ELGHS DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, December 23, 2014 www.elgs.k12.wi.us TODAY, TUESDAY: “Red & Green” Dress Up Day ALL SCHOOL POTLUCK LUNCHEON!! (Please have your food here BEFORE 11:15) January MarketDay Orders DUE ***The High Office will be CLOSED during the Christmas/Winter Break (Wednesday, Dec. 24th – Jan. 2nd, 2015) WEDNESDAY, December 24th – Friday, January 2, 2015: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY BREAK THURSDAY: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! FRIDAY: NO SCHOOL – Offices Closed MONDAY: NO SCHOOL – H.S. Offices Closed NO SCHOOL – Elem./M.S. Offices Open TUESDAY: NO SCHOOL – H.S. Offices Closed NO SCHOOL – Elem./M.S. Offices Open Girls’ BB @ Kiel (AWAY) (4:50 bus; 5:50 JV; 7:30 Varsity) WEDNESDAY: New Year’s Eve – NO SCHOOL – Offices Closed THURSDAY: HAPPY NEW YEAR!! NO SCHOOL – Offices Closed FRIDAY: NO SCHOOL – Offices Closed January Market Day On-line Orders DUE – 11:00 pm Wrestling vs. Shiocton (HOME) (6:00 weigh-ins; 7:00 matches) SATURDAY: Boys’ Co-op Swim @ Cedarburg Invite (AWAY) (11:00 bus; 1:00 meet) MONDAY, Jan. 5, 2015: CLASSES RESUME Band Pizza Order Forms DUE “Walk With a Purpose” Registration Forms DUE ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENTS!! AS A REMINDER…. TODAY IS A SCHEDULED SCHOOL DAY. CLASS PERIODS 1ST – 5TH WILL RUN AS SCHEDULED. The ALL SCHOOL POTLUCK LUNCH will start at approximately 11:45. (Please remember to have food here by 11:15 – see below) THIS AFTERNOON – Gingerbread House Making/Open Gym/Board Games/Wii/Christmas Movie – Fun and Stress Release BEFORE the Holidays!! Sign up if you are interested in getting involved and winning points for your class! The winning class WINS an ice cream sundae party! Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians - The Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah High School ALL-SCHOOL CHRISTMAS POTLUCK LUNCH is TODAY. Please bring the food to the cafeteria by 11:15 a.m., for we need to organize things and be ready to serve the students by 11:45 a.m. Students should bring food in containers that are DISPOSABLE, if possible, or marked legibly with their last name. If you would like to assist with the luncheon, please contact Mrs. Bunyea at 876-3381. THANK YOU for your help in making this a special Christmas lunch for everyone! The ELGHS Student Council, Mrs. Bunyea, and Mr. Brown. ***PLEASE REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR CONTAINERS HOME AT THE END OF THE DAY TODAY!!!*** There are a large number of students with OVERDUE BOOKS and OUTSTANDING LIBRARY FINES in the Library. Please take care of these BEFORE you leave for break and the fees increase. If you have any questions, please talk to Mrs. Hatas. The BAND is taking orders for their famous HOMEMADE BAND PIZZA’S!! Place your order with your favorite band member! Reminder to Band Members… your forms are DUE to Ms. Voss right after break, on MONDAY, JANUARY 5th! JANUARY MARKET DAY ORDER FORMS are available outside Mr. Brown’s office. Orders need to be returned to school by TODAY, Tuesday, Dec. 23rd and/or on-line orders can be placed until 11:00 pm on Friday, Jan. 2nd at www.marketday.com . MARKET DAY - New Customer Offer (Online Only) – Save $5 when you spend $25. Enter promotion code: BONUSNEW at checkout. Thank you to everyone that orders from Market Day! We have raised $370.94 so far this school year. Thank you for your support! Order pick-up is Wednesday, Jan 7th from 4:30 to 5:30 pm in the middle school cafeteria. Please note… due to the high school office being closed over the holiday, wrestling calendar winners will not be posted until Monday, January 5th. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation! FLOCK’ YOUR FRIEND’S LAWN TODAY! .... In exchange for a small donation of $20 to the ELGHS World Language Club, a surprise Pink Flamingo Flock will take roost in the lawn of a family member or friend for 48 hours! To place your “work order”, return a completed form along with your donation of $20 to the Elkhart LakeGlenbeulah High School office, Attn: Leslie Corbin. (forms are available both at the High school and Elementary/Middle schools or click the Pink Flamingo link to get yours TODAY!) (100% of the proceeds go the ELGHS World Language Club Costa Rica Spanish Language Immersion Trip – Summer 2015) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! UPCOMING DATES: - Market Day Pick up – Wednesday, Jan. 7th (4:30 to 5:30 – Middle School Cafeteria) - Financial Aid Workshop – Wednesday, Jan. 7th (Plymouth High School Auditorium – 6:00 pm) - Youth Apprenticeship (YA) Grading Conference – Week of January 12th – 16th - Alumni Pep Band – Friday, Jan. 16th (Boys’ BB Game) BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRENNEN CAIN FOR THIS FRIDAY (12/26)! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LUKE DONHAUSER FOR SUNDAY (12/28)! HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS High School / District Office Closed: December 24th – January 2nd Elementary / Middle School Open: December 29th & 30th 7:00am – 3:00pm Closed: December 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st and January 1st, 2nd HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! ~ ~ ~ “WALK WITH A PURPOSE” is a cancer run/walk event being held on Saturday, January 10th, 2015 from 12 to 3 pm in the High School gym (“relay for life” type of walk). All funds from this walk will benefit three area families with cancer: Barb Sander, Ray Maullmann, and Ty Struve. Registration forms for teams and/or individuals can be picked up in the high school office or Mrs. Roehl’s room or by clicking on the Walk With a Purpose link. Registration is $10 per person and all fees and forms/waivers need to be please returned by Monday, January 5th. If you raise $100, you will receive a free t-shirt. (Concessions will be available throughout the day.) THANK YOU FOR HELPING SUPPORT THIS VERY WORTHY CAUSE!! ~~~ LUNCH MENU Monday: Bob & Scott’s Catering (a la Carte) TODAY, Friday: ANNUAL ALL SCHOOL POTLUCK Seniors – Side Dishes; Juniors – Desserts; Sophomores – Salads; Freshmen and Staff – Main Dishes - -- - -- - -- GOOD LUCK to the GIRLS’ BASKETBALL TEAMS as travel to Kiel next Tuesday, December 30th and take on the Raiders. The bus leaves at 4:50; the J.V. game starts at 5:50; and the Varsity game will follow at 7:30 pm. GOOD LUCK to the ELKHART LAKE/HOWARDS GROVE CO-OP WRESTLING TEAM as they HOST the Shiocton Chiefs Friday, January 2nd HERE at HOME. Weigh-ins are at 6:00 pm and matches begin at 7:00 pm. Don’t forget that at ALL HOME DUALS the wrestlers are holding a “PIZZA FOR PINS” promotional. Anytime an ELG/HG wrestler pins their opponent, that wrestler will be drawing a winner from the crowd for a FREE PIZZA at Anchor Lanes! GO TEAM! Come out and support the team!! GOOD LUCK to ANDRES and the KIEL CO-OP BOYS’ SWIM TEAM as they compete at the Bulldog Invitational at Cedarburg on Saturday, January 3rd. The bus leaves Kiel at 11:00 and the first races begin at 1:00 pm The SOFTBALL TEAM is currently selling INSULATED ELGHS TUMBLERS for $15.00 each. They make great stock stuffers! Get yours from your favorite softball player today! - -- -- - - -- -- - GUIDANCE OFFICE NOTES & COLLEGE/MILITARY VISITS ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS (and parents): For those of you planning on attending a two-year or four-year college after high school, we are once again offering opportunities for you and your parents to better financially prepare for college. On Wednesday, January 7th, at 6:00pm, you are and your parents are invited to attend a Financial Aid Meeting at Plymouth High School (a central location for participating schools). A financial aid representative(s) will be presenting information on understanding how the public financial aid system operates and also provide observations about how colleges use information about a family’s financial status to help determine the distribution of financial aid funds. It is highly recommended students and parents of a first time college student to attend this meeting – during either the student’s junior or senior year, or possibly both. In the past, students and parents have found this meeting to be very helpful in understanding the financial process as a whole and in completing the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bunyea. ATTENTION SENIORS: the LOCAL SCHOLARSHIP BOOKLET is now updated and available for seniors to complete. It can be found on Mrs. Bunyea’s blog. A sheet with more information can be picked up in the Guidance Office, if needed. The application is due on Monday, Feb. 2, 2015. Please plan accordingly! SENIORS – Mrs. Bunyea has updated the collective scholarship list on her blog so please be sure to check out that list as soon as possible. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to apply for free money! UPCOMING COLLEGE/MILITARY REPS: Please plan to come see the rep during their scheduled time here. Please talk to your teacher(s) ahead of time to let them know you will be missing class that day to see the rep! (forms to get out of class are located in the Guidance and high school offices) U.S. MARINES REP – Tuesday, Jan. 6th (Lunch) U.S. ARMY REP – Wednesday, Jan. 7th (Lunch) LAKESHORE TECHNICAL COLLEGE (LTC) – Monday, Jan. 12th (1:00 – 3:00) - -- -- - - -- -- - 2014 ELKHART LAKE GLENBEULAH EDUCATION FOUNDATION ANNUAL ORNAMENT SALE ON SALE NOW!! The 2014 Christmas ornament is now available for purchase at either the High School or Elementary/Middle School offices. Make a donation in the name of an individual or family in the amount of $20 and receive a boxed ornament that you can give to acknowledge the donation – or just purchase one for yourself! For an order form, please see click on the following link (2014 Annual Ornament). Remember they make GREAT stocking stuffers! Thank you for supporting the ELGEF! ~ ~ ~ On behalf of the Administration, Faculty, and Staff We would like to wish everyone A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS And A JOYOUS NEW YEAR!! (GO Badgers and ON, Wisconsin!)
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