10 - Saint Joseph Telegraph Saint Joseph Telegraph

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kristin m. nava
1986 - 2014 | age 28
kristin marie (schneider) nava, 28,
st. Joseph, died Wednesday, December
17, 2014 at mosaic Life care.
she was born January 22, 1986 to
scott and Deborah (masterson)
schneider in Pomona, Ca.
kristin married Luis nava July 29,
she had worked as an assistant manager & cashier for arby’s, mcalisters,
Fastgas, speedy’s and recently as a
cashier for sam’s club.
survivors: husband, Luis nava of the
home; children, madison and Cody
schneider of the home; parents, scott
and Deborah schneider, st. Joseph;
brother, scott schneider, ii, st. Joseph;
sister, Heather schneider, st. Joseph;
and numerous nieces, nephews, aunts,
uncles and cousins.
Healing Farewell: tuesday, December 23 meierhoffer Funeral Home &
Crematory. interment memorial Park
Cemetery. in lieu of flowers the family requests memorial donations to help
her children. Online guest book and
obituary at www.meierhoffer.com.
LOrree OLiver
1924 - 2014 | age 90
Lorree Oliver, 90, st. Joseph, died
monday, December 15, 2014 at a local
healthcare facility.
she was born June 17, 1924 to Harley
and Lottie Collier in albany, mO.
On December 2, 1945, Lorree married
her high school sweetheart, robert F.
Oliver. the two had a close and joyous
relationship until his sudden passing on
november 25, 1996.
Lorree worked side by side with her
husband, Bob, at both the bank in king
City, mO and the Farmer’s Bank of
maysville, mO. she is very strong in
her religious beliefs and was an active
member in the maysville Christian
Church and transferred her membership to Wyatt Park Christian Church
when she moved to st. Joseph after the
passing of Bob. Lorree has been a
member of the P.e.O. since 1948.
she was preceded in death by her parents; husband; brothers; Orvin and
Dorsey Collier, sisters; Cova spiking
and Colleen Gillip, and grandson
Christopher Livingston.
survivors: daughters, kathy
Constable (Denny), independence, mO
and tami Claycomb (rich), agency,
mO; four grandchildren, Lorrissa
rawlinson, Lake Winnebago, mO,
Jennifer schmidt (Jake), Lee’s summit,
mO, Josh Oliver, st. Joseph, and Jamie
Dinneen, st. Joseph; four great-grandchildren; Payton and Carter schmidt,
maddox Oliver and Jane rawlinson;
and many nieces and nephews.
Healing Farewell: thursday,
December 18 meierhoffer Funeral
Home & Crematory. interment king
City Cemetery. Family request memorial gifts to be made to PeO Chapter
Dv, maysville, mO. Online guest book
and obituary at www.meierhoffer.com.
ODessa m. Oram
1913 - 2014 | age 101
Odessa marie Oram, passed away
December 21, 2014. she was born in
February of 1913. she celebrated her
birth each year on February 6th.
Odessa was preceded in death by her
first husband, Oliver L. Link and by her
second husband edwin Oram.
she is survived by a sister, alberta
Hutchison and many nieces and
nephews. she lived a wonderful and
adventurous life.
natural Farewell under the direction
of meierhoffer Funeral Home &
Crematory. Online guest book and obituary at www.meierhoffer.com.
PatriCk r. sCHiesL
1965 - 2014 | age 49
Patrick r. schiesl, 49, Overland Park,
ks. died monday, December 22, 2014,
at mosaic Life Care.
He was born October 8, 1965 to
Lawrence and Janet (Burrowes)
Patrick graduated from LeBlond High
school, missouri Western state
University and U.m.k.C. with his
master’s in Business administration.
He was a Certified Public accountant
and worked in the banking industry for
20 years.
mr. schiesl was a member of st.
Joseph Cathedral Catholic Church; he
was also an eagle scout from troop
#47, and tribe of mic-O-say.
He was preceded in death by his
father, Larry schiesl.
survivors: mother, Janet schiesl; sister, sue schiesl Hodson, (Brad)
Pittsburg, ks; brothers, matthew e.
schiesl, (susan) kansas City, mO, Lt.
Col. michael a. schiesl, U.s.a.,
(Heidi) vicenza, italy, and tim L.
schiesl, st. Joseph; nieces and
nephews, scott, sarah, Brian, and
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tHUrsDaY, DeCemBer 25, 2014
tHe saint JOsePH teLeGraPH
Jonathan schiesl, and Hannah, abby,
kate, and Daniel Hodson; special
friend, karen kelley; aunts, Joy
schiesl, madeleine sanders, and Betsy
morrison; and numerous cousins.
mass of Christian Burial: 1:00 P.m.
saturday, Dec. 27 st. Joseph Cathedral
Catholic Church. Private inurnment
mt. Olivet Cemetery. Prayer service
6:00 P.m. Friday, where the family will
gather with friends 6:30 to 8:00 P.m.
Friday, meierhoffer Funeral Home &
Crematory. Flowers are appreciated
and for those wishing to make a contribution, the family requests they be
made to st. Joseph Cathedral Catholic
Church or Bishop LeBlond High
rOBert L. smULLin
1951 - 2014 | age 63
robert Lee “Bob” smullin, 63, st.
Joseph, passed Wednesday,December
17, 2014 at mosaic Life Care.
He was born september 23, 1951 to
thurman and elizabeth smullin in
Chicago, iL. Bob married Donna
mcLaughlin on June 30, 1988.
He was a certified medication tech at
Carriage square and enjoyed cooking
for his family.
He was preceded in death by his parents; and son-in-law, Charlie Cook.
survivors: Wife; son; aaron smullin,
daughter’s; renee Cook (Brian
mcClintick), Brittany smullin, and
Jenny Wing (keith), grandchildren;
mallory, trevor, Logan, ethan, emma,
and macie, sister’s; Joann Williams
(mike), Loretta Brown, rosie and
Joetta, and his beloved cat, tigger.
simple Farewell: saturday, December 20 meierhoffer Funeral Home &
Crematory. in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the family to help
with funeral expenses.
GraCe sPraGUe-nOLan
2014 - 2014 | age
Grace nicole-miracle sprague-nolan
20 day old newborn infant, passed
away Wednesday, December 17, 2014
in kansas City, mO hospital.
she was born november 27, 2014 in
kansas City, daughter of Julie nicole
sprague and ryan nolan.
Grace was preceded in death by
maternal great grandfather, David
sprague sr., paternal grandfather, Jeff
survivors include mother, Julie nicole
sprague, of saint Joseph, father, ryan
nolan of kY, maternal grandmother,
shandi Hart (tom miller), maternal
great grandmother, kelly Cline, maternal great grandfather, mark Hart,
maternal great great grandmother,
mary margaret Cline, maternal great
great grandmother, Betty Hart, maternal grandfather, David sprague Jr.,
maternal great grandmother, karen
sprague-Coil, paternal grandmother,
tracy kurtz; 4 uncles, isaiah sprague,
matthew sprague, Dallas sprague, and
aaron kurtz 2 aunts, rachael kurtz,
and araul-Chier Hart.
Graveside funeral services and interment Friday, December 19, 2014, at the
mount Olivet Cemetery. Online condolence and obituary at http://www.ruppfuneral.com
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202 Blake Street
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4th & Felix 36th & Frederick
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LOis a. straYer
1931 - 2014 | age 83
Lois a. strayer, 83, st. Joseph, passed
away sunday, December 14, 2014 at a
local health care facility surrounded by
her family.
Lois was born on June 20, 1931 to Leo
and Doris Yore in Granada, mn.
mrs. strayer worked as a teller at First
Federal Bank. she also worked in real
estate in Bella vista, ar. and at rod’s
Hallmark. she was a member of
Brookdale Presbyterian Church.
Lois married richard James strayer
on november 25, 1949 in algona,
iowa. He preceded her in death on
October 19, 2005. they shared 55
years of marriage together.
mrs. strayer is survived by her children; Pati (Owen) Jones, rex (Lisa)
strayer, Wilma (Dick) stanton and Lori
(Gary) Dye; 7 grandsons, 2 stepgrandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren;
three brothers, Jack, richard and Larry
and their wives and families.
she was preceded in death by her parents, mother and father in law; a brother, Wayne; sister, ramona and a
nephew, tom.
mrs. strayer has been cremated under
the direction of the Heaton-Bowmansmith & sidefaden Chapel.
Celebration of Life will be held at 1:00
Pm monday, april 13, 2015 at the
Brookdale Presbyterian Church.
inurnment of mr. & mrs. strayer will
be held at Walnut Grove Cemetery following the service. in lieu of flowers,
memorial donations may be made to
Brookdale Presbyterian Church, abbey
Woods or kendallwood Hospice.
CarOLeen viOLett
1946 - 2014 | age 68
Caroleen violett, 68, st. Joseph, died
monday, December 15, 2014 at her
she was born July 30, 1946 to estell
“e.C.” and ida may (Gregory) Grooms
in st. Joseph. Caroleen married mike
violett on October 20, 1972 at st.
Joseph Catholic Church in easton,
mO. He survives of the home.
she was a graduate of Bishop
LeBlond High school Class of 1964
and Platt-Gard Business College.
Caroleen was an administrative
assistant for many years ending her
career at the University of missouri
extension regional Office.
mrs. violett was a member of st.
Francis Xavier Catholic Church, where
she volunteered for many years on the
st. anne’s altar society. she was also
active as a volunteer with Pack &
troop 31 at st. Francis.
she was preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Janet strub and Barbara
Bonjean; and brother, Dennis Grooms.
additional survivors: daughter, Janelle mather (David), Platte City, mO;
son, kurt violett (tamara), mount
vernon, mO; and 5 grandchildren,
kacee reifsteck (tyler), shelby Lloyd,
karissa Lloyd, kara violett and Brett
mass of Christian Burial: thursday,
Dec. 18 st. Francis Xavier Catholic
Church. interment mount Olivet
meierhoffer Funeral Home &
Crematory. For those wishing to make
a contribution, the family requests they
be made to mosaic Life Care Hospice
or st. Francis student endowment
Fund. Online guest book and obituary
at www.meierhoffer.com.