HYBRID FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTION BASED FINITE ELEMENT METHOD: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Changyong Cao and Qing-Hua Qin Research School of Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia An overview on the development of hybrid fundamental solution based finite element method (HFS-FEM) and its application in engineering problems is presented in this paper. The framework and formulations of HFS-FEM for potential problem, plane elasticity, threedimensional elasticity, thermo-elasticity, anisotropic elasticity, and plane piezoelectricity are presented. In this method, two independent assumed fields (intra-element filed and auxiliary frame field) are employed. The formulations for all cases are derived from the modified variational functionals and the fundamental solutions to a given problem. Generation of elemental stiffness equations from the modified variational principle is also described. Typical numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity and performance of the HFS-FEM. Finally, a brief summary of the approach is provided and future trends in this field are identified. 1. Introduction A novel hybrid finite element formulation, called the hybrid fundamental solution based FEM (HFS-FEM), was recently developed based on the framework of Hybrid Trefftz finite element method (HT-FEM) and the idea of the method of fundamental solution (MFS) [1-12]. In this method, two independent assumed fields (intra-element filed and auxiliary frame field) are employed and the domain integrals in the variational functional can be directly converted to boundary integrals without any appreciable increase in computational effort as in HT-FEM [13-16]. It should be mentioned that the intra-element field of HFSFEM is approximated by the linear combination of fundamental solutions analytically Corresponding author: qinghua.qin@anu.edu.au 1 satisfying the related governing equation, instead of T-complete functions as in HT-FEM. The resulting system of equations from the modified variational functional is expressed in terms of symmetric stiffness matrix and nodal displacements only, which is easy to implement into the standard FEM. It is noted that no singular integrals are involved in the HFS-FEM by locating the source point outside the element of interest and not overlap with field point during the computation [17]. The HFS-FEM mentioned above inherits all the advantages of HT-FEM over the traditional FEM and the boundary element method (BEM), namely domain decomposition and boundary integral expressions, while avoiding the major weaknesses of BEM [18, 19], i.e. singular element boundary integral and loss of symmetry and sparsity [20, 21]. The employment of two independent fields also makes the HFS-FEM easier to generate arbitrary polygonal or even curve-sided elements. It also obviates the difficulties that occur in HTFEM [22-25] in deriving T-complete functions for certain complex or new physical problems [22, 26]. The HFS-FEM has simpler expressions of interpolation functions for intra-element fields (fundamental solutions) and avoids the coordinate transformation procedure required in the HT-FEM to keep the matrix inversion stable [22]. Moreover, this approach also has the potential to achieve high accuracy using coarse meshes of high-degree elements, to enhance insensitivity to mesh distortion, to give great liberty in element shape, and accurately representing various local effects (such as hole, crack and inclusions) without troublesome mesh adjustment [7, 27-29]. Additionally, HFS-FEM makes it possible for a more flexible element material definition which is important in dealing with multi-material problems, rather than the material definition being the same in the entire domain in BEM. However, we noticed that there are also some limitations of HFS-FEM, for example, determining the positions of source points used for approximation interpolations. It is also known that fundamental solution based approximations can perform remarkably well in smooth problems but tends to deteriorate when high-gradient stress fields are presented. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the basic idea and formulations of the HFS-FEM is presented through a simple potential problem. Then, plane elasticity problems are described in Section 3. Section 4 extends the 2D formulations of the HFS-FEM to general 2 three-dimensional (3D) elasticity problems. The method of particular solution and radial basis function approximation are shown to deal with body force in this Section. In Section 5 we extend the HFS-FEM to thermo-elastic problems with arbitrary body force and temperature change. In Section 6, the HFS-FEM for 2D anisotropic elastic materials is described based on the powerful Stroh formalism. Plane piezoelectric problem is discussed in Section 7. Finally, typical numerical examples are presented in Section 8 to illustrate applications and performance of the HFS-FEM. Concluding remarks and future development are discussed at the end of this paper. 2. Potential Problems 2.1. BASIC EQUATIONS OF POTENTIAL PROBLEMS The Laplace equation of a well-posed potential problem (e.g. heat conduction) in a general plane domain can be expressed as 2u x 0 x (1) with the boundary conditions u u on u q u,i ni q on q (2) (3) where u is the unknown field variable and q represents the boundary flux, ni is the ith component of outward normal vector to the boundary u q , and u and q are specified functions on the related boundaries, respectively. The space derivatives are indicated by a subscript comma, i.e. u,i u / xi , and the subscript index i takes values (1,2) for two dimensional and (1,2,3) for three dimensional problems. Additionally, the repeated subscript indices imply summation convention. For convenience, Eq. (3) can be rewritten in matrix form as u,1 q A q u,2 (4) with A n1 n2 . 2.2. ASSUMED INDEPENDENT FIELDS In this section, the procedure for developing a hybrid finite element model with fundamental solution as interior trial function is described based on the boundary value 3 problem defined by Eqs. (1)-(3). Similar to the conventional FEM and HT-FEM, the domain under consideration is divided into a series of elements. In each element, two independent fields are assumed in the way as described in [12] and are given in Section 2.2. 2.2.1. Intra-element field Similar to the method of fundamental solution (MFS) in removing singularities of fundamental solution, for a particular element e occupying sub-domain e , we assume that the field variable defined in the element domain is extracted from a linear combination of fundamental solutions centered at different source points located outside the element (see Figure 1) ns ue x Ne x, y j cej Ne x ce j 1 x e , y j e (5) where cej is undetermined coefficients, ns is the number of virtual sources and Ne (x, y j ) is the fundamental solution to the partial differential equation 2 Ne x, y x, y =0 x, y 2 (6) as Ne x, y 1 ln r x, y 2 (7) Evidently, Eq. (5) analytically satisfies Eq. (1) due to the solution property of Ne (x, y j ) . Frame field u(x) N ed e Frame field u(x) N ed e xs xs 4 e x0 3 X2 xc 7 e x0 6 5 X2 8 X1 4 X1 e e 1 2 1 xc Source 2 3 Node Centroid Intra-element field Figure 1 problems u N ece Intra-element field u Nece (a) 4-node 2D element (b) 8-node 2D element Intra-element field and frame field of a HFS-FEM element for 2D potential 4 In implementation, the number of source points is taken to be the same as the number of element nodes, which is free of spurious energy modes and can keep the stiffness equations in full rank, as indicated in [22]. The source point y sj ( j 1, 2, , ns ) can be generated by means of the method employed in the MFS [30-32] y s x 0 (x 0 x c ) (8) where is a dimensionless coefficient, x 0 is the point on the element boundary (the nodal point in this work)and x c the geometrical centroid of the element (see Figure 1). Determination of was discussed in [2, 33] and =5-10 is usually used in practice. The corresponding outward normal derivative of ue on e is u qe e Qece n where Qe Ne ATe n (9) (10) with N Te e x1 N e x2 T (11) 2.2.2. Auxiliary frame field In order to enforce the conformity on the field variable u , for instance, ue u f on e f of any two neighboring elements e and f, an auxiliary inter-element frame field u is used and expressed in terms of the same degrees of freedom (DOF) d as those used in the conventional finite elements. In this case, u is confined to the whole element boundary as (12) ue x Ne x de which is independently assumed along the element boundary in terms of nodal DOF d e , where Ne x represents the conventional finite element interpolating functions. For example, a simple interpolation of the frame field on a side with three nodes of a particular element can be given in the form u N1u1 N2u2 N3u3 (13) where N i ( i 1, 2,3 ) stands for shape functions in terms of natural coordinate defined in Figure 2. 5 Figure 2 Typical quadratic interpolation for frame field 2.3. MODIFIED VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE For the boundary value problem defined in Eqs. (1)-(3) and (5), since the stationary conditions of the traditional potential or complementary variational functional cannot guarantee the inter-element continuity condition required in the proposed HFS FE model, as in the HT FEM, a variational functional corresponding to the new trial functions should be constructed to assure the additional continuity across the common boundaries Ief between intra-element fields of element ‘e’ and element ‘f’ (see Figure 3): ue u f (conformity) on Ief e f qe q f 0 (reciprocity) (14) Ief e Figure 3 f Illustration of continuity between two adjacent elements ‘e’ and ‘f’ A modified variational functional is developed as follows m me e e e where 6 e u u qd (15) e 1 u,i u,i d qud qe 2 e (16) in which the governing equation (1) is assumed to be satisfied, a priori, for deriving the HFS FE model. The boundary e of a particular element consists of the following parts e ue qe Ie (17) where Ie represents the inter-element boundary of the element ‘e’ shown in Figure 3. To show that the stationary condition of the functional (15) leads to the governing equation (Euler equation), boundary conditions and continuity conditions, invoking (16) and (15) gives the following functional for the problem domain 1 me u,i u,i d qud q u u d qe e 2 e from which the first-order variational yields me u,i u,i d q ud e qe e (18) u u qd u u qd (19) e Using divergence theorem we can obtain me u,ii ud e qe f,i h,i d hf,i ni d h2 fd (20) q q ud q ud q ud u u qd ue Ie (21) e For the displacement-based method, the potential conformity should be satisfied in advance u 0 on ue ( u u ) (22) u e u f on Ief ( ue u f ) then, Eq. (21) can be rewritten as me u,ii ud e qe q q ud q ud u u qd Ie (23) e The Euler equation and boundary conditions can be obtained as u,ii 0 in e qq on qe u u on e (24) using the stationary condition me 0 . As for the continuous requirement between two adjacent elements ‘e’ and ‘f’ given in Eq. (14), we can obtain it in the following way. When assembling elements ‘e’ and ‘f’, we have 7 m ( e f ) e f u,ii ud f qe qf q q ud u u qd u u qd e Ief q e q f u ef d ... (25) from which the vanishing variation of m( e f ) leads to the reciprocity condition qe q f 0 on the inter-element boundary Ief . If the following expression q uds [ q e Ie qe ue ds e qe (ue ue )ds] (26) is uniformly positive (or negative) in the neighborhood of {u}0 , where the displacement {u}0 has such a value that m ({u}0 ) ( m )0 , and where ( m )0 stands for the stationary value of m , we have m ( m )0 or m ( m )0 (27) in which the relation that {u}e {u} f is identical on e f has been used. This is due to the definition in Eq. (14) in Section 2.3. Proof: For the proof of the theorem on the existence of extremum, we may complete it by the so-called “second variational approach” [34]. In doing this, performing variation of m and using the constrained conditions (26), we find 2 m q q uds [ e Ie qe ue ds e qe (ue ue )ds] (28) Therefore the theorem has been proved from the sufficient condition of the existence of a local extreme of a functional [34]. 2.4. ELEMENT STIFFNESS EQUATION With the intra-element field and frame field independently defined in a particular element (see Figure 1), we can generate element stiffness equation by the variational functional derived in Section 2.3. Following the approach described in reference [22], the variational functional e corresponding to a particular element e of the present problem can be written as e 1 u,i u,i d qud q u u d qe e 2 e (29) Appling the divergence theorem (20) to the functional (29), we have the final functional for the HFS-FE model 8 1 qud uk 2ud qud q u u d e e e qe 2 1 qud qud qud qe e 2 e e Then, substituting Eqs. (5), (9) and (12) into the functional (30) produces 1 e ceT Hece deT g e ceTG ede 2 (30) (31) in which He QeT Ne d NeTQe d, G e QeT Ne d, g e NeT qd e e e qe (32) The symmetry of H e is obvious from the scalar definition (31) of variational functional e . To enforce inter-element continuity on the common element boundary, the unknown vector c e should be expressed in terms of nodal DOF d e . The minimization of the functional e with respect to c e and d e , respectively, yields e H ece G ed e 0 ce T e G Te ce g e 0 d e T (33) from which the optional relationship between c e and d e , and the stiffness equation can be produced ce = He1G ede and K ed e = g e (34) where K e = G eT He1G e stands for the element stiffness matrix. 2.5. NUMERICAL INTEGRAL FOR H AND G MATRIX Generally, it is difficult to obtain the analytical expression of the integral in Eq. (32) and numerical integration along the element boundary is required. Herein the widely used Gaussian integration is employed. For the He matrix, one can express it as He QTe Ne d F(x)d e e by introducing the matrix function F(x) Fij (x) QeT Ne mm Eq. (36) can be further rewritten as 9 (35) (36) ne H ij Fij x d Fij x d e l 1 el (37) where d dx1 dx2 2 2 2 2 dx dx 1 2 d Jd d d (38) and J is the Jacobean expressed as 2 2 dx dx J 1 2 . d d (39) no dNi x1i dx1 dx2 , d d d x2i i 1 (40) where T Thus, the Gaussian numerical integration for H matrix can be calculated by ne ne np 1 H ij Fij x J d wk Fij x k J k 1 l 1 k 1 l 1 (41) where ne is the number of edges of the element and n p is the Gaussian sampling points employed in the Gaussian numerical integration. Similarly, we can calculate the G e matrix using ne ne np 1 Gij Fij x( ) J ( )d wk Fij x( k ) J ( k ) 1 l 1 l 1 k 1 (42) The calculation of vector g e in Eq. (32) is the same as that in the conventional FEM, so it is convenient to incorporate the proposed HFS-FEM into the standard FEM program. Besides, the flux is directly computed from Eqs. (9). The boundary DOF can be directly computed from Eq. (12) while the unknown variable at interior points of the element can be determined from Eq. (5) plus the recovered rigid-body modes in each element, which is discussed in the following section. 2.6. RECOVERY OF RIGID-BODY MOTION Considering the physical definition of the fundamental solution, it’s necessary to recover the missing rigid-body motion modes from the above results. Following the method presented in [22], the missing rigid-body motion can be recovered by writing the internal potential field of a particular element e as ue Nece c0 10 (43) where the undetermined rigid-body motion parameter c0 can be calculated using the least square matching of ue and ue at element nodes n N c i 1 e e c0 ue min 2 (44) node i which finally gives c0 1 n uei n i 1 (45) in which uei ue Nece node i and n is the number of element nodes. Once the nodal field is determined by solving the final stiffness equation, the coefficient vector c e can be evaluated from Eq. (34), and then c0 is evaluated from Eq. (45). Finally, the potential field u at any internal point in an element can be obtained by means of Eq. (43). 3. Plane Elasticity Problems 3.1. LINEAR THEORY OF PLANE ELASTICITY In linear elastic theory, the strain displacement relations can be used and equilibrium equations refer to the undeformed geometry [35]. In the rectangular Cartesian coordinates (X1, X2), the governing equations of a plane elasticitc body can be expressed as ij , j bi , i, j 1, 2 (46) If written as matrix form, it can be presented as Lσ b (47) where σ 11 22 12 is a stress vector, b b1 , b2 T T differential operator matrix L is given as x 1 L 0 ε 11 22 12 T a body force vector, and the x2 x1 0 x2 ε = LTu (48) (49) is a strain vector, and u u1 , u2 a displacement vector. T The constitutive equations for the linear elasticity are given in matrix form as σ Dε 11 (50) where D is the material coefficient matrix with constant components for isotropic materials, which can be expressed as follow 2G D 2G 0 0 where 2 G 1 2 G , 0 0 G (51) E 2 1 (52) and for plane strain v 1 for plane stress The two different kinds of boundary conditions can be expressed as uu on u t Aσ t on t (53) (54) where t [t1 t2 ]T denotes the traction vector and A is a transformation matrix related to the direction cosine of the outward normal n A 1 0 0 n2 n2 n1 (55) Substituting Eqs. (49) and (50) into Eq. (47) yields the well-known Navier partial differential equations in terms of displacements LDLTu b (56) 3.2. ASSUMED INDEPENDENT FIELDS For elasticity problem, two different assumed fields are employed as in potential problems: intra-element and frame field. The intra-element continuity is enforced on nonconforming internal displacement field chosen as the fundamental solution of the problem [2]. The intra-element displacement fields is approximated in terms of a linear combination of fundamental solutions of the problem of interest * * u1 (x) ns u11 (x, y sj ) u12 (x, y sj ) c1 j u(x) N e ce * * u2 (x) j 1 u21 (x, y sj ) u22 (x, y sj ) c2 j (x e ,y sj e ) (57) where ns is again the number of source points outside the element domain, which is equal to the number of nodes of an element in the present research based on the generation approach 12 of the source points [33], The vector ce and the fundamental solution matrix N e , are now in the form * u11 (x, y s1 ) u12* (x, y s1 ) ... u11* (x, y sns ) u12* (x, y sns ) Ne * * * * u21 (x, y s1 ) u22 (x, y s1 ) ... u21 (x, y sns ) u22 (x, y sns ) (58) ce [c11 c21 ...... c1n c2 n ]T (59) in which x and y sj are respectively the field point and source point in the local coordinate system (X1, X2). The components uij* (x, y sj ) is the fundamental solution, i.e. induced displacement component in i-direction at the field point x due to a unit point load applied in jdirection at the source point y sj , which are given by [19, 36] 1 uij* (x, y sj ) (3 4 )ij ln r r,i r, j 8 (1 )G (60) where ri xi xis , r r12 r22 . The virtual source points for elasticity problems is generated in same manner as that in potential problems described in Section 2. With the assumption of intra-element field in Eq. (57), the corresponding stress fields can be obtained by the constitutive Eq. (50) σ(x) 11 22 12 Tece (61) * * * * 111 (x, y1 ) 211 (x, y1 ) ...... 111 (x, y ns ) 211 (x, y ns ) * * * * Te 122 (x, y1 ) 222 (x, y1 ) ...... 122 (x, y ns ) 222 (x, y ns ) * * * * 112 (x, y1 ) 212 (x, y1 ) ...... 112 (x, y ns ) 212 (x, y ns ) (62) T where As a consequence, the traction is written as t1 nσ Qece t2 (63) in which n Qe nTe , n 1 0 0 n2 n2 n1 * The components ijk (x, y ) for plane strain problems is given as 1 * (1 2 )(r,k ij r, j ki r,i jk ) 2r,i r, j r,k ijk (x, y ) 4 (1 )r (64) (65) The unknown ce in Eq. (57) is calculated by a hybrid technique [33], in which the elements are linked through an auxiliary conforming displacement frame which has the same form as that in conventional FEM (see Figure 1). This means that in the HFS-FEM, a 13 conforming displacement field should be independently defined on the element boundary to enforce the field continuity between elements and also to link the unknown c and with nodal displacement d e . Thus, the frame is defined as N1 u1 u ( x) d e N e d e , N 2 u2 (x e ) (66) where the symbol “~” is used to specify that the field is defined on the element boundary only, N e is the matrix of shape functions, d e is the nodal displacements of elements. Taking the side 3-4-5 of a particular 8-node quadrilateral element (see Figure 1) as an example, N e and d e can be expressed as 0 N e 0 0 N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 0 0 0 N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 4 6 de u11 u21 u12 u22 0 0 u18 u28 T where N1 , N 2 and N 3 can be expressed by natural coordinate as 1 1 N1 , N 2 1 2 , N3 1,1 2 2 (67) (68) (69) 3.3. MODIFIED FUNCTIONAL FOR THE HYBRID FEM As in Section 2, HFS-FE formulation for a plane elastic problem can also be established by the variational approach [2]. In the absence of body forces, the hybrid functional me used for deriving the present HFS-FEM can be constructed as [21] 1 me ij ij d ti ui d ti (ui ui )d t e 2 e (70) where ui and ui are the intra-element displacement field defined within the element and the frame displacement field defined on the element boundary, respectively. e and e are the element domain and element boundary, respectively. t , u and I stands respectively for the specified traction boundary, specified displacement boundary and inter-element boundary ( e t u I ). Compared to the functional employed in the conventional FEM, the present variational functional is constructed by adding a hybrid integral term related to the intra-element and element frame displacement fields to guarantee the satisfaction of displacement and traction continuity conditions on the common boundary of two adjacent elements. 14 By applying the Gaussian theorem, Eq. (70) can be simplified to 1 me ij ij d ti ui d ti (ui ui )d t e 2 e 1 ( ti ui d ij , j ui d ) tiui d ti (ui ui )d e t e 2 e (71) Due to the satisfaction of the equilibrium equation with the constructed intra-element field, we have the following expression for HFS finite element model 1 me ti ui d ti ui d ti (ui ui )d t e 2 e 1 ti ui d ti ui d ti ui d e t 2 e (72) The variational functional in Eq. (72) contains boundary integrals only and will be used to derive HFS-FEM formulation for the plane isotropic elastic problem. 3.4. ELEMENT STIFFNESS MATRIX As in Section 2, the element stiffness equation can be generated by setting me 0 . Substituting Eqs. (57), (66) and (63) into the functional of Eq. (72), we have 1 me ce T Hece ceTG ede de T g e 2 (73) where He QeT Ne d, e G e QeT Ne d, e ge NeT t d t (74) To enforce inter-element continuity on the common element boundary, the unknown vector c e should be expressed in terms of nodal DOF d e . The stationary condition of the functional me with respect to c e and d e yields, respectively, Eqs. (33) and (34). 3.5. RECOVERY OF RIGID-BODY MOTION For the same reason stated in Section 2.6, it is necessary to reintroduce the discarded rigid-body motion terms after we have obtained the internal field of an element. The least squares method can be employed for this purpose and the missing terms can be recovered easily by setting for the augmented internal field [21] 1 0 x2 u e N ece c0 0 1 x1 (75) where the undetermined rigid-body motion parameter c0 can be calculated using the least square matching of ue and ue at element nodes 15 n u i 1 1i 2 2 u1i u2i u2i min (76) which finally gives c0 = R e1re (77) where 0 x2i 1 R e = 0 1 x1i i 1 x2i x1i x12i x22i ue1i n re ue 2i i 1 ue1i x2i ue 2i x1i n in which ueji ueji uˆeji (78) (79) (j 1, 2) and n is the number of element nodes. Once the nodal field is determined by solving the final stiffness equation, the coefficient vector c e can be evaluated from Eq. (57), and then c0 is evaluated from Eq. (77). Finally, the displacement field u e at any internal point in an element can be obtained by Eq. (75). 4. Three-dimensional Elastic Problems In this section, the HFS-FEM approach is extended to three-dimensional (3D) elastic problem with/without body force. The detailed 3D formulations of HFS-FEM are firstly derived for elastic problems by ignoring body forces, then a procedure based on the method of particular solution and radial basis function approximation are introduced to deal with the body force. As a consequence, the homogeneous solution is obtained by using the HFS-FEM and the particular solution associated with body force is approximated by using the strong form of basis function interpolation. 4.1. GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Let (x1, x2, x3) denote the coordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system and consider a finite isotropic body occupying the domain , as shown in Figure 4. The equilibrium equation for this finite body with body force can be expressed as ij , j bi i, j 1, 2,3 16 (80) Figure 4 Geometrical definitions and boundary conditions for a general 3D solid. The constitutive equations for linear elasticity and the kinematical relation are given as 2Gv ij ekk 2Geij 1 2v 1 eij (ui , j u j ,i ) 2 ij (81) (82) where ij is the stress tensor, eij the strain tensor, ij the Kronecker delta. Substituting Eqs. (81) and (82) into Eq. (80), the equilibrium equation is rewritten as G Gui , jj u j , ji bi 1 2v (83) For a well-posed boundary value problem, following boundary conditions, are prescribed as ui ui on u , ti ti on t , where u (84) (85) t is the boundary of the solution domain , ui and ti are the prescribed boundary values. In the following parts, we will present the procedure for handling the body force appearing in Eq. (83). 4.2. THE METHOD OF PARTICULAR SOLUTION The inhomogeneous term bi associated with the body force in Eq. (83) can be effectively handled by means of the method of particular solution presented in [21]. In this approach, the displacement ui is decomposed into two parts, a homogeneous solution uih and a particular solution uip 17 ui uih uip (86) where the particular solution uip should satisfy the governing equation G Guip, jj u jp, ji bi 1 2v (87) without any restriction of boundary condition. However, the homogeneous solution should satisfy Guih, jj G h u j , ji 0 1 2v (88) with the modified boundary conditions _ uih ui uip _ tih ti tip on u (89) on t (90) From above equations it can be seen that once the particular solution uip is known, the homogeneous solution uih in Eqs. (88)Error! Reference source not found.- Error! Reference source not found.(90) can be obtained using HFS-FEM. The final solution can then be given by Eq. (86)Error! Reference source not found.. In the next section, radial basis function approximation is introduced to obtain the particular solution, and the HFS-FEM is presented for solving Eqs. (88) - (90) Error! Reference source not found..Error! Reference source not found. 4.3. RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION APPROXIMATION For body force bi , it is generally impossible to find an analytical solution which enable us to convert the domain integral into a boundary one. So we must approximate it by a combination of basis (trial) functions or other methods with the HFS-FEM. Here, we use radial basis function (RBF) [31, 37] to interpolate the body force. We assume N bi i j j (91) j 1 where N is the number of interpolation points, j are the RBFs and i j are the coefficients to be determined. Subsequently, the particular solution can be approximated by N uip i j ikj j 1 18 (92) where ikj is the approximated particular solution kernel of displacement satisfying Eq. (93) below. Once the RBFs are selected, the problem of finding a particular solution is reduced to solve the following equation Gil ,kk G kl ,ki il 1 2 (93) To solve this equation, the displacement is expressed in terms of the Galerkin Papkovich vectors 1 1 Fik ,mm Fmk ,mi (94) G 2G Substituting Eq. Error! Reference source not found.(94) into Eq. (93) Error! Reference source not found., we can obtain the following bi-harmonic equation 1 4 Fil il (95) 1 ik Taking the Spline Type RBF r 2n1 as an example, we get the following solutions Fli li r 2 n 3 1 v 2n 1 2n 2 2n 3 2n 4 li A0 A1 li A2 r,i r,l (96) (97) where A0 1 r 2 n 1 8G 1 v n 1 n 2 2n 1 A1 7 4n 4v(n 2) (98) A2 (2n 1) and rj represents the Euclidean distance between a field point ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) and a given point ( x1 j , x2 j , x3 j ) in the domain of interest. The corresponding particular solution of stresses can be obtained as where Slij G(li , j lj ,i ) ij lk ,k (99) 2v G . Substituting Eq.Error! Reference source not found. (97) into 1 2v Eq.Error! Reference source not found. (99), we have Slij B0 B1 r, j li r,i jl B2 ij r,l B3r,i r, j r,l where 19 (100) B0 1 r 2n 4 1 v n 1 n 2 B1 3 2n 2v(n 2) (101) B2 2v(n 2) 1 B3 1 2n 4.4. HFS-FEM FOR HOMOGENEOUS SOLUTION After obtained the particular solution in sections 4.2 and 4.3, we can determine the modified boundary conditions Error! Reference source not found.(89) and (90) Error! Reference source not found.. Finally, we can treat the 3D problem as a homogeneous problem governed by Eqs. (88)-(90) by using the HFS-FEM presented below. It is clear that once the particular and homogeneous solutions for displacement and stress components at nodal points are determined, the distribution of displacement and stress fields at any point in the domain can be calculated using the element interpolation function. However, for 3D elasticity problems in the absent of body force, i.e. bi 0 , the procedures in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 will become unnecessary and we can employ the following procedures to find the solution directly. 4.4.1. Assumed intra-element and auxiliary frame fields The intra-element displacement fields is approximated in terms of a linear combination of fundamental solutions of the problem as u1 (x) u(x) u2 (x) Nece (x e ,y sj e ) u ( x) 3 (102) where the matrix N e and unknown vector ce can be further written as * * * u11 (x, y s1 ) u12 (x, y s1 ) u13 (x, y s1 ) * * * Ne u12 (x, y s1 ) u22 (x, y s1 ) u23 (x, y s1 ) * * * u13 (x, y s1 ) u32 (x, y s1 ) u33 ( x, y s1 ) * u13 ( x, y sns ) * * * u12 ( x, y sns ) u22 ( x, y sns ) u23 ( x, y sns ) * * * u13 ( x, y sns ) u32 ( x, y sns ) u33 (x, y sns ) (103) c1n c2 n c3n ]T (104) * * u11 ( x, y sns ) u12 ( x, y sns ) ce [c11 c21 c31 in which x and y sj are respectively the field point and source point in the local coordinate system (x1, x2). The fundamental solution uij* (x, y sj ) are given by [36] 20 ui*j (x, y sj ) 1 (3 4 )ij r,i r, j 16 (1 )Gr (105) where ri xi xis , r r12 r22 r32 , ns is the number of source points. The source point y sj ( j 1, 2, , ns ) can also be generated by means of the following method [2] as in two- dimensional cases y s x 0 (x 0 x c ) (106) where is a dimensionless coefficient, x 0 the point on the element boundary (the nodal point in this work) and x c the geometrical centroid of the element (see Figure 5). Intra-element field u N ece Source points Node Centroid 8 19 7 e 5 Frame field u ( x) N e d e xs 3 4 X2 11 10 5 8 X3 X2 4 1 2 3 2 20-node 3D element 8-node 3D element Figure 5 6 7 9 15 X1 X1 1 x0 17 16 12 xc e e 14 13 X3 6 18 20 Intra-element field and frame field of a hexahedron HFS-FEM element for 3D elastic problem (The source points and centroid of 20-node element are omitted in the figure for clarity and clear view, which is similar to that of the 8-node element). According to Eqs. (50) and (49), the corresponding stress fields can be expressed as σ(x) 11 22 33 23 31 12 Tece T (107) where * 111 (x, y1 ) * 122 (x, y1 ) * 133 (x, y1 ) Te * (x, y ) 1 123 * 131 (x, y1 ) * 112 (x, y1 ) * * 211 (x, y1 ) 311 (x, y1 ) * * * 111 (x, y n ) 211 (x, y n ) 311 ( x, y n ) (x, y n ) * 222 (x, y1 ) * 322 s * 122 (x, y1 ) s s * 222 * * 233 (x, y1 ) 333 (x, y1 ) * * 133 ( x, y n ) 233 ( x, y n ) (x, y1 ) (x, y n ) ( x, y n ) * 331 (x, y1 ) (x, y1 ) (x, y n ) (x, y n ) * 312 (x, y n ) * 223 (x, y1 ) * 231 * 212 (x, y1 ) * 323 s * 123 * 131 * 112 (x, y1 ) s * 223 s s s * 231 s * 212 s (x, y ns ) (108) * The components ijk (x, y ) is given by 21 ( x, y ns ) * 333 (x, y ns ) * 323 ( x, y ns ) * 331 ( x, y ns ) * 312 (x, y ns ) (x, y ns ) s * 322 * ijk (x, y ) 1 (1 2 )(r,kij r, j ki r,i jk ) 3r,i r, j r,k 8 (1 )r 2 As a consequence, the traction can be written in the form t1 t2 nσ Qece t 3 (109) (110) in which n1 Qe nTe , n 0 0 0 0 0 n3 n2 0 n3 0 0 n3 n2 n1 n2 n1 0 (111) To link the unknown c e and the nodal displacement d e , the frame is defined as u1 N1 u(x) u2 N 2 d e N ed e , u 3 N3 (x e ) (112) where the symbol “~” is used to specify that the field is defined on the element boundary only, N e is the matrix of shape functions, d e is the nodal displacements of elements. Taking the surface 2-3-7-6 of a particular 8-node brick element (see Figure 5) as an example, matrix N e and vector d e can be expressed as Ne 0 N1 N2 0 0 N4 de = u11 u21 u31 u12 u22 u32 where the shape functions are expressed as Ni 0 0 Ni 0 Ni 0 , 0 0 Ni N3 0 (113) u18 u28 u38 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (114) (115) where N i (i=1-4) can be expressed by natural coordinate , [1,1] N1 N3 1 1 , N2 4 1 1 , N4 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 and i ,i is the natural coordinate of the i-node of the element (Figure 6). 22 (116) (1,1) 4 3 (1,1) o 1 2 (1, 1) Figure 6 (1, 1) Typical linear interpolation for the frame fields of 3D brick elements 4.4.2. Modified Functional for Hybrid Finite Element Method In the absence of body forces, the hybrid functional me used for deriving the present HFS-FEM is written as [21] me 1 ij ij d tiui d ti (ui ui )d t e 2 e By applying the Gaussian theorem, Eq. (117) can be simplified as 1 me ij ij d ti ui d ti (ui ui )d t e 2 e 1 ( ti ui d ij , j ui d ) tiui d ti (ui ui )d e t e 2 e (117) (118) Due to the satisfaction of the equilibrium equation with the constructed intra-element fields, we have the following expression for HFS finite element model 1 me ti ui d ti ui d ti (ui ui )d t e 2 e 1 ti ui d ti ui d ti ui d e t 2 e (119) The functional (119) contains only boundary integrals of the element and will be used to derive HFS-FEM formulation for the three-dimensional elastic problem in the following section. 23 4.4.3. Element stiffness matrix Substituting Eqs. (102), (110) and (112) into the functional (119), we have 1 me ce T Hece ceTG ede de T g e (120) 2 where He QeT Ne d, e G e QeT Ne d, e ge NeT t d t (121) To enforce inter-element continuity on the common element boundary, the unknown vector c e should be expressed in terms of nodal DOF d e . The stationary condition of the functional me with respect to c e and d e yields again, respectively, Eqs. (33) and (34). 4.4.4. Numerical integral over element Consider a surface of the 3D hexahedron element, as shown in Figure 6, the vector normal to the surface can be obtained by dx dx dy d d d vnx dy dy dz vn v v vny d d d vnz dz dz dx d d d dz dy dz d d d dx dz dx d d d dy dx dy d d d (122) where v and v are the tangential vectors in the -direction and -direction, respectively, calculated by dx dx d d x xi i dy nd Ni ( , ) dy nd Ni ( , ) v yi , v yi d i 1 z d i 1 z i i dz dz d d (123) where nd is the number of nodes of the surface, xi , yi , zi are the nodal coordinates. Thus the unit normal vector is given by n vn vn (124) where J ( , ) vn vnx2 vny2 vnz2 24 (125) is the Jacobian of the transformation from Cartesian coordinates (x, y) to natural coordinates ( , ). For the H matrix, we introduce the matrix function F(x, y) Fij ( x, y) QeT Ne mm (126) Then we can get He QTe Ne d F(x, y)d e e (127) and we rewrite it to the component form as nf H ij Fij ( x, y)dS Fij ( x, y)dS (128) dS=J ( , )d d (129) e Using the relationship l 1 el and the Gaussian numerical integration, we can obtain nf H ij Fij x( , ), y ( , ) J ( , )d d l 1 1 1 n n p p ws wt Fij x( s ,t ), y ( s ,t ) J ( s ,t ) l 1 s 1 t 1 nf (130) where n f and n p are respectively the number of surface of the 3D element and the number of Gaussian integral points in each direction of the element surface. Similarly, we can calculate the G e matrix by nf Gij Fij x( , ), y ( , ) J ( , )d d l 1 1 1 n n p p ws wt Fij x( s ,t ), y ( s ,t ) J ( s ,t ) l 1 s 1 t 1 nf (131) It should be mentioned that the calculation of vector g e in Eq. is the same as that in the conventional FEM, so it is convenient to incorporate the proposed HFS-FEM into the standard FEM program. Besides, the stress and traction estimations are directly computed from Eqs. (107) and (108), respectively. The boundary displacements can be directly computed from Eq. (112) while the displacements at interior points of element can be determined from Eq.(102) plus the recovered rigid-body modes in each element, which is introduced in the following section. 25 4.4.5. Recovery of rigid-body motion terms As in Section 2, the least square method is employed to recover the missing terms of rigid-body motions. The missing terms can be recovered by setting for the augmented internal field 1 0 0 0 ue N ece 0 1 0 x3 0 0 1 x2 x2 x1 c0 0 x3 0 x1 (132) and using a least-square procedure to match ueh and ueh at the nodes of the element boundary n 2 2 2 min u1i u1i u2i u2i u3i u3i i 1 (133) The above equation finally yields c0 = R e1re (134) where 1 0 n 0 Re = i 1 0 x3i x2i 0 0 0 x3i 1 0 x3i 0 0 1 x2i x1i x3i x2i x22i x32i x1i x2i 0 x1i x1i x2i x12i x32i x1i 0 x1i x3i x2i x3i ue1i ue 2i n ue3i re i 1 ue 3i x2 i ue 2 i x3i ue1i x3i ue3i x1i ue 2i x1i ue1i x2i x2i x1i 0 x1i x3i x2i x3i x12i x22i (135) (136) 5. Thermo-elasticity Problems Thermoelasticity problems arise in many practical designs such as steam and gas turbines, jet engines, rocket motors and nuclear reactors. Thermal stress induced in these structures is one of the major concerns in product design and analysis. The general thermoelasticity is governed by two time-dependent coupled differential equations: the heat conduction equation and the Navier equation with thermal body force [38]. In many engineering applications, the coupling term of the heat equation and the inertia term in Navier equation are generally negligible [38]. As a consequence, most of the analyses are employing 26 the uncoupled thermoelasticity theory which is adopted in this work [39-46]. In this section, the HFS-FEM is presneted to solve 2D and 3D thermoelastic problems with considering arbitrary body forces and temperature changes. The method used herein is similar to that in Section 4. 5.1. BASIC EQUATIONS FOR THERMOELASTICITY Consider an isotropic material in a finite domain , and let (x1, x2, x3) denote the coordinates in Cartesian coordinate system. The equilibrium governing equations of the thermoelasticity with the body force are expressed as ij , j bi (137) where ij is the stress tensor, bi the body force vector and i, j 1, 2,3 . The generalized thermoelastic stress-strain relations and kinematical relation are given as 2G ij , j ij e 2Geij m ijT 1 2 1 eij (ui , j u j ,i ) 2 (138) (139) where eij is the strain tensor, ui the displacement vector, T the temperature change, G the shear modulus, the Poisson’s ratio, ij the Kronecker delta, and m 2G (1 v) / (1 2v) (140) is the thermal constant with being the coefficient of linear thermal expansion. Substituting Eqs. (138) and (139) into Eq. (137), the equilibrium equations may be rewritten as G Gui , jj u j , ji mT,i bi (141) 1 2 For a well-posed boundary value problem, the following boundary conditions, either displacement or traction boundary condition, should be prescribed as ui ui on u , ti ti where u on t , (142) (143) t is the boundary of the solution domain , ui and ti are the prescribed boundary values, and ti ij n j , is the boundary traction, in which n j denotes the boundary outward normal. 27 (144) 5.2. THE METHOD OF PARTICULAR SOLUTION For the governing equation (141) given in the previous section, the inhomogeneous term mT,i bi can be eliminated by employing the method of particular solution [2, 26, 38]. Using superposition principle, we decompose the displacement ui into two parts, the homogeneous solution uih and the particular solution uip as follows ui uih uip (145) in which the particular solution uip should satisfy the governing equation G Guip, jj u jp, ji mT,i bi 1 2 (146) but does not necessarily satisfy any boundary condition. It should be pointed out that its solution is not unique and can be obtained by various numerical techniques. However, the homogeneous solution should satisfy Guih, jj G u hj , ji 0 1 2 (147) with modified boundary conditions _ uih ui uip , on u _ tih ti mTni tip , (148) on t (149) From above equations, it can be seen that once the particular solution is known, the homogeneous solution uih Error! Reference source in Eqs. (147)Error! Reference source not found.(149) can be solved by not found.Eq. (147) Error! Reference source not found.. In the following section, RBF approximation is described to illustrate the particular solution procedure, and the HFS-FEM is presented which can be used for solving the Eqs. (147)-(149)Error! Reference source not found.. 5.3. RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION APPROXIMATION RBF is to be used to approximate the body force bi and the temperature field T in order to obtain the particular solution. To implement this approximation, we may consider two different ways: one is to treat body force bi and the temperature field T separately as in by Tsai [47]. The other is to treat mT,i bi as a whole [3]. Here we demonstrated that the performance of the latter one is usually better than the former one. 28 5.3.1. Interpolating temperature and body force separately The body force bi and temperature T are assumed to be by the following two equations N bi i j j (i =1,2 in 2 and i=1,2,3 in 3 ) (150) j 1 and N T j j (151) j 1 where N is the number of interpolation points, j are the basis functions, and i j and j are the coefficients to be determined by collocation. Subsequently, the approximate particular solution can be written as follows 3 N N uip i j ikj j ij k 1 j 1 (152) j 1 where ikj and ij is the approximated particular solution kernels. Once the RBF is selected, the problem of finding a particular solution will be reduced to solve the following equations G Gil ,kk kl ,ki il (153) 1 2 G G i ,kk k ,ki m,i (154) 1 2 To solve Eq.(153), the displacement is expressed in terms of the Galerkin -Papkovich vectors [37, 48] ik 1 1 Fik ,mm Fmk ,mi G 2G (155) Substituting Eq. (155) into Eq. (153), one can obtain the following bi-harmonic equation 1 4 Fil il (156) 1 If taking the Spline Type RBF r 2n1 , one can get the following solutions Fli li r 2 n 3 1 v 2n 1 2n 3 2 2 (2 ) for n=1,2,3 li A0 A1 li A2 r,i r,l (2 ) for n=1,2,3 (157) (158) where A0 1 r 2 n 1 2G 1 v 2n 12 2n 3 A1 5 4n 2v(2n 3) A2 (2n 1) 29 (159) for two-dimensional problem and Fli li r 2 n 3 (3 ) for n=1,2,3 1 v 2n 1 2n 2 2n 3 2n 4 li A0 A1 li A2 r,i r,l (3 ) for n=1,2,3 (160) (161) where 1 r 2 n 1 A0 8G 1 v n 1 n 2 2n 1 A1 7 4n 4v(n 2) (162) A2 (2n 1) for three-dimensional problem, where rj represents the Euclidean distance of the given point ( x1 , x2 ) from a fixed point ( x1 j , x2 j ) in the domain of interest. The corresponding stress particular solution can be obtained by Slij G(li , j lj ,i ) ij lk ,k where (163) 2v G . Substituting Eq. (161) into (163)Error! Reference source not found., 1 2v one can obtain Slij B0 B1 r, j li r,i jl B2 ij r,l B3r,i r, j r,l (2 ) for n=1,2,3 (164) where B0 1 r 2n 1 v 2n 1 2n 3 B1 (2n 2) v(2n 3) (165) B2 v(2n 3) 1 B3 1 2n for two-dimensional problem, and substituting Error! Reference source not found., one can obtain Slij B0 B1 r, j li r,i jl B2 ij r,l B3r,i r, j r,l Eq. (161) (3 ) for n=1,2,3 into (163) (166) where 1 r 2n B0 4 1 v n 1 n 2 B1 3 2n 2v(n 2) B2 2v(n 2) 1 B3 1 2n for three-dimensional problem. 30 (167) To solve Eq. (154), one can treat i as the gradient of a scalar function i U ,i Substituting Eq. (168) into Eq. (154) obtains the Poisson’s equation m(1 2 ) 2U 2G(1 ) (168) (169) Thus, taking r 2n1 , its particular solution can be obtained [48] m(1 2 ) r 2 n1 (2 ) for n=1,2,3 2 2G(1 ) (2n 1) m(1 2 ) r 2 n1 U (3 ) for n=1,2,3 2G(1 ) (2n 1)(2n 2) U (170) (171) Then from Eq. (168) we can get i as follows 2n m(1 2 ) r,i r (2 ) for n=1,2,3 2G(1 ) 2n 1 2n m(1 2 ) r,i r i (3 ) for n=1,2,3 2G(1 ) (2n 2) i (172) (173) The corresponding stress particular solution can be obtained by substituting Eq. (161) into Sij G(i , j j ,i ) ij k ,k (174) Then we have mr 2 n1 (1 2nv) ij (1 2v)(2n 1)r,i r, j (2 ) for n=1,2,3 (1 v) 2n 1 (175) mr 2 n1 (1 2 )(2n 1)r,i r, j ij (1 2nv) (3 ) for n=1,2,3 1 v 2n 2 (176) Sij Sij 5.3.2. Interpolating temperature and body force together Considering the temperature gradient plays the role of body force, we can approximate mT,i bi together by the following equation N mT,i bi i j j (177) j 1 Thus the approximate particular solution can be written as 3 N uip i j ikj (178) k 1 j 1 Consequently, we can follow the same way as that for body force in Method 1 and employing Eq. (153) and Eqs. (155)-(164) to obtain the desired ikj and Slij , which are the same as those for body force case only. It is noted that Method 2 has a relatively smaller number of 31 equations to solve for the coefficients and the condition number of the coefficient matrix is smaller as well, which will be beneficial to the solution. Once we have obtained the particular solutions of Eq. (145), we can use them to get the modified boundary conditions in Eq.Error! Reference source not found. (148) to obtain the homogeneous solution by considering Eq.Error! Reference source not found. (147). Then, we can employ the HFS-FEM described in Section 3 for 2D problem and Section 4.4 for 3D problem to obtain the homogeneous solutions. 6. Anisotropic Composite Materials In materials science, composite laminates are usually assemblies of layers of fibrous composite materials which can be joined together to provide required engineering properties, such as specified in-plane stiffness, bending stiffness, strength, and coefficient of thermal expansion [49]. Individual layers (or laminas) of the laminates consist of high-modulus, highstrength fibers in a polymeric, metallic, or ceramic matrix material. From the viewpoint of micromechanics, the fiber and matrix in each lamina can be treated as the inclusion and matrix, respectively. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of macromechanics, both a lamina and the whole laminate can be viewed as a general anisotropic body by classical lamination theory. Hence, the analysis of anisotropic bodies is important for understanding of the micro- or macro-mechanical behavior of composites [49]. In the literature, there are two main approaches dealing with generalized twodimensional anisotropic elastic problems. One is Lekhnitskii formalism [50, 51] which begins with stresses as basic variables and the other is Stroh formalism [52, 53] which starts with displacements as basic variables. Both of them are formulated in terms of complex variable functions. The Stroh formalism, which has been shown to be elegant and powerful, is used to find the analytical solutions for the corresponding infinite bodies [52, 54]. The formalism is also widely employed in the derivation of the inclusion or crack problems of anisotropic materials [55, 56]. Because of the limitations of the analytical solutions which are only available for some problems with simple geometry and boundary conditions [57, 58], 32 numerical methods such as finite element method (FEM), boundary element method (BEM), mesh free method (MFM), Hybrid-Trefftz (HT) FEM are usually resorted to solve more complex problems with complicated boundary constraints and loading conditions [59-61]. In this section, we presented the HFS-FEM for analyzing anisotropic composite materials based on the associated fundamental solutions in terms of Stroh formalism. 6.1. LINEAR ANISOTROPIC ELASTICITY 6.1.1. Basic equations and Stroh Formalism In the Cartesian coordinate system (x1, x2, x3), if we neglect the body force bi , the equilibrium equations, stress-strain laws and strain-displacement equations for anisotropic elasticity are [52] ij , j 0 (179) ij Cijkl ekl 1 eij (ui , j u j ,i ) 2 (180) (181) where i, j 1, 2,3 , Cijkl the fourth-rank anisotropic elasticity tensor. The equilibrium equations can be rewritten in terms of displacements by substituting Eqs. (180) and (181) into Eq. (179) as Cijkl uk , jl 0 The boundary conditions of the boundary value problem (180)-(182) are on u ui ui ti ij n j ti on t (182) (183) (184) where ui and ti are the prescribed boundary displacement and traction vector, respectively. In addition, ni is the unit outward normal to the boundary and =u+ t is the boundary of the solution domain . For the generalized two-dimensional deformation of anisotropic elasticity ui is assumed to depend on x1 and x2 only. Based on this assumption, the general solution to (182) can be written as [52, 53] u 2Re{Af ( z)}, φ 2Re{Bf ( z)} 33 (185) where u = u1 , u2 , u3 is the displacement vector, φ 1 , 2 , 3 the stress function vector, T T f ( z) [ f1 ( z1 ), f 2 ( z2 ), f3 ( z3 )]T a function vector composed of three holomorphic complex function f ( z ) , 1, 2,3 , which is an arbitrary function with argument z x1 p x2 and will be determined by satisfying the boundary and loading conditions of a given problem. In Eq. (185), Re stands for the real part of a complex number, p are the material eigenvalues with positive imaginary part, A = a1 ,a2 ,a3 and B = b1 ,b2 ,b3 are 3×3 complex matrices formed by the material eigenvector associated with p , which can be obtained by the following eigen-relations [52] Nξ pξ (186) where N is a 6×6 foundational elasticity matrix and ξ is a 6×1 column vector defined by a N N2 , ξ (187) N 1 T b N 3 N1 where N1 = -T-1RT , N2 = T-1 , N3 = RT-1RT - Q and the matrices Q , R and T are 3×3 matrices extracted from Cijkl as follow Qik Ci1k1 , Rik Ci1k 2 , Tik Ci 2k 2 The stresses can be obtained from the derivation of stress functions φ as follow i1 2 Re{Lf ( z)}, i 2 2 Re{Bf ( z)} where L p1b1 , p2b2 , p3b3 , p4b4 (188) (189) (190) 6.1.2. Foundational solutions To find the fundamental solution needed in our analysis, we have to first derive the Green’s function of the problem: an infinite homogeneous anisotropic elastic medium loaded by a concentrated point force (or line force for two-dimensional problems) pˆ ( pˆ1 , pˆ 2 , pˆ 3 ) applied at an internal point xˆ ( xˆ1 , xˆ2 ) far from the boundary. The boundary conditions of this problem can be written as C C d pˆ for any closed curve C enclosing xˆ du pˆ for any closed curve C lim ij 0 x Thus, the Green’s function satisfying above boundary conditions is found to be [62] 34 (191) f ( z) 1 ln( z zˆ ) AT pˆ 2 i (192) Therefore, fundamental solutions of the problem can be expressed as 1 u Im A ln z zˆ A T pˆ 1 Im B ln z zˆ A T pˆ The corresponding stress components can be obtained from stress function as 1 i*1 ,2 Im B p / z zˆ A T pˆ 1 i*2 ,1 Im B 1/ z zˆ A T pˆ (193) (194) where pˆ are chosen to be (1,0,0)T ,(0,1,0)T ,(0,0,1)T , respectively, stands for the diagonal matrix corresponding to subscript , Im denotes the imagery part of a complex number, and superscript T denotes the matrix transpose. 6.1.3. Coordinate transformation A typical composite laminate consists of individual layers, which are usually made of unidirectional plies with the same or regularly alternating orientation. A layer is generally referred to the global coordinate frame x1 , x2 , and x3 of the structural element rather than to coordinates x, y, and z associated with the ply orientation. So it is necessary to transform the constitutive relationship of each layer from the material coordinate frame to the uniform global coordinate frame. 35 Figure 7 Schematic of the relationship between global coordinate system ( x1 , x2 ) and local material coordinate system ( x, y ). For the two coordinate systems mentioned above (see Figure 7), the angle between the axis- x1 and axis-x is denoted by , which is positive along the anti-clockwise direction, the relationship for transformation of stress and strain components between the local material coordinates and global coordinates is given by 11, 22 , 23 , 31,12 T and T1 xx , yy , yz , zx , xy T (195) xx , yy , yz , zx , xy T1 11 , 22 , 23 , 31 , 12 T T T (196) where the transformation matrix T and its inverse matrix are defined as c2 s2 0 0 c 2 s 2 0 0 -2cs 2cs 2 2 c2 0 0 2cs c2 0 0 2cs s s 1 T 0 0 c s 0 T 0 0 c s 0 0 s c 0 0 0 -s c 0 0 , cs cs 0 0 c 2 s 2 cs -cs 0 0 c 2 s 2 (197) with c cos( ), s sin( ) . Therefore, the constitutive relationship in the global coordinate system is given by 11, 22 , 23 , 31,12 T T1C T1 11 , 22 , 23 , 31 , 12 T 36 T (198) 6.2. FORMULATIONS OF HFS-FEM 6.2.1. Assumed independent fields The intra-element displacement fields for a particular element e is approximated in terms of a linear combination of fundamental solutions of the problem as u1 (x) u(x) u2 (x) Nece (x e ,y sj e ) u ( x) 3 (199) where the matrix N e and unknown vector ce can be further written as * * * u11 (x, y s1 ) u12 (x, y s1 ) u13 (x, y s1 ) * * * Ne u12 (x, y s1 ) u22 (x, y s1 ) u23 (x, y s1 ) * * * u13 (x, y s1 ) u32 (x, y s1 ) u33 ( x, y s1 ) ce [c11 c21 c31 * u13 ( x, y sns ) * * * u12 ( x, y sns ) u22 ( x, y sns ) u23 ( x, y sns ) (200) * * * u13 ( x, y sns ) u32 ( x, y sns ) u33 (x, y sns ) c1n c2 n c3n ]T (201) * * u11 ( x, y sns ) u12 ( x, y sns ) in which ns is the number of source points, x and y sj are respectively the field point and source point in the coordinate system (x1, x2) local to the element under consideration. The fundamental solution uij* (x, y sj ) is given by Eq.(193) for general elements. γ is a dimensionless coefficient for determining source points as described in previous sections. The corresponding stress fields can be expressed as σ(x) 11 22 23 31 12 Tece T (202) where * 111 (x, y1 ) * 122 (x, y1 ) * (x, y1 ) Te 123 * (x, y ) 1 131 * 112 (x, y1 ) * * 211 (x, y1 ) 311 (x, y1 ) * * * 111 (x, y n ) 211 (x, y n ) 311 ( x, y n ) (x, y n ) ( x , y ) ns s * * * * * 223 (x, y1 ) 323 (x, y1 ) 123 ( x, y ns ) 223 ( x, y ns ) 323 (x, y ns ) * * * * * 231 (x, y1 ) 331 (x, y1 ) 131 (x, y ns ) 231 (x, y ns ) 331 ( x, y ns ) * * * * * 231 (x, y1 ) 312 (x, y1 ) 112 (x, y ns ) 212 (x, y ns ) 312 ( x, y ns ) (203) * 222 (x, y1 ) * 322 s * 122 (x, y1 ) s * 222 (x, y ns ) s * 322 * The components ijk (x, y ) is given by Eq. (194) when pˆ i is selected to be (1, 0, 0)T , (0,1, 0)T and (0, 0,1)T , respectively. As a consequence, the traction can be written as t1 t2 nσ Qece t 3 (204) in which Qe nTe 37 (205) n1 n 0 0 0 0 n3 n2 n3 0 0 n2 n1 n2 n1 0 (206) The unknown c e in Eq. (199) and Eq. (202) may be calculated using a hybrid technique [33], in which the elements are linked through an auxiliary conforming displacement frame which has the same form as in conventional FEM (see Figure 1). Thus, the frame field is defined as u1 N1 (207) u(x) u2 N 2 d e N ed e , (x e ) u 3 N3 where the symbol “~” is used to specify that the field is defined on the element boundary only, N e is the matrix of shape functions, d e is the nodal displacements of elements. Taking the side 3-4-5 of a particular 8-node quadrilateral element (see Figure 1) as an example, N e and d e can be expressed as Ne 0 0 N1 N2 N3 0 0 0 de = u11 u21 u31 u12 u22 u32 where the shape functions are expressed as Ni 0 N i 0 Ni 0 0 (208) u18 u28 u38 T 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ni and N1 , N 2 and N 3 are expressed by natural coordinate [1,1] 1 1 N1 , N 2 1 2 , N3 1,1 2 2 (209) (210) (211) 6.2.2. Modified functional for HFS-FEM With the assumption of two distinct intra-element field and frame field for elements, we can establish the modified variational principle based on Eqs.(182)-(184) for the hybrid finite element method of anisotropic materials [22, 28]. In the absence of the body forces, the hybrid variational functional me for a particular element e is constructed as 1 me ij ij d ti ui d ti (ui ui )d t e 2 e where the boundary e of the element e is e eu et eI and 38 (212) (213) eu e u , et e t (214) and eI is the inter-element boundary of element e. Performing a variation of m , one obtains me ij ui , j d ti ui d [(ui ui ) ti ti ( ui ui )]d e et e (215) Applying Gaussian theorem f,i d f ni d e (216) e and the definitions of traction force ti ij n j (217) we obtain e ij , j ui d ti ui d ti ui d e e (218) et Then, substituting Eq.(218) into Eq.(215) gives me ij , j ui d ti ui d [(ui ui ) ti ti ui ]d e et e (219) Considering the fact that t ui d 0 (220) eu i we can finally obtain the following form me ij , j ui d (ti ti ) ui d (ui ui ) ti d ti ui d (221) e et e I Therefore, the Euler equations for Eq. (212) result in Eqs. (182)-(184) because the quantities ui , ti and ui may be arbitrary. As for the continuity condition between elements, it can be easily seen from the following variational of two adjacent elements such as e and f m ( e f ) ij , j ui d (ti ti ) ui d e f e f et et (ui ui ) ti d efI tie tif ui (222) This indicates that the stationary condition of the functional satisfies both the required boundary and inter-element continuity equations. In addition, the existence of extremum of functional (212) can be easily proved by the so-called “second variational approach” as well, which indicates functional (212) have a local extreme. Therefore, we can conclude that the variational functional (212) can be used for deriving hybrid finite element formulations. 39 6.2.3. Element Stiffness Equation Using Gaussian theorem and equilibrium equations, all domain integrals in Eq. (212) can be converted into boundary integrals as follows 1 me ti ui d ti ui d tiui d e t 2 e (223) Substituting Eqs. (199), (204) and (207) into the functional (223) yields the formulation as 1 me ceT Hece ceT G ede deT g e (224) 2 where He QeT Ne d , G e QeT Ne d , g e NeT t d e e t (225) The stationary condition of the functional me with respect to ce and de, respectively, yields, Eqs. (33) and (34) 7. Piezoelectric Materials Piezoelectric materials have the property of converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and vice versa. This reciprocity in the energy conversion makes them very attractive for using in electromechanical devices, such as sensors, actuators, transducers and frequency generators. To enhance understanding of the electromechanical coupling mechanism in piezoelectric materials and to explore their potential applications in practical engineering, numerous investigations, either analytically or numerically, have been reported over the past decades [5, 28, 63-70]. In this section, the HFS-FEM is developed for modeling two-dimensional piezoelectric material. The detailed formulations and procedures are given in the following sections. 7.1. BASIC EQUATIONS FOR PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS For a linear piezoelectric material in absence of body forces and electric charge density, the differential governing equations in the Cartesian coordinate system xi (i=1, 2, 3) are given by ij , j 0, Di,i 0 in 40 (226) where ij is the stress tensor, Di the electric displacement vector, the solution domain. With strain and electric field as the independent variables, the constitutive equations are written as ij cijkl kl ekij Ek , Di eikl kl ik Ek (227) where cijkl is the elasticity tensor measured under zero electric field, eikl and ij are respectively the piezoelectric tensor and dielectric tensor measured under zero strain. ij and Ei are the elastic strain tensor and the electric field vector, respectively. The relation between the strain tensor ij and the displacement ui is given by 1 2 ij (ui , j u j ,i ) (228) and the electric field component Ei is related to the electric potential by Ei ,i (229) The boundary conditions of the boundary value problem (226)-(229) can be defined by: on u (230) ui ui ti ij n j ti on t (231) Dn Di ni qn Dn on D on (232) (233) where ui , ti , qn and are respectively the prescribed boundary displacement, the prescribed traction vector, the prescribed surface charge and the prescribed electric potential. In addition, ni is the unit outward normal to the boundary and u t D (234) is the boundary of the solution domain . For the transversely isotropic material, if x1 - x2 is taken as the isotropic plane, one can employ either x1 - x3 or x2 - x3 plane to study the plane electromechanical phenomenon. Thus, choosing the former and considering the plane strain conditions ( 22 32 12 0 and E2 0 ) Eq.(227) can be reduced to 11 c11 33 c13 0 13 D1 0 D3 e31 c13 c33 0 0 e33 0 11 0 0 33 0 2 e c44 13 15 e31 E e33 1 E 0 3 e15 11 11 0 E1 0 33 0 33 E3 213 41 (235) For the plane stress piezoelectric problem ( 22 32 12 0 and D2 0 ), the constitutive equations can be obtained by replacing the coefficients c11 , c13 , c33 , c44 , e15 , e31 , e33 , 11 , 33 in Eq. (235) as * c11 c11 c122 / c11 , c13* c13 c12c13 / c11 , * * c33 c33 c132 / c11 , c44 c44 , e15* e15 , * * e31 e31 c12e31 / c11 , e33 e33 c13e31 / c11 , (236) 11* 11 , 33* 33 e312 / c11 7.2. ASSUMED INDEPENDENT FIELDS For the piezoelectric problems, HFS-FEM is based on assuming two distinct displacement and electric potential (DEP) fields: intra-element DEP field u and an independent DEP frame field u along element boundaries [16, 22]. 7.2.1. Intra-element field The intra-element DEP field u identically fulfills the governing differential equations (226) and is approximated by a linear combination of foundational solutions at different source points located outside of the element domain * * * u1 ns u11 (x, y sj ) u21 (x, y sj ) u31 (x, y sj ) c1 j * * * ue u2 u12 (x, y sj ) u22 (x, y sj ) u32 (x, y sj ) c2 j Nece (x e , y sj e ) (237) j 1 u* (x, y ) u* (x, y ) u* (x, y ) c sj 23 sj 33 sj 3 j 13 where the fundamental solution matrix N e is now given by * * * u11 (x, y s1 ) u21 (x, y s1 ) u31 (x, y s1 ) * * * Ne u12 (x, y s1 ) u22 (x, y s1 ) u32 (x, y s1 ) * * * u13 (x, y s1 ) u23 (x, y s1 ) u33 (x, y s1 ) ce [c11 c21 c31 * * * ... u33 ( x, y sns ) u33 ( x, y sns ) u33 ( x, y sns ) * * * ... u33 (x, y sns ) u33 ( x, y sns ) u33 ( x, y sns ) (238) * * * ... u33 ( x, y sns ) u33 ( x, y sns ) u33 (x, y sns ) (239) ... c1ns c2 ns c3ns ]T in which x and y sj are respectively the field point (i.e. the nodal points of the element in this work) and source point in the local coordinate system (x1, x2). The component uij* (x, y sj ) is the induced displacement component (i=1, 2) or electric potential (i=3) in i-direction at the field point x due to a unit point load (j=1, 2) or point charge (j=3) applied in j-direction at the source point y sj . The fundamental solution uij* (x, y sj ) is given as [5, 65, 71] 42 1 3 s j1t12 j 1 ln rj u11 M 11 j 1 x1 xs1 1 3 s j 2t12 j 2 arctg u12 M 12 j 1 s j x3 xs 3 x1 xs1 1 3 u13 s j 3t12 j 3arctg M 13 j 1 s j x3 xs 3 x1 xs1 1 3 1 u 21 M d j1t 2 j 1arctg s x x 11 j 1 j 3 s3 3 1 d j 2t12 j 2 ln rj u22 M 12 j 1 1 3 d j 3t12 j 3 ln rj u23 M 13 j 1 (240) (241) x1 xs1 1 3 1 u 31 M g j1t 2 j 1arctg s x x 11 j 1 j 3 s3 1 3 u g j 2t12 j 2 ln rj 32 M 12 j 1 1 3 g j 3t12 j 3 ln rj u33 M 13 j 1 where rj x1 xs1 2 (242) s 2j x3 xs 3 , and s j is the three different roots of the characteristic 2 equation asi6 bsi4 csi3 d 0 . The source point y sj ( j 1, 2, following method [2] , ns ) can be generated by the y s x 0 (x 0 x c ) (243) Making use of Eq.(228) and the expression of intra-element DEP field u in Eq.(237), the corresponding stress and electric displacement in Eq. (235) can be written as σ Tece where σ 11 22 12 11* (x, y s1 ) * 21 (x, y s1 ) * (x, y s1 ) Te 31 * (x, y ) s1 41 * 51 (x, y s1 ) D1 (244) D2 and T 12* (x, y s1 ) 13* (x, y s1 ) ... 11* (x, y sn ) 12* (x, y sn ) 13* (x, y sn ) s s s * * * * * 22 (x, y s1 ) 23 (x, y s1 ) ... 21 (x, y sn ) 22 (x, y sn ) 23 ( x, y sn ) 32* (x, y s1 ) 33* (x, y s1 ) ... 31* (x, y sn ) 32* ( x, y sn ) 33* (x, y sn ) s s s s s s (x, y s1 ) (x, y s1 ) ... (x, y sn ) (x, y sn ) (x, y sn ) * 42 * 43 * 41 s * 42 s * 43 s (x, y s1 ) (x, y s1 ) ... (x, y sn ) (x, y sn ) (x, y sn ) * 52 * 53 * 51 s * 52 s * 53 s (245) in which (x, y sj ) denotes the corresponding stress components (i=1,2,3) or electric * ij displacement (i=4,5) along i-direction at the field point x due to a unit point load (j=1,2) or a 43 unit point charge (j=3) applied in j-direction at the source point ys and can be derived from Eqs.(240)-(242), and are listed below, which are derived by substituting the fundamental solutions into constitutive equations [72]. x1 xs1 1 3 1 11 c11s j1 c13d j1s j e31 g j1s j t 2 j 1 M 11 j 1 rj2 s j x3 xs 3 1 3 1 c11s j 2 c13d j 2 s j e31 g j 2 s j t 2 j 2 12 M 12 j 1 rj2 3 s j x3 xs 3 1 c11s j 3 c13d j 3 s j e31 g j 3 s j t12 j 3 13 M 13 j 1 rj2 x1 xs1 1 3 1 21 c13 s j1 c33 d j1s j e33 g j1s j t 2 j 1 M 11 j 1 rj2 s j x3 xs 3 1 3 1 c13 s j 2 c33 d j 2 s j e33 g j 2 s j t 2 j 2 22 M 12 j 1 rj2 3 s j x3 xs 3 1 c13 s j 3 c33d j 3 s j e33 g j 3 s j t12 j 3 23 2 M r j 1 13 j s j x3 xs 3 1 3 1 31 c44 s j1s j c44 d j1 e15 g j1 t 2 j 1 M 11 j 1 rj2 x1 xs1 1 3 1 c44 s j 2 s j c44 d j 2 e15 g j 2 t 2 j 2 32 M 12 j 1 rj2 3 x x 1 c44 s j 3 s j c44 d j 3 e15 g j 3 t12 j 3 1 2 s1 33 M 13 j 1 rj s j x3 xs 3 1 3 1 41 e15 s j1s j e15 d j1 11 g j1 t 2 j 1 M 11 j 1 rj2 x1 xs1 1 3 1 e15 s j 2 s j e15 d j 2 11 g j 2 t 2 j 2 42 M 12 j 1 rj2 3 x x 1 e15 s j 3 s j e15 d j 3 11 g j 3 t12 j 3 1 2 s1 43 M 13 j 1 rj 44 (246) (247) (248) (249) x1 xs1 1 3 1 51 e31s j1 e33d j1s j 33 g j1s j t 2 j 1 M 11 j 1 rj2 s j x3 xs 3 1 3 1 e31s j 2 e33 d j 2 s j 33 g j 2 s j t 2 j 2 52 M 12 j 1 rj2 3 s j x3 xs 3 1 e31s j 3 e33d j 3 s j 33 g j 3 s j t12 j 3 53 M 13 j 1 rj2 (250) in which the coefficients sij , dij , gij , tij , M11 , M12 , M13 are defined as in literature [71]. From Eqs.(227), (231) and (232), the generalized traction forces and electric displacement are given as t1 Q1 t2 Q 2 ce Qece D Q n 3 (251) Qe nTe (252) where n1 n 0 0 0 n2 0 n2 n1 0 0 0 n1 0 0 n2 (253) 7.2.2. Auxiliary frame field For the two-dimensional piezoelectric problem under consideration, the frame field is assumed as u1 N1 u(x) u2 N 2 d e N ed e , N 3 (x e ) (254) where N e is a matrix of the corresponding shape functions. For the side 3-4-5 of a particular quadratic element as shown in Figure 1, the shape function matrix N e and nodal vector d e can be given in the form 0 0 N1 N e 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 N2 0 0 N3 0 0 0 N1 0 0 N2 0 0 N3 0 0 0 N1 0 0 N2 0 0 N3 0 de u11 u21 1 9 u14 u24 4 u18 u28 8 where the shape functions N e are expressed by natural coordinate 45 T 0 0 0 (255) (256) N1 1 2 , N 2 1 2 , N3 1 2 1,1 (257) 7.3. HFS-FEM FORMULATIONS 7.3.1. Variational principles Based on the assumption of two distinct DEP fields, the Euler equations of the proposed variational functional should also satisfy the following inter-element continuity requirements in addition to Eqs.(226)-(233): uie uif e f (on e f , conformity) tie tif 0 Dne Dnf 0 (on e f , reciprocity) (258) (259) where ‘ e ’ and ‘ f ’ stand for any two neighboring elements. Eqs.(226)-(233) together with Eq.(258) and (259) can now be taken as the basis to establish the modified variational principle for the hybrid finite element method of piezoelectric materials [16, 22]. Since the stationary conditions of the traditional potential or complementary variational functional cannot satisfy the inter-element continuity condition required in the proposed HFS-FEM, new modified variational functional should be developed. In the absence of the body forces and electric charge density, the hybrid functional me for a particular element e is constructed as me e ti (ui ui )d Dn ( )d e e (260) where e 1 ( ij ij Di Ei )d tiui d Dn d t D 2 e (261) and the boundary e of the element e is e eu et eI e eD eI (262) eu e u , et e t , e e , eD e D (263) and and eI is the inter-element boundary of element e . Compared to the functional employed in the conventional FEM, the present hybrid functional is constructed by adding two integral terms related to the intra-element and element frame DEP fields to guarantee the satisfaction of displacement and electrical potential continuity condition on the common boundary of two adjacent elements. 46 It can be proved that the stationary conditions of the above functional (260) leads to Eqs.(226)-(233). To this end, performing a variation of m , one obtains me e [(ui ui ) ti ti ( ui ui )]d [( ) Dn Dn ( )]d (264) e e in which the first term is e ij ij d ) Di Ei d ti ui d Dn d ij ui , j d Di,i d ti ui d Dn d e e e et e eD et eD (265) Applying Gaussian theorem e f,i d f ni d (266) e and the definitions of traction force and electrical displacement ti ij n j , Dn Di ni (267) we obtain e ij , j ui d Di ,i d ti ui d Dn d e e ti ui d et eD e e Then, substituting Eq. (268) into Eq. (264) gives me ij , j ui d Di ,i d ti ui d e (268) Dn d e et eD Dn d (269) [(ui ui ) ti ti ui ]d [( ) Dn Dn ]d e e Considering the fact that t ui d 0, eu i e Dn d 0 (270) we finally get the following form me ij , j ui d Di ,i d (ti ti ) ui d e e et eD ( Dn Dn ) d (ui ui ) ti d ( ) Dn d ti ui d Dn d e e I (271) I Therefore, the Euler equations for Eq. (271) result in Eqs. (226)-(233) and Eq. (258) because the quantities ui , ti , , Dn , ui , and may be arbitrary. As for the continuity condition of Eq.(259), it can easily be seen from the following variational of two adjacent elements such as e and f m ( e f ) e f e f ij , j ui d Di ,i d e f (ui ui ) ti d e f (ti ti ) ui d et et ( ) Dn d efI 47 ( Dn Dn ) d eD fD t ie tif ui efI D ne Dnf d (272) which indicates that the stationary condition of the functional satisfies both the required boundary and inter-element continuity equations. In addition, the existence of extremum of functional (260) can be easily proved by the “second variational approach” as well, which indicates functional (260) have a local extreme. 7.3.2. Element Stiffness Equation The element stiffness equation can be generated by setting me 0 . To simplify the derivation, we first transform all domain integrals in Eq. (260) into boundary ones. With Gaussian theorem, the functional in Eq. (260) may be simplified as 1 me ( ij ij Di Ei )d ti ui d Dn d ti (ui ui )d Dn ( )d t D e e 2 e 1 1 ( ti ui d ij , j ui d ) ( Dn d Di ,i d ) tiui d Dn d e t D e 2 e 2 e ti (ui ui )d Dn ( )d e e (273) Due to the satisfaction of the equilibrium equation with the constructed intra-element fields, we have the following expression for the HT finite element model 1 1 me ti ui d Dn d ti ui d Dn d ti (ui ui )d Dn ( )d t D e e 2 e 2 e 1 (ti ui Dn )d (tiui Dn )d tiui d Dn d e t D 2 e (274) Substituting Eqs. (237), (254) and (251) into the above functional (274) yields the formulation as 1 me ceT Hece ceT G ede deT g e 2 (275) where He QeT Ne d e , G e QeT Ne d e , ge NeT t d NeT Dd t D . The stationary condition of the functional me with respect to ce and de, respectively, yields Eqs. (33) and (34). Following the procedure described in [21, 22], the missing rigid-body motion can be recovered by setting the augmented internal field of a particular element e as 1 0 x2 0 (276) u e N ece 0 1 x1 0 c0 0 0 0 1 48 where the undetermined rigid-body motion parameter c 0 can be calculated using the least square matching of u e and u e at element nodes n 2 2 2 min u1i u1i u2i u2i i i i 1 (277) which finally gives c0 = R e1re 0 x2i 1 n 0 1 x1i Re = 2 x1i x1i x22i i 1 x2 i 0 0 0 ue1i n ue 2i re u x u x i 1 e1i 2 i e 2 i 1i ei (278) 0 0 0 1 (279) (280) in which Δuei = ue - uˆ e node i and n is the number of element nodes. As a consequence, c 0 can be calculated by Eq. (278) once the nodal DEP fields d e and the interpolation coefficients c e are respectively determined by Eqs. (237) and (254). Then the complete DEP fields u e can be obtained from Eq. (276). 7.4. NORMALIZATION The order of magnitudes of the material constants and the corresponding field variables in piezoelectricity have a wide spectrum as large as 1019 in SI unit. This will lead to ill-conditioned matrix of the system [62, 73]. To resolve this problem, normalization of each quantity by its reference value is employed. The reference values for the stiffness, piezoelectric stress constant, dielectric constants and strain are selected to be c0 1011 N / m2 , e0 101 ( N / mV ) , k0 109 C / mV , 0 103 V / m , respectively. The reference values of other quantities, as shown in Table 1, are determined in terms of these four fundamental reference variables and the characteristic length x0 100 m of the problem so that the normalized governing equations remain in exactly the same form as the original equations. 49 Table 1 Reference values for material constants and field variables in piezoelectricity derived from basic reference variables: c0 , e0 , k0 , 0 and x0 . Displacement u0 x0 0 103 (m) Electric Potential 0 x0 E0 107 (V ) Stress 0 c0 0 108 ( N / m2 ) s0 0 1011 (m2 / N ) 0 0 7 Electric induction D0 k0 E0 102 (C / m2 ) E 0 0 109 (mV / C ) D0 E g0 0 101 (mV / N ) 0 Compliance Electric field E0 e0 10 (V / m) Impermeability Piezoelectric strain constant 8. Numerical Examples Several numerical examples are presented in this section to illustrate the application of the HFS-FEM and to demonstrate its effectiveness and accuracy. Unless otherwise indicated, mesh convergence tests were conducted for the reference solutions obtained from ABAQUS in the following examples. 8.1. CUBIC BLOCK UNDER UNIFORM TENSION AND BODY FORCE An isotropic cubic block, with dimension 10×10×10 and subject to a uniform tension as shown in Figure 8, is considered in this example. A constant body force of 10Mpa and uniform distributed tension of 100MPa are applied to the cube. Figure 10 present the displacement component u1 and the stress component 11 at Point A of the block, which are calculated by the HFS-FEM on the three meshes with distorted 8-node brick elements (Figure 9). The results calculated by ABAQUS with a very fine mesh (with 40×40×40 C3D8 and EAS element with 68921 nodes) are taken as a reference value for comparison. The results from C3D8 and EAS elements in ABAQUS are also presented in Figure 10 for comparison. It can be seen from these figures that the results obtained from both the HFS-FEM and ABAQUS converge to the benchmark value with the number of degree of freedom (DOF) increasing. For Mesh 1, the hybrid EAS element has the best performance while for Mesh 2 and Mesh 3 it can be seen that HFS-FEM with 8-node brick elements exhibits better accuracy in both displacement and stress compare with EAS element in traditional FEM. Contour plots of u1 and 11 obtained by HFS-FEM on Mesh 3 are also presented in Figure 11. It should be 50 noted that for problems involving body forces the accuracy of the RBF interpolation has to be considered for a satisfactory solution. The details on the RBF interpolation can be found in previous literatures [37, 74]. W 10 A P 100 H 10 x3 L 10 x1 x2 Figure 8 Cubic block under uniform tension and body force: geometry, boundary condition and loading. Figure 9 Cubic block under uniform tension and body force: (a) Mesh 1 (4 × 4×4 elements), (b) Mesh 2 (6 × 6 × 6 elements) and (c) Mesh 3 (10 × 10 × 10 elements). 51 Figure 10 Cubic block with body force under uniform distributed load: Convergent study of (a) displacement u1 and (b) stress 11 . 52 Figure 11 Contour plots of (a) displacement u1 and (b) stress 11 of the cube. 8.2. CIRCULAR CYLINDER WITH AXISYMMETRIC TEMPERATURE CHANGE In this example, a long circular cylinder with axisymmetric temperature change in domain is considered. Both inside and outside surfaces of the cylinder are assumed to be free from traction. The temperature T changes logarithmically along the radial direction. With the symmetry condition of the problem, only one quarter of the cylinder is modeled. The configurations of geometry and the boundary conditions are shown in Figure 12. In our computation, the parameters a=5, b=20, E=1000, ν =0.3, α =0.001, and T0 =10. The two approaches listed in Section 4 to approximate the body force and temperature are discussed and analyzed in this example. 53 Figure 12 (a) Geometry and boundary conditions of the long cylinder with axisymmetric temperature change, (b) Mesh configurations of a quarter of circular cylinder (128 eight-node elements) Figure 13 present the variation of the radial and the circumferential thermal stresses with the cylinder radius, respectively, in which the theoretical values are given for comparison [35]. It is seen from Figure 13 that the results from Method 2 are much better than those obtained from Method 1 for both radial and circumferential stress. It can be inferred that the error may be to a large extent due to the RBF interpolation, for which the number of interpolation points has a significant influence on its accuracy. 54 Figure 13 (a) Radial thermal stresses and (b)circumferential thermal stresses with the cylinder radius. 55 Figure 14 Contour plots of (a) radial and (b) circumferential thermal stresses (The background mesh in the figures (a) and (b) is used for plots the calculated results in post processing) Figure 14 displays the contour plots of (a) radial and (b) circumferential thermal stresses (The meshes used for contour plot is different from that for calculation due to using quadratic elements). It demonstrates that treating temperature gradient and body force together is more superior to dealing them separately. However, we have to rely on Method 1 when the temperature change is discrete distribution or the gradient of the temperature field is not available. 8.3. 3D CUBE UNDER ARBITRARY TEMPERATURE AND BODY FORCE As shown in Figure 15, a 3D cube of 111 with center located at (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) is considered in this example. The material properties of the cube are Young’s modulus E 5000 , Poisson’s ratio v 0.3 , and linear thermal expansion coefficient 0.001 . The 56 bottom surface is fixed on the ground and the temperature distribution and body force are assumed to be T 30 x3 , b1 0, b2 0, b3 2000 ( x 0.5)2 ( y 0.5)2 Because there is no analytical solution available, the results from ABAQUS herein are employed for comparison. The meshes used by HFS-FEM and ABAQUS are given in Figure 15. Figure 15 (a) Schematic of the 3D cube under arbitrary temperature and body force, (b) mesh used by HFS-FEM (125 20-node brick elements), (c) mesh for ABAQUS (8000 C3D20R elements). Figure 16 presents the displacement u3 and stress 33 along one edge of the cube which is coinciding with x3 axis. It can be seen that the results from HFS-FEM are again agree very well with those by ABAQUS. It is demonstrated that the proposed HFS-FEM is able to predict the response of 3D thermoelastic problems under arbitrary temperature and 57 body force. It is also shown that HFS-FEM with RBF interpolation can give satisfactory results using coarse meshes. Figure 16 (a) Displacement u3 and (b) stress 33 along one cube edge when subjected to arbitrary temperature and body force 8.4. ORTHOTROPIC COMPOSITE PLATE WITH AN ELLIPTIC HOLE UNDER TENSION A finite composite plate containing an elliptical hole (Figure 17) is investigated in this example. A uniform tension of 0 =1 GPa is applied in x2 direction. The material parameters of the orthotropic plate are taken as El=113 GPa, E2=52.7 GPa, G12=28.5 GPa, v12= 0.45. The length and width of the plate are L=20 mm and W=20 mm; the major and minor lengths of the ellipse a and b are respectively 2 mm and 1 mm. In the computation, plane stress condition is used. The mesh configurations used by HFS-FEM and ABAQUS are given in Figure 17. 58 Figure 17 (a) Schematic of an orthotropic composite plate with an elliptic hole under uniform tension, and its mesh configurations for (b) HFS-FEM, 1515 quadratic elements and (c) ABAQUS, 9498 quadratic elements. 7 0 =0 (ABAQUS) 6 0 =30 (ABAQUS) Hoop stress (GPa) 5 0 =45 (ABAQUS) 0 4 =60 (ABAQUS) 3 =0 (HFS-FEM) 0 =90 (ABAQUS) 0 0 =30 (HFS-FEM) 2 0 =45 (HFS-FEM) 0 =60 (HFS-FEM) 1 0 =90 (HFS-FEM) 0 -1 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Angle (Degree) Figure 18 Variation of hoop stresses along the rim of the elliptical hole for different fiber orientation . 59 Figure 19 Contour plots of stress components around the elliptic hole in the composite plate: (a) 00 , (b) 450 , (c) 900 . Figure 18 shows the corresponding variation of the hoop stress along the rim of the elliptical hole when the orientation angle of reinforced fibers is equal to 0°, 45° and 90°, respectively. It is found from Figure 18 that the results from HFS-FEM have a good agreement with the reference solutions from ABAQUS. This indicates that the proposed method is able to capture the variations of the hoop stress induced by the elliptical hole in the plate. The Contour plots of stress components 11 , 22 , 12 around the elliptic hole in the composite plate for several different fiber angles are shown in Figure 19. Figure 20 shows the stress concentration factor (SCF) along with the inclined angle of the reinforced fibers, which exhibits a good agreement with the solutions from ABAQUS. 60 It is obvious that the SCF of the punched plate rises with the increasing fiber angle . It is found from Figure 20 that the largest SCF occurs at 900 whereas the smallest appears at 0o . It indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method in predicting the SCF for anisotropic composites as well. 7.0 ABAQUS HFS-FEM 6.5 SCF (/0) 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Angle (Degree) Figure 20 Variation of SCF with the lamina angle . 8.5. ISOTROPIC PLATE WITH MULTI-ANISOTROPIC INCLUSIONS In this example, a multi-inclusion problem is investigated to show the capability of the HFS-FEM to deal with both isotropic and anisotropic materials in a unified way. As shown in Figure 21, an isotropic plate containing multi-anisotropic inclusions of square geometry (Edge length a=2) are considered. The distance between any two inclusions is assumed to be b=3. The material parameters for the inclusions are chosen as El=134.45 GPa, E2= E3=11.03 GPa, G23=2.98 GPa, G31= G12=28.5 GPa, v23=0.49, v31= v12=0.301. The material parameters for isotropic matrix are elastic modules E=2.8 Gpa and poison’s ratio v=0.3. The mesh configuration of the plate for HFS-FEM is shown in Figure 21, which uses 272 quadratic general elements. In general, the Stroh formalism is suitable for the anisotropic material with distinct material eigenvalues, and it fails for the degenerated materials like isotropic material with repeated eigenvalues p i,( 1, 2,3) (Lekhnitskii, 1968). However, a small perturbation of the material constants, such as p1= (1-0.004)i, p2=i, p3= (1+0.004)i, can be applied to make the eigenvalues be distinct and the results can be applied conveniently. 61 Figure 21 (a) Schematic and (b) mesh configuration of an isotropic plate with multianisotropic inclusions. Table 2 shows the displacement and stresses at points A, B and C as indicated in Figure 21. It is observed that there is a good agreement between the results by the HFS-FEM and those from ABAQUS using very fine mesh, in which the maximum relative error for displacement and stress by HFS-FEM occur at Point B (i.e. x2=0) and are 0.7% and 1.3%, respectively. Additionally, it can be found that the results from HFS-FEM are better than those from ABAQUS using the same mesh. Although the stress at the vicinity of the inclusions (Point C) has a little degradation due to the high stress concentration and stress contrast at the adjacent elements, the displacement still agrees well with the reference solution. The variations of displacement components u1 and u2 along the right edge (x=8) by HFS-FEM is shown in Figure 22. 62 Table 2 Comparison of displacement and stress at points A and B. Items Disp. u1 Stress 11 Figure 22 Points HFS-FEM ABAQUS ABAQUS (272 elements) (272 elements) (30471elements ) A 0.04322 0.04318 0.04335 B 0.03719 0.03721 0.03744 C 0.03062 0.03076 0.03091 A 10.0446 9.9219 9.9992 B 9.8585 9.8304 9.9976 C 20.6453 13.7302 23.6625 The variation of displacement component (a) u1 and (b) u2 along the right edge of the plate (x=8) by HFS-FEM and ABAQUS. 63 8.6. INFINITE PIEZOELECTRIC MEDIUM WITH HOLE Consider an infinite piezoelectric plane with a circular hole as shown in Figure 23. The material parameters are given in Table 3. Suppose that mechanical load xx 0 10 parallel to the x axis be imposed at infinity with traction- and electric charge-free at the boundary of the hole. In our calculation, the radius of the hole is set to be r = 1 and L/r =20 is employed in the analysis. Figure 23 (a) An infinite piezoelectric plate with a circular hole subjected to remote stress. (b) Mesh used by HFS-FEM. (c) Mesh used by ABAQUS. Table 3 Properties of the material PZT-4 used for the model Parameters Values Parameters Values c11 13.9 1010 Nm2 e15 13.44Cm2 64 c12 7.78 1010 Nm2 e31 6.98Cm2 c13 7.43 1010 Nm2 e33 13.84Cm2 c33 11.3 1010 Nm2 11 6.0 109 C / Nm c44 2.56 1010 Nm2 33 5.47 109 C / Nm Figure 24 shows the distribution of hoop stress and radial stress r along the line z=0 for remote loading xx and along the line x=0 for remote loading zz , respectively. Figure 25 presents the variations of the normalized stress / 0 and the normalized electric displacement D / 0 1010 along the hole edge under remote mechanical loading. It is obvious that the results obtained from HFS-FEM agree well with the results from ABAQUS and Sosa [63]. Figure 24 Distribution of (a) hoop stress and (b) radial stress r along the line z=0 when subjected to remote mechanical load xx and along the line x=0 when subjected to remote mechanical load zz . 65 It can be seen from Figure 24 that hoop stress has maximum value on the rim of the hole and it decreases dramatically with the increase of the distance from the hole edge. It is also shown that tends to be equal to the remote applied load 0 when r increasing toward infinity. Compared with the hoop stress , it is obvious that the radial stress r is much smaller and usually does not need to be considered. It is obvious that loading along the poling direction will produce smaller stress concentration due to coupling effect. The maximum values of appears at 90 for case of xx and at 0 and 180 for case of loading zz , both of which agree well with the analytical solution from Sosa [63]. The electric displacement D / 0 1010 produced by xx and zz are nearly the same, and are symmetrical with respect to the x axis. It is found that the maximum values of D appears at 65 and 115 , which also agrees well with the analytical solution. Figure 25 Variation of (a) normalized stress / 0 and (b) electrical displacement D / 0 1010 along the hole boundary under remote mechanical loading 66 9. Conclusions In this paper, we have reviewed the HFS-FEM and its application in engineering applications. The HFS-FEM is a promising numerical method for solving complex engineering problems. The main advantages of this method include integration along the element boundaries only, easily adopting of arbitrary polygonal or even curve-sided elements, symmetric and sparse stiffness matrix, and avoiding the singularity integral problem as encountered in BEM. Moreover, as in HT-FEM, this method offers the attractive possibility to develop accurate crack singular, corner or perforated elements, simply by using appropriate special fundamental solutions as the trial functions of the intra-element displacements. It is noted that the HFS-FEM has attracted more attention of researchers in computational mechanics in the past few years, and good progress has been made in the field of potential problems, plane elasticity, and piezoelectric problems and so on. However, there are still many possible extensions and areas in need of further development in the future: 1. to develop various special-purpose elements to effectively handle singularities attributable to local geometrical or load effects (holes, cracks, inclusions, interface, corner and load singularities). The special-purpose functions warrant that excellent results are obtained at minimal computational cost and without local mesh refinement. 2. to extend the HFS-FEM to elastodynamics, fluid flow, thin and thick plate bending and fracture mechanics. 3. to develop efficient schemes for complex engineering structures and improve the related general purpose computer codes with good preprocessing and postprocessing capabilities. 4. to extend this method to the case of multi-field problems such as thermo-elasticpiezoelectric materials, thermo-magnetic-electric-mechanical materials, and to develop multiscale framework across from continuum to micro- and nano-scales for modeling heterogeneous materials. 67 References [1] H. Wang and Q.H. Qin, "FE approach with green's function as internal trial function for simulating bioheat transfer in the human eye," Archives of Mechanics, vol. 62(6): pp. 493-510, 2010. [2] H. Wang and Q.H. 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