ST. THOMAS MORE PARISH__________________________ FAITH COMMITS EVERY ONE OF US TO BECOME A NEXT WEEK’S READINGS MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 4:00 David & Lena Perfetti SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 8:00 Elzbieta Gancarz (Living) Special Intention & Blessing 10:30 Thomas Whelan & His Son, Tommy 12:00 Carney, Gormally & McLaughlin Families MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 9;00 Bang TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 9:00 Salvaggio & Quintiliani Families (Living & Deceased) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 4:00 People of Parish 6:00 People of Parish THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 8:00 People of Parish 10:30 People of Parish FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 9:00 Margaret Trayers SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 4:00 Joseph McKeon & Patricia Majors SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 8:00 George & Stefania Hanula & Teodora Plaga 10:30 Lucia Campo 12:00 People of Parish HOSTS, WINE & CANDLE DONATIONS The hosts consecrated at Masses at our Parish during the month of December have been donated in memory of Louis V. Curto by his daughter, Marietta Agnitti. The wine consecrated at Masses at our Parish during the month of December have been donated in memory of the Deceased Members of The Trayers Family by Mary Trayers. The tabernacle lamp and candles which burn for Masses and Services in our Parish during the month of December have been donated in memory of Marguerite (Peg) Harvey by her daughter, Risa Asari. We ask that you keep Louis V. Curto, the Deceased Members of the Trayers Family and Marguerite (Peg) Harvey in your prayers. ST. THOMAS MORE(STM) & SACRED HEART (SH) CELEBRANTS SAT 12/20 4:00 p.m. vigil STM Fr. Dave Dave 4:00 p.m. vigil SH Fr. Sean SUN 12/21 7:30 a.m. SH Fr. Kwang & Fr. Jim 8:00 a.m. STM Fr. Dave 9:30 a.m. SH Fr. Sean 10:30 a.m. STM Fr. Dave 11:30 a.m. SH Fr. Kwang Noon STM Fr. Sean 5:30 p.m. SH Fr. Dave STM SH SH STM SH STM SH STM SH SAT 12/27 Fr. Sean S Fr. Dave SAT 12/28 Fr. Kwang & Fr. Jim Fr. Dave Fr. Sean Fr.DaveD\\ Fr. Sean Fr. Kwang Fr. Sean FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY 1ST Reading Sir.3:2-6, 12-14, or Gn. 15:1-6, 21:1-3 2nd Reading: Col. 3:12-21 or 3:12-17 or Hb.11:8, 11-12, 17-19 Gospel: Lk. 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 (17) FOR DAILY READINGS SEE LINK ON WWW.STMPARISH.ORG FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Please see link on home page of parish website,, for most up to date information on the Family Faith Formation 2014-2015 (which will serve our entire Parish including the religious education of Children & Teens) including THE ONLINE REGISTRATION FORMS FOR GRADES 1, 38 AND 9. REGISTRATIONS INCLUDING THE CHOICE OF MONTHLY FAMILY FAITH FORMATION SESSION TIMES ARE DUE BY NO LATER THAN JANUARY 15, 2015. Brochures available outside the former Religious Education office with information about the new FAMILY FAITH FORMATION program. ST. THOMAS MORE 2014 ANNUAL CAPITAL DRIVE Through December 19 2014, 189 donors have pledged $39,560 which is 79.12% of our $50,000 goal. Thank you for helping to reach this year’s goal. Achieving our goal will allow us to secure our parish finances as well as allow us to continue our important ministries. Please consider a gift of $300 or more if you have not already given. Some have the ability to give more and some less. We ask only that you give to the best of your ability. We truly appreciate any assistance you can give and are counting on the many who are able to support this appeal ANNUAL “GIVING TREE YOUR GENEROUS GIFTS ARE SO MUCH APRECIATED! Thank you for your overwhelming response to our Parish Giving Tree. We were able to provide Braintree Holidays with gift cards/certificates valued at $1,200+ as well as a wide variety of toys and clothing including 100’s of games, dolls, plush, cars & trucks, “star wars,” books, puzzles and discovery zone tech toys! Christmas Mass Schedule for St. Thomas More and Sacred Heart Parishes Please note this is a change at both parishes from past years. ST. THOMAS MORE SACRED HEART CHRISTMAS EVE, Dec. 24th CHRSITMAS EVE, Dec. 24th 4:00 PM in the Church Fr. Dave 4:00 PM in the Church Fr. Sean 4:00 PM in the Auditorium Fr. Kwang EUCHARISTIC ADORATION IN OUR LADY’S CHAPEL EVERY MONDAY, 3:00-4:00PM CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING Every Tuesday at 7:00PM in the Chapel. MORNING BIBLE STUDY – Wednesdays, 10:00 –11:30AM in St. Thomas More Church Hall. ALL WELCOME!! ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your support with food and cash donations. Our current needs are canned fruits, jelly and meals (Chef Boyardee etc.). 6:00 PM Family Mass in the Church – Fr. Dave 5:30 PM Family Mass in the Church – Fr. Sean Midnight Mass – Fr. Sean CHRISTMAS DAY CHRISTMAS DAY 8:00 AM in the Church - . Fr. Dave 7:30 AM in the Church Fr. Kwang & Fr. Jim 10:30 AM in the Church Fr. Sean 11:30 AM in the Church – Fr. Kwang LIVING SIGN OF THE PRESENCE OF THE RISEN LORD.________ Special Prayers for our final days of Advent. Beginning on December 17, as the final phase of preparation for Christmas, the Church sings. The “O” Antiphons, as the are affectionately called, help us to make the rejoicing we heard this past weekend, resound within us and throughout the world. The “O” Antiphons precede the Magnificat during Vespers of the Liturgy of Hours (the prayer of the church reciting every day – as part of the promises made by religious, priests, and deacons. The “O”Antiphons express the Church’s longing and expectation for the Messiah. the church resonates the wonderment of the Christ-Child, grace and mercy have met and are revealed. It is Christ who is: Justice and Mercy, the New Covenant, King and Redeemer, Emmanuel – God with us, who is made known in Mary’s Womb and in the Manger. The whole world rejoices and the prophecy is fulfilled. History tells us that the Benedictine Monks arranged these anitphons with a defined purpose. If one looks at the titles in order (as shown below) starting with the first letters of each, the word, Ero Cras, in Latin is formed, meaning “Tomorrow, I will come.” December 17: O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love: come to teach us the path of knowledge! December 18: O Leader of the House of Israel, giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai: come to rescue us with your mighty power! December 19: 19 O Root of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: come to save us without delay! December 20: O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darkness! December 21: O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come and shine on those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death. December 22: O King of all nations and keystone of the Church: come and save man, whom you formed from the dust! December 23: O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come to save us, Lord our God! The final days lead to the rejoicing of the manger. The Lord Jesus, whom Advent has prepared us, is expressed with a seven-fold title proper to Him as Messiah. These days should help us to meditate on Him as He truly is and the may the grace of each day teach us to be filled with wonder and love as we shall come to adore him. Thank you for your witness during these holy days of Advent. Thank you for the extra works of charity for the poor, the sick, the homeless and those most in need. Thank you for all you do in Christ’s name. I am grateful to be here with you and pray the Good Lord teach us serve Him, love Him and be with Him forever. CONVERSATIONS OVER A CUP OF COFFEE . . . Happy fourth week of Advent. We are making our final turn towards Christmas. Our journey in Advent is a call to let the announcement of salvation become alive in our hearts so that we may adore the Christ child and worship Him. We've been working hard to do a little Advent cleaning and preparation. This week a special visitor came and helped. Santa said you've been more nice than naughty this year so he came and worked on the sanctuary to make it even more beautiful. He said this is the place of worship for God’s people so "let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Amen” FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 0FFERING OF TREASURE 12/13 & 12/14 (24) 6 St. Vincent de Paul Envelopes Used FROM 140 STM ENVELOPES $3,576.00 = 66.63% NOT IN STM ENVELOPES $1,711.00 = 31.88% ELECTRONIC GIVING $ 80.00 = 1.49% TOTAL $5,367.00 THANK YOU. The offertory is the primary means of meeting the parish’s weekly expenses. Your financial support is appreciated and needed! Mass Counts: number attended; % of 320 seats per Mass 4:00 p.m.: 261; 81% 8:00 a.m.: 115; 36% 10:30 a.m.: 144; 45% 12 noon: 106; 33% Every Christmas, Catholics across the Archdiocese of Boston join together to honor and thank our priests. Your gift to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps to ensure the highest quality of care and quality of life programs that provide for the health and well-being of our 628 active and senior priests. Remember priests such as Fr. Neil Mullaney and Fr. James McCarthy who have made a meaningful difference in your life, and consider honoring them with a generous gift to the Christmas collection. Our priests have been there for us in our times of need. Now it is our turn to care for them when they need us. All are welcome to make a gift online at or use the envelopes you receive quarterly or the envelopes at the doors of the church. Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous support of our priests. Thank you for all of your generous support of the work we do with the poor and those struggling to support themselves and their families through difficult economic circumstances. Our second collection this weekend is in support of the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society here at St. Thomas More Parish. MUSIC MINISTRY: The Sacred Heart and St. Thomas Music Ministry welcomes new members on an ongoing basis! Please contact Mary Beth Brady for more info at . Our next Adult Choir (for BOTH parishes) rehearsal will be on Wednesday, January 21st from 7- 8:15 at Sacred Heart Church. Our next Children's Choir rehearsal (for children from BOTH parishes, grades 2-8) is on Wednesday, January 28th from 6:00 -7:00 at St. Thomas More Church. Our Lifeteen choir is open to teens and young adults from both parishes on any given Sunday at 4:40. Rehearsal takes place immediately before 5:30 mass and the choir sings at 5:30 mass every week. We hope you will consider joining us each week or for a season. The Lenten and Easter seasons are experienced in a whole new way as you unite your voice with others in leading sung prayer! Singers at all levels of experience are welcomed. No formal training is necessary. We look forward to singing with you in the new year! pause so that we might hear the words of peace, and understand our own need to be reconciled. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your support with food and cash donations. Our current needs are canned fruits, jelly and meals (Chef Boyardee etc.). ST VINCENT DEPAUL – FRUIT, JELLY, MEALS, (CHEF BOYARDEE) For last week of Advent and Christmas season bulletins MUSIC MINISTRY: The Sacred Heart and St. Thomas Music Ministry welcomes new members on an ongoing basis! Please contact Mary Beth Brady at for more information. Our next Adult Choir (for BOTH parishes) rehearsal will be on Wednesday, January 21st from 7- 8:15 at Sacred Heart Church. Our next Children's Choir rehearsal (for children from BOTH parishes, grades 2-8) is on Wednesday, January 28th from 6:00 -7:00 at St. Thomas More Church. Our Lifeteen choir is open to teens and young adults from both parishes on any given Sunday at 4:40. Rehearsal takes place immediately before 5:30 mass and the choir sings at 5:30 mass every week. We hope you will consider joining us each week or for a season. The Lenten and Easter seasons are experienced in a whole new way as you unite your voice with others in leading sung prayer! Singers at all levels of experience are welcomed. No formal training is necessary. We look forward to singing with you in the new year! Dear Friends and Families, Happy Christmas! There has been much transition, change and opportunity for us to get to know each other and grow in Christ's love. Saint John the Evangelist helps us with his Gospel proclamation. “What came to be through Him was life, and this life was the light of the human race.” We have journeyed with Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem so that, as we discussed last week, “they might deepen our understanding and appreciation of the gift” of Jesus. “United in Mary, at Christmas we can love the infant Jesus, not just with our own love, but with the very love of the Mother of God.” We come to “Rejoice” because God has shown His favor. We have prayed with the saints “teach me to seek you, and when I seek you show yourself to me, for I cannot seek you unless you teach me, nor can I find you unless you show yourself to me. Let me seek you in desiring you and desire you in seeking you, find you in loving you and love you in finding you.” Our Christmas is a time for a new beginning, being challenged by the new beginning, and responding in trust to the challenge. Christmas is a time of faith and a new opportunity to grow and be renewed in our relationship with the Lord. The reality of the Incarnation and gift of Emmanuel it that our God is with us. We ask the Lord to help us to forgive, to put aside all those things that separate us from Him and one another. We ask the Lord to open our hearts and minds to His love so that we lose all bitterness, judgment, pride and sin. Christmas has come upon us - with Christ all things are possible! More than we have ever tried before, we are invited this Christmas to recognize the gift of newness and life which Jesus gives us. More than ever, we are called to stop and to approach Him in all His splendor and love. We are called to We follow the angels’ hymn, the invitation to the shepherds, and all of creation, seeking to find peace: come listen and behold; He is here wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. “Be reconciled,” Jesus calls from Mary’s arms. Jesus is here and available to each of us so that the darkness of our weakness and sin can be overcome. Jesus, the Promised One, the Light of the World, is waiting for us to approach Him in humble adoration. “Rejoice” with the Heavenly Host of Angels, “Glory to God in the Highest and peace to His people on earth.” This army of heaven thunders tidings of peace and joy and announces His Kingdom. Pray that the Lord makes us ready to receive the light that has come in His Son. May we join Mary, Joseph, the angles and saints to serve Him and live in His love forever. With special remembrance of prayers for you and those you love at our Christmas Masses; with prayers that all be reconciled in the Christ child and that we grow in His love each day; with gratitude for all you do to serve the Lord, this parish, our new collaborative and this faith community; and in thanksgiving for your many kindnesses to your parish priests and our faithful parish and school staff, especially during this last year of transition, we wish you and yours a Happy and Holy Christmas. In His Christmas love, Fr. Sean, Fr. Dave and Fr. Kwang 2015 HOSTS, WINE OR CANDLE DONATIONS Many people have found it a fitting remembrance of a loved one (deceased or living) to donate the hosts, wine, or candles used in our sacramental celebrations for a month’s time at St. Thomas More Parish. There will be a listing in the bulletin and on the parish web page for the month naming the person(s) for whom the hosts, candles or wine have been donated and asking people to keep them in their prayers. The donation is $100 per item. Current donation possibilities: CANDLES–February, April & July thru October; HOSTS– June thru September & WINE–April thru October. Call the parish office Monday-Friday, 9AM to 5PM. ??ATTACH ENVELOPES ON 12/14 FOR ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SECOND COLLECTION MEN’S BIBLE STUDY - DOES GOD SPEAK TO HIS PEOPLE? … On Monday nights starting October 20TH at 7-8:30PM, there will be a Men’s Bible Study where you will hear the answer to the above question. The Men’s Bible Study will be held at St. Thomas More Church in the downstairs hall. The Bible Study is based on the series called “The Bread of Life” written by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn. Coffee will be served. Come for some Good News! “Dear Children! I am calling you anew: begin the battle against sin as in the first days, go to confession and decide for holiness. The love of God will begin to flow through you into the world, peace will begin to rule in your hearts and God’s blessing will fill you. I am with you and intercede for all of you before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.” JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. ST. THOMAS MORE SACRED HEART ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ST. CLARE ST. FRANCIS XAVIER ST. ALBERT THE GREAT ST. JEROME IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Thurs. Aug. 14 Vigil None 7 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. None 5 p.m. None 7 p.m. Outside Fri. Aug. 15 Holy Day 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. 7 a.m. 7 a.m. & 12:10 p.m. 9 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. None 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. 9 a.m. JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Wednesday, RD December 3 from 1:00PM to 2:30PM in the Church Hall. The ministry members will meet at this time every first Wednesday of the month. All are welcome! JUST A REMINDER WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." Have you invited the Holy Spirit into your marriage? Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on January 23 - 25, 2015 and March 13 - 15, 2015. For more information, call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800710-WWME or visit our webpage at ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY FOOD PANTRY: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Current food pantry needs: canned vegetables and juice. THANK YOU for all of your donations of food and treasure! MESSAGE TO THE WORLD OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MEDJUGORJE, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA – MARCH 25, 2014 ABSTINENCE: Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the obligations of abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be used at all. FAST: Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their sixtieth year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the days of fasting. On these days, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted but liquids, including milk & fruit juices are allowed. JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet nd Wednesday, April 2 from 1:00PM to 3:00PM in the Church Hall. The ministry members will meet at this time every first Wednesday of the month. All are welcome! Become a Nurse Assistant/Home Health Aide in 2014! Catholic Charities Laboure Center in South Boston (conveniently located 4 blocks from the Broadway T stop on the Red Line) has ongoing day/evening training classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For a class schedule and more information, visit (click on South Boston link) or call Pam Day at 617-464- 8544. With winter upon us, if Braintree Public Schools are closed, we are too. Check with television channels 4, 5 & 7 for cancellation info, especially on weekends. You may sign up for text alerts from those stations. BABY BLANKETS FOR HOMELESS NEWBORNS LOOKING FOR A MORNING OF INSPIRATION, LAUGHTER, COMMUNITY, AND SERVICE? JOIN OUR GROUP, BLANKET BUNDLES, AS WE MAKE BABY QUILTS FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND WOMEN WITH BABIES LIVING IN LOCAL AREA SHELTERS. INSTRUCTIONS AND MATERIAL PACKETS, ALREADY CUT AND READY TO PIECE TOGETHER, WILL BE PROVIDED. WE SIMPLY NEED VOLUNTEERS TO SEW, PRESS, PIN, AND TIE! NO SEWING EXPERIENCE NEEDED. PLEASE JOIN ST US ON SATURDAY, MARCH 1 FROM 8-12, ST. CHARLES HALL (THE DOWNSTAIRS) OF ST. JOSEPH CHURCH, HOLBROOK. FOR MORE MORE INFO, CONTACT JUDY BERRY AT BLANKETBUNDLES@GMAIL.COM OR 781-885- new friends and have your children meet new playmates. NOTE: If NO SCHOOL in Braintree because of snow, there is no Mother’s Center Play Group gathering! ST. VINCENT de PAUL FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your donations! If you or anyone you know is in need of food, please do not hesitate to contact the rectory between 9 and 5 Monday - Friday to make an appointment to come on Wednesday evening. DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER Also they could use donations of toiletries, feminine hygiene items, cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent and bleach 3 MONTH COMPARISON – BOSTON PRIEST STATISTICS 2014 Active Priests Active: In Parishes / Other Pastors/Admin/Teams / Assigned to 1+ parishes Parochial Vicars/ Assigned to more than 1 parish February 397 284/113 March 400 287/113 April 400 288/115 215/43 215/43 218/41 69/28 252 4 653 72/28 252 4 656 70/26 252 4 656 Senior Priests Disabled Priests Total Diocesan Priests 2082 OR VISIT WWW.BLANKETBUNDLES.ORG. DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center thanks you for your continued generous support of the needs of their center. At this time they are 3 MONTH COMPARISON – BOSTON PRIEST STATISTICS 2013 Active Priests Active: In Parishes / Other Pastors/Admin/Teams / Assigned to 1+ parishes Parochial Vicars/ Assigned to more than 1 parish August 404 293/111 September 403 295/108 October 399 291/108 216/41 217/40 217/40 77/29 78/29 74/28 258 257 260 4 4 4 666 664 663 especially in need of PULL-UPS (SIZE 5). Labeled collection bins as well as wish lists are at both church entrances. Senior Priests Disabled Priests Total Diocesan Priests DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center thanks you for your continued generous support of the needs of their center. At this time they are especially in need of diapers – newborn and size 1. Labeled collection bins as well as wish lists are at both church entrances. ATTENTION MOMS/CHILDREN: Experiencing “cabin fever”? Come join us at the Mother’s Center Play Group on Wednesdays from 10 AM – Noon in the Church Hall. Meet ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY FOOD PANTRY: Thank you for all of your support with food, money & cans! Current food pantry needs: We especially need ------. PLEASE NOTE: The Parish FOOD PANTRY will be held on Tuesday, March 4 instead of Ash Wednesday, March 5 from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center provides both vital education to parents and supplies them with items that they may lack resources to obtain. The Center’s supply closet is currently depleted and they are particularly looking for help to restock the following items: Diapers; baby wipes; toilet paper; paper towels; shampoo; deodorant; feminine hygiene products; toothpaste; toiletries; and detergent. All donations in the labeled collection bins at both church entrances will be greatly appreciated. The center could use your help getting back on their feet and this may bring them one step closer. YOUR ONGOING GENEROSITY IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The second reading today says, “I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.” Be united in your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in the New England area are: March 14 - 16, 2014 and June 20 22, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at Are you a registered parishioner? You can call the rectory office during business hours (Monday – Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM) and ask the staff to check. Or, if you prefer, you can go online to the parish website at and use the “contact us” form to ask if you are registered. SPECIAL ANNUAL APPEAL: In order to meet every day operating expenses from income/revenues only it is imperative that we conduct a special annual collection from now to fiscal year end (June 2014). We have set a goal of $50,000 for this appeal. Watch your mail later in January for detailed figures and information. ST. VINCENT de PAUL Food Pantry Thank you for all of your donations! All non-perishable food is greatly appreciated. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Start the New Year out right – spend some quality time renewing your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in the New England are March 14 – 16, 2014 and June 20 - 22, 2014 For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. During this flu season . . . ►The sharing of God’s gift of peace is an exchange by 2 or more people which can be accomplished by a friendly nod and smile along with “Peace of Christ be with you.” The usual handshake can be omitted. ►Also, out of concern for the health of our parishioners, we have suspended offering Communion under the cup until the flu emergency subsides. MESSAGE TO THE WORLD OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MEDJUGORJE, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - November 25, 2013 “Dear Children! Today, I call all of you to prayer. Open the doors of your heart profoundly to prayer, little children, to prayer with the heart; and then the Most High will be able to act upon your freedom and conversion will begin. Your faith will become firm so that you will be able to say with all your heart: “My God, my all”. You will comprehend, little children, that here on earth everything is passing. Thank you for having responded to my call.” MONTHLY MEMORIAL DONATIONS Many people have found it a fitting remembrance of a loved one (deceased or living) to donate either the candles or the wine used in our sacramental celebrations for a month’s time here at St. Thomas More Parish. The usual donation is $100.00. The remaining 2014 possibilities are: If you would be interested in donating the candles or wine either as a memorial for a deceased loved one or for the intentions of a loved one still very much among the living (for their continued good health, a birthday or anniversary remembrance or your own expression of gratitude for blessings received) simply call the parish office between 9AM & 5PM, Monday through Friday and let us know. Many thanks for your consideration of this extra way of supporting the efforts of your parish. “LET THE CHILDREN COME TO ME”: st rd 10:30 AM Family Mass – 1 & 3 Sunday Religious Education classes, parish families and small groups of 3-5 friends are invited to “host” a Mass. Join us in helping our youth learn the importance of celebrating weekly Mass and giving thanks for the blessings and guidance God sends their way. Their participation is so important for them and us as a parish. Please contact Jane Foley to sign up your class or family at JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. NEW ~ [A MOST SINCERE “THANK YOU”] The bulletin you are reading is the first of our new year running from November to October. It is the main 3 MONTH COMPARISON – BOSTON PRIEST STATISTICS 2013 & 2014 November 398 Active Priests 290/108 Active: In Parishes / Other Pastors/Admin/Teams / 216/40 Assigned to 1+ parishes Parochial Vicars/ Assigned to 74/28 more than 1 parish Senior Priests Disabled Priests Total Diocesan Priests 256 4 658 December 398 288/110 January 398 286/112 216/42 217/43 72/29 255 4 657 69/28 253 4 655 avenue we have of communicating with those who are faithful to gathering for the Bread of Life each weekend. We are grateful to you who gather faithfully to do what the Lord asked us to do in His memory. We appreciate your taking a bulletin each week and taking the time to read it. This effort at communication is graciously and generously supported by the advertisers pictured on our back page. Our advertisers are faithful to our parish in offering this support. We truly hope that if you have need of the services they offer you will support them in return. If you do so please let them know that you saw their ad in our parish bulletin. JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. Let the Lord strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament; the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in the New England area is October 25-27, 2013 and December 6-8, 2013. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Wednesday, December RD 3 from 1:00PM to 3:00PM in the Church Hall. The ministry members will meet at this time every first Wednesday of the month. All are welcome! JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. 3 MONTH COMPARISON – BOSTON PRIEST STATISTICS 2013 Active Priests Active: In Parishes / Other Pastors/Admin/Teams / Assigned to 1+ parishes Parochial Vicars/ Assigned to more than 1 parish Senior Priests Disabled Priests Total Diocesan Priests August 404 293/111 September 403 295/108 October 399 291/108 216/41 217/40 217/40 77/29 258 4 666 78/29 257 4 664 74/28 260 4 663 IRISH PASTORAL CENTER 15 Rita Rd., Dorchester Tel #617-265-5300 X11 Caregivers, Home Health Aides and Companions can be accessed by contacting the Irish Pastoral Centre – this is a service that the IPC has been offering for the past 25 years, many of the caregivers are Irish or of Irish descent. If you need someone as a companion, caregiver or know of anyone who is in need of a caregiver please reach out to Kathleen. We’re here for you to help you choose a caregiver for your loved one. 2013 PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY CRUSADE Please join the 2013 Public Square Rosary Crusade. As we all know, the United States is in great need of public prayer, repentance and conversion. We must ask God to save America through the Rosary of His Most Holy Mother. Please join us in praying for our nation on October 12, 2013 at 12:00 noon. The local Public Square Rosary Rally will take place at South Shore Plaza outside Cheesecake Factory. Please call 781-849-6175 for more information. (financial and personal) members give each other, and the depth of the members’ beliefs, faith and relationship with God. Watch snail mail & for more information. The 2013 Catholic TELETHONFriday September 27 & TV & Saturday, 28; 9 AM to 10 PM Help Support the Catholic TV Network. Please tune in (Comcast Ch 268; Verizon Ch 296; Charter Ch 101, BELD Ch 12). Call and support this very important work of the Church Debate rages about a woman’s right to choose, yet many would choose to have their babies if only they had a place to live. For 27+ years, Friends of the Unborn in Quincy has given pregnant, homeless women the freedom to keep their children. They are in serious need of funding at this time. Donations can be sent to Friends of the Unborn, P.O. Box 692246, Quincy, MA 02269-2246 (pre-addressed envelopes at doors of the church). MESSAGE TO THE WORLD OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MEDJUGORJE, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA September 25, 2013: “Dear Children! Also today, I call you to prayer. May your relationship with prayer be a daily one. Prayer works miracles in you and through you, therefore, little children, may prayer be a joy for you. Then your relationship with life will be deeper and more open and you will comprehend that life is a gift for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.” our webpage at DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center provides both vital education to parents and supplies them with items that they may lack resources to obtain. The Center’s supply closet is currently depleted and they are particularly looking for help to restock the following items: Diapers; baby wipes; toilet paper; paper towels; shampoo; deodorant; feminine hygiene products; toothpaste; toiletries; and detergent. All donations in the labeled collection bins at both church entrances will be greatly appreciated. The center could use your help getting back on their feet and this may bring them one step closer. YOUR ONGOING GENEROSITY IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – FRIENDS OF THE POOR WALK CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING Every Tuesday at 7:00PM in the Chapel ►OUR FUTURE NEEDS THE SUPPORT OF EVERYONE! The main goal, during our efforts to have more people use envelopes or give online, make the Parish more welcoming, find ways to celebrate the Parish’s seventy-fifth anniversary, and make our annual appeal, is to strengthen our St. Thomas More Parish community in the number of members, the support Inspired by Gospel values, the SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person services to the needy and suffering, in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. The St. Vincent de Paul conference at St. Thomas More Parish, established in 1952, has always been able to help many people in need as a direct result of the generous support given by this Parish Community over the years. We want to acknowledge your generosity and let you know how that generosity in turn helps others. Parishioners support our efforts at St. Thomas More in 3 critical ways: 1. By donating money in the envelopes provided at the doors (the can be mailed to the rectory or placed in the collection on Sundays). 2. By donating nonperishable foods to be used in the food pantry. 3. By giving us redeemable cans in the bin in the parking lot. 4. Support the Friends of the Poor Walk in late September. How we help people . . . Food Pantry: On average, we provide food to 5-8 families each week with the size of the families ranging from one elderly person to a family of 7. All of the in-date, nonperishable food donated is given to those in need. Person-to-Person Visits and Individual Assistance: Over the year we also conduct home visits and telephone calls in response to requests for other help. We carefully and prayerfully assess people’s needs and our ability to respond to those needs. With the funds generously donated to us in cash or by way of redeemable cans, we are able to provide clothing (by vouchers to be used in the St. Vincent de Paul Society store in Canton), furniture (as provided by the Boston conference of St. Vincent de Paul) and help with rent, fuel, utilities or other emergency expenses. We have seen a marked increase in requests for assistance with rent and utilities as a result of job loss due to illness or economic circumstances. Your financial support is even more appreciated and needed at this time! We thank you for your support and ask God to bless and watch over you. Without your generous support we would never be able to serve those in need as we do every day. MESSAGE TO THE WORLD OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY USE IN SEPTEMBER 2013 FOR NEW COURSES “PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN” COURSES The Archdiocese requires any person (ages 18 or older) working with children, the disabled or the elderly to complete this course and submit a CORI Form (a criminal investigation report) prior to engaging in any of the above activities. This is a very informative program given free of charge to anyone interested in the safety of these special groups. The course will be given at St. Thomas More Parish, Braintree on ??Thursday, September 27 @ 7:00PM and ??Saturday, September 29 @ 1:30PM in the church hall. Pre-registration to rectory or Religious Education Office is required by phone or email (emails & phone #’s on front of bulletin). PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY A way you can help the wonderful volunteers who make the prayer shawls – donate yarn (3 skeins of Lions Home Spun same dye lot per shawl) or gift cards for Michaels to be used to purchase yarn. Please bring donations to the rectory during business hours (Mon-Fri, 9 to 5). 3 MONTH COMPARISON – BOSTON PRIEST STATISTICS Active Priests Active: In Parishes / Other Pastors or Admin or Teams / Assigned to 1+ parishes Parochial Vicars / Assigned to more than 1 parish Senior Priests Disabled Priests Total Diocesan Priests May 1, 2013 June 4, 2013 July 1, 2013 413 409 406 300/113 294/115 293/113 233/29 217/41 Not Available 67/15 254 4 77/26 258 4 Not Available 258 4 671 671 668 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY PRAYER (put in bulletin some week ( ST. THOMAS MORE IS MY PARISH Here I am Lord. This is my parish. It is composed of people like me. We make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. Its seats will be filled, if I help to fill them. It will radiate Christ’s love, if I do. It will pass on the faith, if I share mine. It will involve many people, if I become involved in its work. It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people to worship, if I invite them. It will be a church of loyalty and love, fearlessness and faith; a church with noble spirit, if I who make it what it is, am filled with these. Therefore, with the help of God, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all things I want my parish to be. In preparation for when St. Thomas More Parish is a member of a collaborative, one of the facts that Mass schedules are determined at the discretion of local Pastors, advised by their Teams and Councils. In many places, the Mass schedules will need adjustment. With the inevitable change in Mass times and the number of Masses offered each weekend comes a very real impact on each Parish in the collaborative – what is given in the collection at those Masses. We can take very real, concrete steps TODAY in order to prepare for and mitigate that impact when it does happen. It is important to us that your choice to share your time, talent and in particular, your treasure with your St. Thomas More Parish community be honored. This is not an issue so long as you attend Mass here at St. Thomas More Parish. However if you as a St. Thomas More parishioner attend a more convenient Mass at the collaborating parish and your donation is not in a St. Thomas More envelope it will stay with the collaborating parish. However, if your cash/check is in an envelope with St. Thomas More Parish’s name on it then your donation will be sent to St. Thomas More Parish regardless of where you attend Mass. ST. VINCENT de PAUL FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your donations! Your generosity aids us in helping many families and individuals in need. We currently need canned vegetables, cereal, coffee, fruit juices and lemonade/punch mixes. ON THE BULLETIN BOARD AT CHURCH. . . . 2 MONTH COMPARISON – BOSTON PRIEST STATISTICS WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The readings today very clearly tell us to keep ourselves “unstained by the world” so we can honor the Lord with our lips and our hearts. Do your lives reflect this? Husbands and wives do you love one another in word and deed? Allow God to transform your marriage relationship as well by attending a Marriage Encounter weekend; gain the tools to truly love your spouse more and receive the joy that it can bring. The next Encounter weekends in New England are September 14-16 and October 19-21. For more information call Ralph & Jane Becker at 1-800710-WWME or visit our web page at The 2013 Catholic Appeal is underway! April 1, 2013 May 1, 2013 Active Priests Active: In Parishes / Other Pastors or Admin or Teams / Assigned to 1+ parishes Parochial Vicars / Assigned to more than 1 parish Senior Priests Disabled Priests Total Diocesan Priests be used to purchase yarn. Please bring donations to the rectory during business hours (Mon-Fri, 9 to 5). 413 300/113 233/29 413 300/113 233/29 67/15 67/15 258 4 675 254 4 671 Watch the mail for a special letter from Cardinal Sean. You may also visit to help our parish and 50 ministries that carry out the mission of the Church. Please give prayerful consideration of this important request. ON THE BULLETIN BOARD AT CHURCH . . . ► Are you a registered parishioner? You can call the rectory office during business hours (Monday – Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM) and ask the staff to check. Or, if you prefer, you can go online to the new parish website at and use the “contact us” form to ask if you are registered. BE SURE TO LOOK AT for the latest information about the First Phase of the Disciples in Mission Pastoral Plan. PRO-LIFE Many people are unaware of the fact that tax dollars are given to an organization that kills unborn babies. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is the largest abortion provider in the country and roughly 40% of its one million dollar budget comes from federal, state and local health service grants and reimbursements. Carol Tobias in NRL News, Spring, 2012 ST. VINCENT de PAUL FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your donations! Your generosity aids us in helping many families and individuals in need. We currently need canned vegetables, cereal, coffee, fruit juices and lemonade/punch mixes. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY A way you can help the wonderful volunteers who make the prayer shawls – donate yarn (3 skeins of Lions Home Spun same dye lot per shawl) or gift cards for Michaels to DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center provides both vital education to parents and supplies them with items that they may lack resources to obtain. The Center’s supply closet is currently depleted and they are particularly looking for help to restock the following items: Diapers; baby wipes; toilet paper; paper towels; shampoo; deodorant; feminine hygiene products; toothpaste; toiletries; and detergent. All donations in the labeled collection bins at both church entrances will be greatly appreciated. The center could use your help getting back on their feet and this may bring them one step closer. YOUR ONGOING GENEROSITY IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center thanks you for your continued generous support of the needs of their center. At this time they are especially in need of diapers – ALL sizes, as well as wipes. Also they could use donations of toiletries, feminine hygiene items, cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent and bleach. Labeled collection bins as well as wish lists are at both church entrances. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION About 530 parishioners got emails from the parish staff the past two weeks with announcements about Masses during snow storms, the failure and then replacement of the rectory telephone system, etc. If you did not receive an email please send us an email to us at with your with your name & address and “HERE IS A FAMILY EMAIL” in the subject line. Please use the email account you want added to our database for PARISH ONLY communications. If you do not have an email account, please ask a friend who is a parishioner and who does have an email account to become your “Email Buddy” to let you know about emails they receive from St. Thomas More Parish. If you cannot find an Email Buddy, call Joanne Bibeau at the rectory Wednesday or Thursday between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. and she’ll help you find one! ON THE BULLETIN BOARD AT CHURCH . . . ► ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY FOOD PANTRY: Thank you for all of your support with food, money & cans! Current food pantry needs: We especially need canned fruits and juices, mayonnaise, and pasta sauce. Special Offering for Church in Latin America Week 1 = $2,913.00 Week 2 = 45.00 Total: $2,958.00 PUT IN WEEKEND BEFORE FAMILY LITURGY JUST A REMINDER ABSTINENCE: Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the obligations of abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be used at all. FAST: Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their sixtieth year are bound to the obligation of fasting. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the days of fasting. On these days, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted but liquids, including milk & fruit juices are allowed ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY FOOD PANTRY: Thank you for all of your support with food, money & cans! Current food pantry needs: We especially need tuna, soups, canned vegetables and fruits, juice and jelly. JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. ON THE BULLETIN BOARD AT CHURCH . .. . CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING Every Tuesday at 7:00PM in the Chapel. All are welcome! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION OUR LADY’S CHAPEL For Times See Front Cover DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center thanks you for your continued generous support of the needs of their center. At this tiuerite e they are especially in need of feminine hygiene items, cleaning supplies, and laundry detergent. Labeled collection bins as well as wish lists are at both church entrances. JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. Help Support CatholicTV in Boston The 2013 Catholic TV TELETHON on Fri, Feb 1st 9AM to 9PM and Sat, Feb 2nd 9AM to 10PM Please tune in -Comcast Ch 268; Verizon Ch 296; BELD Ch 12. Call and support this very important work of the Church 617-923-3450 MONTHLY MEMORIAL DONATIONS Many people have found it a fitting remembrance of a loved one (deceased or living) to donate either the candles or the wine used in our sacramental celebrations for a month’s time here at St. Thomas More Parish. The usual donation is $100.00. The remaining 2013 possibilities are: CANDLES WINE – . If you would be interested in donating the candles or wine either as a memorial for a deceased loved one or for the intentions of a loved one still very much among the living (for their continued good health, a birthday or anniversary remembrance or your own expression of gratitude for blessings received) simply call the parish office between 9AM & 5PM, Monday through Friday and let us know. Many thanks for your consideration of this extra way of supporting the efforts of your parish. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY A way you can help the wonderful volunteers who make the prayer shawls – donate yarn (3 skeins of Lions Home Spun same dye lot per shawl) or gift cards for Michaels to be used to purchase yarn. Please bring donations to the rectory during business hours (Mon-Fri, 9 to 5). Baby Quilts for Homeless Newborns Looking for a morning of inspiration, laughter, community and service? You are invited to join the group, Blanket Bundles, to make quilts for pregnant women and women with babies living in local area shelters. Instructions and material packets already cut and ready to piece together. Need volunteers to sew, press, pin and tie – no sewing experience needed. Saturday, January 5, 2013 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon in St. Charles Hall (downstairs) of St. Joseph Church, Holbrook, MA. For more information: contact Judy Berry at or 781-885-2082 or visit BULLETIN ADS ■ Our main means of communicating with our parishioners is our weekly bulletin and online at ■ We are very blessed to have consistent, loyal businesses who underwrite the cost of our Bulletin with ads that run for twelve months. ■ We may have need of a few new Ads for our next edition beginning September, 2012. If you, or someone you know, own a business and would be willing to support the parish by placing an ad in the Bulletin, please contact Janelle at the rectory at 781-848-9944 or at PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE. . . . . . In light of the holidays, we are waiting until after the first of the year to make this appeal. NEW THIS YEAR – you will be able to make your donation ONLINE (by bank account or credit card) using a secure link on our parish website: ON THE BULLETIN BOARD ●Dianne DeVanna Center thank you letter. ●Braintree Holidays/Friends thank you letter. DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center thanks you for your continued generous support of the needs of their center. (See thank you letter on bulletin board.) At this time they are especially in need of feminine hygiene items, cleaning supplies, and laundry detergent. Labeled collection bins as well as wish lists are at both church entrances. We ask that you give consideration to joining with several other people who are committed to the well-being of St. Thomas More Parish in serving on either the Parish Pastoral or Finance Council where your talents and interests could serve this community of faith best. Interest sheets have been placed near to the boxes in the Church that are there to receive them. Please give this matter consideration. (3) Also they could use donations of toiletries, feminine hygiene items, cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent and bleach. Cost Due Accumulated Week of 8/& 8/5 Offertory 4 +$-,837.50 & Paid -$-,026.34 Difference -$--8.84 Difference -$ -,771.55 Last month we included an insert in our bulletin regarding the important and key roles of both the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) & Parish Finance Council (PFC) especially when there are 2 parishes, separate but members of a collaboration, are being served by only one pastor. The history, an understanding of the dynamics as well as the positive areas and areas that need attention will have to be communicated by the lay people on the then councils. THIS IS OUR FINAL CALL ASKING THAT YOU GIVE CONSIDERATION TO JOINING WITH SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMITTED TO THE WELL-BEING OF ST. THOMAS MORE PARISH IN SERVING ON ONE OF THESE COUNCILS WHERE YOUR TALENTS AND INTERESTS COULD SERVE THIS COMMUNITY OF FAITH BEST. INTEREST SHEETS HAVE BEEN PLACED NEAR TO THE BOXES IN THE CHURCH THAT ARE THERE TO RECEIVE THEM. PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER CONSIDERATION. CHRISTMAS PLAY PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE Parish Christmas Play put on by the children thof the parish this Sunday afternoon, December 16 , at 2:00PM in the church. Leave the shopping behind and come celebrate the true meaning of the season. Refreshments will follow in the church hall. All are welcome. PARISH CHRISTMAS PLAY We are happy to announce that we will be having a Christmas th Play on Sunday, December 16 @ 2:00PM in the church. Now we need actors! Play rehearsals will begin on th Thursday, November 8 in the church from 4:30-5:30PM and continue every Thursday (same time) through December 13. ND (No rehearsal on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22 .All children in the parish, grades 1 through 8, may participate. Please email or call the Religious Education Office ASAP with child’s name, grade and if he/she wants a speaking role. Parts will be assigned by lottery at the first rehearsal. We also need people to work with the children and assist with the play. To volunteer or for more information, call the office at 781-8432142. PLEASE NOTE: You must have completed the “Protecting God’s Children” course if you plan to volunteer. This week we sent an e-mail regarding Last Week of Counting Mass Attendance and Ballot Question No. 2 to all of the families in our parish database for whom we have an e-mail address. IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE AN E-MAIL please e-mail with a current e-mail address. We would like to have one family member’s e-mail address be designated as the “family’s e-mail address”, but feel free to give us additional e-mail addresses if you so choose. CATHOLIC CITIZENSHIP Catholic Citizenship, a 501c(3) organization whose purpose is to engage the laity in the public square, has Position Papers online for your easy access. See information on candidates’ positions on issues See of importance to Catholics in the November elections. for link to Position Papers. ST. VINCENT dePAUL FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your donations! If you or anyone you know is in need of food, please do not hesitate to contact the rectory between 9 and 5 Monday - Friday to make an appointment to come on Wednesday evening. CERTAIN SUPPLIES ARE LOW: We especially need canned vegetables and canned fruits, rice and tuna. “PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN” COURSES The Archdiocese requires any person (ages 17 or older) working with children, the disabled or the elderly to complete this course and submit a CORI Form (a criminal investigation report) prior to engaging in any of the above activities. This is a very informative program given free of charge to anyone interested in the safety of these special groups. The course will be given at St. Thomas More Parish, Braintree on Thursday, September 27 @ 7:00PM and Saturday, September 29 @ 1:30PM in the church hall. Pre-registration to rectory or Religious Education Office is required by phone or email (emails & phone #’s on front of bulletin). DIANNE DEVANNA CENTER FOR BUILDING STRONGER FAMILIES The Dianne DeVanna Center thanks you for your continued generous support of the needs of their center. At this time they are especially in need of diapers – ALL sizes, as well as wipes. Also they could use donations of toiletries, feminine hygiene items, cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent and bleach. Labeled collection bins as well as wish lists are at both church entrances. Encounter weekends in New England are October 1921. For more information call Ralph & Jane Becker at 1800-710-WWME or visit our web page at Boston Priest Statistics – 3 Month Comparison AS OF: Active Priests Active: In Parishes / Other Pastors or Admin or Teams / Assigned to 1+ parishes Parochial Vicars / Assigned to more than 1 parish Senior Priests Disabled Priests Total Diocesan Priests 8/1/2012 9/1/2012 10/1/2012 423 307 / 116 423 307 / 116 423 305 / 118 234 / 29 235 / 30 234 / 29 73 / 14 264 4 691 72 / 14 262 4 689 71 / 15 261 4 688 THE BULLETIN BOARD See the bulletin board at the Church entrances for more information. BULLETIN ADS ■ Our main means of communicating with our parishioners is our weekly bulletin and online at ■ We are very blessed to have consistent, loyal businesses who underwrite the cost of our Bulletin with ads that run for twelve months. ■ We may have need of a few new Ads for our next edition beginning September, 2012. If you, or someone you know, own a business and would be willing to support the parish by placing an ad in the Bulletin, please contact Janelle at the rectory at 781-848-9944 or at The Archdiocese of Boston organizes 50 ministries that make countless pastoral, charitable, and educational programs available to people and parishes through our Archdiocese. Each year, St. Thomas More Parish makes it a priority to participate in these ministries through our support of the Catholic Appeal. Each gift made to the Appeal enables the Gospel message to be delivered anew to the recipients of these ministries – from new couples in a Marriage Preparation Program, to Retreatants participating in a Cursillo or the Spiritual Exercises, to patients and families in need of support during times of illness and death. If you would like to make a difference that extends beyond our parish boundaries, please complete a pledge form available at the entrances of the church or visit ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your donations! If you or anyone you know is in need of food, please do not hesitate to contact the rectory between 9 and 5 Monday - Friday to make an appointment to come on Wednesday evening. SUPPLIES ARE LOW: We need canned vegetables, canned fruits, soups, cereal, rice, and mayonnaise & gravies. ON THE BULLETIN BOARD WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The readings today very clearly tell us to keep ourselves “unstained by the world” so we can honor the Lord with our lips and our hearts. Do your lives reflect this? Husbands and wives do you love one another in word and deed? Allow God to transform your marriage relationship as well by attending a Marriage Encounter weekend; gain the tools to truly love your spouse more and receive the joy that it can bring. The next DO YOU HAVE TIME & SKILLS TO HELP? We have a tendency to always think of money when the word “stewardship” is used. However, we can also be good stewards by sharing in other ways. There are often small projects that require the know-how that YOU might have and be willing to share for the good of the parish community; for example an electrician, a carpenter etc. If you would be willing to help your parish community by donating some of YOUR SKILLS AND TIME (we’ll provide the materials) just let us know by calling the parish office and leaving your name. Thank you for your consideration of this request. (4) DID YOU KNOW? Teach Kids to Protect Themselves at Home We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are not with them at home: Never answer the door if alone. Do not invite anyone in the house without the permission of a parent or babysitter. Don’t tell anyone on the phone that your parents are not home. Instead tell them that your parents can’t come to the phone, and take a message. For more tips, please visit For information on how you can become more informed and involved in keeping our children safe, please call the Office for Child Advocacy @ 617-746-5994. WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER The readings today very clearly tell us to keep ourselves “unstained by the world” so we can honor the Lord with our lips and our hearts. Do your lives reflect this? Husbands and wives do you love one another in word and deed? Allow God to transform your marriage relationship as well by attending a Marriage Encounter weekend; gain the tools to truly love your spouse more and receive the joy that it can bring. The next Encounter weekends in New England are September 14-16 and October 19-21. For more information call Ralph & Jane Becker at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our web page at ~ MASS TIMES IN THE USA ~ Don’t take a vacation from Church. When traveling and looking for Mass times in the USA call 1-410-6766000 or visit PASTORAL PLANNING Watch for a Report on the Survey results and Comments and Question raised at the parish town meetings and on the sheets in upcoming bulletins & at As of 2012 (1) the dramatic drop in regular participation in the Eucharistic celebration (only 15.8% regularly attend Mass), (2) the lessening of volunteer and financial support (40% of parishes are unable to pay their bills; only 20% of STM registered parishioners provide 70% of the total support received), and in the number of priests available to serve (estimate 180 in 10 years) (3) the marked decrease in the number of priests available to PASTORAL PLANNING IF YOU WERE NOT ABLE TO GET TO THE TOWN MEETINGS, THIS IS ANOTHER WAY TO BE HEARD: Check out links at to review proposed plan, criteria for parish pairings and much more! Take the online SURVEY to give your feedback to the Archdiocese! DID YOU KNOW ……THAT ON A TABLE CLOSE TO THE TABERNACLE IS A BOOK IN WHICH YOU CAN WRITE PRAYER PETITIONS AND INTENTIONS. YOU ARE WELCOME TO USE THAT BOOK IF YOU CARE TO DO SO. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY Thank you for all of your donations! If you or anyone you know is in need of food, please do not hesitate to contact the rectory between 9 and 5 Monday through Friday to make an appointment to come on a Wednesday evening. God bless you! FAMILY LITURGY JUST A REMINDER – that we would encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people to learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT with food, treasure, clothes and cans! DID YOU KNOW? Teach Kids to Protect Themselves at Home We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are not with them at home: Never answer the door if alone. Do not invite anyone in the house without the permission of a parent or babysitter. Don’t tell anyone on the phone that your parents are not home. Instead tell them that your parents can’t come to the phone, and take a message. For more tips, please visit For more information on learning how you can help ensure the safety of children, you may call the Office for Child Advocacy at 617-746-5994. Number of Families: ●315 families with children in grades 1 through 10 (46 of which have children in both the grades 1-8 program and the Confirmation program) ●246 families with children in grades 1-8 ●115 families with children in Confirmation program (Confirmation I: 49; Confirmation II: 68; Both: 2) Number of Students: TOTAL grades 1-8: 402 TOTAL Confirmation: 127 Grade 1: 45 Grade 5: 41 Confirmation I (2013): 55 Grade 2: 51 Grade 6: 51 Confirmation II (2012): 72 Grade 3: 40 Grade 7: 59 Grade 4: 59 Grade 8: 56 Number of Teachers: Grades 1-8: 74 Confirmation Program: 14 ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY The many families we help with food and other assistance truly appreciate your generosity. We could not continue our work without your donation of food, time and treasure! Thank you very much. ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT! HOW YOU CAN HELP: Keep in mind that we will always receive with gratitude and appreciation: ►Nonperishable foods for food pantry in boxes in Church ►Donations in envelopes in the collection (cash, checks or GIFT CARDS that you may not have a use for, but could benefit others) ►Good used clothing in bins in the Church parking lot ►Cans and plastic bottles in the drop off bin in the Church parking lot (6 cans buys a box of pasta, a can of vegetables) place on abortion and euthanasia, it is our duty as citizens to fight it. Issues that are moral questions before they become political, remain moral questions when they become politicized. REL. ED. TEACHERS & PARENTS: Class cancellations because of inclement weather will be on TV Channels 5 & 7. Braintree schools are closed, so are we! If A great big “WELCOME” to the 51 young people who joined us at Our Father’s table for the first time May 5 & 6. We enjoyed you being with us and we hope you will join us each week as we come to give thanks to Our Father who is also your Father. See pictures of the altar cloth squares at the parish web site: LENTEN MASS SCHEDULES - 2011 We have obtained the following information for those who would like to make daily Mass a part of their Lenten observance: DAILY MASSES: 9:00 A.M. Monday – Sat. ST. THOMAS MORE Next weekend (September 1 & 2) we will be having the annual Special Offering for the Catholic University of America. This money is channeled to support of scholarship assistance to young people from the parishes in the United States who choose to attend Catholic University. This year we are happy to know that Sarah Blushi, daughter of Joe and Cathy Blushi, who graduated from Braintree High in June and who is enrolled at Catholic University with plans to study pre-law is the recipient of a parish scholarship. Sarah volunteered in our parish religious education program during her senior year for which we are most grateful. We wish Sarah success in her studies. Your support of this annual offering assists many young people like Sarah to pursue studies in a field of their choice. Thank you for your consideration. 7:00 A.M. Monday – Fri. 9:00 A.M. Saturday ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI MISSION OFFERING This weekend, August 25 and 26, we are participating in the Mission Cooperative Plan of the Archdiocese. Fr. Marcus Murmu of Bangladesh will speak at all of the Masses in behalf of the PIME Missionaries. Your generosity will aid in responding to the needs of some of the world’s most vulnerable souls. TODAY IS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY I fly to Your Mercy, Compassionate God, Who alone are good. Although my misery is great and my offenses are many, I trust in Your Mercy because You are the God of Mercy, and it has never been heard of in all ages, nor do Heaven or Earth remember, that a soul trusting in Your Mercy has been disappointed. Jesus, Friend of a lonely heart, You are my haven. You are my peace. You are my salvation. You are my serenity in moments of struggle and amidst an ocean of doubts. Amen. SPECIAL OFFERING JUST A REMINDER – We encourage all of the young people who come to the Family Mass next weekend to bring one (1) food item for our Parish FOOD PANTRY. The objective here is to help the young people tol learn that a part of celebrating God’s love for us is to thank Him by sharing with others some of what we have as a blessing from Him. PRO-LIFE Abortion is a moral and a civil rights issue that has been made into a political issue. The truth is no matter what label they 9:00 A.M. Wed. – Sat. ST. CLARE EVENING MASSES: 5:30 P.M. Monday – Fri. ST. ALBERT’S, WEY. (Starting Thursday, Feb. 18) 5:30 P.M. Monday – Friday ST. JOHN’S, QUINCY FIRST EUCHARIST STUDENTS: Please remember to put your card in the collection basket on the weekend that you attend Mass. ANNUAL INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE ~The Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service with the people of The First Congregational Church will be held at St. Thomas More Church on Wednesday, November 27th at 7:30 P.M. Please plan to make this service a part of your Thanksgiving celebration. NEW ~ [A MOST SINCERE “THANK YOU”] The bulletin you are reading is the first of our new year running from November to October. It is the main avenue we have of communicating with those who are faithful to gathering for the Bread of Life each weekend. We are grateful to you who gather faithfully to do what the Lord asked us to do in His memory. We appreciate your taking a bulletin each week and taking the time to read it. This effort at communication is graciously and generously supported by the advertisers pictured on our back page. Our advertisers are faithful to our parish in offering this support. We truly hope that if you have need of the services they offer you will support them in return. If you do so please let them know that you saw their ad in our parish bulletin. marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are, September 19 - 21, 2014 and October 17 - 19, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at July 5-6, 2014 Put a little fireworks into your marriage! Take time to reflect, renew and re-energize your marriage on the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on September 19 - 21, 2014 and October 17 - 19, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at Sincerely yours, John and Melissa Daneau (401-397-6868) Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Massachusetts, New Hampshire & Rhode Island P.S: If your email address has changed please send us your e-mail address to, so you may continue to receive these announcements. July 12-13, 2014 “Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.” Sometimes, as much as we love each other it seems like the thorns of life are choking our marriage and family. Take time to kill the thorns by taking time for your Sacramental marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on September 19 - 21, 2014 and October 17 - 19, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at July 19-20, 2014 “The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While everyone was asleep his enemy came and sowed weeds all through the wheat….” Let Worldwide Marriage Encounter help protect your good marriage from the weeds of the modern world. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are September 19 21, 2014 and October 17 - 19, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800710-WWME or visit our webpage at July 26-27, 2014 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Find again the treasure of your early ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© Thank you for printing these weekly announcements in your parish bulletin! In the Second Reading today, Paul says, “The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat and will bring me safe to his heavenly Kingdom.” Our goal on earth is to help our spouse get to heaven. The world is not about our heavenly goals and seeks to ruin our marriage. Restore, renew and rekindle your marriage at an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are, September 19 - 21, 2014 and October 17 - 19, 2014. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©©© Thank you for printing these weekly announcements in your parish bulletin! Sincerely yours, John and Melissa Daneau (401397-6868) Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Massachusetts, New Hampshire & Rhode Island P.S: If your email address has changed please send us your e-mail address to, so you may continue to receive these announcements. SATURDAY @ 4:00PM THRU 9:00AM SAT. MORNING SATURDAY, JULY 5 4:00 People of Parish MONDAY, JULY 7 9:00 Phyllis Avanti Quintiliani THURSDAY, JULY 10 9:00 In Thanksgiving for Fr. McCarthy (Living)
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