Vol. XVI I Issue 1 JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, JR. AMERICAN LEGION POST 11-11 9959 Wadsworth Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 Telephone: (303) 466-1278 HAPPY NEW YEAR! JANUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER COMMANDER’S CORNER Walt Lee, Commander AUXILIARY UNIT 11-11 Wow 2015, another year under our belts. I don't know about you but I just outlived another car payment, made it through another Holiday Season and a 1/2 year as your Commander at Post 11-11. Although not totally unscathed, feeling pretty good about sending out 2014 and welcoming in 2015. We had a pretty good year conducting our normal Post functions and tending to the surprise ones that came along. During the month of December we were able to send off numerous packages to our Service Men and Women who are deployed during this Holiday Season. We had a group of Volunteers step up, on their own and complete that task in a manner that our Troops received them in time for the Holidays. I do thank each and every one of them for their dedication to that task. A special Thank You to Robyn O'Bryan and White Pick-It Fence Reality for their generous donations to this project. I don't know if you all know how easy it is to be the Commander of Post 11-11, watching a group of people coming together getting the job done this past year has been a pleasure. Thank you for a great year. Let’s give it Hell this next year as well. As always, keep our Servicemen/Women and Veterans in our thoughts and prayers during this Holiday Season. Walt Lee, Commander I wish each of you a joyous New Year with family and friends, and here’s to a happy, healthy, prosperous, and loving 2015! Thank you to everyone who sponsored a child from Dawn Rochkes’ classroom and made their Christmas wishes come true. Your hearts are filled with generosity!! The Building Committee continues to look for additional members to contribute time, energy, and skills to maintaining our Post's building and facilities. If you are interested, please contact any Auxiliary member. Auxiliary breakfast is the 4th Sunday of each month, and our next breakfast will be held January 25 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Breakfast will be prepared by Annie and served by Janet. Don’t forget those all-day Sunday $2 drink specials -- Bloody Mary’s, Screwdrivers, and Mimosas. Assembly of the Post newsletter will take place at Noon following the Auxiliary breakfast. Ladies, we would welcome your help. Until next month, be well and do good. Honor our service members, past and present by keeping them in your thoughts and prayers. Lenette Wallace, Auxiliary President http://www.legionpost11-11.org PAGE 2 JANUARY NEWSLETTER Adjutant’s Role Call – December 2014 Stephen Lee, Adjutant Adjutant’s Roll Call – January 2015 Stephen Lee, Adjutant Membership renewals are coming in at 75.33%. Please continue to renew! SAL is slowly coming in around 45.95%. Pretty pitiful. Starting at the February Meeting, Post 11-11 will be doing new/transfer inductions. Typically we will be doing the previous quarter but for this first meeting, anyone who was never inducted and would like to be please come down to the Post on Tuesday February 9th. We will be doing the induction after the meeting so please plan to be here around 7:30 PM if not at the meeting at 7PM. Mid-Year conferences are upon us. This year they are in Colorado Springs, Post 209, at the Elegante, Hotel. January 23-25 starting at 9AM Friday. Saturday 7 AM and Sunday 8:30 – 9:30AM. Anyone interested, please see a Post 11-11 Officer. Hoops for Troops, is March 27, 2015 at 7PM (Pepsi Center) If you want to go, the information is posted on the website. Help a Vet Raffle has been extended to January 30th. This is for a Dell I5 refurb. For information please see http://www.legionpost23.org for details. Wreaths Across America was on December 13th at 10AM. Heather Lockhart, Jenn Fielder, Lyze Lee and Stephen Lee laid wreaths for our Post. CFL Christmas Party – Was cancelled due to an unexpected death of one of the group home members. Our best wishes go out to them and hope to see them again soon. The new Door Cards: Are in. If you are renewed, just show your card to the bartender to get your new card starting January 1. New and Transfers will receive them in the mail from me. Your door card Stops working end of day December 31. Remember Bingo is January 10th and 24th. Adjutant’s Office Hours is being discontinued starting January due to lack of interest. If you need assis- tance please contact Lee at 720.272.1455. If you talk to the Adjutant, he will answer all your issues. DD214’s – The IRS is auditing Posts to ensure we are complying with our internal records. Please take a moment to check if you have one on file. Even if you think you do, please check with us. They can threaten our Charter if we are not in compliance. A local Post was audited last year. Please take a moment to help us. A few people have responded. Please check in with us! Contact Lee at 720.272.1455. Newsletters: Bear in mind, if you have not renewed by December 31st, You will stop receiving the Newsletter in January! Please get those renewals in! Renew! Renew! Renew! Recruit! Recruit! Recruit! See you ‘round the post! -Lee CHAPLAIN Our District Five is the largest American Legion District in the State of Colorado. This year the officers have been trying to communicate that we care about every Post and all of its members. Some remember the time when it didn't seem that way. We want your input. One way to let us know how your Post is doing is to attend the District meetings. All are welcome. Another way is to talk with the District officers when they come to visit. Yet another way is to talk with a District officer who may be a member of your Post. We are identified by our blue caps with the white tops. We are here to serve the members and Posts. Please take advantage of this opportunity just as you would talk with the officers of your local Post. Save the date of Saturday, 7 February and join us at Post 11-11 for the Four Chaplains Ceremony at one o'clock in the afternoon. This is a very meaningful event and accurately conveys the heroism of four chaplains during World War II. For God and Country, Chaplain Norm Harpole Colorado District 5 and Post 11-11 http://www.legionpost11-11.org JANUARY NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POST 11-11 Hall Rental Are you planning an upcoming wedding, graduation party, bridal shower, baby shower or birthday party ? Check with us for the available dates for the hall. Shirley 303-466-1278. Four Chaplains Memorial Service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POST 11-11 COLOR GUARD Saturday February 7 Ladies and Gentlemen: If you are interested in joining Post 11-11’s Color Guard, please contact Marv Benbrook or Ron Confer or any member of our Color Guard. We look forward to having you as a member of the Team. 1:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAL BINGO Come out and support our SAL charities—Children’s Welfare Foundation, Colorado Wounded Warrior and Fisher House. Bingo is held on every second and fourth Saturday of the Month at Post 11-11 beginning at 6:00 PM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUPPORT OUR TROOPS CARE PACKAGES Don’t forget to drop off some items to be shipped to our troops now serving in Afghanistan. A basket is located at the entry of the Post along with a suggested list of items needed by our troops. The DOD approved list of items is also on our website: http://legionpost11-11.org .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Four Chaplains, also sometimes referred to as the "Immortal Chaplains," were four United States Army chaplains who gave their lives to save other civilian and military personnel during the sinking of the troop ship USAT Dorchester on February 3, 1943, during World War II. They helped other soldiers board lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets when the supply ran out. The chaplains joined arms, said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with the ship. http://www.legionpost11-11.org Page 4 JANUARY NEWSLETTER Soldier Shipping We were able to mail out 46 Boxes to soldiers in Afghanistan in time for Christmas! Thanks to Robyn and Sue, White Pick-it Fence Realty., who brought in the Christmas stocking full of goodies and helped with postage. Thanks to Jeff Baker, Pappy, Jim Friel and Shirley for helping to assemble the boxes. Thank you to all for donating. The bin need refilling for our next shipment. http://www.legionpost11-11.org Page 5 JANUARY NEWSLETTER January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 Steak Night 6 PM New Year’s Day Karaoke 4 Boy Scouts Cooking 9 AM 11 SAL Cooking 8 AM 18 Breakfast 9 AM 25 Auxiliary Annie Cooking 9 AM 5 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 12 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 19 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 26 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 6 7 Dinner 6 PM 13 8 Burger Night 6 PM 14 Dinner 6 PM Legion Meeting 7 PM 20 Burger Night 6 PM Auxiliary Meeting 6 PM 15 10 Prime Rib Jen & Ron 6 PM Karaoke 16 SAL Meeting 7 PM SAL Bingo 6 PM 17 Steak Night 6 PM Karaoke 21 Dinner 6 PM 9 22 Burger Night 6 PM 23 Steak Night 6 PM 24 SAL Bingo 6 PM Karaoke 27 28 Dinner 6 PM Burger Night 6 PM http://www.legionpost11-11.org 29 30 Steak & Cat Fish 6 PM Karaoke 31 PAGE 6 JANUARY NEWSLETTER ADVERTISERS PAGE Advertised your business here! $10.00 Month or $100.00 year. Price varies depending on size of ad. Contact Editor: Shirley 303-466-1278 or smstarle@msn.com http://www.legionpost11-11.org
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