Saint Martin of Tours Louisville, Kentucky December 21, 2014 Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, December 20th Margaret & Willie Sullivan † Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 21st 8:00 a.m. Lawrence & Marie Stich † 10:00 a.m. For the Parish 12:00 p.m. (E.F.)● Pat Wheatley † Monday, December 22nd 12:00 Noon Pregnancy Resource Center Tuesday, December 23rd 12:00 Noon Nancy Bowling † Vigil of Christmas, December 24th 5:30 p.m. Alice B. McMahan, R.F. “Skip” McMahan, Jr., Dennis J. Liebert † 12:00 Midnight Marion Strange † The Nativity of the Lord, December 25th 9:00 a.m. Pula & Bob Lowry † 12:00 Noon (E.F.)● Joel Abuton † Friday, December 26th 12:00 Noon Maria Gonzalez † & Lola Binay † Saturday, December 27th 4:00 p.m. (Vigil) For the Parish Holy Family, December 28th 8:00 a.m. Lawrence & Marie Stich † 10:00 a.m. Joseph, Delores, & Steve Thornberry 12:00 p.m. (E.F.)● Charles & June Wehrley † 4:00 p.m. (Vigil) ● Extraordinary Form The Spire Shines During the Month of December In Memory of Holy Innocents Killed by Abortion Extraordinary Form Ordo December 21st: Fourth Sunday of Advent Lectors for December 21st 8:00 a.m. Marilyn Malone 10:00 a.m. Phil Swain & Kelly Bedan Lectors for December 28th 8:00 a.m. Marilyn Malone 10:00 a.m. Larry Baird & Shirley Bedan EMHC December 21st 8:00 a.m. Stan Fitch & Jeanie Hollenkamp 10:00 a.m. 2.Jim Gnadinger 3. Cheryl Zoldak 4. Jeremy Hudson 6. Rosemarie Gambill 7. Theresa Hughes 8. Shirley Bedan Choir: Denny Higgins EMHC December 28th 8:00 a.m. Stan Fitch & Jeanie Hollenkamp 10:00 a.m. 2.Shirley Bedan 3. Kelly Bedan 4. Gene Cundiff 6. Denny Higgins 7. Ann Derrick 8. Ralph Hughes Choir: Jeremy Hudson Why Keep the Adoration Chapel Open Twenty-Four Hours a Day Seven Days per Week? St. Martin of Tours is blessed to have Perpetual Adoration. The Chapel is open to everyone as a place to pray and adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Adorers are always welcome, either on a regular basis or if you just want to drop in for a visit. If you would like to volunteer for a regular hour, please contact the parish office (502) 582-2827. We need adorers for the following hours: Monday – 8am & 3pm Tuesday – 8am, 9am, & 11pm Friday – 8am, 9am, 4pm, & 6pm Please Remember in Your Prayers: Bud Ober, Fr. John Lesousky, Andrew Cook, Debbie Hood, Cheryl Hughes, Jeff Thorson, Elijah Thorson, Ben Thorson, Larry Huber, Frank Arter, Bill Morgan, Marce Louis Byrd, John Budway, Fred Mike, Jim Stich, Elizabeth Hobby, Carey Winters, Sr. Mary Prisca Pfeiffer, RSM, Martha Maloney, Quinn Greer, James Thomas, Bill Molnar, Mary Hurt, Larry Foushee, Adolph Nopper, Paul L. Timberlake, Barbara Grivatti, Deacon Jarvis Jackson, Colleen Clines, Rick Rossini, Alicia McAdam, Joey McNaughton, Maria Redmond, Carole Spath, Steven & Julie Villwock, Eleanor Schweickhardt, Jaquelyn Castro O’Hare, Joseph Aloysius Boone, Cherie Zoldak, Mary Halbleib, Max Fisher Please Pray for Our Military: Midshipman Michael Karas, 1LT Craig McGreal, PFC Paul Kelley, Col Greg Smith, Capt Maria Borders, Lt Col Michael Borders, Capt Joshua Ford, Capt Addison Tafel USMC, CW2 Patrick Koenig, Maj Mac Mitchell *Office closed this week* Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th Children’s Mass 5:30 p.m. With Christmas carols beginning at 5:00 p.m. Mass at Midnight Preceded by a concert of Christmas Music at 11:20 p.m. Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25th 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon (Extraordinary Form) New Year’s Mass Schedule New Year’s Eve, Wednesday, December 31st 7:00 p.m. New Year’s Day, Feast of Mary, Mother of God, Thursday, January 1st 10:00 a.m. (Extraordinary Form) Fourth Sunday of Advent The Golden Arrow Center The Golden Arrow has been providing clothing for children at a record pace, over 400 a month for the last several months! At this time we are completely out of winter clothes for Boys size 5T, 6T, 7 and 8 and we are very low on Girl's size 3T and 5T and 6/ 6x. We are also desperately in need of winter coats, hats and mittens. If you could ask friends and neighbors to think of us when they are cleaning out their child's closet. Winter has come early this year and our empty bins show it! Donations can be placed in the bin in the church entranceway or given to the guard. Thank you for your continued generosity! Volunteers still needed to help sort donations, to assist clients, and to do light office tasks. We are open to serve clients Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9-12. If you are interested in volunteering please call Emily Nolan 550-5584. “Help the mother, help the child!” The Schuhmann Center Counts for November: Men 696 Women 320 Children 383 Families assisted with food 69 Many thanks to the parishioners and friends of St. Martin for their gifts of time, talent, and treasure and best wishes for a Blessed Christmas and a Holy and Prosperous New Year to all. The Schuhmann Center is in need of volunteers, men’s, women’s and children’s winter clothing, especially men’s slacks, backpacks, laundry detergent, shampoo, soap, deodorant, disposable razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, paper to wels, kleenex, toilet tissue, and large paper grocery bags with or without handles. We are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 11:45am. You may call the Schuhmann Center at 589-6696. Please call the Schuhmann Center to donate a car, truck, or van to be auctioned to help with the ongoing day-to-day operating expenses of the center. Please pray for the success of our work and the people we serve. Make year –end gifts on the church website In the course of year-end tax planning, you may find yourself considering special onetime donations. There is a growing trend among donors to make contributions to their favorite organizations online during the final week of the year. As you contemplate year end gifts, please keep the church in mind. We welcome your donations through the giving page on the church website. R ELIGIOUS ED NEWS: Our Sunday Religious Education Classes and the Children’s Liturgy of the Word, which takes place at the 10 o’clock Mass each week, will meet once more today before taking their next break. There will be no classes nor Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sunday, December 28th and Sunday, January 4th. This will be in observance of Christmas and Epiphany. Our classes will resume meeting again on Sunday, January 11th. Have a very happy and blessed Christmas and New Year’s! Children’s Christmas Eve Nativity Practice Our one and only practice for our annual Children’s Nativity pageant that is presented at the end of the 5:30 Christmas Eve Mass, will take place on this coming Tuesday morning, December 23rd, at 9:00 a.m., in the church. It should take us approximately two hours to fit all the children for their costumes and practice their roles in the pageant. Christmas Card Project Our religious education classes are once again performing a corporal work of mercy during Advent! They will be using the old Christmas cards, recently donated by parishioners, to make special cards for nursing home residents and shut-ins. If you have an elderly, sick or lonely family member, neighbor or friend, who might appreciate receiving one of these special handmade Christmas cards, please contact the rectory by the end of the day and we will be happy to send them one! Religious Ed Christmas Parties Today! After working very hard for the last few months, all of our children and teens are having Christmas parties today in class! Thanks to all those parishioners whose thoughtfulness and generosity helped to provide goodies and treats for the occasion! Heartfelt Thanks! Saint Martin of Tours is blessed with a most wonderful group of volunteer catechists who put their hearts and souls – not to mention a great deal of their time – into teaching the Catholic faith to our children and teens here each Sunday. Please take a moment this Christmas season to thank them for their service to the Church and to our parish! (Many thanks also to our Sunday morning “go-fer”, Cathy Berendsen, for helping to make it all run as smoothly as possible!) K-1st Grade – Emily Nolan, Cheryl Topp 2nd Grade – Joan McGee, Luz Powell 3rd Grade – Susan Botner, Brian Mazar 4th Grade – Terri Hillary, Ken Botner th 5 Grade – Paul Heitkemper, Dana Guyer 6th Grade – Kathryn Hillary, Kelsey Hillary th th 7 /8 Grade – Jim Gnadinger, Marcus McGraw High School – Rose Mazar, Bill Hillary, Jason Mucci, Matt Guyer , Kevin Murphy
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