Welcome to Desert Chapel! We look forward to worshipping with you today. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask an usher or greeter, who will be glad to assist you. Restrooms, including handicap accessible facilities, are located on right (west) side of the sanctuary, and may be entered near either building entrance door. Additional restrooms are outside the lobby in the education building to the north of the sanctuary Children Are Welcome and Loved All children are welcome at Desert Chapel! No matter their age and behavior, children may attend the full worship service, participate in the Children’s Moments, and attend Sunday school following worship. We do have a nursery available in room 3 for the convenience of parents of children up to age 3, and there is a “cry room” located on the right (west) side of the sanctuary. Hearing Assistance Devices are available at the sound board at the back on the left (east) side of the sanctuary. You may also ask an usher to assist you. Special Sundays and Celebrations Hymn Sing ~ Each week, from 8:45—9:00, we sing hymns and songs from the United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing as they are called out by worshippers. Anyone may call out a song, and any song may be chosen. Birthdays and Anniversaries ~ On the first Sunday of each month during hymn sing, we invite (but do not require!) people who have a birthday or anniversary in that month to stand so we may celebrate with them. Noisy Change ~ On the second Sunday of each month, we collect change which is used to support ministry with youth and children. Celebrating the Goodness of God ~ On the third Sunday of each month, anyone who wishes to tell of something God has done for them during that month are invited to share. Greeting and Fellowship time ~ We invite you to spend some time greeting people you may not know, welcoming them to church! 2015 MISSIONS CALENDAR About Worship Our aim in worship is to glorify and praise God, to learn and to grow, and to begin to connect with one another. In order to open the way for all to worship, we use an “order” of worship, which is presented in paper format and on the projection screen. Worshippers are welcome to follow and participate in whatever way helps them connect with God. Worshippers may choose to sing or not sing, sit or stand or kneel, raise hands or keep them down, open or close their eyes, or assume any posture which makes sense to them. Every month our congregation will be focusing on one particular outreach ministry. We will be collecting items or money for specific community or church groups, or invite members to participate in hands on ministry where needed. For the month of January our outreach ministry we will be focusing on: We Share Our Gifts (Offering) - each Sunday, we invite worshippers to make a monetary gift to the church in grateful response to what God has done for them, and as a sign of their faith. Guests are welcome to make such a gift, but are not expected to do so. Restroom Closet Fellowship Hall Woeller Hall Quilters Campus Map In the printed order, there are some abbreviations which give general direction. They include: An asterisk (*), which indicates that worshippers are invited to stand as they are able. UMH indicates songs or prayers found in “The United Methodist Hymnal” in the pew pockets. TFWS indicates songs or prayers found in “The Faith We Sing” in the pew pockets NT indicates the page on which a passage of scripture may be found in the New Testament in the pew Bibles. OT indicates the page on which a passage of scripture may be found in the Old Testament in the pew Bibles. Kitchen Restrooms W Conf. Room 8 9 4 5 6 Rooms Ed. Room 3 2 Restrooms Church Office Custodian Superstition Mountain Elementary (Health Supplies) Clothes Greeting One Another ~ Generally worshippers move around the room and welcome one another, shaking hands and sharing names. All are encouraged to use this time to welcome someone they do not know. Passing the Peace ~ Occasionally we will “pass the peace of Christ” during our communion celebration. This is a symbol of restoring relationships with one another which may be broken, or which may be strong and celebrated. This comes from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5, where he instructs us to make peace before offering our gifts … and ourselves … to God. “How Soon We Forget” ▲ N 1 Nursery Pastor’s Office Lobby M 462 N Palo Verde Dr., Apache Junction, AZ 85120 Website: www.desertchapelumc.org Email: Info@desertchapelumc.org 480-982-2259 Rev. Sharon Pajak, Pastor Lila Deidiker, Church Pianist Alice Wagaman, Bell Choir Cynthia Norris, Administrative Assistant Cry Room Choir Room Sacristy Desert Chapel United Methodist Church Bells Choir Loft Map not to scale Holy Communion Song During Communion “What Child is This? ORDER OF WORSHIP December 28, 2014 Hymn Sing *A Time to Respond “Angels We Have Heard on High” “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” “Go Tell It On the Mountain” Welcome *Carol “O Come, All Ye Faithful” UMH 234 Verses1 & 3 Announcements Music to Prepare Our Hearts “We Three Kings” *A Time of Praise “Good Christian Friends Rejoice” “O Little Town of Bethlehem” “The First Noel” Joybells UMH 224, verses 1 & 2 UMH 230, verses 1 & 4 UMH 245, verses 1 - 3 Anthem A Time for Children Scripture Reading *Carol Message HEALTH: Renee Spears; Dwight Detlefsen; Connie Cox; Joseph Buttgens; Lew Handeland: Darwin Garcia; Daryl Olmsted; Al Torgerson and Family; Carla Forgey; Storm & Emmet McNall; Roger & Judy Borey; Marilyn Schulz PRAISE: Debb Carr; Lila; All Volunteers “Joy to the World” Music for Going Forth “How Great Our Joy” UMH 246 Lila Deidiker Calendar for December 28, 2014 through January 3, 2015 Anita Thompson Monday, December 29 Office Closed “Angels From the Realms of Glory” UMH 238, verses 1 & 4 UMH 240, verses 1 & 3 UMH 251 *Blessing Sunday, December 28 Luke 2:22-40 CANCER: Bob Olson; Donna Caldwell; Sandy; Lorraine Heiselman; Richard VanZandt; Jan Jones; Arlen Gilbertson; Larry Rugg; Beth Cupp; Richard Poorman; Jo Forrester; Ron Keith; Mike Bruns; Kurt Givens; Jeff Chapman; Wesley Hathaway; Jim Wilson; Richard Hathaway; Craig Herrig; Ralcie Ceass; Ray Webb OTHER REQUEST: Andy; Ronald; Marcy Tennant and Family; All my ship mates who died on December 7, 1941; Debby: Nancy & Nick E; Don Scott; Jeff; Alice; Nate Anderson; Denise; Scott Moehnke; Leah Fogione Chancel Choir “Run, Shepherds!” Lila Deidiker *Sending Forth L: Go In Peace P: In the power of the Holy Spirit, we now go forth into the world to be the people of God, the body of Christ. *Carol A Time For Prayer Choral Call to Prayer Personal Prayer ~ A time for people to speak with, and listen to, the Lord Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer UMH 895 Choral Response to Prayer Special Prayers for Those in Need NT 59 Tuesday, December 30 Office Closed UMH 220 Wednesday, December 31 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study Office Closed Rev. Dr. Robert Burns “How Soon We Forget” We Share Our Gifts Invitation to Giving Isaiah 62:10-11 OT 693 Prayer of Thanksgiving (Unison) O Lord, the light of your peace shines like the dawn! Give us eyes of faith so we will see that Christ is present in our midst. You have covered your people in the finest clothes, the garments of salvation! Receive these gifts as a sign of our gratitude and commitment to live into our new reality in Jesus Christ. We ask this as a people clothed in your Son’s grace. Amen Song During Offering Kathy Bausch & Pat Chapman “The Birthday of a King” *Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 95 Thursday, January 1 Happy New Year!! Office Closed Friday, January 2 4:00 pm New Year Pancake Breakfast Office Closed Saturday, January 3 9:30 pm Emmaus (Mickey D’s) 3:00 pm Community Feast JOBS: Kris; Patty; John: Lisa: Marlene SHUT-INS: Zeke Damrell; Beverly Ruckdashel; Juanita Thorpe; Orlene Remaly; Olin Ressler, Jean Hetzer, Jessie Mercer Please write down your prayer requests on a pew or packet card and place in the offering plate to keep us updated. Prayer requests are reviewed and removed from the list every 30-60 days, but can be resubmitted. Please contact the church office to place someone on the prayer chain. Outreach and Service Opportunities Apache Junction Health Center - On the Second Sunday of each month and on the fifth Sunday (4 times per year) we lead worship at Apache Junction Health Center. Lead by Bob Olson, most volunteers simply sing, help find pages and visit with the residents. If you are interested in helping you may sign up in the Lobby or contact Bob Olson @ 480-986-9822. Church Fund Raiser! Help our church by purchasing Gift Cards to various Retailers. Gift cards are available for purchase. For more information you may contact Rose Ross for more information at 480-6715795. Happy New Year Pancake SUPPER Clothing Closet - Each Saturday we give away clothing, toiletries and other necessities to people in need. Donations are accepted as well— see the bulletin board for current needs! Friday, January 2, 2015 in Fellowship Hall Second Mile Giving We have recently received many requests for assistance, many more than we can meet with our current cash flow, always at it's lowest in September. As we discussed these needs in Church Council, we realized that many folks may not know about our "Pastor's Discretionary Fund." This is the fund we use to help people with things like electric bills, gasoline, rent, and more. It is only funded when someone makes a donation (as donations were made in memory of Pat Edwards last winter). It is not a part of the general fund, and help can only be given when there is money in the account. If you would like to make a one time donation, or even a small monthly donation over and above your regular giving, we can bless even more people in need. Simply place your donation Come join us and bring friends for a Pancake Supper to celebrate the New Year from 4:00-6:00 p.m. on Friday, January 2, 2015 in Fellowship Hall. Two eggs cooked the way you want, link sausages, apple sauce, coffee or juice and all you can eat pancakes for $3.50 per person. Anyone can give an endowment gift. Any size gift may be made as an endowment. You may do this now or as part of your estate plan. . MILITARY: Military Families; Tony Adult /Christian Education Opportunities Adult /Christian Education Opportunities Adult /Christian Education Opportunities Friendship Bible Study – meeting in classroom 1 on Sundays at 10:30, this class is using the Adult Bible Studies curriculum. Facilitated by Naida and Frank Pino. Friendship Bible Study – meeting in classroom 1 on Sundays at 10:30, this class is using the Adult Bible Studies curriculum. Facilitated by Naida and Frank Pino. Friendship Bible Study – meeting in classroom 1 on Sundays at 10:30, this class is using the Adult Bible Studies curriculum. Facilitated by Naida and Frank Pino. “Fools for Christ” – A Drama Club which will create and present skits, short plays and videos, either during worship or during special times. Everyone is welcome to join us! Facilitated by Al Pajak in the Room 2 on Sundays at 10:30. “Fools for Christ” – A Drama Club which will create and present skits, short plays and videos, either during worship or during special times. Everyone is welcome to join us! Facilitated by Al Pajak in the Room 2 on Sundays at 10:30. “Fools for Christ” – A Drama Club which will create and present skits, short plays and videos, either during worship or during special times. Everyone is welcome to join us! Facilitated by Al Pajak in the Room 2 on Sundays at 10:30. Open Prayer—Monday evenings at 5:30 pm in the lobby. Facilitated by Cindy Kadey and Pat Wagaman. Open Prayer—Monday evenings at 5:30 pm in the lobby. Facilitated by Cindy Kadey and Pat Wagaman. Open Prayer—Monday evenings at 5:30 pm in the lobby. Facilitated by Cindy Kadey and Pat Wagaman. Explore Together – meeting in the Choir Room on Tuesdays at 6:30, this on-going group looks in-depth at the scriptures for the coming Sunday, seeking to go deeper in faith and understanding. With fellowship and prayer components, this class is open to anyone who wants to learn, no matter the age! Facilitated by Pastor Sharon. Explore Together – meeting in the Choir Room on Tuesdays at 6:30, this on-going group looks in-depth at the scriptures for the coming Sunday, seeking to go deeper in faith and understanding. With fellowship and prayer components, this class is open to anyone who wants to learn, no matter the age! Facilitated by Pastor Sharon. Explore Together – meeting in the Choir Room on Tuesdays at 6:30, this on-going group looks in-depth at the scriptures for the coming Sunday, seeking to go deeper in faith and understanding. With fellowship and prayer components, this class is open to anyone who wants to learn, no matter the age! Facilitated by Pastor Sharon. Pastor’s Bible Study – meeting in room 1 on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m., we are going chapter by chapter through the books of Acts. Join us for an in-depth look at the books of the Bible. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon. Pastor’s Bible Study – meeting in room 1 on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m., we are going chapter by chapter through the books of Acts. Join us for an in-depth look at the books of the Bible. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon. Pastor’s Bible Study – meeting in room 1 on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m., we are going chapter by chapter through the books of Acts. Join us for an in-depth look at the books of the Bible. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon. Bible and Bread – meeting at Mickey D’s Café (2 blocks east of Ironwood on the north side of the street – NOT McDonald’s!), we gather at 11:00 on Thursdays for lively conversation on the book of Revelations. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon – everyone is on their own nickel! Bible and Bread – meeting at Mickey D’s Café (2 blocks east of Ironwood on the north side of the street – NOT McDonald’s!), we gather at 11:00 on Thursdays for lively conversation on the book of Revelations. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon – everyone is on their own nickel! Bible and Bread – meeting at Mickey D’s Café (2 blocks east of Ironwood on the north side of the street – NOT McDonald’s!), we gather at 11:00 on Thursdays for lively conversation on the book of Revelations. Facilitated by Pastor Sharon – everyone is on their own nickel! Youth Group is on Sunday's at Desert Chapel UMC in Woeller Hall from 5:00-7:00 pm for youth 6th to 12th grades. Free dinner included! For more information please contact Marie Andrie at marie.andrie@outlook.com Youth Group is on Sunday's at Desert Chapel UMC in Woeller Hall from 5:00-7:00 pm for youth 6th to 12th grades. Free dinner included! For more information please contact Marie Andrie at marie.andrie@outlook.com Youth Group is on Sunday's at Desert Chapel UMC in Woeller Hall from 5:00-7:00 pm for youth 6th to 12th grades. Free dinner included! For more information please contact Marie Andrie at marie.andrie@outlook.com Age Level Sunday School as follows: Age 4 through 2nd grade—room 8 Grades 3—5—room 5 Grades 6—12 (youth) - Woeller Hall/Rm. 9 Age Level Sunday School as follows: Age 4 through 2nd grade—room 8 Grades 3—5—room 5 Grades 6—12 (youth) - Woeller Hall/Rm. 9 Age Level Sunday School as follows: Age 4 through 2nd grade—room 8 Grades 3—5—room 5 Grades 6—12 (youth) - Woeller Hall/Rm. 9 Every Saturday in Fellowship Hall 3 to 5 PM Everyone Welcome Church Goers, Visitors and Community Every Saturday in Fellowship Hall 3 to 5 PM Everyone Welcome Church Goers, Visitors and Community Every Saturday in Fellowship Hall 3 to 5 PM Everyone Welcome Church Goers, Visitors and Community
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