THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014 HIS WORD TODAY MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 – ST. THOMAS BECKET 7:00am 9:00am 2:00pm Tillie Swanerbury Dovalin Myrnacaj Mass at VLNH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 7:00am 9:00am Special Intention – Bridget DeRuggerio 7:00am 9:00am 5:00pm NO MASS Terrence Brownell Regina Coeli – Mary Gallagher Rocco Myrnacaj WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 – Solemnity of Mary 9:00am Regina Coeli – Spec. Int. – Mike & Mary 12:00pm Miklosovic Regina Coeli - Arthur McFarlane FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 – SS. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen 7:00am 9:00am Michael Patrick Ryan INTENTION AVAILABLE SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 9:00am Francis Miller 5:00pm Will Van Kleek SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 7:30am 9:00am 9:30am 11:30am Rose Garitta John Tubiola Carl Cinkota Gary Montanino Welcome to the Parish Community of Regina Coeli/St. Paul’s! A warm welcome is extended to all who have come to Regina Coeli/St. Paul’s this weekend to join together in this community of worship and praise to Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful parishioners who come here every weekend and ask you to officially register if you have not. Also we welcome our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally and want you to know that you are always welcome! If any of the below choices pertain to you, complete the information below and drop in the offertory basket or stop by the Rectory. --------------------------------THANK YOU!-----------------------Name_____________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ Phone __________________ ____Would like to register ____Send me Catholic New York ____Send Offertory Envelopes ____Need to speak with a priest ____Moving, remove from parish census Please pray for our loved ones serving in the Military… Cristin Browne, Captain, US Army, Afghanistan Paul S. Davis, Army SSG, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Christopher Delgado, Lieutenant, 82nd Airborne, Army NC Vincent DeSantola, Marines, Camp Geiger, North Carolina Airman 1st Class Patrick E. Dixon, Hurlburt Field A.F.B., Florida PFC Michael LaSelva, Army, Guam Sgt. Nathan Paielli, USS Battan, Persian Gulf Major Thomas Summers, Army, Camp Casey, Korea Kevin Woods – Colonel, US Army “…He (Simeon) took him in his arms and blessed God in these words: ‘Now, Master, you can dismiss your servant in peace; you have fulfilled your word. For my eyes have witnessed your saving deed displayed for all the people to see; a revealing light to the Gentiles, the glory of your people Israel.’… ‘The Lord sets a father in honor over his children;; a mother’s authority he confirms over her sons.’” At the direction of Pope Francis a synod on the family has taken place in Rome. Reflections and reactions have been sought, as the church considers the gift, the needs and the hopes of families in an age when family life has radically changed. Today we meet the Holy Family of Nazareth. Not unlike ourselves many difficulties and trials came their way. Living as refugees, itinerants, as working laborers, and finally facing trial and condemnation, we can identify with them with the challenges of today. The prayer of Simeon, part of the night prayer of the church, can be ours as well, as we recognize the presence of the Christ among us during these holidays. It was the Spirit that moved Simeon to take Him in his arms and praise God. May we, as we bring this year to a close, express, as he did, our gratitude for the Lord’s presence in so many ways during this year. May we thank God for support in time of need. May we see the light of Christ in our lives and be that light for members of our family. May we take Him in our arms too. May our fathers mirror the goodness of Joseph caring for and protecting their children. May our mothers bring the warmth, kindness and understanding of Mary, the heart of the home at Nazareth. May the Christ, born anew in our hearts allow us to live blessed by the presence of God’s grace in our lives. May all the virtues mentioned by Paul in Colossians 3, be manifest in our homes. For anyone wishing to place an ad in our bulletin, a written ad must be submitted to the bulletin editor in time for publication, which is one week prior to date of the bulletin. Ads will no longer be taken over the phone. With regards to flyers for events that need to be stuffed into the bulletin, we request that 500 copies of the flyer be dropped off at the rectory by Thursday at the latest. Thanks for helping. Intentions are available for each of the 6 candles that burn in The Adoration Chapel. The stipend for 1 week is $25. If you would like to arrange for a candle intention, contact the rectory office. Week of 12/29-1/3/15: INTENTION INTENTION INTENTION INTENTION INTENTION INTENTION AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH REGINA COELI HEALING MASS For Physical, Emotional & Psychological Healing Join us: First Tuesday of every month at 7pm. REGINA COELI BIBLE STUDY Join us: First & Third Mondays of every month. DECEMBER 28, 2014 Daily Mass 9:00am Regina Coeli Church @ 5pm Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Thursday, 1/1/15 Regina Coeli Church @ 9am and 12 noon STEWARDSHIP REPORT Laura Ames Joseph Capozzi Benidette Doe Angelik Guthrie Kathryn McGarry Margaret O’Shea Veronica Simmons Paul Becker Kathy Clonan Elaine Dropauer Kevin Keenan Kevin McGarry Thomas Petro Anne Slobodian Jazmine Cappillino Crystal Dearborn Ollie Gorr Virginia Kenisky Audrey Marie Michael Mary Lou Re Ann Vermehren WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER “The Lord remembers his covenant forever.” Your marriage is a covenant. Learn how to keep it strong on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. For more information or upcoming dates go to: Please pray for all priests and deacons, especially MSGR. JAMES SULLIVAN ST. MARTIN de PORRES POUGHKEEPSIE Make A Difference In The World! It’s Easy! Pray that young men in our Archdiocese will hear and answer God’s call to the priesthood. For more info contact Fr. Luke Sweeney or Fr. Luis Saldana 914.968.1340 RCIA PROGRAM AT REGINA COELI CHURCH……If you know anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, or know someone in your life who has not completed the sacraments, you are welcome to call and find out more about our program. If you are looking for a rewarding experience of faith, consider joining our ministry team; there are many different jobs and one is just right for you! Please contact the Religious Education office at 2299139 or leave a message for Deacon Mark at the rectory, 2292134. SPECIAL ADVERTISER RECOGNITION VEITH ELECTRIC Residential * Commercial * Industrial Free Estimates *On-Time and On Budget *24/7 Emergency Service *Fully licensed, Bonded and Insured 845.485.2900 New Year’s Schedule Wednesday, 12/31/14 Weekly needed to meet expenses: $10,335.00 Due to the early publication of the bulletin contribution figures will be reported after the holidays! Thank you for your continued support of your Parish and all its efforts for the gospel. Dear Parishioners, On Sunday, January 11th, there will be a second collection for the relief of the Catholic Refugees of Iraq. Please be as generous as you can for this important collection. Many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! SEPARATED/DIVORCED ROMAN CATHOLIC SUPPORT GROUP Meetings held @ Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mill Street, Poughkeepsie every other Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30pm. Ministry to the Separated & Divorced will be held at St. Martin DePorres on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. For more information, please contact Fran @ 914.522.5928 or Cathy @ 845.546.0268. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Once again we are asking for volunteers to help with the cleaning of the church. In a perfect world we like to have 4 groups, one for each week, we are down to one group trying to keep the church neat and clean. Please call Walter @ 475-4917. Thank you! FAITH FORMATION INFORMATION For more information about any of our programs, don’t hesitate to e-mail or call the Faith Formation Office or 229-9139. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Available times that need coverage: Monday 1112Noon; Wednesday 1:00-2:00pm; Thursday 3:004:00pm, 8-9pm; Friday 11:12Noon, 3-4pm, and 4-5pm. Call Joan @ 229.2983, Janet @ 229.5378 or Don @ 229.5920 if you can spend an hour with Our Lord. THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014 IMPORTANT….IMPORTANT….IMPORTANT Regina Coeli School Registration for 2014-2015 DON’T FORGET TO LOG ONTO THE Regina Coeli School website @ to get the latest in photos of current events as well as download forms, newsletters, check upcoming events, etc. Considering a Catholic Elementary School for your child? Are you interested in learning more about Catholic schools serving children in grades Pre-K through Grade 8 in Dutchess Co.? Come and visit us! More than 1,000 new scholarships across the archdiocese, of up to $2,900 per family, are available on a first-come, first-served basis, as part of the Children’s Scholarship Partnership Regionalization Awards Program (CSPRA). These scholarships are for public school families with children entering grades K-6 and current Catholic school families with children entering Kindergarten in September 2014. Classes are filling up quickly for the 2014-2015 academic year. Please consider sharing the gift of time with RCS! We urgently need volunteers to help during our daily lunch service and recess, between the hours of 11AM and 12:45PM. Your weekly commitment is much appreciated and ensures a safe environment for our students. Three short shifts are available: Kitchen Service: 11AM to 12:15pm, and recess duty: 11:25am TO 12:15pm AND/OR 12:10 TO 12:45pm. Please CALL Colleen Paige (233.4291) or DeAnne Norton (233.4580), Lunch/Recess Volunteer Coordinators for more details & to sign up! Thank you. KATHRYN McGARRY NEEDS YOUR HELP! Kathryn McGarry, a young woman and fellow parishioner, is in need of blood. Kathryn has a rare blood disorder called KTS Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome. She has suffered with this congenital disease all her life, and now at the age of 26, Kathryn is in Boston Children’s hospital fighting for her life. The type of blood Kathryn needs is so specialized that it is difficult to acquire. A Red Cross Blood Drive has been set up in Kathryn’s name for Saturday, December 27 from 9am to 2pm at the former Hyde Park Elementary School, 4327 Albany Post Road, Rt. 9, Hyde Park, NY. Walk-In or call Patty Hohmann 845.849.5066 for an appointment. Please consider giving the gift of life so that Kathryn and many others have a chance to keep living. Thank You. PLEASE INFORM THE PRIEST: Because of privacy laws, we cannot inquire about who is in the hospital. Our local hospitals do provide clergy lists which are helpful to an extent. The parish affiliation item, which patients should be asked when admitted, does not always get asked, especially with emergency cases. One of our priests is scheduled to visit these hospitals every week. If families can notify us of a hospitalization we will make every effort to visit. Parishioners who will be hospitalized at NDH in Rhinebeck, please call us immediately. Parishioners who face major surgery or any other type of hospital stay for serious medical reasons should receive the Anointing of the Sick from one of our parish priests before you enter the hospital. Call the rectory as soon as you can and we will arrange for the Anointing to take place. During the winter months, safety is especially important for all of us. When the weather turns bad, please listen to 92.1 FM (Q92). Monday-Friday if Hyde Park Central School District is closed or on delay, THE FOLLOWING WILL OCCUR: Rectory Office is closed. 7AM and 9AM Mass is cancelled. (will be said privately) Adoration Chapel will be closed until the following morning. This policy also allows our plowing company the opportunity to salt and plow our parking lots and entrances safely. For more information, you can also check the website for Hyde Park Central School District for school delays and cancellations. This policy will remain in effect throughout the winter months. Any questions/concerns, please call the rectory. ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 X2949 or Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-861-1762. Both may also be reached via e-mail at Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. “The Archdiocese of New York takes the stewardship of your donations and its resources seriously. If you have knowledge of financial misconduct or suspect that it might be occurring, please report your concerns via a toll free hotline, at 877-820-0541, or on the internet at Both are available 24 hours per day.” Thank You! Thank you for advertising in Regina Coeli’s church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it. Please cut out this “Thank you ad” and present it the next time you patronize one of our advertisers.
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