FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT THE ANNUNCIATION TO MARY The gospel for this Fourth Sunday of Advent is that of the Annunciation to Mary that she was to be the Mother of the Savior. There are many ways in which to look at the Blessed Mother’s role and response to God’s call. She is a model of faith’s response to God in every age. However, this is not necessarily the best time of the year to reflect on these mysteries. In the words of Fr. Mariano Perron (in the American Bible Society’s “Lectio Divina”) Mary had a nine month period of time to prepare herself for Jesus’ birth; we have only three days before Christmas, and they will be packed with shopping, arranging everything in our homes for family gatherings, making last-moment phone calls and much more. As usual, do not think I am trying to “moralize,” but take some time to enter your inner self. Try to remove any speck of resentment or bitterness from your heart, so that nothing hinders Jesus’ coming. And do not forget those who will face Christmas (and the rest of the year) in conditions similar to those of Mary and Joseph. I am sure you can do something practical to help them. ~John Collier The most common way to “prepare a way for the Lord” involves our willingness to understand the biases, resentments and hurts that have become almost second nature to us over time. They can be almost invisible or unrecognized, but the damage caused is that we miss important opportunities to express the words of love that are so important: “I’m sorry.” “I would like turn a page together?” “Can we bury the hatchet?” “Let’s move forward.” The greatest gifts of Christmas are the expressions and experiences of the “ties that bind us” to the Infant Christ and one another. May Mary’s willing response to God’s call, in spite of all the unknowns that came with it, be repeated in a similar openness to all those whom we love – and need to love more – this Christmas. “May it be done to me according to your word.” FROM MONSIGNOR GASTON Christmas 2014 Dear Parishioners, On behalf of Father Ron, Deacon Dan, and our Pastoral Staff, I want to offer our prayers and best wishes to all the members of Mother of Sorrows Church – and that includes all those visiting in this Holy Season – a Blessed Christmas and Grace-filled New Year. In the past 6+ months since my arrival at Mother of Sorrows a number of people, including family and friends, have asked me “How is Murrysville, and how are you doing?” Several members of the parish also have asked me (directly and indirectly) the same question, wondering how I feel about this new assignment as your pastor. My response to all has consistently been, “I am enjoying the opportunities of meeting and working with an entire new community of people…and it is a thrill a minute!” We have discussed at length the transitions that have occurred in the parish in recent years up to and including my own transfer here. I want to reassure all that my response at Christmas is no different. In fact, I am extremely grateful for so many persons who have gone out of their way to extend a warm welcome to me and expressed their desire to be supportive and to “help in any way that I can.” I am most grateful for such kindness and will take you up on this as time goes on. I hope those who are may be concerned that I have “moved the cheese” – of their previous routines – will gradually come to understand the rationale behind any changes that I have already authorized. Change is a two-edged sword: it can upset our comfort zones, but it also can be a sign of new life and improvement. That is my ultimate hope and goal. As we celebrate the joy of Christmas and the New Year together in these next days, know that my personal prayer for you and yours is that God’s love – made flesh in Jesus Christ – continue to bring us healing, strength and hope as we continue on our common journey to God’s Kingdom. The Lord has brought us together for that purpose. May we learn to collaborate with each other in order to build a community of faith and service that will give ample testimony to the presence of Christ among us within Mother of Sorrows Parish and the wider Murrysville community. Merry Christmas! Monsignor Gaston PS Just in case, the Christmas Mass Schedule is as follows: Christmas Eve 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 PM Church Gym Church Church Christmas Day 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Church Church THE EUCHARISTIC TABLE DECEMBER 22 MONDAY 8:00 AM 23 TUESDAY 8:00 AM 24 WEDNESDAY 4:00 PM Church 4:00 PM Gym 7:00 PM 10:00 PM 25 THURSDAY 8:30 AM 11:30 PM 26 FRIDAY 8:00 AM 27 SATURDAY 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 28 SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 6:00 PM ALTAR CANDLES In memory of Guiseppe D. & Maria A. Riga by Christina M. Riga 1 Sm 1:24-28, Lk 1:46-56 Fabiana & Jose Portacio by Grado Family Mal 3:1-4, 23-24, Lk1:57-66 Marcella Penkert by Jim & Linda Obman 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16, Lk 1:67-79 Special Intention Special Intention Special Intention Special Intention (Choir Preludes begin at 9:30 PM) The Nativity of the Lord Special Intention Special Intention Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59, Mt 10:17-22 Joseph R. Willis by MOS Priests & Parishioners 1 Jn 1:1-4, Jn 20: 1a and 2-8 Special Intention Norma Grande by Sally & Dan Romito The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Leo Rebholz by Rebholz Family Ann & Dom Cristello by Rosalie, Daughter For the Parishioners of Mother of Sorrows Regional Mass at St. Barbara’s Harrison City SANCTUARY LAMP In memory of Michael Reinhart by Joe & Cathy DeRenzo WEEK AHEAD DEC. 22 ~ 28 22 Legion of Mary 9:15 AM 23 Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament 6:00 PM 23 Sacrament of Reconciliation MINISTRY SCHEDULE December 27-28 Presider Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 9:30 AM Sunday 11:30 AM Father Ron Deacon Dan Monsignor Gaston Deacon Dan Father Ron Extraordinary John Bonaroti Ministers of Stacey Bonaroti Holy Communion Cheryl Buchin Patti Donahoe Matthew Dorn Donna Drowser Kathryn Majewski Gail Peduzzi Kathy Alexander Deacon Dan Lori Gardea Andrew Kowatch Ann Slike John Slike Mary Kay Valentine Ray Valentine Brandon Aganad Deacon Dan Don Granata Rita Granata John Lease Jen Stasko Barbara Taddonio Lee Taddonio Geraldine Burgoon Gerry Cano Rosenda Clark Marcia Nelson Ron O’Toole Donna Stasko Robert Wiley Peg Willard Altar Servers Nicole Fetsko Anna Iovino Brianna Mocharko Chrissa Baldy Renne Baldy Michael Spila Joey Alisesky Lily Alisesky Emma Martin Sierra Massarelli Anna Snyder Gillian Taddonio Readers Kate Pyle Chester Smolenski Mark Munson Jim Obman Diane Boettger Ivan D’Souza Joanne Naugle Patricia Weisser Cantor Edward Peduzzi Don Underwood Simone D’Souza Laura Brennan LOWC Monsignor Gaston Sunday 7:30 AM _______ _______ Lorainne Amma Christina Markley FAITH FORMATION Save The Date: Saturday, January 10, 2015 YOUTH MINISTRY NCYC 2015- Grades 8-11 Nov. 18-20, 2015. Join us on a three day experience of prayer, community, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers! Contact Gretchen for more information. Deadline is Jan. 1. Diocese Retreat- Grades 9-12 February 27-March 1, 2015. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this time apart provides youth with the opportunity to encounter Jesus, reflect upon the movement of God in their lives, and develop what their personal response will be to the call of discipleship that they receive at their Baptism. Cost is $150. Scholarships are available and forms are due to Gretchen by January 2, 2015. Enjoy & Entertainment books - Youth Ministry is selling in the parish office and at youth group. Books are $30 each. Epiphany: God’s Gift to the Whole World! Our 3rd Intergenerational Faith Formation Beginning with 5:00PM Mass followed by Dinner, Breakout Sessions, Prayer and Wrap-up at 8:00 PM RSVP by Sunday, January 4, 2015 with number of adults and children 10 and under to *********** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR INTERGENERATIONAL FAITH FORMATION DINNER Many helpers are needed for getting ready for dinner in the social hall for the Intergenerational Faith Formation Sessions. Putting tablecloths on the tables and making coffee and getting ready for dinner will begin at 3:00 PM on Saturday, January 10, 2015. We need your help and if you are able to give some of your time, please call Larry Sabol at 724.325.2925 to volunteer. Thank you for considering volunteering in this ministry of hospitality. *********** Mrs. Carrie Malley’s 3rd graders and parents gave of their time and talent in making blankets for Mother Teresa Outreach to distribute to those who need them. MUSIC MINISTRY The 4th grade Faith Formation learned more than they ever knew about The Nativity in their play, “A Night in Bethlehem” directed by their catechist, Mrs. Carrie VanSoest. Reminder: Rehearsal for the Children’s Choir for the 4 PM Mass in the Church on Christmas Eve. is scheduled for Monday evening, December 22nd from 6:00 until 6:45 PM in the church. Parents are asked to stay during the rehearsal. If you haven’t signed up your child yet and they are interested in being part of the Choir, please bring them to rehearsal on Monday evening. Thanks! OUTREACH MINISTRY WEEKLY GIVING MOTHER TERESA OUTREACH OFFERTORY DECEMBER 13~14 Mother Teresa Outreach: Visit our website for opportunities to get involved and "Do something beautiful for God." There are volunteer forms available in the narthex. Please consider becoming active in the Mother Teresa Outreach Ministry by calling the Parish Office at 724-733-8870. Offertory Online Offertory Mother Teresa Outreach MTO Online Food Pantry/Thanksgiving Debt Reduction $ 24,509.82 2,470.00 125.00 — 1,512.00 698.00 Immaculate Conception 2,415.25 Immaculate Conception Online 750.00 Total $ $ 32,480.17 Did You Know….. Handyman Service Ministry is a group of individuals ready to do small repair jobs in your home. If you know someone who can’t afford to hire a professional or can’t find anyone to do the work, please give us a call. Call Dave Donaldson 724-325-7455 or Vic Steigerwald 724-327-0837. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD MARCH FOR LIFE CHRISTMAS VISIT & VESPERS Mother of Sorrows Church will sponsor 2 buses to the March for Life in Washington D.C. on Thursday, January 22, 2015. Registrations (with a fee of $10 per person) may begin immediately through the parish office. Contact Joanne at 724-733-8870. A special Mass will be celebrated at 6:00 AM with departure promptly at 6:45 AM Participants are asked to bring a lunch. Return is scheduled for 10:30 PM. For further information, contact Peg Miller at 724-327-3903. *Knights of Columbus will be collecting at the masses this weekend 12/20 & 21 to help defray the cost of the buses for the March For Life. OPLATKI ~ CHRISTMAS WAFERS The Oplatki have arrived and are available (your donation of $3.00 will be appreciated) in the Narthex and in the Parish Office. If you have never shared in this beautiful tradition, you are encouraged to do so. It emphasizes that Jesus, the Bread of Life, came to earth to set us free and to give us hope in God’s abundant care. Mass Attendance 1831 The Benedictine Nuns at St. Emma Monastery, Greensburg, PA invite you to celebrate the birth of Jesus by joining them for the annual Christmas Visit and Vespers, Saturday, December 27, 2014. From 1:30—3:30: view 200 nativities, see the Bethlehem Express Railroad taking Jesus out into the world out into the world and into our daily lives; meet the Nuns; enjoy homemade cookies and punch. Sing carols with the nuns at 3:30 and 4:00 sing Vespers of the Octave of Christmas. For more information or reservations (helpful but not necessary), call 724-834-3060 or
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