DISPATCH VFW 1st District of California

VFW 1st District
of California
Volume 14, Issue 11
District 1 Commander Ed McCoy
November 2014
District 1 President Sheri Carrington
Hello Comrades:
Dear Sisters,
Here we are at the start of the Holiday Season our year is moving very
quickly. I want to thank our Membership Chairman Doug Scholl for
an outstanding job on membership,
as of now the District membership
is at 88%. I want to thank all of the
Post Commanders for doing a great
job on your programs as well as
your membership, keep up the great work.
A lot of wonderful things have been
happening in the Mighty First District! I had the honor of visiting the
Aspire Center with Chairman Laura
Ashley, Sr Vice Lupe Duggins, Auxiliary Archie G. McArthur 3783 President JJ Lemire and PDP Claudia
Harris. The sisters of Auxiliary 3783
presented their generous donation to
the Director Debbie Dominick and we were also honored
to also meet some of the brave veterans who are going
through their program. Our District Auxiliary fundraiser,
“Murder on the SABLE Express” was a huge success!
Thank you to all who supported us, participated as characters, donated raffle gifts and the wonderful volunteers
from SABLE Post and Auxiliary 2275 who cooked our
meal and helped in the kitchen. I also want to thank my
Auxiliary SABLE 2275 and President Letty McCoy for
hosting our District membership meeting this month.
I want to thank the M/C for all of their hard work on the
programs they support, like the Veterans Home, as well
as supporting the Post's when they have a function, it’s
great to see great camaraderie. I also want to thanks the
Cooties for their hospital work, it’s great to know that we
have dedicated members to support these needed facilities.
We will be moving our official visit date from January
25th due to the Council of Administration meeting and
VOD banquet being held on that weekend. We are working with the Department to reschedule a new date for our
official visit.
The Veterans Day parade will be Tuesday November
11th on Harbor Drive, please get there early due to limited parking we hope to see you there, let’s support this
great event. We will be having our VOD banquet on Saturday December 13th at Lakeside Post starting at 11:00,
the banquet meal donation will be $15.00.
In closing I want to say that I am very proud to be your
District Commander I also want to mention that our Post's
and Post leadership is what makes our District so strong.
So please have a great Thanksgiving Holiday and let’s
Our District meeting is being held on November 2 at Michael A. Monsoor Post 2082 at 9:00 a.m. I look forward
to seeing all of you there! Please remember all of our
Veterans this Veterans Day. I know a lot of you have
special ceremonies planned and I thank you so much for
this! The District Commander, myself and line officers
will be participating in the Veteran’s Day Parade being
held downtown San Diego.
To all of our awesome Auxiliary Presidents I would like
to address the “Outstanding President” criteria. You ALL
are “Outstanding Presidents” and I know you all will be
receiving this award at the end of the year at the Department Convention. Get the credit you deserve for all you
do! Please look on page 11 of the Department Program
Book (all President’s received this at the beginning of the
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VFW 1st District of California Dispatch
November 2014
District 1 Commander Ed McCoy Cont.
District 1 President Sheri Carrington Cont
keep our active duty service members in hearts and prayers.
year) or you can look on the Department website. The
deadline for applications is May 10, 2014 to Department
Jr Vice President Tootsie Dougherty. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Yours in Comradeship
Ed McCoy
1st District Commander
I wish all of you and yours a very blessed Thanksgiving
Day. I am so thankful for all of you and what you do for
our Veterans and their families!
Loyally and with love,
District 1 Sr Vice Cdr George Reuss
The year is almost at the half
way point. We still need to
complete a lot of thing prior
to that point. Chuck Lucas
has started the annual post
inspections, get ready with all
documentation ready to make it easy and not painful.
P.S. Corrections to the roster:
Auxiliary Charles E. Swisher 1924 President Margaret
Thomas email: desertrose1023@aol.com
Auxiliary Carter-Smith 5867 Dues are $28.00 not $23.00.
District 1 Sr Vice President Lupe Duggins
Hello Sisters, Comrades, and Friends
The State of California chairman for the National Home
(Our District J.R. Vice Commander) is out there raising a
ton of money but need's help from all the posts. By just
raising a simple $100.00 and making that donation to the
home this will put District 1 as a strong supporter. Buddy
poppies are one of our programs that means the most for
our Veterans, if your post has not purchased there poppies
then lets and use then to make monies for the Veterans
that need help, remember that money can also be used for
a member that because of hard times cannot pay his dues.
Remember that I will be taking B.I.D.S for the upcoming
joint membership dinner to be held at the winning post
(Veterans helping Veterans). This means your post gives
myself a B.I.D. to cater the food with servers and your
post keeps the profit if you win. Also keep in mind Quality. Keep in mind that if your post needs help that your
line officers are there to help and are more than willing.
As always I want to thank each and every one of you for
what you do. We are a force to be dealt with and are the
force which will keep our active duty and Veterans rights
intact for ever.
George L. Reuss
District 1 Senior Vice Commander
Ph# 1-619-322-7339
Veterans Helping Veterans
I hope I find everyone in good health.
Those who are under the weather, I wish
you a fast recovery. Thanksgiving is
coming up, so here's to a wonderful
Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Here are the upcoming events for November.
November 1 District Fundraiser Bus Trip to Acorn
13th Annual Bobby Price Veterans Home
Walk Post 2111.
November 2 District Meeting at Post#2082 at 9:00 am.
November 11 Veterans Parade Downtown San Diego.
November 13 Veterans Hospital Bazaar from 10 am to 2
November 25 District Membership Meeting TBA.
"Patriotism Begins at Home" as we are "One Team Working Hard for Veterans" and "Standing Proud for our Veterans".
Lupe Duggins
District Sr. Vice President
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District 1 LAUX Chaplain Beth Flinn
November 2014
District 1 Jr Vice Commander
Dear Comrades and Auxiliary Sisters:
Aloha everyone! Just returned from vacation and my batteries are recharged and ready for some VFW action!
It saddens my heart to report 5 sisters
have gone to their heavenly homes;
National Home efforts (that I’m aware of):
Post 3783 Line Officers are all Life Members! Good job
Post 1512 (JJ Vojtas) Donated the proceeds from his karaoke tip jar at the Dalemar Pig Roast ($222).
Post 1512 - Held a Chiefs/Chargers game BBQ and raised
$456 for National Home! (Chiefs won...just saying... ;-).
Post 1512 - Upcoming fish fry Nov 9 at Post 1512.
Mabel Russell
CDR Jack E. Carleton 2111
Patricia B. Brown
General Henry D. Styer 2455
Roma E. Brown
LCDR Arnold E Betcher 3788
Lydia Duenas
LCDR Arnold E. Betcher 3788
Cards may be sent to:
David Duenas and Family
4065 Iowa St. # 10
San Diego Ca. 92104
Leona L. Gray
Lt. Fred Lewis Kent 7907
Membership: Great job to Doug and his helpers on the
bases and at Miramar Air show! Let’s all try to jump in
and get your Posts 100% as well as the Mighty District 1!
The time to attack is now; not later. Holidays are quickly
approaching, so comrades will be very busy with VFW
business as well as family time.
Best regards,
Michael Phillips
District 1,
Jr Vice Cdr
Visit to the Aspire Center
Words For Comfort
Comfort- a simple seven letter word.
It's a word with numerous meanings.
It can mean strengthening aid, consolation
in time or trouble or worry,
a feeling of relief or encouragement,
or easing the grief or trouble of.
Is this your situation? Is it relief that you
need right now? Is there some way in which
you need to be encouraged? What is the grief in
your life that you would like to see lifted at this time?
Right now , your desire is probably for the
companionship of comfort.
Perhaps you're one of those who wonders
if there is any comfort to be had...
Comfort will come and perhaps when
and where you least expect it.
Hold on to this knowledge--it may take your head
to convince your heat that it is so.
Your grief will not last forever.
it may seem that way. but eventually it will subside.
Beth Flinn, District Chaplain
1951 47th SPC 167
San Diego, CA 92102
District 1 Chaplain David Greaney
I wish to put names of deceased members in the State
newsletter. In order to do that I need all Cdrs or Chaplains to send the names to me. Please use proper names,
not nicknames. Send to padredavejr@cox.net. Thanks.
Dave Greaney,
District 1 Chaplain
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VOD / PP / Teacher Award Chairman
Post Commanders; Post Voice Of Democracy, Patriot’s Pen, & Teacher Award’s Chairmen; and Fellow Comrades;
Since we are quickly coming up on the deadline for entries to our Posts, I encourage all
Post VOD / PP / Teacher’s Award Chairmen
to follow up with their local students and
teachers for this year’s VOD / PP / Teacher’s
Award nominations.
Voice Of Democracy - The VFW established the Voice of Democracy program (VOD) in 1947 to provide
students grades 9-12 the opportunity to express themselves in regards
to democratic ideas and principles.
This year’s theme: “Why Veterans are Important to Our Nation’s History and Future.”
To enter,
Patriot’s Pen - The Patriot's Pen program is open to students in grades
6-8 (on the Nov. 1 deadline), who are enrolled in a public, private or
parochial school or home study program in the United States and its
This year’s theme: “Why I Appreciate America’s Veterans.”
To enter, go to: www.vfw.org/community/patriot-s-pen/.
Teacher’s Award – Teachers who promote civic responsibility, flag
etiquette and patriotism are prime candidates for the award. See
www.vfw.org/community/teacher-of-the-year/ for more information
and to submit your favorite teacher.
DEADLINES For ALL Entries (VOD, PP, Teacher of the Year):
November 1: All entries to the Posts
November 15: Post judging complete
November 26: All Post entries to District (Matt Foster)
December 6: District judging complete
December 13: Luncheon at Lakeside Post @ 1100
Mail / Email / Drop off all entries to:
District Chairman
Matt Foster
1558 Trellis Lane
Escondido CA 92026
760 208-7246
Ladies Auxiliary Chairman
Devorah Basden
11618 Rio Fondo
Lakeside CA 92040
619 888-7681
Comrades, if you have extra entries for your Post, please let me know.
There are a couple of Posts in need of entries to submit to the District
contest. I am counting on each Post to promote the program and bring
their best students and teachers for this year’s selection for the Mighty
1st District and the Department of California. If you have any questions
about how to run your program, please email me at mjfoster58@gmail.com or call/text me at 760 208-7246.
Semper Fidelis, Matt Foster
November 2014
LAUX Membership Chairman
District President Sheri and I again won our Medallions from
Department it is great to be back on track with the Medallion.
Thank you ladies of the “Mighty 1st District” it’s because of all
of you that we are wearing them.
Division winners for the month of September are as follows:
Division 1
Southeast 5179 @ 87.50%
Division 2
OK Ingram 1774 @ 98.54%
Division 3
SgtMaj Ralph E Gibbs 7041 @ 95.53%
Division 4
Don Diego 7420 @ 92.06%
Division 5
PFC Archie G McArthur @ 90.87%
Division 6
LCDR Arnold E Betcher 3788 @ 89.41
Division 7
CDR Jack E Carleton 2111 @ 86.35%
We have no 100% Auxiliaries as of yet, but we are getting
close to achieving that mark. Thank you Sisters for all your
hard work.
I would like to thank the Ladies Auxiliary of Post 2275, SABLE, for a great October meeting. The hospitality and the meal
were great and it’s so nice to visit with the ladies of other Auxiliaries. We were just there the Saturday before for the District
Fundraiser and a great time was had by all. It will be the talk of
the town (Auxiliaries) for quite a while. Thank you again.
Our next Membership meeting will be on Tuesday, November
25th at Paradise Hills Post 11387 at 7:00 pm. Hope to see all of
you there. Don’t forget to bring your Medallion to the meetings or have someone bring it for you if you are unable to attend. It’s a $5.00 penalty if you don’t. Remember, you must
attend 8 of 11 meetings to qualify for the Membership dinner in
May of 2015.
Forty six transmittals were presented at our September Membership meeting. A great job as always, done by the ladies of
the “Mighty 1st”. We all thank you. December is just around
the corner and in order for your District President Sheri to attend “Night on the Town” she must be @ 90% on or before
December 31st. That means your transmittals must be at Department no later than Christmas. Vacations are taken at that
time, so please mail accordingly.
Seeing you all soon,
Rose Busang
Membership Chairman and the TEAM
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Legislative Article
If you could talk to every Auxiliary member at one time what would you tell them about the Legislative
This is the year to make the Legislation Program Personal. The National Legislative Services Priority Goals
states “Quality of life and health initiatives for all the nations’ veterans, past and present”; that is a powerful
statement with an incentive to act now. And how is that accomplished? We do not need to be a master of the
legislative process and every bill; it is knowing the important issues to act on today and the steps to let our
Congressmen know. This program can provide the tools to do that.
The Priority Goals reflect the resolutions passed by the VFW to strengthen and ensure an adequate VA
system for millions of current and future veterans. They call for much‐needed attention to crises such as veteran homelessness and suicide. They request fully funding research on traumatic brain injuries, reducing the
claims backlog and fighting veteran unemployment. The goals are grouped under eight areas of concern,
which are: VA Health Care, Suicides and Homelessness, VA Compensation and Benefits, Transition Assistance, Education and Employment, Defense and Homeland Security, Military Quality of Life and POW/
VFW Priority Goals
VFW Washington Weekly
Get Out the Vote
- Promoting the VFW Priority Goals
- Supporting Veteran Service Officers and invite them to speak at your meetings and other events
- Encouraging members to become a Veterans’ Advocate and join the VFW Action Corps:
www.vfw.org/weekly and receive the Washington Weekly e-newsletter and All VFW Action Alerts.
- Subscribing to the Checkpoint Newsletter
- Doing your American duty and being responsible by making your voice hear and get out to vote…
“Patriotism Begins at Home” and by “One Team Working Hard for Veterans” and their families, we can be
successful by working the Legislative Program as one team.
Have a bless Thanksgiving and let’s not forget our troops, especially those that will be away from their families during this holiday season.
Oneita Billings
1st District Legislative Chairman
1800 South Maple St., #114
Escondido, CA 92025
Email: oneita.billings@gmail.com
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USS Cole Ceremony
November 2014
USS Cole Ceremony Continued
On Sunday, 10 /12/14 was the 14th Annual Ceremony of
laying flowers at the grave of Lakiba Nicole Palmer crewman of the USS Cole (DDG 67) which was bombed in the
Yemeni port of Aden, 12 October 2000, killing 17 and
wounding 39 service members. Location is Mount Hope
Cemetery, 3751 Market Street, San Diego, CA. Grave is
in Division 11, Section 1, Grave 2, Lot 35.
The “Dispatch” is the official monthly publication of Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, District One,
Department of California and shall act as a periodical for
the benefit and enrichment of all VFW Posts, Ship, Men’s
Auxiliary, and Ladies Auxiliaries comprising First District.
As Department Officers, any and all communications
from the First District Commander and First District
President are considered to be official as they have the
privilege of membership on the Council of Administration, Department of California for the current calendar
Submission of articles for the Dispatch must be to the
Editor Russ Eseltine (reseltine@cox.net) no later than the
25th of each month. Don’t forget who, what, where,
when! The Dispatch is available monthly at:
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November 2014
"Murder on the S.A.B.L.E. Express"
October 25, 2014
Created by Sheri Carrington and Historical Research by Doug Carrington
Actors played by Comrades and Auxiliary Members of The Mighty First District in this Mystery Dinner "who done it?"
set in the late 1800-early 1900. Dressed in costumes from Annie Oakley (aka Ellie Mello, Dept. Conductress to Undercover Agent bar maid, Antoinette Bardot (aka Tootsie Dougherty Dept. Jr Vice) out to get the Loose Reuss Gang, Father
Ubach and his Nuns who ran the orphanage and the "Mystery Train rides" for Gentleman. While the "Loose Reuss Gang
with Mama Hazel (aka Reta Butler, PDP) robbed the train running a diversion for the murder of Burgess Calhoun (aka
State Jr Vice Dale Smith) take place. As the body was rolled in on the gurney the wailing sounds of his wife Verna Gay
Calhoun (aka Marla Smith) could be heard through the train. With the help of Deputy Sheriff Olive Belle Chambers (aka
Laura Ashley) and Sheriff Fred Jennings/Docent (aka Doug Carrington) and the passengers of the train. The murder was
solved. It was Vaasie Songster aka (Kathie Okolski) Mrs. Calhoun’s best friend and a wedding to end the night.
(Pictures by Beth Flinn)
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