What’s On? WHAT’S ON IN JANUARY? Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st DECEMBER A Christmas Advent at Polesden Lacey, 11am-4pm. £4 per adult, £2 child, £10 family. with 24 scenes and activities around the garden, courtyard and house. Visitors can take a horse and carriage ride (£1 Children, £2 Adults), listen to yuletide choirs and bands in Dairy Courtyard, indulge in seasonal treats in the Cafe, shop in the Christmas Stables Shop. Visit advent scenes in the potting shed and gardens and look out for Father Christmas, who this year has some timed appearances so parents are guaranteed to find him. 01372 452048, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey Friday 2nd JANUARY Sports camp for 5-13 year olds, Xcel Leisure Complex, Waterside Drive, Walton on Thames, KT12 2JG. 8.30am-5.30pm. Jump into the New Year and try out sports camps at Xcel. The day will include 2 sessions led by sports coaches. There will also be loads of fun games and activities to help children build confidence and develop skills, all in a healthy, safe and friendly environment. £21.60. For more info and to book: 01372 474634, or email shout@elmbridge.gov.uk Tuesday 6th Jingle Bugs - Music Making for babies. Old Pixham School, Pixham Lane, Dorking, RH4 1PT. Free taster session 9.40-11.40am (normally £4.90 per session). Music sessions for children up to 5 years. 9.40-10.20am 3-5 years; 10.30am-11am 3-18 mths; 11.10-11.40am 18mths-3years. 01483 519303. www.surreymusichub.com Saturday 10th Young people’s painting workshop. Watt’s Gallery, Down Lane, Compton, GU3 1DQ. 1012 years 10.30am-1pm, 13-16 years 2pm-4.30pm. £7.50. Use watercolours to create a wintry landscape painting. Led by painter Jane Allison. Pre-booking required. 01483 810235. Tuesday 13th Gardening workshop, RHS Garden Wisley, 10.30am-1.30pm. £30 member/£42 Nonmember, inc tea and coffee. Are you new to gardening and unsure what exactly you should be doing when, or a keen gardener wanting to brush up on your skills? RHS experts help, giving techniques, tips, tricks and advice on seasonal tasks, inc spring and renovation pruning, seed sowing, and preparing a seed bed. Practical activities and a walk in the garden will feature, so bring suitable clothing, footwear & gardening gloves. Saturday 10th Dorking Halls, 7.30pm, Dorking Concertgoers present Philharmonia Orchestra Conductor Domingo Hindoyan, Grieg: Holberg Suite; Schumann: Piano Concerto, Soloist Ji Liu, Beethoven: Symphony No.7. Tickets £14, £20, £25 & £29, Students half price; under 18s accompanied by full price ticket holder, free. From 01306 740619 or Dorking Halls 01306 881717 or online at www.dorkinghalls.co.uk Wed 21st Scuba Try Dive, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, KT22 9BL. 8-9pm, £5 plus pool entrance. Find out if you like diving and gain an insight into the fascinating world beneath the waves. All equipment is provided, all you need is your swim gear and towel. Min age 16. www.mvsac.org.uk, 07552 498558 Friday 23rd Desert Island Discs. St George’s Church, Ashtead, 7.30pm for 8pm. £20 to inc wine and snacks. Join us for an entertaining evening of visual, musical and anecdotal entertainment with our popular MP Chris Grayling and his wife Sue enhanced by the interviewing skills of our clergy. Tickets from: Janet Widman 01372 276726, jwidman@btconnect.com, or St George’s Reception Sunday 25th Leatherhead Horticultural Society's Store, situated in Leatherhead on By-Pass Road between the M25 Junction & Copthorne Road, re-opens to members for the season on every Sunday 9.30am-12.30pm. Annual membership is just £3. You can join by going to the Store, or by contacting the Treasurer on 07966 522534. The store stocks seed potatoes, onion & shallot sets and vegetable seeds, plants and a range of garden products at very competitive prices. If there’s an event in February that you’d like mentioned, please contact Zen (details p.6) before Monday 12th January. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above events are correct at time of print. 66 What’s On? Ashtead NCT Bumps & Babies Group Ashtead Scout Hall, KT21 2RL 1st & 3rd Friday mthly 10.30am-midday Next date: 16th January FREE toy library, taster sessions with local baby classes, breastfeeding adviser and more For mums with bumps, babies or children up to age 4. For more info contact: Leatherhead@nct.org.uk 67 What’s On? WHAT’S ON IN JANUARY? - REGULAR EVENTS Wed 31st DECEMBER Blood Donor Session: St Mary & St Nicholas Church, Church Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8AY. 10am-2pm. Thursday 1st JANUARY (mthly) Leatherhead Barn Dance Club. 8pm-10.15pm. First Thurs of month. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institute, £2.50. Ruth & Jim Gwilliam. 01403 750844 Friday 2nd (weekly) Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Prepared and served by volunteers to raise money to help run the Hall. Friday 2nd (monthly) Soup Lunch held in St. Michael's Church Hall, the Marld, 12pm-2pm. Homemade soup, bread and pudding with tea/coffee for £5. In aid of Save The Children and CAtholic Fund for Overseas Development. Enjoy a good meal and raise funds for two charities. Sunday 4th (weekly) Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes you to all its services. For full details of Christmas services and events check out www.leatherheadparish.com. Sunday 4th (weekly) St Giles’ and St George’s Churches, Ashtead — 7 worship services held across our two churches every Sunday. From lively gospel songs to quiet, reflective Communion. All welcome. Details on www.sgsgashtead.com . Tuesday 6th (monthly) Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.45pm, Talk: ‘Living on a Lighthouse’, by Peter Smith. Visitors welcome £2. Contact Margery Curtis 01372 272588 Wed 7th (weekly) 10-11.30am. The Parish Church Parent & Toddler Group welcomes all under 5's with a carer at The Parish Church Hall, Church Road (termtime only). Come along for a chance to meet other parents and childminders over coffee while the children play. Wed 7th (monthly) Ashtead WI, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm, Cookery demonstration by local chef David Gillott. Info Sandra Brown 01372 276736 Wed 7th (weekly) Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. Further information from Simon Edmands on 07753 821964. Thurs 8th (weekly) Sequence dancing, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, Church Rd. 7.45pm-10.15pm. More info from Mrs Gibson, 01372 374160 Thurs 8th (weekly) The Rotary Club of Ashtead meets 7.30 for 8.00 pm for dinner at The Cock Inn, Church Lane, Headley, KT18 6LE. Visitors welcome. Contact Brian 01372 275860 Thurs 8th (weekly) Ashtead Over 60s Lunch club - meets every Thursday in the Ralli Room, APMH for a freshly prepared hot lunch ad dessert. Doors open 10.30am for tea and biscuits. Places available - call Olive on 375640 or Brenda on 813276. Thurs 8th (weekly) GO50 L/d Health Walk. 10.15am for 10.30am. L/head Leisure Centre, KT22 9BL. 1½ hours/2-3 miles. Richard Jeffries, 01483 534706, or email: go50@ageuksurrey.org.uk Wed 8th Tilney Lunch Club for ladies, meet at 1pm for 3 course meal and speaker, £14.50, Leatherhead Leisure Centre. Further info on 01372 454879 2nd Wed mthly Friday 9th Ashtead Friday Market, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 9am-12.30pm, free entry. Lots of stalls, cakes, jewellery, plants, collectables, bric-a-brac and much more, for the RNLI 68 What’s On? WHAT’S ON IN JANUARY? - REGULAR EVENTS ctd Fridays 9th, 16th & 30th Oasis, for ladies in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Friday mornings, 9.15-10.30am at George's Cafe, St George's Christian Centre. Activities for pre-school children, whilst mums relax with coffee, cake and chat. Our spring theme is "Life is like a box of chocolates ... You never know what you're gonna get", looking at life's unexpected twists and turns. Friday 9th: New Year Social. Friday 30th January: Starting over in a new country. Guest speaker Silvia Dodica. All welcome, no charge. More info 272177. Friday 9th (weekly) 10.30am-11.30am Leatherhead Community Market, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, Church Rd. Need to get out after Christmas ? Come and join us for coffee with chance to buy fabulous home-produced cakes, pastries, flowers, crafts and preserves along with quality meat and eggs. Limited availability so come early or order in advance. Contact Janine 01372 374914 with any queries. Friday 9th (weekly) 10.30am- 12noon The Sewing Shop with everything you need to start sewing in the New Year - now within the Community Market, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Contact Janine 01372 374914 for free advice or a quote Leatherhead branch, Royal British Legion, Women’s Section, Leatherhead Community Tuesday 13th Centre, Kingston Rd. Interesting speakers and a varied programme of events. For more (monthly info and to book please contact Jane on 01372 811422 Thurs 15th (3rd Thurs mthly) ‘Stepping Stones’ Club, meets at Ashtead Baptist Church, Barnett Wood Lane at 2.15pm. Varied programme of events, £2, over 55’s welcome. Brian Chandler 01372 275206. Friday 16th (3rd Friday mthly) Leatherhead & District Local History Society monthly meeting, Letherhead Institute, 8pm, coffee served from 7.30pm. £2, non-members are welcome. “The Crystal Palace” by Ian Bevan. Created in 1851 and burnt to the ground in 1936. A story of Victorian magnificence. For further information please contact John Wettern tel. 01372 459277, or email : johnwettern@ntlworld.com Wed 21st Ashtead Friendship Centre, 2pm, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Annual sub £10 + £1 per meeting. ‘A potpourri of antiques’ - speaker Colin Read. More info from Don Butt 01372 274288 Wed 28th Ashtead Bridge for Charity, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, £6. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm, Refreshments included. Bridge prizes and raffle. For more info contact Maureen and Peter Cox, 01372 275855, prwcox@btinternet.com Friday 30th 2.30 & 7.30 pm. Peter Paul Rubens: Master of the Baroque. A talk exploring his life, influences & times as a background to the Royal Academy exhibition opening 24th January 2015. £10 inc refreshments 01372 272235: ashteadartlovers@gmail.com to book. Seats limited. 69
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