10 - Centerville/Western Wayne News, Wednesday, December 24, 2014 LEGAL ADVERTISING ORDINANCE NO. 2014-08 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE TOWN OF CENTERVILLE, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA, PLACING THE SAME WITHIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES THEREOF AND MAKING THE SAME A PART OF THE TOWN OF CENTERVILLE BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council (the “Town Council”) of the Town of Centerville, Wayne County, Indiana (the “Town”) that: WHEREAS, the Territory to be annexed is situated outside the corporate boundaries of the Town of Centerville, Wayne County, Indiana; '*+"' <'== => =?#"?@ Boys’ Basketball Split Centerville’s boys’ varsity basketball team won one and lost one this week, while the girls’ fell in their only game this past week. Girls’ Basketball The Bulldogs entertained the visiting Hagerstown Tigers and allowed the visitors to go home happy. The game was close but in a very low scoring second quarter the Bulldogs took the lead at halftime 13-12. The Bulldogs got their biggest lead of the night with two quick baskets to start the third quarter, but the Tigers came roaring back and led at the end of the third quarter, 28-22. Centerville drew within two with 2:22 left in the game, Jennings had the big game for Centerville scoring 16 points and grabbing 16 rebounds Boys’ Basketball The Centerville boys’ hosted the Hagerstown Tigers on Friday night and the result was the same as the girls’ game earlier in !" !#$ grabbing the lead when the horn sounded, 12-11. The Bulldogs % #!& $%'()time, the Tigers expanded their lead to 36-22 at the end of the #$ *+5 77 and Ricky Torres led Centerville with nine points each. The Bulldogs were outhustled on the boards grabbing only nine all $97 ; 7 < =++> State Creates Free Co. Travel Status Mobile App "%7" app to provide Hoosiers with county travel status updates and alerts directly to their mobile devices. "&%% ?& % events that could affect travel. " ; "@$7 on the project. The Indiana Travel Advisory app is available to download for iPhone (https://appsto.re/us/QHVw4.i) in the K%%7&KL%MOO% OO%%OSU555XYZ7 Features include: *Ability for users to set alerts for any county or counties they choose, up to every county in the state. When the travel status in a selected county is changed, the user will receive an *Weather conditions for each county. Tapping on a county will display the temperature and an icon with the current conditions. *Contact information for county emergency management agencies, which are responsible for the status updates. The app is meant to be used as part of a system to stay aware of changing travel conditions. Other sources include local news, travel, weather and social media sites and apps. Indiana Travel Advisory is part of the IN.gov family of apps. The state has developed 12 different mobile apps to help serve & "=5%%LK%%KX& %%7 WHEREAS, U. J. Corporation, the sole owner of the territory to be annexed, have petitioned the Town of Centerville pursuant to I.C. 364-3-5.1; and WHEREAS, a description of the territory to be annexed is attached hereto as Exhibit A, (the “Annexation Territory”); and WHEREAS, Indiana Code § 36-4-3-2.5 requires that an annexation of territory must also include the entire width of contiguous areas of the public highway and rights-of-way of the public highway (collectively, the “Public Highway”); and WHEREAS, the Annexation Territory consists of approximately 9.657 acres +/-, located in Center Township and generally located north of the Town of Centerville and adjacent to Centerville Road North; and WHEREAS, =?=<==G K!#?L of the Town of Centerville that meets the requirements of Indiana Code 36-4-3-13(d), NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Centerville, Wayne County, Indiana, that: SECTION I. The above recitals are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein below. SECTION II. In accordance with Indiana Code § 36-4-3-1 et seq., the Annexation Territory and the entire with of any contiguous Public Highway is hereby annexed to the Town and thereby included within the corporate boundaries pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance. SECTION III. Consistent with and based upon its zoning prior to annexation, the Annexation Territory is hereby assigned to the Commercial (C3) Zoning District of the Town of Centerville’s Zoning Code upon the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION IV. The Annexed Territory is hereby assigned to Town Council Ward No. 5 and shall become a part thereof immediately upon the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION V. The above-described annexation is therefore accomplished in accordance with Indiana Code 36-4-3-1 et-seq., pursuant to L ?L?==== ?=<L= Town Council adopted Resolution No. 2014-05 on November 11, 2014. SECTION VI. All prior ordinances or parts thereof which may be inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. The sections, subsections, paragraphs, references, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable. If any phrase, clause, reference, paragraph, subsections and sections of the Ordinance are declared unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION VII. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect in accordance with Indiana law, upon its passage by the Town Council, its publication in accordance with law, and upon the occurrence of any other legally required acts, including passage of any applicable waiting =>=?M?Q====?V==== Upon motion duly made and seconded, this Ordinance No. 2014-08 is hereby passed and adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Centerville, Wayne County, Indiana, on this 9th day of December, Twenty Fourteen. THE TOWN COUNCIL OF CENTERVILLE, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA Dan Wandersee, President Paul Widau, Member Douglas Dillman, Member Kate Johnson Keep, Member Jack Bodiker, Member ATTESTED BY: Janice Roberts, Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Centerville, Indiana Instrument Prepared by: Edward O. Martin, Esq., Town Attorney EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION TERRITORY The real estate in the County of Wayne, in the State of Indiana, thus bounded and described as follows: “Situated in the Southwest Quarter of Section Five (05), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Fourteen (14) East, Center Township, Wayne >>'=?#+===^G=_ !>`'{>??| Recorder, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing, by record, at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence, by record, North 00°04’ East 142.52 feet along the centerline of Centerville Road to a point of curve on said centerline; thence, by record, northeastwardly along said centerline an arc distance of 625.42 feet to a point of tangency; thence, by record, North 25°05’ East 212.82 feet along said centerline to the point of intersection of said centerline with the north line of Interstate Route Number 70; thence by record, South 64°55’ East 23.00 feet to a concrete highway, right-of-way, monument at the intersection of the north line of Interstate Route Number 70 with the east line of Centerville Road; thence, by record, South 19°50’ West 391.85 feet along the east line of said Centerville Road, also being the north line of said Interstate Route Number 70, to a 3/4 inch iron pipe found, being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING for the tract herein described; thence South 70°10’42” East 249.97 feet along a north line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being the south line of a 1.43 acre tract described in Instrument Number 1995011282, to a 5/8 inch iron pin found; thence North 19°54’20” East 420.87 feet along a west line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being the east line of said 1.43 acre tract and the east line of a 2.85 acre tract described in Deed Records Volume 474, Page 101, to a 1 inch iron pipe found, witness a 3/4 inch iron pipe found South 19°54’20” West 117.11 feet; thence North 89°35’00” East 997.77 feet along a north line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being the south line of a 0.967 acre tract described in Deed Records Volume 480, Page 749, and the south line of a 3.167 acre tract described in Deed Records Volume 410, Page 100, and the south line of a 11.962 acre tract described in Deed Records Volume 410, Page 98, to an iron pin set, witness a 3/4 inch iron pipe found North 89°35’00” East 200.00 feet; thence South 00°55’53” East 181.82 feet along a west line of a 1.876 acre tract described in Deed Records Volume 408, Page 378, to a 3/4 inch iron pipe found; thence North 85°22’35” West 740.76 feet along a north line of said 1.876 acre tract, to a point; thence South 05°29’24” West 10.00 feet along a west line of said 1. 876 acre tract, to a point; LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION Notice is hereby given pursuant to Indiana Code 6-1.1-20-3.1 that the Board of School Trustees of Centerville-Abington Community Schools did, on December 18, 2014, make a preliminary determination to enter into a lease for the renovation of and improvements to Rose Hamilton Elementary School (the “Project”). The Project will have total project costs of approximately $4,800,000 which will be funded by one or more of the following sources: capital projects fund, construction account and a bond issue of $4,300,000. The lease will be for a maximum term of twenty (20) years with a maximum annual lease rental of $360,000. The maximum annual lease rental has been estimated based upon an estimated principal amount of bonds of $4,300,000 and estimated interest rates ranging from 1.00% to 6.00% and total estimated interest costs of $2,100,000. The School Corporation’s current debt service levy is $1,922,900 and the current rate is $0.7128. After the School Corporation enters into the proposed lease and the bonds are issued, the debt service levy will have a maximum impact of $360,000 and the debt service rate will have a maximum impact of $0.1265; however, as other debt is retired, it is expected that the net increase to the tax levy and rate will be 0. The purpose of the lease is to provide for the construction of the Project. Any owners of real property within the School Corporation or registered voters residing within the School Corporation who want to initiate a petition and remonstrance process against the proposed lease !"#" not later than 30 days after publication of this notice. Dated December 24, 2014. Susan Dell Hamilton Secretary, Board of School Trustees Centerville-Abington Community Schools #300-14 12/24/2014 thence South 85°22’35” East 741.73 feet along a south line of said 1.876 acre tract, to iron pin set; thence South 00°03’26” East 170.63 feet along a west line of said 1.876 acre tract, to iron pin set; thence North 85°11’01” West 635.93 feet along a south line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being the north line of a 13.538 acre tract described in Deed Records Volume 400, Page 327, to a 5/8 inch iron pin found; thence South 00°13’53” West 147.77 feet along a south line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being a north line of said 13.538 acre tract, to a 5/8 inch iron pin found; thence North 89°59’42” West 397.57 feet along a south line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being a north line of said 13.538 acre tract, to a 3/4 inch pipe found; thence South 00°00’00” East 40.00 feet along a south line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being the north line of said 13.538 acre tract, to a 3/4 inch pipe found; thence North 70°13’35” West 387.70 feet along a south line of said 11.538 acre tract, also being the north line of a 2.71 acre tract described in Deed Records Volume 431, Page 361, to a 3/4 inch pipe found; thence North 20°05’52” East 50.51 feet along the west line of said 11.538 acre tract, to the point of beginning, containing 9.653 acres, more or less, being subject to easement as set out in Deed Record 408, page 378, easement as set out in Deed Record 340, page 504, rights and obligations as set out in Deed Record 360, page 223, covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in Plat Book 10, page 387 and Deed Record 340, page 504, and any other legal easements of record. (More commonly known as 2407 N. Centerville Road, Centerville, Indiana.) ALSO INCLUDING: THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE RIGHTS-OF-WAY THAT ARE CONTIGUOUS WITH THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND SURVEY. #304-14 12/24/2014 16 - Western Wayne News, Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Anniversaries Rhim’s Hill in the Winter I used to go to Rhim’s hill in the winter to ride my sled. The hill was huge, both high and long, and it took forever to trudge to the top of the hill to slide down. This monster hill was located at the end of West Front St., across N. Mulberry St. This is a tee intersection with the hill on the west side of Mulberry. With excitement and trepidation, I went to the clubhouse to get my sled. I had a clubhouse in my back yard that was a playhouse for the girls that lived in the house before we moved into it in the spring of 1948. At the time we moved in, it became a clubhouse and it was still standing the last time I went by the house. This was a time of excitement to get to go Rhim’s hill but danger lurked in all the trees and with the bigger boys. It seems that back then, I was afraid of everything ... even the dark. With all my layers of clothing, hat, coat, boots, and dry gloves (gloves never stayed dry for long in the winter) I was off to Rhim’s hill. The sled was hanging in the clubhouse all year unless we were using the clubhouse and then it hung in the garage. Needless to say, the runners were rusty from a season of non-use. I suppose the thing to do would be to have sanded the runners and oiled everything. Did I do that? Of course not! I just pulled the sled from my home that was close to St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church and across Simmons St. to Rhim’s hill. I tried to drag it across all of the pavement that was clear of snow and ice so the runners would be shiny and slick by the time I arrived. The process worked well. It seems that this was ‘the spot’ on this side of Cambridge because Mulberry St. was blocked off on both sides of the hill and Front St. was blocked off down the street a ways so we could slide down the hill and into the street. Additionally, I heard that the owners watered the hill to make it better for sledding. I never knew who owned the property but, I assume, it was someone in the Rhim family. As I approached the hill, excitement grew as I was looking at hundreds of kids sliding down the hill. There were probably only a dozen or so but in a little kid’s mind, there were a lot. LEGAL ADVERTISING Arriving NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS at the hill, I AND MEETING OF WAYNE COUNTY COUNCIL stayed to the Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Wayne County, Indiana, side with my that the County Council of said county will meet in the Administration Building, 401 East Main Street, Richmond, Indiana, at sled and start8:00 a.m. on the 7th day of January 2015, to consider transfers, ed up the hill. the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget of the current year, and other miscellaneous business. I remember the long arduImmediately following the Council Meeting, the County Personnel Committee will meet in the Commissioners Conference ous climb and Room, also located in the Wayne County Administration Building, followed by a meeting of the Finance Committee. watching the sleds whizIn addition, the Wayne County Council and Wayne County Commissioners will meet in public session on Wednesday, January zing by as othAlso, Council has scheduled a special meeting on Monday, December 29th, 2014 at 10:15 AM for purposes of adopting the 2015 salary ordinance amendment. Amount Requested Wayne County Convention and Tourism, #019 Administrative 87,870.00 Supplies 6,700.00 Other Services 74,719.00 Capital Outlays 7,326.00 Promotion 358,385.00 Total 535,000.00 Debt Service 54,103.96 Total 589,103.96 Economic Development Corporation #170 Personal Services Supplies Other Services Capital Outlays Total 290,777.78 11,400.00 235,630.00 5,500.00 543,307.78 Cum Courthouse #016 Various Expenses 100,000.00 Cum Cap Development #156 Various Expenses 100,000.00 Edit #169 Various Expenses 100,000.00 Consolidated Edit #170 Various Expenses 250,000.00 January Additional Appropriations Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be ==L== be referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners, which => => ? == =' ? Q = ? ? > = other place as may be designated. At such hearing taxpayers objecting to any or such additional appropriations may be heard. Interested taxpayers may inquire of the Auditor when and where such hearing may be held. Karen Stevens Wayne County Auditor #302-14 12/24/2014 Thanks for Reading Western Wayne News! We want your news and photos! Email us at westernwaynenews@frontier.com. 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM to discuss matters and take necessary actions on miscellaneous county business. er kids were enjoying sledding on the hill. The climb was long " arrived and was ready. Uh oh, now the real fear set in. It was a long way down and the speed would be unbelievable. Another problem was that other kids would pile on as you would get started. This was a common practice where one would start and someone else ?%% you. It seems that most of the sleds went down with two kids and not one. The problem with this practice was with the skill of the second kid in hitting the target without turning over the sled in the process. That would entail picking out the larger kids to ride with so as to put the most weight on the bottom. Since I was a larger (read fat) kid, I almost never got to go down by myself. It seemed that the ride to the bottom was like being shot from a cannon. The hill was icy and there were trees along the way with an icy path in between them. This was a very dangerous hill and we were going very fast and running between the trees. At the bottom was the street and the speed was at least 100 MPH ... OK, maybe 20 or so but it seemed like 100! At the bottom, we crossed Mulberry and raced along Becker's greenhouses forever until we came to a stop. It was only after we stopped that I found out who was riding with me and now we faced the long trek back to the top of the hill. After many trips to the top, I was tired and cold, my hands were freezing, my ears were numb and it was time to go home. I think my gloves would have stayed dry were it not for throwing snowballs at the sleds going down the hill. After all, they threw snowballs at me when I was going down. Getting home was interesting. It felt good to strip out of all of my outer clothes with the exception that my pant legs were always icy and freezing against my legs once my boots wereoff. I had to strip off my jeans so that mom could drape them onto the radiator with my wet gloves. Now came the bad part, warming the hands. I wanted to put them under warm water but dad insisted that I use cold water. It didn't make sense to me that cold water would burn my hands but it did. It was only after my hands had warmed up that warm water could be used. I can't remember how old I was when I went to Rhim's " outgrew sledding down the hill. Recalling the adventures makes me want to buy a sled and go again to Rhim's hill. At this point in my life, I am sure that one of the trees would get in my way. I was explaining to my wife about the excitement and fun I had on that huge hill and then took her by to see it for herself. I was saddened when I noticed that the house that stood on the crest of the hill was gone and we were amazed when we realized how small the hill actually was. It is amazing to me how our memory changes over the years and how big things are to children. As remembered by Charlie (Kenny) Eldridge December 25 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moore December 26 Mr. & Mrs. Randy Bowling Mr. & Mrs. Jack Jarvis December 27 Mr. & Mrs. Rick Brown Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Foster Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Noe |}|~Z? Mr. & Mrs. Don Rusk December 28 Mr. & Mrs. Everett Boyd December 29 Mr. & Mrs. Doug Eckart Mr. & Mrs. James Gerrian Mr. & Mrs. Verus Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Terry Scott December 30 Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Froman Mr. & Mrs. John Froman Mr. & Mrs. Roger Smith December 31 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Foster Mr. & Mrs. Larry Harris Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jobe Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Poole Mr. & Mrs. Gary Moore Happy Birthday Daddy! Love, Logan, McKenna & Family Western Wayne News Wednesday, December 24, 2014 - 17 Email your ads to: westernwaynenews@frontier.com WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Antiques, Paintings & Overbeck Pottery, Sets of Sterling, Antique Toys, Old Advertising Pieces, Anything unusual - Give us a Call!! Wheeler’s Antiques 107 W. Main Street Centerville, IN (765) 855-3400 CLOCK REPAIR THE OLD CLOCK SHOP Clock Repair, Old & Modern Clocks, Watch Battery Replacement, Old & New Lamp Repair. 320 S. Ash St. Centerville, IN 765-855-5511 Bill Senters & Larry Hensley WANTED: USED AUTOS DUBLIN USED AUTO PARTS 38 North Dublin Street Dublin, IN Wanted: used batteries, motorcycles, trucks, cars, lawn mowers, tractors & scrap metal. Will haul away. Free estimates on buying junk cars & trucks. Call Gary Longnecker at 765-478-4519 or 765-265-2033. (OGB) FOR RENT Price Reduced! HOUSE FOR RENT IN CAMBRIDGE CITY: 132 E Main. 2BR, 1BA, dining & living room, large kitchen, washer/dryer hook/up, shed in back yard, large front porch. Professionally landscaped, brick paver walkway. $535 month + $750 security deposit. New paint & carpet. $25 fee for credit application. Good credit a must. No pets. 630-777-4391. (7/31 OGB) DRIVERS: CARTER EXPRESS – Now Hiring CDL-A Solos up to 46 cpm; Teams up to 56 cpm Home Weekly; No Slip Seat; Newer Equipment <@G Driver Grads up to 40 cpm No CDL-A, no problem we ='?= apps. 877-723-8932. (1/7) (12/24) FOR RENT: 1-2BR, 329 W Church St, Cambridge City. No pets. $400 plus deposit. 8255886. No calls after 8 p.m. (1/7) HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE: 3BR, 2BA in Williamsburg area. Northeastern Schools. Needs updates. Call 765-259-1478. Leave message (1/21) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Superior 1 Court of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D01-1412-EU-000066 Notice is hereby given that Olin Martin Wiland was on the 18th day of December, 2014, appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of OLIN K. WILAND, deceased, who died on the 6th day of December, 2014. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not > ??=? =in three (3) months from the date ?= ? or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 18th day of December, 2014. Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Superior 1 Court Douglas B. Oler, Atty #303-14 12/24, 12/31/2014 R&R SALES We buy batteries, copper, junk cars & trucks, wrecked or runnable. $HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR JUNK CARS! We will pick up. GLEN REDD 765-825-0166 or 765-265-1800. (9/24) “It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.” ~W.T. Ellis “He who has not Christmas in his heart tree.” ~Roy L. Smith LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Circuit Court of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89C01-1412-ES-000055 Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of December, 2014, Laverne E. Clingenpeel is appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of PAULINE K. DRULEY, deceased, who died on the 29th day of November, 2014. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not > ??=? = three (3) months from the date of = ? or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 5th day of December, 2014. Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Circuit Court Robert L. Bever, Atty #288-14 12/17, 12/24/2014 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Superior Court #2 of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D02-1412-EU-000065 Notice is hereby given on the 8th day of December, 2014, Frederick A. Adelsperger and Sylvia L. Black are appointed Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of FREDERICK J. ADELSPERGER, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of November, 2014. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not > ??=? = three (3) months from the date of = ? or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 8th day of December, 2014. Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Superior 2 Court John M. Sayre III, Atty #291-14 12/17, 12/24/2014 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Superior Court #2 of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D02-1412-ES-000056 Notice is hereby given on the 8th day of December, 2014, Sara Sue Brewer is appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of JERALDINE G. CRAIG, deceased, who died on the 27th day of November, 2014. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not > ??=? =in three (3) months from the date ?= ? or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 8th day of December, 2014. Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Superior 2 Court George M. Sowers, Atty #290-14 12/17, 12/24/2014 Thanks for Reading Western Wayne News! Tue - Fri: 9-5 Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Wayne County, Indiana, will receive sealed bids and proposals for the year 2015 for Fuel Purchases through an Integrated Dispensing and Managing System for use by the Wayne County Government Vehicles and Gasoline and Diesel Fuel for use by the Wayne County Highway Department. M ?= =V' required delivery times are available for public inspection in the Wayne =? Wayne County Administration Building, 401 East Main Street, Richmond, Indiana 47374. Sealed bids will be received until 10:00 a.m., local time, Wednesday, January 7, 2015 in the Com=? a properly executed Non-Collusion Q? L publicly opened and read aloud immediately thereafter. All materials to be delivered Wayne County Highway Supervisor free of freight, express, drayage or other charges, F.O.B. Wayne County Highway Garage, Centerville, Indiana, or F.O.B. job site as designated by the Wayne County Highway Supervisor. Each bid shall be accompanied by a surety bond or certi ?= ? | County Commissioners in a sum equal to ten per cent (10%) of the amount of the contract price but in no event shall such bond or check be less than $500.00 and shall in all respects conform with the laws governing such matters. Successful bidder must be prepared to submit a Performance Bond. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Wayne County Commissioners Denny Burns Mary Anne Butters Kenneth Paust December 17, 2014 Attest: Karen L. Stevens, Wayne County Auditor #293-14 12/17, 12/24/2014 Handmade Greeting Cards by j.s.p. at Western Wayne News & Building 125 & Stage Door! STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF WAYNE ) HELP WANTED 2BR APT FOR RENT: 330 W Church St, Cambridge City. No HELP WANTED: Man for partyard, no pets. $350 mo + $400 time work. If interested call deposit. 765-825-5886. No calls 489-5911. (12/24) after 8 p.m. (12/24) LEGAL ADVERTISING HOUSE FOR RENT: 207 River Street, Milton. 2 bedroom $550/ mo. $550 deposit. 765-256-0443 LEGAL ADVERTISING STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF WAYNE ) IN THE WAYNE CIRCUIT COURT 2014 TERM Cause No. 89C01-1411-MI-000110 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: MARIANNA JEFFERS, TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Marianna Jeffers has petitioned the Wayne Circuit Court of said County and State, said petition having been #?K=> 2014, to have her name changed from Marianna Jeffers to Marianne Jeffers, and that petition and application will be presented to and heard by said Court on the 3rd day of February, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Any person may appear at the hearing =posed change of name of Marianna Jeffers to Marianne Jeffers. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2014. Debra Berry, Clerk Wayne Circuit Court GARDNER, SAYRE & WEIKART Attorneys for the Petitioner 1050 North J Street Richmond, IN 47374 Telephone: 765-966-6688 #286-14 12/10,12/17, 12/24/2014 IN THE WAYNE SUPERIOR COURT 2 Cause No. 89D02-1410-MF-000182 2014 Term HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GREATER RICHMOND, INDIANA, INC. Plaintiff, vs. KIMBERLY YOUNG, GLENTIVOUS YOUNG, CITY OF RICHMOND, DOROTHY J. JOHNSON, FINANCE SYSTEM OF RICHMOND, INC. CENTENNIAL RANDOLPH CELLULAR, LLC, ASSET ACQUISITION GROUP, LLC, GIRL SCOUTS OF TREATY LINE COUNCIL, MIDLAND FUNDING, LLC, as assignee of HSBC BANK NEVADA, N.A., JAYME MONTALVO, SAMANTHA M. WATSON, WAYNE COUNTY TREASURER, and UNION FEDERAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS, Defendants. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Superior Court 1 of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D01-1410-ES-000057 Notice is hereby given that John R. Mendenhall, was on the 10th day of December, 2014, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of JANA R. MENDENHALL, who died on the 30th day of June, 2014. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not > ??=? = three (3) months from the date of the = ?=in nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 10th day of December, 2014. Debra Berry, Clerk Wayne Superior Court 1 John M. Sayre, III, Atty #297-14 12/24, 12/31/2014 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Superior Court #2 of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D02-1412-ES-000059 Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of December, 2014, SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Arthur Eugene Powell is appointed Personal Representative of the EsTO: DOROTHY J. JOHNSON, tate of MARJORIE JEAN STANT, GIRL SCOUTS OF TREATY LINE deceased, who died on the 30th day COUNCIL, and JAYME MONTALVO, of November, 2014. WHOSE WHEREABOUTS ARE UNAll persons who have claims KNOWN: against this estate, whether or not > You have been named as a ??=? = party defendant in a certain action three (3) months from the date of the pending before the Wayne Superior = ?=Court No. 2 and there bearing Cause in nine (9) months after the deceNo. 89D02-1410-MF-000182. The dent’s death, whichever is earlier, or exact nature of said action can be the claims will be forever barred. ascertained by an examination of a Dated at Richmond, Indiana, ? this 11th day of December, 2014. with the Clerk of this court. The civil Debra Berry, Clerk, action may be generally characterWayne Superior Court #2 ized as one to foreclose a real estate John M. Sayre, III, Atty mortgage securing a promissory note #298-14 12/24, 12/31/2014 on real estate in which you may claim an interest. The real estate affected NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING by said foreclosure action is as folWAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA lows: BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Lot Number Twelve (12) of Robert Notice is hereby given that a Faus Subdivision, part of Lots 23 public hearing will be held on Thursand 24 in Greenwood Addition, part day, January 8, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. of the Northwest Quarter, Section in the Commissioners and Council 9, Township 13N, Range 1W in Plat Chambers in the Wayne County AdBook 1, page 109 and recorded ministration Building, 401 East Main December 12, 2001 at Instrument K ! ? ? Street, Richmond, Indiana, on the following three petitions: the Recorder of Wayne County, 1. BZA 2015-01: Petition of Indiana. Jonas S. and Mamie F. Fisher for a Variance of Use to amend BZA Commonly known as 1521 Faus 2014-36 to also allow the retail sale Place, Richmond, IN 47374. of furniture as part of a family owned = ? = = =' The name and address of the business inside an existing building attorney representing the plaintiff, at 10961 N. Centerville Road, WilHabitat for Humanity of Greater liamsburg, Indiana 47393, A-1 AgRichmond, Indiana, Inc., seeking ricultural District, part of the Northservice herein is as follows: Bruce west Quarter Section 29, Township D. Metzger (No. 9994-27), KNOLL, 18 North, Range 14 East, Green KOLGER, SOWERS & METZGER, Township, 48.193 acres. 111 South 7th Street, Suite A, Rich2. BZA 2015-02: Petition of mond, IN 47374. owner Charles D. Cheeseman and applicant Joyce Bruner for a Special You must respond within thirty Exception to place a mobile home at days after this notice is last published 6685 SR 38, Greens Fork, Indiana '=====47345, A-1 Agricultural District, part ate pleading to plaintiff’s complaint of the Northeast Quarter Section 31, in said Court. If you fail to do so, Township 17 North, Range 14 East, judgment by default may be entered Center Township, 3.678 acres. against you for the relief requested in 3. BZA 2015-03: Petition of plaintiff’s complaint. Kenneth B. Sexton for a Variance from the Development Standards Debra Berry, Clerk to reduce the minimum required Wayne Superior Court No. 2 side yard setback for a proposed Bruce D. Metzger, atty detached garage in the side yard #289-14 12/17,12/24, 12/31/2014 area at 10105 College Corner Road, Greens Fork, Indiana 47345, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION A-1 Agricultural District, part of the In the Superior Court I of Southwest Quarter Section 15, Wayne County, Indiana Township 16 North, Range 13 East, Cause No. 89D02-1412-EU-000064 Harrison Township, 15.000 acres. Notice is hereby given that Shirley A. Longworth, was on the 5th BY: Kristen Ward, Chairman day of December, 2014, appointed ATTEST: Steve Higinbotham, Personal Representative of the esSecretary tate of FRANK J. LONGWORTH, #301-14 12/24/2014 who died on the 20th day of February, 2014. All persons who have claims NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION against this estate, whether or not In the Superior Court 1 of > Wayne County, Indiana ??=? = Cause No. 89D01-1412-ES-000058 three (3) months from the date of the Notice is hereby given that = ?= Edwin L. Godfrey, by Kate Johnnine (9) months after the decedent’s son-Keep, Attorney-in-Fact, was on death, whichever is earlier, or the the 11th day of December, 2014, apclaims will be forever barred. pointed Personal Representative of Dated at Richmond, Indiana, the estate of DORIS P. GODFREY, this 5th day of December, 2014. who died on the 9th day of DecemDebra Berry, Clerk, ber, 2007. Wayne Superior 1 Court All persons who have claims Ryan K. Ledbetter, Atty against this estate, whether or not #292-14 12/17, 12/24/2014 > ??=? = three (3) months from the date of the = ?=Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. in nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or Closed Monday the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, Ad Deadline: this 11th day of December, 2014. Thursday 5 p.m. Debra Berry, Clerk Wayne Superior Court 1 Email westernwayneEdward O. Martin, Atty #299-14 12/24, 12/31/2014 news@frontier.com LEGAL ADVERTISING SUMMONS - SERVICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF WAYNE ) IN THE WAYNE SUPERIOR COURT 1 Cause No. 89D01-1412-MF-000221 FIRST BANK RICHMOND, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. KATHERINE B. BALL, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST DENNS A. BALL, Deceased, CAPITAL ONE BANK, UNIFUND CCR PARTNERS AS ASSIGNEE OF PALISADES COLLECTION, LLC, DISCOVER BANK, ASSET ACCEPTANCE, LLC, FEDERATED FINANCIAL CORP. ASSIGNEE OF ADVANTA, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the Defendant(s) above named, and any other person who may be concerned. = = have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is: Complaint on Note and to Foreclose Mortgage against the property commonly known as 438 S.W. 3rd Street, Richmond, Indiana, and described as follows: Lot Number ten (10) in that part of the City of Richmond, laid out by Arthur W. Bliss as a subdivision of the Addition of the Commissioners appointed to make partition of the estate of Nathan Morgan, deceased. The summons by publication is = ?ing named defendant(s) whose whereabouts are unknown: The Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Assignees, Lienors, Creditors, Trustees, or other Claimants claiming by, through, under or against Dennis A. Ball. If you have a claim for relief against the plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer or response. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, within thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit, and if you fail to do so a judgment by default may be entered against you for that relief demanded, by the Plaintiff. PARKER LAW LLC, Craig C. Parker Attorney No. 25370-89 Attorney for Plaintiff 303 South A Street, Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 373-8065 NOTICE PARKER LAW LLC IS A DEBT COLLECTOR Filed December 5, 2014 Debra Berry, Clerk Wayne Superior I Court #296-14 12/24,12/31/2014,1/7/2015 “The best of all gifts tree: the presence other.” ~Burton Hillis “One of the most glorious messes in room on Christmas ~Andy Rooney
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