Eastern Wyoming College Crook County Hulett Outreach Moorcroft Outreach Sundance Outreach l l l l Credit Classes Community Education Classes Workforce Development General Information Spring 2015 1 Welcome Britt a ny Meliss uckmiller Lenz aB lley r Jo Jennife H H H Jennifer Jolley Outreach Coordinator Melissa Buckmiller Outreach Coordinator Brittany Lenz Outreach Coordinator Hulett Outreach Moorcroft Outreach Sundance Outreach i, my name is Jennifer Jolley and I am the new Outreach Coordinator in Hulett. I have lived in Hulett for the past 12 years and enjoy this unique small town. Although Hulett is a small town, there is a wide range of offerings available to all ages. Offerings such as a variety of Community Education Classes, High School Equivalency Certificate, or College degree. I also feature Ed2Go classes for professional development and personal enrichment. I am always looking for new ideas, instructors, and welcome the communities input. Please contact me anytime by phone or stop by the school. Hulett High School 429 Sager 307.467.5477 jennifer.jolley@ewc.wy.edu i my name is Melissa Buckmiller. I am the Coordinator for Eastern Wyoming College Moorcroft Outreach. I have lived in Moorcroft for 23 years and have worked with Eastern Wyoming College for the past 11 years. I have a BA from Moorhead State University in Minnesota and Black Hills State University in South Dakota. I recently started my Masters Program at the University of Wyoming. I have tried to put together a listing of classes and programs to fit everyone’s needs. If anyone has questions or suggestions please come see me at the high school. Moorcroft High School #47 Country Lane 307.756.9800 melissa.buckmiller@ewc.wy.edu i, my name is Brittany Lenz and I am the Outreach Coordinator in Sundance. This is my second year with EWC and my program is progressing and growing! This semester I have put together a variety of classes for every age group. I hope that you can find classes that meets your interests. I also added new credit classes for the spring semester. Each semester I will be adding a new credit class for those who need continuing education credits. Please check my website for updates, additions, and changes throughout the semester. Please feel free to contact me regarding credit classes, concurrent registrations, community education classes or offer a suggestion for a class you would like to see offered. Sundance High School 1016 E. Cleveland 307-282-0769 brittany.lenz@ewc.wy.edu 2 Hulett Outreach Moorcroft Outreach Sundance Outreach Hulett High School 429 Sager Hulett, Wyoming 82720 Moorcroft High School #47 County Lane Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721 Sundance High School 1016 E. Cleveland Sundance, Wyoming 82729 Jennifer Jolley Hulett Outreach Coordinator Eastern Wyoming College is a student-centered, comprehensive community college that responds to the educational, cultural, social, and economic needs of its communities with quality, affordable educational opportunities for dynamic lifelong learning. College Mission – June 10, 2008 Eastern Wyoming College Board of Trustees Angie Chavez, Acting President John Patrick, Secretary Mike Varney, Treasurer Lowel Kautz Julie Kilty Marilyn Fisher Interim President Richard Patterson, Ph.D. Hulett High School 429 Sager 307.467.5477 jennifer.jolley@ewc.wy.edu Melissa Buckmiller Moorcroft Outreach Coordinator Moorcroft High School #47 Country Lane 307.756.9800 melissa.buckmiller@ewc.wy.edu Brittany Lenz Sundance Outreach Coordinator Sundance High School 1016 E. Cleveland 307-282-0769 brittany.lenz@ewc.wy.edu Mike Durfee Associate Vice President for Outreach & Learning 307.532.8346 mike.durfee@ewc.wy.edu EWC is accredited by the American Welding Society and the American Veterinary Medical Association The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges & Schools 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500 Chicago, IL 60604 Telephone: 800.621.7440/312.263.0456 Fax: 312.263.7462 info@hlcommission.org www.ncahlc.org Eastern Wyoming College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. The information contained herein is valid as of December 2014. While EWC makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information, the college reserves the right to make changes at any time without prior notice. Always check with the appropriate office for current information. The EWC Schedule summarizes information of interest to students; it is not a complete statement of programs and policies. Other important information is published in the EWC Catalog and on the EWC Website. 3 About EWC HULETT/MOORCROFT/SUNDANCE Welcome About EWC General Information Library Information Academic Calendar LancerNet EWC Book Store 1 2 11-13 14 15 17 21 Concurrent and Dual Enrollment Classes Credit Classes 16 18-20 Classes Eastern Wyoming College is dedicated to providing opportunities and recognizing the talent of all people within this institution. There is commitment to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons on the basis of merit without regard to race, color, national origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender, religion, political belief, veteran status or disability. In accordance with the policy, EWC affirms its commitment to non-discrimination in its employment, admission or access to programs and activities, treatment of any person, as they relate to recruitment, hiring, selection, screening, testing, compensation, promotion, employment benefits, educational opportunities, access to programs, work assignments, application of discipline, access to grievance procedures, and any and all other conditions which are provided by Eastern Wyoming College policy, regulation, rule or practice. Inquiries concerning Title II, Title VI, Title VII and Section 504 may be directed to Stuart Nelson, Director of Human Resources, 307-532.8330. Title IX inquiries may be directed to Dr. Rex Cogdill, Vice President for Student Services, 307.532.8257. Both may be contacted at Eastern Wyoming College, 3200 West C. Street, Torrington, WY 82240. Alternatively you may contact the Wyoming Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights Coordinator, 2nd Floor, Hathaway Building, Cheyenne, WY 82002-0050, or (307)777-7675. Community Education Workforce Development Adult Basic Education (ABE) English as a Second Language (ESL) High School Equivalency Preparation Hulett Community Education Classes Moorcroft Community Education Classes Sundance Community Education Classes Ed2Go Classes Workforce Development 17 17 17 4-6 7-8 9-10 8 21 4 Community Education Classes / HULETT Genealogy Classes Every family has a story, what is yours? Each month we will be having Free classes to help you connect to your ancestors. We have the world’s largest record of ancestor names. Go further, faster by working together in learning of your family history. Bring your own lap top and any information you have! Instructor: Jan Pruet & Friends Date: 1st & 3rd Monday of each month Time: 6:30 p.m. Cost: Free Location: Greater Hulett Community Center Youth Craft Day Calling all youth interested in spending a day doing fun activities and crafts. Tina Fish is putting together a fun packed day of activities and crafts. Since there is no school it is a great way to spend the day. Please bring a sack lunch and snacks to get you through the day. Check the Hulett Community Ed page for additional monthly dates. Instructor: Tina Fish Date: Monday, Jan 5 (No School) Time: 9:00 am until done Cost: Free Location: Hulett Civic Center The History Of The Bible There is much confusion in the United States today about the origins, transmission, and reliability of the number one best-seller book ever, the Bible. It is the goal of this course to remove that confusion by presenting 3400 years of Bible history and discussing its ultimate transmission to us in the form of one book. Instructor: Jim Palus Required Text: The Bible Date: Monday’s Jan. 5 - March 9 (Registration Deadline Dec. 29, 2014) Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm Cost: Free Location: Hulett Community Ed Room EMT Basic This is a class that will prepare and certify you for first response and ambulance attendance. This is a 160 hour class that will meet 2 nights a week for 4 hours and a few 8 hour Saturdays. By successfully completing this course your will be a licensed Wyoming EMT. Instructor: Jason Perry and Guests Date: Starts January 15 Time: 6:00 p.m. Cost: $120 (est. for book & materials) Location: Greater Hulett Community Center Sewing a Rope Bowl Have you ever thought about sewing a bowl out of a rope? Well now’s your chance. Paulie Jolley will lead the class through the steps of wrapping a clothes line rope with fabric and turning it in to a beautiful bowl. Please bring your sewing machine, cutting mat, rotary cutter, and any scrap fabric you would like to use. If you do not have any of the items we will have extras for you to use. Instructor: Paulie Jolley Date: Jan 13th & 27th Time: 9:00 – 11:00 am Cost: $10 per person Location: Hulett Community Ed Room Photography The 5 week photography program will include camera controls (f-stop, shutter speed, ISO), translating 3-dimensional space to the 2-dimensional space that is a photograph, the quality of light and what it communicates, both natural and artificial, and the important question “Do you see what I see?” Instructor: Catherine Cardarelli Date: Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7 & 21 Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Cost: $125 per person Location: Hulett Community Ed Room Welding For Fun Jim Pannell the HHS Ag teacher will teach a basic fabrication course for beginners to make simple objects and art. $50 pays for instruction plus practice metal (project metal will cost more). Students buy your own safety glasses and bring protective clothing. Class size limited to 8 adults, 8 Men on Tuesdays, 8 Women on Thursdays. Instructor: Jim Pannell Date: Tuesday’s Jan 6 – Feb 3 Men’s Night, Thursday’s Jan 8 – Feb 5 Women’s Night Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm Cost: $50 plus supplies Location: HHS Ag Shop Digital Photo Uploading Do you have photos on your phone or SD card and don’t know what to do with them. I will help you learn the basic ways to getting your photos from your device to being a nicely printed photo. Bring your device, card reader if you have one, and a USB cord for such device. Instructor: Jen Jolley Date: Jan 21 Time: 9 :00– 11:00 am Cost: Free Location: Hulett Community Ed Room Couponing Do you want to save money on your purchases? Come learn the basics of how to use coupons and how to save money on just about everything. Bring all your current coupons. Instructor: Darlene Coder Date: Tuesday’s start Feb. 3 ending Feb. 24 Time: 9:30 – 11:00 am Cost: Free Location: Hulett Community Ed Room 5 Community Education Classes / HULETT Elementary Cheerleading Quad If you are Kindergarten through fifth grade, you may participate in Cheerleading Squad. We will learn simple cheers and a routine to perform at home basketball games. Please wear black or red pants and t-shirts, black tennis shoes if possible. Date: Tuesday’s Jan. 20 – April 28 Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm Cost: $3 (only for new member & $12 t-shirt) Location: Hulett School Driver’s Education This program teaches drivers education and traffic safety according to Wyoming laws. This course requires 30 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of driving time. In addition, students must keep record of 50 hours of parent supervised driving in order to get their license. This class is great for students to learn the rules of the road as well as an opportunity to qualify for reduced prices to insure them as a driver. Instructor: Randi Faeth Date: March 9, 2015 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Cost: $200 (reduced prices available for those who qualify) Location: Hulett Community Ed Room Dutch Oven Cooking Dutch oven cook, Ted & JoEllen Parsons, has a passion and talent for all great foods well prepared. Come learn how to prepare a Dutch oven meal with tricks of the trade and tips to refine your skills. Instructor: Ted & JoEllen Parsons Date: March 31 at 6 pm organizational meeting Time: We will choose a cooking date as a group Cost: $10 per person Location: Mr. Parson’s classroom at HHS Country-Western Dance Classes “Grab your partner & do-si-do!”…and learn other basic dance moves! Though not professionals, Bill and Carol are excellent dancers who have won contests. They will teach you Jitterbug, Polka, Two-Step, and Waltz. Don’t miss this chance! Instructor: Bill & Carol Dewey Date: Thursday’s starting Feb. 19 to March 12 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Cost: $20 individual or $30 per couple Location: Hulett School 6 Community Education Classes / MOORCROFT Call the Moorcroft Outreach office at 307-756-9800 to pre-register for classes as well as schedule changes due to weather or additions and changes to the class schedule. Updates will be posted on the website at the EWC Moorcroft link and on the crook1.com school website. American Sign Language This course will be a continuation of the Beginning Sign Language course that was started Fall semester. Students interested in taking the class who were not in the Beginning course will have to take a simple review of words pre-exam. Class nights will vary slightly due to the instructor’s schedule, a calendar will be available the first night of class. Contact: Dusty Petz 307-756-3446 / petzd@crook1.com Instructor: Danielle Wood Date: Wednesdays, Beginning January 12 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Cost $99 for PTSB credit $198 for 2 College Credits $20 non-credit participation Place: MHS Winter In-door Walking As the weather outside remains frightful, walk the stairs and hallways of MHS after school hours. Please sign up in the Community Education Outreach Office to start your walking program. There is no cost to this program but do to security issues anyone walking must sign up before starting their walking program. Please remember high school custodial staff will be doing their job so please stay out of their way and respect their wishes. Date: December 1 - May 1 Time: After school hours Cost: Cost FREE Location: Moorcroft High School Hunter Safety The Wyoming Hunter Education program is conducted by a group of volunteer instructors throughout the state. The course will deal with hunter responsibility, firearms and archery equipment use and safety survival, wildlife management, first aid, wildlife identification, field care of game and Wyoming Game and Fish laws and regulations. Hunter Education is required for all persons born on or after Jan. 1, 1966. Local instructors will be holding a class sometime in March. Classes will be limited to 25 people. All students will register on line only. Information on the dates, time and place will be listed on the Department Web Site: http://wgfd.wyo.gov Cost: $10 Location: Moorcroft Firehall Driver’s Education This program teaches drivers education and traffic safety according to Wyoming laws. This course requires 30 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of driving time. In addition, students must keep record of 50 hours of parent supervised driving in order to get their license. Instructor: Randi Faeth Date: March 3 Time: 5:00-7:00 pm Cost: $200 Location: MHS Zumba Zumba is a dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto “Beto” Perez during the 1990s. Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements. Zumba’s choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial arts, and some Bollywood and belly dance moves. Squats and lunges are also included. It exercise but you’ll think you’re just having fun!! Contact: 307-756-2600 Alive At 25 This program sponsored by the Wyoming Highway Patrol and MHS/EWC Drivers Education Program will be held at MHS on the 4th of June. The students are required to attend; however, any adult who would also like to attend is asked to call Melissa Buckmiller and register online at https:// aliveat25.us/wy/find-a-course Date: June 4th Time: 12pm – 4:30 pm Cost: $25 Location: MHS Mr. Faeth’s classroom Instructor: Brooke Semlek Date: Tuesday/Thursday Beginning December 2 Time: 6:00 – 6:45 pm Cost: $25 Unlimited or $5 Drop-In Country Western Dance Classes This class couldn’t come at a better time, with Prom season just around the corner, learning a few swing moves will make your night all the more fun. Dancing is also great exercise so grab your partner and come on out. Bill & Carol Dewey have been dancing together for many years and our wonderful, fun instructors. Instructor: Bill & Carol Dewey Date: Thursday’s starting March 26th to April 16th Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Cost: $20 individual or $30 per couple Moorcroft High School Gymnasium FLY ROD Building Fly Fishing is a wonderful pass-time that anyone can learn to do! How impressed will your friends be when you show up at the creek or lake with a fly rod you built yourself or even one your grandson or granddaughter made for you? Trust me even if you aren’t the best fisherman they will be impressed. Also, with the cost of fly fishing, building your own rod will get you started at half the cost!! This class takes approximately 4-5 days to complete due only to the drying time of the epoxy used. Date: Friday, April 3rd 5:30 – 8:30 pm Saturday, April 4 9am-Noon Sunday, April 5 9am-Noon Cost: $55 covers cost of rod kit & materials / Reels are available for purchase at wholesale prices to anyone completing the course. Location: Art classroom at MHS 7 Community Education Classes / MOORCROFT Journey Into Space – Lego Camp 2 Building projects -Spaceship BB-133, 522 pieces -Apollo Pullback Car, 102 Pieces The sky is no limit for your future engineers as they journey from earth to outer space and beyond. We’ll help them blaze a trail to develop architecture, design, problem-solving and team building skills while you drive home key STEM elements and reinforce the importance of simple machines. Students TAKE HOME everything they build! Date: June 4 Time: TBD Cost: $54 / student Location: Moorcroft High School Pull-back Car Frenzy 6 Pullback Cars Pullback Car Frenzy is an enrichment course designed to stimulate problem solving and creativity using new and innovative ideas. This course is jam packed with science! Students will build numerous cars using a design pamphlet for each vehicle. Students KEEP each car build! Date: Thursday, June 11 Time: 4:00 pm Cost: $54 / student Location: Moorcroft High School Moorcroft Wolves Basketball Camp 3-6th Graders Moorcroft High School Gym Date: May 27-28 Wednesday & Thursday Time: 8:00 – 9:30 am Supervision at the Gym Starting at 7:45 am Cost: $10 Location: Moorcroft High School Gym 7th-12th Graders Moorcroft High School Gym Date: May 27-28 Wednesday & Thursday Time: 10:00 – 12 noon Supervision at the Gym Starting at 7:45 am Cost: $10 Location: Moorcroft High School Gym Contact Dusty Petz 307-756-3446 petzd@crook1.com 5K COLOR RUN “Color Run” is a popular series of 3K and 5K fun runs, where participants are bombarded with vibrant color at every kilometer along the course. The run will begin before the Jubilee Parade and end with a walk down the main street parade route. Date: Time: Cost: Saturday, July 11 8:30 am $20 includes T-Shirt Children under 10- Free no t-shirt Location: Robinson Park EMT Basic This is a class that will prepare and certify you for first response and ambulance attendance. This is a 160 hour class that will meet 2 nights a week for 4 hours and a few 8 hour Saturdays. By successfully completing this course your will be a licensed Wyoming EMT. Instructor: Dorothy Baron and Guests Date: Starts January 15 Time: 6:00 p.m. Cost: $120 (est. for book & materials) Location: Moorcroft Fire Hall Watch the www.ewc.wy.edu/moorcroft website for details 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament This fun and challenging weekend event has brackets for everyone. Sponsored by the MHS Student Counsel and EWC Wine & Crafts Sounds interesting doesn’t it! After School Painting with Adults and Kids Looking for something you can do with your kids after school? Come join us for a couple hours of painting and fun. Canning Classes This is a great tradition to share with a loved one. It is also a skill that will be lost if not taught to the current generations. Come have a great time together with a family member. Both Water-Bath and Pressure Canning will be taught. Participants will take home a few jars of canned goods. ACT Prep Class Improving your performance on the ACT comes down to one thing: becoming a better test taker. Get the tips to improve your score. Get tips about using the approved calculator. Practice monitoring your time during the English section. Learn what you need the day of the test and what scores get you into which college classes. Students will leave with information guaranteed to improve their score. Date: Wed/Thurs March 11-26 Time: 5:00-6:00 pm Cost: FREE Location: MHS FAFSA Completion Night Must for all Seniors Bring your completed tax returns and join us in the MHS-EWC computer labs to complete your Free Application For Student Aid. This is not a presentation but a hands on step by step assistance with the online application. Both parent and student is encouraged to attend as there is a portion of the FAFSA each must complete. The FAFSA is often the first step toward completing other Scholarship applications and Mr. Petz will be on hand to answer questions about other scholarships. Date: Time: January 12 6:00 pm until your FAFSA is complete (approximately 30 mins) Cost: FREE Location: MHS & EWC computer lab 8 Community Education Classes / SUNDANCE Call the Sundance Outreach office at 307-282-0769or email Brittany.lenz@ewc.wy.edu to register for all spring 2015 classes. Updates will be posted on the crook1.com website at the EWC Sundance link found under Sundance Secondary School tab. Dare to Repair Hey ladies, are you tired of waiting for your man to fix those annoying little projects that you keep asking and asking for help? Good news! Help is on the way. Let the Man’s Men, Reggie & Steve, from Sundance Hardware show you the way to marital harmony by teaching a few easy, quick repairs. Leaky toilet? No problem. Hole in the wall? Gone in minutes. Can’t figure out those goofy anchors for hanging pictures between studs? Easy-peasy! All materials will be provided. Reggie & Steve are the Tim & Al of Sundance…remember the TV sitcom Home Improvement? Reggie is the front man and Steve is the man-in-the-know. They fix people’s home repair problems every day and with their light hearted presentation, you’re sure to have fun learning how to solve common household repairs. Date: Tuesday, January 13 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm Cost: $15 Instructor: Steve Lenz & Reggie Gaylord Location: Sundance Dillon’s Hardware Genealogy Preserve and share your unique family stories. Discover information about your ancestors and bring it to life with photos and stories. Anyone is welcome to attend at any time. Remember to bring your own laptop. Date: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays beginning January 14 Time: 6:30 pm Cost: FREE Location: Sundance Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints Cross-country skiing Are you getting the winter blues? Join us for this opportunity to get outside & get active! Just because there is snow on the ground doesn’t mean we have to stay in! We will be cross-country skiing in the Bearlodge Mountains. The group will meet at the Reuter campground to begin. All participants need to bring their own equipment. Date: Saturday, January 17 Time: 9:00-11:00 am Cost: FREE Instructor: Brian Sebade Location: meet at Reuter campground parking lot Financial Peace University It’s a new year & the perfect time to revamp your finances. This is a 9 week class taught by America’s most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. You will be able to walk through the basics of budgeting, reducing debt strategies, planning for the future, and saving your hard earned money! The class is free. The only cost is the membership kit that needs to be purchased online before class begins. Date: Mondays, February 2- March 30 Time: 5:15-6:30 pm Cost: FREE / $93 for the cost of the kit online Instructor: TBA Looking for an interested leader Location: Sundance High School upstairs computer lab Home Energy Efficiency- Learn Tips & Tricks Looking to cut energy costs for your home this winter? This class takes a glance at potential ways to cut energy costs during the cold seasons in Wyoming. Insulation, lighting, and heating are a few of the topics that will be discussed. No products are being sold, just free information. Date: Thursday, February 19 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Cost: FREE Instructor: Brian Sebade Location: Courthouse basement Couples Massage: Love is in the Fingers Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Learn essential massage techniques that will impress your partner & help them relax. You will learn neck and shoulder massage techniques you can do at home. MEN: This is the perfect, out of the box gift for your special lady! Limited to 6 couples—register early! Date: Thursday, February 12 Time: 5:30-7:00 pm Cost: $25 Instructor: Chandra Pollat Location: Black Hills Holistic Health 113 S. West. St. Culture Kitchen: Chinese Create authentic dishes with amazing flavor from the great cuisines of China. However, be warned: the flavors, freshness, and textures are addictive! This class will give you a taste of China! Participants will prepare and sample recipes, so bring your appetite! Please bring some containers for your leftovers. Hands-On! Minimum enrollment of 5, max 10. Must call and enroll by Feb. 2nd. Date: Monday, February 9 Time: 6:00-8:30 pm Cost: $24 Instructor: Vicki Hayman Location: Sundance High School Room 108 Cross-country skiing Here is another opportunity to try cross country skiing! Or to do it again! Join us for this opportunity to get outside & get active! Just because there is snow on the ground doesn’t mean we have to stay in! We will be cross-country skiing in the Bearlodge Mountains. All participants need to bring their own gear. Date: Saturday, February 7 Time: 9:00-11:00 am Cost: FREE Instructor: Brian Sebade Location: Meet at Reuter campground parking lot 9 Community Education Classes / SUNDANCE Mindfulness & Mediation Overworked, over stressed, and can’t seem to focus? Mindfulness and meditation are two tools that are easy to learn and put into practice immediately. They will help you feel energized, sleep better, and improve your concentration. Join Katie, who is a Reiki Master, while she provides coaching and lessons on these topics. Date: Thursday, April 30 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Cost: $15 Instructor: Katie Allen Location: Black Hills Holistic Health, 113 S. West St. Mary Kay Skin Care Ladies night out!! Carolyn Fowler will teach you the benefits of using a daily skin care regimen. Experience a free facial using the Mary Kay skin care products customized for your skin type. All of Mary Kay’s skin care products contain vitamins and powerful age-fighting ingredients your skin needs to continue looking bright and youthful. Products for all skin types will be available to try for dry, normal, oily, combination and acne prone skin. You will also learn how to earn free products of your own! Please call you reserve your seat today! Date: Monday, March 23 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Cost: FREE Instructor: Carolyn Fowler Location: Sundance High School, Room 203 Take a Deep Breath & Relax Are you needing a little relaxation? Join us for this 2 hour class that is essential in your quest for relaxation! Chandra Pollat is a licensed massage therapist and she will teach you at-home relaxation techniques that you can easily use on those stressful days. Date: Wednesday, April 8 Time: 5:15-7:15 pm Cost: $10 Instructor: Chandra Pollat Location: Black Hills Holistic Health, 113 S. West St. Essential Oils Have you been wondering about essential oils? Come by for a quick tutorial and test out some products. Essential oils reduce the need for antibiotics and over the counter medicine for many people. Just come for the information or get your essential oil fix right here! Date: Saturday, January 10 Time: 10:00-11:00 am Cost: $10 Instructor: Alicia Burg & Stacy Palmer Location: Sundance High School Room 108 Wine 101 Wine 101 is for anyone who is interested in wine, from beginner to expert! You need to have absolutely no wine experience to come learn the basics of wine—from fermentation, to production methods, to important wine terms, to tasting evaluation techniques. However, if you do have experience in wine, you will love this class, too. Four wines will be tasted after learning more about wine. This is a fun and educational night! Kara Sweet is a certified sommelier through the International Wine Guild and an intro level sommelier through the Court of Master Sommeliers. She has taught multiple wine classes around the Black Hills, worked for several wine-related businesses in the area, and blogged about area wine and beer venues. Minimum enrollment of 10 so invite your friends, too! Date: Tuesday, March 31 Time: 6:00-8:30 pm Cost: $25 Instructor: Kara Sweet Location: Longhorn Saloon & Grill, 214 E. Main St. Wine 202 Wine 202 is a class to learn even more about wine; however, wine beginners are still welcome here! This class will teach more about international wine producing countries and how to read wine labels from around the world. More in-depth information about serving wine and evaluating wine will be given. Four wines from around the world will be tasted. Sign up to enjoy learning about and sipping on wine from all over the globe! Kara Sweet is a certified sommelier through the International Wine Guild and an intro level sommelier through the Court of Master Sommeliers. She has taught multiple wine classes around the Black Hills, worked for several wine-related businesses in the area, and blogged about area beer and wine venues. Kara has spent time the last four summers continuing her wine education and will continue to do so in the future. Date: Tuesday, April 21 Time: 6:00-8:30 pm Cost: $25 Instructor: Kara Sweet Location: Longhorn Saloon & Grill 214 E. Main St. Culture Kitchen: South American Pack your bags and grab your culinary passport as we take a journey through the exotic regions of South America. The culinary landscape of South America is as diverse as the landscape itself. Participants will prepare and sample recipes, so bring your appetite! Hands-On! Minimum enrollment of 5, max 10. Enrollment deadline is April 2nd. Vicki Hayman loves to share her long-time passion for cooking delectable food. Vicki has taught a wide array of cooking classes for adults and young people in NE Wyoming. She has been employed by the University of Wyoming as an Extension Educator for the past 16 years. Date: Thursday, April 9 Time: 6:00-8:30 pm Cost: $24 Instructor: Vicki Hayman Location: Sundance High School Room 108 Kids’ 2nd-12th grade Basketball Camp Brush up on your basketball skills with this 3 day camp. Want to get better in the off-season? Here is your chance! School is out & while it’s still too chilly to swim at the pool take advantage of this camp! More details will be released in May. Look for flyers in the schools & around the community. Date: May 27-29 Time: TBA Cost: $50 for 6th-12th grade, $30 for rest of family or $35 for 2nd-5th grade Instructor: Jim O’Connor Location: Sundance High School gymnasium 10 Community Education Classes / SUNDANCE “Wyoming Reads” at Devil’s Tower All 1st grade students in the county will gather at Devil’s Tower & have the opportunity to walk around the tower together then all students will get a hard-covered book sponsored by the Sue Jorgensen Foundation in promotion of reading in Wyoming. Please call Bonnie Stahla at the Crook County Public Library at 307-283-1006 for more details. Date: Time: Tuesday, May 19 9:00 am depart from Sundance, meet at picnic area at 11:45 am Cost: FREE Location: Devil’s Tower Monument On the Rocks- Climbing Devil’s Tower Are you needing a little adventure in your life? Has climbing the Tower been on your bucket list? This is your opportunity! All skill levels are encouraged to attend. Frank is a Devil’s Tower climbing expert. You can climb to the top or get comfortable on the rocks around the base. It’s thrilling fun for everyone. Climbing gear is provided. Wear appropriate climbing shoes and clothing. (No climbing shoes are necessary, but please wear close-toed shoes.) Not from Sundance but still interested? Great, meet us there! Everyone in the county is welcome! Date: Saturday, June 6 Time: 9:00-2:00 pm Cost: $35 Instructor: Frank Sanders Location: Meet at SHS parking lot & carpool to Devil’s Tower On the Rocks- Family Day! Bring the whole family out for this rock climbing adventure! We will explore first time rock climbing experiences that is good for the whole family. All levels are welcome to attend. Are you the only one in your family that wants to come? Well, that’s perfect too! Come along for a fun day in the sun. All climbing gear is provided. Please make sure to wear tennis shoes & layers of clothing. Again, everyone in the county is welcome to attend! Date: Saturday, June 13 Time: 9:00-2:00 pm Cost: $35 per adult Instructor: Frank Sanders Location: Meet at SHS parking lot & carpool to Devil’s Tower Driver’s Education This program teaches drivers education and traffic safety according to Wyoming laws. This course requires 30 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of instructor led driving time. In addition, students must keep record of 50 hours of parent supervised driving time in order to receive your license. This class is great for students to learn the rules of the road as well as a reducing the cost for insuring them as a teenage driver! Date: Mondays, beginning March 9 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Cost: $200 reductions available for those who qualify Instructor: Lisa Dutton Location: Sundance High School Room 104 Plant Identification Walk “Hey, what plant is that? It looks beautiful this spring and it’s everywhere.” If you have caught yourself saying these lines, then the plant ecology and wildflower identification class is for you. In this class we will take a walk through the spring wildflowers of the Wyoming Black Hills to identify wildflowers and other plants. We will also discuss the ecology and interesting facts of each plant. Please bring good walking shoes and a desire to learn some plant names. Date: Tuesday, May 19 Time: 6:00-8:00 pm Cost: FREE Instructor: Brian Sebade Location: Meet at Crook Co. Extension office & carpool to Reuter campground 11 General Information New Students Current EWC Students If you are seeking a degree or certificate from EWC, follow these steps: If you are continuing to pursue a degree or certificate from EWC, follow these steps: l Complete and submit an application for admission. Applications are available online at ewc.wy.edu or one can be picked up at our EWC Outreach office. l Request high school transcripts (or GED) to be sent to Eastern Wyoming College. l Request a transcript from all colleges you have previously attended. Complete COMPASS placement testing for $15 at the EWC Outreach office to determine your reading, math and English placement levels. l l Complete a FAFSA for financial aid. Any questions on the FAFSA, please contact the Financial Aid office at Eastern Wyoming College, at 307.532.8224. l Meet with an advisor to complete the course selection and registration process. l Order textbooks online (ewc.wy.edu - BookstoreBooks - Textbooks & Course Materials). If you need additional assistance please call the EWC Outreach office. l Make payment arrangements at the EWC Outreach office. Classes begin on August 26. Be sure to attend all classes, even if you have been placed on a wait list. l l Meet with your advisor to complete the course selection and registration process. l Complete a FAFSA for financial aid. Any questions on the FAFSA, please contact the Financial Aid office at Eastern Wyoming College, at 307.532.8224. Order textbooks online (ewc.wy.edu - BookstoreBooks - Textbooks & Course Materials). If you need additional assistance please call the EWC Outreach office. l l Make payment arrangements at the EWC Outreach office. Classes begin on August 26. Be sure to attend all classes, even if you have been placed on a wait list. l 12 General Information Placement Exams (COMPASS): Students who plan to enroll in a lab science, math and/or an English class will need to take the COMPASS placement exam if they haven’t met ACT or prerequisite requirements for the class. Call to schedule a time to take the exam. The cost to take the exam is $15 (Please bring a check or money order). Crook County pays for initial test for high school students as well as one retake for the Compass test. and a need-based scholarship that supplements the merit awards for eligible students. Students may find out more about the Hathaway program at http://edu.wyoming.gov/ Programs/hathaway.aspx and can estimate their award level at http://www.wyo4ed.org/hathaway-calculator. The Hathaway application and all documentation must be submitted prior to the first day of the semester in which the student wishes to initiate the scholarship. Financial Aid Students must complete an EWC Application for Admission and submit final and official high school or GED transcripts, plus official transcripts from any other college attended, before receiving any aid. Students who have enough verified financial aid awarded to cover their outstanding balance are allowed to charge their books at the EWC Bookstore for a limited time at the beginning of each semester; Outreach students who order books online by the deadline receive free shipping. Degree-seeking students at EWC’s Outreach Centers are eligible for the same types of financial aid as Torrington campus students. All students should first submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually at fafsa.gov. Completing the FAFSA determines a student’s eligibility for the Title IV Federal Financial Aid Programs, including the Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Direct student and parent loans. The priority deadline for applying for federal aid is March 15, although students may apply any time during the academic year, as Pell and loan funding is not limited. The Douglas Campus also has three student employment positions available each year. In addition, first-time freshman students should apply for EWC’s institutional scholarships and Foundation awards. Most scholarships require submission of an admission application and high school transcripts by March 15 each year. Returning students should complete the Continuing Student Scholarship Application by June 1 following their freshman year to be considered for scholarships during their sophomore year. Scholarships requiring individual applications are listed on EWC’s website; deadlines vary. The Outreach Incentive Grant is one scholarship specifically for students attending any Outreach Center that pays tuition for enrollment of five credits or more for one year provided the student maintains at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Application can be made through the Center’s Outreach Coordinator. The Hathaway Scholarship is available to Wyoming high school graduates attending a Wyoming community college or the University of Wyoming within two years of graduation. The program consists of four separate merit scholarships, each with specific eligibility requirements, For specific financial aid information, please call the Financial Aid Office at 307.532.8224 or 866.327.8996. You may also obtain financial aid information from EWC’s website, ewc.wy.edu. For information about veterans educational benefits, please contact the VA Certifying Official at 307.532.8334. Textbooks Textbooks can be purchased online at ewc.wy.edu (Bookstore - Books - Textbooks & Course Materials). If you need more information on how to purchase textbooks online, please call or stop by your Outreach Coordinator’s office. New book returns are only allowed with a valid receipt and/or packing slip. All items unopened and in original condition returned within 30 days of purchase may be refunded to the original form of tender. For any additional information regarding the return policy contact the EWC bookstore. Students are expected to pay for all books, supplies, materials and any other charges or fees directly applicable to a particular course. *Students who have been awarded grants/loans, and who will be using financial aid to pay for textbooks, will have the option of choosing financial aid as a method of payment. However, you must first log in to LancerNet to give authorization to use financial aid to pay for 13 General Information charges. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to your EWC LancerNet e-mail upon receipt of the authorization. If you have any questions in regards to charging your textbooks online with financial aid, please contact Susan Stephenson, the financial aid director. Payment Options Payment for tuition and fees can be made online through your student account on LancerNet, by check, or by phone using a credit/debit card and calling the EWC Business Office at (307) 532-8205. If you are paying by credit/ debit card, you may use Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. If enrolled in at least 3 credit hours, you may also use the EWC Payment Plan which allows for 2 payments, with the first payment due January 12, 2015. Please contact the Outreach Coordinator for additional information. Refunds Full refunds will be made for courses that are cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. The last day a student is eligible to drop regular semester classes is Tuesday, November 25 at 4:00 pm. The following information discusses how courses are refunded for dropped classes: l You must notify your EWC Outreach office to drop a course and receive a refund. l Tuition and fees are refunded in full through eight calendar days, beginning with the first day of class. Tuition refund is 25 percent through 29 calendar days, beginning with the first day of class, with no refund for activity and use fees. l l After 29 calendar days, there is no refund. Tutoring SMARTHINKING is a free tutoring program available to our students. It is a live, online, personalized learning assistance program for math, writing, business and science. EWC Learning Skills Lab tutors can assist you. To contact an EWC Learning Skills Lab tutor call 1-866-392-3478. Please contact your Outreach Coordinator if you need additional information on how to access and use both tutoring services. Distance Learning Courses Compressed Video (CV) CV – designates a class offered in a Compressed Video classroom (part of Wyoming Equality Network – WEN). Internet (INET) INET – designates an Internet delivery course. To enroll in an Internet delivery course, you must have access to the Internet and e-mail. These courses consist of weekly postings from the instructor, frequent e-mails, suggested websites for further information, assigned readings and activities. In addition, the course will probably include a textbook, study guide and written assignments. Tuition & Fees A complete tuition schedule is available on-line at ewc. wy.edu or in the 2014-15 college catalog. 1 credit hour $83 2 credit hours $166 3 credit hours $249 4 credit hours $332 5 credit hours $415 6 credit hours $498 7 credit hours $581 8 credit hours $664 9 credit hours $747 10 credit hours $830 11 credit hours $913 12 credit hours $996 13 credit hours $996 14 credit hours $996 15 credit hours $996 16+credit hours $996 Outreach activity, use, and technology fees are $16 per credit hour. Some courses also have course fees. Please see the college catalog for a complete listing of fees. Residents 60 Years of Age or Older EWC will grant a tuition waiver to any person who is a resident of the State of Wyoming and who is 60 years of age or older. The waiver covers the tuition charges on credit courses, but does not cover the cost of fees, books, materials, supplies, or other incidental charges. Please contact the Outreach Coordinator to request the waiver. Library Information Find books, journal articles and more with PRIMO. Search all library resources with a single click! Library Staff Contacts Becky Lorenz 532.8210 becky.lorenz@ewc.wy.edu Search Casey Debus 532.8375 casey.debus@ewc.wy.edu Finding Books Databases A-Z GoWyLD.net EWC Library Fax number 532.8225 EWC Library Website LibGuides How to Cite Your Sources Research Tips Off-Campus Login Information How do I... Distance Education/ Outreach Faculty/Staff http://ewc.wy.edu/library/ Contact your instructor or the library LIBRARY CARDS • An EWC library card and pin are required to • • • • access library resources from off-campus. Apply for a Library Card Online If a book or article is not available in full-text, then use Interlibrary Loan to request the item. Materials are sent free of charge. You are expected to pay the return postage on books. Copies of articles do not need to be returned. If the item is available at EWC Library it will be sent as soon as possible. If the item has to be borrowed from another library it may take 2-3 weeks. Articles are received more quickly than books. CIRCULATION POLICY As EWC is a community college, it is the responsibility of the library to cooperate in offering the services of the library to meet the needs of the students, staff and community. • BOOKS AND PERIODICALS Books are checked out for one month, periodicals for two weeks and other items as necessary. Renewals are limited but can be requested unless there is a call for material by another patron. Materials may be renewed via the WyLDCAT, by phone or in person. Call 307.532.8210 (800.658.3195 and ask for ext. 8210) for assistance. • FINES Fines are not levied on materials other than reserve items. However, no further checkouts will be permitted until materials are returned. EWC students will have holds placed on registration until materials are returned. • LOST MATERIALS A charge will be levied for lost materials. The patron will be charged the current replacement price plus a processing fee of $15.00 for each lost book. EWC students will have holds placed on registration until materials are returned or the replacement costs are paid. • There is a search box on the library homepage and on every LibGuide. • Users can find books, articles and more with one click. • Provides valuable and pertinent information at your fingertips. Don’t know where to start? Start with LibGuides! Librarians have compiled all the library resources in one spot based on subject area or class. Find databases, search the catalog and view relevant websites. Just a few of the guides we offer: • Research Process • APA • MLA • Chicago • Test Prep • Math • Biology • Chemistry • English • Plagiarism Make the most of the information available... use LibGuides! 15 Academic Calendar 2014-2015 Spring 2015 Semester December 19 (Friday) EWC Outreach Office closes at 1 pm (Christmas Break) January 2 (Friday) January 13 (Tuesday) January 16 (Friday) January 19 (Monday) (Christmas Break) Semester Classes Begin Last Day to Add Semester Classes by 4 pm Wyoming Equality / Martin Luther King Day No D.L. Classes February 12 (Thursday) February 16 (Monday) Winter Break / No D.L. Classes D.L. Classes Resume March 4 (Wednesday) March 9 (Monday) Midterms Spring Break / No D.L. Classes April 03 (Friday) April 23 (Thursday) Easter Break / No D.L. Classes Last Day to Drop Semester Classes by 4 pm May 5 (Tuesday) Finals Week Taking a class at EWC is easy! 16 Concurrent and Dual Classes EASTERN WYOMING COLLEGE CLASSES AT HULETT HIGH SCHOOL MOORCROFT HIGH SCHOOL SUNDANCE HIGH SCHOOL Our state believes in its young people and proves it by offering qualified high school students a chance to take college classes for FREE. Concurrent and Dual Enrollment classes are offered through Eastern Wyoming College. These classes count for both high school and college credit. Concurrent Enrollment courses are taught by EWC approved high school teachers at Hulett High School, Moorcroft High School and Sundance High School. Dual Enrollment courses are college courses taught by EWC and are taught at Hulett High School, Moorcroft High School and Sundance High School. Students will benefit from these college classes for high school students in many ways: • Students get a chance to try out college classes and earn credits toward a two year or four year degree or career/technical certificate. • If students apply themselves, they could earn a degree or certificate by the time they graduate from high school. • Students will discover this program is a twofor-one deal: classes count for both high school graduation and college credit. • Students will be challenged through rigorous college classes while getting a running start at college. • If a student is a senior, they will avoid “senioritis” by taking relevant classes and starting a college degree or certificate program. • Students will save money when they go to college because they will not have not stay as long or pay for as many classes. And, the Hathaway Scholarship dollars will stretch further. Students can enroll in classes at Hulett High School, Moorcroft High School and Sundance High School if they are eligible and have met course requirements. For more information, students need to contact the EWC Coordinator. Parents and students can also contact Mike Durfee at Eastern Wyoming College – Torrington for more information (307-532-8346). For more information contact: Kristen Brindza Hulett High School Counselor 307.467.5231 ext. 101 Dustin Petz Moorcroft High School Counselor 307.756.3446 ext. 213 Alice Willey Sundance High School Counselor 307.283.1007 Melissa Buckmiller Jennifer Jolley Brittany Lenz Hulett Outreach Coordinator Moorcroft Outreach Coordinator Sundance Outreach Coordinator Hulett High School 307.467.5477 jennifer.jolley@ewc.wy.edu Moorcroft High School 307.756.9800 melissa.buckmiller@ewc.wy.edu Sundance High School 307-282-0769 brittany.lenz@ewc.wy.edu HE Preparation ABE/ESL classes Adult Basic Education Do you want to improve your math skills? Are you unable to help your child with schoolwork? Do you wish you had a better vocabulary or could write more clearly? We offer free instruction in basic math, reading and language. We can help you sharpen your skills and gain confidence in your abilities. Our distance learning options let you study at home at your own pace and on your own schedule. English as a Second Language (ESL) Do you want to understand English and speak it better? Do you need help with reading and writing English? Come in and register for ESL instruction. Each class will include a grammar/usage lesson, plus chances to read, write, and practice speaking English in a friendly and accepting atmosphere with other non-native students. We have distance learning available, so you can learn at home between classes. Contact your Outreach Coordinator for more information High School Equivalency Preparation A High School Equivalency Certificate can make the difference between living comfortably or paycheck- to-paycheck. Come in today to start the process that can change your life forever. We offer free testing, materials, and instruction to help you prepare for the equivalency test. We also have a distance learning option, so you can study in the comfort of your own home on your own schedule. You could be ready to test in as little as 12 hours. This is EWC’s way of communicating with you electronically How to get to LancerNet With LancerNet you have access to: Highlights: l l Get campus news and announcements l Interact on-line with campus club l Develop communities l Have access to forums and on-line chats l Have access to EWC’s shared calendars l Sign up for Lancer Alert—a campus-wide text alert On-line courses l Your e-mail account l Grades l Account Information l Financial Aid status l Transcripts l Search for classes l Register for classes l Pay for classes l View class schedules l Placement testing summary for emergencies system 18 Credit Classes / HULETT - MOORCROFT - SUNDANCE SPRING 2015 • ONLINE CLASSES START JANUARY 13, 2015 MAX COURSE/NUMBER/SECTION TITLE HRS FEES BLDG RM ACT DAYS TIME 18 INSTRUCTOR BEGIN/END DATES ACCOUNTING 8 ACCT 1010 40 Principles of Accounting I 8 ACCT 1050 40 Practical Accounting I 8 ACCT 2110 40 Microcomputer Accounting I 3.0 2.0 2.0 INT INT INT TBA TBA TBA J Minks J Minks J Minks 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS 8 AGEC 2300 40 Agricultural Marketing 2.0 INT TBA K Steben 01/13/15 05/08/15 ANTHROPOLOGY 8 ANTH 1100 40 Intro to Physical Anthropology 3.0 INT TBA P Nebergall 01/13/15 05/08/15 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 8 BADM 1020 40 Business Communications 8 BADM 2395 40 BusinessOfficeCapstone 3.0 3.0 TBA TBA P Pulliam PPulliam 01/13/15 05/08/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 BIOLOGY 8 BIOL 8 BIOL 8 BIOL 8 BIOL 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 INT INT INT INT TBA TBA TBA TBA L Britton L Britton L Britton L Britton 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 BUSINESS OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 20 BOTK 1970 40 Occupational Internship I 20 BOTK 2970 40 Occupational Internship II 1.0 1.0 INT INT TBA TBA P Pulliam P Pulliam 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 8 CMAP 1610 40 Windows 8 CMAP 1765 40 Spreadsheet Appl II: MS Excel 1.0 2.0 INT INT TBA TBA A Espinoza A Espinoza 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 COMMUNICATION AND MASS MEDIA CO/M 1010 Public Speaking 8 CO/M 1010 40 Public Speaking 8 CO/M 1030 40 Interpersonal Communication 3.0 3.0 3.0 6:00-9:00 pm TBA TBA M Jordan J Hansen H Edmunds 01/12/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/04/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 COMPUTER SCIENCE 8 COSC 1200 40 Computer Information Systems 3.0 INT TBA P Pulliam 01/13/15 05/08/15 CRIMINAL JUSTICE 8 CRMJ 1510 40 8 CRMJ 2120 40 8 CRMJ 2210 40 8 CRMJ 2370 40 8 CRMJ 2690 40 8 CRMJ 2895 40 Law Enforcement Procedures Intro to Criminal Justice Criminal Law I Institutional Corrections Supervised Lab Experience Criminal Justice Capstone Proj 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 INT INT INT INT INT INT TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA L Curtis B Morehouse L Curtis M David L Curtis L Curtis 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 EDUCATION-EARLY CHILDHOOD 8 EDEC 1200 40 Admin in Early Childhood Prog 8 EDEC 1300 40 Curric Plan&Dev for Yng Chldr 8 EDEC 1305 40 Curric Plan&Dev Yng Chld Lab 3.0 2.0 1.0 INT INT INT TBA TBA TBA C Steinbock C Steinbock C Steinbock 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 EDUCATION-ELEMENTARY 8 EDEL 1440 40 Physical Sci in Elem School 8 EDEL 1450 40 Earth Science in Elem School 8 EDEL 2410 40 Elem School Math Seminar II 1.0 1.0 1.0 INT INT INT TBA TBA TBA T Christinck T Christinck L Krakow 01/13/15 03/04/15 03/16/15 05/08/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 EDUCATION-EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS 8 EDFD 2100 40 Educational Psychology EDFD 2450 Lifespan Human Development 3.0 3.0 TBA 6:00-9:00 pm M de Ganahl 01/13/15 D Petz 01/15/15 05/08/15 05/07/15 EDUCATION 8 EDUC 1501 40 8 EDUC 2100 40 8 EDUC 2235 40 8 EDUC 2240 40 8 EDUC 2800 40 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA KGriffith M de Ganahl G Banville G Banville C Steinbock 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 1000 L004 2020 L002 40 40 40 40 Principles of Biology BIOL 1000 Lab General Biology II BIOL 2020 Lab EffectiveSubstituteTeaching Practicum in Teaching Teaching ESL/EFL Read & Write Teaching ESL/EFL Listen & Spe Capstone: Education SUN LEC INT INT INT LEC MOR INT INT OFF OFF INT INT INT INT INT M Th 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 Textbook information can be found at ewc.bkstr.com and the most current schedule can be found at ewc.wy.edu. 19 Credit Classes / HULETT - MOORCROFT - SUNDANCE SPRING 2015 • CLASSES START JANUARY 13, 2015 MAX COURSE/NUMBER/SECTION ENGLISH ENGL 8 ENGL 8 ENGL 8 ENGL 8 ENGL 0640 1020 2001 2050 2350 40 40 40 40 TITLE Writing Skills English II Soph Proj:Intrdiscip Writing Creative Writing-Intro to Fict American Fiction Writers HRS FEES BLDG 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 MOR RM ACT LEC INT INT INT INT DAYS W TIME INSTRUCTOR BEGIN/END DATES 6:00-9:00 pm TBA TBA TBA TBA KBuffington 01/14/15 D Rademacher 01/13/15 C Merrigan J Nesbitt J Nesbitt 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/06/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 8 ENTR 2500 40 Small Business Operations Mgmt 8 ENTR 2520 40 Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs 2.0 2.0 INT INT TBA TBA E Kisiel E Kisiel 01/13/15 03/04/15 03/16/15 05/08/15 FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE 8 FCSC 1140 40 Nutrition 3.0 INT TBA J Lilletvedt 01/13/15 05/08/15 GEOGRAPHY 8 GEOG 1000 40 World Regional Geography 3.0 INT TBA G Banta 01/13/15 05/08/15 HEALTH EDUCATION-PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION 8 HLED 1221 40 Standard First Aid & Safety 2.0 INT TBA J Lilletvedt 01/13/15 05/08/15 HEALTH TECHNOLOGY HLTK 1510 Nurse Assistant HLTK 1510 Nurse Assistant HLTK 2005 Prescreen 4.0 4.0 SUN SUN LEC LEC M-F M-F 8:00 am-4:00 pm 8:00 am-4:00 pm M Shatzer M Shatzer 01/12/15 01/23/15 04/13/15 04/24/15 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HMDV 1000 College Studies HMDV 1000 College Studies 8 HMDV 1000 40 College Studies 8 HMDV 1050 40 Study Strategies 8 HMDV 2001 40 Soph Proj:Intrdiscip Writing 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 MOR SUN LEC LEC INT INT INT T T 4:00-6:00 pm 4:00-6:00 pm TBA TBA TBA M Buckmiller M Broderson D Banville D Banville C Merrigan 01/14/15 02/03/15 01/13/15 03/16/15 01/13/15 04/29/15 03/24/15 03/04/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 8 IMGT 2400 40 Intro to Information Managemen 3.0 INT TBA P Pulliam 01/13/15 05/08/15 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY-EDUCATION 8 ITEC 2360 40 Teaching With Technology 3.0 INT TBA C Steinbock 01/13/15 05/08/15 MATHEMATICS 8 MATH 0920 8 MATH 0930 8 MATH 1000 8 MATH 1400 8 MATH 2120 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 INT INT INT INT INT TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA R Creagar R DeWitt R DeWitt J McDaniel L Krakow 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 1.0 1.0 INT INT TBA TBA J Lilletvedt J Lilletvedt 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 POLITICAL SCIENCE 8 POLS 1000 40 American & Wyoming Government 3.0 8 POLS 1100 40 Wyoming Government 1.0 INT INT TBA TBA E Creagar E Creagar 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 6:00-9:00 pm TBA TBA TBA D Petz H Edmunds D Ochsner D Ochsner 01/12/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/04/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 TBA H Edmunds 01/13/15 05/05/15 6:00-9:00 pm TBA L Tracy H Edmunds 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/08/15 05/08/15 TBA H Edmunds 01/13/15 05/08/15 40 40 40 40 40 Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Problem Solving Pre-Calculus Algebra Geometry & Measure Elem Teach PE ACTIVITY-PHYSICAL & HEALTH EDUCATION 8 PEAC 1253 40 Beginning Bowling 8 PEAC 2000 40 Wellness:P.E. Concepts PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 1000 Intro to Psychology 8 PSYC 1000 40 General Psychology 8 PSYC 2000 40 Research Psychological Methods 8 PSYC 2210 40 Drugs and Behavior 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 RELIGION 8 RELI 1000 40 Intro to Religion 3.0 SOCIOLOGY SOC 1010 Intro to Sociology 8 SOC 2350 40 Race and Ethnic Relations 3.0 3.0 SOCIAL SCIENCE 8 SOSC 2395 40 Social Science Capstone Exper 1.0 15.00 MOR LEC INT INT INT M INT MOR LEC INT INT T Textbook information can be found at ewc.bkstr.com and the most current schedule can be found at ewc.wy.edu. 18 20 Credit Classes / HULETT - MOORCROFT - SUNDANCE SPRING 2015 • CLASSES START JANUARY 13, 2015 MAX COURSE/NUMBER/SECTION TITLE HRS SPEECH PATHOLOGY & AUDIOLOGY SPPA 1050 Beginning Sign Language 2.0 STATISTICS 8 STAT 2050 40 Fundamentals of Statistics 4.0 TECHNOLOGY 8 TECH 1005 40 Applied Technical Writing WOMEN’S STUDIES 8 WMST 1080 40 Introduction to Women’s Studies FEES BLDG MOR RM ACT LEC DAYS W TIME INSTRUCTOR BEGIN/END DATES 5:30-7:30 pm D Wood 01/12/15 05/04/15 INT TBA R Vonburg 01/13/15 05/08/15 3.0 INT TBA P Pulliam 01/13/15 05/08/15 3.0 INT TBA C Covello 01/13/15 05/08/15 21 Workforce Development / SUNDANCE CNA I Are you ready for a new career? Look no further! Crook County is in need of CNAs & we are bringing the education right to you! Join this class to get started on the path to a fulfilling career in the medical field. All classes and clinical sessions will be held at the hospital in Sundance. Contact Brittany for more details on registration. Date: January 12 - 23 Time: 8:00am - 4:00 pm a.m. Location: Crook County Medical Services, Sundance Date: April 13-24 Time: 8:00am - 4:00 pm a.m. Location: Crook County Medical Services, Sundance Eastern Wyoming College Bookstore I 3200 West C Street 307-532-8216 www.bkstr.com ORDER YOUR BOOKS ONLINE 1. Got to www.bkstr.com 2. Click ‘Books’ then ‘Textbooks & Course Materials’ 3. Choose your term, department, course and section. 4. Add books to your cart 5. Need more books? Continue shopping. Finished? Proceed to checkout. 6. Register if you’re a first time user or login if you’ve shopped with us before. 7. Complete your order. CHECK THE STATUS OF YOUR ORDER It’s simple: 1. log onto www.bkstr.com 2. Click on ‘My Account’ at the top right of the homepage. 3. Login by entering your email address and password. 4. Click on ‘View Your Order History’ 5. Click on your order number Online Ordering Benefits: l FedEx Tracking information is provided l Instant access to order information anytime, anyplace l Receive messages from the bookstore. Questions? If you have questions about ordering your books online, please contact 307-532-8216 Complete Your Continuing Education Hours ONLINE Are you looking to meet your continuing education requirements or just love to learn? Learn from the comfort of home! Our instructor-led online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. We focus on creating warm, supportive communities for our learners. New course sessions begin monthly. Visit our website to view start dates for the courses that interest you. • 24-Hour Access • Discussion Areas • 6 Week Format Below are just a few of our most popular continuing education courses from our library of over 50! Enhancing Language Development in Childhood Teaching Students With Differentiated Instruction in Autism: Strategies for Success the Classroom Spanish in the Classroom Enrich the lives of your children by helping them become proficient speakers and thinkers. Help students with high-functioning Improve your ability to teach autism and Asperger's Syndrome diverse learners with real-world unlock their potential. examples from the classrooms. Learn the essential Spanish to communicate with your Spanishspeaking students and parents. – PRICES START AT $99 – Over 50 Continuing Education Certified Online Courses Available! ed2go.com/ewc (307) 532-8213 Please consult your Professional Development Coordinator for continuing education approval. Eastern Wyoming College 0613-13 Enroll Now! NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID TORRINGTON, WY 82240 PERMIT NO. 14 Eastern Wyoming College Crook County Sundance High School 1016 E. Cleveland Sundance, Wyoming 82729 ECRWSS Postal Patron
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