Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 AL POST 166 Vol.42—No.1, January, February, March 2015 Bill Wolf, Publisher, Editor; Phone: 410-289-3166 Synepuxent Observer Winter 2015 FROM THE COMMANDER The year of 2014 is coming to a fast end. I guess it had 12 months and the proper amount of days, however it went quick. Post #166 has had a good run and it is noted, during the past 7 months we have had great leadership of the House Committee Chairman Phil Ludlam. On his committee are John Granite, Ed Hansen, Dick Hafer, Joe Salafia, Steve Ingwersen and Chaz Spaziani. A pat on the back to the membership team. It is a pure pleasure working with Bill Wolf, Tom Wengert, Diane Harper, and Martin Price to make things work. The renewals, transfers, new members and administrative changes is in the best position it has ever been in. Now it is time to give the membership team a push. They only need 100 more renewals or new members for us to make our goal. Check your membership card and if it does not read 2015, you are due NOW. Please send us your check. To help fill the void on membership we need active duty members. If you know an active duty member get in contact with Adjutant Tom Wengert and he will help make this step work. Membership is the key. As Post #166 continues to promote the Four Pillars of the American Legion with the help of the Auxiliary Unit #166, the American Legion Riders Chapter #166 and the SAL Squadron #166 getting a jump start, we should be on a roll for the last half of the Legion year. This is what the American Legion is all about. On November 8th we had the Wounded Warrior Gala and thanks to Chairman John Quinn for a very successful event. His committee John Granite, Rosie Garlitz, Ed Hansen and Buster Slaton steered this event to be one of the best projects the Post has been involved in for some time. Starting the first week end in May we will have the Boardwalk Booth and will be raffling off a motorcycle. Your help on the boardwalk will be needed. Members of the American Legion Family is a requirement to work the booth representing the American Legion. Rosie and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. For God and Country, Sarge Garlitz, Commander AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL Post #166 will be looking into doing another first. American Legion Baseball has been approved by the Post. At this point Commander Garlitz is looking into the procedure to form a team to play in the South Eastern Shore District League. The interest from the schools in Worcester County is very positive. In the very near future there will be several informative meetings and if everything looks like it will be a good fit for the Post and Worcester County the project will move forward. Members wanting to be part of the planning stages are urged to contact Commander Garlitz in the very near future. Call 443-735-1942 or email Http:// 1 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Post 166 Honors Women Veterans On September 27, 2014, American Legion Post 166 Honored it's Women Veterans. Past Commander Lee McClaflin was instrumental in getting a program set up for our Women Vets. The program lasted fro 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM with a number of Women Vets attending. Come to the membership meetings Ladies, the Legion needs you! Left pictured are 6 of the Ladies who attended the program. From L-R: Diane Harper, Karen Camp, Deborah Shell, Diane Tanner, Linda Shanahan & Louise Michels. They had all come outside to see Past Commander Martin Prices’ 1951 Willys Army Jeep. It is in mint condition and some of the ladies told stories of their jeep experiences. LEGION FAMILY PLAYS SANTA If you think about it, how many members in the community spend any time giving to or helping others? There is one core group who does spend day after day looking for the needy and finding the resources to assist them. Maybe saving lives. That core group are the members of the American Legion family who tirelessly find ways to raise money to give back. On December 17, 2014, Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 166 out of Ocean City, stepped up to the plate to score another home run. SAL member Dave Tenley dawned a Santa Clause outfit, eyeglasses and all, and was joined by other Sons and members of Post 166 who wore elf hats when they all delivered Christmas presents to a needy family in Snow Hill, Worcester County, Maryland. The near destitute family even lost their vehicle the day the presents were delivered. Seeing smiles and happiness on the child's face the contingent could feel and see pressure relieved from the mother’s shoulders as she smiled along with her son. With the help of Poppy Granite this family was identified as the Sons of the American Legion Christmas family. A less fortunate family this time of the year. As Santa and his helpers left the house, the crying child’s mother ran out to thank them and told them they relieved her of a large burden. The moral of this story is, do something for someone in need over these holidays. Joining Santa Dave Tenley were Joe Verdura (Squadron Commander), Ray Kudobeck, Poppy and John Granite, Gary Costello, and Ed and Bonnie Hansen. Good going Sons! Http:// 2 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 KATIE BEAR OF UNIT #166 HONORED Members of Synepuxent Unit #166 attended the presentation of the Jr outstanding member of the year award. In the photo are 1st Vice President Tina Preziotti, Jr. Auxiliary member Katie Bear, Jr. Advisor Rosie Garlitz and Americanism Chair Eileen Salafia. Katie Bear was awarded the Department of Maryland's Junior Auxiliary member of the Year for 2013-2014. The Awards Ceremony took place at Stephen Decatur High School on December 17th. A trophy, the letter of nomination and a check from Unit #166 were presented to Katie HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT I would like to thank all who have helped make 2014 a great year for the Legion and I hope you will all keep on helping for 2015. This year we will raffle off a Harley and a Trailer on the Boardwalk. We will need as many volunteers as we can get for this endeavor. Please get up with me (Phil Ludlam Sr.) and let me know what day or evening you can work our stand. Days 10 AM to 2 PM, evenings 2 PM to 10 PM. I will post a work schedule on the board in the bar. You can do one day or evening a week or you can do it just once. You can sell tickets on your own, you can do it anyway you want. Just asking, please help. We will be having a Chicken Dinner on January 19th from 4 to 7 PM. There will also be a spaghetti and meatball dinner on February 17th from 4 to 7 PM. March 15th Corned Beef and Cabbage for St. Patrick's Day The Post will be open on Superbowl Sunday at 12:30 PM. Membership - Everybody's Business That’s right, membership is everybody’s business. Why yes, we have a 1st vice commander and a membership committee who work on membership year round. But as much as they work they are only holding in place. Our membership is of an age where everyday someone transfers to Post Everlasting and reduces the membership of Post 166. We have to not only replace these members but add new ones. If we don’t who is going to support Veterans and veterans rights? Along with that we still have almost 100 members who have not re- Http:// newed their membership. What’s the problem guys? Send in your money today, lets get the membership numbers up for the Legion so the lawmakers will listen to our requests for veterans and veterans benefits. Sign up a new member today, you received a pamphlet in the mail with your 2015 membership card, read it, learn what the American Legion Stands for and use that knowledge to sign up a new member. If everyone signed up one member we would double our size. Imagine what we could accomplish. 3 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Sons of the American Legion months the SAL has donated to the sheriff's department money to by a bullet proof vest for their dogs. We also donated to a family for Christmas and to other charities. We are planning new fund raisers for the upcoming New Year and would like to see more of you at the meetings and to hear your input. Our membership is growing we are up to 220 members. If you know someone whose father or grand father or even there great grandfather were in the service and To the all Legion family I hope you had a great would like to join the Sons bring them in we would Christmas. And may the New Year be healthy and be honored to have them in the Squadron. I would prosperous. I would like to remind the SAL Memlike to thank all the veterans for their patriot sacribers it’s time to get your dues paid up. On January 1 fices and services for giving us our freedom. May you will no longer be able to use the club until you GOD be with you! get your new cards And your door cards. Wow, I Joe Verdura have to say we’ve been having great turn outs at our SAL Commander meetings and been getting a lot done. In the past BAR GAME NIGHT “Don’t Miss Out” Starting January 14th for 15 weeks Every Wednesday Start time 7:00 PM At The Ocean City American Legion Longboard, Pool, Darts, Shuffleboard & Corn Hole Toss For more information call Richard Pennington at 301-481-0078 Cost is $10.00 per week per playing team member, half of the proceeds go to charity. Snacks provided With one free beer Presented by SAL Sqdn #166 Http:// 4 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Sunfest Beer Wagon This year Synepuxent Post 166 had one of the Beer Wagons at Sunfest for a Fund raiser. Jack Hyle and Charles Spazaini were the two Legionnaires who had charge of the manning of the wagon and overall responsibility of the fund raiser. Both put in a lot of hours and ran a successful fund raiser. The total net income was over $8,000 , not bad for 4 days Charlie Tull, Gary Russo, Jack Hyle and Chip Johnson working the Beer Truck at the 104 Sunfest. work. This money will be donated to help veterans. Volunteers are needed for this summer for the Boardwalk Raffle. Yep it’s our turn again to raffle off a Harley and make some money to help veterans. There will be more to come on this, so check the website and your email for more details. Vietnam Veterans Chapter 1091 provided a crew on Friday Morning. From L-R Charles Spaziana. Legion Riders manning the booth, L-R Ed Hansen, Jack Hyle, Bo Spicer, Jimmy Kirkland and John Granite. Standing just to the right of the booth is Auxiliary past President Bonnie Hansen, Not shown is Buster Slayton who took the picture. Http:// We can accomplish great things when we all Work together 5 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Junior Shooting Sports The American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program is a gun safety, education and marksmanship program that encompasses the basic elements of safety, education, enjoyment and competition. Junior Shooting Sports (JSS) is a three-part program that combines the Basic Marksmanship Course, Qualification Awards and Air Rifle Competition into a well-rounded activity. Participants in JSS are young men and women through the ages of 12-18; disabled youth are encouraged to join, as competitive shooting is a sport that creates an equal playing field for all competitors. Junior Shooters use the .177 caliber pellet air rifle. gan in 2013 with sessions held in January, Apr and September. A total of 12 Junior Shooters participated in the Basic Marksmanship Course which is a comprehensive instruction for beginning shooters with little or no marksmanship experience. The course teaches gun safety and marksmanship fundamentals through a balanced mix of short lectures or discussions, followed by hands-on activities. All course study materials, safety gear and equipment are provided by Post #166. Parents of JSS participants are encouraged to attend the sessions to see firsthand how the program is taught and be reassured by the strict emphasis on gun safety. The new class starts on Wednesday January 21st, come on The JSS at American Legion Post #166 be- out and join the program. Three of our Jr. Shooting Sports shooting at the Worcester County range with firearms instructor Deputy Sheriff Ron Mataie. They got to shoot more than pellet rifles that day. Four of our kids enjoying shooting at the Worcester County Range Sat afternoon. The girls were left to right Kierstin Shockley, Clair Riley, Rachel Hreshko. The deputy sheriff was Rod Mataie and the range master was Lou Esposito Http:// 6 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Veterans Day At Post 166 For the past several years Post #166 has initiated a Joint Veterans Day Program with other organizations in our community. This year the program continued. The Key Note Speaker this year was Jim Williams a member of Post #13 In Cumberland, Maryland and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #172 in Cumberland, Md. Jim is well noted for being the Veteran leaning against the Vietnam Wall in the image named “Reflection” Representing Post #166 with Commander Garlitz were 1st Vice Commander Bill Wolf, Chaplain Bernie Michels, and Historian Louise Michels also speaking for our Female Veterans. Ed Hansen spoke on behalf of Chapter #166 American legion Riders. The following were members of Post #166 who also represented other organizations: OC VFW #8296-Martin Price and their Chaplain George Hamaty, 1st State Marine Corp League-Fred Wise, Ocean City Lions Club-Ben Dawson, Ocean City Elks #2645 Carroll Wagner, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #1091 OCMD-Nelson Kelley, US Coast Guard Station OCMD-BMC Jacob Manire. Auxiliary Unit #166 1st Vice President Tina Preziotti represented their Unit. Rachel Hreshko and Sabrina Pecora of Unit 3166 Junior Auxiliary placed the wreath. Boy Scout #261 sponsored by Post #166 has again been part of the program. Eagle Scout Nick Sampson led with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The placing of the wreath was done by Jeremy Novac and Evan Marlowe. Concluding the program was the Color Guard of Post #166 with the Rifle Salute and the playing of TAPS. Rosie Garlitz led ending song “god Bless America”. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY USAF (Ret) MSgt Jim Williams was the keynote speaker at this years Veterans Day Program. Jim is the person leaning on the Wall in the Painting “Reflections”. Jim was born in a coal mining town in Western Maryland. He enlisted in the United States Air force after graduation in 1954. After basic training he was assigned to Nellis AFB, Nevada. His next assignment was to the top secret command, USAF Security Service( USAFSS), at Kelly AFB, San Antonio, Texas. Following two tours in Germany he was sent to Military Assistance Command HQ, Tan Son Nhut AFB, Vietnam. On his return to the US he was assigned to the Pentagon and in 1974 retired. Http:// 7 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Mac and Cheese Cook-off From L-R: Connie Hefflin, Diane Harper, Paula McGrath, MelanieRidgley, Cindy Quinn, Chris Jones, Brady Bowman(winner), Eileen Salafia, Dave Tinley(3rd Place) , Renee Sechrist(2ndPlace) and Charles Nimmerichter. The above were the participants in the Macaroni/Cheese Cook Off at the Post. It was a great afternoon for the benefit of the Wounded Warrior Fund. EMAILS We are getting more email addresses from the membership, but when we send email out only about 30% bother to open the email. We use a bulk email service called “constant contact” to get our emails out at one time and it provides us with information concerning the email usage including how many people ignored the email. If you are not getting our email, your email service may be treating it as “Junk” email. Make sure that is in your “safe email” file and check your “Junk Email” folder to see if our emails are there. We are sending a lot of good information, so please read it! DONATIONS Post 166 has donated slot machine and pull tab monies to the following charities during the months of August, September and October 2014; Worcester County Veterans Memorial $1000.00. Diakonia $1000.00, Diakonia Veterans Fund $1000.00. Coastal Hospice $1000.00. American Legion Emergency Fund $1000.00. Joan Jenkins Foundation $1000.00. Ataxia Foundation $1000.00. Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation $1000.00. Pop Warner Scholarship Fund. $1000.00. Helping Heroes to Hometown Foundation $5000.00. Operation Comfort Warriors (American Legion Program) $5000.00. Heroes to Hometown Fund (Dept. of Md. program) $5000.00. Ocean Pines Community Church, Veterans Outreach Program $1000.00. Perry Point Veterans Hospital $1000.00. Pull Tabs, Med Tran Plus $500.00. Ocean City Chamber Commerce Needy Children Fund $500.00. Ocean City Downtown Association $400.00. Al Harmon Scholarship Fund $1500.00. George “Bo” Spicer, Committee Chairman Http:// 8 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Packages for the Troops Christmas 2014 Members of the Junior Auxiliary of Unit #166 and their family members helped to pack the boxes for our troops on Sunday Dec. 7th. On the L-R Thomas Paddack, Chole Paddack (Jr Aux), Kendahl Parsons(Jr Aux) & Rafe Parsons. Rear L-R Laura Paddack(Aux) and Jesse Parsons(Aux) Packages for the Troops all on the table, now let’s fill them up. Carolyn Stiely, Eileen Salafia, Jessie Parsons, Rafe Parsons, Kendahl Parsons, Emilie Beall, Henry Hungerford, Jim McGrath, Paula McGrath, Kenny Carrell, Bonnie Hansen, Laura Paddack, Chole Paddack, Thomsa Paddack, Charles Spaz, Gail Schuler, Mark Schuler, Linda Beall, Pat Sharkey, Lois Barstis, Yvonne Crumlish, Linda Shanahan, Gary Costello, Linda Ritter, Ed Hansen, glen Reely, TP Simons, Beverly Simons, Buster Slaton, Rosie Garlitz, Sarge Garlitz, Jack Hyle, Ron Engle, Mina Engle, Steve Ingwersen Http:// Hard at work filling up the boxes, plenty more to go. Sign up a new member today! Sign up 3 and get the National Commanders Coin. It’s your job as a member to bring in new members. 9 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS Happy Holidays From The Legion Riders Well it has been a great year. And only because we have great members. I wish to thank every Legion Rider for all there help and support over 2014. I would also like to thank the Ladies Aux. and Sons of The Legion for their help in some of our ventures. We are a great team and all work well together. We have accomplished many things this year and have made a visible difference to our Legion, and community. Many of us donate more than just time, and I thank you all for that. As we slow down and spend some well deserved time with family and friends please take the time to think of the things that you have done to help the Legion, Troops, and community this year: Monies donated to Homeless/ Housing Shelters so that they have lodging and food. Monies donated to Cancer Foundations for research and to help those with after care. Monies donated to Our Wounded Warriors injured and in need of a helping hand. Monies donated to Veterans Programs to help them with their daily needs. Monies donated to local Public Safety Personnel to aid in safety and security at home. Monies donated to our local Recreation Dept. for scholarships and meals in schools. Monies donated to other Legions and groups to support their programs. Monies and Riders items donated for fund raisers for Legion members in need. Monies raised by us completely for others to pay for Veterans health care or funeral cost. Donations of vehicles to help move items, deliver food, and support Legion activities, and take Veterans to Drs. appointments.. And I could go on, But I thank you, and many others thank you too. And thank yourself over the Holidays for the time and efforts you have given this year. God Bless You All, And God Bless Our Troops. Past And Present. Russell"Buster"Slaton VSCOA CHRISTMAS SHOPPING We have also picked V.S.C.O.A. for Christmas and will have Santa with us to take gifts to all the residents there, and their guide dogs. Pictured is chair person for Christmas Committee , Bonnie Hansen. She stood in line on Black Friday to get some great deals so our veterans will be remembered over the Holidays. Thank you Bonnie for your time and efforts. We are also taking care of a Veteran of two branches of the service that is in need of home repairs. John Granite has been working with Home Depot on this and has the Riders backing of funds as needed. Http:// 10 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 American Legion Riders Post #166 were on the road to support our sister Legion #24 in Oak Orchard. They have come to the majority of our fund raisers and we return the hospitality by attending theirs. This was a fund raiser for The Legacy Fund . As always, they were happy as always to see us. Way to go guys, Supporting each other. American Legion Riders and The VSCOA The American Legion Riders have picked Veteran Service Center Of America, V.S.C.O.A. for their Holiday Family. Also know at Camp Royal Oaks located south of Salisbury is transitional home for Wounded Warriors and Homeless Veterans. The Legion Family has donated funds to help with daily expenses here. On Thanksgiving , Riders Ed Hanson, John Granite and Buster Slaton , picked up a gourmet dinner for 20 from Decatur Diner and delivered it to them. They were very grateful for the dinner as we are for having them have served to protect this great nation. Http:// 11 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 American Legions Riders Help out at the Wounded Warrior Gala Thank you to the American Legion Riders Of Post #166 for all their hard work in the Wounded Warrior Gala held at the Post on November 8th, 2014. "Our Team". Pictured are some of our Kitchen crew. God Bless these true Heroes for coming to the Fund Raiser. We were happy to meet you and tell you in person Thank You. Thank you to the American Legion Riders Of Post #166 for all their hard work in the Wounded Warrior Gala held at the Post on November 8th, 2014. Over 20 Riders helped with cooking and serving appetizers ,then helped serve over 160 gourmet meals in around 15 minutes. Outstanding guys.So proud you are on "Our Team". Pictured are some of Kitchen and serving crew. Http:// Thank you our Legion Riders for your generous donations and helping make this fund raiser a sell out. 12 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Legion Family Supports our Sheriffs Department K-9 Unit Ed Hansen followed up on a request from Worcester County Sheriffs K-9 Division regarding need for ballistic vest. Their three K-9 dogs have been without these life saving vest do to lack of monies. Ed not only procured one vest from the Legion Riders, but went on and asked the Sons of The American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary for monies and received enough to purchase all three. Way to go Ed. Great job. Commander Joe Verdura of Sons Of American Legion presenting a check of $650.00 to Worcester Sheriffs Dept. K-9 Division. The K-9 Unit has 3 dogs that have been without ballistic vests and no monies to procure them. Sons, Auxiliary, and Riders all came to the dogs rescue and procured the 3 vests. Good job guys. The Auxiliary also donated a check for a vest. Pictured here are Judy Yokum, Bonnie Hansen, Deputy Katie Edgar, Lois Barstis, Sarge and Rosie Garlitz. Katie's canine's name is Jonka . These funds provide for much neede3d protection for the canine helpers of The Sheriffs Department. Http:// 13 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Wounded Warrior Gala On November 8, 2014, Synepuxent Post 166 held a Gala for the Wounded Warriors to raise money for the three main charities that support our wounded Heroes, Helping Hometown Heroes , Operation Comfort Warrior and The American legion’s Hero’s to Hometown. Each of these charities received a check for $5,000.00. The Wounded Warrior Gala was an outstanding success. It was the volunteers who made this event a Tech Book Perfect event. You had to have been there to see this Post #166 Team at the top of their game. It is a pleasure to work with Legion Family members with the positive outlook to make things work the way it should. The first impression is always a lasting impression and Bo Spicer with his parking lot team did just that. On his team were Rich Http:// Witte, Richard Pennington, Henry Huungerford, and Wibby Garlitz. The greeting team made up of Lois Barstis and Rosie Garlitz who all the locals know, did their normal greetings to those attending. Tom and Joann Wengert were the Silent Auction Team and made the auction one of the most successful that has been at the post for a long time. John Granite's Kitchen Team was the talk of the evening and the word has spread across the State of Maryland regarding the top shelf performance this team did. Those who made the Gala dinner the success it was are as follows: Poppy Granite, Bonnie Hansen, Tina Preziotti, Chris Jones, Cathy Kline, Pam Flynn, Judy Yokum, Mary Green Wood, Rose Felty, Mimi Pickrell, Ed Hansen, Jimmy Kirkland, Joe Verdura, Gary Costello, Dave Tenley, George Barstis, Henry Hungerford, and George Pickrell. 14 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Wounded Warrior Gala Cont’d Left; Rosie Garlitz and Lois Barstis man the Auxiliary Table selling chances on the Heirloom Quilt. Right: The Pipers From the Ocean City Pipers played a few martial tunes for us. A shot of the large crowd who attended the Wounded Warrior Gala on Nov 8th. Directly in front is the table occupied by the Wounded Warriors and their guests. It was quite a turnout with every seat in the Hall taken, a great crowd to honor these men. Reno Roethle and Marco Robledo wit the Director/Founder of Marilyn Phillips, Lt. Gen. Phillips with Pat Queen Helping Hometown Hero’s Rosieta Underwood. Http:// 15 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Wounded Warrior Gala Cont’d Cmdr, Sarge Garlitz, Wounded Warrior Marco Robledo & Senator James Mathais. reading the proclamation from the Stte of Maryland Nicole Enos of Helping Hometown Hero's with the Director Rosita Underwood The Warriors display their current calendar that is being marketed for this year. Commander Garlitz and Lt. General pose for the camera with the Wounded Warriors. Lt. Gen. William N. Philips the Keynote Speaker for the Gala with Synepuxent Post #166 Commander Sarge Garlitz. Http:// John Quinn Committee Chairman of the Wounded Warriors gal;a Committee and Ed Hansen Co-Director of the American Legion Riders, with out whose assistance the Gala would not have been a success. 16 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 TRIM A TREE PARTY On December 7th the Legion Family of Synepuxent Post 166 turned out to Trim the Post Christmas Tree with Ornaments of The Various Branches of Service and ornaments denoting the Wars served in by our Veterans. Emilie Beal Unit #166 Auxiliaryl God Bless America Ornament) Martin Price (Korean War Sailor) Glen Reely ( US Navy Ornament) Pam Harman Unit #166 ( Proud to be and American Ornament) Bob Harbaugh ( US Army Ornament) Jr. Auxiliary member Sabrina Pecora places the Jr. Auxiliary Ornament on the tree Http:// Barbara Price (God Bless America Ornament ) Joe Roland SAL & Legion Rider places the motorcycle ornament 17 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Veterans Day 2014 Worcester County Veterans Memorial On Tuesday Nov 11th on the 11th hour the Veterans Day program at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines was held. At 1800hrs that evening the Synepuxent Post #166 American Legion located at 2308 Philadelphia Ave will hold its Joint Veterans Day Program. this program will include the VFW, Marine Corp League, Elks, Lions Club, Vietnam Veterans of America, Boy Scouts and the Coast Guard was invited. (Most of the pictures shown are used by permission of Ted Page Photography) Master of Ceremony was Arlene Page of the WCVM. Worcester County Commander Sarge Garlitz narrates the POW/MIA Empty Table Ceremony NJROTC from Stephen Decatur HS presented the colors. Adjutant General James Adkins of the State of Maryland looks on Army Veteran and a member of Post #166 , Diane Harper, participates in the POW/MIA Empty Table event. SYNEPUXENT OBSERVER EDITOR AND PUBLISHER NEEDED This will be the last issue that I act as Editor and Publisher of the Synepuxent Observer, the Spring issue will need someone else to put it out for the membership. I have been working on the newsletter since 2005, I think 10 years is long enough, especially since there is a lack of support from the Post family. Http:// 18 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 US Navy Veteran and Historian of Post #166 Louise Michels places the Rose on the POW/MIA Empty Table Nelson kelly , Presiednt of VVA Chapter 1091, Diane Harper of Post 166 and Commander of Berlin post 231 at the POW/MIA Empty Table. The Ocean City Coast Guard Station was well represented. The Rifle Squad of Post #166’s Color Guard fires the volley. USAF (Ret) MSgt Jim Williams was the keynote speaker at this years Veterans Day Program. Jim is the person leaning on the Wall in the Painting “Reflections”. Chapter #166 American Legion Riders have their motorcycles lined up to ride to the Worcester County Veterans Memorial Http:// 19 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 TET 47 ON JANUARY 31ST Synepuxent Post #166 American Legion and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #166 Ocean City, Maryland will take the lead on the 47th Anniversary of the TET Offense of the Vietnam War. The anniversary will be recognized on January 31st at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial. Those who served and those who never returned will be honored with the placing of a wreath. The program will start at 1000hrs rain, snow or shine. This program started on January 31st 2008 and is an annual event. Following the program a reception will be held at Post #166 for Vietnam Era Veterans, their families and supporters. SUPPORT THE TROOPS PROGRAM A HUGE SUCCESS Over 100 active duty troops and/or their families were touched during this years Support the Troops Program. Post #166 and the Community worked together big time to make this happen. Many of the items were collected at the post from members of the Legion Family. Thanks. Many items were dropped off at the post by members of the community, for this a big "thank" you is in order for this type of participation. The Bank of Ocean City had collection tubs at their locations as did Boogs-Disaroon American Legion Post #123 in Berlin. These locations were very successful and many thanks to them. Katie Bear a Senior at Stephen Decatur High School and a member of Unit #166 Auxiliary again this year took the lead and collected a truck load of items and raised over $400.00 toward postage. Thanks. Donations were received from Unit #166 Auxiliary, Chapter #166 American Legion Riders, and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #1091 OCMD to assist the program. The following are other donors of the Support the Troops Program: Bill Bruchey(SAL), Violet Steger, Brady Bowman(SAL), Liza Bentz, Tom Lynch Sr, John Sauer(AL),Nate Pearson(AL), Richard Pennington (SAL), Rosie Garlitz(Aux), Steve Drocella(SAL), Bud Hefflin(AL), Connie Hefflin(Aux), Senator Jim Mathias, Kenny Correll(AL),John Granite(AL), Delegate Mary Beth Carozza, Bob Tito(SAL), Jack Hyle (AL), and Post #166's Nine Ball Gang. Margaret M. Krach, Walter & Pat Burke, Terry West, Tony Smith, Bob Liberatore, Robert & Mary Ann LeMay. I am sure there are some donors whose names were missed and if this be the case, please contact Commander Garlitz. On Sunday Nov. 30th the 2014 Decorating Crew decorated the Post. Many thanks to the 11 Legion Family members who participated. Front L-R Aux Connie Hefflin, AL Jennifer Beesley, AuxALR Cathy Kline, Aux-ALR Rosie Garlitz, SAL Wibby Garlitz, AL Tom Clark, AL bud Hefflin, SALALR Tim Doyle and SAL Pat Zxxxxxxx. Not shown on the pic, AL Glen Reely and Aux Jean Reely. Http:// 20 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 The Legion Mission The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans. The Legion also raises millions of dollars in donations at the local, state and national levels to help veterans and their families during times of need and to provide college scholarship opportunities. The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not-forprofit organization with great political influence perpetuated by its grass-roots involvement in the legislation process from local districts to Capitol Hill. Legionnaires’ sense of obligation to community, state and nation drives an honest advocacy for veterans in Washington. The Legion stands behind the issues most important to the nation's veterans community, backed by resolutions passed by volunteer leadership. Hundreds of local American Legion programs and activities strengthen the nation one community at a time. American Legion Baseball is one of the nation’s most successful amateur athletic programs, educating young people about the importance of sportsmanship, citizenship and fitness. The Operation Comfort Warriors program supports recovering wounded warriors and their families, providing them with "comfort items" and the kind of support that makes a hospital feel a little bit more like home. The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives. Programs of the Legion Family and Youth Community National Affairs Baseball Legion Riders Flag Advocacy Boys State / Nation Legion College National Convention Scholarships Volunteering Washington Conference Oratorical Contest Service to God and Country National Security Scouting Amateur Radio Club Citizenship Junior Shooting Sports Homeless Veterans Get Out the Vote Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program Honor Veterans Children & Youth Auxiliary Sons of the Legion National Emergency Fund Operation Comfort Warriors Youth Programs Alumni Http:// How many of our programs do you participate in? Post 166 is involved in a number of these Programs, but we need to get even more involved and that takes YOU to help out. Call or email the Post and tell them “you will help”! 21 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 The American Legion Launches New Fundraising and Awareness Campaign The American Legion is launching a national awareness campaign to raise funds to help our organization assist veterans, their families, young people and communities. The first installment of that campaign will focus on the mental health needs of veterans, particularly those who are battling the signature wounds of today's war era: PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Because these messages will air nationally and before audiences that may be unfamiliar with The American Legion and its services, you may receive calls, visits and other correspondences from veterans in need, or their families. If the request is routine, please handle as you usually would, as being a service organization. If the need is urgent, refer the veteran or family member to a VA emergency support service, such as: Suicide prevention hotline: 800-273-8255, press 1. Texting service: 838255 Online chat service: If a veteran comes to you or your post as a result of the message, please be welcoming and helpful. Off him or her the services of the nearest accredited American Legion service officer, who can easily be found online at or connect the veteran to local resources through your post service officer or other members. Please feel free to contact Chuck Krupa, Managing Director of Non-Member Fundraising at 317-860-3030 or if you have any further questions. Daniel S Wheeler National Adjutant Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1091 First off, thanks to Post #166 for a outstanding Wounded Warrior Gala. VVA Chapter #1091 was thankful to contribute financially to this this incredible effort. The Volunteers were extremely efficient. The food was magnificent. Way to go! The Veterans Day ceremony at Worcester County Veterans Memorial was very moving and I was honored to take part in the POW MIA table presentation. When rifle squad sounded, the gaggle of geese flyover was Eastern shore oriented. Afterwards Post #166 joint ceremony was equally impressive with delicious meal after. Kudos to both On November 13, Legion and VVA members attended a Service with Honor presentation by retired Major General Edward Mechenbrier at the Ocean City Coast Guard Station. He had been a guest at the Hanoi Hilton (POW) for 5 years. Stories were both scary and humorous. We will be hosting our 1st year Anniversary social at the Post on January 3, 2015 from 1:00until 4:00. All Chapter #1091 and significant other welcome. New Http:// eligible members also welcome to join us. Bring DD-214 and $20 dues. If you served in country Feb28,1961-May7,1975 or all duty locations Aug,5,1964-May7,1975 we would appreciate you as a member. Welcome Home THE GREATEST GENERATION- Mark your calendars--On March 24, 2015 VVA chapter #1091 will be hosting a bus trip to the WWII memorial with WWII Veterans and guest welcome at our expense. Contact Nelson Kelly 302 236 4171 or Jack Hyle for details and to sign up. Nelson Kelly, President 22 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 American Legion - Synepuxent Post 166 Quarterly Calendar - Winter 2014 January March February 1st - New Years Day bring your left over snacks and party 1300hrs 1st - Super Bowl- POST OPEN 1230 hrs. 3rd- VVAOC Chapter meeting 3rd - VVAOC Chapter meeting 6th - VVAOC Chapter meeting 1800hrs 10th - SAL Membership Meeting 1900 hrs. 1800hrs 10th - SAL Membership Meeting 1900 hrs. 15th, 17th- BIRTHDAY OF THE 17th - Executive Committee Meeting 1800 hrs. 17th - Executive Committee Meeting 1800 hrs. 17th - George Washington’s Bithday 18th - Auxiliary Membership Meeting 1900 hrs 18th - Auxiliary Membership Meeting 1900 hrs 24th - Legion Membership Dinner at 1800hrs, guest speaker at 1830 hrs 13th - SAL Membership Meeting 1900 hrs 20th - Executive Committee Meeting 1800 hrs. 21st - Auxiliary Membership Meeting 1900 hrs 25th,26th - POST OPEN & DEC SAL Dinner 27th - Legion Membership dinner at 1800hrs, guest speaker at 1830 hrs 27th- Legion Membership Business Meeting 1900 hrs 28th - American legion Riders meeting 1900 hrs 31st - TET 46 Worcester County Veterans Memorial 1000hrs BINGO at the POST Every Thursday in January at 7:00 PM. Doors open 5:30 24th - Legion Membership Dinner at 1800hrs, guest speaker at 1830 hrs 24th- Legion Membership Business Meeting 1900 hrs 25th - American Legion Riders meeting 1900 hrs. 1800hrs AMERICAN LEGION 24th- Legion Membership Business Meeting 1900 hrs 25th - American Legion Riders meeting 1900 hrs. 30th - Vietnam Veterans National Welcome Home Day BINGO at The POST TIME CHANGE! Every Thursday at 6:30 PM starting the first Thursday in February. Doors open at 5:00 WE NEED YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. PLEASE SEND IT TO: ADMIN166@Comcast.Net VA OUTREACH PROGRAM IN WORCESTER COUNTY The Maryland Veterans Administration's Outreach Program is at the Ocean Pines Library the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The local VA REP Michelle Licata is at the library from 1000hrs until 1500hrs. If you are a Veteran and have questions or are in need of service from the VA, this is the place to check out. Http:// 23 Email: Synepuxent Post 166, Winter 2015 Dated material Postmaster—Send Address Changes to: Synepuxent Observer P.O. Box 63 Ocean City, MD 21843-0063 PERIODICALS Do Not Delay POSTAGE PAID American Legion Synepuxent Post 166 Synepuxent Observer-Publication (USPS) 110-250) Quarterly: January, February, March 2015 $1.00 per year Subscription Sarge Garlitz - Commander Ed Hansen - Co-Director Buster Slaton - Co-Director Mary Herl - President For all of you that have computer access to the Internet there are some places you may want to visit: - Legion National Web Site - Department of Maryland tml - request copies of military records - MD Department of Veterans Affairs - US Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs—Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines Hey you Internet surfers, we not only have a web site at, we also have our own “Face Book” Page at and if you “Like” us you will receive news as it happens. Look for some “drink & food deals” coming over Face Book. Also, send us your email to receive an electronic copy of the Observer. Http:// Joe Verdura - Commander PHONE NUMBERS IMPORTANT TO VETERANS: Baltimore VA Medical Center……………..1-800-463-6295 Charlotte Hall Veterans Home…………….1-800-522-8387 Perry Point………………………….………..1-800-949-1003 Maryland Veteran’s Cemetery…………….1-410-943-3420 Pocomoke City VA Clinic…………………. 1-866-441-0287 Elsmere VA Hospital……………………… .1-800-450-8262 Cambridge VA Clinic…………………...….1-877-864-9611 ATTENTION ACTIVE DUTY MEMBERS Post #166 is proud and honored to have you as a member of our Legion Family. Many of you have been a member for several years. We send packages to those of you which have a current address on file. At times our communications to your address on file is returned. Please get back at us so we can up date our records. Email us: . RENEW MEMBERSHIPS at ALL Active Duty Members should submit their 8”x10” Photos to American Legion Post 166, P.O. Box 63, Ocean City, MD 21843 to replace the current Active Wall at Post 166. Contact Sarge Garlitz at (443) 735-1942 or 24 Email:
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