November/December 2014 - Greater Charlotte Apartment Association

The official publication of the Greater Charlotte Apartment Association
November/December 2014
In This Issue:
Committee Yer-End Reports
“The Year In Pictures” Centerfold
Board of Directors Updates
2015 Sponsorship Program
Membership Contest
Ugly Sweater Party
2015 Programs
NAAEI Classes
& More!
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2 Apartment Times November/December 2014
awards night 2014
Our Annual
Gala Dinner Event
November 13th, 2014
Toy Drive!
Bring a new, unwrapped toy to
Awards Night. GCAA will deliver all
donations to the Salvation Army’s
Angel Tree Program.
The GCAA Bravo Awards offer our members
a unique, annual opportunity to recognize the
accomplishments of their industry peers and
present awards to the most deserving individuals.
The Bravo Awards Gala is a festive and fancy**
event that you won’t want to miss; over 360 GCAA
members attended last year, so RSVP early!
Who will be
zz All Award Winners
zz All On-Site Award Nominees
zz 2014 Committee Volunteers
zz 2014 NAAEI Designates (NALP,
zz 2014 & 2015 Board Members
zz Education Foundation Donors
zz The Two “Best Dressed” Guests
(male & female, so look sharp!)
This year’s Bravo Awards will include:
The Lex Marsh Award
Property Manager of the Year
Assistant Manager of the Year
Leasing Professional of the Year
Corporate Professional of the Year
Service Supervisor of the Year
Service Technician of the Year
Team of the Year • New Property of the Year
Associate of the Year • The Customer Service Award
Instructor of the Year • Volunteer(s) of the Year
Attention Vendors!
This event is your opportunity to reserve
your 2015 TRADE SHOW BOOTH before
online sales begin!
Vendors who have RSVP’d to attend the
Bravo Awards Gala may choose and reserve
their booths beginning at 5:30 pm.
GCAA’s Trade Show is March 19th, 2015.
More details on page 13.
Program Details & Registration Info:
Date: Thursday, November 13th, 2014
Time: 5:30 pm Social Hour; 6:30 pm Dinner /Program
Place: Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel
2800 Coliseum Centre Dr., Charlotte NC 28217
Cost: $42 GCAA Members • $47 Non-members
$10 upchange for walk-ins & late registrants
Dress: ** Semi-formal/Cocktail attire **
RSVP: Online at or
call 704.334.9511 x102
Deadline to make/cancel reservations is noon on 11/11
Sponsored by Elite Flooring
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 3
the official publication of the
Greater Charlotte Apartment Association
6060 Piedmont Row Drive South, Suite 575, Charlotte, NC 28287 • 704/334-9511 • 704/333-4221 (fax) •
GCAA Mission Statement
The GCAA promotes the interests of its members through legislative advocacy, education and
networking; and supports housing quality, value and choice throughout the Greater Charlotte
The Apartment Times is published by the GCAA © 2014
The GCAA grants permission to reprint articles from Apartment Times, provided that credit
is given to both the author and the publication, with the exception of information reprinted
from other media, in which case permission must be obtained from the original source.
Inside This Issue - November/December 2014
On the cover: Awards Night! Who will be recognized as extraordinary this year?
Bravo Awards on November 13th - Full Program Details.......................................................................... 3
From Your GCAA President and Products & Services Council President.............................................. 5
Final Reports from GCAA’s Committee Chairs............................................................................................... 6-9
Join a GCAA Volunteer Committee in 2015 - Details and Sign-Up Sheet............................................ 11
Board of Directors Updates.................................................................................................................................. 12
2015 Trade Show - First Details for Vendors.................................................................................................... 13
Sponsorship Program for 2015 - Hurry! Deadline to Participate is November 30th!....................... 14
FULL COLOR “GCAA YEAR IN PICTURES” CENTERFOLD............................................................................. 16-17
NAAEI Designation Program Schedule for 2015 / Train the Trainer Workshops in December..... 19
New Construction Tour 2014 - Photo Highlights.......................................................................................... 20
YAPs Presents... GCAA’s First-Ever UGLY SWEATER PARTY on December 8th / YAPs Photos......... 21
Education Foundation Updates / Recent Donor List / Recruiting Opportunities at CPCC............ 22
The Inside Scoop - News from the NAA / Maintenance for Managers Seminar................................ 24
“Do Business With A Member” Contest / Oktoberfest Photos................................................................. 25
Welcome New Members / Renewing Members............................................................................................ 26
Save the Dates! January Forecast Breakfast & February Dinner Meeting with Alex Sheen........... 28
Pool School - Plan NOW for 2015 / Outreach Committee Picnic Photos.............................................. 29
Members in the News / Donating to Crisis Assistance Ministry.............................................................. 30
GCAA 2014 Sponsors
These member firms, recognizing the importance of the GCAA’s purposes and
objectives, have provided additional, sustaining support to the Association.
Please give them careful consideration, whenever possible, in your business.
1st Choice Construction •
Apple Blossom Energy •
CRC Disaster Response • Elite Flooring
Full House Marketing • Grandbridge Real Estate Capital
HD Supply • Real Floors • Roto-Rooter
Sherwin Williams • Time Warner Cable
Charlotte Restoration of NC • CORT • Disaster One • Glass Doctor •
Greystar • Maintenance Supply Headquarters • Weinstein Properties
Westdale Real Estate Investment & Management
Apartment Finder • Blue Ridge Companies
Carocon Corporation • Charter Properties • Ginkgo Residential
Republic Services • SYNCO Properties
Reservation/Cancellation Policies For GCAA Events:
Dinner Meetings: Reservations/cancellations must be made 48 hours prior to scheduled event, in writing or by phone.
Seminars: Registration and/or cancellation accepted in writing only up to 72 hours prior to scheduled event.
NAA Education Classes: Registration and/or cancellation in writing only up to 14 days prior to initial scheduled class.
For all GCAA events: No-shows and late cancellations will be billed. Confirmation of registration by request only.
4 Apartment Times November/December 2014
2014 board of Directors Officers
President - Parry Cobb, CAPS
Vice President - Courtney Lundquist, CAPS
Treasurer - Charlotte Eaker, CAM, CAPS
Secretary - Brandi Robelotto
Immediate Past President - Chad Hagler
Board Members
Lynn Ackerman, CAM, CAPS
McKenzie Brady, CAS
Holly Casper, CAM, CAPS
Ben Collins
Natalie Edeburn, CAPS
Tami Fossum, CAPS
Dana Guandolo
Pete Harrison, CAS
Kristine Kee, CAM
Amanda Kitts, CAPS
Alisha LaPorte, CAM, CAPS
Cheryl Murphy, CAS
Joya Pavesi
Darline Payne
Gayle Sebastian, CAS
Jennings Snider
Jonathan Tee, CAS
GCAA Staff
Ken Szymanski, AICP, Publisher
Executive Director
Irene Gammon, Editor
Communications & Marketing Manager
Fran Petzold
Financial Manager
Pat Dorcy
Office & Events Manager
Jennifer Galeazzi, CAM
Education & Member Services Manager
Bryan Holladay
Government Affairs Manager
Courtney Woods
Member Services Coordinator
2014 Committee Chairs
Education Advisory Council - Tami Fossum
Government Affairs - Ben Collins
Green - Charity Ellis
Membership - Alisha LaPorte
Operations - Jonathan Tee
Products & Services Council - McKenzie Brady
Programs - Holly Casper
Public Relations - Lynn Ackerman
from your president
I feel honored to have served as your 2014 GCAA President. It was a privilege to work aside a talented
Board of Directors and Chairpersons, a diverse membership and a committed staff. You are only as successful as your team; and I was encouraged coming into this role that with this team in place, 2014 would
be a successful year. Not only are the efforts produced by the GCAA essential to the industry, but the
Association is fun. I feel there were many things introduced this year to encourage participation. I hope
you feel it was productive and are eagerly anticipating what is in store for 2015.
and stay
My remaining bit of advice is to get involved and make your intentions, with
regard to GCAA service, known. Do you want to be a Chairperson, serve on
the Board or become part of the Executive Committee? The Young “at heart”
Apartment Professionals group meets monthly and is a great way to learn more
Parry Cobb
about what the Association has to offer. The Leadership Lyceum program offers coursework to familiarize you with political affiliations, non-profit partnerships and background
on GCAA. Ask your Managers to send you to seminars/ training and for permission to pursue an NAAEI
Professional Designation. If they won’t, INVEST IN YOURSELF! I encourage you all to attend EACH committee just once. Find the
one that piques your interest. Read the Committee Chairs’ Year End Reports (pages 6 - 9 of this magazine) which detail all the
responsibilities & accomplishments of each group. Commit to something that excites you; if you are passionate about it, you will
stay involved. My first official service with GCAA was Membership chairperson and, in the spirit of full circle, I will be the 2015
Membership Co-Chair! My plug – please join our committee. I bring treats and will make recruiting fun!! Plus you receive Target
gift cards for your recruiting efforts (and who doesn’t like a Target gift card?)
Again, I am honored to have served as your 2014 President; I am certain that incoming 2015 Board President, Courtney Lundquist,
will serve you well. Remain involved and stay educated.
Parry Cobb, GCI Residential
from your products & services council president
What an exciting year it has been for the Products and Services Council!
After many years of discussions, planning, and feedback from our associate members, 2014 was the year
that PSC was opened up to ALL the vendor members in the GCAA. It took a lot of behind-the-scenes work
and I am so thankful for all of those individuals involved in the process.
We held our most talked about GCAA event, the annual Trade Show, in March. The “Super Heroes and Villains”
theme was a big hit with both exhibitors and attendees. The 2014 show
broke another attendance record and we hope to surpass this again in
2015, when our theme will be “Battle of the Bands”. Associates can reserve
booths at the Bravo Awards on November 13th. (see p. 13 for details)
McKenzie Brady
In April, we held our First Annual Executive Appreciation Dinner at the
Ballantyne Country Club. It was a huge success and enjoyed by all. Owner/operator guests and
associate sponsors enjoyed a night of no-pressure, one-on-one networking and a delicious dinner. We look forward to hosting this event again in 2015.
Our Charity Golf Classic was held in May at the Regent Park Golf Club. 128 golfers teed up for a
day of fun and networking while associate members sponsored beverage stations, lunch, and
contests like the longest drive and longest putt. The tournament raised over $1,300 for Crisis
Assistance Ministry. You can count on this event happening in 2015 as well but look out for a
few tweaks that will make the next GCAA golf outing the best one yet.
Remember, these are just some of the events the associate members help organize. If you are
interested in getting more involved with these and more, visit and sign up to
join the PSC and/or one of its subcommittees. Or give the GCAA staff a call at 704-334-9511.
It has been such an honor serving as your 2014 Products and Services Council President; I am
SO proud of what we accomplished this year. I must thank the GCAA staff for their support
and assistance over the past year. You guys rock and work so hard to make our Association
the wonderful organization that is it. And to my fellow associate members, thank you for your
continued support and for the tireless volunteering you do for our association.
Attention Vendors!
Join us for a FREE
Products & Services
Council program on
Nov. 4th
Hear what Property Management Decision-Makers
need, worry about, and
see coming in the future.
Panelists to include:
Tim Hose, SYNCO
Linda Caudle, Westdale
Carrie Rocray , Bell Partners
Randy Robinson, Lat Purser
and others!
Let us now welcome Jeff Goldman with Moen as our 2015 PSC President. I know Jeff will succeed and accomplish big things! Thank you all!
or call 704-334-9511 x102
- McKenzie Brady, US Lawns
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 5
committee news
Final Reports from the GCAA’s 2014 Committee Chairs
Read about our seven committees’ numerous and diverse accomplishments throughout the past year and consider joining one
of these dynamic groups in 2015. (Sign up sheet on page 11; additional information about each committee’s specific focus is
available online at The Products & Services Council report is on page five.
Education advisory council
Tami Fossum, Blue Ridge Companies, Chair
As the President of the GCAA Education Foundation (GCAAEF)
Board and Chair of your Education Advisory Council (EAC) for
the past two years, it has been my pleasure to serve our members. The EAC is made up of volunteer instructors who have a
commitment and passion to grow and educate fellow industry
professionals. The GCAAEF’s purpose is to encourage the education of multifamily rental housing employees through course
development, upgrades to the GCAA Career Development
Center, and Professional Designation Scholarships. In 2014,
four students were awarded scholarships; three have already
earned their designations and one is still in the process. The
Foundation will award its 2015 Designation Scholarships at the
Bravo Awards Gala on November 13th.
2014 was a busy but productive year for the Government Affairs
Committee. We started the year off by hosting City Manager
Ron Carlee at our January meeting. We also met with County
Manager Dena Diorio to address problems and issues with
Mecklenburg Code Enforcement. Besides meeting with both
the City and County Managers, we held informal meetings with
all the newly-elected Charlotte City Council Representatives
from 2013, introducing them to the association, our members
and our communities.
To continue our scholarship efforts and to assure the future of
this program as a true endowment in perpetuity, the GCAAEF
will need to raise a total of $55,000 over the next 3 years. The
GCAAEF is an incorporated 501(c)(3), so donations are tax
deductible and contributors will be recognized. Over the past
year we have had several fund raisers; if you recently received a
letter in regards to this effort, we hope you will consider making
a donation. If we do not invest in our industry’s future… Who
will??? (See page 22 for donations to date and how to contribute.)
During 2014, we hosted National Apartment Association Education Institute Designation Courses, serving over 78 students
and awarding 42 designations year-to-date, including
• 2 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) Designations
• 9 Certificates for Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMT)
• 9 Certified Apartment Portfolio Supervisor (CAPS) Designations
• 12 Nation Apartment Leasing Professional (NALP) Designations
and there’s more to come with our Fall CAM and NALP classes.
For those GCAA members interested in becoming instructors,
we’ll be offering a Train the Trainer session in December. Details
are on page 19. Sign up early; we’re limited to 20 participants.
The EAC and GCAAEF are also happy to announce that Central
Piedmont Community College (CPCC) will be adding a new
certificate program to their course offerings, the Multifamily
Housing Maintenance Certificate. The GCAA Education Advisory
Council met with CPCC leadership for several months to develop
this program, specifically designed for training maintenance
team candidates. Based on GCAA membership feedback, there
is a clear need for a predictable employment pipeline of trained
and talented maintenance professionals in our industry and
market. CPCC will start offering this course in January of 2015.
6 Apartment Times November/December 2014
Government Affairs Committee
Ben Collins, Crescent Communities, Chair
This year, as is every, was an election year. The committee
hosted three successful political events: The Primary Candidate
Luncheon, The County Commissioner Listen and Learn, and The
Sheriff and Clerk of Court Candidate Eviction Forum. In addition
we had our GCAA Biannual Oktoberfest and Meet the Candidates Event, where Congressman Mick Mulvaney spoke and
over twenty candidates showed up to mingle and politic. The
Committee also continued to promote the Blue Moon Voter
Registration Form, the Vote Tuesday Initiative, the website and Voter Registration Drives.
The Committee organized new Quarterly South Carolina
Government Affairs Committee Meetings, started a Developers Round Table, and hosted a meeting with members of the
Charlotte City Planning Commission. In between these events
we also participated in another successful NAA Capital Conference and the newly-expanded AANC Legislative and Education
There were also accomplishments on some of our policy issues,
including the reversing of an interpretation change by Mecklenburg Code Enforcement on how Duke Energy connections
should be located on apartment buildings. We also helped to
create new policies for the county permitting and inspection
process, influenced the Pedestrian Overlay Zoning Amendment, delayedproposed Design Guidelines, and worked with
the Social Impact Housing Endowment.
Plans are already underway for 2015. Lisa Higgins will be serving as the chair and has already begun planning new initiatives
and expanding our voter
e d u c at i o n a l
and registration efforts.
“Meet the
Event in April u
committee news
Charity Ellis, BG Staffing, Chair
It is hard to believe another year has come and gone! This year
was certainly a busy one for the Green Committee. We partnered with Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte and
were privileged to hear from some very knowledgeable folks.
A special thanks to Derek Harris and Nick Crawford for attending each meeting and for their dedication to our committee.
We held our 2nd Annual Arbor Day tree planting celebration in
April. Thanks to Arbor Village Apartments, EDL and BG Staffing
for hosting this ceremony, attended by Charlotte City Council
members Patsy Kinsey and David Howard. In May we heard
from Mecklenburg County Tobacco Prevention Coordinator,
Kim Bayha. Kim has been instrumental in helping to convert
and implement a Smoke-Free environment in many multifamily communities through the county. Ken Tippette, City of
Charlotte Bicycle Program Manager, spoke to the committee
in June regarding the current and future bike infrastructure
throughout the city. We also learned that the City of Charlotte
was recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as a
Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) at the bronze level. In July,
Meg Fencil, Outreach Program Director with Sustain Charlotte
spoke to the committee. The mission of Sustain Charlotte is to
educate, engage, and unite Charlotte citizens to inspire choices
that lead to a healthier and more vibrant community for generations to come. And finally, we hosted a Green Panel Discussion
in October to help the members’ awareness of sustainability
and to learn of the many resources that are available to aid in
their commitment to working toward creating Green Living
Thanks to all of the committee members for your participation
throughout the year!
Media RELATIONS Committee
Betsy Kirkpatrick, BG Staffing, Chair
Media Relations had a very exciting inaugural year with the
GCAA! We were enacted with two goals in mind:
1. To bring positive attention to the apartment industry as a
whole, through highlighting the educational, community service, and legislative advocacy arms of the GCAA.
2. To combat negative attention to the GCAA and apartment
industry by identifying key people who can respond to events
and criticism of multifamily housing and connecting them with
media outlets when needed.
We have sent out invitations to all the community service events
that the GCAA is promoting on a monthly basis, and in some
cases will send out recaps of the results.
Recaps of the AANC Legislative Days, Meet the Candidates and
multiple other government affairs committee notes have been
send to all of the media contacts as needed.
In addition, Media Relations has been represented by speaking
at the Charlotte City Council meeting on behalf of the GCAA
for Fair Housing Month, we were instrumental in securing Will
Boye to attend the annual bus tour which resulted in a very
positive article in the Charlotte Business Journal, and we were
able to secure a Mayoral Proclamation on behalf of the GCAA
for the New Construction Tour.
In closing, we have been a very small but mighty crew, and I
would love to thank everyone who participated this year for
all of their incredibly hard work! We would welcome anyone
who is interested in representing the GCAA and the apartment
industry as a whole to the media and to the City of Charlotte.
Dana Guandolo and myself are looking forward to continuing
the success of the Media Relations committee in 2015!
Membership Committee
Alisha LaPorte, GCI Residential, Chair
The Membership Committee has had a great 2014. So far this
year we have welcomed 66 new members and increased our
unit count by almost 3,000 units! We also had 378 of our valued members renew their membership. New member referrals
from Board members, committee members and other GCAA
members were instrumental in our growth this year.
One of our focuses on the committee this year was to increase
participation from communities outisde of Mecklenburg
County. Meet and Greet events were held in Gaston and Iredell
counties to help encourage GCAA participation as well as offer an event closer to home. We had a great turnout at both
events and the open forum discussions were beneficial to all. A
big THANK YOU goes out to our host communities, River Wind
and Langtree for their hospitality.
As part of our 2014 recruiting efforts, we sent roughly 85 nonmember properties in the greater Charlotte area a copy of the
Apartment Times Magazine along with a personalized letter
highlighting the benefits of GCAA membership. Committee
volunteers also followed up personally via phone to offer
additional information about membership as well as extend
invitations to upcoming events.
We have been successful through several different methods.
The annual Take Five Business Exchange got a makeover and
new format in 2014. Our first annual Regional Round Up was
Media relations has on a monthly basis identified the key held in May and received rave reviews. The new format provided
educational components that the GCAA is offering and sent a 15-20 minute information session with key decision makers
out to our media contacts invitations to attend and view what from area Management Companies. By attending, vendor memthe GCAA is offering .
bers were able to gain a better understanding of the business
practices of each company and who they can contact to submit
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 7
committee news
bids, pricing or vendor information. The event sold out and had
several vendors asking for more offerings in 2015.
The Four Seasons Recruiting Contest began as a new recruiting
effort for 2014. Committee members distributed post cards
to area communities encouraging them to submit the names
of any non-member vendors they use. As the postcards were
received, calls were made to the companies in an attempt to
recruit them for membership. Each month a winner was drawn
from the submissions to receive a $25 Starbucks gift card! Thanks to all who have participated. Our annual Do Business with a Member Challenge is in progress
NOW! (See p. 25) The communities who used the most GCAA
member vendors in 2014 will be treated to a delicious catered
lunch for their entire teams. On behalf of the Membership
Committee, I would like to say a sincere thank you to all those
who work diligently to do business with GCAA members, as this
certainly contributes to the overall success of the Association. If
you are doing business with a non-member, invite them to join!
The Membership Committee offers a $25 gift card to anyone
who successfully recruits a new member.
None of these things would be possible without the hard work
and dedication of our staff liason, Jennifer Galeazzi. Jennifer,
you are an immeasurable asset to the committee and we truly
thank you for your commitment!
To all of those who have served and continue to serve on this
great committee, thank you for all of your dedication and commitment. Looking for a new committee home in 2015? Consider
membership, you won’t be sorry!
Jonathan Tee, Paragon Services Group, Chair
2014 was a banner year for the Operations Committee! We got
busy right away and planned an additional spring property
tour since there was so much new development in Charlotte
this year. The Boutique Tour on April 9th featured niche style
apartments in unique neighborhoods around Charlotte. The
properties were located in Plaza Midwood (The Edison), historic
Southend (Park & Kinston), and Myers Park (2100 Queens). Riding around town in a double decker bus was lots of fun and so
was the networking event which followed at Gallery Twenty Two
Wine Bar in Plaza Midwood. This truly was the most unique tour
ever planned by the GCAA Operations Committee!
We continued to work hard and planned the Multifamily Medley New Construction Tour on September 25th. Guests toured
four very different communities around town: Solis at Sharon
Square in SouthPark, the Element Uptown, CityPark View and
the cutting-edge affordable housing community for seniors
and families, the Renaissance. The tour luncheon at George’s
Brassiere featured A. Fulton Meachem, CEO of the Charlotte
Housing Authority, who enlightened us with his knowledge of
Charlotte’s current affordable housing endeavors. Afterward,
Charlotte City Councilwoman LaWana Mayfield presented the
8 Apartment Times November/December 2014
GCAA with a proclamation from Mayor Clodfelter’s office which
thanked our members for their ongoing efforts in the arena of
affordable housing.
The committee also is completing a 2014 Multifamily Industry
Compensation Survey which will go out by year end. Thanks to
our committee members for volunteering and accomplishing
all this for the GCAA!
OUTREACH Committee
Lynn Ackerman, Weinstein Properties, Chair
“Send them your heart so they’ll know that someone cares and
their lives will be stronger and free” ( from “We Are the World”)
The Outreach Committee (“OC”) members share a common
heart and it beats strongly. I had the privilege of “leading the
orchestra” this year as we set about the task of implementing our
mission statement purpose “to make a positive impact to end
homelessness.” Our committee is approximately 30 strong - a
mix of skills, backgrounds, and resources – but all with energy,
generosity, and compassion. Some of our 2014 accomplishments are highlighted below.
• Keep Charlotte Beautiful: the GCAA “adopted” a section of
road adjacent to Cotswold Shopping Center and we pick up
trash 4 times per year.
• Annual Bowling Tournament: we raised a RECORD $4800
for the GCAAEF Scholarship Fund in February.
• Moore Place (permanent housing for the chronically homeless): We are in our 2nd year of hosting 4 Wellness Initiative Receptions for their residents and a “grand finale” picnic celebration at Freedom Park. For the 3rd year, we donated supplies
to their HousingWorks program. We will also provide “Give
Thanks” goodie baskets to each resident in November, and
will donate a Christmas tree and decorations in December. • Samaritan House (a temporary “recovery after surgery” home
for the homeless): we did a landscape beautification project in
April. Additionally, we have an ongoing drive for loose-fitting
clothing for their residents and thus far, we’ve donated over
100 articles of clothing.
• Urban Ministry Center: our February medicine drive resulted
in a donation of over 9000 medicinal items. We donated
numerous picture frames and art supplies for their ArtWorks
program which culminated in their annual Art Show (all art
work created by very talented homeless individuals). Additionally, we were beverage hosts for approximately 400
partakers of their hot lunch program.
• The Relatives (temporary shelter for homeless children aged
7 – 17): we hosted dinners and spent time playing basketball and card games with these children. Additionally, we
are collecting clothes for donation (as many arrive with no
possessions at all).
• Dress for Success: our committee donated 116 articles of
clothing to this organization.
committee news
• And other fun outings: we did the RAIN Walk with Moore
Place residents, attended the HousingFest concert in NoDa
featuring the Blind Boys of Alabama, and we have plans to
participate in the CROP Walk and attend the Holiday Hoopla
Event at UMC.
If these efforts speak to you – I can promise that you will get back
more than you give. It’s a heart/love/”there but by the grace
of God go I” thing. Join us for another wonderful year in 2015!
PROGRAMS Committee
Holly Casper, Camden Property Trust, Chair
Greetings from the 2014 Programs Committee! We are pleased
to report it has been a busy and successful 2014. Overall we
planned seven general membership meetings with an estimated 1,310 attendees and a total of 26 seminars with an estimated
800 students. Here’s a more detailed summary:
Based on our 2013 research, our goal was to provide topics
specific to our membership’s career development needs. In the
seminar world we hosted Excel training sessions in the winter
and fall. Our top performing seminar with 205 attendees was
the 2014 Forecast Breakfast featuring the operations guru,
Scott Wilkerson, the fabulously famous Wells Fargo economist,
Mark Vitner, and our new product expert, Peter Pappas. We
expanded our maintenance training opportunites with 8 sessions of pool school (and a record number of students -183!)
and offered HVAC Troubleshooting, Heat Pump Fundamentals,
Safety Awareness, Alternative Refrigerants, and Plumbing 101. Our other offerings included Fair Housing for Apartment
Personnel with our very own Ken Szymanski (always greatly
reviewed) and Leasing Essentials with our dynamic team of
teachers, Mike Rinaldo, Laura White and Mindy McCorkle. Mindy
and Laura also taught a valuable supplier workshop for vendor
members. We can’t go without mentioning our fantastic legal
seminars taught by Will Brownlee the talented lawyer, author
and phenomenal teacher.
This year we hosted several general membership meetings
with remarkable turnout by our members. Maintenance Mania
was back with a vengeance. We had 174 attendants and the
best competitors and race cars to date! Leasing and Manager
Appreciation Night at the Comedy Zone was another hit. Who
could forget Betsy Kirkpatrick singing better than a Dixie Chick
or our comedian, Shaun Jones? Good times and laughs were
had by all!
On a more serious note our July breakfast meeting was an
extremely informative panel including Charlotte’s top architect
firms The Housing Studio, Narmour Wright, and Cline Design
sharing their creative perspective son multifamily design trends
with all who were lucky enough to attend. Our August meeting received great feedback with words of sales wisdom from
three very talented speakers; Steve Eanes, Rebecca Rosario
and Mark Cukro.
No one will forget the sight of our wonderful group dressed in
lederhosen and dirndls at our candidate mixer and Oktoberfest
at the Waldhorn. As always we’ll finish strong with a “Lights,
Camera, Action” themed Bravo Awards (see page 3 for details),
celebrating our members’ choices for honoring the best and the
brightest of our industry. Local talk radio maven Bea Thompson
will serve as emcee for this special occasion.
Thanks to all of our passionate and talented instructors who
contribute so much to the quality of our education offerings.
We’d also like to thank our GCAA President, Parry Cobb with
GCI Residential, who was our fantastic emcee for most of this
year’s meetings. And last but certainly not least thanks to our
dedicated committee members, whose valuable ideas and
opinions lay the groundwork to create this fantastic line up and
highly successful year of Programs for the GCAA.
YounG Apartment Professionals Committee
Kathryn Kaye, First Communities, Chair
The Young Apartment Professionals (YAPs) Committee was
started in the Spring of 2014 with the goal of increasing the
overall association involvement of members who are “young”
in the industry. We do not have age requirements and encourage any GCAA member who is looking to learn more about
involvement in the GCAA, career development in the multifamily industry, or networking with other industry professionals to
participate in our events.
The committee began with a brainstorming session attended
by recent graduates of GCAA’s Leadership Lyceum program.
We discussed how each individual got involved with the GCAA
and how we might be successful in getting others to become
more engaged. From this session came a regular monthly
meeting time to discuss both the direction of the committee
and upcoming events.
Our goal in 2014 was to host quarterly events. The first was held
at Ten Park Lanes in March, and we were pleased to have the
event sell out! Our second event on July 10th was held at VBGB
Beer Hall & Garden and our third, also sold out, event was an 80’s
night, “YAPs presents Totally GCAA” at the Vue Sky Lounge in
September. Thank you to those who attended our events, to our
generous sponsors, and to the committee members who dedicated themselves to making this new committee successful in
our first year. We hope you’ll join us for our final event of 2014
in December (see page 21) and invite you to attend our monthly
meetings and future events!
(q YAPs at VBGB in July)
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 9
“Design with
the End in Mind”
PHONE: 704.597.2193
• Optimized Landscape Design: Choosing
“the right plant in the right location” which
costs less without compromising curb appeal
10 Apartment Times November/December 2014
• No more high water bills
caused by wasted water from irrigation
• Protection against bad drainage, improper planting,
costly irrigation and distractions
• Manage curb appeal during construction transition:
Consistently inspect and manage curb appeal and plant life cycles
committee news
GCAA needs YOUR ideas in 2015;
join a volunteer committee today!
Serving on one of the Greater Charlotte Apartment Association’s Committees
is a great way to connect with our growing organization and the ever-changing
apartment industry.
As a Committee Member, you’ll meet colleagues while participating in important
Association business and decision-making. Choose to be involved in 2015.
Just check the group(s) below which interest you, and GCAA staff will contact you
with more details. Thanks!
GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: This committee monitors legislative issues affecting the multifamily industry
at the local, state, and national levels. Its members represent the apartment industry before Charlotte City Council,
Mecklenburg County Commission, and governmental staff. This committee also works closely with the AANC.
GREEN COMMITTEE: This group’s focus is to educate GCAA‘s owner/operator members about the latest trends and
opportunities in environmentally-conscious, sustainable multifamily operations. The committee organizes educational
programs, has guest speakers, goes on outings, and contributes to GCAA’s publications and website.
MEDIA RELATIONS COMMITTEE: This committee works to bring positive media attention to the apartment industry as
a whole, through highlighting the GCAA’s efforts in the areas of education, community service, and legislative advocacy.
Participants also identify and engage key GCAA leaders who can respond to negative media attention when needed.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: This group performs the important tasks of obtaining quality new members and retaining
existing members. Its members develop and execute strategies for member recruiting, orientation, and retention - including direct contact and follow-up with prospects and current members. This group organizes annual membership
drives and additional networking opportunities throughout the year.
OPERATIONS COMMITTEE: This committee’s members play key roles in planning and executing the GCAA’s annual
New Construction Bus Tour, a major annual undertaking which showcases new apartment product in our market. They
also collect/analyze data to produce the Association’s biannual Salary Survey.
OUTREACH COMMITTEE: This group works to identify areas of need in the community and plan activities which will
provide appropriate service and support. In recent years the Outreach Committee has partnered with Keep Charlotte
Beautiful, the Urban Ministry Center, Moore Place, Charlotte Family Housing, and other charitable organizations.
PRODUCTS & SERVICES COUNCIL: Products & Services Council participants work to enhance the valuable working
relationships between GCAA-member apartment owner/operators and vendors. PSC Subcommittees focus on specific
areas/programs including the Golf Outing, Executive Dinner, Trade Show, and Associate Programs & Relations. The
Products & Services Council is open to any/all GCAA Associate members in good standing.
PROGRAMS COMMITTEE: This committee researches and schedules quality programs for the monthly General Membership meetings. Its goal is to secure a range of informative, engaging speakers and to present subjects that will
appeal to the diverse membership. The group also schedules seminars of industry-related topics for the membership,
supplementary to the NAAEI designation courses.
YOUNG APARTMENT PROFESSIONALS COMMITTEE: This group’s efforts focus on increasing association involvement
of members who are “young” in the industry. “YAPs” volunteers organize quarterly social events at which GCAA members can network with industry peers, learn more abut the Association, and explore multifamily career opportunities.
Please return this completed form to a GCAA staff member, or fax to 704-333-4221. You’ll be notified of the
meeting schedule(s) via e-mail.
Name_____________________________________________Company Name_______________________________________
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 11
board of directors
In late September, the GCAA’s Nominating Committee respectfully developed the following list of Board of Directors
candidates for consideration by the full membership. An election to fill several Board vacancies was held on October
8th, 2014 at the GCAA’s Oktoberfest/Meet the Candidates event, where no additional nominations were made. The
GCAA is pleased to present the following 2015 Board of Directors roster:
Newly- or Re-elected Members:
Returning Board Members (no re-election required)
For 3-Year Owner/Manager Terms:
Susan Bowman, S. L. Nusbaum Realty Co.
Darline Cobb, Ginkgo Residential
Lisa Higgins, Riverstone Residential Group
Amanda Kitts, Riverstone Residential Group
Alisha LaPorte, GCI Residential, LLC
Lynn Ackerman, Weinstein Properties
Holly Casper, Camden Property Trust
Parry Cobb, GCI Residential, LLC
Ben Collins, Crescent Communities
Charlotte Eaker, CWS Apartment Homes
Natalie Edeburn, Greystar
Tami Fossum, Blue Ridge Companies
Dana Guandolo, Charlotte Apartment Guide
Courtney Lundquist, SL Nusbaum Realty Company
Cheryl Murphy, Click Pack Move
Brandi Robelotto, Real Floors
Gayle Sebastian, Apartment Finder
Jennings Snider, SYNCO Properties
For 1-Year Owner/Manager Term:
Betty MacGeorge, Fairfield Residential, LLC
For 3-Year Associate Terms:
Charity Ellis, BG Staffing
Jonathan Tee, Paragon Services Group
Education Advisory Council Chair (2-year term)
Mike Rinaldo, Northwood Ravin
Products & Services Council President (1-year term)
Jeff Goldman, MOEN
As 2014 draws to a close, the GCAA would like to express its gratitude to five members who will be concluding their terms of
service on the association’s Board of Directors this December. Each has made a unique contribution to the GCAA, and we thank
them for their unprecedented volunteer efforts as Board Members:
McKenzie Brady
US Lawns
Chad Hagler
Woodfield Investments
Pete Harrison
Glass Doctor
Call 704.788.8733
12 Apartment Times November/December 2014
Kristine Kee
Joya Pavesi
Camden Property Trust
trade show
Announcing the GCAA’s
2015 Trade Show
When & Where?
March 19th, 2015 at the Charlotte Convention Center
Details for Vendors:
Booth sales begin at the GCAA Bravo Awards event on November 13th,
2014 (around 5:30 pm) NOT BEFORE. You must be registered to attend
Awards Night to reserve a booth. After that, booths can be reserved
at any time until they’re sold out (by current GCAA members in good
standing ONLY) either online or in person at the GCAA office.
NOTE: all 156 booths always sell out, usually in January.
Don’t delay - reserve yours as soon as possible!
Booth fees start at $475, with pricing tiered based on location in the
exhibit hall. All booths are 10’ x 10’ and include front/side drapes,
6’ skirted table, 2 chairs, basic signage, and admission for two
employees to work the booth. Additional attendee fee is $45/person.
Double/Triple booths are available.
How much do booths cost & what’s included?
ba D S
When can I reserve a booth?
b of the
's 20
15 Trad
Have You Learned to Adapt to the Economy?
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PROs Resource Options
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Charlotte, NC 28209
To learn to adapt call today or visit
us on the web.
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 13
The GCAA invites you to participate in its popular and customizable
2015 Sponsorship Program
Distinguish your company as a sustaining member of the Greater Charlotte
Apartment Association throughout 2015 with one of these sponsorships:
Sponsorship ($1600)
Sponsorship ($800)
Includes all of the following
core benefits:
• Listing as a Supporting Sponsor in the
2015: Membership Directory, Apartment
Times magazines, GCAA website, Sponsor Display Board, and Monthly Meeting
• One copy of the GCAA Electronic Member
• Magnetic Sponsor Name Badges (2)
• 25% off one Career Development Center
THREE TIERS of BENEFITS! Customize your sponsorship:
I. Choose one benefit from the Impression Tier:
• sponsor one GCAA Seminar, OR
• sponsor one CAM or CAMT Course Session, OR
• sponsor one GCAA Board of Directors Lunch Meeting
II. Choose one benefit from the Marketing Tier:
• a Half Page ad in one ApartmentTimes magazine, OR
• a 30-day ad/hotlink on the ‘Find a Vendor’ page of the
GCAA website
III. ALL CORE BENEFITS included, with these additions:
• up to three magnetic sponsor badges
• 50% off one Career Development Center rental
EXECUTIVE Sponsorship ($3000)
FOUR TIERS of BENEFITS! Build the most optimal sponsorship package for your company:
I. Choose one benefit from the Big Impression Tier:
• One Monthly Meeting or Major Event Sponsorship
(Includes two admissions to sponsored event), OR
• 30-day ad/hotlink on GCAA’s Website Homepage
II. Choose one benefit from the Face Time Tier:
• One Regular Booth at the 2015 GCAA Trade Show, OR
• One Foursome at the 2015 GCAA Golf Outing, OR
• One Table for Ten at the 2015 GCAA Bravo Awards
III. Choose one benefit from the Marketing Tier:
• A Full Page ad in one ApartmentTimes magazine OR
• Your supplied flyer included in one GCAA mailing, OR
• A Business Card ad in the 2015 GCAA Directory
IV. ALL CORE BENEFITS included, with these additions:
• Up to four magnetic sponsor badges
• One FREE Career Development Center rental
For more details, contact GCAA’s Irene Gammon ( or 704-334-9511 x106)
Please check your preferred level of 2015 Sponsorship, noting your benefit preferences above, and return this form to the
GCAA via fax to (704) 333-4221 or via email to Deadline is November 30th, 2014.
Sponsorship invoices will be sent in December, 2014 unless requested earlier.
 SUPPORTING ($800)  CORPORATE ($1500)  EXECUTIVE ($3000)
Company Name & Contact: _______________________________________________________________________ Authorized signature:____________________________________________________________ Date:
Phone number:______________________________ Email address:_______________________________________
14 Apartment Times November/December 2014
The Best
Apartment Marketing,
Staffing and Training
“Delivering exceptional results is our vision, mission
and passion at Full House Marketing!”
Rebecca Rosario, NALP, CAM, NAAEI - Owner, Full House Marketing
Saying you’re the best is a bold statement. As owner of Full House Marketing,
I give my personal promise that you will be pleased with your experience of our teams
keeping your apartments “full”. Whether through placement of experienced staff,
targeted marketing efforts or providing the latest in training techniques, Full House
Marketing is the most reliable name to know in the property management industry.
Executive Recruiting
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On-site Leasing Staff
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Call today to learn more about the services Full House Marketing can provide.
Fully Licensed
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November/December 2014 Apartment Times 15
2014 - The GCAA
A Year in Pictures
Apartment Locating Services
Your Partners In Apartment Leasing.
Quality Residents.
The Click Pack Move team would like
to take this opportunity to say “Thank you”
to all of our Partner Properties.
Quality Leases.
“Over the past several years I
have had the pleasure of
working with Cheryl and her
team at Click Pack Move.
Through new leads and
referrals, Click Pack Move
continues to exceed our
expectations, making a
positive impact on our bottom
line. Click Pack Move also
plays a very active role in
several areas of the GCAA;
they are involved and dedicated to making a difference in
the world of housing. I would
highly recommend Click Pack
Move to anyone in our
Parry Cobb, CAPS
Vice President
GCI Residential, LLC
2014 GCAA President
Our Partner Properties come in all shapes,
sizes and prices. Each and every property is
important because all of our clients are
important. Thank you for your partnership,
friendship and professionalism. Thank you for
providing “just the right place” for our
clients to call home!
7714 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Charlotte, NC 28227 I
18 Apartment Times November/December 2014
 Greensboro, Winston-Salem and
High Point—coming soon!
 Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill
—coming soon!
 Columbia and Greenville, SC
—coming soon!
704 -900-6317 I
naaei professional designations
Get SERIOUS about your
apartment industry career in 2015.
Earn your Professional Designation from the
National Apartment Association’s Education Institute.
GCAA will offer these NAAEI Designation Programs in
2015 (member rates noted):
NALP (National Apartment Leasing Professional) $389
• March 4, 11, 18, 25 & April 1 (once per week)
• Fast Track: November 10, 11, 12 & 17
CAM (Certified Apartment Manager) $859
• Fast Track: April 27 - May 1
• Sept 9 & 23; Oct 21 & 28; Nov 4, plus online coursework
CAPS (Certified Apartment Portfolio Supervisor) $999
• February - June, one Friday per month (9am - 5pm)
CAMT (Certificate for Apt. Maintenance Techs) $859
• Feb 24-Mar 31 & April 14-21, (Tues. & Thurs. 8:30 - 12:30)
• Fast Track: Aug. 11-14; & Sept. 15-18 (8:30 - 5:00)
CAS (Certified Apartment Supplier)
• 10/22 & 10/29 (with CAM class), plus online coursework
GCAA’s Train the Trainer Course
WOW! Look at our
Speaker Line-Up:
Mark Cukro
Sandra Fick
Tami Fossum
Mary Gwyn
Amy Kosnikowski
Mindy McCorkle
Mike Rinaldo
Rebecca Rosario
Marcie Williams
20 student limit!
Sign up today,
first served!
Want to TEACH? GCAA’s new & improved TRAIN the TRAINER
program is a FREE workshop series developed for our current and
prospective instructors. It would also be a great benefit for Corporate
Trainers or Directors of Training!
Topics include:
Structuring Content
Methods & Techniques
Managing Nervousness
Movement, Animation & Pace
Visual Resources
Interactive Learning
Critiquing & Evaluating
Understanding & Using Questions
Ethics & Next Steps
Class Dates:
(all sessions meet at the
GCAA Career Development
Center from 9:00 am - Noon)
December 2
December 4
December 9
December 11
December 16
There is no charge for GCAA members to attend this workshop series,
but a registration is required. RSVP online or contact Jennifer Galeazzi
with any questions (; 704-334-9511 x103).
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 19
new construction tour
t io
Thanks to everyone who joined
us for this fall’s New
Construction Bus Tour
CityPark View,
The Element,
The Renaissance,
and Solis at Sharon Square
’s 2
20 Apartment Times November/December 2014
young apartment professionals
YAPs Presents... GCAA’s First-Ever
Ugly Sweater Party
December 8th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Vida Cantina at the EpiCentre
FREE Appetizers * Drink Specials
No charge for GCAA members,
but no-shows will be invoiced $10.
RSVP early at or
call 704-334-9511 (50 guest limit)
for the of BG Staffin
Photo highlights from YAPs Totally Awesome 80s Night at the Vue:
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 21
gcaa education foundation
Foundation Successes Abound!
GCAA’s Education Foundation (GCAAEF) was incorporated in 2008
and, since then, has realized great success in each of its stated objectives (Educational Course Development, NAAEI Designation Scholarships, and Career Development Center Upgrades).
In recent months, the GCAAEF has engaged in a variety of successful fund-raising efforts which will help ensure that the Foundation
can continue to provide NAAEI Designation Scholarships (NALP, CAM,
CAMT, CAPS & CAS) to GCAA-member multifamily housing professionals for years to come!
THANKS to these individuals and
companies for their recent donations
to the GCAA Education Foundation:
Paragon Services Group - $5,000
• Donation Request Letter Campaign, Summer 2014
via Jonathan Tee
Donations received to date are noted at right 4
Greystar - $3,000
• Oktoberfest Silent Auction
Winning bids totalled $3,310!
Thanks to everyone who donated auction items and bid on them!
YOU can make a tax-deductible donation to the GCAA Education Foundation; in fact, we encourage you to do so before year’s end. There’s a
short, easy-to-use donation form on our website ( Visit
the Eduction Foundation page (under the purple Education tab) or use
this address: Thanks for your consideration.
via Marcie Williams
HD Supply - $511
via Janet Brinkley & Maintenance Mania
GCI Residential - $250 via Parry Cobb
The Ceasar Corporation - $250 via J.C. Cousar
Photos from the GCAA Education Foundation Luncheon on October 3rd
Current GCAAEF President
Tami Fossum of Blue Ridge
Companies addressed the
luncheon guests.
It was great to see Blue
Ridge’s Deidre Wilson and
Brandi Robertson at lunch.
CPCC’s Jay Potter talked
about the college’s new
maintenance training
certificate program.
Tami Fossum with her successor as GCAAEF President, Northwood Ravin’s
Mike Rinaldo.
Tools for Recruiting CPCC Graduates for Apartment Industry Jobs
make the most of the resources available to your company from our thriving local community college!
Free Online Job Postings at - This is a
great way to reach students and graduates from all six campus
locations and all postings are free. Visit
for a link to post your positions. On-Campus Recruiting - offers you a chance to recruit
students on all six of CPCC’s campuses. It can be especially
beneficial for employers who are looking to hire multiple staff
that do not require a specific skill set. Career Fair - CPCC’s next career fair will take place Thursday,
March 5, 2015. It’s the largest career fair in Charlotte. For more
information or to register for this event, please visit: http://
Want more info/have questions? Contact:
Career Services (,
Career Counselor Francis Ahn (, or
Employer Relations Coordinator Amber Shannon
22 Apartment Times November/December 2014
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November/December 2014 Apartment Times 23
Serving Rental Housing Needs
national news
The Inside Scoop
The following news items were featured in
the NAA’s e-newsletter The INDUSTRY INSIDER. Subscribe to this NAA publication by
Are Dark Clouds on the Horizon for
Charlotte Apartments? Digested From
“Charlotte Apartment Market Healthy for Now, but
Vacancy Projected to Increase”, Charlotte Business Journal
(10/03/14) by Will Boye
Reis Inc. reports that Charlotte’s apartment sector remains
healthy and continues to demonstrate solid rent growth. According to Reis researchers, the city’s apartment vacancy rate
as of Sept. 30 was 4.9 percent -- an increase from 4.8 percent
a year ago. The effective rent growth was 1.4 percent during
that time span, ranking 11th highest among the 79 markets
that Reis tracks. Over 12 months, the effective rent growth in
Charlotte was 3.4 percent. In a separate report released in September Real Data recorded a 5.3 percent vacancy rate in Charlotte from 5 percent a year earlier. Real Data further reported
an average monthly rent of $919, rising 2.6 percent over the
past six months from $874. The average vacancy rate could
approach 8% in the next year, Real Data researchers forecast,
as a wave of new apartment supply hits the market. There are
currently 10,245 rental units under construction across the region and another 9,659 proposed.
Could Falling Used Home Sales Be the Next Boon
for Multifamily? Digested From “Sales of Used Homes
Seen Dropping This Year as Young Buyers Struggle,
Investors Dry Up”, MarketWatch (09/29/14)
Economists expect sales of used homes in 2014 to fall below
last year’s final tally, as ongoing weakness from first-time buyers and fewer investors don’t help a market hit earlier this year
by particularly poor weather, low inventory, and higher prices.
The National Association of Realtors reported a slowdown in
August in its monthly snapshot of existing-home sales, and
said it expects 2014’s sales to decline by 3 percent to 4.94 million from 5.09 million in 2013. A fast run-up in home prices
has cut investors’ returns and therefore their interest in buying, and made the market too pricey for younger buyers.
gcaa education
for Managers &
Leasing Associates
November 18th
Everything your leasing office team
needs to know about maintenance but
never has time to ask about, including:
• How to go from Good to GREAT
• How to process Service Requests effectively
• Handling Maintenance
• Maintenance and
Resident Retention
Details, Details:
Date: November 18th
Time: 9:00 am - Noon
Place: GCAA Career
Development Center
CECs: 3
Cost: $80 GCAA Members
$105 Non-Members
RSVP: online at
or call 704.334.9511
RSVP/Cancellation deadline
is noon on 5/14/14.
Attention NALP, CAM, CAPS,
& CAS Designates: This is your
last chance to earn CECs from
GCAA in 2014!
About your instructor:
Mr. Vann Flippen brings a depth of knowledge and insight from his 20+ years in property management. He
began as a maintenance director and is now a training
and product specialist with Chadwell Supply. His certifications include: NSPF CPO Instructor, EPA Proctor, MAS &
MRS, NAAEI Faculty, and Instructor at FSU.
24 Apartment Times November/December 2014
membership / event photos
Remember - November 30th is the deadline to enter
GCAA’s 2014 “Do Business With A Member” Contest
For communities of 200 units or more:
1st Place - $250 team lunch delivered by GCAA staff
2nd Place - November/December
$100 restaurant2013
gift Apartment
card Times 25
More Ways to
For communities of under 200 units:
$150 team lunch delivered by GCAA staff
: Fou
r $50
gift cards dr
awn randomly fro
this Year!
HURRY - download
the entry form at or call
704-334-9511 x 103
Maggiano’s, or Ch
PF Changs,
Thanks to Executive Sponsor
New CAPS Designate
Stephanie Hovis
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 25
The following 7 companies joined the GCAA in August or September of 2014. Help us welcome them - now and
throughout the year. And remember to DO BUSINESS WITH GCAA MEMBERS as often as you can!
Prudential Mortgage Capital Company
Commercial Real Estate
Contact: Lee McNeer
5960 Fairview Road, Ste. 400
Charlotte, NC 28210
127-26 101st Ave Realty
Small owner: 12 units
Contact: Robert Bovain
2627 Albatross Lane
Matthews, NC 28104
Baucom-Allen Investments
Small owner: 84 units
Contact: Charlie Baucom
1101 Circle Drive
Monroe, NC 28112
Ready Fitness
Fitness Equipment
Contact: Celia Thompson
3482 Keith Bridge Road
Cumming, GA 30041
AGPM North Carolina
Owner: Prosperity Creek Seniors (168)
Contact: Jose Quintana
501 N. Magnolia Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Sponsor: Amanda Kitts
Tribute Properties
Owner: 1593 units
(Adams Place, Bradford Park, Heather
Ridge, Ivy Hollow, Mallard Glen,
Whisper Creek)
Contact: Robert Bishop
10 S. Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28409
Sponsor: Jarrod Clay
Elite Flooring & Design
Estates Management Company
For Rent Media Solutions
General Electric Appliance
Herron Realty & Associates
Housing Studio
KGLM Management
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Landmark Apartment Trust
Levine PropertiesLincoln Property Company
Lowes Companies Inc.
MAA (AKA Colonial Property Trust)
McClain Barr and Associates
Metrolina Apartment Investors
MJC Management Company
Morgan Communities Management
New River Landscaping, Inc.
Orkin Commercial Services
Post Properties, Inc
Proctor Services, Inc.
River Wind Holdings, Inc.
Studio 5 Interiors
Surface Magic
The Byrd’s Group, Inc.
Trade Street Residential
US Residential
ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance
Water Management Solutions, LLC
Waterford Place
Waterton Residential
Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers, Inc.
Waypoint Residential Mgt Services
Weinstein Properties
Westminster Company
Waste Pro USA, Inc.
Trash and recycling company
Contact: Dianne Bennett
185 Manor Ave
Concord, NC 28025
AllSouth Renovations, Inc
AT&T Connected Communities
Azuma Leasing
Brittany Woods
Brookhill Village
Brown Investment Properties
Cardinal Pointe Apartments
Carocon Corporation
Cavalier Management Co.
Community Housing Partners Corp
Compass Rock
ContraVest Management Company
Cottonwood Residential
Crescent Resources
CWS Apartment Homes
Diamond Floor Covering
Ductz of South Charlotte
26 Apartment Times November/December 2014
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 27
coming soon
has some BIG EVENTS planned for early 2015!
your calendars now for these January and February events,
DATES and be sure to register early as we expect them both to sell out!
GCAA’s Annual JAN
Join us at the Westin Hotel for a unique line-up of panelists
projecting multifamily trends for the year ahead:
New Development Opportunities with Jim Borders
President of Novare Group (developing the 50-story SkyHouse on North Tryon St.)
Market Conditions and Industry Demographics with Frank Warren
Senior Economist with Kimley-Horn
Charlotte In-Migration, White Collar & Creative Classes with John Chesser
Senior Analyst with the UNCC Urban Institute
The Planning Commission & Higher-Density Housing with Ed McKinney
Deputy Planning Director for Charlotte-Mecklenburg
FEB February Dinner Meeting
Alex Sheen
with Special Guest ALEX SHEEN
“because I said I would”
was a blockbuster hit at the 2014 NAAEI Conference in Denver,
Colorado. Those who were fortunate enough to see him were moved by his
story and fascinated by what Alex has accomplished from keeping a simple
promise to his Dad. This could be the most memorable GCAA Dinner Meeting
of all time. Don’t miss it.
WHEN: February 5th; from 5:30 pm
WHERE: The Big Chill, 911 E. Morehead St., Charlotte
COST: $45 GCAA Members • $58 Non-members
(Any NAA Affiliate Member may attend at GCAA rate)
RSVP: at or call 704-334.9511 x102
I said
I would.
Alex Sheen, the founder of because I said I would, speaks around the country
about the importance of a promise. Alex and his philanthropic work have been
featured on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer, Good Morning America, the
TODAY Show, The Steve Harvey Show, CNN, Fox News, HLN and other programs.
He has spoken to audiences ranging from the world’s largest consulting firm to
elementary school assemblies. because I said I would is a social movement and
non-profit dedicated to bettering humanity through promises made and kept.
Learn more at or on Facebook.
28 Apartment Times November/December 2014
maintenance training
2015 Pool Operator Certification
This certification is REQUIRED in the state of North Carolina, so GCAA is here to provide the training!
Whether your techs need NC Certification, would prefer National CPO Certification, or are just looking for a
refresher course in pool operation & maintenance, we’ve got your teams covered. Here’s the schedule for 2015:
GCAA offers MANY course options to suit your
specific training needs and busy schedules!
Classes Half-Day Refresher Course: Provides updates on latest requirements, laws, and trends in apartment
Between pool operation (no certification). April 23 only. $75 for GCAA members.
Course (5-Year NC Certification): Meets all the requirements of NC’s Public Swimming
Jan. 27 One-Day
Pool Statutes. Jan. 27, Feb. 17, March 17, April 23, May 20, June 16, or Aug. 25. $125 for GCAA members.
Two-Day Course (5-Year National CPO Certification): Meets all requirements for both the
National Swimming Pool Foundation’s Certified Pool Operator (CPO) certification and NC’s Public Swimming
Aug. 25 Pool Statutes. May 21 plus any one-day session listed above. $245 for GCAA members.
outreach committee
GCAA Outreach Committee Hosts Wellness Initiative Picnic
for Moore Place Residents
Moore Place is an 85-unit apartment community which houses individuals who have grappled with chronic homelessness. As
part of the Urban Ministry Center’s HousingWorks program, residents of Moore Place are provided not only an affordable home,
but also a variety of additional support services, including health and wellness counseling. For the second consecutive year, volunteers from GCAA’s Outreach Committee have hosted receptions for Moore Place’s Wellness Initiative participants, including
a year-end picnic at Freedom Park. This year’s picnic on October 11th was a blast, with folks enjoying a delicious grilled picnic
lunch and friendly games of volleyball & cornhole. Thanks to Brad Overcash for snapping the great photos below!
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 29
members in the news
Congratulations, Apartment Finder! For the 3rd straight year, earned top distinction in the Internet
Listing Service category of the Multi-Housing News Technology Choice Awards. The annual awards competition, sponsored by the
online and print magazine Multi-Housing News, honors companies that demonstrate strong business practices incorporating
innovative technology solutions, superior customer support, and flexible customization in their marketing strategies. Winners
are determined by Multi-Housing News readers who cast their votes for their top technology products and service providers.
Marcia Bollinger, President of Apartment Finder, said, “Each successive win sets the bar higher, driving us to continually offer
new, innovative tools that provide apartment shoppers with the best possible search experience and connect them with apartment communities easier and faster.” Recent innovations and enhancements to the mobile-enabled include advanced search technology; robust viewing options for apartment listings; a widget offering access to renter reviews;
free integrated iPhone, Android and Tizen apps; industry-leading On Demand Coupons; and much more.
Congratulations, Frank Pounds! GCAA-member Apartment Life recently announced the hiring of Frank Pounds as Regional
President for its Mid-Atlantic Region markets, currently covering the Carolinas and Tennessee. As Regional President, Frank
will be responsible for driving overall success of the CARES program for the Mid-Atlantic Region. Frank comes during a time
of tremendous growth as Apartment Life launches several new cities, including Nashville, Raleigh-Durham, and Greensboro.
Frank has more than 20 years of enterprise sales and leadership experience. He has spent the last 14 years in software and
technology sales in the apartment industry. His previous positions include Vice President of Sales at ePremium Insurance and
Regional Vice President of Sales at CoreLogic Safe Rent. “We’re ecstatic to have a leader like Frank called to Apartment Life,” said
Jack Kemp, Apartment Life Divisional President.
Wedding Announcement!
Our good friend Courtney MacDermidMoreno was married on August 30th,
2014! Courtney is employed by Chartwell
Management, LLC as the Community
Manager at Arbor Steele Creek Apartments. She has been a member of the
GCAA since 2011, currently participates
on the Programs Committee, and plans
to co-chair the YAPs (Young Apartment Professionals) Committee in
2015. Courtney’s husband, Luis Moreno, is a television and radio analyst
for the Carolina Panthers. The couple enjoyed a lovely Lowcountry
wedding in Charleston, SC surrounded by family, friends, perfect
weather and amazing food. They were engaged in Campeche,
Mexico at the historic Hacienda Uayamon. Courtney and
Luis live in the Steele Creek area with their two dogs, Guinness
and Diego. Congrats and Muchas Felicidadas!
Outreach Committee Members
spent the afternoon of September
17th keeping Charlotte beautiful by
picking up trash along their adopted
stretch of Sharon Amity Road.
t Thanks to volunteers (L to R)
Kim Fallon, Sandra Fick,
Bill Kageorge, Lynn Ackerman,
Christi Manos (and Fran Petzold,
behind the camera).
30 Apartment Times November/December 2014
Budgeting for
at your community(ies)
in 2015?
GCAA has a great suggestion!
Donate any of the items below to our
partners at Crisis Assistance Ministry.
Upgrade your properties while also
helping local neighbors in need!
Needed items include:
Stoves • Washers & Dryers
Refrigerators • Sofas & Loveseats
Chairs • Dressers • Chests of Drawers
Kitchen/Dining Room Tables & Chairs
Mattresses, Boxsprings, & Bedframes
Have questions? Email Mike Davis:
Sorry, but Crisis Assistance cannot accept:
Dishwashers • Exercise Equipment
Built-in Appliances/Cabinetry
Damaged or Torn Furniture •Freezers
Gas Appliances (stoves, grills or dryers)
November/December 2014 Apartment Times 31
Greater Charlotte Apartment Association
6060 Piedmont Row Drive South, Suite 575
Charlotte, NC 28287
Address Service Requested