BLUE VALLEY TIMES DECEMBER 23, 2014 SLATE BELT SENIOR CENTER Blue Valley Farm Show Complex, Bangor, PA., Ph. 610-588-1224. December Happenings: Morning Stretch, 9:15 Daily; Walking Club, 9:30 Daily; Zumba Gold w/ Janis, Tuesdays Dec. 9, 16, 23 at 10:00 A.M.; Craft & Chat- Tuesday, 9, 16, 23 at 9:00 A.M.; Pool Tables are available every morning and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. CLOSED DEC. 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND DEC, 26 HAPPY HOLIDAY. LEFT OVER COOKIE AND FRUIT CAKE DAY- Tuesday, Dec., 30 at 12:00 P.M. Please bring all you want to get rid of; Bean Bags- Wednesday, Dec. 31 at 9:30 A.M. ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS Pius X Jr/Sr High School is currently accepting nominations for our “Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2015”. Any alumni, parent, or Pius X supporter is eligible to nominate an individual. Candidates will be considered for the following categories: player, coach or supporter. Qualifications and forms can be found by visiting the school website,, and visiting the “Athletics” page. For further information, you may contact Mr. Joe Disidore, Athletic Director, at 610-588-3291 or Applications are being accepted through January 15, 2015. TASTY TUESDAY Trinity Lutheran Church, located at Broadway and 4th Streets in Bangor, will be offering a free bag lunch program Tuesday, December 30 to all community families. The bag lunches will contain a sandwich, chips, fresh fruit, healthy snack bar and a drink. The lunches will be able to be picked up Tuesday, December 30 at the church entrance on 4th Street from 11am-1pm. Please call the church to register for the Tasty Tuesday Bag Lunch Program. The church number is 610-588-2023. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church will have a Christmas Eve “Candlelight Service of Carols” beginning at 7:00 p.m. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, Pa. For more info, call 610-588-4453, or visit CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Come join the Presbyterian Parish Bangor/ Roseto Church for a traditional Christmas Eve Candle light service on December 24 at 7:00pm. We are located off Route 512 at 332 Kennedy Drive (behind the Med-9 Building). JACOBSBURG ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTER COMMUNITY PROGRAMS First Day Hikes- Thursday, January 1st 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. Get out and get hiking at Jacobsburg on the first day of 2015! Join center educator Lauren Forster for a 2 mile interpretive hike on moderate terrain. We will explore the old growth forest of Henrys Woods. The hikes will start at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. from the flag pole in front of the visitor center at 400 Belfast Road. Bring comfortable hiking shoes, a water bottle, and wear layers. Each hike will take approximately two hours. To register, contact Lauren Forster at or 610-746-2801. Fly Tying Class- Mondays, January 5th – March 16th 6:30-8:00 pm. Ring in the New Year with Trout Unlimited’s annual fly tying classes for beginners and intermediate tiers. The eight class course will be held on Mondays at Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The course will end on March 16th (note: we will be skipping the second Monday of each month). To sign up contact Thom Beverly at or 610-3936663. There is a cost. This class is limited to 25 participants, please register in advance. Snowshoes Available- When: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Where: Jacobsburg Visitor Center, 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth. Borrow snowshoes to enjoy Jacobsburg’s trails in winter! To borrow snowshoe equipment you must provide a driver’s license or another form of state issued identification. Snowshoes will not be available during times of insufficient snow cover. For more information call 610-746-2801. LANCASTER BUS TRIP Saturday, March 28th 2015, Relay for Life Fundraiser, “Footprints in the Sand”, “MOSES” at the Sight & Sound Theatres 11am Show. Show tickets sell quickly, please reserve yours ASAP. Full payment is due at time of booking. No refunds after March 4, 2015, unless your ticket is resold. To Book: Call Lynn Altemose 484-375-5161 or Donna Kelton 610-417-5550 or 610-588-7786. RUTHCITAL All are invited to “Ruthcital” - a piano concert by the very talented Ruth Kochera, at the beautiful Cecilia Cohen Recital Hall in the Fine Arts Building of East Stroudsburg University, on Sunday, January 18th at 3pm. Hear an hour of Ruth’s favorite classical piano music: Rachmaninoff, Chopin, original compositions and more! Proceeds to benefit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Poconos COMMUNITY NEWS PASTIE SALE The East Bangor Methodist Church is holding it’s monthly pastie sale on Tuesday, January 6. Pickup will be at the Church 136 W. Central Ave. at 3:30 p.m. Choices are beef with or without onion and broccoli cheese with or without onion. If interested call 610-588-1745 or e-mail loi. stucker @ hotmail. com FREE NEW YEAR’S BUFFET The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church welcomes you to a FREE New Year’s Buffet on Sunday, Jan. 4th, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, PA. Questions? call 610-588-4453 or visit CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Everyone is invited to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Poconos, 118 Knight Street, Stroudsburg, for our Christmas Eve service at 5pm on 12/24. We will sing carols and refreshments will be served following the service. We are a welcoming congregation. Web site: www. VETERINARIAN COLLECTS DONATIONS FOR LOCAL DOG RESCUE VCA AVH Animal Hospital is still collecting donations for DOBER, Inc. (Dreaming of Better Endings Rescue) through the end of December. Wish lists are available at the animal hospital and monetary donations are also accepted. Current needs include: peanut butter, large Kongs and other tough toys, martingale collars, new dog beds, Velveeta cheese or pill pockets, probiotics, white vinegar, paper towels and laundry detergent. Donations can be dropped off during normal business hours at VCA AVH Animal Hospital, 1027 Blue Valley Drive in Pen Argyl. Call (610) 863-7111 with questions or to confirm business hours. BLOOD DRIVE One Way Church - 50 Broadway Bangor Pa. Saturday, January 3rd - 10am to 3pm Enter at “” Sponsor Code: 7568 and you could win a $500 VISA Card. Great way to help people in need and pay off your holiday shopping bills if you win! PAGE 21 CHRISTMAS COMMUNITY HOMECOMING Celebrating Christmas with song, candlelighting, community and refreshments on Tuesday, December 23rd at 6:30pm at The Roseto Independent Presbyterian Church, 210 Garibaldi Ave, Roseto, PA. FINE ARTS DISCOVERY SERIES What: Fine Arts Discovery Series When: Doo-Wop Experience Friday 1/30/2015, 6:15PM-10:30PM; Latin Experience Saturday 1/31/2015, 6:15PM10:30PM. Where: Sherman Theater 524 Main St, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 (570) 420-2808. Tickets are available for purchase at UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF THE POCONOS Continuing their work on reducing mass incarceration of minorities, the anti-racism sub-committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Poconos (UUFP; invite all to their next meeting to be held Sunday, December 28th from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Community Room of the Eastern Monroe Public Library-Hughes Building-located at 1002 North 9th Street in Stroudsburg. We will view portions of the DVD titled “Broken on all Sides” followed by a brief discussion and action plan. Feel free to check out the DVD “Broken on all Sides” available at the Hughes Library (DVD 364.34 BRO) and the book The new Jim Crow: mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander (364.973 ALE). Please join the discussion and help us plan the next steps. Your views and impact on these matters are of value and important to us all. JANUARY MEETING FOR NORTHAMPTON AARP The January meeting of the Northampton AARP Chapter 3915 on Wednesday January 14, 2015 at the Northampton Community Center at 1601 Laubach Ave, Northampton, PA. Doors open at 12:00 noon. Musical entertainment will be provided. Please bring baked good for refreshments. Anyone interested in going on bus trips please contact Sharon at 610262-9182. Blue Valley Times Holiday Deadline submitted by the following dates listed for upcoming issues. All advertising copy, community news, article or photo submission, and classified ads must be For the December 30th issue deadline is Wednesday, December 24th. Bingo December 23 Portland Fire Company State Street, Portland. 7p.m. December 24 Bushkill Twsp. Vol. Fire Co. Doors open at 5pm Bingo starts at 7pm December 25 Mt. Bethel Fire Co. Firehall Route 611, Mt. Bethel 6:45 p.m. December 26 Wind Gap Fire Co. Doors open at 5 p.m. Bingo at 6:45 p.m. December 28 Bangor V.F.W. Post 739 Veterans Rd., Bangor. Doors open 3:30 p..m. Bingo starts at 6:00 p.m. Open to the Public Immaculate Conception Heller & Babbit Ave., Pen Argyl Doors open at 11 a.m. Bingo at 1 p.m. December 29 Kunkletown Fire Co. Progressive Jackpot. 7 p.m. Re-freshments. PAGE 22 2014 Pennsylvania State 4-H Horse Show By Janice Martin NAZARETH- The 55th annual Pennsylvania State 4-H Horse Show was held October 24-26 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. More than 700 youth from 62 counties participated in 73 performance classes throughout the weekend. There were over 1200 entries shown by youth that qualified for the show. The state show is the final competition of the year for 4-H horse members enrolled in performance horse projects. To be eligible for the show, members must advance through qualifying competitions at county and district levels. Events include showmanship, horsemanship, equitation, pleasure, over fences, driving, western riding, reining, trail and timed events. A therapeutic riding division for riders with special needs is also included. Results and photos from the show are available on the Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Program website. All class champions in the show were awarded champion ribbons, pewter plates, and embroidered jackets. Reserve champions in each class received a ribbon and a grooming tote donated by Perri’s Leather of Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. All exhibitors in the therapeutic riding division received medallions donated by Hoy’s Trophies and Awards of Export, Pennsylvania. Several sponsors donated items for the silent auction with proceeds to benefit the 4-H horse program. BLUE VALLEY TIMES DECEMBER 23, 2014 Show management and participants appreciate the continued support and generous donations from Perri’s Leather and contributions from all show sponsors. It is an exceptional accomplishment for any 4-H horse club member to qualify for the Pennsylvania State 4-H Horse Show. The State Horse Show is a prestigious opportunity for today’s youth to showcase their talents and to culminate Eileen Gallagher, Bath, riding Sassy. She took 6th. in Therapeutic Obstacle Trail, Minimum Assistant. the 4-H horse show Also pictured with her is Karla Altmann, trainer. season. To be eligible exhibited in Western Grooming and Showmanship, Jr. for the show, members (and their equine counterparts) must advance Exhibitor. Kelsey Horvath of Easton, riding Ramblin’ through qualifying competitions at county and district Man, placed sixth in the Hunt Seat Equitation, on the levels. Forty plus 4-H members competed in the flat, Sr. Rider class and exhibited in English Grooming Northampton County Round-up on August 10th, 2014. and Showmanship, Sr. Exhibitor. McKayla ZimmerThe Round-up was a very competitive event, with only man of Northampton, rode Out to Play in the Hunt Seat 1 to 3 exhibitors in each class qualifying to move on to Equitation, on the flat, Sr. Rider, class. Tess Horvath of the District Horse Show. A total of thirty-five Northamp- Easton, exhibited Miss Magical Zip in Western Groomton County 4-H members qualified to compete at the ing and Showmanship, Sr. Exhibitor. Abbey Heald of District Show, which was held at the Berks County 4-H Bath, placed third riding Peter in Small Western PleaCenter on August 23rd, 2014. Nine of these talented sure Ponies, and exhibited in Western Grooming and individuals went on to represent Northampton County Showmanship, Jr. Exhibitor. Eileen Gallagher of Bath, placed sixth riding Sassy in Obstacle Trail, Minimum at the State 4-H Horse Show. State Horse Show exhibitors from Northampton Assistance. Sarah Bazos of Allentown, placed ninth County represent an elite group of horse riding Dante in Classic Hunter Under Saddle, Sr. Rider. club members who are considered the top Keara Healy of Allentown placed fourth riding Benja4-H equestrians in Pennsylvania. Proudly min in Classic Hunter Under Saddle, Jr. Rider. Continued to page 23 representing Northampton County 4-H were: Nicole Fox of Danielsville, riding Tuckered Out, winning the Championship in Hunt Seat Equitation, on the flat, Sr. Rider class; this pair also took the Reserve Championship in Hunter Under Saddle Large Ponies. Gabrielle Weber of Whitehall, riding Lins Du Be Easy, exhibited in Beginner Western Horsemanship, Beginner Western Pleasure, and Western Grooming and Showmanship, Intermediate Exhibitor. Katie Detrick of Bethlehem, riding Black Label, placed third in Working Hunter Horses Class. Allison DiNapoli of Walnutport, riding Red Wine and Whiskey, placed fifth in Western Horsemanship, Jr. Rider class and Nicole Fox, Danielsville, riding Tuckered Out, winning the Championship in Hunt Seat Equitation, on the flat.
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