
A Thank You from the
Bieberdorf Family
This large-scale immigration flow,
paired with the forces of globalization and automation, has made
it ever more difficult American
workers to earn a wage that can
support a family.
Consider this report just published
in the New York Times:
‘Working, in America, is in decline. The share of prime-age men
— those 25 to 54 years old — who
are not working has more than tripled since the late 1960s, to 16 percent. More recently, since the turn
of the century, the share of women
without paying jobs has been rising, too. The United States, which
had one of the highest employment
rates among developed nations as
recently as 2000, has fallen toward
the bottom of the list…
At the same time, it has become
harder for men to find higher-paying jobs. Foreign competition and
technological advances have elimi-
The Family of Donald Bieberdorf would like to thank the following for all their care and kindness during Don’s illness and
passing: Dr. Renee Russell, Dr. Kyle Wooderson, Dr. Michael
Miller, Grove Hospital, Freeman Cancer Institute, Rev. Jr.
Mullin, Pryor Pentecostal Church of God, Shepherd’s Table @
Fellowship of Believers Church, Amedisys Home Health, Good
Shepherd Hospice and Shipman’s Funeral Home.
A special thanks to our neighbors in Sportsman Shores who
helped us during emergencies. God Bless each and everyone.
Norma Bieberdorf
Matt Bieberdorf
Joe Bieberdorf
Monica Oliveira
Katrina Ferguson
Phone: 918-785-2446
Fax: 918-628-5170
P.O. Box 199 • Adair, OK 74330
Page 4 The BANNER
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Selling Children Racism
We’re Being Cooked!!... by Joe Esposito
BANNER ARTICLE #35 December 17, 2014
(This testimony was retyped for this article)
This week December 17th, will be excerpts from
Richard Conradʼs Ph.D. testimony
By Larry Elder
The recent
“rash” of
police officers killing blacks
is prompting “civil
rights activists” to describe America
-- despite the election and reelection of a black president
-- as still a simmering caldron
of racism. Never mind that according to the CDC, in 2012 (the
most recent year with available
data) 140 blacks were killed by
cops -- versus 386 whites killed
by cops.
person’s genetic capacity for
happiness (S), plus their circumstances (C) and factors under
their voluntary control (V) equal
their happiness (H).
The following is the continuation of last weekʼs BANNER article of Diana Ostermannʼs testimony, December
black teens called “Menace II
Society.” A black high school
teacher speaks to two former
students: “Being a black man
in America isn’t easy. The hunt
is on, and you’re the prey! All
I’m saying is ... all I’m saying is
-- survive! Alright?” In case the
identity of the alleged “hunter”
is unclear, we hear a police siren
in the background. Cops are out
to get young black men.
person’s ability to monitor his
or her emotions, cope with pressures and demands, control his
or her thoughts and actions, and
one’s ability to assess and affect
situations and relationships with
other people. Salesmen, for
example, with “high EQ” for a
strong positive outlook outsold
those with higher traditional aptitude, but with lower EQ. High
EQ people engage in positive
behavior, which leads to positive results.
2, 2014. She also filed Dr. Richard Conradʼs testimony following her comments that was also presented to:
His extensive research discovered that a low “C” -- adverse
circumstances like poor health
or poverty -- matters very little
if a person has a high “V,” a
positive, optimistic outlook and
a belief in himself. For example,
he found that an upbeat wheelchair-bound factory worker
often leads a happier life than a
robust, wealthy CEO.
Michigan House Oversight Committee
Michigan House of Representatives
MPUC Docket No. 2011-00262
(Dated February, 2013)
Pg 1
Q. Please state your name, address, contact information and occupation.
A. Richard H. Conrad, Ph.D.
84-1330 Maunaʼolu St.
Waianae, HI 96792
Psychologists called this the 808-695-1128
This dreary movie scene comes “emotional quotient” factor,
from a film about inner-city or EQ: a measurement of a Biochemist, Inventor and Consultant
But that gloomy narrative
tracks closely with Attorney
General Eric Holder’s assertion that America suffers from
“pernicious racism.” And a
few weeks after the George
Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin
shooting happened, the Rev.
Jesse Jackson said, “Blacks are
under attack.”
George Foreman, the former
heavyweight boxing champion,
is one of the most successful
pitchmen of our generation.
A spokesperson for products
ranging from Meineke mufflers
and Doritos to his own low-fat
indoor grill, which earned him
$138 million when he sold the
grill’s naming rights in 1999,
Foreman has an estimated net
worth of $250 million. A high
school dropout, Foreman reIn 1997, CNN and Time con- cently wrote this about the value
ducted a poll that asked white of optimism:
and black teens about “racism.”
Question: Is racism a major “This life, this country, is about
problem in America? Both HOPE.
black and white teens said,
“yes.” But when black teens “My first two jobs were about
were asked if racism is a “big selling: Four hours of putting
problem,” a “small problem” out sale papers, on doors, cars
or “no a problem at all” -- in and handed out. Then at a fruit
their own lives -- 89 percent stand. Texas watermelon season
called racism a “small problem” was the best. Competition was
or “not a problem at all” for great -- we had to (as boys) have
a variety of melons and a lot of
In fact, 17 years ago, not only
did black teens see racism as “The ability to sell is about the
an insignificant problem in their best asset one can pass on to a
own lives, but nearly twice as generation to come. And the
many black teens than white most critical and influential
teens called “failure to take product anyone can deal or trade
advantage of available oppor- is ‘Hope.’
tunities” a bigger problem than
“No matter who we lose, every
young doctor is optimistic we
What damage do “activists” will win this one. And many a
inflict by convincing young time we do. Not a whole lot is
black men that cops -- or, for new, just the same old Hope. ...
that matter, Republicans, tea When things go wrong in this
party members and black con- life our sole obligation to our
servatives -- are out to get them? children is to sell them on Hope.
This emotion-based paranoia Sure, beating our head against
has real-world consequences. the wall is an option. But time
Fear and paranoia hurt potential and life must proceed. Anger
and careers.
and disappointment bring more
dark clouds. Oh, but HOPE is
In the ‘60s, University of Penn- the sunshine that every child
sylvania professor Martin Selig- needs for play. ... Teach them
man developed the theory of Hope. And BELIEVE there is
“learned helplessness” -- when Hope.
a person learns to believe and
act helpless when, in fact, they “It’s our duty.”
do have control over their own Larry Elder is a best-selling
negative circumstances but fail author and radio talk-show
to exercise it. He then devoted host. To find out more about
most of his studies to “positive Larry Elder, or become an “Elpsychology” and the effect derado,” visit www.LarryElder.
of happiness and optimism in com. Follow Larry on Twitter @
people’s lives. He produced an larryelder.
equation, H=S+C+V, where a
PH: 918-785-2841
FAX: 918-785-4423
2976 W. 410, Adair, OK 74330
2 Miles West, 1 Mile South of Adair
• Formex
• Anchor Paint
• Composite Decking
Lumber, Pipe, Angle, Square Tubing, Channel, Strap, Beams, Purlins, Etc...
Q. What is your scientific background: your training and degrees?
A. I have a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Johns Hopkins University and did postdoctoral research at the Institute of Molecular Biophysics of Florida State University and in the Department of Biochemistry of Cornell
University, Please see my curriculum vitae attached as Exhibit A for further details.
Q. Have you studied the phenomenon of Electrical Sensitivity associated with exposure to radio frequency
A. Yes, in great depth. I have a great deal of experience with Electrical Sensitivity/ES/ EHS from having it
myself, from having consulted with hundreds of people suffering from it, and by reading the scientific literature
on non-thermal effects of RF/EMF and on Electrical Sensitivity. I recently conducted a survey of people who
have experienced electrical sensitivity related to smart meters (Smart Meter Health Effects Survey).
The following excerpts are pertaining to Richard H. Conrad, Ph.D. Smart Meter Health Effects Survey. There are some questions (Q) with answers (A) but there are some with just answers (A), all the
answers are responding to the problems being caused by smart meters.
Pg 3
A. Every week I get calls from new people (who find me via my website...who say they have recently become
electrically sensitive: especially lately, with the installation of so many smart meters.
Pg 4
A. EHS is very real.
Pg 6
A. #4 Repeated, strong and direct correlation between specific cause and specific effects, closely related in
time: EMF exposure repeatedly and rapidly resulting in uncomfortable, painful symptoms. This clearly shows
that the smoking gun is EMF exposure.
Q. Please give a summary of the most common symptoms of EHS.
A. The symptoms fall into a typical group. Many of these seem to be generated by neurological changes
and/or inflammation and include heart palpations or arrhythmia, burning skin, tinnitus/microwave hearing,
unusual headaches and insomnia. The symptoms are often diffuse, and should be expected to be so because
they appear to involve systems of the body that are completely diffused throughout the body: the biochemistry
of the cells, and the nervous system, endocrine system and immune system.
Pg 7
A. Week or months after their symptoms began they first discovered a smart meter on their home. Upon
inquiry, they found out it had been installed at the time or just before their symptoms initiated. What struck
me most was the common time-line: normal people, strange new symptoms, and only later discovered that
a smart meter had been installed.
Pg 8
A. I saw these people were really suffering with what appeared to be a common array of diffuse neurological
and other symptoms, that it seemed to be due not to fear or psychological factors, but to the smart meters
and it was destroying their lives.
Pg 9
A. My Smart Meter Health Effects Survey is specifically about health effects and asks many more detailed
health effects questions.
Pg 10
Q. What are the conclusions of Smart Meter Health Effects Survey?
A. A copy of my report with a summary of survey results is attached as Exhibit D. The survey results provide very strong evidence that smart meters are causing painful and debilitating new symptoms in many
previously normal healthy people, and causing them to become electrically sensitive to a whole range of
electronic devices... Because of exposure to smart meters, people are becoming electrically sensitive at an
unprecedented rate.
Pg 11
Q. What are some common effects on people of the symptoms reported in the Survey, and when do these
symptoms appear and disappear?
A. The symptoms caused by smart meters are often disabling, and are sometimes painful to a degree of torture.
Since smart meters and cell phone towers that smart meters have sensitized people to are almost everywhere
now, these people have no place to go to escape. They are trapped... They are trapped in a hellish situation, not
one of their own making. These unfortunate people bear none of the responsibility. The responsibility falls
solely on new technology - particularly smart meters, and the people who implemented them without any
biological conscience, without conducting a human impact study (while distributing a large amount of propaganda in an attempt to proactively counter the thousands of research papers that demonstrate biological
effects of non-thermal levels of microwave radiation). This is a illogical conclusion due to either a lack of
intelligence, being misinformed, or having vested interests combined with lack of ethics. Therefore people
with EHS, the real experts, whose vested interests are biological - human health, human rights and biocompatibility - are those who should be listened to, rather than engineers and businessmen with technological
and financial vested interests. It is extremely important to note that in 42% of the survey respondents, the
symptoms and sensitization began before, (often months before) they knew that there was a smart meter
present. Many of these persons had never heard of electrical sensitivities before their symptoms began, and
some had never heard of a smart meter.
Pg 12
A. ...the survey results show that in:
1. 210 survey respondents,
2. the majority well-educated (9 PhDs, 1 MD, 1 DDS, 42 MS or MA, 70 BS or BA),
5. all began to develop painful symptoms very typical of electrical sensitivities (including loud tinnitus,
heart palpations of arrhythmias, burning skin, severe headaches, neuropathies, difficulty concentrating, sleep
problems and more) soon after their smart meters were installed,
Pg 13
7. when they were able to have the smart meters removed, their symptoms lessened usually immediately,
sometimes completely... I am writing here about real people and real suffering. Presently more and more
people are developing EHS worldwide at an alarming and unprecedented rate... These people will have no
place left to go, and no careers. Smart meters are an experiment carried out by utilities and others mostly for
their own profit, without prior safety testing, and it appears to be a classic example of technology creating
far more problems than it solves, problems of all kinds that will persist and increase. There will be no end to
health problems, health costs and financial costs. Smart meters as they are today are extremely flawed - an
overly complex system being propagated worldwide without any human impact study.
Pg 16
A. Even with opt out or opt in programs, neighbors and all businesses will still have smart meters. Sensitive
persons will have to move, with very, very few affordable practical places to go,...
See Meter, pg. 8
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
The Majority hates the
By Walt Thrun
Profound differences
between the worldly majority
and the kingdom minority can
actually be expressed as hatred.
Scriptural synonyms for hatred
include enmity, persecution,
and hostility.
And remember it all began with the curse pronounced
on the serpent after he deceived
Eve in the garden.
“And I will put enmity
between you and the woman
and between your seed and her
Seed.” Genesis 3:15
The hatred is the greatest between the ruler of the
majority and the king of the
kingdom, i.e. between the devil
and the Seed of the woman,
Christ Himself.
Such animosity and hatred is extended to the followers of the ruler of the world and
the citizens of the kingdom and
is being accelerated during the
present age.
Jesus warned His disciples of the hatred they would
face, and the reason for it.“If
the world hates you, you know
that it hated Me before it hated
you. If you were of the world,
the world would love its own.
Yet because you are not of the
world, but I chose you out of
the world, therefore the world
hates you.” John 15:19-19
As Jesus prayed to His Father, He reiterated the world’s
hatred for His chosen. He also
stated that He would send them
into the world as light.
“I have given them Your
word; and the world has hated
them because they are not of
the world, just as I am not of
the world…As You sent Me
into the world, I also have sent
them into the world.” John
17:14, 18
Jesus’ chosen ones have
become children of God while
the majority of mankind was/
is under the influence of the
wicked one.
“The Spirit Himself bears
witness with our spirit that
we are children of God, and
if children, then heirs – heirs
of God and joint heirs with
Christ…” Romans 8:16-17
But on the other hand:
“…and the whole world
lies under the sway of the
wicked one.” 1 John 5:19
John reminded the church
(kingdom) that the world did
not know or understand Christ
or His chosen.
“Behold what manner of
love the Father has bestowed
on us, that we should be called
children of God! Therefore the
world does not know us, because it did not know Him…Do
not marvel, my brethren, if
the world hates you.” 1 John
3:1, 13
James had a similar mes-
sage to professing Christians
(hypocrites) but didn’t possess
saving faith. Such were committing spiritual adultery.
“Adulterers and adulteresses! Do
you not know
that friendship with
the world is
enmity with
God? Whoever thereWalt Thrun
fore wants to
be a friend of the world makes
himself an enemy of God.”
James 4:4
Kingdom citizens should
not take lightly the granted
authority of the ruler of the
“For we do not wrestle
against flesh and blood, but
against principalities…against
the rulers of the darkness of
this age, against spiritual hosts
of wickedness in heavenly
places.” Ephesians 6:12
The Seed of the woman,
however, will prevail and preserve His chosen.
“…for the ruler of this
world is coming, and he has
nothing in Me.” John 14:30
“For this purpose the Son
of God was manifested, that He
might destroy the works of the
devil.” 1 John 3:8b
And in God’s precise preordained timing in the future:
“Now is the judgment of
this world; now the ruler of
this world will be cast out.”
John 12:31
The devil, who deceived
them…was cast into the lake
of fire and brimstone where the
beast and the false prophet are.
And they will be tormented day
and night forever and ever.”
Revelation 20:10
How about today?
The redeemed minority
has been defined as well as the
worldly majority. The leader of
the world has been identified
as Satan and the leader of the
kingdom has been identified
as Jesus Christ, the Seed of
the woman.
Now the philosophy and
ideology of the present day
can be examined to see which
leader is being followed.
Simply stated, is America
as a nation more closely allied
with the tenets of the world and
its leader or the kingdom and
its leader?
Or does America even
recognize the difference between the two?
After two decades of
teaching Statistics and Economics at ORU and NSU Walt
now teaches Bible at FBC
Claremore and the Claremore
Veteran’s Center.
Dedicated to
By Randy Brogdon
The darker the night, the easier it is
to see a glimmer of light in the distance. Politically speaking, many
Republicans began to see the light at
the end of the tunnel with the recent
Republican swamp of Democrats
in the last election. We breathed a
sigh of relief after having so many
Republican wins, but one thing for
sure, now is not the time to relax.
Just like the barking dog that has
to figure out what to do with the
car after he catches it, Republicans
now, must figure out how to properly serve the people and lead with
conservative values.
Page 5
From ‘Science Fiction’ to Reality:
The Evolution of Saving a Life
Before Birth
By Josh Siegel
We’ve all felt the long arm of government smother us with liberal and
even socialistic policies over the last
several years while the Democrats
were in control of the Senate and the
White House. Here in Oklahoma
we are fortunate to have a strong
Republican majority in the state
legislature, as well as having control
of all the statewide offices.
The fetal surgery enterprise came to In 1981, Harrison conducted the
life like most innovations do: from first open fetal surgery to correct a
an idea inspired by a problem.
dangerously advanced urinary tract
obstruction, a condition that likely
For innovators Drs. Michael Harri- would have turned fatal if treated
son and Scott Adzick, the problem after birth.
was death—and in their minds,
avoidable death that could be pre- Today, surgeons can fix even nonvented by upending science as the fatal birth defects before birth, for
world knew it.
defects such as spina bifida.
Now is a perfect time for Republicans to showcase the benefits of
our party values. The Republican
platform states, “We believe in limited government, individual liberty,
natural rights, and personal moral
responsibility.” It also declares,
“Oklahoma Sovereignty is considered constitutionally superior to a
Federal government.”
“The idea arose from the frustration of caring for babies after birth
and realizing it was too late,” says
CHOP’s chief of surgery.
“The idea arose from the frustration
of caring for babies after birth and
realizing it was too late: the damage
was already done,” said Adzick,
chief of surgery at Children’s
Hospital of Philadelphia. “We had
Since we have a unique system of to get to the baby earlier, while still
government of the people, by the inside mom.”
people, and for the people, it requires the people to maintain it. The In the early 1980s, Adzick, eager
thousands of grass-root volunteers, to solve the problem, asked Harprecinct chairmen, party leaders, rison if he could work under him
and activists, are the fuel that powat the University of California, San
ers our party and are the ones than
can protect our conservative values.
The Republican Party is not supHarrison, known as the “father”
posed to be run by special interests,
of fetal surgery, had never had a
consultants, lobbyists or even poliresearch fellow before.
ticians. At the top of the political
food chain are the people.
“I wanted to serve as the creative
force to solve unsolved surgical
We will always have differences of
opinion when it comes to politics, problems for children,” Adzick told
because of our life experiences. But The Daily Signal.
the basic tenants of the party platform should be something we can
all rally around. I’m convinced if
we get our principles right the policies will take care of themselves.
Oklahoma is already red, now let’s
get it right.
In the future, medical professionals
expect to be able to use stem cell
and gene therapies to treat an even
wider range of diseases in utero,
with less risk.
To get to where they are today,
Adzick, Harrison and others had
to overcome people who viewed
fixing a birth defect in the womb
as “science fiction.”
They had to set selection criteria
to determine what and who would
be eligible for operations before
What do the conditions need to
be to make risking the life of an
unborn baby—and the mother carrying it—worth it?
“We learned that we had to be
selective,” Adzick said. “There
were some fetuses—unborn patients—who we wanted to treat
before birth whose kidney damage was already so severe that we
couldn’t help them. They were
Science succeeded.
too severe. On the other hand, you
wouldn’t want to treat a fetus that
Surgeons have been operating was too good, who didn’t’ really
on fetuses for more than two decades.
See Life, pg. 9
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Page 6 The BANNER
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Thought for the Day by
Corbett Mason
A Christmas Story
By Bill Chupp
Last week was a busy one
again for me. It started out after
a long day at work. I stayed at
the office until 6:00, then went
over to help with the Sertoma
Club’s annual needy children’s
shopping spree at Wal-Mart.
This year we were connected
with the local Pryor Lion’s Club
and had
24 children to
s h o p
with for
a n d
have to
Bill Chupp
that this
time I was slow in getting a
shopping cart and hoping that
there were enough volunteers
to help, so I could stand back
and watch. As I pushed my cart
back to the cash register in the
garden center area, there stood
Jennifer Back, the coordinator
checking in a young mother
with two sons. She asked me
if I would take the 8 year old
and gave me a list of his clothing size.
We exchanged names and
started down the aisle toward
the clothing department to
collect a coat, shirt and pants.
We had only taken a few steps
after he told me his name when
he told me his daddy had died
on Thanksgiving Day. “That’s
really bad, I’m so sorry,” I said,
as emotions stirred a lump in
my throat and I had to fight
back tears.
He was such a nice round
faced kid as he looked up at me
through his glasses with a hurtful look in his eyes as he said,
“My daddy’s funeral was on my
birthday! I wish he could have
lived to see it.” By this time we
had made it over to the clothing
and were busy choosing a coat,
shirt and pants. This left money
to use in the toy department. He
had a little difficulty on a toy,
but he ended up with two large
toys and a small one.
“Sometimes my daddy
would buy me a toy if we had
enough money,” he said. “He
was only 30 years old.” Boy,
every time he said something
it hit me hard, especially when
he told me they may have to
find some place to live because
daddy had a job and was paying
the bills and now they would
have to move. We were one of
the last to check out at the cash
He left with his mother
and older brother, pushing a
shopping cart full of clothes and
toys. I hope our time together
makes the Christmas season a
happier one for him. I know
it really has for me. I sat in
the truck for a few moments to
collect my thoughts and say a
prayer for them and thanking
God for allowing me to have
this experience before traveling home.
“…In as much as you have
done it unto one of the least of
these my brethren, you have
done it unto me.” Matthew
Thursday evening Edith
and I went out to help at the
MCC meat canner at church.
The canner had begun operations at 5:00 am and we finished
labeling and boxing the 37th
basket of cans that had been
processed. The baskets hold
140 cans, so that totaled 5,180
plus more for Friday to bring the
total to 10,134 cans. Last year
476,664 cans were distributed to
countries around the world.
The Mennonite Central
Committee meat canning schedule begins early in October in
Ohio and travels around the
United States and ends in Ontario, Canada in late April. The
portable canner is operated by a
crew of four men, who rely on
local volunteers at each location
to provide the labor for set up,
processing and clean up.
The crew on this year’s
canner was David Hochstetler
from Shickley, Nebraska and
three fellows, Raynor Krahn,
Stanley Toews and Toby Penner
from the Mennonite colonies in
Paraguay, South America.
This year special recognition was given to David A.
Yoder, a local Chouteau, Oklahoma fellow who died in a farm
accident on September 5th this
year. He was on the canner
crew a few years ago and a
tremendous help at our yearly
project. His coveralls were
on display on the wall with a
newspaper article about his term
of service.
Whew!! My blessings
did not end as I was privileged
to ring the Salvation Army bell
Friday evening by the north
door entrance at Wal-Mart.
How lucky to pick nice weather.
The little red kettle was nearly
packed full and as customers entered from the parking lot, you
could see them pull out folding
money or toss loose change into
the slot. Small children were
also alert to the bell ringing
and some really small tots riding in the shopping carts were
given dollar bills to stuff into
the slot.
Saturday I went to the Tulsa Farm Show and saw friends
that have been involved with the
show every year. I visited with
several people and told them my
experience with the young boy
at Wal-Mart. Everyone agreed
that this makes a good Christmas story. I get a lump in my
throat every time I tell it.
Have a good week. God
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In this modern world the
American people vote for whosoever’s thoughts correspond with
theirs. As they campaign for their
champions regardless of which side
of the aisle they sit on, the voters
believe them and their advisors
to be of sound mind and super
And yet as we look at the
many paraded before oversight
committees in recent years, not one
can remember what they had for
supper last night. Many of the questions being asked would be considered as milestone events in the lives
of those being questioned.
If one is asked, “What did
you do after the prom on graduation night?” I’m sure they could
remember and tell you even late in
their life. Unless, personal shame is
involved and then they will choose
not to remember. This is politics
at its best and worst. It’s known in
many circles, as “CYA.”
When sitting in the “hot
seat” an onset of Alzheimer’s
sweats overcomes the one answering questions. The more probing
the questions become, the more
Alzheimer’s shuts down the frontal cortex of their brain. Buried in
the cerebrum is the limbic system,
the “emotional brain.” Containing the amygdala and the hippocacampus, etc. The amyygdala is
involved in emotions, which starts
the Alzheimer’s sweats, the hippocampus is important for memory.
As a trapped animal that has been
disavowed by his cohorts, looks for
a way out and loses control of his
emotions, starting the sweats that
shuts down his memory.
Truth is shut down and must
be avoided at all costs. Such as
Gruber’s testimony before the
House Committee on Oversight
and Government Reform when
asked about his famous words, that
the American people were too stupid to understand that the authors
of Obamacare had found a indirect
way to raise their taxes.
He answered, “I honestly
didn’t remember making them.”
The same comment or a fact simile
was used 20 times during his testimony. Here we have a man with
a brilliant mind that is a renowned
economist from MIT and a supposed expert on healthcare who
wouldn’t be able to remember if
he had had a bowel movement
before testifying. His conviction
of being right withered away when
it was put under the microscope of
the noonday sun and his speech
failed him.
The ole Rancher said, “All
governing organizations will sacrifice their followers in different
manners on different occasions
to preserve the sanctity of their
power structure. If they chose
to air their dirty laundry out for
the world to see, it causes a seed
of doubt in their followers’ eyes,
which might bear fruit. Then their
followers will come to understand
their leaders are but mere mortals
not deserving of all the accolades
laid upon them.”
All political animals feed on
easy money, from central bankers
to politicians on Pennsylvania Avenue. They’ve sold their souls many
times over and they have no fear of
sacrificing your prosperity for their
own advancement. One thing the
forgotten taxpayer must remember,
for every dollar he makes, there
are thousands on Capitol Hill and
across this nation, who want it.
These animals are leeches clinging
to anything or anyone who might
have an extra dollar.
These people sell dreams or
fear to get you to turn your dollars
loose. Each and every-one of these
individuals will tell you they are
going to help you, but first you
must trust them with your hard
earned money. They believe a fool
and his money are soon parted. We
Americans prove this statement
daily, we throw our money at the
casinos, buy
new boats and
cars we don’t
really need,
many live far
beyond their
means, we
borrow on our
tomorrows to
Corbett Mason
live in luxury
today, a king today and a pauper
tomorrow. Mankind creates most
of his hardships and misfortunes
by living beyond his means and
then wants to lay his hands on the
money of the man that did without
and saved. Bad management by
man or government is no excuse
for a moral claim on another man’s
President Obama once said,
“The only people that don’t want to
disclose the truth are people with
something to hide.”
Speaking of Gruber, Obama
said, “Some advisor that never
worked on our staff.”
Jonathan Gruber, the man
that was instrumental in selling
the Affordable Care Act according to Senator John Kerry as he
said Gruber was responsible for,
“...walking everyone through the
benefits of the Affordable Care
Act so consumers are armed with
assessable information.”
This is the man the Democrat
National Committee put their spotlight on as they sang his praises 71
different times in 2009 alone. He
almost walked on water according to those that sang his praises
as a choir, many were recorded
on video. The choir consisted of
Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi,
former HHS Secretary Kathleen
Sebelius and others.
When Gruber’s videos came
forth, he was disavowed by all.
Those that spoke so highly of
Gruber, now can’t remember who
he was. As Nancy Pelosi said, “I
don’t know who he is. He didn’t
write our bill.”
Her Speaker of the House
website started touting Gruber in
December 2009. His name was
mentioned six times and identifies him as a “noted MIT health
care economist.” Where ever truth
resides, we now know once again,
it doesn’t reside in Washington
D.C. When the truth comes shining through exposing the many lies,
those on high do what they do best,
lie again. Truth is definitely lost
amongst our many leaders; they’ll
change their story until they find
one you like.
Gruber’s brilliant mind and
his superior attitude, plus his unrepentant nature, while talking about
people considered beneath his stature has come full circle. The man
who loved to talk, now has nothing
to say. He has become as contagious as a man with leprosy, his
bed-fellows have deserted him.
During this time, Sen. Dianne Feinstein has brought the
allegations or transparency against
the CIA and their torture tactics.
We’ll never know if this was a
smoke screen to take the heat off
See Corbett, pg. 7
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014
What the Media Are Missing in
Their Obsession with Kate
Middleton’s Baby Bump
Scalia: The Constitution Says Nothing About Torture
Leah Barkoukis
Senate Democrats released a highly
controversial report on the CIA’s
post-9/11 Enhanced Interrogation
By Katrina Trinko
Techniques this week and the pushThe media can’t stop cooing over according to the Mayo Clinic.
back was swift. Critics took issue
Kate Middleton’s baby bump.
with everything from the partisan
Yet the United States still doesn’t nature of the report, to the fact that
“Prince William, Kate Middleton, ban abortion after 20 weeks.
CIA operatives were not even interand Bump Touch Down in New
viewed, to the conclusion that the
York City,” proclaimed a Daily The United States is one of only EITs were not an effective means
Beast headline. NBC’s seven countries—including China of acquiring intelligence.
announced, “Americans are giving and North Korea—allowing elecRegarding the actual tactics, there’s
no way around the fact that they
were unpleasant and in some cases
downright disturbing. But what
about their constitutionality? Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
weighed in on Wednesday, saying
that the Constitution itself is actually silent on the matter.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Scalia is joining the debate over
the Senate’s torture report by saying it is difficult to rule out the use
the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a warm reception for their
first visit to the Big Apple, where
the royal couple gave frenzied fans
exactly what they wanted: A peek
at the growing baby bump.”
“It’s all about the bump now. It’s
all about baby No. 2,” Victoria
Murphy, who covers the royals for
the Daily Mirror, told ABC News
in an interview. “We still love
Prince George, but we’re looking
forward to learning more about
baby No. 2.”
It’s all about baby No. 2.
tive abortions after 20 weeks.
A majority of Americans support
such a ban. Sixty percent of Americans support banning abortion after
20 weeks, with exceptions for rape
and incest, according to a November Quinnipiac poll.
The United States is extremely unusual in permitting abortions after
20 weeks. According to a report
released earlier this year by the
Charlotte Lozier Institute, only six
other countries—including China
and North Korea, countries we’re
hardly seeking to emulate in human
rights—allow elective abortions
after 20 weeks.
It’s great that everyone is so excited
about Prince William and Kate’s House Republicans—and six Demunborn daughter or son.
ocrats—passed a bill last year
banning abortions after 20 weeks.
But it’s also incredible what a Senate Republicans, who will
disconnect there is between the control the Senate in January, are
media’s coverage of wanted kids also poised now to have a vote on
and the coverage of unwanted the matter.
kids—even when they’re the same
“I look forward to having the Senate consider similar legislation in
Kate Middleton is around five the next Congress,” soon-to-be
months pregnant, according to me- Senate Majority Leader Mitch
dia reports. At this stage, the baby McConnell told the Wall Street
has a heart, a face, a brain and fin- Journal.
gernails. Hair is beginning to grow
on the baby’s head and body, and Let’s hope that the excitement
he or she might be already hearing. over Kate’s baby bump translates
(Kate and William might also know into a renewed interest for protecttheir child’s gender—an ultrasound ing all babies’ lives. Because you
could reveal it at this stage.) Kate shouldn’t need to be royalty to have
may already be feeling her child to have your life celebrated—and
moving in the womb, especially as safeguarded by law—at the age of
second-time moms are more likely 20 weeks.
to feel their child moving earlier,
Erickson, from pg. 1___________________________________
the media get to morally preen
because they are alive and might
not be had Dick Cheney, George
W. Bush and these nameless
men and women not done what
That leads us to Dick Cheney. needed doing.
He is one of the few men publicly pushing back against the This whole episode is only posDemocrats. Cheney knows both sible because the very things
what we did and how effec- the Democrats are attacking
tive it was. He is willing to be prevented other domestic and
unpopular to defend what must international terrorists attacks.
Had there been more attacks,
be defended.
these same moral preeners
Because of Dick Cheney, would be looking for scalps
George W. Bush, and many of people who, the media and
nameless men and women, the Democrats would have insisted,
Democrats and their friends in should have done more.
tive” that portrays the interrogations as torture and ignores the
effectiveness of the same than
they are the basic facts.
Page 7
Corbett, from pg.
of extreme measures to extract in- credible and very worrisome reformation if millions of lives were ports about a second and third wave
of major attacks against the United
States,” he said, “And while we
Scalia tells a Swiss radio network grieved…we feared more blows
that American and European liber- from an enemy we couldn’t see and
als who say such tactics may never an evil we couldn’t fathom. This
is the backdrop against which the
be used are being self-righteous.
agency was directed by President
The 78-year-old justice says he Bush to carry out a program to
doesn’t “think it’s so clear at all,” detain terrorist suspects around
especially if interrogators were the world.”
trying to find a ticking nuclear
He also reminded people that
the program was authorized by
Scalia says nothing in the Constitu- the Bush administration and the
tion appears to prohibit harsh treat- Department of Justice. Only after
President Obama took office, he
ment of suspected terrorists.
continued, was the use of EITs
CIA Director John Brennan re- banned.
minded Americans this week that
in the immediate aftermath of Interestingly, more Americans
9/11, the intelligence agency was believe the public release of the
report on the EITs is more harm“looked to for answers.”
ful to U.S. interests than the actual
“Indeed, there were numerous, tactics themselves.
of Gruber discretions for telling
the truth “before” he stood in
front of the House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee.
This is the woman who spoke up
for NSA’s spying and more or
less said they wouldn’t spy on the
American people. This has turned
out not to be the case. However,
when the CIA spied on her Senate
Intelligence Committee, it became
a horse of another color, her displeasure and demeanor came forth
like a “jilted lover.”
It’s seems our leaders consider it to be their God-given right
to kill many innocent civilians in
drone attacks while trying to kill
one or two terrorists, but don’t
water board anyone. Where does
the American people or Senator
Diannne Feinstein draw the line
in what is permissible?
The following paragraph
from an article by Spencer Ackerman: Larry Lewis, a principal
research scientist at the Center for
Naval Analyses, a research group
with close ties to the US military,
studied air strikes in Afghanistan
from mid-2010 to mid-2011, using classified military data on the
strikes and the civilian casualties they caused. Lewis told the
Guardian he found that the missile
strikes conducted by remotely piloted aircraft, commonly known as
drones, were 10 times more deadly
to Afghan civilians than those performed by fighter jets.
Myopia seems to be a growing problem on Capitol Hill, one
of the sufferers would be Dianne
Feinstein as she has stated in Feb.
2013, “...drones kill only “single
digits” worth of civilians annually. As the woman who chairs the
Senate intelligence committee, it
seems she has blood on her hands
also. Thereby making her as guilty
as the CIA that water boarded
It seems as everyone wants
transparency as Obama promised,
January, 2008: “hold myself as
president to a new standard of
openness… Let me say it as simply
as I can: Transparency and the rule
of law will be the touchstones of
this presidency.”
Nancy Pelosi said, “But we
have to pass the bill (health care)
bill so that you can find out what
is in it.” Now that’s what passes
for transparency.
When the money cartel consisting of the seven richest men in
the world at that time planned a
bill for the creation of the Federal
Reserve, they spoke against it.
With these big bankers talking
against this bill, John Q. Public
gave their approval for it. The bill
was guided thru the Conference
Committee between 1:30 AM and
4:30 AM on December 22, 1913.
Later that morning it passed the
House and then the Senate. Most
of the representatives of the people
had gone home for Christmas and
those that were there hadn’t had
time to read the bill or have any
idea what was in it. That that is
conceived in darkness behind
closed doors by government bodes
ill for the good of the nation, in the
past or presence.
It’s not too late, let’s shine
a little transparency on the IRS,
Lois Lerner’s lost emails that were
found, Benghazi, the 20,000 tax
documents that found their way to
the White House and the Affordable Care Act.
Those residing on Cloud
Nine seem to be in total agreement
with Jonathan Gruber as to the
stupidity of the American people
as they renounce what was on their
web pages and captured on video.
Their excuses run the gauntlet for
the defense of the indefensible. One
has to wonder, were you lying then
or are you lying now?
The ole Rancher said, “Politicians act like a drunk cowboy
coming home late, when he says
to his wife, “If I’ve told you this
story before, stop me before I get to
far into it and I’ll think of another
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Page 8 The BANNER
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Over 1,000 Gun Owners Violate
Washington’s I-594 - In Front Of Police!
By Rachel Alexander
Fed up with the passage of an 18½page incoherent, rambling, unconstitutional gun control initiative
that was bankrolled by billionaires,
gun owners across Washington
state held the largest felony civil
disobedience rally in the nation’s
history, brazenly titled “I Will Not
Comply.” No one was hurt and
no stores were looted. Between
1,000 and 3,000 lawful gun owners showed up openly armed at the
state capitol in Olympia, Wash., on
Saturday to defy the newly passed
gun control law, I-594.
Organizer Gavin Seim made the extraordinary nature of the rally very
clear, “This isn’t just a protest. We
are here to openly violate the law.”
Attendees publicly transferred their
guns to each other in violation of
I-591’s background check provisions, and some even bought and
sold guns just a few feet away from
law enforcement. A fire pit blazed
throughout the rally, and at the
conclusion, gun owners lined up
to burn their concealed weapons
permits. A petition was circulated
affirming gun owners’ refusal to
follow I-594, which ended with,
“We pledge our blood. We will
not comply.”
As the RSVPs in advance of the
rally grew to over 6,000, the police
- most who probably detest I-594
- decided not to enforce the law.
The Washington State Patrol announced there would be no arrests
for exchanging guns - not even for
selling guns. Seim refused to obtain
a permit to hold the rally, citing
the right of people to peaceably
The rally could not be dismissed as
fringe elements. Several lawmakers
and lawmen spoke, including former Graham County Sheriff Richard Mack of Arizona, Washington
State Rep. Elizabeth Scott (R-Monroe) and Rep. Graham Hunt (R-Orting), who sported an AR-15 during
his speech. Mack advised gun owners engaging in civil disobedience
to “put your sheriff next to you to
keep it peaceful.” Scott defiantly
explained in her speech, “I will
not comply with I-594 because
it is unconstitutional, unenforceable and unjust. It is impossible to
enforce this law unless there is a
police officer on every back porch
and in every living room. So it will
be enforced selectively.” She noted
that Founding Father Alexander
Hamilton said any law that violates the Constitution is not valid,
and there is a moral obligation to
disobey unjust laws.
Seim, a political activist and congressional candidate, wrote on
his website, “Today I become an
OUTLAW! Arrest me! I will NOT
comply.” He led the rally peacefully, and at one point asked everyone attending to kneel with him in
prayer. As he led the crowd in the
Pledge of Allegiance, he stressed,
“I am not pledging obedience to the
government, it is to the Republic.
We don’t ask for our rights, and we
don’t negotiate for our rights. We
will take America back.”
Another speaker explained what
was happening this way, “We no
longer consent nor comply.” Mike
Vanderboegh, whose Three Percenter movement is modeled after
the three percent of the colonists
who fought in the American War
of Independence, said that those at
the rally are the resistance behind
enemy lines. The resistance is also
taking place in a handful of other
states with strict gun control laws,
where patriots are now smuggling
in weapons illegally. Vanderboegh told attendees, “This is
the tyranny the Founding Fathers
warned us about. Tyranny can be
voted into existence by a majority.
We will not fire the first shot, but
if need be, we will fire the last.”
Gun control zealots have finally
gone too far. Gun owners are now
discovering that the police in New
York are using gun control laws
to confiscate guns from family
members within days after their
owners pass away. Hundreds
of thousands of gun owners in
Connecticut and New York who
failed to register their AR-15s
earlier this year are now felons.
Requiring the registration of guns
or requiring background checks,
as I-594 does, allows the government to compile a list of gun
owners, which can be used later
for confiscation.
If guns cause crime, then why
wasn’t there a single mishap,
considering there were 1,000 or
so guns present and hundreds of
violations of felony law taking
place? Tellingly, Washington
State Trooper Guy Gill predicted
beforehand, ““Most of these folks
are responsible gun owners. We
probably will not have an issue.”
The truth is, the state capitol was
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Republicans Avoid Confronting
School Lunch Debacle
Fix This Nation
In an America where the country’s meaningful legislation.
“conservative” leaders have backed Even though Republicans didn’t
down from fights on Obamacare fight hard to include a broad waiver
and illegal immigration, the debate in the bill, the mainstream media is
over Michelle Obama’s school promoting what changes they did
lunch program is comparatively make as a strike against Democrats.
unimportant. Yet it should not go “Spending bill eases school nutrition
without notice that Republicans rules,” was USA Today’s headline.
managed to find no room at all in They reported on the two minor
the $1 trillion CRomnibus bill for a small-government victories in the
waiver that would provide schools bill: relaxed standards on whole
with some relief from the ridiculous grains and no increases on the curmeal standards.
rent sodium caps. But to even call
these “partial victories” is overstatFar-left liberals in Congress have ing the case. It’s a compromised bill
been nearly as outspoken against from top to bottom, but it feels like
the spending bill as conservatives, Republicans made most of the big
but one has to wonder why they’re compromises.
so upset. Beyond providing “populists” like Elizabeth Warren with Washington as America’s Parents
a moment in the spotlight, the bill
provides almost nothing for con- Beyond all the overspending, this
servatives who had hoped for some is another example of the federal
big victories at the end of the year. government trying to take the place
While the results of the midterm of the American parent. There’s
elections won’t shape Congress until no question that we face a national
the new year, many voters thought childhood (and adult) obesity crisis,
Republicans would have a little but the solution to that crisis is not to
more power going into this budget be found in mandatory school lunch
regulations. Michelle Obama’s entire push for healthy lunch mandates
If they did, it was hardly evident. has been driven by shaky science,
Not only did they hand Obama labor money, and that old faithful
almost all the funding he needs to Democrat standby: the desire to
see his immigration reform through increase the federal government’s
to completion, but they also threw influence over America.
a bone to his wife as well. School
officials have been lobbying for Republicans had a chance to stand
some economic relief from the up to big government once again in
standards imposed by the new meal 2014, and once again they let the
regulations, standards the School opportunity pass them by. I used to
Nutrition Association insists have dismiss the argument that there was
increased food costs, contributed no discernible difference between
to more food waste, and decreased the nation’s two political parties.
lunch participation across the board. With every passing year, however,
Republicans have gone public with that argument becomes harder to
their concerns on the issue, but ignore.
these concerns did not translate into
Meters, from pg. 4______________________________________
Pg 17
A. What we do have in the Survey is real-world solid evidence that real
people have actually been injured and continue to be injured by smart
meters, in spite of the opinions of engineers.
Pg 19
A. AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH: smart meters are sensitizing
hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people all over the world
to become Electrically HyperSensitive, regardless of the stubborn
adherence of industry and the FCC to thermal “safety” standards.
Their response to non-thermal evidence is to ignore, disregard, deny,
and above all, disbelieve. They neither conduct nor support unbiased
non-thermal effects research.
Elihu Richter, MD, MPH, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of
Public Health and Community Medicine: “Were these populationwide exposures to smart meters to be part of a project carried out in
a medical setting, to test the risks and benefits of a new technology
on human health and well-being, it would be rejected by a Medical
Institutional Review Board on ethical grounds as an unethical exercise in human experimentation.” ( smartmeter-rf/docs/letters/Eli_Richter_CCST_-final.pdf)
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--------------------------------------------------------------------FOR A COPY OF THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT E-MAIL OR CALL JOE ESPOSITO 918-639-3421
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Reid, from pg. 1______________________________________________________________________
According to McClintock, the
rationale for the “cromnibus”
strategy offered to him by GOP
leaders was that they didn’t want
“fiscal distractions” interfering with policy priorities like
approving the Keystone XL
Pipeline in January.
The congressman said the Republican approach should have
been a simple continuing resolution lasting only a few weeks
until the Republican majority
takes hold in the Senate.
“First of all, these are not fiscal distractions,” he said. “This
is the entire spending plan of
the United States government.
There’s nothing more fundamental than that. Secondly,
there’s no reason why you
couldn’t take up issues like Keystone at the same time.”
“The better way to go was
simply to adopt a three- or fourweek continuing resolution to
keep the government open, put
all the appropriations questions
into the new Senate that’s just
been freshly approved by voters so that their priorities can
be accurately reflected in the
spending plan that will be locked
Leadership has argued that pass- in until October 1 of next year,”
ing all funding for the rest of the McClintock said.
fiscal year except for the Department of Homeland Security will Some of the greatest drama in
allow Republicans to fight tooth the House played out during
and nail against what they see the vote for the rule allowing
as Obama’s unconstitutional debate on the spending package.
amnesty afforded to some five Normally just a formality, the
million people in the country vote dragged on as GOP leaders
illegally. McClintock said that’s lobbied members to vote for the
unlikely to work, either.
rule. The procedural hurdle was
cleared after Rep. Kerry Ben“The problem is, Homeland tivolio, R-Mich., switched his
Security funds the entire border vote and Rep. Marlin Stutzman,
security programs such as it is. R-Ind., finally cast his ballot
That’s a hostage we’re not going with leadership.
to shoot, so why would we want
to choose a strategy that would However, Stutzman later claimed
require us to shoot a hostage he supported the rule only after
that we’re not going to shoot?” leadership vowed to pull the
he asked, arguing that this ap- “cromnibus” and put forward
proach only makes it harder to a simple short-term continuing
thwart Obama’s actions.
resolution. The congressman
alleges leaders reneged on that
“It makes no sense,” McClintock promise once Obama supported
said. “Had we maintained the the plan and leadership conchoice over all of the budget, cluded it could get the votes for
we would have been in a much passage from Democrats.
stronger bargaining position. I
think this has greatly weakened McClintock said he knows nothout bargaining position going ing about that squabble, but he
into that discussion in Febru-
990PF reports from recent years
reveal anti-fracking grants totaling more than $3 million to media
outlets, including the American
Prospect, Earth Talk, Grist, Mother
Jones, the Nation and Yes! Magazine, along with activist groups
including Earthworks, Food and
Water Watch, Friends of the Earth,
Greenpeace, Media Matters for
America and a network of about
50 others.
The report notes that “the price of
energy is no object to them; they
can afford to pay their energy bills
at virtually any price.” They can
dump hundreds of millions of dollars into a coordinated campaign
against affordable energy, decrease
the standard of living for middle- “This strategically organized alliclass America and devastate the ance,” says the report, “has gone to
poor without a qualm.
great lengths to misconstrue facts,
falsify science, and manufacture
Specifically, NRDC and oth- risks in order to vilify hydraulic
er groups are “initiating legal fracturing” while ignoring the
challenges to force regulatory numerous failed “green” stimulus
action with sue-and-settle ar- projects, including Solyndra.
rangements”—the Sierra Club has
received more than $19 million Government regulation
and the NRDC $252,004 in EPAfriendly settlements.
The committee report was particularly concerned about Obama’s
An anti-fracking agenda
rhetoric that masks his intent, citing
remarks that he gave to NorthwestThe most insidious attack is “blur- ern University in October. Accordring the scientific literature with ing to the report, Obama bragged
spurious studies.”
that “our 100-year supply of natural
gas is a big factor in drawing jobs
Since 1997, EPA regulation of oil back to our shores. Many are in
and natural gas extraction grew by manufacturing, which produce the
more than 145%.
quintessential middle-class job.”
The foremost example is a 2011
Cornell University report by two
biologists and an engineer who
“falsely concluded that the lifecycle emissions from natural gas
development emit more greenhouse gases than coal,” which was
touted by The New York Times as
“settled science” useful to silence
defenders of fracking. But it was, in
fact, science made for hire.
Lead author Robert W. Howarth
“was approached by the Park Foundation in 2010 and asked to write an
academic article that would make
a case that shale gas was a dangerous, polluting fuel. That same
year, Park Foundation gave Cornell
University $135,000 for Howarth’s
study,” the report said.
Howarth’s “outdated and manipulated data” were so wrong that his
study was refuted by his own Cornell colleagues, state regulators,
some environmental groups and
even Obama’s White House.
The Park Foundation’s IRS Form
didn’t need fetal therapy.
“It’s a big-time intervention. Not
only for the fetus, who in these
circumstances would have everything to gain because otherwise
the baby was going to die, but also
an operation on the mother who
is really medically an innocent
“In retrospect, I think the bill bystander.”
Several conservative members
were seething over the tactics
used by House Speaker John
Boehner and his leadership
team to get the bill passed and
made it clear they’d prefer that
he wasn’t speaker in the next
Congress. McClintock is not
happy with leadership, but he
said making a change is easier
said than done.
“The problem with replacing
John Boehner as speaker is you
have to have a replacement that
is competent to take that role,”
he said. “The problem is the
people who were competent
to replace Boehner were not
willing to do so, and the people
willing to replace Boehner were
not competent to do so.”
The congressman noted that no
one inside the House GOP Conference challenged Boehner for
the post last month. McClintock
believes any challenge to Boehner going forward should play
out in the conference and not
on the House floor during the
vote for speaker of the House
next month.
Obama, from pg. 1__________________________________________________________________
anthropic” funders, such as the
rabidly anti-fracking Park Foundation, to wage an all-out assault to
shut down domestic production of
American oil and natural gas.
Life, from pg. 5__________________________________________
does admit to supporting the
rule, noting his general approach
is to support rules to protect the
power of the majority to set the
agenda. But Thursday’s vote is
one he’d like to have back.
raised such important fiscal
and constitutional issues that it
shouldn’t have been brought to
the floor in its current form,” he
said. “I’m not going to sugarcoat
it. Every now and then, I make
a bad vote. That was a bad vote,
and I regret it.”
tional, “which obtained exclusive
power purchase agreements for
four solar projects that received
[Department of Energy loans].”
In May 2011, Bryson was appointed to be Obama’s Secretary
of Commerce and resigned in 2012
for health reasons. NRDC has numerous doorways to the corridors
of power.
Conservatives puzzle over the
socialist direction of Big Green’s
crony capitalists. Anti-fracking
activist Bill McKibben’s
bluntly positioned itself as socialist when director Naomi Klein
published her 2014 book, “This
Changes Everything: Capitalism
vs. the Climate,” which sets the
anti-fracking, anti-fossil fuel task
as, “shredding free market capitalism.” Does her gang mean to shred
America’s private enterprise by
Crony capitalism
Why bother? If your crony capitalist money can buy the government
regulations you want and reroute
the federal treasury into your antifossil fuel agenda, you get to keep
your taxpayer-fed crony capitalism
and anybody who survives gets the
But at the same time, the report socialist shreds.
said, “over one dozen federal agencies [are] attempting to justify the We all owe a debt of thanks to
federal usurpation of states’ rights Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana,
to regulate hydraulic fracturing.” top Republican on the Senate
Environment and Public Works
Since 1997, EPA regulation of oil Committee, for having the courage
and natural gas extraction grew by and diligence to spearhead such inmore than 145 percent, and 13 fed- vestigations as this fracking report
eral agencies are trying to regulate documents.
fracking out of existence.
Looking beyond the waning days of
The overall picture of the presi- the lame-duck session, he told The
dent’s allies is one of heirs, inves- Daily Signal, “With a Republican
tors and entrepreneurs who became majority in the Senate, committee
vastly rich in the capitalist system reports—which are based on honest
and thus envision themselves as the research—will have a more signifibest directors of everybody else’s cant presence in terms of creating
life. They became a new ruling awareness and setting policy.
class, crony capitalists out to mold
the public destiny by destroying “These reports are crucial to unall competing visions, using power derstanding how aggressive the
purchased from politicians, activ- EPA and Obama administration
ists and media shills.
are in broadening the scope of their
authority to issue regulations that
The committee report connects affect small businesses and indisome crony capitalist dots: John vidual families across the country.
Bryson was a co-founder of NRDC Plus, they could lead to oversight
in 1970 and later became the chair- hearings and perhaps legislative
man and CEO of Edison Interna- reforms.”
Page 9
“It was a very controversial concept, to do something before birth,”
Adzick said. “Most of the response
[from people] was one of being
flabbergasted. … With time, applying things cautiously clinically in
the late 1980s and early 1990s, and
with a lot of failure, we got better
and better and better. And now it’s
sort of an established field.”
The goal, as fetal surgery evolved
over time, has always been to in- Although fetal surgery is no longer
crease the pool of birth defects that experimental, because of the danare treatable in utero.
ger to both mother and child, the
procedure is still rare.
Alan Flake, a pediatric surgeon at
the Children’s Hospital of Phila- This year, the Children’s Hospital
delphia and Adzick’s colleague, of Philadelphia will evaluate 1,500
has been pursuing the science of mothers carrying babies with seusing cell therapy in the womb for vere birth defects.
30 years.
The hospital performs only 150
Medical experts believe that suc- fetal surgeries per year.
ceeding in that science—redefining
the future of medical care for birth So only 5 percent to 10 percent of
defects yet again—would allow patients at the hospital’s Center for
more patients a chance at life.
Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment get
fetal surgery.
“You can imagine the payoff if it
worked,” Adzick said. “The payoff Additionally, the hospital reports
could be huge—helping this new that 20 percent of mothers who
cohort of unborn patients.”
receive treatment at the center—
including both those who pur‘Controversial’ to ‘Established’ sued fetal surgery and those who
didn’t—lose their babies.
From 1983-85, as a fellow, and
from 1988-95, as an attending
surgeon, Adzick worked with Harrison to develop the fetal surgery
enterprise—first testing on animals, graduating to clinical trials,
and then, the real thing.
“The payoff could be huge,” if stem
cell therapy can be used to treat
birth disorders in utero, says Dr.
Scott Adzick
Medical experts say if they can
expand the types of defects that can
be treated before birth, more babies
The two men studied at Mas- can be saved.
sachusetts General Hospital 10
years apart—Harrison before As of 2011, about 2 in every 100
Adzick—sharing an ambition to pregnancies involve birth defects
help children.
that could be repaired prenatally, according to a review by the
In 1995, Adzick left San Francisco Agency for Healthcare Quality and
to launch the fetal surgery program Research.
in Philadelphia.
Pointless, from pg. 3___________________________________
and believers are reaching the lost.
God is to be praised!
Please keep us and all of
God servants in Mexico in your
P.S. The newscaster who
gave the report about the high
number of Americans kidnapped
in Mexico in the past year made
the comment that no one should
drive into Mexico unless they have
Mexican license plates on their car.
Of course, we have Texas plates on
our pickup, van and car. The car
is just for running around Pharr, to
keep from wearing out our travel
vehicle, the van. We use the pickup
to haul large loads-you guessed it,
to the childrens’ home in Mexico.
We work hard to avoid being on the
highway between Eagle Pass, TX
and Morelos, Coahuila after dark.
Since Day Light Saving Time is
over it gets dark earlier and earlier.
We have always felt that daylight
is safer. But, lately there have been
terrible shootouts at all hours of
the day. Last Friday there were
two terrible shootouts just south
of the Seminary where we have
been teaching, at eight o’clock in
the morning. So much for daylight
being safe.
Hubby has given me some
beautiful jewelry over our 51 years
of marriage. Before we headed
south, he had a great business in
Tulsa. His State Farm Insurance
business was a tremendous success,
especially since no other agents in
the area spoke Spanish. So, with
his business, we enjoyed the luxuries it provided. My wedding set,
which grew with more and more
diamonds over the years, is in a
safe deposit box at the bank. There
is no way I would dare to wear it
into Mexico. One never knows who
might grab a Gringo and carry him
off for ransom. And, that jewelry
would be an invitation for some
jerk to grab an old lady and cut
off her finger! For years now I
have worn a simple gold band that
Hubby bought for me in Honduras
when we were there on a mission
trip. It is much safer.
I did not give you that little
detail to brag, but to remind you
again. We are in and out of Mexico
on a regular basis, in our vehicles
with Texas plates. Prayer is needed
and greatly appreciated.
Dr. Shaw’s Prescription
Senator Wayne Shaw at Mabel
Bassett Women’s Prison Chapel
Being a pastor and PK
(preacher’s kid) I have attended a
lot of church services, but few have
been as moving and meaningful as
the one I attended the other day
at Mabel Bassett. Mabel Bassett
is the largest female correctional
center, i.e. prison in the state of
Oklahoma. It is located outside
McLoud, Oklahoma. It was the
dedication of a new chapel that
had been built inside the fences.
(This is the fifth such chapel that
Dr. Joe Wilson of Prison Chapel
Inc. and his volunteers have built.
These are built with private funds
and given to the State of Oklahoma
when finished.)
A number of concerned individuals, churches, and companies
gave generously to make this possible. But here is the rest of the
story. Even the inmates worked to
make this happen. They are given
about $11 a month to buy shampoo, soap, etc. Out of that meager
amount they collectively gave over
$5,000. That is not all, they helped
with the construction, that
included helping pour the
As I sat
there in that
dedication service, I sensed a
couple of miracles. One was Sen. Wayne Shaw
that with all the
security that must be maintained,
with all the tools and trucks that
had to be brought in, and with all
the money that had to be raised that
a chapel could be built inside the
prison walls. The other was that in
a facility where 1,200 women are
incarcerated (Oklahoma incarcerates more women per capita than
any other state in our nation.) you
sense the power and presence of
God. God’s grace is greater than
all our sin.
Page 10 The BANNER
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
The Golf Corner
By Steve Pace Certified Golf Instructor at Patricia Island Golf Club-Grove, OK (918786-3338) (PGA-Former, US Golf Teachers Federation- Retired, NGI- Association of
National Golf Instructors) Cell: 405-834-3217 – email: - or
Deer Gun Hunters Have Final
Chance Over Holidays
Deer gun hunters will have
one more opportunity to harvest a
white-tailed deer in Oklahoma this
Only a few days left for waited outside the 19th hole
winter during the Holiday Antlershopping!
at a local country club. So he
less Deer Gun Season, which will
parked himself right around
run from Dec. 19-28 in specified
Be thinking about that golfer in the golf course and waited for
the family:
someone to come out drunk and open areas.
And in the gift-giving spirit
- we have
try to drive.
several brand
Sure enough, of the season, any antlerless deer
taken during those 10 days is connew ADAMS
at 11:45 pm,
sidered a bonus deer and does not
a man came
count against a hunter’s combined
that would
deer season limit.
make great
out. It took
Resident hunters who plan to
him five
participate in the Holiday Antler- we also have
minutes to
get to his car less Deer Gun Season must have
an appropriate hunting license and
gift certificates
and another
a Holiday Antlerless Deer License,
for lessons or
five to turn
unless exempt. Nonresident hunters
Steve Pace
the car on.
must have a Nonresident Deer Gun
Contact Steve
The police
License. Unfilled licenses from the
at 405-834-3217 or Ileta Bray at officer sensed victory and let
the man start driving. He pulled previous Youth Deer Gun, Deer
G O L F T I P O F T H E the man over only 50 feet away Muzzleloader or Deer Gun seasons
are not valid for the Holiday AntWEEK
from the club. He walked up
lerless Deer Gun Season.
Simple grip check: While
to the man and said, “I just
The Holiday Antlerless Deer
holding your club in the address saw you come out of that bar
Gun Season will be open in eight
position, can you see the first
and you were pretty loaded.”
of the state’s 10 Antlerless Deer
(index finger) knuckle on each
hand? You want to have the
said the drunk man. “How many Zones. Closed areas include the
sensation that you are rolling
beers did you have?” asked the Oklahoma Panhandle west of
your thumbs downward or of
police officer. “Anoout fiften,” U.S. 83, and most of southeastern
Oklahoma. Also, many wildlife
having your palms more toward said the man. “FIFTEEN! And
management areas are closed to
the ground than at each other.
you’re trying to drive?!? You
Almost all amateur golfers or
will get life for this,” said the
at least high handicappers, have officer. “Hop out of the car.
an improper grip. The grip is
I am going to run some tests
very much like a foundation of
on you,” said the officer. The
Movement mostly light this week
a house. It must be as correct as man hopped out of his car with
with most sales moving locally.
possible in order for the rest of
perfect grace, he smiled and
Demand light to moderate for all
the swing to work correctly.
stood on one foot, hopped up
offerings. Supplemental feedGolf Specials are just and down and said his ABCs
ing continues to increase in most
waiting on you.
forwards and backwards.
areas but producers seem to have
All area courses currently have The police officer didn’t get
immediate needs secured. Only
special “WINTER RATES”
it. “Okay, let me smell your
light rainfall received in portions
and encourage you to take
breath,” said the officer. “Sure,” of western and northern Oklahoma
said the man. He exhaled right
this week with other parts of the
-Cherokee Grove Golf Course
into the officer’s nose and the
state receiving trace amounts.
(Grove) @ 918-786-4100
officers smelled no beer on
Moderate temperatures returned
-Grand Cherokee Golf Course
his breath. “Well, I guess I am
this week benefitting wheat and
(Langley) @ 918-435-8727.
gonna have to let you go, but
winter grasses.
-Patricia Island Golf Club
why did you stumble out of the Alfalfa Central Oklahoma: Pre(Grove) @ 918-786-3338
bar so drunk?” “Oh, I’m the
mium quality 200.00-220.00. Some
-Shangri-La Golf Club (Monkey DD,” said the man.
Good quality 150.00-165.00, inIsland) @ 918-257-4204
“A designated driver?”
stances 185.00. Fair quality no
G O L F J O K E o f t h e “No, a designated decoy,” said
recent sales. Premium quality
the man.
small square bales loaded on truck
A police officer, who was
15.00 per bale. Eastern Oklahoma:
hoping to catch someone drunk,
Premium quality small square bales
NE Oklahoma Fishing Report by
The Oklahoma Wildlife Department
Ft. Gibson: Elevation above normal, water 45 and clear. Crappie
fair on minnows and jigs at 15-20
ft. along creek channels, docks and
coves. Blue, flathead and channel
catfish fair on cut bait and shad at
15 ft. along the river channel and
creek channels.
Kaw: Elevation rising, water 40
and clear. Crappie fair on minnows
and jigs at 12-20 ft. around brush
structure and riprap. Blue catfish
fair on juglines baited with cut
bait and shad at 12-20 ft. in the
main lake.
Lower Illinois: Elevation normal,
water 50-55 and clear. Trout good
on orange Power Bait and in-line
spinnerbaits below the dam, tailwaters, riffles below the dam and
deep holes.
McMurtry: Elevation below normal, water 58 and clear. Crappie
fair on minnows, jigs and worms
at 6-12 ft. around docks, points
and brush structure; most fishing
activity has been from docks with
Tenkiller: Elevation 4 ft. below
normal, water mid 50s and clear.
Largemouth, smallmouth and
spotted bass slow on plastic baits
and jigs at 10-20 ft. around brush
structure and the main lake. Crappie slow on minnows and tube jigs
at 15-20 ft. around brush structure
and docks.
14.00-15.00 per bale.
Grass Hay Central Oklahoma:
Prairie hay 4 X 5 bales 25.00-30.00
per bale, mostly 25.00-28.00. Good
Bermuda 60.00-70.00 per bale in 5
X 6 bales. Good wheat hay 75.0080.00 per ton.
Western Oklahoma: Good grass
hay 60.00-65.00 per ton. Good
wheat hay 65.00-70.00 per ton. Fair
to Good Bermuda grass 5x6 bales
45.00-60.00 per bale, best quality
Bermuda 60.00-70.00 per bale.
Prairie hay 4 X 5 bales 25.00-30.00.
Crab grass 5 X 6 bales 35.00-40.00
per bale.
Eastern Oklahoma: Good mixed
grass hay in 4 X 5 bales 25.0030.00 per bale, mostly 25.00-28.00.
Bermuda 5 X 6 bales 50.00-70.00
per bale. Bermuda small square
bales 6.00-8.00 per bale.
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, things are going to change with
regard to your professional life. Expect
some good news at work and possibly
a promotion. Make the most of this
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21
This week is bound to be very social,
and your calendar is full, Taurus. You
can pick and choose what you want to
do, and you can expect to enjoy all of
your experiences in the week ahead.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23
Home matters have been on your mind,
Leo. This week you will reach a resolution to your issue. Your hard work has
paid off so you can have some fun.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
This is a week you are bound to enjoy,
Virgo. The next several days will be
full of structured fun, and that is right
up your alley. Enjoy the company of
friends and family.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21
Expect to start the week on an exciting
note, Gemini. Big news is coming your
way, and you can allow yourself to enjoy this exciting time in your life.
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, you may prefer to keep to yourself this week, but you are more likely
to be surrounded by friends and family.
Make the most of this time with loved
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, enjoy time with your significant
other in the days ahead. A romantic trip
could be just the way to go, and both
of you will appreciate the one-on-one
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, things are set to go your way
and you couldn’t be happier. You thrive
on being in control, and that’s right
where you will be this week. Good
things are ahead.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21
Sagittarius, you tend to get restless with
routine, so take some time to switch
things up this week. Take a different
route to work or school. Otherwise,
make new friends.
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20
Capricorn, your love of travel continues
this week, and you won’t be content
until you hit the road. If you have the
chance to travel, make the most of this
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, now is a great time to aim
for a promotion at work or make
some changes to make yourself more
marketable. It’s time to push ahead in
your career.
PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20
Pisces, this is an exciting period for you,
as both personal plans and career goals
come to fruition. Enjoy the ride in the
days ahead.
Crossword Answers
Holiday Antlerless Deer Gun
Season. For open areas, consult
the public hunting area listings
and the zone map on page 22 of
the current “Oklahoma Hunting”
regulations guide.
Additional doe harvest helps
accomplish several important deer
management benefits, said Erik
Bartholomew, big-game biologist
for the Oklahoma Department of
Wildlife Conservation. Some of
those benefits are improvement of
the buck-to-doe ratio for a more
healthy herd structure; preventing
localized overpopulation of does;
reducing competition for forage to
promote greater antler growth in
bucks; reducing the potential for
deer/vehicle collisions; and lessening the extent of potential crop
depredation for landowners.
This is the first year that a
Holiday Antlerless Elk Gun Season will be held on private lands
in all elk zones except the Special
Southwest Zone. This season will
be Dec. 19-28 only in zones where
harvest quotas have not yet been
met. Hunters who plan to pursue
antlerless elk from Dec. 19-28 may
use any unfilled elk license from
the previous elk firearms seasons
or buy a resident or nonresident
elk license. Elk taken during this
holiday season will count toward
the hunter’s combined season limit,
so any hunter who already has
harvested a combined season limit
is not eligible to participate in the
holiday season. And zone quotas
remain in effect, so any hunter
planning to pursue elk must first
check the status of the elk harvest
quota at
before going afield.
Season dates vary in the
Special Southwest Zone (all private
lands in Caddo, Comanche and
Kiowa counties) for Elk Gun (Dec.
18-21) and Additional Antlerless
Elk (Jan. 1-31, 2015) hunting seasons. For details, see the current
“Oklahoma Hunting” regulations
guide online at wildlifedepartment.
com or in print where hunting and
fishing licenses are sold.
In addition, Deer Archery
and Elk Archery seasons remain
open until Jan. 15.
All hunters are reminded that
wearing hunter orange clothing is
required during any open deer, elk,
bear or antelope firearms season.
Only hunters pursuing waterfowl,
crane or crow, or while hunting
furbearing animals at night, are
exempt from hunter orange requirements. Hunters also are required
to check-in all harvested elk and
deer using the online E-Check
system within 24 hours of leaving
the hunt area.
Hunting licenses, deer licenses and elk licenses are sold
by vendors statewide or online
on the license sales page at For additional
regulations and information, see
the current “Oklahoma Hunting”
regulations guide online at or in print
where hunting and fishing licenses
are sold.
1. Cuts off a branch
5. 13th Hebrew letter
8. “Hair” producer Joseph
12. Giraffa camelopardalis
14. Indicates near
15. Capital of Samoa
16. Roving adventurously
18. Help
19. Deafening noises
20. Spanish neighborhood
21. Portable computer
screen material
22. 20th Hebrew letter
23. “Blue Bloods” lead actor
26. Scholarly
30. Raleigh NC river
31. Alongside each other
32. Electronics Support
33. Dogma
34. New Deal statesman
39. A corporation’s first
stock offer
42. Slender tower with
44. Young eel
46. Deviation from the
47. CBS police drama
49. Cliff
50. Resting place
51. Island in Venice
56. 1981-82 Sec. of State
57. Young man
58. Skylighted central area
59. Oily skin disorder
60. East northeast
61. 1945 Crimean conference city
62. Transfer property
63. Used to be United __
64. Daze
1. Murderers Leopold &
2. Southern veggie
3. Henry’s 6th wife
4. Practice fight
5. Dinners
6. Hermaphrodite
7. Centers
8. Fathers (Spanish)
9. For each one
10. SW Belarus city
11. Australian slang for a
13. Ability to begin
17. Short whistle blasts
24. Were introduced
25. Glowing quality
26. Ingest
27. Relative biological effectiveness
28. Footed vase
29. River in NE Scotland
35. English Univ. river
36. Malaysian Isthmus
37. Soft-finned fish
38. Eyelid infection
40. Fred & Wilma’s baby
41. New __, Louisiana city
42. Tse-tung or Zedong
43. Hindu weather god
44. ___ May, actress
45. Hauled laboriously
47. One suspender
48. More peculiar
49. N. Central African
52. Macaw genus
53. Rhythmic swing or
54. Ballerina skirt
55. Arabian sultanate
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Classified Ads
To place an ad in classified call 918-783-5657 or mail your ad to P. O. Box 88, Adair, OK
74330, or e-mail to All classified business ads are $6 per
column inch, with 1 column inch minimum. Business ads come with a border and a tinted
background if preferred. All other ads are $4.50 per 20 words or less and $.10 per word
thereafter. All ads must be paid in advance of publication.
--------------------------------Gooseneck stock trailer 6x12
MechanicallyFIREWOOD FOR
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very good condition, gray
SALE, seasoned
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Same location 44 years.
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Days: 918-244-3912
Call Nathan 918-557-0678
Evenings 918-253-2225.
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Specialing in difficult jobs
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Very nice 3bed/1bath
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Dry storm cellar. Boat ramp across the street.
41 Leisure Land Adair. $69,000. Call Kimm
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Sessions, from pg. 3___________________________
islation would be lower
wages, higher-unemployment, and reduced-per
capita GNP.
All of this begs a simple
question: who is looking
out for American workers?
Who is looking out for
their interests, fighting to
help them get better jobs
and pay, working to help
their communities climb
out of poverty?
The immigration debate
in our nation’s capital is
always centered on the
needs of illegal immigrants, foreign workers,
or large employers. Isn’t
it time, after decades of
open immigration, to focus on how we can help
Is not the sensible and rational thing to do to slow
down a bit, allow wages
to rise, assimilation to
occur, and to help those
struggling here today rise
into the middle class?
These super-elites in
Washington and Wall
Street dream of a world
without borders, a paradise where things like
laws and rules and national boundaries can
don’t get in the way of
their grand chimera. The
only challenge these great
global citizens face are
these pesky people called
voters, who cling to the
old-fashioned idea of a
nation as a home and a
border as something real
and worth protecting.
These elites, you see,
know better. If you’re
worried about your jobs
or wages, if you are concerned that the pace of
immigration into your
community is too fast and
too large, if you feel like
your needs aren’t being
considered, well, you’re
just a nativist you see.
You’re being selfish.
So when an election happens, and the people rebel
against this open-borders
agenda, there is really one
thing for these wise elites
to do. They must impose
The American people their own laws.
have begged and pleaded
for a lawful system of im- How Congress answers
migration that serves the this challenge will shape
national interest – not the the future of this Repubspecial interests. But the lic. Will we defend and
politicians have refused, protect the people who
refused, refused. This sent us here – their laws,
summer alone the White their Constitution, their
House met 20 times with communities – or we will
business executives, am- abandon them? I pose
nesty lobbyists, immigra- that question to this body,
tion activists to craft their and I suggest there is no
executive amnesty. You purpose to our being here
know who wasn’t invited if it is not to serve and
into that room? You, the protect and defend the
American citizen. You loyal people who sent us
don’t get a say.
here on their behalf.”
steel for stabilization.
I do it right the first time!
Each job directed and supervised
by 59+ years of experience.
Wayne Alexander
Now adding the queen line of
pools- (10) designs to choose from
Price starting at $20,000$29,000 each. Depending on
design and square footage.
Jay Oklahoma
Mike & Dee Anderson
Plastic &
Metal Barrels $5-$15
Fri.-Sat. 9-5 • Sunday 12-5
2 Blocks S. on Hwy. 69
Adair, OK
See www.
Page 11
Ex-CIA chief: Feinstein gave
terrorists ‘instruction manual’
Calls released Senate Intelligence report ‘a gold mine of
By Drew Zahn
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., discusses the newly released Senate Intelligence
Committee report
A former director of the
Central Intelligence Agency is blasting the Democrat-controlled Senate
Intelligence Committee
for giving terrorists what
he calls “an excellent instruction manual” on U.S.
intelligence operations.
mation for them,” he continued. “This is not just
released to the American
public or to the public of
democratic countries; it
is released to the terrorists. And it’s an excellent
instruction manual for
get a handle on the courier
that led us to [Osama] bin
Former CIA Chief R.
James Woolsey Jr. spoke
with Aaron Klein of “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s 970
AM The Answer Sunday
about the committee’s
$40-million, 6,000-page
review of the CIA’s use of
“enhanced interrogation
techniques” in the post9/11 era.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein,
D-Calif., the head of the
intelligence panel that
ordered release of the report, alleged on the Senate
floor Tuesday that the CIA
techniques in some cases
amounted to “torture.”
An op-ed piece written
by former CIA Directors
George J. Tenet, Porter
J. Goss and Michael V.
Hayden, along with former CIA Deputy Directors
John E. McLaughlin, Albert M. Calland and Stephen R. Kappes, blasted
the report as a “one-sided
study marred by errors
of fact and interpretation
– essentially a poorly done
and partisan attack.”
As WND reported, Woolsey is only the latest former CIA official to soundly criticize the Senate
committee report.
The report further alleged
that the CIA’s interrogation methods were not
an effective means of ac“To make this material quiring intelligence or
public was a very great gaining cooperation from
disservice to the country detainees.
“Astonishingly, the (Senand to the cause of antiate) staff avoided interterrorism,” Woolsey said. Woolsey disagreed: “John viewing any of us who
“It’s is not just announc- Brennan said it right when had been involved in esing what we did, it’s issu- he said that the informa- tablishing or running the
ing this hundreds of pages tion that they got was program, the first time a
of material explaining to essentially useful and he supposedly comprehenthem how we make deci- believes it contributed to sive Senate Select comsions, how we think this is our being able to under- mittee on Intelligence
important, how we think stand what the terrorists study has been carried out
that is important.
had done and what they in this way,” the former
“It’s a gold mine of infor- might do next and also to CIA directors wrote.
Fight looms over $3 billion Obama administration
payment to UN-linked climate fund
By George Russell
The Obama administration
can expect a knock-down
battle with the next Congress
over its announced $3 billion
contribution to the United
Nations-affiliated Green
Climate Fund, a centerpiece
of talks over a new treaty
on greenhouse gas emissions held in Lima, Peru,
last week.
“If they think they are going
to get all that money for the
fund, they’re mistaken,” a
senior aide to Sen. James
Inhofe, R-Okla., told Fox
News. “You’re going to see
us being more aggressive
about not sending more money to the U.N. and elsewhere
for climate change.”
Inhofe is the incoming chairman of the Environment and
Public Works Committee in
the Republican-controlled
Senate that will be take office
in January, and a vocal skeptic about the administration’s
drastic climate policies.
He is not a member of the
powerful Appropriations
Committee that actually
decides how U.S. taxpayer
money is doled out. But
aides point out that climate
skepticism shared with other
Republicans, and a hopedfor end to the cliff-hanger
process of funding the government through catch-all
legislation like the $1.1 trillion “Cromnibus” bill that
passed late Saturday, give a
real edge to the climate fund
Skepticism about climate
change funding, the aide tional commitments” to reindicated, would be a “top duce carbon emissions, as a
priority” of Inhofe.
solid step toward creating a
successor to the now defunct
Failure to honor the Green Kyoto Protocol. The intenClimate Fund commitment tion is to make the final deal
would deal a huge blow to at a climate summit schedthe aggressive climate strat- uled for Paris late in 2015.
egy of an administration that
has already announced that One of the few quantifiable
it will double down on its achievements at Lima, howown cuts to carbon emissions ever, was the growing size
by 2025, with 26 percent -- at least in terms of pledges
to 28 percent reductions -- of the Climate Fund, or
beyond what it has already GCF. It topped $10 billion,
including the U.S. contribution, about $1.5 billion from
“If they think they are going Japan, and a spate of smaller
to get all that money for the pledges by other Western
fund, they’re mistaken.”
- Senior aide to Sen. James
Inhofe, R-Okla.
The fund is intended to help
finance green projects that
Blocking the money also cut carbon emissions in the
would give a possibly mortal developing world; developwound to the increasingly ing countries expect it to
Rube Goldberg business of grow to enable green investorganizing a global climate ments worth more than $100
deal in the face of economic billion annually by 2020.
austerity, resistance from
rising industrial powers such But that depends, among
as India, and virtually no other things, on whether the
evidence that global tem- Obama administration’s $3
peratures have risen in the billion check bounces -- a
past two decades.
question that will not be fully
answered until early next
The Lima climate session year, after the White House
that closed Sunday was al- submits a budget request for
ready teetering on the edge fiscal 2016. The Green Cliof failure due to tensions mate pledge money will be
between developing nations included in that request.
that want both drastic carbon
cuts from developed nations The administration got a
and mountains of cash to pay foretaste of the likely resisfor green projects on their tance read in the Cromnibus
own territory.
bill itself. It contained a stopper to prevent money from
In the end, organizers hailed the catch-all funding from
the nebulous outcome, built being dedicated to the Green
on as-yet unrevealed “na- Fund, while acknowledging
that the White House had not
yet asked for the $3 billion
it announced for the Fund in
“The 2015 budget is not
relevant for GCF funding,”
a Fund spokesman told Fox
News, “since we understand
that the U.S. administration
will first submit a budget
request for the GCF as part
of the 2016 budget.”
When that happens, the rules
of the game for getting a congressional stamp of approval
on GCF money are likely to
have changed considerably.
While the Cromnibus bill
wrapped up funding for 11
sections of the government
into one massive piece of
legislation, Inhofe’s senior
aide said that the Republican
Senate next year will return
to a more regular order of
business -- allowing senators to “really get into the
weeds at each agency” -and thus selectively cut and
add funds through budget
“For the past eight years,
Senate Majority Leader
[Harry] Reid prevented lots
of amendments from going forward, and limited
members’ ability to engage
in the process,” the Inhofe
aide said.
That engagement, he implied, was likely to put a major chill on climate change
Page 12 The BANNER
Christmas Wishes
from PAASVinita
pet rescue
Christmas is in the air. Children
are counting the days until Santa
arrives and families are making last
minute preparations to be together
and/or stay in touch.
All too often, there is a “puppy
surprise” gift which brings oohs
and aahs when the wiggly bundle
of fluff comes tumbling out of the
Christmas box. Unfortunately,
unless the recipient had expressed
their desire to have a puppy - -in
a few short months a gangly, lovable, untrained, bouncing ball of
energy will suddenly be brought
to a shelter, given away or - just
dumped. Yes - - - we want people
to adopt lovable bundles of fluff
- - but we also want them to make
a commitment to keep that bundle
of fluff through the puppy/chewing/jumping/high energy stage and
for the next 10+ years.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
A Shelter Dog’s Christmas Poem from Second Chance Pet Rescue
As you gather this holiday season
to spend time with friends and
family and your own beloved
furry family members, take just a
moment to think of those dogs and
cats who sit alone and unwanted at
the Second Chance Pet Rescue of
Grand Lake. Gather up some old
blankets and towels, or grab an extra bag of treats or a few toys when
you are out shopping to drop them
at the shelter. You can do this any
time of the year, but at this special
time of love and sharing, take those
few extra minutes and make this
holiday a little more special for a
few lonely shelter animals.
Meet Lucy, a small, adorable rescue currently at Second Chance Pet
Rescue but hoping to be adopted
soon. When you meet her, she
will steal your heart. Lucy and
her four-legged friends currently
residing at Second Chance Pet
Rescue would like to share “A
Shelter Dog’s Christmas Poem”
this holiday season.
To put a smile on your face go to
youtube - type in This Single Dad
is waiting to meet his baby click
on the submission by Kingmaker
Nesh- - sit back and smile.
“Tis the night before Christmas and
all through the town, every shelter
is full--we are lost but not found.
Our numbers are hung on our kennels so bare; we hope every minute
that someone will care. They’ll
come to adopt us and give us the
And if there is a puppy on your
call, “Come here Max or Sparkie
gift list - - please, please make sure
- come fetch your new ball!” But
the recipient really wants a puppy
now we sit here and think of the
- - - for life.
days we were treated so fondly-we had cute, baby ways. Once we
were little, then we grew and we
Merry Christmas - grew. Now we are no longer young
and we are no longer new.
Kay Stout - - - - Executive DirecSo out the back door we were
tor Facebook: PAASVinita e:
thrown like trash. They reacted 918so quickly--why were they so
rash? We “jump on the children,”
“don’t come when they call,” we
“bark when they leave us,” “climb
over the wall.” We should have
been neutered, we should have
been spayed. Now we suffer the
consequence of the errors THEY
made. If only they had trained us, if
only we knew, we would have done
what they asked us and worshiped
them, too. We were left in the
backyard, or worse. left to roam.
Now we are tired and lonely and
out of a home. They dropped us
off here and they kissed us goodbye
- “ Maybe someone else will give
you a try.”
So now here we are, all confused
and alone, in a shelter with others
who long for a home. The kind
workers come through with a meal
and a pat. With so many to care
for, they can’t stay to chat. They
move to the next kennel, giving
each of us cheer. We know that
they wonder how long we will be
here. We lay down to sleep and
sweet dreams fill our heads of a
home filled with love and our own
cozy beds. Then we wake to see
sad eyes--our friends filled with
emptiness, worry, and fear.
If you can’t adopt us and there’s
no room at the Inn, could you help
with the bills and fill our food bin?
We count on your kindness each
day of the year. Can you give more
than hope to everyone here? Please
make a donation to pay for the heat
and help get us something special
to eat. The shelter that cares for
us wants us to live, and more of
us will, if more people will give.
(Author Unknown)
In this season of giving, will you
consider helping Second Chance
Pet Rescue? No donation is too
small. Even $10 can provide a life
saving vaccine to an animal in our
care. Please send your tax-deductible donation to P.O Box 451205,
Grove, OK 74345, or donate online via the website www.doitforthepets.
com. Follow Second Chance Pet Rescue on Facebook to see pictures
of available pets, read some heartwarming stories about adoptions and
how you can help support Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake.
We wish all a very Merry Christmas.
Carol Rice
Volunteer/Second Chance Pet Rescue of Grand Lake
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