First United Methodist Church 2600 East Main Street Gatesville, TX 76528 (254) 865-2520 Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage Paid Gatesville, TX Permit No. 74 Change Service Requested First United Methodist SP TLIGHT Gatesville December 2014 The mission of our church is to raise up disciples of Christ through love, service, and example. My Word Advent is a confusing season Of all the seasons of the Christian year, Advent is the most confusing. While the rest of the world is setting up nativity scenes, illuminating stars and watching sheep by night, the Church seems to be preparing for the end of the world. Look at the recommended scripture readings for the First Sunday of Advent: Mark 13:24-27. Here we find Jesus describing the signs of the end of the world. The sun and the moon will go dark. Stars will fall from the sky. The Son of Man will make his entrance on a cloud. He wraps it up by saying that since no one knows when this is going to happen, you need to ‘Keep awake!’ The second Sunday is not much cheerier. In Mark 1:1-8 we find John the Baptist dressed like a wild man, preaching repentance to the crowds that have come out to see him. No wonder there are not many Advent songs. Christmas Eve Candlelight Services 6:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. If Advent is not meant to be the opening act for Christmas, what is it meant to be? The word Advent means "coming." It is far more than simply marking a 2,000 year old event in history. It is celebrating a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. That is why scripture readings for Advent reflect this emphasis on the second Advent, including themes of accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment of sin, and the hope of eternal life. Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and congregations, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power. If we were to take Advent with the gravity intended, Christmas might take on a new meaning and not be so commercial. If Christmas is the celebration of God’s breaking into history with the Incarnation, then Advent must be the anticipation of a future consummation to that history for which "all creation is awaiting its redemption." This year, take time to celebrate Advent before Christmas. Remember that the twelve days of Christmas begin on December 25 – not end. It is right to remember the first Advent, Christ’s birth but we need to prepare and live for the second Advent, Christ’s return. I’ll see you in church on Sunday. From the staff at First Gatesville Rev. Gene Gurley Attendance Birthdays November 2 Sunday School 8:30am Worship 10:30am Worship 32 38 65 November 9 Sunday School 8:30am Worship 10:30am Worship 45 50 98 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 8 10 13 16 20 21 21 23 24 26 26 28 29 30 November 16 Sunday School 28 8:30am Worship 27 10:30am Worship 114 November 23 Sunday School 49 8:30 am Worship 40 10:30 am Worship 94 November 30 Sunday School 40 8:30 am Worship 56 10:30 am Worship 84 SERVANT ROSTER Military DATE 8:30 AM Madeline Necessary Tim Martin Sydney Farrell Michael Kaibas Tom Leib Jon Brown Bill Hutka Michael Patterson Gene Gurley Sarah Gomez Nancy Ashcraft Doug Peevey Nathanial Wood Ashley Chapa Justin Latham John Lee Becca Luedtke M.H. Shepherd Denise Bartlett Kay Silver Jeff Peevey Mikala Bryson 10:30 AM GREETERS USHERS LITURGIST GREETERS USHERS LITURGIST Dec. 7 J. McClesky J. Peevey P. Smart R. Jones D. Rhoads Ivys B. Self K. Riddle V. Riddle T. Edwards L. Scott C. Logan J. Majusiak Lees N. Ashcraft Silvers G. Sadler Dec. 14 J. Maxwell Lovelaces C. Smith B. Brown J. McClesky J. Peevey P. Smart L. Lovelace R. Sullins Shirleys A. Miller Graces T. Edwards L. Scott C. Logan H. Theaker Dec. 21 D. Nichols D. Peevey B. Barton J. Maxwell Lovelaces B. Brown W. Wall Lovelaces B. Hansson J. Smith N. Sheldon R. Sullins Shirleys L. Scott Dec. 28 M. Ivy B. Self Riddles J. Pruitt D. Nicholds D. Peevey B. Barton R. Jones N. Ashcraft Silvers L. Klontz L.. Necessary Lovelaces B. Hansson J. Smith J. R. Atkins Lloyd Brown, Jr. Shane Clark Tom Cushing John Decker Dylan Hartmann Tyler Hartmann Mike Loftus Robert Miller Larrett McCoy Matt Mohler Joe Patterson Anthony Pemberton Fredrick Ralls Stephan Sowders Nathanial Wood Prayer Concerns Susan Archie Karen Arnold Jamie Batson Pam Beeson Mary Berras Suzanne Calhoun Bobby Cole Patty Courtney Joseph Daniel Fam. David Fleetwood Brandon Floyd Phyllis Head Kim Herring Betty Hughston Doug Hutton Dennis Krumlauf Vickie Mata Charlotte Matthews Don McCrea Tammy McHargue Frankie Meeks Sophie Melbern Lilly Paxton Tonya Rose Casey Shirley Tim Sonnenberg Dayle Squyres Adelle Todd Diane Torres Linda Ussery Rebecca Williamson Our President Our Pastor Memorials EDWIN POWELL Monte & Gay Comer Gaye Sadler, Dillon & Shannon Martin & Jack & Katie Doyle EVELYN ROBERTS Charles & Melinda Ivy PAUL FOUST Betty Brown Ruth G. Jones Phil Sheldon Anne Ramminger Kenneth & Velva Riddle Carol Smith JAN JONES Kenneth & Velva Riddle Inez Arnold Jamie & Corinne Erwin Doug & Johnnie Peevey Carol Smith Norman & Carolyn Erskine Bob & Carolyn Brown JOHN FOWLER John, Sherri & Cassidy Young BENNIE HANSSON Ruth G. Jones CHRISTMAS EVE OFFERING MIDNIGHT CANDLE SEVICE You will have two opportunities for worship on Christmas Eve. First at 6:30 p.m. when we will begin with Christmas Carols, then at 11 p.m. concluding at midnight. Communion will be served at both services and the community will be invited. Special music and a Christmas message will be a part of the service. The highlight of the service will come as we light up the darkness with candles while singing Silent Night. This year, all of the Christmas Eve Offering will be divided between the Care Center in Gatesville and The Heifer Project – an international charity. This year, 100% of both Christmas Eve Offerings will be given away to two charities. It will be divided between The Care Center to support our community food pantry and The Heifer Project, an international charity that supplies livestock to families with the goal of ending poverty and hunger in a sustainable fashion. This is one of Ann’s favorite charities and is very popular among children’s groups across the nation. Please give generously on Christmas Eve. CELEBRATE DISCIPLESHIP STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN UPDATE Thanks to your participation, Celebration Sunday was a success. As of this week, 77 families or individuals turned in Estimate of Giving cards totaling pledges of $251,280. That, combined with the consistent giving by those who did not complete cards and other misc. offerings indicates that contributions to the church will total about $309,637. This is an increase of $3,883 over last year, Thanks to your generosity, more ministries can be funded in 2015. ADVENT SERIES: CHECKING DECKING AND DASHING What is your favorite day of Christmas? December 26th, when it is all over. I know that the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping and decorating energizes many people, but too much can be overwhelming. Perhaps it is time to RETHINK this time of year by focusing on the true meaning of Christmas. Join us every Sunday of Advent as we look at all the Checking, Decking, and Dashing we do that masks the beauty of Christmas. Let’s RETHINK Christmas. Dec. 12th Christmas Party Home of Ruth Jones. $10.00 gift exchange. Bring food to share. Invite a friend to join us. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH TO OFFER A SERVICE IN THE STYLE OF TAIZE’ Our Taize’ worship continues to grow and improve each month. In September attendees were treated to a special service of prayer and ancient music. It is a non-traditional service but cannot be called contemporary as it has remained essentially unchanged for the last 400 years. Our next Taize’ worship will be December 17th and every third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the chapel. Bring your worries to the Lord. DECEMBER CALENDAR 12/7 12/7 12/7 12/7 12/14 12/14 9:30 3---6 6:00 6:00 10:30 6:00 Angel Breakfast — FLC Gingerbread House Party Youth Christmas on the Road (meet at church) Christmas Music of the Season Morningsong Christmas Music of the Season Chancel Choir Youth Progressive Supper (meet at church) 12/24 6:30 11:00 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Midnight Christmas Eve Candlelight Service ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA’S Please complete the envelope enclosed in the FLASHLIGHT if you would like to order a poinsettia: Be sure to make your check payable to FUMC. The prices are as follows: 6” Single Poinsettia — $ 20.00 6” Double Poinsettia in a basket — $ 40.00 The poinsettia’s will be on the altar beginning, Sunday, December 21st. Holiday Church Office Schedule The church office will be closed from December 25, 2014 until January 5, 2015 for the Christmas Holidays. Our prayer for you is that everyone has a very blessed holiday season. GINGERBREAD PARTY The Gingerbread House Party Day will be Dec. 7th from 3:00-6:00 at FUMC. The gingerbread walls, roofs, etc., will be provided, just bring a cake board and some candy to decorate your house and try not to eat it before it is complete. Please reserve your spot by calling Ms. Michelle at 206-1523 or the church office at 8652520. LAY SERVANT MINISTRY This ministry is vital to the future of the United Methodist Church. If you would like to get involved in worship leadership or would simply like to know more about the church and its beliefs, contact Velva Riddles or sign up for one of the upcoming classes. Spiritual Gifts: Jan. 10, 2015 8:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m. Where: FUMC, Temple. Contact: Dr. Barbara Foster at Basic Lay Servant: Jan. 17, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Where: Genesis, Killeen Contact: Sholando Stone at UMC Polity: Jan. 24, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Where: Taylor 10th St., Taylor Contact: Dr. Sandra Oliver Sunday Evening from 6-8 PM DECEMBER 2014 OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD —UPDATE Thank you for taking the lead on the Shoebox ministry!! The Church responded to your request and thanks to you, we will turn in 135 shoeboxes for children around the world. Thanks to everyone at FUMC who helped make this project so successful. Sun Sun 2 GROW YOUR YOUTH GROUP Invitation is a powerful tool. Your friends are more likely to come to UMYF if you invite them. The more friends you have at youth on Sunday, the more fun you will have. Be-aFriend Bring-a-Friend. We meet every Sunday evening at 6 in the FLC. CHRISTMAS ON THE ROAD We can’t make it to Bethlehem this year, but we are going to do the next best thing by celebrating Christmas on the Road. Once again we will visit the Shepherd’s Field, the Inn with no room, Herod’s Palace and the manger in the stable. Hopefully, the Christmas story will take on new meaning when we put ourselves in their place as we read these familiar scriptures. Meet at the church at 6:00 p.m. on December 7. We will have you back by 8:30 following refreshments at the Jordan’s house. There won’t be a meal at church this night, so eat before you come. 8:30 Worship 9:30 SS 10:30 Worship 6:00 UMY 2:30 Hillside 4:00 Meadows 9 78:30 Worship 9:30 SSBreakfast Angel 10:30 8:30 Worship 6:00 9:30 UMY SS 10:30 Worship 3:00 Gingerbread Houses 4:00 Meadows 6:00 Christmas On The Road—UMY Mon Mon 3 6:30 1 AA 6:30 AA 10 6:30 8 AA 6:30 AA 16 17 10:30 14 One Service 6:30 15AA Pausitive Bank to 8:30 Worship perform 9:30 SS Thanksgiving 10:30 Worship Dinner 6:00 Progressive 6:00 UMY —UMY Dinner 6:30 Charge Conf. @ Foundation UMC-Belton 23 8:30 Worship 21 9:30 8:30 SS Worship 10:30 9:30 Worship SS 6:00 UMY 10:30 Worship 6:00 UMY Tue Tue 4 2 6:30 Not A Silent Night Advent Study 11 5:30 9 United Methodist 5:30 United Women Methodist Women 6:30 Not A Silent Night Advent Study 18 6:00 16United Wounded Warrior Methodist 8:30 LifeMen Line Cookie Pick-Up Screening-FLC 6:00 Harvest 6:30 Not A Festival Mtg. Silent Night 6:30 AA Advent Study 24 6:30 22AA 25 23 6:30 AA Wed Wed 5 3 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP We will meet Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the youth room for praise, prayer and devotion. All youth are invited to attend. 30 Student 28 Day 8:30 Worship 9:30 SS 10:30 Worship 6:00 UMY 29 6:30 AA Proverbs 31 4 (Formerly HOT Proverbs 31 Moms) (Formerly HOT Moms) 6:30 Children’s Council 12 10Tutoring 13 11 5:30 Prayer and Tutoring Bible Study 5:30 Prayer and 6:00 Choir Bible Study 6:30 AA 6:00 Choir 6:30 AA 19 17Tutoring 5:30 NO Prayer and Tutoring Bible Study 5:30 Prayer and 6:00 Choir Bible Study 6:30 AAChoir 6:00 7:00 Taizé 6:30 AA Worship 7:00 Taizé Worship 26 NO24 tutoring 6:30 and 11:00 Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 30 6 Tutoring 5: 30 Prayer and Tutoring Bible Study 5: 30 Prayer and 6:00 Choir Bible Study 6:30 AA 6:00 Choir 6:30 AA PROGRESSIVE DINNER The Progressive Dinner is back by popular demand. We will start at the church on Dec. 14th at 6:00 and eat our way across Gatesville. The food is guaranteed to be as good as it was last year. Don’t miss it!! Thu Thu 31 6:30 AA 12:00 Carter Blood Drive 20 9:00 18Proverbs 31 (Formerly HOT 31 9:00 Proverbs Moms) (Formerly HOT 6:00Moms) CAFE Game 6:00Night Staff @ Dairy Queen Dinner Christmas Fri Fri 7 5 6:30 AA 14 6:30 12AA 8 7:00-2:00 6 Harvest Festival 15 13 6:30 AA CAFE Christmas Party at the home of Ruth Jones 21 6:30 19AA 22 20 6:30 AA 27 28 Thanksgiving Day Church 25 26 Office Church OfficeDay Christmas Closed Office Closed until January 5th Sat Sat Closed 6:30 AA 29 27
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