Scuttlebutt A publication by THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 75 For God and Country November 2014 Website: Like us on From the Post Commander… Greetings to all my Brothers and Sisters Thank you for the fantastic turnout for the October membership meeting. As we discussed at the meeting, we are all working hard to find us a new home. It is difficult to find a building with a kitchen already in place. When we do find a new place, it has to go through the E-Board and then the general membership for approval, so please check in with our Adjutant to ensure we have your current address, phone number and email as well. Glenn Thompson will continue to send email blasts as we have updated information including when we find a viable option for our new home. Thanks to Mike Corder for his hard work at Post 75 and Congratulations Mike, for being our Member of the Month. From the Post Second Vice Commander… No report this month Please keep Dave in your prayers. He has been in and out of the hospital over the past couple months, and we certainly have missed him around. You may send cards to Dave at his home address: 10401 N Cave Creek Rd Lot # Phoenix, AZ 85020 Get well Dave - we pray you gain strength and peace during this trying time. For God and Country, For God and Country, BOB COLLIER, COMMANDER SEMPER-FI LEGIONNAIRE OF THE MONTH November 11, 2014 Veterans Day Thank You to all who have served! Mike Corder FROM THE ALR FROM THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION… Hello, American Legion Riders Post 75. Well, as you know we have had to move from our building. The Executive Board is actively looking for a new location to re-open in. But, until then, the ALR will be meeting at the VFW 9400, 804 E. Purdue Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone Number: (602) 6782726. We have also been given permission to host dinners there during this transition time. The 2015 Membership Cards have been made and will be handed out as you pay your dues. Well gang, it seems we're going to VFW Post 9400 for a couple of meals. They have been gracious enough to allow us the use of their hall and facilities till we find a new home. So we will have our first breakfast on the 2nd of Nov. we have a tough road ahead of us, but with our Brothers and Sisters at the V, we will succeed! So please come on over support our meals and programs, as well as theirs and once again, thank you everyone. During this time of transition, please let everyone you know, that Post 75 will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of despair and soar again as one of the very best American Legion Posts in Arizona and the US. United we can get through this stressful time, divided we are heading for sure failure. Remain strong and united. Yours Respectively, RANDY PRICE DIRECTOR, POST 75 FROM THE FINANCE OFFICER To my fellow Legionaries and all other members of Post 75, Greetings. Well, we have gotten everything out of the building, and we, the Executive Board, are still looking/working on getting us into another building so that we can re-open. During this transition, some of the other entities will be meeting at the VFW 9400, 804 E Purdue Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85020, phone number: (602) 678-2726. We have been given permission to have meetings there and also for the entities to host dinners during the transition period. During this time of transition, please let everyone you know, that Post 75 will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of despair and soar again as one of the very best American Legion Posts in Arizona and the US. Together we can make this happen, if we divide we will all fail. So let’s stand United and get this done! Yours Respectively , RANDY PRICE, FINANCE OFFICER POST 75 Steak & Eggs Breakfast 10 AM to 12 PM We’d love to see you! See you at the “V” JOSEPH TERRAZAS COMMANDER SQUADRON 75 FROM THE ADJUTANT Brothers and Sisters, We may not have a building any longer but we will always have a home; it is right there in our hearts. I will still be doing everything I can to help us find a new building and Membership renewal will still be done. I will continue to work (albeit from home). So continue to send in your renewals and I will continue to process them. If you are one of those that prefers to pay cash, please do not hesitate to call me; I can meet up with you and get that taken care of. My phone number for those who may not have it, is 480-335-4732 and you can always email me at the email below. We still have a long way to go, but we also have something that most don't: the will to move forward in the direction of our dreams. YVONNE ADDISON, ADJUTANT FROM THE HONOR GUARD- CELEBRATE VETERAN’S DAY, AMERICA! NOVEMBER 11TH, 2014 Veterans Day is an official United States holiday honoring armed service veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice. Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving.. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed Armistice Day for November 11, 1919. In proclaiming the holiday, he said: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations." NOTICE Please bear with us until we get settled in to our new Post home! Until we have a place to perform our Flag Ceremony, all Honor Guard activities will be suspended until further notification. For God and Country, DONIVAN JACKSON CAPTAIN, POST 75 HONOR GUARD FROM THE AUXILIARY... Welcome Autumn and cooler weather! It’s amazing how fast time is going. So much has happened in the last couple of months and it’s not even half way through the year! I, like most of you, am saddened by having to move out of our long-time home...but on the other hand, I am looking forward to a new place, it will be like a fresh start or opening a gift! I’m hoping it will give us all a renewed excitement to come together and exceed our past accomplishments in regards to our programs and projects. The Post Executive Board are actively working to find a new facility, but in the meantime, the Auxiliary will continue to work on all of our programs. Below you’ll see a list of our committees and the chairs - if you’d like to join one or more of the groups, please contact the chair for meeting dates and program goals. I appreciate each of the women who’ve committed to the programs, but they cannot do it all alone - they need your help, won’t you please join us? I’d like to say thanks to the VFW 9400 for opening their doors to us, where we will have our regularly scheduled meetings: For God and Country, November 10th Executive Committee @ 6:00 PM General Membership @ 6:30 PM CRYSTAL C KANE And, where we’ll be serving our Fish Fry + Steak on Friday Nov. 21st, 5 - 7 PM. PRESIDENT We’ll continue our Fish Fry + Steak on the First and Third Friday’s at the VFW until we move into our own building. Your dinner attendance provides a Thank You Veterans, large portion of the funds needed for our programs, for protecting our families! we sincerely hope you’ll join us at the “V”! We have a place to meet! We have a place to host dinner! So there is NO EXCUSE...renew your membership now! Invite your friends, co-workers & neighbors...we did so great last year, we want to see if we can go farther. Our goal is 100% before Convention = 207 members Have you renewed? SENIORS $25 It’s time! JUNIORS $5 POPPY COMMITTEE CAVALCADE OF MEMORIES MEMBERSHIP PUBLIC RELATIONS AMERICANISM & EDUCATION GIRLS STATE COMMUNITY SERVICE PAST PRESIDENTS PARLEY LEADERSHIP & TRAINING ZINDA BROADY TONI WINNINGHAM RITA NAUGHTON ANDREA STEVENS & RITA NAUGHTON MEG MOORE STACY FELLENZ-PITKIN KIM KISSINGER ANDREA STEVENS ZINDA BROADY NOT FILLED (INTERIM - ANDREA) DUES CAN BE MAILED TO: PO BOX 9626 PHOENIX, AZ 85068-9626 ZJSUBS@AOL.COM PEANUT727@COX.NET RNAUGHTON2947@GMAIL.COM ADMIN@UNIT75.ORG MMMPIG@MSN.COM MSBUTTERFLY6975@HOTMAIL.COM KIMBERLYKISSINGER@GMAIL.COM ADMIN@UNIT75.ORG ZJSUBS@AOL.COM November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 NO Smoking at any time in the dining hall/ meeting room at the VFW Smoking is only allowed in the bar area (Karaoke will be in the bar) 2 3 4 Steak & Eggs Breakfast 10 A-12 P $8.00 S.A.L. Mtg. 12:30 PM All Entity Planning Mtg. 6:30 PM 10 9 5 6 8 14 VFW Ladies Auxiliary Dinner 5 - 7 PM Menu Varies each month 15 A.L.R. MTG. 6:30 PM 11 A.L.A. EXEC-COMM 6 PM GENERAL 6:30 PM 7 POST GEN. 6:30 PM EVERYONE WELCOME The VFW Pool Table Shuffleboard Large Screen T.V.’s Friday November 21st Auxiliary Fish + Steak Dinner 5-7 PM 16 K ARAOKE W /A BE 7-10 PM 23 24 30 Thursday, November 27th Post 75 Family Thanksgiving Dinner not yet determined if we’ll have one will be announced via Email Blasts & our Facebook page 27 28 VFW Mens Auxiliary “Cooties” Fish Fry 5 - 7 PM 29 Special attendance by Vets from the VA State Home every 4th Fri—so come say hi & maybe make a new friend. AMERICAN LEGION POST #75, INC. NON-PROFIT PO BOX 9547 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85068-9547 U.S. POSTAGE PAID GLENDALE, AZ PERMIT NO. 110 Or Current Resident For God and Country
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