THE INCIDENCE OF POSTOPERATIVE RESIDUAL CURARIZATION FOLLOWING THE USE OF INTERMEDIATE-ACTING MUSCLE RELAXANTS AND RELATED FACTORS Ozlem Kocaturk*, Nil Kaan**, Nurten Kayacan*** and Fatma E rtugrul **** Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of residual curarization (RC) and related risk factors in the early and late postoperative periods in patients receiving general anesthesia with intermediateacting muscle relaxants. Methods: Two-hundred and eight American Society of Anesthesiologists class I and II patients, aged 18-70 years, who underwent general anesthesia with intermediate-acting muscle relaxants, were included. Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, tympanic temperature were recorded for each patient who was transported to the recovery room, every 10 minutes by a trained nurse. To define the efficacy of residual muscle relaxants, neuromuscular monitoring was performed, and Train of Four (TOF) ratios <90% were regarded as RC whereas ratios ≥90% were considered as adequate neuromuscular recovery in early and late recovery periods. Age, duration of anesthesia, repeated doses, reversal and types of intermediate-acting neuromuscular blockers were evaluated as risk factors for RC. Logistic Regression Analysis was performed to define the risk factors for RC in early and late periods. Results: The RC rate was 10.6% in the early recovery period, and short duration of anesthesia, repeated doses and lack of reversal use were the risk factors for RC. However, RC rate was 2.9% in the late recovery period, and the only risk factor was repeated doses. Conclusion: Reversal use was shown to reduce residual effects of intermediate-acting muscle relaxants in early recovery period, whereas risk of RC in 30 min in PACU was shown to increase with repeated doses of muscle relaxants. Keywords: Residual curarization, train-of-four, intermediate-acting muscle relaxants, postanesthesia care unit. * MD, Ataturk State Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Aydin, Turkey. ** MD, Professor, Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Aydin, Turkey. *** MD, Professor, Akdeniz University Faculty of Medecine, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Antalya, Turkey. ****MD, Assistant Professor, Akdeniz University Faculty of Medecine, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Antalya, Turkey. Corresponding author: Ozlem Kocaturk, MD, Ataturk State Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Aydin, Turkey. Tel: +90 536 7730400, Fax: +90 256 2135003. E-mail: 583 M.E.J. ANESTH 22 (6), 2014 584 Introduction Postoperative residual curarization (RC) in the recovery unit is a very important clinical problem and is described as the relationship of the train-of-four (TOF) fade ratio to signs and symptoms of muscle weakness1-3. Even when the effects of a muscle relaxant clinically disappear, some receptors in the nerve muscle junction are still blocked by the muscle relaxant agents4,5. Residual curarization was a problem due to the use of long-acting muscle relaxants in the past; however, it is also seen frequently with the use of intermediate-acting muscle relaxants6-11. High RC rates were reported by the use of both intermediate and long-acting muscle relaxants12-16. Generally, a single TOF measurement in the recovery room is used to determine the incidence of RC. In some studies, TOF was measured immediately after extubation, while in others10,16-20 the measurement was made upon arrival of the patient to the recovery room. However, there are few studies on the early and late residual effects of intermediate-acting muscle relaxants12. The purpose of this study was to detect the incidence of RC and to investigate the related factors, by neuromuscular monitoring in early and late periods of recovery in patients in the recovery room after general anesthesia with either vecuronium, rocuronium or atracurium. Materials and Methods The study was a prospective, observational investigation performed in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. After local ethic committee approval, written informed consents were obtained from all patients. Patients between 18 and 70 years of age in American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I or II were randomly assigned to receive an intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocking (NMB) agent (vecuronium, atracurium or rocuronium) during general anesthesia. The exclusion criteria were: 1) the presence of a renal, hepatic or a neuromuscular disease; 2) body Kocaturk o. et. al mass index >30%; 3) use of drugs known to interfere with neuromuscular transmission; 4) pregnancy; 5) refusal to participate the study; 6) craniotomies, cardiothoracic and vascular surgeries, emergency operations, surgeries requiring longer than 6 hours of anesthesia and operations requiring blood and fluid replacement. A dose of 0.05 mg/kg midazolam was given intramuscularly as a premedication 30 min before surgery. The selection of anesthetic induction (intravenous propofol 2-3 mg/kg, fentanyl 1-2μg/kg, lidocaine 1 mg/kg) and maintenance drugs (1-1.5% isoflurane and 1.5-2% sevoflurane), muscle relaxants (vecuronium, rocuronium, atracurium), intraoperative additional muscle relaxant use, the decision of extubation, reversal use and transfer to the recovery room was at the discretion of the anesthesiologist. Induction and maintenance doses of muscle relaxants are: vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg and 2 mg, rocuronium 0.5 mg/kg and 10 mg, atracurium 0.5 mg/ kg and 10 mg, respectively. In the event of inadequate spontaneous respiration after surgery or if the last dose of muscle relaxant was in the last 40 minutes of the surgery or if weak motor responses to verbal stimuli were present after extubation, neostigmine at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg and atropine were given to the patients. After extubation, the patients breathed 100% oxygen by mask, and kept in the operating room. Patients, who had verbal and motor responses to verbal stimuli (take their tongue out, open their eyes, hold their hands up above their heads), and had adequate spontaneous respiration were transferred to the recovery room as per the decision of the anesthesiologist. Neuromuscular monitoring was performed at the arrival and 30 minutes later in the recovery room. TOF fade ratios were measured by using acceleromyography (TOF-Watch©-SX; Organon Teknika, Dublin, Ireland). The arm where the measurements were taken was immobilized with a splint and was positioned to assure free movement of the thumb during nerve stimulation. An acceleration transducer was taped to the distal interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Supramaximal TOF stimulation was delivered to the ulnar nerve via surface electrodes. Two consecutive responses to TOF stimulation (separated by 15 s) were obtained, and the average of the two values was recorded. If the measurements differed by RESIDUAL CURARIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH INTERMEDIATE-ACTING MUSCLE RELAXANTS more than 10%, additional TOF ratios were obtained (up to four TOF values), and the closest two ratios were averaged. The first measurement, taken as the patient arrives to the recovery room and the measurement taken 30 minutes after arrival were defined as “early recovery period” and “late recovery period”, respectively. TOF ratios <90% were considered as “the presence of RC” while TOF ratios ≥90% were considered as “the absence of RC”. In the recovery room, routine hemodynamic monitoring of heart rate (HR), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), noninvasive blood pressure, and tympanic temperature was maintained. Patients’ age, gender, body weight, type of surgery, drugs used for anesthesia induction and maintenance, type of muscle relaxants and time of administration of additional doses during the intraoperative period, reversal usage, duration of surgery and anesthesia were recorded from the anesthesia sheet. Patients were monitored for at least 30 minutes in the recovery room by trained nurses. Age, type of muscle relaxant used, number of additional doses of muscle relaxants during the operation, use of reversals after surgery, duration of anesthesia and tympanic temperature changes were analyzed as the risk factors that may affect RC in the logistic regression model. The variables were grouped according to age (18–39 years, 40–59 years and 60– 70 years), the type of muscle relaxants (vecuronium, rocuronium, atracurium), number of additional doses of muscle relaxant used during the operation (only for induction, 1 time, 2 times, 3 times and 4 times), reversal use after operation (yes/no), duration of anesthesia (090 min, 91-180 min, 181-270 min and 271-360 min) and tympanic temperature (34.4-35.4°C, 35.5-36.4°C and 36.5-37.6°C). 585 normal distribution of data. Descriptive statistics were presented as mean±standard deviation and median (25%-75% percentile). The Wilcoxon T-test was used for changing values of HR, mean arterial blood pressures (MAP) and SpO2 in recovery room over the time (mean ± SD). A p <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results Two hundred and eighteen patients were enrolled in the study. Ten patients were excluded because of lack of data. Statistical analysis was performed on 208 patients. Patient characteristics, the duration of anesthesia, the duration of surgery and types of surgery are presented in Table 1. Table 1 Patients characteristics, clinical parameters and surgical procedures Patient Characteristics Gender (Female/Male) 110/98 Age (year) 43.2±14.2 Weight (kg) 73.1±12.9 ASA I 158 II 50 Duration of anesthesia (min) 123.6±58.9 Duration of operation (min) 92.9±52.7 Surgery Head and neck surgery Statistical analysis Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) version 10.0 was used for statistical analysis. Logistic regression analysis was performed to define the risk factors for RC in early (0 min) and late (30 min) recovery periods. The Chisquare test was used for comparison of the frequency. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the 94 Laparoscopic abdominal surgery Non-laparoscopic abdominal surgery 34 53 Extremity surgery 6 Others (breast, plastic, perineal surgery) 21 Data are presented as mean±standard deviation or number, where appropriate. ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists. M.E.J. ANESTH 22 (6), 2014 586 Kocaturk o. et. al Table 2 Distribution of patients according to risk factors affecting residual curarization during early recovery period Residual curarization Yes No p value (n=22) (n=186) 10 73 Risk factors 18-39 Age (years) Type of muscle relaxants Number of additional doses of muscle relaxant Reversal use after operation Duration of anesthesia (min) Tympanic temperature (°C) 40-59 10 83 60-70 2 30 Vecuronium 13 81 Atracurium 5 58 Rocuronium 4 47 Induction 11 97 1 time 5 66 2 times 4 20 3 times 0 3 4 times 2 0 yes 6 86 no 16 100 0-90 8 54 91-180 12 109 181-270 1 18 271-360 1 5 34.4-35.4 2 32 35.5-36.4 11 92 36.5-37.6 9 62 0.42 0.20 0.40 0.09 0.46 0.32 The induction of anesthesia was similar in all patients. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in 147 patients, and sevoflurane in 61 patients. Rocuronium, atracurium and vecuronium was given to 51, 63 and 94 patients, respectively. Residual curarization (TOF<90%) occurred in 22 patients (10.6%) in the early period and continued in six patients (2.9%) in the late recovery period. The distribution of patients with RC according to risk factors during the early recovery period is presented in Table 2. No significant difference was observed in the number of patients with and without RC in terms of risk factor subgroups. Lack of reversal use (Odd’s ratio 0.311, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.104-0.932), short duration of anesthesia (Odd’s ratio 0.363, 95% CI 0.146 to 0.898) and increased number of additional doses of muscle relaxants (Odd’s ratio 2.762, 95% CI 1.420 to 5.373) were shown to increase the incidence of RC in the early postoperative recovery period (Table 3). The distribution of patients with RC according to risk factors in the late recovery period is shown in Table 4. A significant difference was observed between the patients with and without RC regarding the number of additional doses of muscle relaxants (p <0.05) (Table 4). The increase in the number of additional doses of muscle relaxants was the only factor that increased the risk of RC (Odd’s ratio 4.241, 95% CI 1.378 to 13.054) in the late recovery period. The effects of other risk factors were not significant (Table 5). Table 3 Effects of risk factors to residual curarization for the early recovery period (0 min) Residual curarization (0 min) Beta Wald p Odds Ratio 95% CI Age -0.259 0.499 0.480 0.772 0.376-1.583 Type of muscle relaxants Number of additional doses of muscle relaxant Reversal use after operation 0.561 3.403 0.065 1.752 0.966-3.180 1.016 8.956 0.003 2.762 1.420-5.373 -1.169 4.352 0.037 0.311 0.104-0.932 Duration of anesthesia -1.015 4.807 0.028 0.363 0.146-0.898 Tympanic temperature 0.116 0.084 0.772 1.123 0.514-2.455 CI: Confidence interval RESIDUAL CURARIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH INTERMEDIATE-ACTING MUSCLE RELAXANTS Table 4 Distribution of patients according to risk factors affecting residual curarization during the late recovery period Risk factors 18-39 Age (years) Type of muscle relaxants Number of additional doses of muscle relaxant Reversal use after operation Duration of anesthesia (min) Tympanic temperature (°C) Residual curarization Yes No p value (n=6) (n=202) 2 81 40-59 3 90 60-70 1 31 Vecuronium 5 89 Atracurium 1 62 Rocuronium 0 51 Induction 1 107 1 time 2 69 2 times 2 22 3 times 0 3 4 times 1 1 Yes 4 112 No 2 90 0-90 1 61 91-180 4 117 181-270 0 19 271-360 1 5 34.4-35.4 1 24 35.5-36.4 4 91 36.5-37.6 1 87 0.76 0.11 587 The average central body temperatures of the patients were 36.1±0.6 °C (with a range of 34.4°C-37.4°C) and 36.2±0.5 °C (with a range of 34.6°C-37.4°C) in early and late recovery period, respectively. SpO2 of 21 patients fell below 94% in the early recovery period. In these patients, oxygen was delivered at a rate of 4 L/min via facemasks and additional reversals were given in three of them. Respiratory distress was not observed in any patient in the late recovery period. Discussion 0.02 0.58 0.42 0.48 In this study, we showed that 10.6% of the patients who underwent general anesthesia with intermediate-acting muscle relaxants (vecuronium, rocuronium, atracurium) had RC upon arrival to the recovery room. It was found that shorter duration of anesthesia, lack of reversals use and repeated doses of muscle relaxants increased the risk of RC during early recovery period. In 2.9% of patients, TOF ratio was below 90% and RC continued up to 30 minutes after arrival to the recovery room. The intraoperative use of repeated doses of intermediate acting muscle relaxants was found to be a factor increasing the risk of RC in the late recovery period. Baillard et al.1 investigated the frequency and risk factors of RC upon arrival to the recovery room. Short duration of surgery, lack of reversal use, no intraoperative monitoring and excess doses of muscle relaxants were found to increase the risk of RC. In Table 5 Effects of risk factors to residual curarization for the late recovery period (30 min) Residual curarization (30 min) Beta Wald p Odds Ratio 95% CI Age -0.173 0.062 0.804 0.841 0.215-3.289 Type of muscle relaxants 1.189 2.517 0.113 3.283 0.756-14.264 Number of additional doses of muscle relaxant 1.445 6.344 0.012 4.241 1.378-13.054 Reversal use after operation -1.827 2.182 0.140 0.161 0.014-1.817 Duration of anesthesia -0.847 1.199 0.274 0.429 0.094-1.953 Tympanic temperature CI: Confidence interval -0.960 1.318 0.251 0.383 0.074-1.971 M.E.J. ANESTH 22 (6), 2014 588 this study, the reduction in the incidence of RC over time was related to the physicians’ clinical practice. Residual curarization usually regarded as a concern with the use of long-acting muscle relaxants5, can be frequently encountered with the use of intermediateacting muscle relaxants2-7. Naguib et al.11 in a metaanalysis, reported that the incidence of postoperative RC was significantly decreased by using intermediateacting muscle relaxants. The decrease in the incidence was attributed to better clinical evaluation, widespread performance of intraoperative neuromuscular monitoring and increased use of intermediate-acting muscle relaxants in recent years1,11. Residual curarization (TOF<90%) rates with rocuronium in healthy adult patients undergoing elective orthopedic surgery were reported as 29% and 2.9% upon arrival to the recovery room and after 30 minutes, respectively9. Debane et al.6 reported that TOF in 45% of the patients (who were given vecuronium, rocuronium or atracurium) were below 90% in the early recovery period. In our study, the RC incidence after the use of intermediate-acting muscle relaxants was 10.6% and 2.9%, in the early and late recovery periods, respectively. The lower RC incidence in our study was attributed to the monitoring of patients in the operating room until the patients showed verbal or motor responses to verbal stimuli and had adequate tidal volumes. In addition, considering the duration of surgeries, the number of additional doses used for maintenance of muscle relaxation was very low. This may also explain the low incidence of postoperative RC. In Baillard et al.3 study, 42% of the patients who received vecuronium with no reversals were found to have RC. The cumulative doses of vecuronium were 7.7±3.6 mg and 6.2±2.7 mg in patients with and without RC, respectively. RC was shown to increase significantly with the increase in the cumulative dose. Similarly, we found that the increase in the number of additional doses of muscle relaxants was an important factor affecting RC both in early and late recovery periods. In addition, “number of additional doses of muscle relaxants” was the only factor affecting RC in the late recovery period. We thought that the cumulative effect of additional doses might be the most probable cause of this finding. Although, some studies1,2 Kocaturk o. et. al confirmed the role of reversals and intraoperative neuromuscular monitoring in reducing the risk of RC, others16-18 claimed that these two factors had no effect on RC. Furthermore, it was emphasized18 that even high doses of reversals could not eliminate RC. In our study, reversals were administered according to the clinical findings of patients after the surgery. Reversals were given to 44% of patients. No significant difference was found in the incidence of RC between patients using reversals or not in the late recovery period. However, in the regression analysis, the use of reversals was found to be a factor for reducing RC in the early recovery period. The effect of neostigmine starts in 2-5 min and lasts until 30 to 45 min19. Therefore the use of reversal not being an effective factor for reducing RC in the late recovery period may be attributed to a reduction in its effect over time. It is almost impossible to eliminate RC completely with routine clinical evaluation, neuromuscular monitoring or use of a reversal agent. However, it has been reported that objective neuromuscular monitoring may be useful when the reversals are not used20. Some studies reported that RC incidence was not related to the type of the intermediate-acting neuromuscular relaxant11-14. In Hayes et al. study, RC (TOF <80%) incidence in patients using vecuronium, atracurium and rocuronium were found to be 64%, 52% and 39%, respectively upon arrival to the recovery room. No statistical difference was observed in RC rates by using different intermediate-acting muscle relaxants12. However, in Khan et al study, the patients using rocuronium had higher RC incidence (37%) than in patients using vecuronium (17%)15. In our study, no significant difference was observed in RC incidences between patients using atracurium, vecuronium or rocuronium in early and late recovery periods. However, the RC incidences we observed were much lower compared to other studies. Duration of anesthesia is a factor increasing the risk of RC in surgeries with short duration, in which a single-dose of intermediate-acting muscle relaxant is used7. On the other hand, duration of anesthesia does not affect the risk of RC in long duration surgeries6. It is postulated that the risk of RC may increase in surgeries with long duration with increased frequency of muscle relaxant use7. Similarly, risk of RC was RESIDUAL CURARIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH INTERMEDIATE-ACTING MUSCLE RELAXANTS found to increase with shorter duration of anesthesia in early recovery period, whereas duration of anesthesia had no effects on RC in the late recovery period in our study. Hypothermia is known to prolong the effect of muscle relaxants19. The elimination of muscle relaxants from the liver is related to body temperature, and hypothermia has been found to decrease the clearance of muscle relaxants19. Although exact hypothermia limit leading to prolongation of the effects of muscle relaxants is not known, there are some studies showing increased incidence of RC when the central temperature is below 34°C18,21,22. In the current study the central body temperatures of patients were within 589 normal ranges and as such the “body temperature” could not be a risk factor for RC. In conclusion, dose adjustment of intraoperative muscle relaxants in accordance with the duration of surgery and the use of reversals may reduce the risk of RC. Conflict of interest None. Acknowledgments We would like to thank to Mevlut Ture, MD Assoc. Prof. of Medical Statistics in Adnan Menderes University Medical School for helpful advice and suggestions about statistical issues. M.E.J. ANESTH 22 (6), 2014 590 Kocaturk o. et. al References 1. Baillard C, Clec’h C, Catineau J, Salhi F, Gehan G, Cupa M, et al: Postoperative residual neuromuscular block: a survey of management. Br J Anaesth; 2005, 95:622-666. 2. Claudius C, Karacan H, Viby-Mogensen J: Prolonged residual paralysis after a single intubating dose of rocuronium. Br J Anaesth; 2007, 99:514-517. 3. Baillard C, Gehan G, Marty Rj, Larmigrant P, Samama Cm, Cupa M: Residual curarization in the recovery room after vecuronium. Br J Anaesth; 2000, 84:394-395. 4. 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